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  • Studying Organizations Using Critical Realism A Practical Guide.rar

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    • 9 Comparing Cases.pdf
    • 8 Critical Realism and the Organizational Case Study.pdf
    • 7 Critical Realism and Ethnography.pdf
    • 6 Critical Realism and Interviewing Subjects.pdf
    • 5 Critical Realism and Grounded Theory.pdf
    • 4 Researching Identity.pdf
    • 3 Employing a Form of Critical Realist Discourse Analysis for Identity Research.pdf
    • 2 Critical Realism, Research Techniques, and Research Designs.pdf
    • 1 Critical Realism as an Empirical Project.pdf
    • 17 Concluding Comments.pdf
    • 16 An Appraisal of the Contribution of Critical Realism to Qualitative and Quantitative Research .pdf
    • 15 Probability and Models.pdf
    • 14 Realist Synthesis.pdf
    • 13 Critical Realism and Mixed Methods Research.pdf
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    • 11 Pulling the Levers of Agency.pdf
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  • SAS Interview.zip

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    • Marc P Cosentino-Case In Point_ Complete Case Interview Preparation (7th edition) -Burgee Press (2011).epub
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  • Business Cases.zip

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    • Case Interview In Point—通往咨询的必经之路-3 - 咨询的天空 - 博客园.htm
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