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  • 2021_International Macroeconomics (Manuscript), PPT.zip

    • Ch 03. slides_An Intertemporal Theory of the Current Account.pdf
    • Ch 04. slides_Terms of Trade, World Interest Rates, Tariffs and the Current Account.pdf
    • Ch 05. slides_Current Account Determination.pdf
    • Ch 06. slides_Uncertainty and the Current Account.pdf
    • Ch 07. slides_Large Open Economies.pdf
    • Ch 08. slides_The Real Exchange Rate and.pdf
    • Ch 09. slides_Determinants of the Real Exchange Rate.pdf
    • Ch 10. slides_International Capital Market Integration.pdf
    • Ch 11. slides_Capital Controls.pdf
    • Ch 01. slides_Global Imbalances.pdf
    • Ch 02. slides_Current Account Sustainability.pdf
    • 为避免重复上传而创txt档.txt
  • 2.02 MB
  • 2022-3-11