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  • ACCA kaplan Dec 2011 mock exam paper f1-p7.zip
       ACCA kaplan Dec 2011 mock exam ...

    • ACCA F1 Final Assessment - Questions _D11_.pdf
    • ACCA F2 Final assessment - Questions _D11_.pdf
    • ACCA F3 INT Final Assessment Questions D11.pdf
    • ACCA F3 INT Interim Assessment - Questions D11.pdf
    • ACCA F4 GLO Final Assessment D11 Questions.pdf
    • ACCA F4 GLO Interim Assessment D11 Questions.pdf
    • ACCA F5 Final Assessment - Questions _D11_.pdf
    • ACCA F5 Interim Assessment - Questions _D11_.pdf
    • ACCA F6 - Interim Assessment - Qs _D11_.pdf
    • ACCA F6 Final Assessment - Questions D11.pdf
    • ACCA F7 _INT_ Final Assessment - Questions _D11_.pdf
    • ACCA F7 _INT_ Interim Assessment - Questions _D11_.pdf
    • ACCA F8 Final Assessment - Questions _D11_.pdf
    • ACCA F8 Interim Assessment - Questions _D11_.pdf
    • ACCA F9 Final Assessment - Questions _D11_.pdf
    • ACCA F9 Interim Assessment - Questions _D11_.pdf
    • ACCA P1 Final Assessment - Questions D11.pdf
    • ACCA P1 Interim Assessment - Questions D11.pdf
    • ACCA P2 _INT F &
    • ACCA P2 _INT &
    • ACCA P2 _INT & ,
    • ACCA P2 _INT &,
    • ACCA P2 _INT &mmm
    • ACCA P2 _INT INTER &
    • ACCA P3 Final Assessment - Questions _D11_.pdf
    • ACCA P3 Interim Assessment - Questions _D11_.pdf
    • ACCA P3 Kaplan Mock Questions-June 2011 新大纲.pdf
    • ACCA P4 Final Assessment - Questions _D11_.pdf
    • ACCA P4 Interim Assessment - Questions _D11_.pdf
    • ACCA P5 Final Assessment - Questions _D11_.pdf
    • ACCA P5 Interim Assessment - Questions _D11_.pdf
    • ACCA P6 Interim Assessment - Qs _D11_.pdf
    • ACCA P6(UK) BPP MOCK June 2010.pdf
    • ACCA P6(UK) MOCK Kaplan June 2010.pdf
    • ACCA P7 Final Assessment - Questions _D11_.pdf
    • ACCA P7 Interim Assessment - Questions _D11_.pdf
  • 8.37 MB
  • 2011-11-20
  • 战略咨询项目中期报告Interim_Report_V2_short_version.rar

    • 战略咨询项目中期报告Interim_Report_V2_short_version.ppt
  • 864.72 KB
  • 2010-10-22
  • 283574.pdf
       [原创]Listed banks in China - 2008 Interim results》by KPMG (PDF格式,24页)

  • 380.78 KB
  • 2009-1-6
  • 188741.rar

    • soft.studa.com_IAS 28 Accounting for Investments in Associates (revised 2000)_学生大软件站.pdf
    • soft.studa.com_IAS 29 Financial Reporting in Hyperinflationary Economies (reformatted 1994)_学生大软件站.pdf
    • soft.studa.com_IAS 30 Disclosures in the Financial Statements of Banks and Similar Financial Institutions (reformatted 1994)_学生大软件站.pdf
    • soft.studa.com_IAS 31 Financial Reporting of Interests in Joint Ventures (revised 2000)_学生大软件站.pdf
    • soft.studa.com_IAS 32 Financial Instruments Disclosure and Presentation_学生大软件站.pdf
    • soft.studa.com_IAS 33 Earnings Per Share_学生大软件站.pdf
    • soft.studa.com_IAS 34 Interim Financial Reporting_学生大软件站.pdf
    • soft.studa.com_IAS 35 Discontinuing Operations_学生大软件站.pdf
    • soft.studa.com_IAS 36 Impairment of Assets_学生大软件站.pdf
    • soft.studa.com_IAS 37 Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets_学生大软件站.pdf
    • soft.studa.com_IAS 38 Intangible Assets_学生大软件站.pdf
    • soft.studa.com_IAS 40 investment property_学生大软件站.pdf
    • soft.studa.com_IAS 41 Agriculture_学生大软件站.pdf
    • soft.studa.com_IAS 1 Presentation of Financial Statements (revised 1997)_学生大软件站.pdf
    • soft.studa.com_IAS 2 Inventories (revised 1993)_学生大软件站.pdf
    • soft.studa.com_IAS 3 Consolidated Financial Statements (1976)_学生大软件站.pdf
    • soft.studa.com_IAS 4 Depreciation Accounting (1976)_学生大软件站.pdf
    • soft.studa.com_IAS 5 Information to be Disclosed in Financial Statements (1976)_学生大软件站.pdf
    • soft.studa.com_IAS 6 Accounting Responses to Changing Prices (1977)_学生大软件站.pdf
    • soft.studa.com_IAS 7 Cash Flow Statements (revised 1992)_学生大软件站.pdf
    • soft.studa.com_IAS 8 Net Profit or Loss for the Period, Fundamental Errors and Changes in Accounting Policies (revised 1993)_学生大软件站.pdf
    • soft.studa.com_IAS 9 Research and Development Costs (revised 1993)_学生大软件站.pdf
    • soft.studa.com_IAS 10 Events After the Balance Sheet Date (revised 1999)_学生大软件站.pdf
    • soft.studa.com_IAS 11 Construction Contracts (revised 1993)_学生大软件站.pdf
    • soft.studa.com_IAS 12 Income Taxes (revised 2000)_学生大软件站.pdf
    • soft.studa.com_IAS 13 Presentation of Current Assets and Current Liabilities (1979)_学生大软件站.pdf
    • soft.studa.com_IAS 14 Segment Reporting (revised 1997)_学生大软件站.pdf
    • soft.studa.com_IAS 15 Information Reflecting the Effects of Changing Prices (reformatted 1994)_学生大软件站.pdf
    • soft.studa.com_IAS 16 Property, Plant and Equipment (reformatted 1994)_学生大软件站.pdf
    • soft.studa.com_IAS 17 Leases (revised 1997)_学生大软件站.pdf
    • soft.studa.com_IAS 18 Revenue (revised 1993)_学生大软件站.pdf
    • soft.studa.com_IAS 19 Employee Benefits (revised 2000)_学生大软件站.pdf
    • soft.studa.com_IAS 20 Accounting for Government Grants and Disclosure of Government Assistance (reformatted 1994)_学生大软件站.pdf
    • soft.studa.com_IAS 21 The Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates (revised 1993)_学生大软件站.pdf
    • soft.studa.com_IAS 22 Business Combinations (revised 1998)_学生大软件站.pdf
    • soft.studa.com_IAS 23 Borrowing Costs (revised 1993)_学生大软件站.pdf
    • soft.studa.com_IAS 24 Related Party Disclosures (reformatted 1994)_学生大软件站.pdf
    • soft.studa.com_IAS 25 Accounting for Investments (1986)_学生大软件站.pdf
    • soft.studa.com_IAS 26 Accounting and Reporting by Retirement Benefit Plans (reformatted 1994)_学生大软件站.pdf
    • soft.studa.com_IAS 27 Consolidated Financial Statements and Accounting for Investments in Subsidiaries (revised 2000)_学生大软件站.pdf
  • 1.94 MB
  • 2008-1-16
  • 171846.rar

    • Ethics_Code.pdf
    • Amendment_to_Interim_Auditing_Standards.pdf
    • AUDITING STANDARD No. 1 – References in Auditors' Reports to the Standards.pdf
    • Auditing Standard No. 2 – An Audit of Internal Control Over Financial Reporting Performed in Conjunction with An Audit of Financial Statements.pdf
    • Auditing Standard No. 3 – Audit Documentation.pdf
    • Auditing Standard No. 4 - Reporting on Whether a Previously Reported Material Weakness Continues to Exist.pdf
    • Bylaws.pdf
    • Conforming_Amendments_AS2.pdf
    • Conforming_Amendments_AS4.pdf
  • 1.26 MB
  • 2007-11-8
  • 90993.rar
       【上传成功】Fudenberg博弈论reading list中的20多篇经典论文

    • Ely&Peski Hierarchies of belief and interim rationalizability.pdf
    • Brandenburg&Dekel Hierarchies of Beliefs and Common Knowledge.pdf
    • Brandenburg&Dekel Rationalizability and Correlated Equilibria.pdf
    • Carlsson&Van Damme Global Games and Equilibrium Selection.pdf
    • Dekel&Lipman&Rosthini Standard State-Space Models Preclude Unawareness.pdf
    • Feinberg Subjective reasoning in dynamic games.pdf
    • Frank Gul A Comment on Aumann's Bayesian View.pdf
    • Harsarnyi Games with incomplete information played by Bayesian players I.pdf
  • 8.97 MB
  • 2007-2-11
  • 64194.rar
       [分享]Fudenberg博弈论reading list里面的20多篇经典论文

    • Ely&Peski Hierarchies of belief and interim rationalizability.pdf
    • Aumann Agreeing to Disagree.pdf
    • Aumann Common Priors A Reply to Gul.pdf
    • Aumann Correlated Equilibrium as an Expression of Bayesian -Rationality.pdf
    • Aumann&BrandenburgEpistemic Conditions for Nash Equilibrium.pdf
    • Battigali On rationalizability in extensive games.pdf
    • Battigali Rationalization and incomplete information.pdf
    • Battigali@Bonnano Recent results on belief, knowledge and the epistemic foundations of game theory.pdf
    • Bernheim Rationalizable Strategic Behavior.pdf
    • Brandenburg&Dekel Hierarchies of Beliefs and Common Knowledge.pdf
    • Brandenburg&Dekel Rationalizability and Correlated Equilibria.pdf
    • Carlsson&Van Damme Global Games and Equilibrium Selection.pdf
    • Dekel&Lipman&Rosthini Standard State-Space Models Preclude Unawareness.pdf
    • Feinberg Subjective reasoning in dynamic games.pdf
    • Frank Gul A Comment on Aumann's Bayesian View.pdf
    • Harsarnyi Games with incomplete information played by Bayesian players I.pdf
    • Harsarnyi Games with incomplete information played by Bayesian players II.pdf
    • Harsarnyi Games with incomplete information played by Bayesian players III.pdf
    • Harsarnyi Selton A Generalized Nash Solution for Two-Person Bargaining Games with Incomplete Information.pdf
    • Kahneman Evaluation by moments.pdf
    • Milgrom&Roberts Predation reputation and entry detterence.pdf
    • Pearce Rationalizable Strategic Behavior and the Problem of Perfection.pdf
    • Rubinstein The Electronic Mail Game Strategic Behavior Under Almost Common Knowledge.pdf
    • Weinstein&Yildiz Impact of Higher-Order Uncertainty.pdf
  • 36.03 MB
  • 2006-9-18