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  • (2000)Efficient Methods for Valuing Interest Rate Derivatives_Antoon Pelsser.rar

    • (2000)Efficient Methods for Valuing Interest Rate Derivatives_Antoon Pelsser.pdf
  • 3.05 MB
  • 2018-11-1
  • valuation in a world of cva, dva, and fva - a tutorial on debt securities and in.rar
       valuation in a world of cva, dva, and fva - a tutorial on debt securities and interest rate derivati ...

    • valuation in a world of cva, dva, and fva - a tutorial on debt securities and interest rate derivatives (2017).pdf
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  • 2017-11-6
  • Epub Accounting for Investments - Fixed Income Securities and Interest Rate Deri.rar

    • Accounting for Investments - Fixed Income Securities and Interest Rate Derivatives - A Practitioner's Guide Vol2 (Wiley, 2011) by R. Venkata Subramani.epub
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  • 2016-9-15
  • Accounting for Investments - Fixed Income Securities and Interest Rate Derivativ.rar

    • Accounting for Investments - Fixed Income Securities and Interest Rate Derivatives - A Practitioner's Guide Vol2 (Wiley, 2011) by R. Venkata Subramani.pdf
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  • 2016-9-15
  • Fixed Income Securities Interest Rate Derivatives.rar
       Lecture Note

    • FINS5536 L1.pdf
    • FINS5536 L2.pdf
    • FINS5536 L3.pdf
    • FINS5536 L4.pdf
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    • FINS5536 L9.pdf
    • FINS5536 L10.pdf
    • FINS5536 L11.pdf
    • FINS5536 L12.pdf
    • Vocabulary.pdf
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  • 2012-11-13
  • Accademy.zip

    • Multi-curves, Cheapest-to-deliver and interest rate derivative pricing.pdf
    • Pricing and Discounting Collateralised Derivatives.pdf
    • Funding and impact on pricing on non CSA.pdf
    • 09072012_VaRRiskAllocation_Jul12.pdf
    • 23072012_IRC-APR2v4 (2).pptx
    • CVA DVA FVA relating bilateral counterparty risk and funding effects for derivatives.pdf
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  • 2012-11-9
  • PDE Valuation of Interest Rate Derivatives - From Theory to Implementation.rar

    • PDE Valuation of Interest Rate Derivatives - From Theory to Implementation.djvu
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  • 2012-9-28
  • Pelsser - Efficient Methods for Valuing Interest Rate Derivatives.pdf.rar

    • Pelsser - Efficient Methods for Valuing Interest Rate Derivatives.pdf
  • 3.05 MB
  • 2010-4-7
  • Java Methods for Financial Engineering.rar

    • Complex Conditional Options.pdf
    • Conditional Options.pdf
    • Digital Options.pdf
    • Double Barrier Options.pdf
    • Duration.pdf
    • front-matter.pdf
    • Futures.pdf
    • Interest Rate Calculations.pdf
    • Interest Rate Derivatives.pdf
    • Introduction.pdf
    • Modelling Stock Prices.pdf
    • Options.pdf
    • Other Exotics.pdf
    • Sensitivity Measures (The ‘Greeks’).pdf
    • Special Case Barrier Options.pdf
    • The Binomial Model.pdf
    • Analytical Option Pricing Methods.pdf
    • back-matter.pdf
    • Barrier Type Options.pdf
    • Bonds.pdf
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  • 2009-9-30
  • 329217.rar
       [下载]Efficient Methods for Valuing Interest Rate Derivatives

    • Pelsser - Efficient Methods for Valuing Interest Rate Derivatives.pdf
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  • 2009-5-24
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  • 2008-4-30
  • 179029.rar
       [下载]情奉献本人最近收集的Risk Management实证文献100篇!

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    • Interaction between real options and financial hedging - Fact or fiction in managerial decision-making.pdf
    • Interest rate derivatives at commercial banks - An empirical investigation.pdf
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  • 2006-8-7
  • 44036.rar
       [下载]人大版 卡思伯森的英文ppt

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    • Chp03 Stock Index Futures.ppt
    • Chp03-figures.ppt
    • Chp04 Currency Forwards and Futures.ppt
    • Chp04-figures.ppt
    • Chp05a Forward Rates and Yield Curve.ppt
    • Chp05a Fxorward Rates and Yield Curve.ppt
    • Chp05b Interest Rate Futures.ppt
    • Chp05-figures.ppt
    • Chp06 T-Bond Futures.ppt
    • Chp06-figures.ppt
    • Chp07 Options Markets.ppt
    • Chp07-figures.ppt
    • Chp08 - fixed.xls
    • Chp08a Options Pricing(B-S).ppt
    • Chp08b Options Pricing(BOPM).ppt
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    • Chp11 Foreign Currency Options.ppt
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    • Chp12 Futures Options.ppt
    • Chp12-figures.ppt
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    • Chp13 Portfolio Insurance.ppt
    • Chp15 - fixed.xls
    • Chp15 Interest Rate Derivatives.ppt
    • Chp15-figures.ppt
    • Chp16 - fixed.xls
    • Chp16 Complex Derivatives.ppt
    • Chp16-figures.ppt
    • Chp17 - fixed.xls
    • Chp17 Asset Price Dynamics.ppt
    • Chp17-figures.ppt
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