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  • Sciencedirect_articles_06Oct2017_07-15-12.447.zip

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  • 2013 01.xls
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  • 2013-3-31
  • 世界贸易组织数据1980----2011.rar

    • Merchandise trade indices.xls
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    • Merchandise trade by commodity.csv
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    • Indices of Corporate Reputation An Analysis of Media Rankings and Social Monitors' Ratings.pdf
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  • barclays(9.6).rar

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  • Barclays(8.4).rar

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  • Acemoglu 2.rar

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    • Local Indices for Degenerate Variational Inequalities.pdf
    • Markets versus governments.pdf
    • Modeling Inefficient Institutions.pdf
  • 15.12 MB
  • 2011-1-1
  • 联合国人类发展指标原始数据2009.rar

    • calculating_indices_excel_generic.xls
    • HDI_trends_components_2009.xls
    • HDR_2009_Tables.xls
  • 401.25 KB
  • 2009-11-17
  • John Hull, Futures, Options, and Other Derivatives.zip

    • Theory & Practice of Financial Options.pdf
    • Futures & Forward Contracts.pdf
    • Introduction To Derivatives.pdf
    • Options on Stock Indices, Currencies and Futures.pdf
    • The Black-Scholes Models.pdf
    • The Greek Letter & Volatility Smiles, Part I.pdf
    • The Greek Letter & Volatility Smiles, Part II.pdf
    • The Random Behavior of Financial Assets.pdf
    • Binomial Trees.pdf
  • 346.77 KB
  • 2009-6-20
  • futures,options,and other derivatives.(课件英文版).zip

    • Theory & Practice of Financial Options.pdf
    • Futures & Forward Contracts.pdf
    • Introduction To Derivatives.pdf
    • Options on Stock Indices, Currencies and Futures.pdf
    • The Black-Scholes Models.pdf
    • The Greek Letter & Volatility Smiles, Part I.pdf
    • The Greek Letter & Volatility Smiles, Part II.pdf
    • The Random Behavior of Financial Assets.pdf
    • Binomial Trees.pdf
  • 346.77 KB
  • 2009-6-19
  • 297186.rar
       Modeling Income Distributions and Lorenz Curves

    • 1 A New Model of Personal Income - Distribution Specification and Estimation.pdf
    • 2 A Function for Size Distribution of Incomes.pdf
    • 3 Some Generalized Functions for the Size Distribution of Income..pdf
    • 4 Efficient Estimation of the Lorenz Curve and Associated Inequality Measures from Grouped Observations.pdf
    • 5 Distribution and Mobility of Wealth of Nations.pdf
    • 6 A Guide to the Dagum Distributions.pdf
    • 7 Pareto and Generalized Pareto Distributions.pdf
    • 8 The Generalized Beta Distribution as a Model for the Distribution of Income - Estimation of Related Measures of Inequality.pdf
    • 9 Parametric Lorenz Curves - Models and Applications.pdf
    • 10 Maximum Entropy Estimation of Income Distributions from Bonferroni Indices.pdf
    • 11 New Four- and Five-Parameter Models for Income Distributions.pdf
    • 12 Fuzzy Monetary Poverty Measures under a Dagum Income Distributive Hypothesis.pdf
    • 13 Modelling Lorenz Curves - Robust and Semi-parametric Issues.pdf
    • 14 Modelling Inequality with a Single Parameter.pdf
    • 15 Lorenz Curves and Generalised Entropy Inequality Measures.pdf
    • 16 Estimating Income Distributions Using a Mixture of Gamma Densities.pdf
    • 17 Inequality in Multidimensional Indicators of Well-Being - Methodology and Application to the Human Development Index.pdf
    • back-matter.pdf
    • front-matter.pdf
  • 3.48 MB
  • 2009-2-25
  • 288075.rar

    • A.8 Economies in transition and developing economies_ unemployment rates, 1999-2008.xls
    • A.9 Major developed economies_ quarterly indicators of growth, unemployment and inflation, 2006-2008.xls
    • A.10 Selected economies in transition_ quarterly indicators of growth and inflation, 2006-2008.xls
    • A.11 Major developing economies_ quarterly indicators of growth, unemployment and inflation, 2006-2008.xls
    • A.12 Major developed economies_ financial indicators, 1999-2008.xls
    • A.13 Selected economies_ real effective exchange rates, broad measurement, 1999-2008.xls
    • A.14 Indices of prices of primary commodities, 1999-2008.xls
    • A.15 World oil supply and demand, 2000-2009.xls
    • A.16 World trade_ changes in value and volume of exports and imports, by major country group, 1999-2009.xls
    • A.17 Balance of payments on current accounts, by country or country group, summary table, 1999-2007.xls
    • A.18 Balance of payments on current accounts, by country or country group, 1999-2007.xls
    • A.19 Net ODA from major sources, by type, 1987-2007.xls
    • A.20 Total net ODA flows from OECD Development Assistance Committee (DAC) countries, by type of flow, 1995-2007.xls
    • A.21 Commitments and net flows of financial resources, by selected multilateral institutions, 1998-2007.xls
    • A.22 Greenhouse gas emissions of Annex 1 Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.xls
    • A.1 Developed economies_ rates of growth of real GDP, 1999-2009.xls
    • A.2 Economies in transition_ rates of growth of real GDP, 1999-2009 .xls
    • A.3 Developing economies_ rates of growth of real GDP, 1999-2009.xls
    • A.4 Developed economies_ consumer price inflation, 1999-2009.xls
    • A.5 Economies in transition_ consumer price inflation, 1999-2009.Xls
    • A.6 Developing economies_ consumer price inflation, 1999-2009.xls
    • A.7 Developed economies_ unemployment rates, 1999-2009.xls
  • 109.74 KB
  • 2009-1-22
  • 230472.rar

    • The Partial Adjustment of Resale House Price Evidence from Taiwan.pdf
    • The Nearest Neighbors Appraisal Technique with Spatial Components.pdf
    • The Land Lease System in the People’s Republic of China Its Development, Performance and Reform1.pdf
    • The Interactions between Public and Private Housing.pdf
    • The Integration of Securitised.pdf
    • The Influence of E-Commerce on Business Performance:.pdf
    • The impacts of rail transit on housing prices and land development intensity The case of No.13 line of Beijing.pdf
    • The Impact of Urban Rail Transit on Residential Property.pdf
    • The Impact of Mortgage Subsidies on the.pdf
    • The Impact of Location on House Price of the Monocentric City Evidence from Beijing.pdf
    • The Heterogeneous Effect of Monetary Policy on Regional Real Estate Market.pdf
    • The Effects of Discretionary Housing Policies on Asset Returns.pdf
    • The Determinants of Real Estate Executive Compensation in.pdf
    • The consequences of the implementation.pdf
    • The comparative study in Chinese banks of credit risk evaluation models of real-estate.pdf
    • The Choice of Trading Venue and Relative Price Impact of.pdf
    • The Application of Grounded Theory on the House Buyers’Decision.pdf
    • The American Dream The Private and External Benefits of Homeownership.pdf
    • Testing Urbanization Economies in Manufacturing.pdf
    • Tax Incidence and Commercial Real Estate Leases.pdf
    • Subprime Lending and House Price Volatility.pdf
    • Sticky Mortgages and the Real E¤ects of Monetary Policy.pdf
    • Smoothing consumption fluctuations through household decisions on home.pdf
    • Sample Selection Bias in Residential Property Price Indices.pdf
    • Risky Borrowers or Risky Mortgages The Right Product to Serve Low- and Moderate-Income Borrowers.pdf
    • residential sorting in Chinese Cities.pdf
    • Residential Property Affordability.pdf
    • Research on compensation system of urban housing demolition based on evolutionary game theory.pdf
    • Removing Biases in Computed Returns.pdf
    • REITs Return Behavior and Legal Infrastructure.pdf
    • Real Earnings Management and Dividend Payout Signals.pdf
    • Property Valuation, Investment and “Regressed” Discount Cash Flow Analysis.pdf
    • Professionalism in Striking a Deal the Case of Real Estate Agent.pdf
    • Principles Of A New York City Real Estate Developer.pdf
    • A Conceptual Model for improving housing affordability in Sydney.pdf
    • A Management Model for Price-restricted Housing in Beijing.pdf
    • A Modified Repeat Sales Index for Apartments.pdf
    • A Study into the Demand for Apartments in Central Auckland.pdf
    • A Time Series, Cross-Section Analysis of Appraisal-based Real Estate Returns.pdf
    • Aesthetical perception of public housing and correlation with.pdf
    • An empirical study of local dynamics and contagion in real estate markets.pdf
    • Appraisal Bias Patterns and Premises.pdf
    • Appraisal Bias --Type and Factors of the Cost Approach.pdf
    • Are Additions to the Nasdaq-100 Index Information Free.pdf
    • Are Asia-Pacific Housing Prices Too High For Comfort.pdf
    • Are Stock and Real Estate Markets Co-integrated in Asia.pdf
    • Author Order Conditions and Co-authorship in Real Estate Journals.pdf
    • Brownfields and Redevelopment in China Learning from the American.pdf
    • Bubbles in China housing markets.pdf
    • Building Environment as Significant Impact on Housing Price.pdf
    • Capital Structure Decisions in Turkish REITs.pdf
    • The Study of Property Appraisal for Real Estate Mortgage under the Information Asymmetry.pdf
    • The spatial heterogeneity of foreclosed mortgages.pdf
    • The relationship linking service attributes, and behavioral.pdf
    • The Relationship between Housing Mortgage Rate and Income Tax Rate.pdf
    • The Real Estate Premium Puzzle A Solution.pdf
    • The Performance and Problems of Affordable Housing Policy in China.pdf
  • 11.65 MB
  • 2008-7-25
  • 213286.zip
       经典书目John Hull, Futures, Options, and Other Derivatives

    • Theory & Practice of Financial Options.pdf
    • Futures & Forward Contracts.pdf
    • Introduction To Derivatives.pdf
    • Options on Stock Indices, Currencies and Futures.pdf
    • The Black-Scholes Models.pdf
    • The Greek Letter & Volatility Smiles, Part I.pdf
    • The Greek Letter & Volatility Smiles, Part II.pdf
    • The Random Behavior of Financial Assets.pdf
    • Binomial Trees.pdf
  • 346.77 KB
  • 2008-5-18
  • 142359.zip

    • 22_Prices_goods indices.xls
    • 23_Prices_asset indices.xls
    • 01_GDP.xls
    • 02_Industrial value added.xls
    • 03_Electricity production.xls
    • 04_Freight traffic.xls
    • 05_Grain production.xls
    • 06_Post and telecommunications.xls
    • 07_Fixed asset investment.xls
    • 08_Retail sales.xls
    • 09_Urban per capita income.xls
    • 10_Rural per capita income.xls
    • 11_Exports and imports.xls
    • 12_Foreign direct investment.xls
    • 13_Foreign exchange reserves.xls
    • 14_Balance of payments.xls
    • 15_Financial institutions_ total credit.xls
    • 16_Financial institutions_loans.xls
    • 17_Financial institutions_deposits.xls
    • 18_Money supply.xls
    • 19_Interest rates.xls
    • 20_Government revenue.xls
    • 21_Government expenditure.xls
    • ceqstatsdatabase.xls
  • 198.96 KB
  • 2007-7-29
  • 120176.zip

    • 22_Prices_goods indices.xls
    • 23_Prices_asset indices.xls
    • 01_GDP.xls
    • 02_Industrial value added.xls
    • 03_Electricity production.xls
    • 04_Freight traffic.xls
    • 05_Grain production.xls
    • 06_Post and telecommunications.xls
    • 07_Fixed asset investment.xls
    • 08_Retail sales.xls
    • 09_Urban per capita income.xls
    • 10_Rural per capita income.xls
    • 11_Exports and imports.xls
    • 12_Foreign direct investment.xls
    • 13_Foreign exchange reserves.xls
    • 14_Balance of payments.xls
    • 15_Financial institutions_ total credit.xls
    • 16_Financial institutions_loans.xls
    • 17_Financial institutions_deposits.xls
    • 18_Money supply.xls
    • 19_Interest rates.xls
    • 20_Government revenue.xls
    • 21_Government expenditure.xls
    • ceqstatsdatabase.xls
  • 198.96 KB
  • 2007-5-24
  • 119304.rar

    • 22_Prices_goods indices.xls
    • 23_Prices_asset indices.xls
    • 01_GDP.xls
    • 02_Industrial value added.xls
    • 03_Electricity production(发电量).xls
    • 04_Freight traffic(货运量).xls
    • 05_Grain production(主要农产品产量).xls
    • 06_Post and telecommunications(邮电业务量).xls
    • 07_Fixed asset investment.xls
    • 08_Retail sales.xls
    • 09_Urban per capita income(城乡居民家庭人均可支配收入).xls
    • 10_Rural per capita income.xls
    • 11_Exports and imports.xls
    • 12_Foreign direct investment(吸收外商直接投资).xls
    • 13_Foreign exchange reserves(外汇储备).xls
    • 14_Balance of payments.xls
    • 15_Financial institutions_ total credit(国内信贷).xls
    • 16_Financial institutions_loans(各项贷款).xls
    • 17_Financial institutions_deposits(各项储蓄).xls
    • 18_Money supply.xls
    • 19_Interest rates.xls
    • 20_Government revenue.xls
    • 21_Government expenditure.xls
    • ceqstatsdatabase.xls
    • cpi.xls
    • 存款利率和180.xls
    • 年平均汇率.xls
  • 200.02 KB
  • 2007-5-22
  • 110827.zip

    • 22_Prices_goods indices.xls
    • 23_Prices_asset indices.xls
    • 01_GDP.xls
    • 02_Industrial value added.xls
    • 03_Electricity production.xls
    • 04_Freight traffic.xls
    • 05_Grain production.xls
    • 06_Post and telecommunications.xls
    • 07_Fixed asset investment.xls
    • 08_Retail sales.xls
    • 09_Urban per capita income.xls
    • 10_Rural per capita income.xls
    • 11_Exports and imports.xls
    • 12_Foreign direct investment.xls
    • 13_Foreign exchange reserves.xls
    • 14_Balance of payments.xls
    • 15_Financial institutions_ total credit.xls
    • 16_Financial institutions_loans.xls
    • 17_Financial institutions_deposits.xls
    • 18_Money supply.xls
    • 19_Interest rates.xls
    • 20_Government revenue.xls
    • 21_Government expenditure.xls
    • ceqstatsdatabase.xls
  • 198.96 KB
  • 2007-4-24
  • 104442.zip
       宏观经济统计数据 一直到03年 内容覆盖全面

    • 22_Prices_goods indices.xls
    • 23_Prices_asset indices.xls
    • 01_GDP.xls
    • 02_Industrial value added.xls
    • 03_Electricity production.xls
    • 04_Freight traffic.xls
    • 05_Grain production.xls
    • 06_Post and telecommunications.xls
    • 07_Fixed asset investment.xls
    • 08_Retail sales.xls
    • 09_Urban per capita income.xls
    • 10_Rural per capita income.xls
    • 11_Exports and imports.xls
    • 12_Foreign direct investment.xls
    • 13_Foreign exchange reserves.xls
    • 14_Balance of payments.xls
    • 15_Financial institutions_ total credit.xls
    • 16_Financial institutions_loans.xls
    • 17_Financial institutions_deposits.xls
    • 18_Money supply.xls
    • 19_Interest rates.xls
    • 20_Government revenue.xls
    • 21_Government expenditure.xls
    • ceqstatsdatabase.xls
  • 198.96 KB
  • 2007-4-1
  • 104073.zip

    • 22_Prices_goods indices.xls
    • 23_Prices_asset indices.xls
    • 01_GDP.xls
    • 02_Industrial value added.xls
    • 03_Electricity production.xls
    • 04_Freight traffic.xls
    • 05_Grain production.xls
    • 06_Post and telecommunications.xls
    • 07_Fixed asset investment.xls
    • 08_Retail sales.xls
    • 09_Urban per capita income.xls
    • 10_Rural per capita income.xls
    • 11_Exports and imports.xls
    • 12_Foreign direct investment.xls
    • 13_Foreign exchange reserves.xls
    • 14_Balance of payments.xls
    • 15_Financial institutions_ total credit.xls
    • 16_Financial institutions_loans.xls
    • 17_Financial institutions_deposits.xls
    • 18_Money supply.xls
    • 19_Interest rates.xls
    • 20_Government revenue.xls
    • 21_Government expenditure.xls
    • ceqstatsdatabase.xls
  • 198.96 KB
  • 2007-3-30
  • 85343.zip

    • 22_Prices_goods indices.xls
    • 23_Prices_asset indices.xls
    • 01_GDP.xls
    • 02_Industrial value added.xls
    • 03_Electricity production.xls
    • 04_Freight traffic.xls
    • 05_Grain production.xls
    • 06_Post and telecommunications.xls
    • 07_Fixed asset investment.xls
    • 08_Retail sales.xls
    • 09_Urban per capita income.xls
    • 10_Rural per capita income.xls
    • 11_Exports and imports.xls
    • 12_Foreign direct investment.xls
    • 13_Foreign exchange reserves.xls
    • 14_Balance of payments.xls
    • 15_Financial institutions_ total credit.xls
    • 16_Financial institutions_loans.xls
    • 17_Financial institutions_deposits.xls
    • 18_Money supply.xls
    • 19_Interest rates.xls
    • 20_Government revenue.xls
    • 21_Government expenditure.xls
    • ceqstatsdatabase.xls
  • 198.96 KB
  • 2007-1-18
  • 70005.zip
       John Hull, Futures, Options, and Other Derivatives, Summarized Notes

    • Theory & Practice of Financial Options.pdf
    • Futures & Forward Contracts.pdf
    • Introduction To Derivatives.pdf
    • Options on Stock Indices, Currencies and Futures.pdf
    • The Black-Scholes Models.pdf
    • The Greek Letter & Volatility Smiles, Part I.pdf
    • The Greek Letter & Volatility Smiles, Part II.pdf
    • The Random Behavior of Financial Assets.pdf
    • Binomial Trees.pdf
  • 346.77 KB
  • 2006-11-2
  • 68414.rar

    • 22_Prices_goods indices.xls
    • 23_Prices_asset indices.xls
    • 01_GDP.xls
    • 02_Industrial value added.xls
    • 03_Electricity production(发电量).xls
    • 04_Freight traffic(货运量).xls
    • 05_Grain production(主要农产品产量).xls
    • 06_Post and telecommunications(邮电业务量).xls
    • 07_Fixed asset investment.xls
    • 08_Retail sales.xls
    • 09_Urban per capita income(城乡居民家庭人均可支配收入).xls
    • 10_Rural per capita income.xls
    • 11_Exports and imports.xls
    • 12_Foreign direct investment(吸收外商直接投资).xls
    • 13_Foreign exchange reserves(外汇储备).xls
    • 14_Balance of payments.xls
    • 15_Financial institutions_ total credit(国内信贷).xls
    • 16_Financial institutions_loans(各项贷款).xls
    • 17_Financial institutions_deposits(各项储蓄).xls
    • 18_Money supply.xls
    • 19_Interest rates.xls
    • 20_Government revenue.xls
    • 21_Government expenditure.xls
    • ceqstatsdatabase.xls
    • cpi.xls
    • 存款利率和180.xls
    • 年平均汇率.xls
  • 200.02 KB
  • 2006-10-22
  • 57913.zip
       [下载]《Options, Futures. And Other Derivatives》slides

    • Theory & Practice of Financial Options.pdf
    • Futures & Forward Contracts.pdf
    • Introduction To Derivatives.pdf
    • Options on Stock Indices, Currencies and Futures.pdf
    • The Black-Scholes Models.pdf
    • The Greek Letter & Volatility Smiles, Part I.pdf
    • The Greek Letter & Volatility Smiles, Part II.pdf
    • The Random Behavior of Financial Assets.pdf
    • Binomial Trees.pdf
  • 346.77 KB
  • 2006-7-12
  • 32931.rar

    • Options on Stock Indices, Currencies and Futures.pdf
  • 24.4 KB
  • 2005-11-12
  • 30226.zip

    • 22_Prices_goods indices.xls
    • 23_Prices_asset indices.xls
    • 01_GDP.xls
    • 02_Industrial value added.xls
    • 03_Electricity production.xls
    • 04_Freight traffic.xls
    • 05_Grain production.xls
    • 06_Post and telecommunications.xls
    • 07_Fixed asset investment.xls
    • 08_Retail sales.xls
    • 09_Urban per capita income.xls
    • 10_Rural per capita income.xls
    • 11_Exports and imports.xls
    • 12_Foreign direct investment.xls
    • 13_Foreign exchange reserves.xls
    • 14_Balance of payments.xls
    • 15_Financial institutions_ total credit.xls
    • 16_Financial institutions_loans.xls
    • 17_Financial institutions_deposits.xls
    • 18_Money supply.xls
    • 19_Interest rates.xls
    • 20_Government revenue.xls
    • 21_Government expenditure.xls
    • ceqstatsdatabase.xls
  • 198.96 KB
  • 2005-10-10
  • 9113.zip

    • indices.src
    • indices2.src
    • maxlik.lcg
    • count.lcg
    • gauss.lcg
    • maxlik.lcg.BAK
    • pgraph.lcg
    • user.lcg
    • fastpflcl.src
    • fastbayes.src
    • fastboot.src
    • fastmax.src
    • maxlik.dec
    • fastprof.src
    • fastutil.src
    • maxbayes.src
    • maxblim.src
    • maxboot.src
    • maxdens.src
    • maxhist.src
    • maxlik.src
    • maxpflcl.src
    • maxprof.src
    • maxutil.src
    • mlcheck.src
    • mlgradre.src
    • base10.src
    • cdfchii.src
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    • coord.src
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    • cumsumc.src
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    • datatran.src
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    • dataxchn.src
    • dens.g
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    • random.src
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    • saveload.src
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    • sparse.dec
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    • sqpsolvemt.src
    • strput.src
    • subdat.g
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    • supreme2.src
    • svd.dec
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    • system.dec
    • system.ext
    • system.src
    • time.src
    • toeplitz.src
    • token.src
    • trig.src
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    • varmaml.src
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    • wait.src
    • waitc.src
    • xls.src
    • x_indcv.src
  • 454.35 KB
  • 2005-2-22
  • 3275.rar
       Futures, Options, and Other Derivatives

    • The Black-Scholes Models.pdf
    • The Greek Letter & Volatility Smiles, Part I.pdf
    • The Greek Letter & Volatility Smiles, Part II.pdf
    • The Random Behavior of Financial Assets.pdf
    • Theory & Practice of Financial Options.pdf
    • Binomial Trees.pdf
    • Futures & Forward Contracts.pdf
    • Introduction To Derivatives.pdf
    • Options on Stock Indices, Currencies and Futures.pdf
  • 342.86 KB
  • 2004-11-18