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  • ML_R_tidyverse_mlr_code.zip

    • CH01_INTRO.R
    • CH10_GAMS.R
    • CH13_PCA.R
    • CH15_SOM_AND_LLE.R
    • CH16_K_MEANS.R
    • CH19_MCLUST.R
  • 30.79 KB
  • 2020-7-15
  • 252-1117-1-SP.zip

    • draw_beta_conditional_hierarchical.m
    • TVP_VAR_MH_final_corrected_dec13.m
    • TVP_VAR_MH_Prior_final.m
    • TVP_VAR_MH_revised_main.m
    • vare.m
    • wish.m
    • apm.m
    • beta_inv.m
    • beta_pdf.m
    • bfgsi.m
    • carter_kohn_hom2.m
    • carter_kohn1.m
    • chis_prb.m
    • coda.m
    • convcheck.m
    • corrvc.m
    • csminit.m
    • csminwel.m
    • csolve.m
    • Data_US_Q.mat
    • draw_alpha_a_MH_constant.m
    • draw_alpha_a_MH_TVP.m
    • draw_alpha_a_MH_TVP_dec13.m
    • draw_beta_conditional.m
    • draw_beta_conditional_constant.m
    • draw_beta_conditional_lr.m
    • draw_beta_conditional_reparametrized.m
    • draw_beta_conditional_single.m
    • draw_sigma_constant.m
    • draw_sigma_constant_corrected.m
    • draw_sigma_TVP.m
    • draw_sigma_TVP_corrected.m
    • draw_sigma_TVP_corrected_GARCH.m
    • draw_sigma_TVP_corrected_GARCH2.m
    • draw_sign_restrictions.m
    • empquant.m
    • Example.m
    • exp_approx.m
    • fdis_prb.m
    • g1.mat
    • H.dat
    • ident_SZ06_alt.prn
    • indtest.m
    • inv_wishpdf.m
    • keep.m
    • logdet.m
    • loglike_svar_AB.m
    • mcest.m
    • mctest.m
    • MDD_TVP_SVAR_Harmonic_final.m
    • mlag.m
    • mlag2.m
    • momentg.m
    • mprint.m
    • mvnpdf.m
    • mvnrnd.m
    • norm_rnd.m
    • numgrad.m
    • ols.m
    • ppnd.m
    • prior_ML_final_40_2_1_2_1_20_0.mat
    • prt_coda.m
    • quantile.m
    • raftery.m
    • Readme.xlsx
    • round2.m
    • sacf.m
    • tdis_inv.m
    • tdis_prb.m
    • thin.m
    • transx.m
    • trimr.m
    • TVP_VAR_MH_Figures_final.m
    • TVP_VAR_MH_final.m
    • TVP_VAR_MH_final_corrected.m
    • Supplementary.pdf
    • paper.pdf
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  • 2020-5-25
  • Spatial Data Analysis.zip

    • Applied Spatial Data Analysis with R.pdf
    • Hierarchical Modeling and Analysis for Spatial Data.pdf
    • Model-based Geostatistics.pdf
    • Spatial Econometrics Methods and Models.pdf
    • Statistical Methods for Spatial Data Analysis.pdf
    • Statistics for Spatio-Temporal Data.pdf
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  • Data Analysis Using Hierarchical Generalized Linear Models with R.zip

    • Data Analysis Using Hierarchical Generalized Linear Models with .epub
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  • 2《Hierarchical Modeling and Analysis for Spatial Data》 by Sudipto Banerjee.rar

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  • Toward A Hierarchical Model of Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation.zip

    • Toward A Hierarchical Model of Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation.pdf
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  • Accounting Review. Jan2015, Vol. 90 Issue 1.zip

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  • Multivariate Analysis Set Book 1-3.rar

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    • An R and S Plus Companion to Applied Regression .pdf
    • Applied Multivariate Statistical Analysis (6th Edition) .pdf
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  • Multivariate Analysis Book 1-4.rar

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    • An R and S Plus Companion to Applied Regression .pdf
    • Applied Multivariate Statistical Analysis (6th Edition) .pdf
    • Data Anaysis Using Regression and Multilevel Hierarchical Models.pdf
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    • Comparative Economic Organization The Analysis of Discrete Structural Alternatives.pdf
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    • Corporate Finance and Corporate Governance.pdf
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    • Credible Commitments Using Hostages to Support Exchange.pdf
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    • Economies as an Antitrust Defense The Welfare Tradeoffs.pdf
    • Hierarchical Control and Optimum Firm Size.pdf
    • Innovation and Market Structure.pdf
    • Markets and Hierarchies Some Elementary Considerations.pdf
    • Peak-Load Pricing and Optimal Capacity under Indivisibility Constraints.pdf
    • Selling Expense as a Barrier to Entry.pdf
    • Social Choice A Probabilistic Approach.pdf
    • The Economics of Governance.pdf
    • The Economics of Internal Organization Exit and Voice in Relation to Markets and.pdf
    • The Institutions of Governance.pdf
    • The Lens of Contract Private Ordering.pdf
    • The Logic of Economic Organization.pdf
    • The New Institutional Economics Taking Stock, Looking Ahead.pdf
    • The Theory of the Firm as Governance Structure From Choice to Contract.pdf
    • The Theory of the Firm as Governance Structure From Choice to Contract.pdf
    • The Vertical Integration of Production Market Failure Consideration.pdf
    • The Vertical Integration of Production Market Failure Considerations.pdf
    • The modern origins, evolution, attributes.pdf
    • Transaction-Cost Economics The Governance of Contractual Relations.pdf
    • Visible and Invisible Governance.pdf
    • Wage Rates as a Barrier to Entry The Pennington Case in Perspective.pdf
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  • williamson.zip

    • Asset specificity and economic organization.pdf
    • Calculativeness, Trust, and Economic Organization.pdf
    • Comparative economic organization_ The analysis of discrete structural alternatives.pdf
    • Corporate finance and corporate governance.pdf
    • Economic Institutions_ Spontaneous and Intentional Governance.pdf
    • Economies as an antitrust defense_ The welfare tradeoffs.pdf
    • Hierarchical Control and Optimum Firm Size.pdf
    • Managerial discretion and business behavior.pdf
    • Markets and Hierarchies_ Some Elementary Considerations.pdf
    • Organization Form, Residual Claimants, and Corporate Control.pdf
    • Peak-load pricing and optimal capacity under indivisibility constraints.pdf
    • Strategy research_ governance and competence perspectives.pdf
    • The Institutions and Govemance of Economic Development and Reform.pdf
    • The Institutions of Governance.pdf
    • The Logic of Economic Organization.pdf
    • The Theory of the Firm as Governance Structure_ From Choice to Contract.pdf
    • The economics of organization_ the transaction cost approach.pdf
    • The modern corporation_ origins, evolution, attributes.pdf
    • The new institutional economics_ taking stock, looking ahead.pdf
    • Transaction cost economics.pdf
    • Transaction-Cost Economics_ The Governance of Contractual Relations.pdf
    • Vertical integration and market foreclosure.pdf
    • Williamson-OE=The Economics of Governance.pdf
    • using hostages to support exchange.pdf
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  • Hierarchical_Generalized_Linear_Models.rar

    • Hierarchical_Generalized_Linear_Models.pdf
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  • 4.pdf
       Hierarchical Generalized Linear Models: The R Package HGLMMM

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  • Heather Woltman.An Introduction to Hierarchical Linear Modeling.zip

    • Heather Woltman.An Introduction to Hierarchical Linear Modeling.pdf
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  • 70360049.pdf
       Institutions, foreign direct investment and growth: a hierarchical Bayesian approach

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  • Vol 42(5).rar

    • RS&UE 2012(5)-Education and migration choices in hierarchical societies_The case of Matam, Senegal.pdf
    • RS&UE 2012(5)-Migrant networks as a basis for social control_Remittance incentives among Senegalese in France and Italy.pdf
    • RS&UE 2012(5)-Migration and development-Insights from the 3rd AFD-World Bank Migration and Development Conference.pdf
    • RS&UE 2012(5)-Out of sight, out of mind_Migration, entrepreneurship and social capital.pdf
    • RS&UE 2012(5)-Performance of skilled migrants in the U.S._A dynamic approach.pdf
    • RS&UE 2012(5)-Remittances and financial openness.pdf
    • RS&UE 2012(5)-Remittances, migrants' education and immigration policy_Theory and evidence from bilateral data.pdf
    • RS&UE 2012(5)-Reprint of development, agglomeration, and the organization of work.pdf
    • RS&UE 2012(5)-Gender wage differentials among rural–urban migrants in China.pdf
    • RS&UE 2012(5)-Human capital acquisition and international migration in a model of educational market.pdf
    • RS&UE 2012(5)-Immigration and the origins of regional inequality_Government-sponsored European migration to southern Brazil before World War I.pdf
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  • The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics H.rar

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  • 2012-5-13
  • data mining of bank.rar

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    • Clustering e-Banking Customer using Data Mining and Marketing Segmentation.pdf
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  • 2011-10-21
  • SAS.zip

    • Bootstrapping in SAS, November 17, 2010 .pdf
    • Estimating Rasch Models in SAS, March 12, 2008 .pdf
    • PROC COUNTREG, October 14, 2009 .pdf
    • SAS Enterprise Guide 4.1 , April 26, 2006 .pdf
    • SAS for Forecasting Time Series - Part 1, November 18, 2009 .pdf
    • SAS for Forecasting Time Series - Part 2, December 16, 2009 .pdf
    • SAS for Forecasting Time Series - Part 3, January 19, 2010 .pdf
    • SAS for Forecasting Time Series - Part 4, February 24, 2010 .pdf
    • Survival Models in SAS - Part 10_ PROC PHREG - 5 , November 19, 2008 .pdf
    • Survival Models in SAS - Part 1_ PROC LIFETEST - 1 , October 24, 2007 .pdf
    • Survival Models in SAS - Part 2_ PROC LIFETEST - 2 , November 21, 2007 .pdf
    • Survival Models in SAS - Part 3_ PROC LIFEREG - 1 , December 19, 2007 .pdf
    • Survival Models in SAS - Part 4_ PROC LIFEREG - 2 , January 16, 2008 .pdf
    • Survival Models in SAS - Part 5_ PROC LIFEREG - 3 , February 13, 2008 .pdf
    • Survival Models in SAS - Part 6_ PROC PHREG - 1 , April 16, 2008 .pdf
    • Survival Models in SAS - Part 7_ PROC PHREG - 2 , May 21, 2008 .pdf
    • Survival Models in SAS - Part 8_ PROC PHREG - 3 , June 18, 2008 .pdf
    • Survival Models in SAS - Part 9_ PROC PHREG - 4 , October 15, 2008 .pdf
    • Univariate Detrending Using SAS , May 17, 2006 .pdf
    • Using SASPROC MIXED to Fit Individual Growth Models , December 20, 2006 .pdf
    • Using SASPROC MIXED to Fit Multilevel & Hierarchical Models , November 15, 2006 .pdf
    • What's New in SAS 9.2, March 18, 2009 .pdf
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  • 2010-11-16
  • Book_Codes.rar
       Data Analysis Using Regression and Multilevel/Hierarchical Models

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  • 2010-7-13
  • 1-50.rar

    • Censuses-History and Methods.pdf
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    • Decision Theory-Classical.pdf
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    • Distributions, Statistical-Special and Continuous.pdf
    • Distributions, Statistical-Special and Discrete.pdf
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    • Econometrics, History.pdf
    • Economic Panel Data.pdf
    • Elicitation of Probabilities and Probability Distributions .pdf
    • Errors in Statistical Assumptions, Effects.pdf
    • Estimation-Point and Interval.pdf
    • Experimental Design-Bayesian Designs.pdf
    • Experimental Design-Compliance.pdf
    • Experimental Design-Large scale Social Experimentation.pdf
    • Experimental Design-Overview.pdf
    • Experimental Design-Randomization and Social Experiments.pdf
    • External Validity.pdf
    • Factor Analysis and Latent Structure, Confirmatory.pdf
    • Factor Analysis and Latent Structure-IRT and Rasch Models.pdf
    • Factor Analysis and Latent Structure-Overview.pdf
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    • Frequentist Inference.pdf
    • Frequentist Interpretation of Probability.pdf
    • Functional Data Analysis.pdf
    • Goodness of Fit-Overview.pdf
    • Goodness-of-fit Tests and Diagnostics.pdf
    • Government Statistics.pdf
    • Graphical Methods-Analysis.pdf
    • Graphical Methods-Presentation.pdf
    • Graphical Models-Overview.pdf
    • Hierarchical Models-Random and Fixed Effects.pdf
    • High Performance Computing.pdf
    • Hypothesis Testing in Statistics.pdf
    • Hypothesis Tests, Multiplicity.pdf
    • Instrumental Variables in Statistics and Econometrics.pdf
    • Internal Validity.pdf
    • Invariance in Statistics.pdf
    • Large Data Sets in Statistical Computing.pdf
    • Large-scale Social Survey, Analysis.pdf
    • Latent Structure and Causal Variables.pdf
    • Likelihood in Statistics.pdf
    • Linear Algebra for Neural Networks.pdf
    • Analysis of Variance and Generalized Linear Models.pdf
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    • Bayesian Graphical Models and Networks.pdf
    • Bayesian Statistics.pdf
    • Censuses-Comparative International Aspects.pdf
    • Censuses-Demographic Issues.pdf
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  • 2010-5-3
  • Henderson2005 __ New Economic Geography(1).rar

    • 10__Fujita et1999 On the evolution of hierarchical urban systems.pdf
    • 8__Duranton and Puga2001 Nursery Cities Urban Diversity, Process Innovation, and the Life Cycle of Products.pdf
    • 9__Black and Henderson1999 A Theory of Urban Growth.pdf
    • 11__Arthur1990 Silicon valley locational clusters when do increasing returns imply monopoly.pdf
    • 12__Gabaix1999 Zipf's Law for Cities An Explanation.pdf
    • 0__Introduction.pdf
    • 1__Krugman1991 Increasing Returns and Economic Geography.pdf
    • 2__Venables1996 Equilibrium Locations of Vertically Linked Industries.pdf
    • 3__Puga1999 The rise and fall of reginal inequalities.pdf
    • 4__Ottaviano et2002 Agglomeration and Trade Revisited.pdf
    • 5__Fujita and Thisse2003 Does Geographical Agglomeration Foster Economic Growth And Who Gains and Loses from It.pdf
    • 6__Helsley and Strange1990 Matching and agglomeration economies in a system of cities.pdf
    • 7__Henderson and Becker2000 Political Economy of City Sizes and Formation.pdf
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  • 2010-2-16
  • sas base programm certification.zip

    • M31 - Creating and Applying User-Defined Formats - 23 of 25.mht
    • M31 - Creating and Applying User-Defined Formats - 24 of 25.mht
    • M34 - Generating Data with DO Loops - 32 of 34.mht
    • M34 - Generating Data with DO Loops - 33 of 34.mht
    • M35 - Processing Variables with Arrays - 33 of 35.mht
    • M35 - Processing Variables with Arrays - 34 of 35.mht
    • M39 - Creating and Managing Variables - 34 of 36.mht
    • M39 - Creating and Managing Variables - 35 of 36.mht
    • M40 - Creating Enhanced List and Summary Reports - 38 of 40.mht
    • M40 - Creating Enhanced List and Summary Reports - 39 of 40.mht
    • M41 - Producing Descriptive Statistics - 39 of 41.mht
    • M41 - Producing Descriptive Statistics - 40 of 41.mht
    • M01 - Basic Concepts Quiz .mht
    • M01 - Basic Concepts Summary.mht
    • M02 - Editing and Debugging SAS Programs Quiz.mht
    • M02 - Editing and Debugging SAS Programs Summary.mht
    • M03 - Using the Programming Workspace Quiz.mht
    • M03 - Using the Programming Workspace Summary .mht
    • M04 - Creating List Reports - 53 of 55.mht
    • M04 - Creating List Reports - 54 of 55.mht
    • M12 - Creating SAS Data Sets from Raw Data - 46 of 48.mht
    • M12 - Creating SAS Data Sets from Raw Data - 47 of 48.mht
    • M14 - Reading SAS Data Sets - 30 of 32.mht
    • M14 - Reading SAS Data Sets - 31 of 32.mht
    • M16 - Referencing Files and Setting Options - Quiz.mht
    • M16 - Referencing Files and Setting Options - Summary.mht
    • M18 - Producing HTML Output - 30 of 32.mht
    • M18 - Producing HTML Output - 31 of 32.mht
    • M19 - Reading Raw Data in Fixed Fields - 32 of 34.mht
    • M19 - Reading Raw Data in Fixed Fields - 33 of 34.mht
    • M20 - Combining SAS Data Sets - 47 of 49.mht
    • M20 - Combining SAS Data Sets - 48 of 49.mht
    • M22 - Understanding DATA Step Processing - 45 of 47.mht
    • M22 - Understanding DATA Step Processing - 46 of 47.mht
    • M23 - Reading Free-Format Data - 38 of 40.mht
    • M23 - Reading Free-Format Data - 39 of 40.mht
    • M24 - Reading Date and Time Values - 29 of 31.mht
    • M24 - Reading Date and Time Values - 30 of 31.mht
    • M25 - Creating a Single Observation from Multiple Records - 18 of 20.mht
    • M25 - Creating a Single Observation from Multiple Records - 19 of 20.mht
    • M26 - Creating Multiple Observations from a Single Record - 31 of 33.mht
    • M26 - Creating Multiple Observations from a Single Record - 32 of 33.mht
    • M27 - Reading Hierarchical Files - 28 of 30.mht
    • M27 - Reading Hierarchical Files - 29 of 30.mht
    • M30 - Transforming Data with SAS Functions - 93 of 95.mht
    • M30 - Transforming Data with SAS Functions - 94 of 95.mht
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  • 2009-12-12
  • willmson.rar

    • The Institutions of Governance.pdf
    • The Theory of the Firm as Governance StructureFrom Choice to Contract.pdf
    • the Vertical Integration of Productio Market Failure Consideratio.pdf
    • Visible and Invisible Governance.pdf
    • Williamsonvertint.pdf
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    • Internal Organization.pdf
    • Markets and Hierarchies.pdf
    • The Economics of Governance.pdf
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       A Course in Credibility Theory and its Applications

    • 11Multidimensional Evolutionary Models and Recursive Calculation.pdf
    • 12back-matter.pdf
    • 1front-matter.pdf
    • 2Introduction.pdf
    • 3The Bayes Premium.pdf
    • 4Credibility Estimators.pdf
    • 5The Bühlmann-Straub Model.pdf
    • 6Treatment of Large Claims in Credibility.pdf
    • 7Hierarchical Credibility.pdf
    • 8Multidimensional Credibility.pdf
    • 9Credibility in the Regression Case.pdf
    • 10Evolutionary Credibility Models and Recursive Calculation.pdf
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       精算学经典书籍--A Course in Credibility Theory and its Applications

    • 11Multidimensional Evolutionary Models and Recursive Calculation.pdf
    • 12back-matter.pdf
    • 1front-matter.pdf
    • 2Introduction.pdf
    • 3The Bayes Premium.pdf
    • 4Credibility Estimators.pdf
    • 5The Bühlmann-Straub Model.pdf
    • 6Treatment of Large Claims in Credibility.pdf
    • 7Hierarchical Credibility.pdf
    • 8Multidimensional Credibility.pdf
    • 9Credibility in the Regression Case.pdf
    • 10Evolutionary Credibility Models and Recursive Calculation.pdf
  • 3.99 MB
  • 2008-7-13
  • 226555.rar
       精算学经典书籍--A Course in Credibility Theory and its Applications

    • 11Multidimensional Evolutionary Models and Recursive Calculation.pdf
    • 12back-matter.pdf
    • 1front-matter.pdf
    • 2Introduction.pdf
    • 3The Bayes Premium.pdf
    • 4Credibility Estimators.pdf
    • 5The Bühlmann-Straub Model.pdf
    • 6Treatment of Large Claims in Credibility.pdf
    • 7Hierarchical Credibility.pdf
    • 8Multidimensional Credibility.pdf
    • 9Credibility in the Regression Case.pdf
    • 10Evolutionary Credibility Models and Recursive Calculation.pdf
  • 3.99 MB
  • 2008-7-12
  • 128338.zip
       SAS 认证合集打包-官方真题集+练习题集+教程

    • M31 - Creating and Applying User-Defined Formats - 23 of 25.mht
    • M31 - Creating and Applying User-Defined Formats - 24 of 25.mht
    • M34 - Generating Data with DO Loops - 32 of 34.mht
    • M34 - Generating Data with DO Loops - 33 of 34.mht
    • M35 - Processing Variables with Arrays - 33 of 35.mht
    • M35 - Processing Variables with Arrays - 34 of 35.mht
    • M39 - Creating and Managing Variables - 34 of 36.mht
    • M39 - Creating and Managing Variables - 35 of 36.mht
    • M40 - Creating Enhanced List and Summary Reports - 38 of 40.mht
    • M40 - Creating Enhanced List and Summary Reports - 39 of 40.mht
    • M41 - Producing Descriptive Statistics - 39 of 41.mht
    • M41 - Producing Descriptive Statistics - 40 of 41.mht
    • M01 - Basic Concepts Quiz .mht
    • M01 - Basic Concepts Summary.mht
    • M02 - Editing and Debugging SAS Programs Quiz.mht
    • M02 - Editing and Debugging SAS Programs Summary.mht
    • M03 - Using the Programming Workspace Quiz.mht
    • M03 - Using the Programming Workspace Summary .mht
    • M04 - Creating List Reports - 53 of 55.mht
    • M04 - Creating List Reports - 54 of 55.mht
    • M12 - Creating SAS Data Sets from Raw Data - 46 of 48.mht
    • M12 - Creating SAS Data Sets from Raw Data - 47 of 48.mht
    • M14 - Reading SAS Data Sets - 30 of 32.mht
    • M14 - Reading SAS Data Sets - 31 of 32.mht
    • M16 - Referencing Files and Setting Options - Quiz.mht
    • M16 - Referencing Files and Setting Options - Summary.mht
    • M18 - Producing HTML Output - 30 of 32.mht
    • M18 - Producing HTML Output - 31 of 32.mht
    • M19 - Reading Raw Data in Fixed Fields - 32 of 34.mht
    • M19 - Reading Raw Data in Fixed Fields - 33 of 34.mht
    • M20 - Combining SAS Data Sets - 47 of 49.mht
    • M20 - Combining SAS Data Sets - 48 of 49.mht
    • M22 - Understanding DATA Step Processing - 45 of 47.mht
    • M22 - Understanding DATA Step Processing - 46 of 47.mht
    • M23 - Reading Free-Format Data - 38 of 40.mht
    • M23 - Reading Free-Format Data - 39 of 40.mht
    • M24 - Reading Date and Time Values - 29 of 31.mht
    • M24 - Reading Date and Time Values - 30 of 31.mht
    • M25 - Creating a Single Observation from Multiple Records - 18 of 20.mht
    • M25 - Creating a Single Observation from Multiple Records - 19 of 20.mht
    • M26 - Creating Multiple Observations from a Single Record - 31 of 33.mht
    • M26 - Creating Multiple Observations from a Single Record - 32 of 33.mht
    • M27 - Reading Hierarchical Files - 28 of 30.mht
    • M27 - Reading Hierarchical Files - 29 of 30.mht
    • M30 - Transforming Data with SAS Functions - 93 of 95.mht
    • M30 - Transforming Data with SAS Functions - 94 of 95.mht
    • SASbaseM_Answer.htm
  • 2.99 MB
  • 2007-6-22
  • 116387.pdf
       Hierarchical Modeling and Analysis for Spatial Data

  • 10.19 MB
  • 2007-5-13
  • 57135.rar
       [下载][贴图]软件下载:HLM 6.02-分层线性和非线性模型(Hierarchical Linear and Nonlinear Mode

    • HLM_6_Student.exe
  • 14.7 MB
  • 2006-7-5
  • 41038.zip

    • M31 - Creating and Applying User-Defined Formats - 23 of 25.mht
    • M31 - Creating and Applying User-Defined Formats - 24 of 25.mht
    • M34 - Generating Data with DO Loops - 32 of 34.mht
    • M34 - Generating Data with DO Loops - 33 of 34.mht
    • M35 - Processing Variables with Arrays - 33 of 35.mht
    • M35 - Processing Variables with Arrays - 34 of 35.mht
    • M39 - Creating and Managing Variables - 34 of 36.mht
    • M39 - Creating and Managing Variables - 35 of 36.mht
    • M40 - Creating Enhanced List and Summary Reports - 38 of 40.mht
    • M40 - Creating Enhanced List and Summary Reports - 39 of 40.mht
    • M41 - Producing Descriptive Statistics - 39 of 41.mht
    • M41 - Producing Descriptive Statistics - 40 of 41.mht
    • M01 - Basic Concepts Quiz .mht
    • M01 - Basic Concepts Summary.mht
    • M02 - Editing and Debugging SAS Programs Quiz.mht
    • M02 - Editing and Debugging SAS Programs Summary.mht
    • M03 - Using the Programming Workspace Quiz.mht
    • M03 - Using the Programming Workspace Summary .mht
    • M04 - Creating List Reports - 53 of 55.mht
    • M04 - Creating List Reports - 54 of 55.mht
    • M12 - Creating SAS Data Sets from Raw Data - 46 of 48.mht
    • M12 - Creating SAS Data Sets from Raw Data - 47 of 48.mht
    • M14 - Reading SAS Data Sets - 30 of 32.mht
    • M14 - Reading SAS Data Sets - 31 of 32.mht
    • M16 - Referencing Files and Setting Options - Quiz.mht
    • M16 - Referencing Files and Setting Options - Summary.mht
    • M18 - Producing HTML Output - 30 of 32.mht
    • M18 - Producing HTML Output - 31 of 32.mht
    • M19 - Reading Raw Data in Fixed Fields - 32 of 34.mht
    • M19 - Reading Raw Data in Fixed Fields - 33 of 34.mht
    • M20 - Combining SAS Data Sets - 47 of 49.mht
    • M20 - Combining SAS Data Sets - 48 of 49.mht
    • M22 - Understanding DATA Step Processing - 45 of 47.mht
    • M22 - Understanding DATA Step Processing - 46 of 47.mht
    • M23 - Reading Free-Format Data - 38 of 40.mht
    • M23 - Reading Free-Format Data - 39 of 40.mht
    • M24 - Reading Date and Time Values - 29 of 31.mht
    • M24 - Reading Date and Time Values - 30 of 31.mht
    • M25 - Creating a Single Observation from Multiple Records - 18 of 20.mht
    • M25 - Creating a Single Observation from Multiple Records - 19 of 20.mht
    • M26 - Creating Multiple Observations from a Single Record - 31 of 33.mht
    • M26 - Creating Multiple Observations from a Single Record - 32 of 33.mht
    • M27 - Reading Hierarchical Files - 28 of 30.mht
    • M27 - Reading Hierarchical Files - 29 of 30.mht
    • M30 - Transforming Data with SAS Functions - 93 of 95.mht
    • M30 - Transforming Data with SAS Functions - 94 of 95.mht
  • 2.98 MB
  • 2006-2-27