大小 上传时间
  • From Imitation to Innovation Where Is All That Chinese R&D Going.rar
       From Imitation to Innovation: Where Is All That Chinese R&D Going?

    • From Imitation to Innovation Where Is All That Chinese R&D Going.pdf
  • 662.81 KB
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  • S4 弘毅高级微观二 - 课程资料.zip

    • 5-7 Oligopoly.pdf
    • homework2 answer.pdf
    • homework2.pdf
    • homework3.pdf
    • homework3_answer.pdf
    • homework3_answer_updated.pdf
    • IO_syllabus.pdf
    • 1 IO_Introduction.pdf
    • 2a Costs.pdf
    • 2b Perfect Competition.pdf
    • 2c Monopoly.pdf
    • 3 Price Discrimination I.pdf
    • 4 Price Discrimination II.pdf
    • 8 Collusion and cartels.pdf
    • 8a-Phoebus.pdf
    • 8b-OPEC.pdf
    • 8c-De Beers.pdf
    • 9-10 Product differentiation.pdf
    • 11 advertising.pdf
    • 11 advertising_updated.pdf
    • 12 research_and_development.pdf
    • homework1 answer.pdf
    • homework1.pdf
  • 6.33 MB
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  • 统计学:基于R的应用 数据文件.zip

    • goals.csv
    • Acorn.TXT
    • Forbes2000.csv
    • Glass.csv
    • HB.csv
    • Old.csv
    • Rich.csv
    • SC.csv
    • Salinity.csv
    • UCB.csv
    • USIP.TXT
    • Vowel.csv
    • ag.csv
    • agaricus-lepiota.txt
    • agaricus-lepiota1.txt
    • airquality.csv
    • binary.csv
    • bo.csv
    • cedegren.csv
    • chismoke.dat
    • cross.txt
    • deathP.csv
    • er.csv
    • gheight.csv
    • greenhouse2.csv
    • income.TXT
    • names.TXT
    • pairs.csv
    • party.csv
    • poison.txt
    • rebar.txt
    • rice.txt
    • soi.TXT
    • tea.txt
    • wbage.csv
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    • PT_LCGovGrants.xlsx
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    • (GMW 332) - Kashiwara M.,Schapira P. - Categories and sheaves - Springer 2006 - ISBN 3540279490)(505s).djvu
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    • GTM188.Lectures on the Hyperreals..An Introduction to Nonstandard Analysis,.Goldblatt.djvu
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    • Category theory for computing science-Michael Barr, Charles Wells.djvu
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  • TKT.rar

    • 第十六讲 Categorizing learners' mistakes.pdf
    • 第五讲 Presentation techniques & introductory activities.pdf
    • 第一讲 Describing language.pdf
    • tkt-glossary.pdf
    • 第二讲 Describing language & language skills.pdf
    • 第九讲 Syllabus design.pdf
    • 第九讲讲义-2.pdf
    • 第六讲 Practice activities and tasks for language and skills development.pdf
    • 第七讲 Test & Aim.pdf
    • 第三讲 Background to language learning.pdf
    • 第十讲 Reference resources.pdf
    • 第十九讲讲义 Grouping the learners.pdf
    • 第十三讲 Review of Module 1 & 2.pdf
    • 第十五讲 Teachers' & learners' language.pdf
    • 第十一讲 Use of coursebook material & teaching aids.pdf
    • 第四讲 The role of error.pdf
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       Stable Mappings and Their Singularities

    • GTM 014-Stable MappingsSingularities - Martin Golubitsky Victor Guillemin .djvu
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    • GTM 013-Anderson F , Fuller K Rings And Categories Of Modules.djvu
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    • GTM 002-Oxtoby, Measure And Category (Springer 1980) (2Nd Ed)(61S).djvu
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    • Copyright notice.pdf
    • DM_ChEcommLogOpeIndexM[DES][xlsx].txt
    • DM_ChEcommLogOpeIndexM.xlsx
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    • CGM_Londongoldfix.xlsx
    • Copyright notice.pdf
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    • An introduction to the theory of numbers 5ed - Niven I., Zuckerman H.S., Montgomery H.L..djvu
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    • Bart H.,Gohberg I.,Kaashoek M.A.,Ran A.C.M. - Factorization of Matrix and Operator Functions.. The State Space Method - Birkhauser 2008.djvu
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    • Problems and Theorems in Analysis, II (Classics in Mathematics) (George Polya, Gabor Szego) 3540636862.djvu
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    • Problems and Theorems in Analysis, I (Classics in Mathematics) (George Polya, Gabor Szego) 3540636404.djvu
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    • Topics in Geometric Group Theory (Chicago Lectures in Mathematics)-Pierre de la Harpe.djvu
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    • Lectures on Exceptional Lie Groups (Chicago Lectures in Mathematics)J. F. Adams.djvu
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    • Kaplansky I. Fields and rings (2ed., Chicago, 1972)(ISBN 0226424502)(T)(212s)_MAt_.djvu
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    • Geometry of Nonpositively Curved Manifolds (Chicago Lectures in Mathematics)Patrick B. Eberlein.djvu
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    • Geometrical Vectors (Chicago Lectures in Physics) Gabriel Weinreich.djvu
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    • Copyright notice.pdf
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    • CRE_Gove02.xlsx
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    • Copyright notice.pdf
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    • BDT_ManaGovAbil.xlsx
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    • Copyright notice.pdf
    • ENV_PerfGovernDisclose[DES][xlsx].txt
    • ENV_PerfGovernDisclose.xlsx
  • 1.06 MB
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    • LMSST 011 Spacetime and Singularities An Introduction (London Mathematical Society Student Texts)by Gregory L. Naber.djvu
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  • 数学建模算法与应用课件(第三版)02.zip

    • 18附录B Lingo软件的使用.pptx
    • 10第10章 多元分析 10.3.pptx
    • 10第10章 多元分析 10.4-10.5.pptx
    • 10第10章 多元分析 10.6-10.7.pptx
    • 10第10章 多元分析10.1-10.2.pptx
    • 11第11章 偏最小二乘回归分析.pptx
    • 12第12章 现代优化算法.pptx
    • 13第13章 数字图像处理.pptx
    • 14第14章 综合评价与决策方法.pptx
    • 15第15章 预测方法.pptx
    • 16第16章 多目标规划和目标规划.pptx
    • 17附录A Matlab软件入门.pptx
    • 习题解答.pdf
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    • EDI.dta
    • ENV_CarrierInfo[DES][xlsx].txt
    • ENV_LiabilitiesDisclose[DES][xlsx].txt
    • ENV_ManageDisclose[DES][xlsx].txt
    • ENV_PerfGovernDisclose[DES][xlsx].txt
    • ENV_SupCertDisclose[DES][xlsx].txt
    • lnEDI.dta
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    • 上市公司环境信息披露载体信息表2008-2022.zip
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    • 上市公司环境管理披露情况表20082-2022.zip
    • 上市公司环境负债披露情况表2008-2022.zip
    • 代码.do
    • 数据说明.txt
    • 环保费改税对企业绿色信息披露的影响研究_孔东民 (1).pdf
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    • ENV_PerfGovernDisclose[DES][xlsx].txt
    • 上市公司环境监管与认证披露情况表.dta
    • 上市公司环境监管与认证披露情况表.xlsx
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    • ENV_SupCertDisclose[DES][xlsx].txt
    • 上市公司环境业绩与治理披露情况表.dta
    • 上市公司环境业绩与治理披露情况表.xlsx
    • ENV_PerfGovernDisclose[DES][xlsx].txt
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    • Bocher, Gaylord_Trigonometry with the Theory and Use of Logarithms.djvu
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    • Andreescu T. Feng Z. 103 Trigonometry Problems. From the Training of the USA IMO Team (Birkhauser 2005).djvu
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    • Goldman R , Krasauskas R (Eds), Topics In Algebraic Geometry And Geometric Modeling (Ams, 2002).djvu
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    • Deift Orthogonal Polynomials And Random Matrices A Riemann-Hilbert Approach (Nyu Lectures, Ams, 2000, 269S).djvu
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    • Complex multiplication of Abelian varieties and its applications to number theory, (Publications of the Mathematical Society of Japan)- Goro Shimura.djvu
  • 1.72 MB
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  • solutions.rar

    • Chapter 21 Solutions (google).pdf
    • Chapter 1 Solutions.pdf
    • Chapter 2 Solutions.pdf
    • Chapter 3 Solutions.pdf
    • Chapter 4 Solutions.pdf
    • Chapter 5 Solutions.pdf
    • Chapter 6 Solutions (indirect).pdf
    • Chapter 7 Solutions (OSS).pdf
    • Chapter 8 Solutions (d obj and comp).pdf
    • Chapter 9 Solutions (web services).pdf
    • Chapter 10 Solutions (peer-peer).pdf
    • Chapter 11 solutions (security).pdf
    • Chapter 12 solutions(dist files).pdf
    • Chapter 13 Solutions (name services).pdf
    • Chapter 14 Solutions (Time).pdf
    • Chapter 15 Solutions(Coord).pdf
    • Chapter 16 Solutions (TX and CC).pdf
    • Chapter 17 solutions (Dist TX).pdf
    • Chapter 18 Solutions (replication).pdf
    • Chapter 19 Solutions (mobile).pdf
    • Chapter 20 solutions (multimedia).pdf
  • 5.05 MB
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    • Brent-gordon B.,Lewis J.D.,Muller-stach S.,Saito S.,Yui N. - The arithmetic and geometry of algebraic cycles - AMS 2000.djvu
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    • Geometric Theory of Functions of a Complex Variable (Translations of Mathematical Monographs)G. M. Goluzin.djvu
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    • CH09 Basic Oligopoly Models.pdf
    • CH10 Game Theory- Inside Oligopoly.pdf
    • Module Group A+B.pdf
    • CH01 The Fundamentals of Managerial Economics.pdf
    • CH02 Market Forces- Demand and Supply.pdf
    • CH03 Quantitative Demand Analysis.pdf
    • CH04 The Theory of Individual Behavior.pdf
    • CH05 The Production Process and Costs.pdf
    • CH06 The Organization of the Firm.pdf
    • CH07 The Nature of Industry.pdf
    • CH08 Managing in Competitive, Monopolistic, and Monopolistically.pdf
    • CH11 Pricing Strategies for Firms with Market Power.pdf
    • CH12 The Economics of Information.pdf
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    • 【实例】Google公司OKR原版资料.pdf
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    • 【实例】OKR目标与关键成果法导入方案.doc
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    • 【技巧】目标与关键成果法OKR入门课程.pdf
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  • 基于Java的在线购物系统的设计与实现(源代码+系统).zip

    • logout.jsp
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    • cart_checkout.jsp
    • cart_clear.jsp
    • cart_modify.jsp
    • cart_move.jsp
    • cart_null.jsp
    • cart_order.jsp
    • cart_see.jsp
    • checkUserName.jsp
    • copyright.jsp
    • index.jsp
    • L2003215047_陶友林_基于Java的在线购物系统的设计与实现.doc
    • left.jsp
    • Login_U.jsp
    • newbook.jsp
    • ordersearch.jsp
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    • poll_deal.jsp
    • poll_result.jsp
    • register.jsp
    • register_deal.jsp
    • safe.jsp
    • search.jsp
    • search_deal.jsp
    • sort.jsp
    • Top.jsp
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    • usermodify_deal.jsp
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    • Private debt, all instruments (Percent of GDP).xls
    • General Government Debt (Percent of GDP).xls
    • Nonfinancial Public Sector Debt (Percent of GDP).xls
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    • Corporate social responsibility and sustainable finance-- A review of the literature.pdf
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    • Does sustainability generate better financial performance-- review, meta-analysis, and propositions.pdf
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