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  • mfGARCH.pdf
       Mixed-Frequency GARCH Models--GARCH-MIDAS代码

  • 103.08 KB
  • 2023-7-18
  • Portfolio value-at-risk estimation in energy futures markets with time-varying c.zip

    • Portfolio value-at-risk estimation in energy futures markets with time-varying copula-GARCH model.pdf
  • 427.46 KB
  • 2019-5-8
  • chanmaheujbes2002.zip
       Jump GARCH models with fixed and varying jump intensities

    • djia.txt
    • arjigarch.rpf
    • jumpgarch.rpf
    • jumpgarch.src
  • 434.46 KB
  • 2016-5-1
  • Multivariate GARCH Models(Luc Bauwens).zip
       Multivariate GARCH Models(Luc Bauwens)

    • Multivariate GARCH Models(Luc Bauwens).pdf
  • 597.57 KB
  • 2013-5-29
  • A Simple Class of Multivariate GARCH Models and Application.rar

    • A Simple Class of Multivariate GARCH Models and Application.caj
  • 515.82 KB
  • 2013-3-24
  • GARCH Models.zip
       GARCH models 2010

    • GARCH Models.pdf
  • 2.44 MB
  • 2012-10-17
  • 金融工程papers.rar

    • Rational Capital Budgeting in an Irrational World.pdf
    • hkh1.pdf
    • liquidity and credit risk.pdf
    • Optimal Consumption and Investment with Transaction Costs and Multiple Risky Assets.pdf
    • Estimation and Test of a Simple Model of Intertemporal Capital Asset Pricing.pdf
    • discount with varying expected returns.pdf
    • The Effects of Changes in Risk and Risk Taking A survey.pdf
    • SCC Method a new approach dealing with high-dimension Garch model.pdf
  • 2.68 MB
  • 2010-11-17
  • garch model.rar

    • garch model.wf1
  • 30.28 KB
  • 2010-7-30
  • DCC.rar

    • Theoretical and Empirical Properties of Dynamic Conditional Correlation Multivariate GARCH.pdf
    • Transmission of Liquidity Shocks_Evidence from the 2007 Subprime Crisis.pdf
    • Asymmetric Dynamics in the Correlations of Global Equity and Bond Returns.pdf
    • Evaluating the Specification of Covariance Models for Large Portfolios.pdf
    • Fitting and Testing Vast Dimensional Time-Varying Covariance Models.pdf
    • Fitting Vast Dimensional Time-Varying Covariance Models.pdf
    • Multi-step estimation of Multivariate GARCH models.pdf
  • 3.06 MB
  • 2009-6-18
  • 317496.pdf
       [分享]Testing for volatility interactions in the Constant Conditional Correlation GARCH m

  • 194.49 KB
  • 2009-4-21
  • 317494.pdf
       [分享]Bayesian estimation of a Markov-switching threshold asymmetric GARCH model with Stu

  • 784.91 KB
  • 2009-4-21
  • 316521.pdf
       Financial Risk Management with Bayesian Estimation of GARCH Models:Theory and Applicatio

  • 7.4 MB
  • 2009-4-18
  • 315105.rar
       [分享]GARCH models及mvgarch models 外文19篇

  • 13.11 MB
  • 2009-4-14
  • 314760.rar
       [分享]GARCH models及mvgarch models 外文19篇

  • 13.11 MB
  • 2009-4-13
  • 308494.pdf
       PDF Download: Advantages and weaknesses of ARCH and GARCH Models Notes and RS-Plus code d

  • 134.12 KB
  • 2009-3-27
  • 307272.pdf
       [分享]Finite Mixture of ARMA-GARCH Model for Stock Price Prediction

  • 290.18 KB
  • 2009-3-23
  • 305689.rar

    • 08.GARCH Model Estimation.wmv
  • 7.52 MB
  • 2009-3-19
  • 222580.rar
       ARCH模型创立者、2003诺奖得主Robert Engle几篇关于ARCH的经典论文

    • Robert Engle_Autoregressive Conditional Heteroscedasticity with Estimates of the Variance of United Kingdom Inflation.pdf
    • Robert Engle_Dynamic Conditional Correlation_A Simple Class of Multivariate Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity Models.pdf
    • Robert Engle_GARCH 101_The Use of ARCH-GARCH Models in Applied Econometrics.pdf
    • Robert Engle_Risk and Volatility_Econometric Models and Financial Pratice.pdf
    • Robert Engle_The Econometrics of Ultra-High-Frequency Data.pdf
  • 2.31 MB
  • 2008-6-25
  • 180493.pdf
       [下载]The Use of ARCH_GARCH Models in Applied Econometrics.pdf

  • 304.34 KB
  • 2007-12-10
  • 179891.pdf
       [下载]The Use of ARCH_GARCH Models in Applied Econometrics.pdf

  • 304.34 KB
  • 2007-12-7
  • 168643.rar

  • 166.61 KB
  • 2007-10-30
  • 168642.rar

    • a multivariate GARCH model.pdf
  • 160.67 KB
  • 2007-10-30
  • 168641.rar

    • A Multivariate GARCH Model with time-varying correlations.pdf
  • 681.15 KB
  • 2007-10-30
  • 109483.rar
       [分享]A Study on the Asymmetric GARCH Model

  • 101.49 KB
  • 2007-4-20
  • 109482.rar
       [分享]A Study on the Asymmetric GARCH Model

    • 不对称GARCH模型的研究.doc
  • 252.93 KB
  • 2007-4-20
  • 108269.pdf
       Slides of Multivariate GARCH models

  • 1.38 MB
  • 2007-4-15
  • 95863.pdf
       推荐一片好文章《A multivariate GARCH model of international transmissions of internationa

  • 1.21 MB
  • 2007-3-5
  • 78150.pdf
       GARCH 101: The use of ARCHGARCH models in applied econometrics

  • 1.51 MB
  • 2006-12-16
  • 69479.pdf
       [下载]A semiparametric GARCH model for foreign exchange volatility

  • 405.26 KB
  • 2006-10-29
  • 69113.pdf
       [下载]Volatility Forecasts in Financial Time Series with HMM-GARCH Model

  • 118.72 KB
  • 2006-10-27
  • 51292.pdf
       [下载]Stefan Lundbergh and Timo Teräsvirta: Evaluating GARCH models

  • 210.17 KB
  • 2006-5-5
  • 46909.rar

    • Volatility Forecasts in Financial Time Series with HMM-GARCH Models.pdf
    • W1RMX4ACFA2G5L2V.pdf
    • A Comparison of Neural Networks with Time Series Models for Forecasting Returns on a Stock Market Index.pdf
    • Analytical Score for Multivariate GARCH Models.pdf
    • Confidence Intervals for the Autocorrelations of the Squares of GARCH Sequences.pdf
    • Evaluation of Black-Scholes and GARCH Models Using Currency Call Options Data.pdf
    • Intraday Return Volatility Process- Evidence from NASDAQ Stocks.pdf
    • Modeling Shanghai stock market volatility.pdf
  • 669.63 KB
  • 2006-4-3
  • 33208.rar
       GARCH 101- The Use of ARCH-GARCH Models in Applied Econometrics

  • 95 KB
  • 2005-11-18
  • 33207.rar
       GARCH 101- The Use of ARCH-GARCH Models in Applied Econometrics

  • 95 KB
  • 2005-11-18
  • 33206.rar
       GARCH 101- The Use of ARCH-GARCH Models in Applied Econometrics

  • 95 KB
  • 2005-11-18
  • 33205.rar
       GARCH 101- The Use of ARCH-GARCH Models in Applied Econometrics

  • 95 KB
  • 2005-11-18
  • 33204.rar
       GARCH 101- The Use of ARCH-GARCH Models in Applied Econometrics

  • 95 KB
  • 2005-11-18
  • 33171.rar
       GARCH 101- The Use of ARCH-GARCH Models in Applied Econometrics

  • 95 KB
  • 2005-11-17
  • 33170.rar
       GARCH 101- The Use of ARCH-GARCH Models in Applied Econometrics

  • 95 KB
  • 2005-11-17
  • 33169.rar
       GARCH 101- The Use of ARCH-GARCH Models in Applied Econometrics

  • 95 KB
  • 2005-11-17
  • 33168.rar
       GARCH 101- The Use of ARCH-GARCH Models in Applied Econometrics

  • 95 KB
  • 2005-11-17
  • 32581.rar
       GARCH 101- The Use of ARCH-GARCH Models in Applied Econometrics

  • 74.58 KB
  • 2005-11-7
  • 32538.rar
       GARCH 101- The Use of ARCH-GARCH Models in Applied Econometrics

  • 95 KB
  • 2005-11-6
  • 32537.rar
       GARCH 101- The Use of ARCH-GARCH Models in Applied Econometrics

  • 95 KB
  • 2005-11-6
  • 32536.rar
       GARCH 101- The Use of ARCH-GARCH Models in Applied Econometrics

  • 95 KB
  • 2005-11-6
  • 32535.rar
       GARCH 101- The Use of ARCH-GARCH Models in Applied Econometrics

  • 95 KB
  • 2005-11-6
  • 32534.rar
       GARCH 101- The Use of ARCH-GARCH Models in Applied Econometrics

  • 95 KB
  • 2005-11-6
  • 25773.rar
       Journal of Econometrics Vol 95 2000

    • A numerically stable quadrature procedure for the one-factor random-component discrete choice model.pdf
    • Bayesian analysis of ARMA–GARCH models-- A Markov chain sampling approach.pdf
    • Conference Paper.pdf
    • Cross-sectional aggregation of non-linear models.pdf
    • Detection of change in persistence of a linear time series.pdf
    • Econometrics and decision theory.pdf
    • Editorial.pdf
    • Empirically relevant critical values for hypothesis tests-- A bootstrap approach.pdf
    • Estimating the density of unemployment duration based on contaminated samples or small samples.pdf
    • Estimation of a censored regression panel data model using conditional moment restrictions efficiently.pdf
    • Galton, Edgeworth, Frisch, and prospects for quantile regression in econometrics.pdf
    • Identification problems and decisions under ambiguity-- treatment response and choice.pdf
    • Index.pdf
    • Internet-based econometric computing.pdf
    • On the sensitivity of the usual t- and F-tests to covariance misspecification.pdf
    • Rank estimation of a generalized fixed-effects regression model.pdf
    • Testing for the cointegrating rank of a VAR process with a time trend.pdf
    • Testing time reversibility without moment restrictions.pdf
    • The econometric consequences of the ceteris paribus condition in economic theory.pdf
    • The incidental parameter problem since 1948.pdf
    • Unit root tests in the presence of uncertainty about the non-stochastic trend.pdf
    • Using a likelihood perspective to sharpen econometric discourse-- Three examples.pdf
  • 3.35 MB
  • 2005-9-9
  • 9895.rar
       [下载][讨论]Handout.Introduction To ARCH & GARCH Models

    • Constant conditional correlation in a bivariate GARCH model.pdf
  • 55.7 KB
  • 2005-3-9
  • 9893.rar
       [下载][讨论]Handout.Introduction To ARCH & GARCH Models

    • The use of GARCH models in VaR estimation.pdf
  • 339.98 KB
  • 2005-3-9
  • 9892.rar
       [下载][讨论]Handout.Introduction To ARCH & GARCH Models

    • 14.pdf
  • 227.05 KB
  • 2005-3-9
  • 9891.rar
       [下载][讨论]Handout.Introduction To ARCH & GARCH Models

    • 15.pdf
  • 2.02 MB
  • 2005-3-9
  • 9890.rar
       [下载][讨论]Handout.Introduction To ARCH & GARCH Models

    • 11.pdf
  • 160.64 KB
  • 2005-3-9
  • 9889.rar
       [下载][讨论]Handout.Introduction To ARCH & GARCH Models

    • 8.pdf
  • 302.38 KB
  • 2005-3-9
  • 9888.rar
       [下载][讨论]Handout.Introduction To ARCH & GARCH Models

    • 3.pdf
  • 272.95 KB
  • 2005-3-9
  • 9887.rar
       [下载][讨论]Handout.Introduction To ARCH & GARCH Models

    • 2.pdf
  • 1.51 MB
  • 2005-3-9
  • 9886.rar
       [下载][讨论]Handout.Introduction To ARCH & GARCH Models

    • 1.pdf
  • 167.09 KB
  • 2005-3-9
  • 9718.rar
       [下载][讨论]Handout.Introduction To ARCH & GARCH Models

    • a smooth transition Arch model for asset return.pdf
  • 322.45 KB
  • 2005-3-7
  • 9717.rar
       [下载][讨论]Handout.Introduction To ARCH & GARCH Models

    • Eric Zivot.Financial Econometrics.pdf
  • 75.27 KB
  • 2005-3-7
  • 9715.rar
       [下载][讨论]Handout.Introduction To ARCH & GARCH Models

    • Handout.Introduction To ARCH & GARCH Models.pdf
  • 76.81 KB
  • 2005-3-7