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  • EXCEL中国能源统计年鉴2020 有标题.zip

    • 0表格目录 中国能源统计年鉴2020.xlsx
    • 1-10_分地区废气中主要污染物排放情况(2019年).xlsx
    • 1-11_分地区废水中主要污染物排放情况(2019年).xlsx
    • 1-1_能源生产、消费与国内生产总值增长速度.xlsx
    • 1-2_国民经济和能源经济主要指标.xlsx
    • 1-3_万元国内生产总值能源消费量.xlsx
    • 1-4_能源加工转换效率.xlsx
    • 1-5_人均能源生产量和消费量.xlsx
    • 1-6_人均生活能源消费量.xlsx
    • 1-7_年末交通运输设备拥有量.xlsx
    • 1-8_主要能源品种进、出口量.xlsx
    • 1-9_主要高耗能产品的进、出口量.xlsx
    • 1.火电厂发电煤耗_Gross_Coal_Consumption_Rate_for_Fossil-Fired_Power_Plant.xlsx
    • 2-10_能源工业分行业投资构成.xlsx
    • 2-11_分地区能源工业投资比上年增长情况.xlsx
    • 2-12_分地区煤炭采选业投资比上年增长情况.xlsx
    • 2-13_分地区石油和天然气开采业投资比上年增长情况.xlsx
    • 2-14_分地区电力、蒸汽、热水生产和供应业投资比上年增长情况.xlsx
    • 2-15_分地区石油加工及炼焦业投资比上年增长情况.xlsx
    • 2-16_分地区煤气生产和供应业投资比上年增长情况.xlsx
    • 2-1_国有经济能源工业分行业固定资产投资比上年增长情况.xlsx
    • 2-2_国有经济能源工业分行业固定资产投资构成.xlsx
    • 2-3_分地区国有经济能源工业固定资产投资比上年增长情况.xlsx
    • 2-4_分地区国有经济煤炭采选业固定资产投资比上年增长情况.xlsx
    • 2-5_分地区国有经济石油和天然气开采业固定资产投资比上年增长情况.xlsx
    • 2-6 分地区国有经济电力、蒸汽、热水生产和供应业固定资产投资比上年增长情况.xlsx
    • 2-7_分地区国有经济石油加工及炼焦业固定资产投资比上年增长情况.xlsx
    • 2-8_分地区国有经济煤气生产和供应业固定资产投资比上年增长情况.xlsx
    • 2-9_能源工业分行业投资比上年增长情况.xlsx
    • 2.火电厂供电煤耗_Net_Coal_Consumption_Rate_for_Fossil-fired_Power_Plant.xlsx
    • 2019年电源结构_2019_Power_Generation_by_Source.xlsx
    • 3-10_分地区发电量.xlsx
    • 3-11_分地区水力发电量.xlsx
    • 3-12_分地区火力发电量.xlsx
    • 3-13_分地区核能、风力、太阳能发电量.xlsx
    • 3-14_分地区城市天然气供应情况.xlsx
    • 3-15_分地区城市人工煤气供应情况.xlsx
    • 3-16_分地区城市液化石油气供应情况.xlsx
    • 3-17_分地区城市集中供热情况.xlsx
    • 3-1_一次能源生产总量及构成.xlsx
    • 3-2_分地区原煤生产量.xlsx
    • 3-3_分地区焦炭生产量.xlsx
    • 3-4_分地区原油生产量.xlsx
    • 3-5_分地区汽油生产量.xlsx
    • 3-6_分地区煤油生产量.xlsx
    • 3-7_分地区柴油生产量.xlsx
    • 3-8_分地区燃料油生产量.xlsx
    • 3-9_分地区天然气生产量.xlsx
    • 3.钢可比能耗_Comparable_Energy_Consumption_for_Steel.xlsx
    • 4-10_分行业柴油消费总量.xlsx
    • 4-11_分行业燃料油消费总量.xlsx
    • 4-12_分行业天然气消费总量.xlsx
    • 4-13_分行业电力消费总量.xlsx
    • 4-14_分地区分品种能源消费量-2019.xlsx
    • 4-1_能源消费总量及构成.xlsx
    • 4-2_工业分行业终端能源消费量(实物量)-2019.xlsx
    • 4-3_工业分行业终端能源消费量(标准量)-2019.xlsx
    • 4-4_分行业能源消费总量.xlsx
    • 4-5_分行业煤炭消费总量.xlsx
    • 4-6_分行业焦炭消费总量.xlsx
    • 4-7_分行业原油消费总量.xlsx
    • 4-8_分行业汽油消费总量.xlsx
    • 4-9_分行业煤油消费总量.xlsx
    • 4.电解铝交流电耗_Alternating_Current_Power_Consumption_for_Electrolytic_Aluminium.xlsx
    • 5-10_煤油平衡表.xlsx
    • 5-11_柴油平衡表.xlsx
    • 5-12_液化石油气平衡表.xlsx
    • 5-13_天然气平衡表.xlsx
    • 5-14_电力平衡表.xlsx
    • 5-1_全国能源平衡表(实物量)-2019.xlsx
    • 5-2_全国能源平衡表(标准量)-2019.xlsx
    • 5-3_综合能源平衡表.xlsx
    • 5-4_煤炭平衡表.xlsx
    • 5-5_焦炭平衡表.xlsx
    • 5-6_石油平衡表.xlsx
    • 5-7_原油平衡表.xlsx
    • 5-8_燃料油平衡表.xlsx
    • 5-9_汽油平衡表.xlsx
    • 5.水泥综合能耗_Fully_Energy_Consumption_for_Cement.xlsx
    • 6-10_江苏能源平衡表(实物量)-2019.xlsx
    • 6-11_浙江能源平衡表(实物量)-2019.xlsx
    • 6-12_安徽能源平衡表(实物量)-2019.xlsx
    • 6-13_福建能源平衡表(实物量)-2019.xlsx
    • 6-14_江西能源平衡表(实物量)-2019.xlsx
    • 6-15_山东能源平衡表(实物量)-2019.xlsx
    • 6-16_河南能源平衡表(实物量)-2019.xlsx
    • 6-17_湖北能源平衡表(实物量)-2019.xlsx
    • 6-18_湖南能源平衡表(实物量)-2019.xlsx
    • 6-19_广东能源平衡表(实物量)-2019.xlsx
    • 6-1_北京能源平衡表(实物量)-2019.xlsx
    • 6-20_广西能源平衡表(实物量)-2019.xlsx
    • 6-21_海南能源平衡表(实物量)-2019.xlsx
    • 6-22_重庆能源平衡表(实物量)-2019.xlsx
    • 6-23_四川能源平衡表(实物量)-2019.xlsx
    • 6-24_贵州能源平衡表(实物量)-2019.xlsx
    • 6-25_云南能源平衡表(实物量)-2019.xlsx
    • 6-26_陕西能源平衡表(实物量)-2019.xlsx
    • 6-27_甘肃能源平衡表(实物量)-2019.xlsx
    • 6-28_青海能源平衡表(实物量)-2019.xlsx
    • 6-29_宁夏能源平衡表(实物量)-2019.xlsx
    • 6-2_天津能源平衡表(实物量)-2019.xlsx
    • 6-30_新疆能源平衡表(实物量)-2019.xlsx
    • 6-3_河北能源平衡表(实物量)-2019.xlsx
    • 6-4_山西能源平衡表(实物量)-2019.xlsx
    • 6-5_内蒙古能源平衡表(实物量)-2019.xlsx
    • 6-6_辽宁能源平衡表(实物量)-2019.xlsx
    • 6-7_吉林能源平衡表(实物量)-2019.xlsx
    • 6-8_黑龙江能源平衡表(实物量)-2019.xlsx
    • 6-9_上海能源平衡表(实物量)-2019.xlsx
    • 6.乙烯综合能耗_Fully_Energy_Consumption_for_Ethylene.xlsx
    • 7-1_香港主要能源及相关指标.xlsx
    • 7-2_香港电力、煤气、水消费量.xlsx
    • 7-3_香港油产品净进口量.xlsx
    • 7-4_香港煤产品净进口量.xlsx
    • 7-5_香港电力生产、消费和进出口.xlsx
    • 7-6_澳门电力供应及消费.xlsx
    • 7-7_澳门电力、燃料及水消费量.xlsx
    • 7.合成氨综合能耗_Fully_Energy_Consumption_for_Sythetic_Ammonia.xlsx
    • 8.纸和纸板综合能耗_Full_Energy_Consumption_for_Paper_and_Paperboard.xlsx
    • 附录1-1_台湾省主要能源及相关指标.xlsx
    • 附录1-2_台湾省分行业电力消费量.xlsx
    • 附录1-3_台湾省能源供给总量及构成.xlsx
    • 附录1-4_台湾省能源消费总量及分部门消费构成.xlsx
    • 附录1-5_台湾省发电量和售电量.xlsx
    • 附录2-10_终端能源消费总量.xlsx
    • 附录2-11_煤炭供应量.xlsx
    • 附录2-12_石油供应量.xlsx
    • 附录2-13_天然气供应量.xlsx
    • 附录2-14_总发电量.xlsx
    • 附录2-15_国内生产总值电耗(2010年价).xlsx
    • 附录2-16_人均电力消费量.xlsx
    • 附录2-17_煤炭净进口量.xlsx
    • 附录2-18_石油净进口量.xlsx
    • 附录2-19_天然气净进口量.xlsx
    • 附录2-1_人口数.xlsx
    • 附录2-2_国内生产总值汇率算法(2010年价格).xlsx
    • 附录2-3_能源生产总量.xlsx
    • 附录2-4_能源生产量_一次能源供应总量(能源自给率).xlsx
    • 附录2-5_一次能源供应总量_GDP(2010年价格).xlsx
    • 附录2-6_人均能源供应量.xlsx
    • 附录2-7_煤生产量.xlsx
    • 附录2-8_原油和天然气凝析液生产量.xlsx
    • 附录2-9_天然气生产量.xlsx
    • 附录4 各种能源折标准煤参考系数.xlsx
  • 2.16 MB
  • 2022-1-19
  • 中国能源统计年鉴2020(excel)【19数据】.zip

    • 1-9_主要高耗能产品的进、出口量.xlsx
    • 1-10_分地区废气中主要污染物排放情况(2019年).xlsx
    • 1-11_分地区废水中主要污染物排放情况(2019年).xlsx
    • 2.火电厂供电煤耗_Net_Coal_Consumption_Rate_for_Fossil-fired_Power_Plant.xlsx
    • 2-1_国有经济能源工业分行业固定资产投资比上年增长情况.xlsx
    • 2-2_国有经济能源工业分行业固定资产投资构成.xlsx
    • 2-3_分地区国有经济能源工业固定资产投资比上年增长情况.xlsx
    • 2-4_分地区国有经济煤炭采选业固定资产投资比上年增长情况.xlsx
    • 2-5_分地区国有经济石油和天然气开采业固定资产投资比上年增长情况.xlsx
    • 2-6 分地区国有经济电力、蒸汽、热水生产和供应业固定资产投资比上年增长情况.xlsx
    • 2-7_分地区国有经济石油加工及炼焦业固定资产投资比上年增长情况.xlsx
    • 2-8_分地区国有经济煤气生产和供应业固定资产投资比上年增长情况.xlsx
    • 2-9_能源工业分行业投资比上年增长情况.xlsx
    • 2-10_能源工业分行业投资构成.xlsx
    • 2-11_分地区能源工业投资比上年增长情况.xlsx
    • 2-12_分地区煤炭采选业投资比上年增长情况.xlsx
    • 2-13_分地区石油和天然气开采业投资比上年增长情况.xlsx
    • 2-14_分地区电力、蒸汽、热水生产和供应业投资比上年增长情况.xlsx
    • 2-15_分地区石油加工及炼焦业投资比上年增长情况.xlsx
    • 2-16_分地区煤气生产和供应业投资比上年增长情况.xlsx
    • 3.钢可比能耗_Comparable_Energy_Consumption_for_Steel.xlsx
    • 3-1_一次能源生产总量及构成.xlsx
    • 3-2_分地区原煤生产量.xlsx
    • 3-3_分地区焦炭生产量.xlsx
    • 3-4_分地区原油生产量.xlsx
    • 3-5_分地区汽油生产量.xlsx
    • 3-6_分地区煤油生产量.xlsx
    • 3-7_分地区柴油生产量.xlsx
    • 3-8_分地区燃料油生产量.xlsx
    • 3-9_分地区天然气生产量.xlsx
    • 3-10_分地区发电量.xlsx
    • 3-11_分地区水力发电量.xlsx
    • 3-12_分地区火力发电量.xlsx
    • 3-13_分地区核能、风力、太阳能发电量.xlsx
    • 3-14_分地区城市天然气供应情况.xlsx
    • 3-15_分地区城市人工煤气供应情况.xlsx
    • 3-16_分地区城市液化石油气供应情况.xlsx
    • 3-17_分地区城市集中供热情况.xlsx
    • 4.电解铝交流电耗_Alternating_Current_Power_Consumption_for_Electrolytic_Aluminium.xlsx
    • 4-1_能源消费总量及构成.xlsx
    • 4-2_工业分行业终端能源消费量(实物量)-2019.xlsx
    • 4-3_工业分行业终端能源消费量(标准量)-2019.xlsx
    • 4-4_分行业能源消费总量.xlsx
    • 4-5_分行业煤炭消费总量.xlsx
    • 4-6_分行业焦炭消费总量.xlsx
    • 4-7_分行业原油消费总量.xlsx
    • 4-8_分行业汽油消费总量.xlsx
    • 4-9_分行业煤油消费总量.xlsx
    • 4-10_分行业柴油消费总量.xlsx
    • 4-11_分行业燃料油消费总量.xlsx
    • 4-12_分行业天然气消费总量.xlsx
    • 4-13_分行业电力消费总量.xlsx
    • 4-14_分地区分品种能源消费量-2019.xlsx
    • 5.水泥综合能耗_Fully_Energy_Consumption_for_Cement.xlsx
    • 5-1_全国能源平衡表(实物量)-2019.xlsx
    • 5-2_全国能源平衡表(标准量)-2019.xlsx
    • 5-3_综合能源平衡表.xlsx
    • 5-4_煤炭平衡表.xlsx
    • 5-5_焦炭平衡表.xlsx
    • 5-6_石油平衡表.xlsx
    • 5-7_原油平衡表.xlsx
    • 5-8_燃料油平衡表.xlsx
    • 5-9_汽油平衡表.xlsx
    • 5-10_煤油平衡表.xlsx
    • 5-11_柴油平衡表.xlsx
    • 5-12_液化石油气平衡表.xlsx
    • 5-13_天然气平衡表.xlsx
    • 5-14_电力平衡表.xlsx
    • 6.乙烯综合能耗_Fully_Energy_Consumption_for_Ethylene.xlsx
    • 6-1_北京能源平衡表(实物量)-2019.xlsx
    • 6-2_天津能源平衡表(实物量)-2019.xlsx
    • 6-3_河北能源平衡表(实物量)-2019.xlsx
    • 6-4_山西能源平衡表(实物量)-2019.xlsx
    • 6-5_内蒙古能源平衡表(实物量)-2019.xlsx
    • 6-6_辽宁能源平衡表(实物量)-2019.xlsx
    • 6-7_吉林能源平衡表(实物量)-2019.xlsx
    • 6-8_黑龙江能源平衡表(实物量)-2019.xlsx
    • 6-9_上海能源平衡表(实物量)-2019.xlsx
    • 6-10_江苏能源平衡表(实物量)-2019.xlsx
    • 6-11_浙江能源平衡表(实物量)-2019.xlsx
    • 6-12_安徽能源平衡表(实物量)-2019.xlsx
    • 6-13_福建能源平衡表(实物量)-2019.xlsx
    • 6-14_江西能源平衡表(实物量)-2019.xlsx
    • 6-15_山东能源平衡表(实物量)-2019.xlsx
    • 6-16_河南能源平衡表(实物量)-2019.xlsx
    • 6-17_湖北能源平衡表(实物量)-2019.xlsx
    • 6-18_湖南能源平衡表(实物量)-2019.xlsx
    • 6-19_广东能源平衡表(实物量)-2019.xlsx
    • 6-20_广西能源平衡表(实物量)-2019.xlsx
    • 6-21_海南能源平衡表(实物量)-2019.xlsx
    • 6-22_重庆能源平衡表(实物量)-2019.xlsx
    • 6-23_四川能源平衡表(实物量)-2019.xlsx
    • 6-24_贵州能源平衡表(实物量)-2019.xlsx
    • 6-25_云南能源平衡表(实物量)-2019.xlsx
    • 6-26_陕西能源平衡表(实物量)-2019.xlsx
    • 6-27_甘肃能源平衡表(实物量)-2019.xlsx
    • 6-28_青海能源平衡表(实物量)-2019.xlsx
    • 6-29_宁夏能源平衡表(实物量)-2019.xlsx
    • 6-30_新疆能源平衡表(实物量)-2019.xlsx
    • 7.合成氨综合能耗_Fully_Energy_Consumption_for_Sythetic_Ammonia.xlsx
    • 7-1_香港主要能源及相关指标.xlsx
    • 7-2_香港电力、煤气、水消费量.xlsx
    • 7-3_香港油产品净进口量.xlsx
    • 7-4_香港煤产品净进口量.xlsx
    • 7-5_香港电力生产、消费和进出口.xlsx
    • 7-6_澳门电力供应及消费.xlsx
    • 7-7_澳门电力、燃料及水消费量.xlsx
    • 8.纸和纸板综合能耗_Full_Energy_Consumption_for_Paper_and_Paperboard.xlsx
    • 2019年电源结构_2019_Power_Generation_by_Source.xlsx
    • 附录1-1_台湾省主要能源及相关指标.xlsx
    • 附录1-2_台湾省分行业电力消费量.xlsx
    • 附录1-3_台湾省能源供给总量及构成.xlsx
    • 附录1-4_台湾省能源消费总量及分部门消费构成.xlsx
    • 附录1-5_台湾省发电量和售电量.xlsx
    • 附录2-1_人口数.xlsx
    • 附录2-2_国内生产总值汇率算法(2010年价格).xlsx
    • 附录2-3_能源生产总量.xlsx
    • 附录2-4_能源生产量_一次能源供应总量(能源自给率).xlsx
    • 附录2-5_一次能源供应总量_GDP(2010年价格).xlsx
    • 附录2-6_人均能源供应量.xlsx
    • 附录2-7_煤生产量.xlsx
    • 附录2-8_原油和天然气凝析液生产量.xlsx
    • 附录2-9_天然气生产量.xlsx
    • 附录2-10_终端能源消费总量.xlsx
    • 附录2-11_煤炭供应量.xlsx
    • 附录2-12_石油供应量.xlsx
    • 附录2-13_天然气供应量.xlsx
    • 附录2-14_总发电量.xlsx
    • 附录2-15_国内生产总值电耗(2010年价).xlsx
    • 附录2-16_人均电力消费量.xlsx
    • 附录2-17_煤炭净进口量.xlsx
    • 附录2-18_石油净进口量.xlsx
    • 附录2-19_天然气净进口量.xlsx
    • 附录4 各种能源折标准煤参考系数.xlsx
    • 1.火电厂发电煤耗_Gross_Coal_Consumption_Rate_for_Fossil-Fired_Power_Plant.xlsx
    • 1-1_能源生产、消费与国内生产总值增长速度.xlsx
    • 1-2_国民经济和能源经济主要指标.xlsx
    • 1-3_万元国内生产总值能源消费量.xlsx
    • 1-4_能源加工转换效率.xlsx
    • 1-5_人均能源生产量和消费量.xlsx
    • 1-6_人均生活能源消费量.xlsx
    • 1-7_年末交通运输设备拥有量.xlsx
    • 1-8_主要能源品种进、出口量.xlsx
  • 2.14 MB
  • 2021-8-28
  • RETFFB (pdf).zip

    • Renewable Energy Transformation or Fossil Fuel Backlash_Vested Interests in the Political Economy.pdf
  • 2.31 MB
  • 2017-1-11
  • RETFFB (epub).zip

    • Renewable Energy Transformation or Fossil Fuel Backlash_Vested Interests in the Political Economy.epub
  • 1.07 MB
  • 2017-1-11
  • RETFFB (pdf epub).zip

    • Renewable Energy Transformation or Fossil Fuel Backlash_Vested Interests in the Political Economy.pdf
    • Renewable Energy Transformation or Fossil Fuel Backlash_Vested Interests in the Political Economy.epub
  • 3.39 MB
  • 2017-1-11
  • Rereading the Fossil Record_The Growth of Paleobiology as an Evolutionary Discipline.zip

    • Rereading the Fossil Record_The Growth of Paleobiology as an Evolutionary Discipline.pdf
  • 2.29 MB
  • 2016-11-27
  • NCE4-美音-(MP3).zip

    • 01-Finding Fossil Man.mp3
    • 02-Spare That Spider.mp3
    • 03-Matterhorn Man.mp3
    • 04-Seeing Hands.mp3
    • 05-Youth.mp3
    • 06-The Sporting Spirit.mp3
    • 07-Bats.mp3
    • 08-Trading Standards.mp3
    • 09-Royal Espionage.mp3
    • 10-Silicon Valley.mp3
    • 11-How to Grow Old.mp3
    • 12-Banks and Their Customers.mp3
    • 13-The Search for Oil.mp3
    • 14-The Butterfly Effect.mp3
    • 15-Secrecy in Industry.mp3
    • 16-The Modern City.mp3
    • 17-A Man-made Disease.mp3
    • 18-Porpoises.mp3
    • 19-The Stuff of Dreams.mp3
    • 20-Snake Poison.mp3
    • 21-William S. Hart and the Early Western Film.mp3
    • 22-Knowledge and Progress.mp3
    • 23-Bird Flight.mp3
    • 24-Beauty.mp3
  • 62.65 MB
  • 2016-3-13
  • 碳金融资料2.zip

    • 5276-fossil-fuel-price-shocks-and-a-low-carbon-economy.pdf
    • 201111IPCC_Ch11-Policy financing and implementation.pdf
    • 201210海运排放maritime emission.pdf
    • 2013CPI-Effective-Green-Financing-What-have-we-learned-so-far[1].pdf
    • 2013CPI-The-Challenge-of-Institutional-Investment-in-Renewable-Energy.pdf
    • 2013FS-Green-Finance[1].pdf
    • 2013GIZ_Green_Finance.pdf
    • 2013ODI-subsidies.pdf
    • 2013UNEP_FI_Investor_Briefing_Portfolio_Carbon.pdf
    • 2013WRI-adaptation_finance_plumbing.pdf
    • 2013WRI-mobilizing_climate_investment.pdf
    • 2013WRI-survey_of_public_financing_institutions_use_of_instruments[1].pdf
    • 2013WRI-us_contribution_fast_start_finance_2012_update[1].pdf
    • 2013个人投资者应对气候变化风险指南SRI_Climate_Guide.pdf
  • 20.53 MB
  • 2014-2-4
  • 世界银行能源数据.zip

    • fossil-fuel-energy-consumption-percentage-of-total_en.xls
    • alternative-and-nuclear-energy-percentage-of-total-energy-use_en.xls
    • combustible-renewables-and-waste-percentage-of-total-energy_en.xls
    • combustible-renewables-and-waste-metric-tons-of-oil-equivalent_en.xls
    • electric-power-consumption-kwh_en.xls
    • electric-power-transmission-and-distribution-losses-percentage-of-output_en.xls
    • electric-power-transmission-and-distribution-losses-kwh_en.xls
    • electricity-production-kwh_en.xls
    • electricity-production-from-coal-sources-percentage-of-total_en.xls
    • electricity-production-from-coal-sources-kwh_en.xls
    • electricity-production-from-hydroelectric-sources-percentage-of-total_en.xls
    • electricity-production-from-hydroelectric-sources-kwh_en.xls
    • electricity-production-from-natural-gas-sources-percentage-of-total_en.xls
    • electricity-production-from-natural-gas-sources-kwh_en.xls
    • electricity-production-from-nuclear-sources-percentage-of-total_en.xls
    • electricity-production-from-nuclear-sources-kwh_en.xls
    • electricity-production-from-oil-sources-percentage-of-total_en.xls
    • electricity-production-from-oil-sources-kwh_en.xls
    • energy-imports-net-percentage-of-energy-use_en.xls
    • energy-production-kt-of-oil-equivalent_en.xls
    • energy-use-kg-of-oil-equivalent-per-capita_en.xls
    • energy-use-kg-of-oil-equivalent-per-dollars1000-gdp-constant-2005-ppp_en.xls
    • energy-use-kt-of-oil-equivalent_en.xls
    • fuel-exports-percentage-of-merchandise-exports_en.xls
    • fuel-imports-percentage-of-merchandise-imports_en.xls
    • gdp-per-unit-of-energy-use-constant-2005-ppp-dollars-per-kg-of-oil-equivalent_en.xls
    • gdp-per-unit-of-energy-use-ppp-dollars-per-kg-of-oil-equivalent_en.xls
    • pump-price-for-diesel-fuel-us-dollars-per-liter_en.xls
    • pump-price-for-gasoline-us-dollars-per-liter_en.xls
  • 1.24 MB
  • 2011-5-11
  • 英语现代背诵篇章1.rar

    • 12-Museums.mp3
    • 13-Skyscrapers and Environment.mp3
    • 14-A Rare Fossil Record.mp3
    • 15-The Nobel Academy.mp3
    • 16-The War Between Britain and France.mp3
    • 17-Evolution of Sleep.mp3
    • 18-Modern American Universities.mp3
    • 19-Children's Numerical Skills.mp3
    • 20-The Historical Significance of the American Revolution.mp3
    • 21-The Origin of Sports.mp3
    • 01-The Language of Music.mp3
    • 02-Schooling and Education.mp3
    • 03-The Definition of Price.mp3
    • 04-Electricity.mp3
    • 05-The Beginning of Drama.mp3
    • 06-Television.mp3
    • 07-Andrew Carnegie.mp3
    • 08-American Revolution.mp3
    • 09-Suburbanization.mp3
    • 10-Types of Speech.mp3
    • 11-Archaeology.mp3
  • 38.01 MB
  • 2011-4-21
  • 各国碳排放数据.rar

    • National CO2 Emissions from Fossil-Fuel Burning,Cement Manufacture, and Gas Flaring( 1751-2004).xls
  • 299.93 KB
  • 2011-2-25
  • 低碳经济学术论文1.rar

    • Climate policy and the optimal extraction of high-and low-carbon fossil fuels.pdf
    • (重要)The strategy of energy-related carbon emission reduction in Shanghai.pdf
    • (重要)Transitioning to low carbon communities—from behaviour change to systemic change: Lessons from Australia.pdf
    • (重要)Will future low-carbon schools in the UK have an overheating problem?.pdf
    • (重要)从创建低碳经济到应对能源挑战_解读英国能源政策的变化与特点.caj
    • (重要)低碳经济_理念_实践_创新.caj
    • (重要)低碳经济的发展模式研究.caj
    • (重要)低碳经济发展的技术经济范式与路径思考.kdh
    • (重要)低碳经济发展模式与中国的选择.kdh
    • (重要)低碳经济与环境金融创新.caj
    • (重要)低碳经济与清洁发展机制.caj
    • (重要)低碳经济与中国经济发展模式转型.caj
    • (重要)低碳世界中的中国:地位、挑战与战略.pdf
    • (重要)国外发展低碳经济的政策及启示.kdh
    • (重要)基于MFA分析下的低碳经济发展战略.kdh
    • (重要)江西发展低碳经济的思考.kdh
    • (重要)绿色奥运与低碳经济.kdh
    • (重要)南昌发展低碳经济的路径选择研究.kdh
    • (重要)我国发展低碳经济的政策工具创新.caj
    • (重要)我国生态消耗与经济发展的动态比较研究_关于西部地区发展低碳经济的考量.caj
    • (重要)意大利的低碳经济发展政策.kdh
    • (重要)英国发展低碳经济应对气候变化和能源安全的理念和最新进展.caj
    • (重要)中国发展低碳经济的困难与障碍分析.kdh
    • (庄贵阳)How Will China Move towards Becoming a Low carbon economy?.pdf
    • _低碳经济_概述及其在中国的发展.kdh
    • _气候变化与低碳经济发展媒体高层论坛_2009气候变化中国声音_在京召开.kdh
    • 2020年中国低碳经济目标_单位GDP二氧化碳排放降50_.caj
    • A Chinese sky trust?: Distributional impacts of carbon charges and revenue recycling in China.pdf
    • a low-carbon scenario creation method for a local scale economy and its application in Kyoto city.pdf
    • AGE analysis of the impact of a carbon energy tax on the Irish economy.pdf
    • An integrated analysis of policies that increase investments in advanced energy-efficient low-carbon technologies.pdf
    • Analysis and integration of fuel cell combined cycles for development of low-carbon energy technologies.pdf
    • Assessing the economic impacts of agricultural carbon sequestration:Terraces and agroforestry in the Peruvian Andes.pdf
    • Building capacity for low-carbon communities:The role of grassroots initiatives.pdf
    • Catalyzing strategic transformationtoalow-carboneconomy:ACCS roadmap for China.pdf
    • Climate change policy:quantifying uncertainties for damages and optimal carbon taxes.pdf
    • Climate Policy, Ecological modernization and the UK Emission trading scheme.pdf
    • Conceptual study of distributed CO2 capture and the sustainable carbon economy.pdf
    • Deregulation in an energy market and its impact on R&D for low-carbon energy technology.pdf
    • Developing pathways to low carbon land-based passenger transport in Great Britain by 2050.pdf
    • Different scenarios for achieving radical reduction in carbon emissions:a decomposition analysis.pdf
    • Diversity and security in UK electricity generation: The influence of low-carbon objectives.pdf
    • Domestic futures—Which way to a low-carbon housing stock?.pdf
    • Economic evaluation of the geological storage of CO2 considering the scale of economy.pdf
    • Economic feasibility of carbon sequestration with enhanced gas recovery(CSEGR).pdf
    • Economy and ecology of emerging markets and credits for bio-sequestered carbon on private land in tropical Australia.pdf
    • Energy and carbon taxes and their distributional implications.pdf
    • Energy consumption, carbon emissions, and economic growth in China.pdf
    • Energy consumption, economic growth, and carbon emissions:challenges faced by an EU candidate member.pdf
    • European and Japanese fuel economy initiatives: what they are, their prospects for success, their usefulness as a guide for US action.pdf
    • fire,thinning,and the carbon economy:effects of fire and fire surrogate treatments on estimated carbon storage and sequestration rate.pdf
    • From hydrocarbon to hydrogen–carbon to hydrogen economy.pdf
    • From sustainable development to carbon control:eco-state restructuring and the politics of urban and regioanl development.pdf
    • From the petroeconomy to the bioeconomy:integrating bioenergy production with agricultural demands.pdf
    • How carbon credits could drive the emergence of renewable energies.pdf
    • Hydrogen economy in Taiwan and biohydrogen.pdf
    • Hydrogen production from biomass coupled with carbon dioxide capture: The implications of thermodynamic equilibrium.pdf
    • Key policy considerations for facilitating low carbon technology transfer to developing countries.pdf
    • Low-carbon communities as a context for individual behavioural change.pdf
    • Low-carbon energy policy and ambient air pollution in Shanghai,China:A health-based economic assessment.pdf
    • Low-Stabilisation Scenarios and Technologies for Carbon capture and sequestration.pdf
    • Macroeconomic and sectoral impacts of carbon taxation.pdf
    • Market influence on the low carbon energy refurbishment of existing multi-residential buildings.pdf
    • More than a carbon economy: nutrient trade and ecological sustainability in facultative arbuscular mycorrhizal symbioses.pdf
    • North and south: Regional footprints on the transition pathway towards a low carbon,global economy.pdf
    • opportunities for low carbon sustainability in large commercial buildings in China.pdf
    • Paths to a low-carbon economy – the Masdar example.pdf
    • Policy interactions, risk and price formation in carbon markets.pdf
    • Potential futures for road transportation CO2 emissions in the Asia Pacific.pdf
    • Powering or de-powering future vehicles to reach low carbon outcomes: the long term view 1930–2020.pdf
    • (重要)Analysis of China’s Renewable Energy development under the current economic and technical circumstances.pdf
    • (重要)Decomposition analysis of CO2 emission in long-term climate stabilization scenarios.pdf
    • (重要)Developing a long-term local society design methodology towards a low-carbon economy:An application to shiga prefecture in Japan.pdf
    • (重要)does the private sector help or hurt the environment?evidence from carbon dioxide pollution in developing countries.pdf
    • (重要)national trajectories of carbon emissions:analysis of proposals to foster the transition to low-carbon economies.pdf
    • (重要)Population aging and future carbon emissions in the United States.pdf
    • (重要)Recent Advances in CO2 Capture and Utilization.pdf
  • 31.54 MB
  • 2009-10-27
  • 244452.pdf
       [下载]Energy Efficiency Indicators for Public Electricity Production from Fossil Fuels

  • 750.14 KB
  • 2008-9-6