大小 上传时间
  • full-set-of-gri-standards-traditional-chinese.zip

    • GRI 303- Water and Effluents 2018 - Traditional Chinese.pdf
    • GRI 306- Effluents and Waste 2016 - Traditional Chinese.pdf
    • GRI 1- Foundation 2021 - Traditional Chinese.pdf
    • GRI 11- Oil and Gas Sector 2021 - Traditional Chinese.pdf
    • GRI 2- General Disclosures 2021 - Traditional Chinese.pdf
    • GRI 201- Economic Performance 2016 - Traditional Chinese.pdf
    • GRI 202- Market Presense 2016 - Traditional Chinese.pdf
    • GRI 203- Indirect Economic Impacts 2016 - Traditional Chinese.pdf
    • GRI 204- Procurement Practices 2016 - Traditional Chinese.pdf
    • GRI 205- Anti-corruption 2016 - Traditional Chinese.pdf
    • GRI 206- Anti-competitive Behaviour 2016 - Traditional Chinese.pdf
    • GRI 207- Tax 2019 - Traditional Chinese.pdf
    • GRI 3- Material Topics 2021 - Traditional Chinese.pdf
    • GRI 301- Materials 2016 - Traditional Chinese.pdf
    • GRI 302- Energy 2016 - Traditional Chinese.pdf
    • GRI 304- Biodiversity 2016 - Traditional Chinese.pdf
    • GRI 305- Emissions 2016 - Traditional Chinese.pdf
    • GRI 306- Waste 2020 - Traditional Chinese.pdf
    • GRI 308- Supplier Environmental Assessment 2016 - Traditional Chinese.pdf
    • GRI 401- Employment 2016 - Traditional Chinese.pdf
    • GRI 402- Labor-Management Relations 2016 - Traditional Chinese.pdf
    • GRI 403- Occupational Health and Safety 2018 - Traditional Chinese.pdf
    • GRI 404- Training and Education 2016 - Traditional Chinese.pdf
    • GRI 405- Diversity and Equal Opportunity 2016 - Traditional Chinese.pdf
    • GRI 406- Non-discrimination 2016 - Traditional Chinese.pdf
    • GRI 407- Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining 2016 - Traditional Chinese.pdf
    • GRI 408- Child Labor 2016 - Traditional Chinese.pdf
    • GRI 409- Forced or Compulsory Labor 2016 - Traditional Chinese.pdf
    • GRI 410- Security Practices 2016 - Traditional Chinese.pdf
    • GRI 411- Rights of Indigenous Peoples 2016 - Traditional Chinese.pdf
    • GRI 413- Local Communities 2016 - Traditional Chinese.pdf
    • GRI 414- Supplier Socail Assessment 2016 - Traditional Chinese.pdf
    • GRI 415- Public Policy 2016 - Traditional Chinese.pdf
    • GRI 416- Customer Health and Safety 2016 - Traditional Chinese.pdf
    • GRI 417- Marketing and Labeling 2016 - Traditional Chinese.pdf
    • GRI 418- Customer Privacy 2016 - Traditional Chinese.pdf
    • GRI Standards Glossary 2022 - Traditional Chinese.pdf
    • GRI 12 Coal Sector Standard 2022 - Traditional Chinese.pdf
  • 44.14 MB
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  • OReilly.Fluent.Python.2nd.Edition.2022.4.rar
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  • Fluent Visual Basic.rar

    • Fluent Visual Basic.pdf
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  • 2016-5-22
  • 31-7.zip

    • The-most-influential-journals-in-academic-accounting_2006_Accounting-Organizations-and-Society.pdf
    • Editorial-Board_2006_Accounting-Organizations-and-Society.pdf
    • -Informing-technologies-and-the-World-Bank_2006_Accounting-Organizations-and-Society.pdf
    • Management-reporting-incentives-and-classification-credibility-The-effects-of-reporting-discretion-and-reputation_2006_Accounting-Organizations-and-So.pdf
    • Announcement_2006_Accounting-Organizations-and-Society.pdf
    • A-theory-of-the-corporate-decision-to-resist-FASB-standards-An-organization-theory-perspective_2006_Accounting-Organizations-and-Society.pdf
  • 1.19 MB
  • 2016-2-21
  • 实用多元统计分析.rar

    • effluent.sas
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  • 290.99 KB
  • 2010-10-27
  • 227202.pdf
       The Efficiency Value of Effluent Tax Revenues

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  • 166166.rar
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    • Integrating the valuation of ecosystem services into the Input–Output economics of an Alpine region.pdf
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    • Measuring the total economic value of restoring ecosystem services in an impaired river basin results from a contingent valuation survey.pdf
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    • The value of the world’s ecosystem services and natural capital.pdf
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