大小 上传时间
  • financial planning & analysis and performance management (2018).rar
       financial planning & analysis and performance management (2018)

    • financial planning & analysis and performance management (2018).epub
  • 17.8 MB
  • 2018-7-23
  • Financial Planning and Analysis.zip

    • FP&Areview.pdf
    • Syllabus FPA Columbia Spring 2014--Updated 3-18-14.pdf
  • 27.33 MB
  • 2018-1-22
  • 306.pdf
       financial planning 2nd Wiley

  • 14.89 MB
  • 2017-10-4
  • 清华大学陈云玲公司金融课件.zip

    • 0. Course Intro.pptx
    • 1. Introduction of Corporate Finance.pptx
    • 10. Risk and Return.pptx
    • 11. Cost of Capital.pptx
    • 12. Financial Leverage and Capital Structure Policy.pptx
    • 13. Stock Valuation.pptx
    • 14. Course Review.pptx
    • 2. Financial Statements, Taxes, and Cash Flow.pptx
    • 3. Working with Financial Statements.pptx
    • 4. Time, Money, and Valuation.pptx
    • 5. Interest Rates and Bond Valuation.pptx
    • 6. Long-term Financial Planning and Growth.pptx
    • 7. Net Present Value and Other Investment Criteria.pptx
    • 8. Making Capital Investment Decisions.pptx
    • 9. Project Analysis and Evaluation.pptx
  • 12.62 MB
  • 2017-6-18
  • Personal Financial Planning 13E Gitman TEST BANK.zip
       TEST BANK

    • Archive created by free jZip.url
    • Chapter 01 Test.rtf
    • Chapter 02 Test.rtf
    • Chapter 03 Test.rtf
    • Chapter 04 Test.rtf
    • Chapter 05 Test.rtf
    • Chapter 06 Test.rtf
    • Chapter 07 Test.rtf
    • Chapter 08 Test.rtf
    • Chapter 09 Test.rtf
    • Chapter 10 Test.rtf
    • Chapter 11 Test.rtf
    • Chapter 12 Test.rtf
    • Chapter 13 Test.rtf
    • Chapter 14 Test.rtf
    • Chapter 15 Test.rtf
    • cover.jpg
  • 314.5 KB
  • 2016-1-19
  • 公司理财.rar

    • Topic10-Dividend Policy.ppt
    • Topic00-Introduction to CorporateFinance.ppt
    • Topic01-Financial Goal andPrinciples.ppt
    • Topic02-FinancialEnvironment.ppt
    • Topic03-Financial Analysis andFinancial Planning.ppt
    • Topic04-Time Value of Money.ppt
    • Topic05-Risk and Return.ppt
    • Topic06-Financial SecurityValuation.ppt
    • Topic07-Fundamentals of CapitalBudgeting.ppt
    • Topic08-Extensions of CapitalBudgeting.ppt
    • Topic09-Capital StructureDecision.ppt
  • 2.53 MB
  • 2014-8-21
  • PFP.zip
       Personal Financial Planning

  • 11.53 MB
  • 2014-3-3
  • Excel Modeling in Corporate Finance, 4th edition.rar
       Excel Modeling in Corporate Finance, 4th edition

    • Excel Modeling in Corporate Finance Fourth Edition.pdf
    • Ch 01 Single Cash Flow - Ready-To-Build.xlsx
    • Ch 02 Annuity - Ready-To-Build.xlsx
    • Ch 03 NPV Using Constant Discounting - Ready-To-Build.xlsx
    • Ch 04 NPV Using General Discounting - Ready-To-Build.xlsx
    • Ch 05 Loan Amortization - Ready-To-Build.xlsx
    • Ch 06 Bond Pricing - Ready-To-Build.xlsx
    • Ch 07 Estimating the Cost of Capital - Ready-To-Build.xlsx
    • Ch 08 Stock Valuation - Ready-To-Build.xlsx
    • Ch 09 Firm And Project Val - Ready-To-Build.xlsx
    • Ch 10 The Yield Curve - Ready-To-Build.xlsx
    • Ch 11 US Yield Curve Dynamics - Ready-To-Build.xlsx
    • Ch 12 Capital Structure - Ready-To-Build.xlsx
    • Ch 13 Project NPV - Ready-To-Build.xlsx
    • Ch 14 Cost-Reducing Project - Ready-To-Build.xlsx
    • Ch 15 Break Even Analysis - Ready-To-Build.xlsx
    • Ch 16 Corporate Financial Planning - Ready-To-Build.xlsx
    • Ch 17 Du Pont System of Ratio Analysis - Ready-To-Build.xlsx
    • Ch 18 Life-Cycle Financial Planning - Ready-To-Build.xlsx
    • Ch 19 International Parity - Ready-To-Build.xlsx
    • Ch 20 Binomial Option Pricing - Ready-To-Build.xlsx
    • Ch 21 Real Options - Ready-To-Build.xlsx
    • Ch 22 Black-Scholes Option Pricing - Ready-To-Build.xlsx
    • Ch 23 Debt and Equity Valuation - Ready-To-Build.xlsx
  • 14.39 MB
  • 2012-7-2
  • Personal Financial planning-12e.rar

    • Person Financial planning.pdf
  • 11.35 MB
  • 2011-12-18
  • CFA考试Textbook大合集-1.zip

    • 01 - An Overview of Financial Management.pdf
    • 02 - Financial Statements, Cash Flow, and Taxes.pdf
    • 03 - Analysis of Financial Statements.pdf
    • 04 - Financial Planning and Forecasting.pdf
    • 05 - The Financial Environment Markets, Institutions, and Interest Rates.pdf
    • 06 - Risk and Rates of Return.pdf
    • 07 - Time Value of Money.pdf
    • 08 - Bonds and Their Valuation.pdf
    • CFA考试Textbook大合集-2.zip
  • 20.68 MB
  • 2010-12-12
  • CFA考试Textbook大合集-1.zip

    • 01 - An Overview of Financial Management.pdf
    • 02 - Financial Statements, Cash Flow, and Taxes.pdf
    • 03 - Analysis of Financial Statements.pdf
    • 04 - Financial Planning and Forecasting.pdf
    • 05 - The Financial Environment Markets, Institutions, and Interest Rates.pdf
    • 06 - Risk and Rates of Return.pdf
    • 07 - Time Value of Money.pdf
    • 08 - Bonds and Their Valuation.pdf
    • CFA考试Textbook大合集-2.zip
  • 20.68 MB
  • 2010-12-12
  • 统计软件课件.rar

    • The Effect of Financial Ratios on Returns from Initial Public Offerings.pdf
    • 第五章 SAS的多元统计分析(1).ppt
    • 第八章 预测与数据挖掘.ppt
    • A Discriminant Analysis of the Managers Perceptions of the Value of Marketing.pdf
    • A method for customer lifetime value ranking.pdf
    • SAS实验1、2、3.ppt
    • iris.sas7bdat
    • 第六章 SAS的多元统计分析(2).ppt
    • 第七章 实证分析研究与论文写作(研).ppt
    • 第一章SAS软件应用总论.ppt
    • 第二章SAS语言与描述统计.ppt
    • 第三章 SAS的基本统计分析.ppt
    • Dataclass.doc
    • 第四章 SAS的基本统计分析(2).ppt
    • Innovative managerial control system (IMCS).pdf
    • Study of the Financial Planning Behaviors of Chinese Senior Citizens.pdf
  • 9.22 MB
  • 2010-10-12
  • OECD关于水资源的7本书(政策、报告)英文.rar

    • Innovative Financing Mechanisms for the Water Sector.pdf
    • Managing Water for All - An OECD Perspective on Pricing and Financing.pdf
    • Pricing Water Resources and Water and Sanitation Services.pdf
    • Private Sector Participation in Water Infrastructure - OECD Checklist for Public Action.pdf
    • Strategic Financial Planning for Water Supply and Sanitation.pdf
    • Sustainable Management of Water Resources in Agriculture.pdf
  • 8.95 MB
  • 2010-5-9
  • 公司理财.rar

    • Topic06-Financial Security Valuation.ppt
    • Topic07-Fundamentals of Capital Budgeting.ppt
    • Topic08-Extensions of Capital Budgeting.ppt
    • Topic09-Capital Structure Decision.ppt
    • Topic10-Dividend Policy.ppt
    • Topic00-Introduction of Corporate Finance.ppt
    • Topic01-Financial Goal and Principles.ppt
    • Topic02-Financial Environment.ppt
    • Topic03-Financial Analysis and Financial Planning.ppt
    • Topic03-财务分析与财务计划.ppt
    • Topic04-Time Value of Money.ppt
    • Topic05-Risk and Return.ppt
  • 1.91 MB
  • 2010-2-24
  • Fundamentals of Financial Management, 10e.rar

    • 1 - An Overview of Financial Management.pdf
    • 2 - Financial Statements, Cash Flow, and Taxes.pdf
    • 3 - Analysis of Financial Statements.pdf
    • 4 - Financial Planning and Forecasting.pdf
    • 5 - The Financial Environment Markets, Institutions, and Interest Rates.pdf
    • 6 - Risk and Rates of Return.pdf
    • 7 - Time Value of Money.pdf
    • 8 - Bonds and Their Valuation.pdf
    • 9 - Stocks and Their Valuation.pdf
    • 10 - The Cost of Capital.pdf
    • 11 - The Basics of Capital Budgeting.pdf
    • 12 - Cash Flow Estimation and Risk Analysis.pdf
    • Appendix A - Mathematical Tables.pdf
    • Appendix B - Solutions to Self-Test Problems.pdf
    • Appendix C - Answers to End-of-Chapter Problems.pdf
    • Appendix D - Selected Equations and Data.pdf
    • Endsheets.pdf
    • 13 - Capital Structure and Leverage.pdf
    • 14 - Distributions to Shareholders Dividends and Share Repurchases.pdf
    • 15 - Working Capital Management.pdf
    • 16 - Multinational Financial Management.pdf
  • 20.62 MB
  • 2010-1-18
  • 296642.rar
       Financial Planning Using Excel: Forecasting, Planning and Budgeting Techniques

    • 1856175510.pdf
  • 9.96 MB
  • 2009-2-24
  • 265779.pdf
       Financial Planning using Excel

  • 4.03 MB
  • 2008-11-11
  • 264699.rar
       [下载]Financial Planning using Excel:Forcasting Planning and Budgeting Techniques

    • Financial Planning using Excel.pdf
  • 3.36 MB
  • 2008-11-8
  • 76982.rar

    • Innovative managerial control system (IMCS).pdf
    • sas2006.pdf
    • Study of the Financial Planning Behaviors of Chinese Senior Citizens.pdf
    • The Effect of Financial Ratios on Returns from Initial Public Offerings.pdf
    • fy.pdf
  • 11.35 MB
  • 2006-12-10
  • 58865.pdf
       [下载]Financial Planning and Growth

  • 76.62 KB
  • 2006-7-25
  • 35113.zip
       U of Alberta Corporate Financial Planning Notes

    • 14_GOING_PUBLIC.ppt
    • 14B_IPO_REVIEW.ppt
    • 17_REAL_OPTIONS.ppt
    • 17_REAL_OPTIONS_II.ppt
    • 17C_Risk_Neutral_Probabilities.ppt
    • 02B_ROE_vs._ROIC.ppt
    • 03_COST_OF_CAPITAL.ppt
    • 08B_Note_on_APV.ppt
    • 12_DIVIDEND_POLICY_New2.ppt
  • 1023.68 KB
  • 2005-12-20