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  • Insurance Company Valuation_2.zip

    • I17 四大\DTT-IFRS 17 Transition Resource Group meeting 3.pdf
    • I17 四大\DTT_global-ifrs-insurance-survey-2018.pdf
    • I17 四大\ey-good-life-insurance-pd-oct-2018.pdf
    • I17 四大\EY_Applying IFRS 17 A closer look at the new Insurance Contracts Standard.pdf
    • I17 四大\deloitte-cn-fs-implementing-ifrs-17-in-china-zh-170911.pdf
    • I17 四大\PwC ifrs-17-illustration-feb-26.pdf
    • I17 四大\PWC_IFRS 17:reinsurance needs careful consideration, a guide to the challenges ahead.pdf
    • I17 四大\PWC_ifrs-17-will-affect-how-reinsurers-conduct-business.pdf
    • I17 四大\PWC_Three simple ideas can take the panic out of your prep for IFRS 17.pdf
    • I17 四大\PWC_保险准则过渡工作组第二次会议讨论计量单元、合同边界及保障责任单元问题.pdf
    • I17 四大\KPMG Comment Letter on IASB ED-2013-7 and FASB Proposed Accounting Stand....pdf
    • I17 四大\KPMG Pacific Life Re IFRS support 29032018 - excl. fees and people.pptx
    • I17 四大\KPMG Pacific Life Re IFRS support 29032018.pptx
    • I17 四大\KPMG-CL-ED-2015-11-Applying-IFRS-9-with-IFRS 4.pdf
    • I17 四大\kpmg-navigating-change-ifrs17-9-benchmarking-report.pdf
    • I17 四大\IFRS17一般模型点的原则与实施难点-1201.pdf
    • I17 四大\IFRS4.2 保险合同会计准则最新进展与挑战__20160818_EY付振平.pdf
    • I17 四大\IFRS4 phase II update-金鹏.pdf
    • insurance-newsletter-2015-48.pdf
    • insurance-newsletter-2015-49.pdf
    • insurance-newsletter-2016-51.pdf
    • insurance-newsletter-2016-52.pdf
    • insurance-newsletter-2016-53.pdf
    • insurance-newsletter-2016-54.pdf
    • insurance-newsletter-2017-57.pdf
    • ifrs-17-accounting-model-a3-jan-2018.pdf
    • ifrs-17-effects-analysis.pdf
    • ifrs-17-factsheet.pdf
    • ifrs-17-in-it-to-win-it.pdf
    • ifrs-17-insurance-contracts-accounting-new-perspective.pdf
    • ifrs-17-project-summary.pdf
    • ifrs17-first-impressions-2017.pdf
    • ifrs17-transi.pdf
    • IFRS17_Full.pdf
    • IFRS17disclsoures28062017.pdf
    • IFRS4_SII.pptx
    • IFRS_17_Slipsheet_V9.pdf
    • IFRS_Peer_Analysis_v7.pdf
    • IFRS_Peer_Analysis_v7.pptx
    • IFRS_Slides_022817_Color.pdf
    • IFRS_update_Insurance_Partner_Conference_2017.pptx
  • 98.69 MB
  • 2021-4-22
  • 842 USGAAP.rar
       842 会计准则解读

    • 842 pwc-lease-accounting-guide.pdf
    • FASB_ASU 2016-02_842_Section A.docx Example 5.pdf
  • 3.8 MB
  • 2019-8-27
  • 31-7.zip

    • Editorial-Board_2006_Accounting-Organizations-and-Society.pdf
    • -Informing-technologies-and-the-World-Bank_2006_Accounting-Organizations-and-Society.pdf
    • Management-reporting-incentives-and-classification-credibility-The-effects-of-reporting-discretion-and-reputation_2006_Accounting-Organizations-and-So.pdf
    • Announcement_2006_Accounting-Organizations-and-Society.pdf
    • The-most-influential-journals-in-academic-accounting_2006_Accounting-Organizations-and-Society.pdf
    • A-theory-of-the-corporate-decision-to-resist-FASB-standards-An-organization-theory-perspective_2006_Accounting-Organizations-and-Society.pdf
  • 1.19 MB
  • 2016-2-21
  • 38-1.zip

    • Call-for-paper-MCA_2013_Accounting-Organizations-and-Society.pdf
    • Resisting-hybridisation-between-modes-of-clinical-risk-management-Contradiction-contest-and-the-production-of-intractable-conflict_2013_Accounting-Org.pdf
    • Management-accounting-and-control-practices-in-a-lean-manufacturing-environment_2013_Accounting-Organizations-and-Society.pdf
    • Call-for-paper-Financial-Reporting-and-Business-Communication-FRBC-conference_2013_Accounting-Organizations-and-Society.pdf
    • Globalization-paradox-and-the-un-making-of-identities-Immigrant-Chartered-Accountants-of-India-in-Canada_2013_Accounting-Organizations-and-Society.pdf
    • Editorial-board-and-publication-information_2013_Accounting-Organizations-and-Society.pdf
    • Management-Control-Association_2013_Accounting-Organizations-and-Society.pdf
    • Discourses-surrounding-the-evolution-of-the-IASB-FASB-Conceptual-Framework-What-they-reveal-about-the-living-law-of-accounting_2013_Accounting-Organiz.pdf
  • 4.02 MB
  • 2016-2-21
  • EY-Devel80-Revenue-May2014.pdf
       IFRS Developments Issue 80: IASB and FASB issue new revenue recognition standard — IFRS 15 (May 201 ...

  • 102.02 KB
  • 2014-8-15
  • 社会责任会计相关论文2.rar

    • 浅探现代企业社会责任信息披露.pdf
    • 如何评价美国FASB的财务会计概念框架.pdf
    • 上市公司社会责任报告解读与完善建议.pdf
    • 社会责任会计与传统企业会计的比较.pdf
    • 社会责任信息披露的动因与效果_一个综述.pdf
    • 试论社会责任会计理论对财务会计理论的影响.pdf
    • 谈企业社会责任信息的披露.pdf
    • 投资者对上市公司会计信息需求的调查分析.pdf
    • 论上市公司信息披露中的印象管理行为.pdf
    • 美国社会责任会计的广角透视.pdf
    • 企业的社会责任和会计责任_对接和耦合.pdf
    • 企业的社会责任与相关会计问题的探讨.pdf
    • 企业可持续发展与社会责任及其信息披露.pdf
    • 企业社会责任会计的三大理论基础.pdf
    • 企业社会责任评价体系的构建.pdf
    • 企业社会责任信息披露的构想_以国家电网公司社会责任报告为例.pdf
    • 企业社会责任信息披露影响因素实证研究.pdf
    • 企业社会责任与企业价值的相关性研究_来自沪市上市公司的经验证据.pdf
  • 4.41 MB
  • 2010-4-23
  • 葛家澍 会计研究论文合集.rar

    • 美国安然事件的经济背景分析.pdf
    • 财务会计的本质特点及其边界.pdf
    • 财务会计概念框架研究的比较与综评.pdf
    • 如何评价美国FASB的财务会计概念框架.pdf
    • 实质重于形式+欲速则不达.pdf
    • 论美国的会计概念框架与我国的基本会计准则.pdf
    • 公司治理与对外报告.pdf
    • 关于财务会计基本假设的重新思考.pdf
    • 关于我国会计制度和会计准则的制定问题.pdf
    • 关于高质量会计准则的几个问题.pdf
    • 国际会计准则委员会核心准则的未来.pdf
    • 什么是会计理论.pdf
    • 关于高质量会计准则和企业财务业绩报告改进的新动向.pdf
    • 安然事件的反思.pdf
    • 财务报告质量评估的探讨.pdf
  • 4.07 MB
  • 2009-11-24
  • 090402.rar

    • 试评IASB_FASB联合概念框架的某些改进_截至2008年10月16日的进展.pdf
    • 利益相关者价值取向的企业绩效评价_绩效三棱镜的应用案例.pdf
    • 企业动态财务规划系统研究.pdf
    • 上市银行内部控制实质性漏洞披露现状研究_基于民生银行的案例分析.pdf
  • 1.84 MB
  • 2009-7-20
  • 20090301.rar

    • IASB_FASB金融危机高层咨询组会议综述.pdf
    • XBRL最新国际动态.pdf
    • 贷款拨备_会计透明与银行稳健.pdf
    • 非活跃市场条件下金融工具计量问题研究.pdf
  • 965.91 KB
  • 2009-7-14
  • 327097.rar

    • Calculator--LeaseAcctgChange新准则对报表影响.doc
    • DI09-15Lessee_Acctg_PV毕马威对新准则的看法.pdf
    • ELFAStmtonDPELFA对新准则的看法.pdf
    • PwCPaper_0209普华对新准则的看法.pdf
    • 附件1_leases_dp_webslides_110509.pdf
    • 附件2_DPLeasesPreliminaryViews.pdf
  • 1.31 MB
  • 2009-5-19
  • 313177.pdf

  • 421.83 KB
  • 2009-4-9
  • 313176.pdf

  • 282.17 KB
  • 2009-4-9
  • 313175.pdf

  • 164.21 KB
  • 2009-4-9
  • 285191.rar

  • 12.07 MB
  • 2009-1-12
  • 276261.pdf
       [下载]FAS 157 (FASB公允价值计量)

  • 603.77 KB
  • 2008-12-13
  • 261792.rar

    • The Impact of Accounting Standards-Implications for the FASB.pdf
    • The Importance of High Quality Accounting Standards.pdf
    • The Importance of High Quality Standards.pdf
    • The Marketing of Accounting Standards.pdf
    • The politicization of accounting.pdf
    • Towards A Positive Theory of The Determination of Accounting Standards.pdf
    • What are the Best and the Worst Accounting Standards.pdf
    • “Political”Lobbying on Proposed Standards.pdf
    • Congress looks at accounting for business combination.pdf
    • Corporate financial statements,a product of the market and political process.pdf
    • The demand for and supply of accounting theory A market for excuses.pdf
  • 18.23 MB
  • 2008-10-31
  • 217047.pdf

  • 76 KB
  • 2008-6-3
  • 182703.rar

  • 1.84 MB
  • 2007-12-19
  • 125631.pdf
       FASB conceptual framework

  • 89.04 KB
  • 2007-6-12
  • 85699.rar

  • 45.21 MB
  • 2007-1-19
  • 74737.zip

    • Accounting for Financial Instruments with Characteristics of Liabilities, Equity, or Both.pdf
    • Accounting for Real Estate Time-Sharing Transactions—an amendment of FASB Statements No. 66 and 67.pdf
    • con1.pdf
    • con2.pdf
    • con3.pdf
    • con4.pdf
    • con5.pdf
    • con6.pdf
    • con7.pdf
    • Consolidated Financial Statements Purpose and Policy.pdf
    • Employers' Disclosures about Pensions and Other Postretirement Benefits—an amendment of FASB Statements No. 87, 88, and 106 and a replacement of FASB Statement No. 132.pdf
    • fas1.pdf
    • fas10.pdf
    • fas100.pdf
    • fas101.pdf
    • fas102.pdf
    • fas103.pdf
    • fas104.pdf
    • fas105.pdf
    • fas106.pdf
    • fas107.pdf
    • fas108.pdf
    • fas109.pdf
    • fas11.pdf
    • fas110.pdf
    • fas111.pdf
    • fas112.pdf
    • fas113.pdf
    • fas114.pdf
    • fas115.pdf
    • fas116.pdf
    • fas117.pdf
    • fas118.pdf
    • fas119.pdf
    • fas12.pdf
    • fas120.pdf
    • fas121.pdf
    • fas122.pdf
    • fas123.pdf
    • fas123r.pdf
    • fas124.pdf
    • fas125.pdf
    • fas126.pdf
    • fas127.pdf
    • fas128.pdf
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    • fas13.pdf
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    • fas131.pdf
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    • fas133.pdf
    • fas134.pdf
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    • fas15.pdf
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    • fas157.pdf
    • fas158.pdf
    • fas16.pdf
    • fas17.pdf
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    • fas19.pdf
    • fas2.pdf
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    • fas4.pdf
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    • fas5.pdf
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    • fas6.pdf
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    • fas61.pdf
    • fas62.pdf
    • fas63.pdf
    • fas64.pdf
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    • fas67.pdf
    • fas68.pdf
    • fas69.pdf
    • fas7.pdf
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    • fas71.pdf
    • fas72.pdf
    • fas73.pdf
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    • fas75.pdf
    • fas76.pdf
    • fas77.pdf
    • fas78.pdf
    • fas79.pdf
    • fas8.pdf
    • fas80.pdf
    • fas81.pdf
    • fas82.pdf
    • fas83.pdf
    • fas84.pdf
    • fas85.pdf
    • fas86.pdf
    • fas87.pdf
    • fas88.pdf
    • fas89.pdf
    • fas9.pdf
    • fas90.pdf
    • fas91.pdf
    • fas92.pdf
    • fas93.pdf
    • fas94.pdf
    • fas95.pdf
    • fas96.pdf
    • fas97.pdf
    • fas98.pdf
    • fas99.pdf
    • FASB Interpretation No. 46, Consolidation of Variable Interest Entities—an interpretation of ARB No. 51.pdf
    • FASB Statement No.149.pdf
    • Proposed Amendment to FASB Concepts Statement No. 6 to Revise the Definition of Liabilities-an amendment of FASB Concepts Statement No. 6.pdf
    • Qualifying Special-Purpose Entities and Isolation of Transferred Assets—an amendment of FASB Statement No. 140.pdf
    • —FASB Statement No. 150, Accounting for Certain Financial Instruments with Characteristics of both Liabilities and Equity.pdf
  • 45.66 MB
  • 2006-11-29
  • 72970.pdf

  • 281.37 KB
  • 2006-11-18
  • 72969.pdf

  • 460.5 KB
  • 2006-11-18
  • 72968.pdf

  • 479.56 KB
  • 2006-11-18
  • 72967.pdf

  • 137.26 KB
  • 2006-11-18
  • 62187.pdf

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  • 2006-8-28
  • 62186.pdf

  • 137.26 KB
  • 2006-8-28
  • 60672.rar
       US GAAP GUIDE-Restatement and Analysis of Current FASB Standards

    • US GAAP GUIDE-Restatement and Analysis of Current FASB Standards.doc
  • 826.52 KB
  • 2006-8-11