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  • 中国版Fama-French三因子模型数据和Stata代码(2000-2023年).zip

    • size and value in china(JFE).pdf
    • 中国版三因子模型更新.do
    • 结果整理.xlsx
  • 71.23 MB
  • 2024-2-21
  • 【推荐】Fama-French三因子模型数据和Stata代码(2000-2023年).zip

    • 三因子模型更新[经管之家momingqimiao7].do
    • 结果整理2.xlsx
  • 58.39 MB
  • 2024-2-21
  • Fama-French五因子模型数据和Stata代码(2000-2023年).zip

    • _Fama-French五因子模型在中国A股市场的实证研究.caj
    • Fama-French五因子模型比三因子模型更胜一筹吗——来自中国A股市场的经验证据.pdf
    • Fama_French五因子模型在中国股票市场的实证检验_李志冰.pdf
    • Size and Value in China.pdf
    • 五因子模型更新[momingqimiao7].do
  • 76 MB
  • 2024-2-18
  • 投资学-中央财经大学02.zip

    • (11.11.7)--2020年中国债券市场违约回顾与展望.pdf
    • (11.11.8)--2021年4月供给压力有待释放,债市可逢高配置.pdf
    • (11.11.9)--2021年4月深度分析本轮长期美债收益率上行的原因和影响.pdf
    • (11.11.10)--2021年第2季度全球稳定性趋强,债市震荡中择机.pdf
    • (11.12.1)--实战演练:债券久期、到期收益率和久期的Excel实现.pdf
    • (12.1.1)--第1单元收益率曲线.pdf
    • (12.2.1)--第2单元远期利率.pdf
    • (12.3.1)--第3单元期望假说理论.pdf
    • (12.4.1)--第4单元流动性偏好理论.pdf
    • (12.5.1)--第5单元市场分割理论.pdf
    • (6.5.1)--第5单元基金的交易.pdf
    • (6.6.1)--第6单元基金估值和收益.pdf
    • (6.7.1)--第7单元基金的评级.pdf
    • (6.8.1)--第8单元指数型基金介绍.pdf
    • (6.9.1)--第9单元ETF、LOF和QDII基金介绍.pdf
    • (6.10.1)--第10单元其他基金介绍.pdf
    • (6.11.1)--基金评级方法之比较研究——罗勇,2005.pdf
    • (6.11.2)--基金评级与资金流动—王擎等,2010.pdf
    • (6.11.3)--基金投资风格与基金分类的实证研究—曾晓洁,2004.pdf
    • (6.11.4)--中国证券投资基金风格分类研究—杨朝军等,2004.pdf
    • (6.11.5)--基金排名变化和羊群效应变化——路磊,2014.pdf
    • (6.11.6)--基于中国证券投资基金信息挖掘行为的实证分析——张宗新,2014.pdf
    • (6.11.7)--封闭式基金价格指数波动溢出效应研究_以深市基金指数为例_赵秀娟.pdf
    • (6.11.8)--国际分散化证券投资世界主要股市历史数据的实证研究_吴立广.pdf
    • (6.12.1)--参考资料.pdf
    • (7.1.1)--第1单元利率与利率水平的决定-课件.pdf
    • (7.2.1)--第2单元持有期收益率-课件.pdf
    • (7.3.1)--第3单元有效年利率与年化百分比利率-课件.pdf
    • (7.4.1)--第4单元风险与收益-课件.pdf
    • (7.6.1)--第6单元下侧风险-课件.pdf
    • (7.7.1)--第7单元风险资产组合的历史数据-课件.pdf
    • (7.8.1)--MetallgesellschaftAGACaseStudy.pdf
    • (7.8.2)--参考资料.pdf
    • (7.9.1)--RiskMeasurementforFinancialInsti.pdf
    • (7.10.1)--中国如何从金融周期顶部安全撤离.pdf
    • (7.10.2)--评估下一次房地产危机的风险.pdf
    • (8.1.1)--第1单元投资决策.pdf
    • (8.2.1)--第2单元投资者效用.pdf
    • (8.3.1)--第3单元投资者偏好与无差异曲线.pdf
    • (8.4.1)--第4单元资本配置线.pdf
    • (8.5.1)--第5单元资本市场线.pdf
    • (8.6.1)--第6单元分散化与资产组合风险.pdf
    • (8.7.1)--第7单元资产组合可行集与有效集.pdf
    • (8.8.1)--第8单元两种风险资产构成的组合的风险与收益.pdf
    • (8.9.1)--第9单元风险资产组合的有效集.pdf
    • (8.10.1)--第10单元最优的资产组合.pdf
    • (8.11.1)--第11单元资产组合选择模型和资本配置.pdf
    • (8.12.1)--思考题及解答.pdf
    • (8.13.1)--2019全球资产配置时代的到来.pdf
    • (8.13.2)--警惕居民债务快速上升的风险.pdf
    • (8.13.3)--中国家庭资产配置1.pdf
    • (8.14.1)--马科维茨均值方差模型的Matlab实现.pdf
    • (9.1.1)--第1单元CAPM假设与分离定理-课件.pdf
    • (9.2.1)--第2单元市场组合与市场均衡-课件.pdf
    • (9.3.1)--第3单元资本市场线-课件.pdf
    • (9.4.1)--第4单元证券市场线-课件.pdf
    • (9.5.1)--第5单元证券市场线与系统风险-课件.pdf
    • (9.5.2)--第5单元市场模型与系统性风险-课件.pdf
    • (9.6.1)--第6单元CAPM的扩展-课件.pdf
    • (9.7.1)--第7单元CAPM的应用:项目选择-课件.pdf
    • (9.8.1)--第8单元CAPM的局限、APT产生的背景-课件.pdf
    • (9.9.1)--第9单元单因子模型-课件.pdf
    • (9.10.1)--第10单元多因子模型-课件.pdf
    • (9.11.1)--第11单元套利、无套利原则-课件.pdf
    • (9.12.1)--第12单元套利资产组合与套利定价-课件.pdf
    • (9.13.1)--第13单元CAPM与APT的比较、因子选择-课件.pdf
    • (9.14.1)--思考题及解答.pdf
    • (9.15.1)--CAPM模型计算的MATLAB实现.pdf
    • (10.1.1)--第1单元市场有效性的本质-课件.pdf
    • (10.2.1)--第2单元弱势有效市场-课件.pdf
    • (10.3.1)--第3单元半强势有效市场-课件.pdf
    • (10.4.1)--第4单元半强势与强势有效市场-课件.pdf
    • (10.5.1)--第5单元与有效市场相关的问题-课件.pdf
    • (10.6.1)--第6单元行为金融与投资-课件.pdf
    • (10.7.1)--第7单元风险、风险溢价-课件.pdf
    • (10.8.1)--第8单元估计CAPM的beta和alpha-课件.pdf
    • (10.9.1)--第9单元根据股票的不同特征形成资产组合-课件.pdf
    • (10.10.1)--第10单元Fama-French三因素模型-课件.pdf
    • (10.11.1)--第11单元动量效应及四因素模型-课件.pdf
    • (10.12.1)--第12单元主要“异象”及其解释-课件.pdf
    • (10.13.1)--思考题及解答.pdf
    • (10.14.1)--DissectingAnomalies.pdf
    • (10.14.2)--Fama_French_multifactor_explanat.pdf
    • (11.1.1)--第1单元债券的特征.pdf
    • (11.2.1)--第2单元债券的分类与创新.pdf
    • (11.3.1)--第3单元息票日的债券定价.pdf
    • (11.4.1)--第4单元付息日之间的债券定价.pdf
    • (11.5.1)--第5单元债券收益的衡量方法.pdf
    • (11.6.1)--第6单元债券的风险种类.pdf
    • (11.7.1)--第7单元麦考利久期.pdf
    • (11.8.1)--第8单元组合久期.pdf
    • (11.9.1)--第9单元凸性.pdf
    • (11.10.1)--第10单元Malkiel定理.pdf
    • (11.11.1)--浮动利率债券的基准利率选择及定价.pdf
    • (11.11.2)--浮息债净价影响因素判别与基金利率选择.pdf
    • (11.11.3)--2020年债券市场发展报告.pdf
    • (11.11.4)--2020年债券市场统计分析报告.pdf
    • (11.11.5)--2020年中国债券市场概览.pdf
    • (11.11.6)--2020年中国债券市场评价表现和评价质量研究报告.pdf
  • 69.21 MB
  • 2024-2-12
  • A Five-Factor Asset Pricing Model.rar

    • fama2015.pdf
  • 428.92 KB
  • 2023-5-26
  • 中国版Fama-French三因子模型数据和Stata代码(2000-2022年).zip

    • size and value in china(JFE).pdf
    • 中国版三因子模型更新.do
    • 结果整理.xlsx
  • 95.28 MB
  • 2023-2-18
  • 【推荐】Fama-French三因子模型数据和Stata代码(2000-2022年).zip

    • 三因子模型更新[经管之家momingqimiao7].do
    • 结果整理2.xlsx
  • 89.99 MB
  • 2023-2-15
  • 4 papers on corporate governance .rar

    • SHLEIFER&VISHNY-JF-surveycorpgov.pdf
    • Corporate governance in China A modern perspective.pdf
    • corporate governance in china a survey.pdf
    • Fama E.F., Jensen M.C.(1983)Separation of Ownership and Control.pdf
  • 8.9 MB
  • 2023-1-20
  • 包含三因子模型和Fama and MacBeth两步回归Stata代码更新至2020年.zip

    • dofile.do
    • Earnings, retained earnings, and book-to-market i.pdf
    • Result.docx
  • 96.6 MB
  • 2022-4-21
  • 中央财经大学-投资学(part2:6-10).zip

    • (10.1.1)--第1单元市场有效性的本质-课件.pdf
    • (10.10.1)--第10单元Fama-French三因素模型-课件.pdf
    • (10.11.1)--第11单元动量效应及四因素模型-课件.pdf
    • (10.12.1)--第12单元主要“异象”及其解释-课件.pdf
    • (10.13.1)--思考题及解答.pdf
    • (10.14.1)--DissectingAnomalies.pdf
    • (10.14.2)--Fama_French_multifactor_explanat.pdf
    • (10.2.1)--第2单元弱势有效市场-课件.pdf
    • (10.3.1)--第3单元半强势有效市场-课件.pdf
    • (10.4.1)--第4单元半强势与强势有效市场-课件.pdf
    • (10.5.1)--第5单元与有效市场相关的问题-课件.pdf
    • (10.6.1)--第6单元行为金融与投资-课件.pdf
    • (10.7.1)--第7单元风险、风险溢价-课件.pdf
    • (10.8.1)--第8单元估计CAPM的beta和alpha-课件.pdf
    • (10.9.1)--第9单元根据股票的不同特征形成资产组合-课件.pdf
    • (6.1.1)--第1单元投资公司的含义和分类.pdf
    • (6.10.1)--第10单元其他基金介绍.pdf
    • (6.11.1)--基金评级方法之比较研究——罗勇,2005.pdf
    • (6.11.2)--基金评级与资金流动—王擎等,2010.pdf
    • (6.11.3)--基金投资风格与基金分类的实证研究—曾晓洁,2004.pdf
    • (6.11.4)--中国证券投资基金风格分类研究—杨朝军等,2004.pdf
    • (6.11.5)--基金排名变化和羊群效应变化——路磊,2014.pdf
    • (6.11.6)--基于中国证券投资基金信息挖掘行为的实证分析——张宗新,2014.pdf
    • (6.11.7)--封闭式基金价格指数波动溢出效应研究_以深市基金指数为例_赵秀娟.pdf
    • (6.11.8)--国际分散化证券投资世界主要股市历史数据的实证研究_吴立广.pdf
    • (6.12.1)--参考资料.pdf
    • (6.2.1)--第2单元开放、封闭式基金和公司、契约制基金分类.pdf
    • (6.3.1)--第3单元其他基金分类.pdf
    • (6.4.1)--第4单元基金的发行.pdf
    • (6.5.1)--第5单元基金的交易.pdf
    • (6.6.1)--第6单元基金估值和收益.pdf
    • (6.7.1)--第7单元基金的评级.pdf
    • (6.8.1)--第8单元指数型基金介绍.pdf
    • (6.9.1)--第9单元ETF、LOF和QDII基金介绍.pdf
    • (7.1.1)--第1单元利率与利率水平的决定-课件.pdf
    • (7.10.1)--中国如何从金融周期顶部安全撤离.pdf
    • (7.10.2)--评估下一次房地产危机的风险.pdf
    • (7.2.1)--第2单元持有期收益率-课件.pdf
    • (7.3.1)--第3单元有效年利率与年化百分比利率-课件.pdf
    • (7.4.1)--第4单元风险与收益-课件.pdf
    • (7.6.1)--第6单元下侧风险-课件.pdf
    • (7.7.1)--第7单元风险资产组合的历史数据-课件.pdf
    • (7.8.1)--MetallgesellschaftAGACaseStudy.pdf
    • (7.8.2)--参考资料.pdf
    • (7.9.1)--RiskMeasurementforFinancialInsti.pdf
    • (8.1.1)--第1单元投资决策.pdf
    • (8.10.1)--第10单元最优的资产组合.pdf
    • (8.11.1)--第11单元资产组合选择模型和资本配置.pdf
    • (8.12.1)--思考题及解答.pdf
    • (8.13.1)--2019全球资产配置时代的到来.pdf
    • (8.13.2)--警惕居民债务快速上升的风险.pdf
    • (8.13.3)--中国家庭资产配置1.pdf
    • (8.14.1)--马科维茨均值方差模型的Matlab实现.pdf
    • (8.2.1)--第2单元投资者效用.pdf
    • (8.3.1)--第3单元投资者偏好与无差异曲线.pdf
    • (8.4.1)--第4单元资本配置线.pdf
    • (8.5.1)--第5单元资本市场线.pdf
    • (8.6.1)--第6单元分散化与资产组合风险.pdf
    • (8.7.1)--第7单元资产组合可行集与有效集.pdf
    • (8.8.1)--第8单元两种风险资产构成的组合的风险与收益.pdf
    • (8.9.1)--第9单元风险资产组合的有效集.pdf
    • (9.1.1)--第1单元CAPM假设与分离定理-课件.pdf
    • (9.10.1)--第10单元多因子模型-课件.pdf
    • (9.11.1)--第11单元套利、无套利原则-课件.pdf
    • (9.12.1)--第12单元套利资产组合与套利定价-课件.pdf
    • (9.13.1)--第13单元CAPM与APT的比较、因子选择-课件.pdf
    • (9.14.1)--思考题及解答.pdf
    • (9.15.1)--CAPM模型计算的MATLAB实现.pdf
    • (9.2.1)--第2单元市场组合与市场均衡-课件.pdf
    • (9.3.1)--第3单元资本市场线-课件.pdf
    • (9.4.1)--第4单元证券市场线-课件.pdf
    • (9.5.1)--第5单元证券市场线与系统风险-课件.pdf
    • (9.5.2)--第5单元市场模型与系统性风险-课件.pdf
    • (9.6.1)--第6单元CAPM的扩展-课件.pdf
    • (9.7.1)--第7单元CAPM的应用:项目选择-课件.pdf
    • (9.8.1)--第8单元CAPM的局限、APT产生的背景-课件.pdf
    • (9.9.1)--第9单元单因子模型-课件.pdf
  • 44.38 MB
  • 2022-3-20
  • Fama因子模型.rar

    • Common risk factors in the returns on stocks and bonds fama_french.pdf
    • A five-factor asset pricing model Fama-French.pdf
  • 3.16 MB
  • 2022-3-13
  • 中国版Fama-French三因子模型数据和Stata代码(2000-2021年).zip

    • size and value in china(JFE).pdf
    • 中国版三因子模型更新.do
    • 结果整理.xlsx
  • 93.73 MB
  • 2022-2-17
  • Fama.rar

    • Fama & French 1992 JF.pdf
    • Fama & French 1992 JF.xml
    • Fama & French 1993 Common Risk Factors in the Returns on Stocks and Bonds.pdf
    • Fama & French 1996 JF.pdf
    • Fama & French 2000 Characteristics, Covariances, and Average Returns 1929 to 1997.pdf
    • Fama & French 2002 The equity premium.pdf
    • Fama & French 2004 The Capital asset pricing model theory and evidence .pdf
    • Fama & French 2006 Profitability, investment and average returns.pdf
    • Fama & French 2006 The Behavior of Interest Rates.pdf
    • Fama & French 2006 The Value Premium and the CAPM.pdf
    • Fama & French 2007 Disagreement, tastes, and asset prices.pdf
    • Fama & French 2007 The anatomy of value and growth stock returns.pdf
    • Fama & French 2008 Average Returns, BM, and Share Issues.pdf
    • Fama & French 2008 Dissecting Anomalies.pdf
    • Fama & French 2010 Luck versus Skill in the Cross-Section of Mutual.pdf
    • Fama & French 2012 Size, value, and momentum in international stock returns.pdf
    • Fama & French 2015 A five-factor asset pricing model.pdf
    • Fama & French 2016 RFS Dissecting Anomalies with a Five-Factor Model.pdf
    • Fama & French 2017 JFE International tests of a five-factor asset pricing model.pdf
    • Fama & French 2018 Choosing factors.pdf
    • Fama & MacBeth 1973 JPE.pdf
    • Fama 1965 Random Walks.pdf
    • Fama 1965 The Behavior of Stock-Market Prices.pdf
    • Fama 1970 Efficient Capital Markets A Review of Theory and Empirical work.pdf
    • Fama 1984 Term Premiums in Bond Reuturns JFE.pdf
    • Fama 1984 The Information in the Term Structure JFE.pdf
    • Fama 1991 Efficient Capital Markets II JF.pdf
    • Fama 1998 Market efficiency, long-term returns, and behavioral finance JFE.pdf
    • Fama 2006 RFS.pdf
    • Fama 2006 The Behavior of Interest Rates RFS.pdf
    • Fama 2010 Gene Fama’s comments.pdf
    • Fama 2011 My Life in Finance.pdf
    • Fama 2012 Size, value,and momentum ininternational stock returns.pdf
    • Fama and Blume 1966.pdf
    • Fama, Fisher, Jensen, Roll 1969 The Adjustment of Stock Prices to New Information.pdf
    • WP Interest Rates and Inflation Revisited.pdf
    • Fama & Bliss 1987 AER.pdf
    • Fama & Blume 1966 Filter Rules and Stock-Market Trading.pdf
    • Fama & French 1987 JB.pdf
    • Fama & French 1988 JF.pdf
    • Fama & French 1988 JFE.pdf
    • Fama & French 1988 JPE.pdf
    • Fama & French 1989 Business conditions and expected returns on stocks and bonds.pdf
  • 50.12 MB
  • 2021-8-12
  • 【优化】Fama-French五因子模型数据和Stata代码(2000-2020年).zip

    • _Fama-French五因子模型在中国A股市场的实证研究.caj
    • Fama-French五因子模型比三因子模型更胜一筹吗——来自中国A股市场的经验证据.pdf
    • Fama_French五因子模型在中国股票市场的实证检验_李志冰.pdf
    • Size and Value in China.pdf
    • 五因子模型更新.do
    • 结果整理2.xlsx
  • 82.44 MB
  • 2021-8-12
  • Fama-Macbeth两步回归Stata代码(附示例数据).zip

    • Fama-Macbeth两步回归代码.do
    • 数据.dta
  • 9.42 MB
  • 2021-5-13
  • 【推荐】Fama-French五因子模型数据和Stata代码(2000-2020年).zip

    • _Fama-French五因子模型在中国A股市场的实证研究.caj
    • Fama-French五因子模型比三因子模型更胜一筹吗——来自中国A股市场的经验证据.pdf
    • Fama_French五因子模型在中国股票市场的实证检验_李志冰.pdf
    • Size and Value in China.pdf
    • 五因子模型更新.do
    • 结果整理.xlsx
  • 82.18 MB
  • 2021-3-9
  • 【推荐】Fama-French五因子模型数据和Stata代码(2000-2020年) .zip

    • _Fama-French五因子模型在中国A股市场的实证研究.caj
    • Fama-French五因子模型比三因子模型更胜一筹吗——来自中国A股市场的经验证据.pdf
    • Fama_French五因子模型在中国股票市场的实证检验_李志冰.pdf
    • Size and Value in China.pdf
    • 五因子模型更新.do
    • 结果整理.xlsx
  • 82.18 MB
  • 2021-2-18
  • 中国版Fama-French三因子模型数据和Stata代码(2000-2020年).zip

    • size and value in china(JFE).pdf
    • 中国版三因子模型更新.do
    • 结果整理.xlsx
  • 79.06 MB
  • 2021-2-2
  • Python for Finance:Fama_MacBeth 代码code in Python.rar

    • Fama_MacBeth_01.py
  • 409 Bytes
  • 2020-11-9
  • 【推荐】中国版Fama-French三因子模型数据和Stata代码(2000-2019年).zip

    • size and value in china(JFE).pdf
    • 三因子模型更新.do
    • 结果整理.xlsx
  • 63.91 MB
  • 2020-6-4
  • Fama-French三因子模型数据和Stata代码.zip

    • 三因子模型更新.do
    • 结果整理.xlsx
  • 57.18 MB
  • 2020-5-19
  • Fama_French_1993_Three_Factor.zip

    • Fama_French_1993_Three_Factor.do
  • 4.7 KB
  • 2020-2-25
  • fama_french_jfe_19931.zip

    • fama_french_jfe_19931.pdf
  • 2.78 MB
  • 2019-11-20
  • Fama-French三因素模型.zip

    • Fama-French三因素模型应用说明.docx
    • 深圳主板三因素模型数据.xlsx
    • Fama-French三因素模型stata命令.do
  • 37.67 MB
  • 2019-9-17
  • code.txt

  • 10.31 KB
  • 2018-12-29
  • 经典论文 文献.rar
       马科维兹的均值方差 夏普的CAPM 有效市场假说

    • EF Fama-1970-Efficient Capital Markets A Review of Theory and Empirical Work.pdf
    • Lintner-1965-The valuation of risk assets and the selection of risky investments in stock portfolios and capital budgets.pdf
    • Markowitz-1952-Portfolio Selection-The_Journal_of_Finance.pdf
    • Stephen A Ross-1976-The Arbitrage Theory of Capital Asset Pricing.pdf
    • Sharpe-1964-The_Journal_of_Finance.pdf
  • 9.75 MB
  • 2018-11-20
  • ThrfacMonth.xlsx

  • 89.04 KB
  • 2018-8-30
  • stata.docx

  • 22.61 KB
  • 2018-8-24
  • 2017上半年第二部分.rar

    • 兴业证券5.pdf
    • 20170301-东北证券-东北证券投资策略报告:当我们谈alpha我们在谈beta.pdf
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    • 20170302-中信建投-中信建投大数据研究之指标构建:机器学习之贝叶斯文本分类算法的实现.pdf
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    • 20170306-天风证券-天风证券潜伏系列之二:潜伏ST摘帽.pdf
    • 20170307-兴业证券-兴业证券定量研究专题报告:商品期权与期权合约细则对比.pdf
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    • 20170308-中信建投-中信建投大数据研究之三:新闻情绪选股的多空差策略.pdf
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    • 20170309-天风证券-天风证券定增系列之二:基于自适应破发回复的定增选股策略.pdf
    • 20170310-长江证券-长江证券金工高频识途系列(一):基于买入行为构建情绪因子.pdf
    • 20170311-中邮证券-中邮证券金融工程专题报告:基于均线多头的选股策略.pdf
    • 20170312-华泰证券-华泰证券金工周期系列研究:市场周期的量化分解.pdf
    • 20170312-兴业证券-兴业证券猎金系列之十三:分析师预测目标价有参考价值吗?.pdf
    • 20170313-方正证券-方正证券“有温度的量化择时”系列研报:情绪温度计,ETF情绪跟踪体系跟踪周报.pdf
    • 20170313-华泰证券-华泰证券五因子模型A股实证研究:Fama-French+五因子模型实证.pdf
    • 20170313-中信建投-中信建投金融工程研究:从残差波动率角度看涨跌.pdf
    • 20170314-国泰君安-国泰君安2017年春季金融工程投资策略:基金收益率分解及其在FOF选基中的应用-995050.pdf
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    • 20170316-国泰君安-国泰君安数量化专题之九十一:W型市场底部研究-376072.pdf
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    • 20170323-广发证券-广发证券量化资产配置研究之三:基于预期不确定性优化.pdf
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    • 20170324-中信证券-中信证券分级基金专题研究:分级基金折溢价套利策略-664717.pdf
    • 20170326-广发证券-广发证券2017网下打新专题报告之一:2017年一季度网下打新综述以及机构打新策略构建.pdf
    • 20170326-华泰证券-华泰证券金工周期系列研究:华泰市场周期量化研究.pdf
    • 20170327-第一创业-第一创业期权专题报告系列一:豆粕白糖商品期权对比与应用.pdf
    • 20170327-广发证券-广发证券择时、选股不大类资产配置(2017-03-27).pdf
    • 20170327-海通证券-海通证券期权系列研究(七):豆粕白糖商品期权指南-878168.pdf
    • 20170327-华泰证券-华泰证券多因子系列之六:华泰单因子测试之波动率类因子.pdf
    • 20170327-长江证券-长江证券股指期货专题报告:2017年指数分红预测与基差监控.pdf
    • 20170328-渤海证券-渤海证券金融工程CTA策略专题报告之五:量化体系之组合测试.pdf
    • 20170328-海通证券-海通证券大类资产配置及模型研究(一):风险预算模型-648080.pdf
    • 20170328-海通证券-海通证券事件驱动策略之十七:业绩反转之绝对收益-977329.pdf
    • 20170328-海通证券-海通证券选股因子系列研究(十八):价格形态选股因子-929608.pdf
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    • 20170330-广发证券-广发证券多因子Alpha系列报告之三十:个股配对思想在因子策略中的应用.pdf
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    • 20170331-海通证券-海通证券金融工程:量化多因子模型在港股通中的应用-490833.pdf
    • A 股红利指数比较研究 华泰红利指数与红利因子系列研究报告之一.pdf
    • 从量化对冲CTA 再到大类配臵 ——2017 年绝对收益策略展望.pdf
    • 大盘股的成交量脉冲事件研究.pdf
    • 基于因子 spread 的因子估值体系与 因子轮动策略.pdf
    • 金融工程研究动态情景Alpha模型再思考.pdf
    • 金融工程研究技术类新Alpha因子的批量测试.pdf
    • 数量化研究二探索趋势变化中的反弹标的.pdf
    • 数量化研究-基于交易所公开信息的探索.pdf
    • 西南证券定增主题基金投资价值分析.pdf
    • 兴业证券.pdf
    • 兴业证券1.pdf
    • 兴业证券2.pdf
    • 兴业证券3.pdf
    • 兴业证券4.pdf
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  • 2018-4-15
  • fama french industries (12,30,48,49).zip

    • ffi30.sas
    • ffi48.sas
    • ffi49.sas
    • ffi12.sas
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  • 2018-3-17
  • fama french factors replication.zip

    • fama_french_factors_replication.sas
  • 4.13 KB
  • 2018-3-17
  • 资产定价.rar

    • Weather-Induced Mood, Institutional Investors, and Stock Returns.pdf
    • 97种异象.pdf
    • 313种横截面收益异象.pdf
    • Analysts’ Forecast Bias and the Overpricing of High Credit Risk Stocks.pdf
    • Baker_2006.pdf
    • Carhart_1997.pdf
    • Fama_1993.pdf
    • Fama_2015.pdf
    • Information, Analysts, and Stock Return Comovement.pdf
    • Mispricing Factors.pdf
    • Prospect Theory and Stock Returns An Empirical Test.pdf
    • Quality Minus Junk.pdf
    • Reference-Dependent Preferences and the Risk-Return Trade-off.pdf
    • Regression Discontinuity and the Price Effects of Stock Market Indexing.pdf
    • Smart money, dumb money, and capital market anomalies.pdf
    • Stambaugh_2012.pdf
    • Under-Reaction to Political Information and Price Momentum.pdf
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  • 2017-12-12
  • fama1984.rar

    • fama1984.pdf
  • 1013.1 KB
  • 2017-12-10
  • Eugene_F._Fama_and_Harvey_Babiak.rar

    • Eugene_F._Fama_and_Harvey_Babiak.pdf
  • 2.98 MB
  • 2017-8-9
  • fama2_new.dta

  • 85.07 KB
  • 2016-8-26
  • fama1_new.dta

  • 3.29 MB
  • 2016-8-26
  • 81-100.rar

    • 88.pdf
    • 89.pdf
    • 90.pdf
    • 91.pdf
    • 92 ARCH modeling in finance - A review of the theory and empirical evidence.pdf
    • 93.pdf
    • 94.pdf
    • 95.pdf
    • 96.pdf
    • 97.pdf
    • 98.pdf
    • 99 Engle_Yoo_1987.pdf
    • 100.pdf
    • 81 Fama_French_92.pdf
    • 82.pdf
    • 83 Jensen and Richard S. Ruback, The Market for Corporate Control The Scientific Evidence.pdf
    • 84.pdf
    • 85.pdf
    • 86 KPSS.pdf
    • 87.pdf
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  • 2016-6-13
  • 1-20.rar

    • 20 fama.pdf
    • 1 white_1980.pdf
    • 2prospect theory.pdf
    • 3.pdf
    • 4 engle.pdf
    • 5 Heckman1979.pdf
    • 6 BS.pdf
    • 7 DF TEST.pdf
    • 8 Johansen.pdf
    • 9 Cleveland1979.pdf
    • 10 engle82.pdf
    • 11 hausman.pdf
    • 12.pdf
    • 13 AkerlofMarketforLemons.pdf
    • 14.pdf
    • 15 lucasmechanicseconomicgrowth.pdf
    • 16 Romer.pdf
    • 17 Hansen.pdf
    • 18.pdf
    • 19.pdf
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  • 2016-6-13
  • famafrench1993commonriskfactorsinthereturnsonstocksandbonds.rar

    • famafrench1993commonriskfactorsinthereturnsonstocksandbonds.pdf
  • 13.23 MB
  • 2015-11-1
  • Fw_Fw_Fw_Re_ 经典文献.zip

    • Fama_EMH91.pdf
    • Fama_EMH70.pdf
    • portfolio selection.pdf
    • Sharpe64_CAPM.pdf
    • APT_empir_Roll80.pdf
  • 15.1 MB
  • 2015-8-23
  • fama_french.rar

    • fama_french.dta
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  • 2015-6-30
  • Per v8.rar
       Fama French Model Chinese Stock market Empirical Study

    • Per v8.pptx
  • 556.52 KB
  • 2015-1-6
  • Fama.rar

    • Fama and french 2004.pdf
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  • 2014-11-13
  • Fama, Eugene F.- Efficient Capital Markets, A Review of Theory and Empirical Wor.rar

    • Fama, Eugene F.- Efficient Capital Markets, A Review of Theory and Empirical Work (1970).pdf
  • 3.96 MB
  • 2014-10-7
  • 尤金法玛.zip

    • Fama & French_ The Cross-Section of Expected Stock Returns (.pdf
    • Organizational forms and investment decisions.pdf
    • Fama & French_ The CAPM is Wanted, Dead or Alive (Dec 1996) .pdf
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  • Behavioral Finance - Lecture 2 Course Materials.zip

    • Behavioral Finance - Lecture 2.pdf
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    • Efficient Capital Markets II Fama 1991 JoF.pdf
    • The Behavior of Stock Market Prices Fama 1965 JB.pdf
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  • Fama市场效率、长期回报和行为金融.rar

    • Fama市场效率、长期回报和行为金融.pdf
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  • tsay_3.zip

    • m-fama-bonds.txt
    • aa-3rv.txt
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    • day15-ori.dat
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    • d-c8608.txt
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    • wgs3yr.dat
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  • 2012-8-24
  • 全部19篇.rar

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    • 交易额_A股比例_势效应和三因子模型.pdf
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    • 上海证券市场价格与交易量关系实证分析.pdf
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    • 中国证券市场三因素模型敏感系数稳定性和可预测性研究.pdf
    • 股市价格动量与交易量关系_中国的经验研究与国际比较.pdf
    • 股指期货成交量_持仓量_波动率与价格关系探究及应用.pdf
    • Fama_French三因素模型在国内证券市场的实证研究.nh.nh
  • 30.23 MB
  • 2012-5-12
  • 5章13章赫尔课后.zip

    • 005 Forward and Futures JFE 1981.pdf
    • 2007410129191633.pdf
    • 4652030.pdf
    • 5910432.pdf
    • A Comparison of the Stable and Student Distributions as Statistical Models for Stock Prices.pdf
    • A Test for Multivariate Normality in Stock Returns.pdf
    • AE-sample-Ch12.pdf
    • Black-howwecameupwiththeformula.pdf
    • Cox Ross 1976the valuation of options for alternative stochastic processes.pdf
    • Merton1973theory of rational option pricing.pdf
    • Roll Orange Juice and Weather.pdf
    • Stock_Returns_and_weekend_effect.pdf
    • The Behavior of Stock-Market Prices, Fama, 1965.pdf
    • blackscholesthe prices of options and corporate liabilities.pdf
    • equilbrium forward curves for commodities.pdf
    • fact and fantasy in the use of options and corporate liabilities .pdf
    • inventories and the short-run dynamiscs of commodity prices.pdf
    • market incompleteness and divergences between forward and futures interest rate.pdf
    • models of stock returns ---a comparison.pdf
    • the behavior of stock market prices.pdf
  • 47.84 MB
  • 2012-4-3
  • 计量课经典文献.rar
       三篇经典计量经济学论文,fama 等计量大牛的成名作

    • Why Are CEOs Rarely Fired Evidence from Structural Estimation(JOURNAL OF FINANCE).pdf
    • Economic Growth and the Environment(Quarterly Journal of Economics).pdf
    • Luck versus Skill in the Cross-Section of Mutual Fund Returns.pdf
  • 2.33 MB
  • 2012-1-18
  • Fama-French三因子计算过程说明1 .rar

    • Fama-French三因子计算过程说明 .pdf
  • 12.33 KB
  • 2011-11-11
  • 委托代理理论.zip

    • fama agency problems and the theory of firm.pdf
    • 委托代理理论.txt
    • 1996_莫里斯、维克瑞-委托代理理论_3.pdf
    • Competitive Bidding With Disparate Information Wilson 1969.pdf
    • Macfee and Macmillan 1991 Teams.pdf
    • Moral Hazard and Observation 1979 Holmstrom.pdf
    • Radner1981 MonitoringCoopAgreements.pdf
    • Shapiro_Stiglitz 1984 equilibrium umemployment as a discipline.pdf
    • Spence_Zeckhauser_1971_Insurance_Information_Individual actions Spence and Zeckhauser.pdf
    • itoh incentives for help in multi-agency situation.pdf
    • malcomson 1984 Work Incentives, Hierarchy, and Internal Labor Markets.pdf
    • the economic theory of agency the principal's problem Ross 1973.pdf
    • 委托与代理经济学.ppt
  • 7.5 MB
  • 2011-10-20
  • 基础文献.rar

    • Large shareholders and corporate control.pdf
    • one share one vote.pdf
    • 1972-production information costs and economic organization.pdf
    • 1976-theory of the firm.pdf
    • 1980-Agency problems and the theory of the firm.pdf
    • Coase_ The_Nature_of_the_ Firm-1937.pdf
    • Fama Jensen (1983) - Separation of Ownership and Control.pdf
  • 14.81 MB
  • 2011-8-16
  • 22 Fama 1980_JPE.pdf
       22. Fama, E. 1980. Agency problems and the theory of the firm. Journal of Political Economy 88: 288

  • 2.2 MB
  • 2011-7-10
  • 1.rar

    • fama(2001).pdf
    • shleifer(1986).pdf
    • aggarwal(2003).pdf
    • lang(1994).pdf
    • Leuz(2003).pdf
    • laporta(1998).pdf
    • laporta(2002).pdf
    • mm(1958).pdf
    • rajan(1995).pdf
    • deangelo(1980).pdf
    • Miller(1977).pdf
    • graham(2000).pdf
    • graham(2006)jfe.pdf
    • SurveyPaper.pdf
    • Leland(1977).pdf
    • Myers(1984).pdf
    • Opler(1999).pdf
    • Jensen(1976).pdf
    • Myers(1977).pdf
    • Lee(1996).pdf
    • Baker(2002).pdf
    • Fama 1973.pdf
    • Fischer(1989).pdf
    • harvey(2004).pdf
    • leary(2005).pdf
    • beatty(1986).pdf
    • loughran(1995).pdf
    • rock(1986).pdf
    • eckbo(2000).pdf
    • Brau(2006).pdf
    • dittmar(2007).pdf
    • bhattacharya(1979).pdf
    • Miller(1985).pdf
    • Nissim(2001).pdf
    • vermaelen(1981).pdf
    • baker(2004)jof.pdf
    • Fazzari(1988).pdf
    • Lamont(1997).pdf
    • stein(1996).pdf
  • 41.12 MB
  • 2010-3-8
  • 335976.pdf

  • 4.27 MB
  • 2009-6-12
  • 333662.pdf
       size and book-to-market factors in earnings and returns(fama and french 1995)

  • 1.47 MB
  • 2009-6-5
  • 329219.pdf
       求20论坛币求Fama一篇文章Business conditions and expected returns on stocks and bonds

  • 1.7 MB
  • 2009-5-24
  • 329216.pdf
       求20论坛币求Fama一篇文章Business conditions and expected returns on stocks and bonds

  • 1.7 MB
  • 2009-5-24
  • 326112.rar
       [分享]Eugene Fama的foundation of finance

  • 9.8 MB
  • 2009-5-16
  • 326111.rar
       [分享]Eugene Fama的foundation of finance

  • 19.53 MB
  • 2009-5-16
  • 325892.pdf
       求助Fama,E.F, and K.R.French论文《Dividend Yields and Expected Stock Returns》(1988)

  • 1.39 MB
  • 2009-5-15
  • 323554.rar
       [下载]FAMA,E:Foundations of Finance

  • 29.33 MB
  • 2009-5-9
  • 318927.pdf
       求助Fama的Stock returns expected returns and real activity,Journal of Finance,45(4),1089-

  • 438.31 KB
  • 2009-4-25
  • 300554.pdf
       50金币求FAMA FRENCH的论文

  • 345.75 KB
  • 2009-3-5
  • 286803.pdf

  • 2.31 MB
  • 2009-1-16
  • 286802.pdf

  • 6.36 MB
  • 2009-1-16
  • 286801.pdf

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  • 2009-1-16
  • 286794.pdf

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  • 2009-1-16
  • 286793.pdf

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  • 2009-1-16
  • 286785.pdf

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  • 2009-1-16
  • 286784.pdf

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  • 286776.pdf

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  • 2009-1-16
  • 286775.pdf

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  • 2009-1-16
  • 286773.pdf

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  • 2009-1-16
  • 286766.pdf

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  • 2009-1-16
  • 286763.pdf

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  • 2009-1-16
  • 286762.pdf

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  • 2009-1-16
  • 286761.pdf

  • 2.59 MB
  • 2009-1-16
  • 286760.pdf

  • 1.39 MB
  • 2009-1-16
  • 286758.pdf

  • 2.79 MB
  • 2009-1-16
  • 285910.rar

  • 14.84 MB
  • 2009-1-14
  • 284874.rar

    • T2-6Frank and Goyal 2002.pdf
    • T2-6Graham 2000.pdf
    • T2-6Myers 1984.pdf
    • T2-6Berens and Cuny 1995.pdf
    • T2-6Fama and French 2002.pdf
  • 3.06 MB
  • 2009-1-10
  • 279372.pdf

  • 852.51 KB
  • 2008-12-23
  • 279283.rar
       [分享]Fama的foudation of finance和theory of finance

  • 37.16 MB
  • 2008-12-22
  • 279282.rar
       [分享]Fama的foudation of finance和theory of finance

  • 29.33 MB
  • 2008-12-22
  • 276770.rar

    • EventStudy2-famafrench93.pdf
  • 2.73 MB
  • 2008-12-15
  • 272166.pdf
       [下载]Foundation of Finance by Eugene Fama(2)

  • 5.48 MB
  • 2008-12-2
  • 272165.pdf
       [下载]Foundation of Finance by Eugene Fama(2)

  • 4.8 MB
  • 2008-12-2
  • 272164.pdf
       [下载]Foundation of Finance by Eugene Fama(2)

  • 3.31 MB
  • 2008-12-2
  • 272163.pdf
       [下载]Foundation of Finance by Eugene Fama(2)

  • 3.41 MB
  • 2008-12-2
  • 272162.pdf
       [下载]Foundation of Finance by Eugene Fama(2)

  • 2.89 MB
  • 2008-12-2
  • 272161.pdf
       [下载]Foundation of Finance by Eugene Fama(1)

  • 2.34 MB
  • 2008-12-2
  • 272160.pdf
       [下载]Foundation of Finance by Eugene Fama(1)

  • 2.59 MB
  • 2008-12-2
  • 272159.pdf
       [下载]Foundation of Finance by Eugene Fama(1)

  • 1.39 MB
  • 2008-12-2
  • 272158.pdf
       [下载]Foundation of Finance by Eugene Fama(1)

  • 5.58 MB
  • 2008-12-2
  • 272157.pdf
       [下载]Foundation of Finance by Eugene Fama(1)

  • 527.68 KB
  • 2008-12-2
  • 268702.pdf
       [下载]Fama的efficient capital markets:A review of theory and empirical work

  • 4.28 MB
  • 2008-11-20
  • 265594.rar

    • fulltext.pdf
  • 3.84 MB
  • 2008-11-11
  • 265593.pdf

  • 278 KB
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    • fulltext.pdf
  • 1.25 MB
  • 2008-11-11
  • 265587.pdf

  • 1.29 MB
  • 2008-11-11
  • 264617.rar
       [推荐]个人收集的一些有关Efficient Market方面的中西方文献。【无耻的要点工本费】

    • 【新金融学—有效市场的反例】[美]罗伯特·A·哈根.pdf
    • 4-2金融市场中的噪音交易者风险.doc
    • Abstract--The Efficient Market Hypothesis and the Value of Traditional Security Analysis.pdf
    • Back on the Track with the Efficient Markets Hypothesis.pdf
    • Chp3-行为金融导论.doc
    • Efficient Capital Markets-Comment.pdf
    • Efficient Capital Markets-II.pdf
    • Efficient Capital Markets-Reply.pdf
    • Efficient Markets and the Professional Investor.pdf
    • Evaluating Fund Performance in a Dynamic Market.pdf
    • Information, Nonexcludability, and Financial Market Structure.pdf
    • Inside Information, Market Information and Efficient Markets.pdf
    • Investing with Ben Graham-An Ex Ante Test of the Efficient Markets Hypothesis.pdf
    • Market efficiency, long-term returns, and behavioral finance_Fama.pdf
    • Market Timing and Capital Structure.pdf
    • On the Difference between Internal and External Market Efficiency.pdf
    • Optimal Speculation Against an Efficient Market.pdf
    • Predicting Stock Returns in an Efficient Market.pdf
    • Price Reversals, Bid-Ask Spreads, and Market Efficiency.pdf
    • Privileged Traders and Asset Market Efficiency-A Laboratory Study.pdf
    • qr2442 Is the Stock Market Overvalued.pdf
    • Some Practical Applications of the Efficient-Market Concept.pdf
    • Stock Market Efficiency and Economic Efficiency-Is There a Connection.pdf
    • Stock Market Panics- A Test of the Efficient Market Hypothesis.pdf
    • Testing for a Flat Spectrum on Efficient Market Price Data.pdf
    • Testing the Efficiency of the Canadian-U.S. Exchange Market under the Assumption of no.pdf
    • The Efficient Market Hypothesis and Its Critics.pdf
    • The Efficient Market Hypothesis on Trial.pdf
    • The Efficient Market Model.pdf
    • The Peter Principle and the Efficient Market Hypothesis.pdf
    • The Sensitivity of the Efficient Market Hypothesis to Alternative Specifications of the.pdf
    • The Speculative Efficiency Hypothesis.pdf
    • Warrant Price Movements and the Efficient Market Model.pdf
    • 西方有效市场假说综述二.doc
    • 西方有效市场假说综述一.doc
  • 35.85 MB
  • 2008-11-7
  • 263728.pdf
       [推荐][推荐]Eugene Fama经典论文两篇(未完待续)

  • 134.27 KB
  • 2008-11-5
  • 263727.pdf
       [推荐][推荐]Eugene Fama经典论文两篇(未完待续)

  • 325.96 KB
  • 2008-11-5
  • 263595.pdf
       [推荐]Eugene Fama经典论文两篇(未完待续)

  • 299.7 KB
  • 2008-11-5
  • 263594.pdf
       [推荐]Eugene Fama经典论文两篇(未完待续)

  • 127.71 KB
  • 2008-11-5
  • 263524.pdf
       [推荐]再发Eugene Fama经典论文一篇(未完待续)

  • 908.77 KB
  • 2008-11-4
  • 263118.pdf
       [推荐]再发Eugene Fama经典论文一篇(未完待续)

  • 1.26 MB
  • 2008-11-3
  • 263108.pdf
       [推荐]Eugene Fama经典论文一篇(未完待续)

  • 863.12 KB
  • 2008-11-3
  • 255521.pdf

  • 1.12 MB
  • 2008-10-12
  • 255520.pdf

  • 135 KB
  • 2008-10-12
  • 255519.pdf

  • 3.72 MB
  • 2008-10-12
  • 255518.pdf

  • 4.28 MB
  • 2008-10-12
  • 249192.pdf
       FAMA and FRENCH的几篇文章

  • 122.26 KB
  • 2008-9-22
  • 249191.pdf
       FAMA and FRENCH的几篇文章

  • 267.17 KB
  • 2008-9-22
  • 249190.pdf
       FAMA and FRENCH的几篇文章

  • 1.47 MB
  • 2008-9-22
  • 249189.pdf
       FAMA and FRENCH的几篇文章

  • 1.9 MB
  • 2008-9-22
  • 238985.rar
       金融理论(Fama, Miller)

  • 39.79 MB
  • 2008-8-22
  • 233676.pdf
       are the fama and french factors global or country specific?

  • 146.02 KB
  • 2008-8-5
  • 230388.pdf
       Fama: Market Efficiency, Long-Term Returns, and Behavioral Finance

  • 60.66 KB
  • 2008-7-24
  • 227959.pdf
       [下载]法玛(EUGENE F. FAMA)金融理论(The theory of finance)

  • 2.31 MB
  • 2008-7-16
  • 227958.pdf
       [下载]法玛(EUGENE F. FAMA)金融理论(The theory of finance)

  • 4.68 MB
  • 2008-7-16
  • 227957.pdf
       [下载]法玛(EUGENE F. FAMA)金融理论(The theory of finance)

  • 6.36 MB
  • 2008-7-16
  • 227955.pdf
       [下载]法玛(EUGENE F. FAMA)金融理论(The theory of finance)

  • 2.98 MB
  • 2008-7-16
  • 227954.pdf
       [下载]法玛(EUGENE F. FAMA)金融理论(The theory of finance)

  • 2.98 MB
  • 2008-7-16
  • 227953.pdf
       [下载]法玛(EUGENE F. FAMA)金融理论(The theory of finance)

  • 3.74 MB
  • 2008-7-16
  • 227952.pdf
       [下载]法玛(EUGENE F. FAMA)金融理论(The theory of finance)

  • 4.55 MB
  • 2008-7-16
  • 227951.pdf
       [下载]法玛(EUGENE F. FAMA)金融理论(The theory of finance)

  • 8.29 MB
  • 2008-7-16
  • 227949.pdf
       [下载]法玛(EUGENE F. FAMA)金融理论(The theory of finance)

  • 2.65 MB
  • 2008-7-16
  • 227128.rar

  • 29.33 MB
  • 2008-7-14
  • 227120.rar

  • 39.79 MB
  • 2008-7-14
  • 226060.rar
       [下载]法玛(EUGENE F. FAMA)金融理论(The theory of finance)

  • 39.79 MB
  • 2008-7-10
  • 214482.pdf
       [下载]Fama 有效市场假说

  • 4.26 MB
  • 2008-5-23
  • 213001.pdf

  • 40.04 KB
  • 2008-5-16
  • 205651.rar
       Fama 2000年以后的几篇文章

    • Disagreement, tastes, and asset prices.pdf
    • Disappearing dividends.pdf
    • Profitability investment and average returns.pdf
  • 677.23 KB
  • 2008-4-14
  • 196404.pdf

  • 3.32 MB
  • 2008-3-7
  • 193950.pdf

  • 2.89 MB
  • 2008-2-23
  • 193949.pdf

  • 2.34 MB
  • 2008-2-23
  • 193948.pdf

  • 2.59 MB
  • 2008-2-23
  • 193947.pdf

  • 1.39 MB
  • 2008-2-23
  • 193946.pdf

  • 2.79 MB
  • 2008-2-23
  • 189724.pdf

  • 725.2 KB
  • 2008-1-21
  • 185343.pdf
       [原创][下载]Fama & French 1992-The Cross-Section of Expected Stock Returns-论文分析

  • 809.8 KB
  • 2007-12-30
  • 185038.rar

    • Cohen_et_al_JFE_1983.PDF
    • Conrad_Kaul_RFS_1989.pdf
    • Coval_Shumway_JF_2005.pdf
    • Easley_et_al_JF_1996.pdf
    • Engle_1982.pdf
    • Engle_Bollerslev_ER_1986.PDF
    • Fama_et_al_IER_1969.pdf
    • Fama_French_JF_1992.pdf
    • Fama_French_JPE_1988.pdf
    • Ferson_Jagannathan_1996.pdf
    • French_et_al_JFE_1987.PDF
    • Christie_Schultz_JF_1994.pdf
  • 16.18 MB
  • 2007-12-29
  • 173899.pdf
       Eugene Fama 应用率极高的一篇关于behavioral and traditional finance的work paper

  • 56.61 KB
  • 2007-11-15
  • 169550.pdf
       [下载]Fama-French 【经典文献】

  • 3.32 MB
  • 2007-11-2
  • 125721.rar

  • 39.79 MB
  • 2007-6-13
  • 125212.rar

  • 1.2 MB
  • 2007-6-11
  • 125211.rar

  • 5.63 MB
  • 2007-6-11
  • 125210.rar

  • 5.63 MB
  • 2007-6-11
  • 125209.rar

  • 5.63 MB
  • 2007-6-11
  • 125207.rar

  • 5.63 MB
  • 2007-6-11
  • 125206.rar

  • 5.63 MB
  • 2007-6-11
  • 105297.rar
       [推荐]fama 经典论文两篇,英文版(资本市场有效性)

    • Efficient_Markets:II.pdf
  • 1.26 MB
  • 2007-4-4
  • 105296.rar
       [推荐]fama 经典论文两篇,英文版(资本市场有效性)

    • Efficient_Capital_Markets:A_Review_of_Theory and Empirical Work.pdf
  • 1.05 MB
  • 2007-4-4
  • 105046.rar

    • Common Risk Factors in the Returns on Stocks and Bonds(1993).pdf
    • Multifactor Explanations of Asset Pricing Anomalies(1996).pdf
    • The Cross-Section of Expected Stock Returns(1992).pdf
  • 4.48 MB
  • 2007-4-3
  • 100100.rar
       [分享]MATLAB下的计算(基于FAMA&FRENCH(1993)的论文)-including solutions

    • Assignment2_6.m
  • 1.97 KB
  • 2007-3-18
  • 98719.pdf
       [分享]MATLAB下的计算(基于FAMA&FRENCH(1993)的论文)-including solutions

  • 4.83 MB
  • 2007-3-14
  • 98718.rar
       [分享]MATLAB下的计算(基于FAMA&FRENCH(1993)的论文)-including solutions

    • Fstat.m
    • assign2.m
  • 2.77 KB
  • 2007-3-14
  • 98717.rar
       [分享]MATLAB下的计算(基于FAMA&FRENCH(1993)的论文)-including solutions

    • Assign2.xls
    • data2.xls
    • F-F_Data_Factors.XLS
  • 246.92 KB
  • 2007-3-14
  • 98716.pdf
       [分享]MATLAB下的计算(基于FAMA&FRENCH(1993)的论文)-including solutions

  • 98.3 KB
  • 2007-3-14
  • 90892.pdf
       经典金融论文下载-FAMA FRENCH

  • 1.7 MB
  • 2007-2-11
  • 89034.pdf
       FAMA的经典书:Foundation of Finance

  • 29.49 MB
  • 2007-2-3
  • 88580.rar
       经典金融论文下载-FAMA FRENCH

  • 15.88 MB
  • 2007-2-1
  • 88579.rar
       经典金融论文下载-FAMA FRENCH

  • 14.76 MB
  • 2007-2-1
  • 88578.rar
       经典金融论文下载-FAMA FRENCH

  • 18.52 MB
  • 2007-2-1
  • 85281.rar
       金融市场及公司财务方面的英文论文(JFE, AER,JF等杂志)

    • 02 fama french 88 JPE.pdf
    • 05 fama french 92 JF.pdf
    • 05 fama french 93 JFE.pdf
    • 08 hansen jagannathan 91 JPE.pdf
    • 02 Lo MacKinlay 88 RFS.pdf
    • 02 Lo Mamaysky Wang 00 JF.pdf
    • 03 Amihud Mendelson 86 JFE.pdf
    • 03 glosten-milgrom.pdf
    • 03 lo mackinlay 90 JE.pdf
    • 04 acharya 93 JF.pdf
    • 04 barber lyon 97 JFE.pdf
    • 07 campbell shiller 88 JF.pdf
    • 07 campbell shiller 88 RFS.pdf
    • 08 campbell 93 AER.pdf
    • 06 Chen APT macro factors JB86.pdf
  • 28.57 MB
  • 2007-1-17
  • 78215.pdf
       One Paper by E.F. Fama (Journal of Financial Economics)

  • 134.27 KB
  • 2006-12-16
  • 74987.rar
       [下载]FAMA的foundation of finance(经典)

    • Chapter 9 The Two Parameter Model Empirical Tests.pdf
  • 5.44 MB
  • 2006-11-30
  • 74986.rar
       [下载]FAMA的foundation of finance(经典)

    • Chapter 7 The Two Parameter Portfolio Model.pdf
    • Chapter 8 Capital Market Equilibrium in a Two Parameter World.pdf
  • 8.07 MB
  • 2006-11-30
  • 74985.rar
       [下载]FAMA的foundation of finance(经典)

    • Chapter 5 Efficient Capital Markets.pdf
    • Chapter 6 Short Term Interest Rates as Predictors of Inflation.pdf
  • 6.27 MB
  • 2006-11-30
  • 74984.rar
       [下载]FAMA的foundation of finance(经典)

    • Chapter 4 The Market Model Estimates.pdf
    • Chapter 3 The Market Model Theory and Estimation.pdf
  • 4.9 MB
  • 2006-11-30
  • 74983.rar
       [下载]FAMA的foundation of finance(经典)

    • Chapter 1 The Behavior of Stock Market Returns.pdf
    • Chapter 2 The Distribution of the Return on a Portfolio.pdf
  • 4.65 MB
  • 2006-11-30
  • 74861.pdf
       2006年最新技术创新文献:Innovation through intimidation: an empirical account of dafamati

  • 434.79 KB
  • 2006-11-29
  • 73556.rar

    • 02 fama french 88 JPE.pdf
    • fama,1996.pdf
    • 02 Lo MacKinlay, Stock Market Prices Do Not88 RFS.pdf
    • lecturenotes.pdf
  • 24.92 MB
  • 2006-11-21
  • 70896.zip
       FAMA 证券市场价格行为WORKPAPER

    • (Trading)FAMA_The_Behaviour_Of_Stock-Market_Prices_(Eugene.Fama,1965,jstor.org)_[pdf].pdf
  • 7.93 MB
  • 2006-11-7
  • 67976.rar
       the theory of finance --fama 经典著作

  • 39.79 MB
  • 2006-10-19
  • 63200.pdf
       Market efficiency, LT returns and Behavioral Finance - By Eugene Fama

  • 56.61 KB
  • 2006-9-7
  • 51835.rar

    • foreign_exchange_agenda.pdf
    • 上市公司财务.pdf
    • PRO READ.pdf
    • quicksheetlev1.pdf
    • Fama French factor model.pdf
    • finance risk management1.pdf
    • !Energy_risk-mt.pdf
    • 2005cfa.pdf
    • 2005cfa1.pdf
    • Favoritism in Mutual Fund.pdf
    • Information Uncertainty and Stock Returns.pdf
    • 2_Alpha_And_Beta.pdf
  • 10.59 MB
  • 2006-5-8
  • 51800.rar

    • Empirical Evidence on Capital.pdf
    • Fama French factor model.pdf
    • Favoritism in Mutual Fund.pdf
    • Finance as a Barrier to.pdf
    • Information Uncertainty and Stock Returns.pdf
    • Initial Public Offerings An Analysis.pdf
    • Investment and Financing Constraints.pdf
    • Investor Tax Heterogeneity and Ex-Dividend.pdf
    • The Cross-Section of Volatility.pdf
    • The Limits of Investor Behavior.pdf
    • The Price Impact and Survival.pdf
    • The Rise And Transformation Of The Chief Risk Officer.pdf
    • Wealth and Executive Compensation.pdf
    • What Works in Securities laws.pdf
    • Competing for Securities Underwriting.pdf
    • Convertible Bonds Valuation and Optimal Strategies for Call and Conversion.pdf
  • 7.6 MB
  • 2006-5-8
  • 45044.rar
       (免费)Theory of Finance (Fama)

  • 5.63 MB
  • 2006-3-23
  • 45043.rar
       (免费)Theory of Finance (Fama)

  • 5.63 MB
  • 2006-3-23
  • 45042.rar
       (免费)Theory of Finance (Fama)

  • 5.63 MB
  • 2006-3-23
  • 45041.rar
       (免费)Theory of Finance (Fama)

  • 5.63 MB
  • 2006-3-23
  • 42241.rar

    • (1973) Risk, Return, and Equilibrium-- Empirical Tests.pdf
    • (1993)-Common risk factors in the returns on stocks and bonds.pdf
  • 5.35 MB
  • 2006-3-8
  • 41927.rar
       Fama 老头的新世纪 论文四篇(2000-2004)

    • (2001)-Disappearing dividends-- changing firm characteristics or lower propensity to pay.pdf
    • (2002)-The Equity Premium.pdf
    • (2004)-Financing decisions-- who issues stock.pdf
    • (2004)-New lists-- Fundamentals and survival rates.pdf
    • (2000)-Characteristics, Covariances, and Average Returns-- 1929 to 1997.pdf
  • 4.85 MB
  • 2006-3-6
  • 34966.zip

    • Fama & French_ The CAPM is Wanted, Dead or Alive (Dec 1996) .pdf
    • Fama & French_ The Cross-Section of Expected Stock Returns (.pdf
  • 4.68 MB
  • 2005-12-18
  • 34806.rar
       上传:非常经典的fama《金融理论》(Theory of Finance)

  • 4.71 MB
  • 2005-12-17
  • 34805.rar
       上传:非常经典的fama《金融理论》(Theory of Finance)

  • 3.67 MB
  • 2005-12-17
  • 34804.rar
       上传:非常经典的fama《金融理论》(Theory of Finance)

  • 4.47 MB
  • 2005-12-17
  • 34803.rar
       上传:非常经典的fama《金融理论》(Theory of Finance)

  • 8.24 MB
  • 2005-12-17
  • 34801.rar
       上传:非常经典的fama《金融理论》(Theory of Finance)

  • 2.63 MB
  • 2005-12-17
  • 30658.rar

    • Common risk factors in the returns on stocks and bonds.pdf
  • 2.73 MB
  • 2005-10-13
  • 30655.rar

    • Multifactor Explanations of Asset Pricing Anomalies.pdf
  • 816.89 KB
  • 2005-10-13
  • 30651.rar

    • The Cross-Section of Expected Stock Returns.pdf
  • 968.71 KB
  • 2005-10-13
  • 30250.rar

    • 28 Multifactor Explanations of Asset Pricing Anomalies.pdf
  • 2.8 MB
  • 2005-10-10
  • 27523.rar

    • f&f1993.pdf
  • 2.73 MB
  • 2005-9-22
  • 25203.rar

  • 8.67 MB
  • 2005-9-4
  • 25202.rar

  • 12.4 MB
  • 2005-9-4
  • 25196.rar

  • 10.62 MB
  • 2005-9-4
  • 25194.rar

  • 10.89 MB
  • 2005-9-4
  • 25190.rar

  • 7.45 MB
  • 2005-9-4
  • 25189.rar

  • 7.67 MB
  • 2005-9-4
  • 25187.rar

  • 7.59 MB
  • 2005-9-4
  • 25186.rar

  • 17.76 MB
  • 2005-9-4
  • 25184.rar

  • 14.63 MB
  • 2005-9-4
  • 18618.zip
       documents from Fama French model

    • Fama2000.pdf
  • 86.11 KB
  • 2005-7-5
  • 18617.zip
       documents from Fama French model

    • Fama_1.pdf
  • 8.75 KB
  • 2005-7-5
  • 15060.rar

    • 96fama.pdf
    • 92fama.pdf
    • 81rolf.pdf
  • 2.5 MB
  • 2005-5-18
  • 14212.rar

    • Commodity Futures Prices Some Evidence on Forecast Power, Premiums, and the Theory of Storage.pdf
  • 828.43 KB
  • 2005-5-8
  • 13031.rar
       [转帖] 早上找到的一篇英文。fama 只有abstract 谁能找到文章

  • 1.89 MB
  • 2005-4-24
  • 13030.rar
       [转帖] 早上找到的一篇英文。fama 只有abstract 谁能找到文章

  • 105.49 KB
  • 2005-4-24
  • 10372.rar

    • f&f1993.pdf
  • 2.73 MB
  • 2005-3-16
  • 9065.rar
       FAMA&Merton:Theory of Finance 超级经典

  • 39.79 MB
  • 2005-2-21
  • 9052.zip
       FAMA.E.F., Foundations of Finance 可惜效果不好

  • 29.34 MB
  • 2005-2-21
  • 2065.zip

    • Market efficiency, long-term returns, and behavioral finance_Fama.pdf
  • 106.42 KB
  • 2004-10-30
  • 477.rar

    • Fama市场效率、长期回报和行为金融.pdf
  • 105.72 KB
  • 2004-6-23
  • 42.rar

    • Fama,Jensen_JLE83_The Separation of Ownership and Control.pdf
  • 48.23 KB
  • 2004-5-29
  • 41.rar

    • Fama,Jensen_JLE83_Agency Problems and Residual Claims.pdf
  • 128.67 KB
  • 2004-5-29