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  • Econ3000zip.zip

    • Lecture 1 Economic Modelling and Principles.pdf
    • Lecture 10 Risk Bearing.pdf
    • Lecture 11 Adverse Selection.pdf
    • Lecture 12 Signaling.pdf
    • Lecture 2 Preference Utility and Choice.pdf
    • Lecture 4 Theory of Utility Maximization.pdf
    • Lecture 5 Applications of Utility Maximization.pdf
    • Lecture 6 Demand Analysis.pdf
    • Lecture 7 Revealed Preference.pdf
    • Lecture 8 Expected Utility.pdf
    • Practice Problems for Midterm.pdf
  • 19.76 MB
  • 2024-8-16
  • 遗传规划matlab工具箱,可以大大提高编程的效率.zip

    • calcpopexpected.m
    • absolute.m
    • accuracy_complexity.m
    • addcredit.m
    • addfunctions.m
    • addoperators.m
    • addterminals.m
    • antfitness.m
    • antfoodahead.m
    • antif.m
    • antleft.m
    • antmove.m
    • antprogn2.m
    • antprogn3.m
    • antright.m
    • anttrail.m
    • applyoperator.m
    • applysurvival.m
    • automaticoperatorprobs.m
    • availableparams.m
    • availablestates.m
    • calcfitness.m
    • calcpopfitness.m
    • checkvarsdata.m
    • checkvarsparams.m
    • checkvarsstate.m
    • countfind.m
    • crossover.m
    • demo.m
    • demoant.m
    • demoparity.m
    • desired_obtained.m
    • drawtree.m
    • dyndepth.m
    • dynnodes.m
    • explode.m
    • exp_x.txt
    • exp_y.txt
    • findfirstindex.m
    • fixdec.m
    • fullinit.m
    • generation.m
    • genpop.m
    • gplab.m
    • gplab.manual.2.pdf
    • graphicscontinue.m
    • graphicsgenerations.m
    • graphicsinit.m
    • graphicsstart.m
    • growinit.m
    • hamming.m
    • heavydyndepth.m
    • heavydynnodes.m
    • implode.m
    • initpop.m
    • intrand.m
    • intronnodes.m
    • isoperator.m
    • isvalid.m
    • kozadivide.m
    • kozasqrt.m
    • lexictour.m
    • license.txt
    • maketree.m
    • moveadaptwindow.m
    • mutation.m
    • mydivide.m
    • myif.m
    • mylog.m
    • mylog10.m
    • mylog2.m
    • mypower.m
    • mysqrt.m
    • nand.m
    • newind.m
    • nodes.m
    • nor.m
    • normalize.m
    • operator_evolution.m
    • orderby.m
    • parity3bit_x.txt
    • parity3bit_y.txt
    • parity5bit_x.txt
    • parity5bit_y.txt
    • pickoperator.m
    • pickparents.m
    • plotpareto.m
    • quartic_x.txt
    • quartic_y.txt
    • rampedinit.m
    • rank85.m
    • rank89.m
    • ranking.m
    • regfitness.m
    • resetparams.m
    • resetstate.m
    • roulette.m
    • sampling.m
    • santafepellets.txt
    • santafetrail.txt
    • saveall.m
    • scale.m
    • setfunctions.m
    • setinitialprobs.m
    • setoperators.m
    • setparams.m
    • setterminals.m
    • shuffle.m
    • stopcondition.m
    • strictdepth.m
    • strictnodes.m
    • sus.m
    • swapnodes.m
    • testind.m
    • tournament.m
    • tree2str.m
    • treelevel.m
    • uniquegen.m
    • uniquenosort.m
    • updatenodeids.m
    • updateoperatorprobs.m
    • updatestate.m
    • validateinds.m
    • www.pudn.com.txt
    • xy2inout.m
  • 548.08 KB
  • 2023-6-24
  • 国际投行研究分析资料2022-02.zip

    • Teva Pharmaceuticals (TEVA)_ First Take_ Opioid settlement agreement consistent with our expected range, new LT targets to come(1).pdf
    • Snap Inc. (SNAP)_ Q2'22 Review_ Downgrade to Neutral As Mixture of Macro and Platform Headwinds Likely to Persist Over Medium...(1).pdf
    • 瑞银-中国投资策略-中国香港中小盘股主题五:SFPI内部的Alpha搜索(第二部分)-‘特殊的’和‘创新的’小巨头-2022.6.14-21页.pdf
    • 瑞银-中国软件与服务行业-ERP:交付中断可能会推高收入;企业在云计算方面的支出具有弹性-2022.6.14-26页.pdf
    • 瑞银-中国零售纸巾和卫生用品行业-是时候重新审视纸浆价格下跌趋势了-2022.6.10-31页.pdf
    • 瑞银-中国电力行业-中国电力事业、可再生能源和电网:电力市场改革将推动行业重新评级-2022.6.13-42页.pdf
    • 瑞银-亚太地区投资策略-台湾地区:资本市场的繁荣-周期性还是结构性?-2022.6.15-23页.pdf
    • 瑞银-亚太地区科技行业-尽管需求令人担忧,但ABF仍处于短缺状态-2022.6.17-31页.pdf
    • 瑞银-亚太地区金融行业-台湾地区金融业:偏好利率杠杆和较好能见度的银行;买入CTBC和Chailease-2022.6.15-32页.pdf
    • 瑞银-亚太地区电信行业-泰国电信业:合并前的移动通信竞争愈演愈烈-2022.6.13-27页.pdf
    • 瑞银-全球投资策略-顶部的支持服务和底部的运输-2022.6.15-26页.pdf
    • 瑞银-全球科技行业-技术重塑电动汽车供应链:机会在哪里?-2022.6.17-84页.pdf
    • 瑞银-美股重型机械行业-租赁设备行业调查:尽管有通胀担忧,但租赁市场依然火爆-2022.6.17-30页.pdf
    • 瑞银-美股投资策略-引领争辩:我们分析师的竞选股票观点-2022.6.15-68页.pdf
    • 瑞银-美股石油和天然气行业-炼油基础知识专家电话会议的记录和反馈-资深石油分析师安迪·利波-2022.6.14-28页.pdf
    • 瑞银-美股互联网服务行业-美国在线广告:降低对在线广告的预期;第二季度预览-2022.6.15-32页.pdf
    • 瑞信-中国激光行业-如何定位22年下半年的疲软期-2022.6.15-28页.pdf
    • 瑞信-中国航运业-在供需中断中前行-2022.6.14-86页.pdf
    • 瑞信-亚太地区投资策略-下半年展望:时代充满挑战,也有一线希望-2022.6.13-37页.pdf
    • 瑞信-亚太地区科技行业-亚洲反馈(硬件):IT相关需求下滑;4-6月电子元件需求疲软,但从7-9月有望复苏-2022.6.9-113页.pdf
    • 瑞信-亚太地区科技行业-亚洲反馈(半导体、半导体前端制造设备):订单取消-2022.6.9-70页.pdf
    • 瑞信-全球投资策略-全球股票策略:行业加入奢侈品和可再生资源及其他变化-2022.6.10-43页.pdf
    • 瑞信-全球基础设施行业-丰富的活动正在加速;传达碳捕获和储存的背景-2022.6.15-102页.pdf
    • 瑞信-全球工业自动化行业-汉诺威工业博览会全文下载:为‘软件定义’做好准备-2022.6.15-28页.pdf
    • 瑞信-美股护理&医疗保健行业-关键辩论一览:重新确定、交换和衰退;仍对MCO有利-2022.6.16-37页.pdf
    • 瑞信-美股保险行业-私人乘用车保险:近期的损失成本压力,中期的改善;和长期的转型-2022.6.17-21页.pdf
    • 摩根士丹利-亚太地区房地产行业-如何为利率上升做好准备-2022.6.14-40页.pdf
    • 摩根士丹利-新兴市场投资策略-全球新兴市场策略师:被拉回原位-2022.6.13-54页.pdf
    • 摩根士丹利-全球投资策略-全球宏观策略师:对通胀感到厌倦-2022.6.10-86页.pdf
    • 摩根士丹利-全球投资策略-全球供应链调查:公司最高管理层的想法-2022.6.9-37页.pdf
    • 摩根士丹利-全球科技行业-地平线上的风暴乌云-2022.6.13-30页.pdf
    • 德银-全球投资策略-德银全球消费者大会-2022.6.14-324页.pdf
    • 德银-全球投资策略-德银QIS研究:全球因子监测-2022.6-76页.pdf
    • 德银-全球化工行业-全球材料大会:主要收获-2022.6.10-21页.pdf
    • 巴克莱-美股投资策略-美国中小盘股策略:小盘股的估值陷阱-2022.6.14-27页.pdf
    • 巴克莱-美股软件行业-夏季巴士之旅的收获-2022.6.14-34页.pdf
    • 巴克莱-美股大盘银行业-压力测试预览:所有银行都应闪付并增加股息,股票回购在短期内退潮-2022.6.16-23页.pdf
    • Zhongsheng Group (0881.HK)_ Impacts of Shenzhen's recent Omicron resurgence; Buy (on CL)(1).pdf
    • Yum China Holdings (YUMC)_ First Take_ 2Q22 NI strong beat on opex control; expansion guidance_shareholder returns intact; Buy(1).pdf
    • Yidu Tech Inc. (2158.HK)_ First take on setup of YD Capital(1).pdf
    • WuXi AppTec Co. (2359.HK)_ 2Q22 beat driven by COVID-19 project delivery; continued effort to build capacity and capability f...(1).pdf
    • Whirlpool Corp. (WHR)_ 2Q22 First Take(1).pdf
    • What's Top of Mind in Macro Research_ Euro area recession, FOMC preview, markets brief relief(1).pdf
    • Walmart Inc. (WMT)_ Lowered FY22 guidance on margin pressure(1).pdf
    • Volkswagen (VOWG_p.DE)_ 2Q22 first take (1).pdf
    • Visa Inc. (V)_ Key Takeaways from F3Q22 EPS_ Cross border recovery offsets FX headwinds to drive 3Q beat(1).pdf
    • USA_ Raising Q2 GDP to +1.0% on Better-than-Expected June Trade Balance and Inventories(1).pdf
    • USA_ Q2 GDP Declines 0.9% on Inventories and Structures Investment; Initial Claims Remain Elevated(1).pdf
    • USA_ Home Price Growth Decelerates in May but Remains Elevated(1).pdf
    • USA_ GS Economic Indicators Update(1).pdf
    • USA_ FOMC Hikes 75bp; Makes Minimal Changes to the Post-Meeting Statement(1).pdf
    • USA_ Consumer Confidence Decreases; Richmond Fed Manufacturing Index Improves; New Home Sales Fall; Lowering GDP Tracking(1).pdf
    • US Thematic Views_ Challenges remain for unprofitable growth stocks despite valuation reset(1).pdf
    • US Economics Analyst_ A Surprisingly Small Budget Deficit (Phillips_Krupa)(1).pdf
    • United Microelectronics Corp. (2303.TW)_ Earnings review_ Improving earnings structure to better weather volatility; reiterat...(1).pdf
    • UBS-Supply constraints likely to.pdf
    • UBS-Supply constraints likely to prompt further commodity price gains.pdf
    • UBS-Prepare for volatility ahead.pdf
    • UBS-Picking up the pieces in crypto.pdf
    • UBS-Morning comment _ Slowing is sensible.pdf
    • UBS-Markets rally as Fed refrains from hawkish surprise.pdf
    • UBS-Growth stocks likely to struggle despite tech earnings resilience.pdf
    • UBS-Global Rates Strategy _Global Index Projections.pdf
    • UBS-Fed meeting preview Top questions answered.pdf
    • Twitter Inc. (TWTR)_ Q2 2022 Earnings Review(1).pdf
    • The 720_ Reliance Industries, Global Markets, Taiwan Automation, ICICI Bank, FOMC, China HY Property(1).pdf
    • The 720_ LG Chem_LG ES, China Tourism Group, SK Hynix, UMC, Shin-Etsu, Fanuc, BBRI & BBCA(1).pdf
    • The 720_ China Financials - Real Estate Fund, Kotak, Shanghai M&G, Infosys, US Unprofitable Growth Stocks, Iron Ore(1).pdf
    • The 720_ Asia Strategy, China Consumer, Samsung Electronics, Keyence, Mandiri, Naver, China - Politburo Meeting(1).pdf
    • The 720_ Alibaba, HKEx, China PM Sector, Sea Ltd, Energy Storage, JP Strategy, Unimicron(1).pdf
    • Squarespace Inc. (SQSP)_ Pricing and bundling key to balancing 2H macro (1).pdf
    • Spotify Technology S.A. (SPOT)_ Q2'22 Earnings First Take(1).pdf
  • 92.3 MB
  • 2022-8-8
  • 国际投行研究分析资料2022-01.zip

    • CSPC Pharma (1093.HK)_ Second ex-China license-out of CLDN18.2 assets; 1-2 more BD deals expected before YE22(1).pdf
    • CS-Visa Inc..pdf
    • Sichuan Teway Food Group (603317.SS)_ Data update_ Adjusting FY22E quarterly estimates(1).pdf
    • Sichuan Swellfun Co. (600779.SS)_ Cautious Outlook Into 2H22; Maintain Neutral(1).pdf
    • Sichuan Swellfun Co. (600779.SS)_ 2Q22 Miss on Covid Disruption to Consumption Scenarios, with Channel Inventory Management i....pdf
    • Shopify Inc. (SHOP)_ Growth, margins likely approaching a trough(1).pdf
    • Shell Plc (SHEL.AS)_ Strong set of 2Q results and cash flow generation support increased share buybacks; Buy (1).pdf
    • Shanghai Putailai New Energy (603659.SS)_ 1H22 inline; Strong anode and separator shipment driven by EV growth; Stay Neutral(1).pdf
    • ServiceNow Inc. (NOW)_ Expect solid quarter with embedded conservatism_ 2Q22 Preview(1).pdf
    • ServiceNow Inc. (NOW)_ Estimates largely derisked as waning macro backdrop incorporated in guide - 2Q22 Results(1).pdf
    • Sangfor (300454.SZ)_ HCI v6.8.0 launched; financial _ steel clients on cloudization, HCI, cybersecurity; Buy(1).pdf
    • Samsung Electronics (005930.KS)_ Earnings Review_ 2Q22 inline with expectations_ A more disciplined memory investment the com...(1).pdf
    • Retail_ Specialty Hardlines_ Sporting goods digital trends; Update on promotional activity(1).pdf
    • Qualcomm Inc. (QCOM)_ FQ3'22 Wrap_ QTR beat but FQ4 guidance miss; High-end demand resilient even as handset market expectati...(1).pdf
    • Puma (PUMG.DE)_ 2Q22E EBIT beat driven by strong sales momentum, albeit uncertain consumer demand leaves FY22E EBIT unchanged...(1).pdf
    • Prosus_Naspers_ Release 4th update on buyback programme execution(1).pdf
    • Pentair Plc (PNR)_ Execution on price-cost encouraging as volume slowdown comes into focus; remain Buy on favorable risk-reward(1).pdf
    • Paccar Inc. (PCAR)_ Structural Parts margin improvement balanced by challenging cyclical outlook(1).pdf
    • One 97 Communications (PAYT.BO)_ 1QFY23 preview_ Another quarter of elevated growth and improving margins; Buy(1).pdf
    • NXP Semiconductors NV (NXPI)_ Solid results_guide, but we continue to await normalization in shipments; 2Q22 EPS recap(1).pdf
    • NetEase Inc. (NTES)_ Thoughts on Diablo Immortal releases in China on 25 July; Buy(1).pdf
    • Natural Gas_ Potential NS1 drop brings upside risk to our TTF forecast(1).pdf
    • MS-The Thin Red Line.pdf
    • MS-Sunday Start - 60-40 Isn’t Dead, Just Resting.pdf
    • MS-Sound Bites 芯片之争 – 投资者反馈.pdf
    • MS_McDonald'sCorporation _ NorthAmerica 2Q22_ Defensive Characteristics Show Up Around the World Amidst Growing Uncertainty_20220726.pdf
    • MS_Internet _ NorthAmerica Where Are We Trading Now...Let Mega Cap EPS Begin_20220726.pdf
    • MS -China Equity Strategy Focus List Changes.pdf
    • Moody's Corp. (MCO)_ Ratings revenue soft in 2Q, with estimates largely de-risked and attention turning to recovery in 2023(1).pdf
    • Miniso (MNSO)_ Addressing recent investor queries; Buy(1).pdf
    • Milkyway (603713.SS)_ First Take_ 2Q22 a clean beat; Buy.pdf
    • Milkyway (603713.SS)_ Earnings Review_ Raising estimates post strong 2Q22; maintain Buy(1).pdf
    • Microsoft Corp. (MSFT)_ PC and FX headwinds are more than offset by $100bn Cloud Revenue runrate, growing at 33% CC – F4Q22 R...(1).pdf
    • Microsoft Corp. (MSFT)_ Expecting strong underlying trends amid FX volatility – F4Q22 preview (1).pdf
    • Metals & Mining_ Models and single-name views as 2Q earnings accelerate(1).pdf
    • Meta Platforms, Inc. (META)_ Q2'22 Review_ Macro Headwinds Replace Privacy Headwinds; Shift to Long Term Platform Transition ...(1).pdf
    • Meta Platforms, Inc. (META)_ Q2 '22 Earnings First Take(1).pdf
    • Merck & Co. (MRK)_ 2Q22 First Take_ Revenue_EPS Beat and topline Guidance Raise(1).pdf
    • MediaTek (2454.TW)_ Our thoughts on the new strategic partnership with Intel (1).pdf
    • McDonald's Corp. (MCD)_ 2Q22 Review_ Sales Momentum Continues Across Geographies, Company Well-Positioned to Manage Cost Pres...(1).pdf
    • MasterCard Inc. (MA)_ Key Takeaways from 2Q22 EPS(1).pdf
    • Macro at a Glance_ Latest views and forecasts(1).pdf
    • LVMH Moet-Hennessy Louis Vuitton (LVMH.PA)_ 1H22_ Sales +19% cFX with +6% EBIT beat; reiterate Buy, PT to EUR730 (was EUR700)(1).pdf
    • Liberty Energy Inc. (LBRT)_ 2Q22 First Take_ Significant EBITDA Beat on Net Pricing, Activating Additional Fleets For 2022(1).pdf
    • Kweichow Moutai (600519.SS)_ Data update_ Adjusting FY22E quarterly estimates(1).pdf
    • Kraft Heinz Co. (KHC)_ Further relative under-performance seems unlikely from here; Up to Neutral(1).pdf
    • Keyence (6861.T)_ Earnings Review_ 1Q in line in adjusted terms, taking China lockdowns into account; business structure rema...(1).pdf
    • Kaiser Aluminum Corp. (KALU)_ First Take_ 2Q EPS and EBITDA miss on higher costs and Warrick supply chain challenges; Sell(1).pdf
    • JPM-Global Data Watch Skating on thin ice during.pdf
    • JPM-Global Commodities.pdf
    • JPM-first to market.pdf
    • JPM-Cross Asset Volatility Machine Learning Trading .pdf
    • JPM-Commodities Oil Drilling Report Total US oil.pdf
    • JPM-China’s housing market alarm bell rings again -2022-07-21.pdf
    • Japan SaaS_ KPI summary_ Fundamentals largely unchanged, but valuations remain low(1).pdf
    • Japan Machinery_ Automation_ June robot_robodrill volume inferred from customs data_ China upturn, robot shipments remain high(1).pdf
    • Japan Chemicals_ June MOF data_ Silicon wafer shipment volume down -7% yoy on China impact, overall ASP up high +43% yoy(1).pdf
    • J.P.摩根-亚太地区投资策略-新兴市场亚洲本地市场2022年年中展望:从急性到慢性-保持UW利率和外汇-2022.6.14-40页.pdf
    • J.P.摩根-新兴市场投资策略-新兴市场边缘数据观察:有风险的副作用的强效药-2022.6.17-29页.pdf
    • J.P.摩根-全球自动化行业-JPM&CSIA系统集成商调查:需求在高位达到顶峰-2022.6.17-58页.pdf
    • J.P.摩根-全球投资策略-外汇年中展望:下半年货币需要了解的十件事-2022.6.17-51页.pdf
    • J.P.摩根-全球投资策略-全球数据观察:当我向他们复仇时,他们会知道我是主-2022.6.17-89页.pdf
    • J.P.摩根-全球投资策略-J.P.摩根视角:告别负收益率-2022.6.15-92页.pdf
    • J.P.摩根-美股银行业-美国中小盘银行赚钱策略更新:卓越的客户体验和强劲的增长历来能带来可观的表现-2022.6.15-44页.pdf
    • J.P.摩根-美股医疗保健行业-可操作的见解:生育101-市场背景是BFP-2022.6.16-28页.pdf
    • J.P.摩根-美股投资策略-2022年年中展望:更大的宽幅和更大的紧缩迫使更广泛的预测—移动到175个基点-2022.6.17-22页.pdf
    • J.P.摩根-美股汽车行业-数字化二手和特许经营汽车经销商:行业思考与手册-2022.6.14-202页.pdf
    • J.P.摩根-美股能源行业-J.P.摩根能源问题库:勘探和开采、综合石油和炼油、中游、油田服务和设备、公用事业和替代能源-2022.6.14-243页.pdf
    • J.P.摩根-美股零售业-行业&公司深度研究(HAS, MAT, FNKO)-2022.6.16-66页.pdf
    • J.P.摩根-美股保险行业-变额年金市场趋势:疲软的市场将损害近期的业绩;尾部风险是长期的担忧-2022.6.17-32页.pdf
    • J.P.摩根-美股半导体行业-J.P.摩根半导体和半导体资本设备公司-2022.6-40页.pdf
    • Iron Ore - From scarcity to glut(1).pdf
    • India Telecom_ Spectrum auction_ Bids 60% higher vs GSe at US$19 bn, likely led by Jio(1).pdf
    • HSBC-中国运输与物流行业-上海运输与物流8月可全面恢复-2022.6.16-24页.pdf
    • HSBC-中国投资策略-中国股票策略:从亚洲供应链的转变中寻找赢家-2022.6.13-21页.pdf
    • HSBC-中国能源行业-中国太阳能设备:太阳能电池市场可能出现范式转变-2022.6.14-26页.pdf
    • HSBC-中国PCB行业-触底反弹;关注苹果相关FPC-2022.6.15-21页.pdf
    • HSBC-亚太地区投资策略-亚太地区利率:加速加息-2022.6.16-32页.pdf
    • HSBC-亚太地区投资策略-看点:亚洲债券市场-2022.6-167页.pdf
    • HSBC-亚太地区电子设备和仪器行业-亚洲科技:启动ABF基板领域-2022.6.15-29页.pdf
    • HSBC-全球投资策略-体育用品回顾:迎接新一轮的复杂性-2022.6.14-32页.pdf
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    • HSBC-The Major bond letter.PDF
    • HSBC-Covered Bond Insight Strong year-to-date issuance in USD and GBP.pdf
    • HSBC-China’s property stumble Why it’s different from the subprime mortgage crisis.pdf
    • Hong Kong Exchanges (0388.HK)_ BABA announces HK primary listing plans; Buy(1).pdf
    • Healthcare Pulse_ Unsettled ... Investor sentiment; market color; sector themes; charts to watch(1).pdf
    • GS MINING_ Amplats __ Iron ore __ SIG __ China steel production __ Las Bambas __ Natural Gas NS1(1).pdf
    • GS EUROPEAN EXPRESS_ European Views _ Encore_ Buy LVMH, Volvo, NHY _ US Consumer _ China Musings(1).pdf
    • Greater China Telecom Equipment_ June_ 5G BTS +154k units to 1,854k; 5G subscribers +28mn(1).pdf
    • Global Rates Trader_ A Europe-driven yield downdraft(1).pdf
    • Global PMI Monitor_ DM Composite PMI Falls Below 50 in July; Further Easing in Inflation Components (Zhestkova)(1).pdf
    • Global Market Views_ Relief, but no green light (Trivedi_Wilson)(1).pdf
    • Global Economics Comment_ June Trimmed Core Inflation_ US Reacceleration (Bhushan)(1).pdf
    • General Electric Co. (GE)_ Strong 2Q, low bar to clear in 3Q, valuation attractive(1).pdf
    • FOMC Roundtable July 26-27 [presentation](1).pdf
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    • Fiserv Inc. (FISV)_ First Take_ Top-line beat with particular strength in Merchant Acceptance(1).pdf
    • Europe Beverages_ Trends in US Off-Trade Beer market remain fairly consistent in July(1).pdf
    • Equinix Inc. (EQIX)_ 2Q22 Review_ Solid results and increased core 2022 guidance; maintain Buy and $765 PT(1).pdf
    • Energy_ Drillers_ See upside potential into 2Q earnings; continue to prefer NBR over RIG longer-term(1).pdf
    • Energy, Utilities & Mining Pulse_ Investors Asking_ What Surprised During Earnings and the Growing Importance of EPS Execution(1).pdf
    • EM in Focus_ Drilling into EM Debt Dynamics(1).pdf
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    • DB-Asia Thematic Analysis Asias energy security.pdf
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    • CS-Weibo Corporation (WB.OQ).pdf
    • CS-Taiwan View on the news - July 22.pdf
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    • CS-Sea Limited (SE.N).pdf
    • CS-Ping An Healthcare and Technology (1833.HK).pdf
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    • CS-Trip.com Group (TCOM.OQ).pdf
    • CS-Tongcheng Travel (0780.HK).pdf
    • CS-The Container Conundrum – U.S. Shipping Port Dynamics Update.pdf
    • CS-Technology sector.pdf
    • CS-Taiwan View on the news.pdf
    • CS-Taiwan View on the news - July 25.pdf
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  • 2022-8-8
  • 0022053187900937.rar

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  • Fama.rar

    • Fama & French 1989 Business conditions and expected returns on stocks and bonds.pdf
    • Fama & French 1992 JF.pdf
    • Fama & French 1992 JF.xml
    • Fama & French 1993 Common Risk Factors in the Returns on Stocks and Bonds.pdf
    • Fama & French 1996 JF.pdf
    • Fama & French 2000 Characteristics, Covariances, and Average Returns 1929 to 1997.pdf
    • Fama & French 2002 The equity premium.pdf
    • Fama & French 2004 The Capital asset pricing model theory and evidence .pdf
    • Fama & French 2006 Profitability, investment and average returns.pdf
    • Fama & French 2006 The Behavior of Interest Rates.pdf
    • Fama & French 2006 The Value Premium and the CAPM.pdf
    • Fama & French 2007 Disagreement, tastes, and asset prices.pdf
    • Fama & French 2007 The anatomy of value and growth stock returns.pdf
    • Fama & French 2008 Average Returns, BM, and Share Issues.pdf
    • Fama & French 2008 Dissecting Anomalies.pdf
    • Fama & French 2010 Luck versus Skill in the Cross-Section of Mutual.pdf
    • Fama & French 2012 Size, value, and momentum in international stock returns.pdf
    • Fama & French 2015 A five-factor asset pricing model.pdf
    • Fama & French 2016 RFS Dissecting Anomalies with a Five-Factor Model.pdf
    • Fama & French 2017 JFE International tests of a five-factor asset pricing model.pdf
    • Fama & French 2018 Choosing factors.pdf
    • Fama & MacBeth 1973 JPE.pdf
    • Fama 1965 Random Walks.pdf
    • Fama 1965 The Behavior of Stock-Market Prices.pdf
    • Fama 1970 Efficient Capital Markets A Review of Theory and Empirical work.pdf
    • Fama 1984 Term Premiums in Bond Reuturns JFE.pdf
    • Fama 1984 The Information in the Term Structure JFE.pdf
    • Fama 1991 Efficient Capital Markets II JF.pdf
    • Fama 1998 Market efficiency, long-term returns, and behavioral finance JFE.pdf
    • Fama 2006 RFS.pdf
    • Fama 2006 The Behavior of Interest Rates RFS.pdf
    • Fama 2010 Gene Fama’s comments.pdf
    • Fama 2011 My Life in Finance.pdf
    • Fama 2012 Size, value,and momentum ininternational stock returns.pdf
    • Fama and Blume 1966.pdf
    • Fama, Fisher, Jensen, Roll 1969 The Adjustment of Stock Prices to New Information.pdf
    • WP Interest Rates and Inflation Revisited.pdf
    • Fama & Bliss 1987 AER.pdf
    • Fama & Blume 1966 Filter Rules and Stock-Market Trading.pdf
    • Fama & French 1987 JB.pdf
    • Fama & French 1988 JF.pdf
    • Fama & French 1988 JFE.pdf
    • Fama & French 1988 JPE.pdf
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    • Chapter 14 - The Complexity of Computing Equilibria.pdf
    • Chapter 13 - Population Games and Deterministic Evolutionary Dynamics.pdf
    • Chapter 12 - Epistemic Game Theory.pdf
    • Chapter 11 - Evolutionary Game Theory in Biology.pdf
    • Chapter 10 - Behavioral Game Theory Experiments and Modeling.pdf
    • Chapter 18 - Calibration and Expert Testing.pdf
    • Chapter 16 - Game Theory and Distributed Control.pdf
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  • FRM_Current_Issues.zip

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    • 3. Machine Learning:A Revolution in Risk Management and Compliance?.pdf
    • 4. Central clearing and risk transformation.pdf
    • 5. The bank/capital markets nexus goes global.pdf
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    • 7. The Gordon Gekko Effect:The Role of Culture in the Financial Industry.pdf
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  • 2018-9-3
  • CFA I_V1_Based on 2016.rar
       CFA I by dadagetensai Volume 1

    • L1_V1_R12_课后习题_已纠偏_Exp.docx
    • L1_V1_R2_Standard I (A)_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R2_Standard I (B)_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R2_Standard I (C)_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R2_Standard I (D)_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R2_Standard II (A)_已纠偏.docx
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    • L1_V1_R2_Standard III (B)_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R2_Standard III (C)_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R2_Standard III (D)_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R2_Standard III (E)_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R2_Standard IV (A)_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R2_Standard IV (B)_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R2_Standard IV (C)_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R2_Standard V (A)_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R2_Standard V (B)_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R2_Standard V (C)_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R2_Standard VI (A)_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R2_Standard VI (B)_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R2_Standard VI (C)_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R2_Standard VII (A)_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R2_Standard VII (B)_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R2_课后习题_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R2_课后习题_已纠偏_Exp.docx
    • L1_V1_R3_Full_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R4_0_Introduction and Provisions.docx
    • L1_V1_R4_1_Samples_删除optional.docx
    • L1_V1_R4_4_Verfication_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R4_5_Glossary_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R4_课后题_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R4_课后题_已纠偏_Exp.docx
    • L1_V1_R5_1_利率的成分_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R5_2_EAR_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R5_3_养老金&房贷_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R5_课后习题_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R5_课后习题_已纠偏_Exp.docx
    • L1_V1_R6_1_NPV VS IRR_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R6_2_Money Weighted and Time Weighted_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R6_3_Money Market Yields_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R6_课后习题_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R6_课后习题_已纠偏_Exp.docx
    • L1_V1_R7_1_统计数据类型_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R7_2_Frequency_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R7_3_平均数中位数众数_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R7_4_Quartiles_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R7_5_Sample Variance&Mean Absolute Deviation_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R7_6_Semivariance_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R7_7_Chebyshev’s Inequality_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R7_8_Coefficient of Variation_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R7_8_Example 14.xlsx
    • L1_V1_R7_9_Sharpe Ratio_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R7_Full_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R7_课后习题_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R8_1_Full_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R8_2_Portfolio Expected Return and Variance of Return_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R8_3_贝叶斯公式_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R8_课后习题_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R9_1_Discrete Random Variables_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R9_2_Continuous Random Variables_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R9_3_MC模拟_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R9_课后习题_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R10_1_Example 2.xlsx
    • L1_V1_R10_1_Full_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R10_2_Distribution of the Sample Mean_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R10_3_Point and Interval Estimates of the Population Mean_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R10_4_Bias_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R10_课后习题_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R11_1_Hypothesis Testing_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R11_2_样本间是否同均数_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R11_3_样本间是否同方差_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R11_4_Nonparametric Inference_Full_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R11_Appendix_已完成.xlsx
    • L1_V1_R11_课后习题_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R11_课后习题_已纠偏_Exp.docx
    • L1_V1_R12_1_技术分析的基本逻辑_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R12_2_线图类型及基本指标_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R12_3_Chart Patterns_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R12_4_技术信号_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R12_5_周期理论_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R12_课后习题_已纠偏.docx
  • 7.8 MB
  • 2018-4-8
  • managing the unexpected.zip
       Managing the Unexpected: Sustained Performance in a Complex World

    • about.pdf
    • ch01.pdf
    • ch02.pdf
    • ch03.pdf
    • ch04.pdf
    • ch05.pdf
    • ch06.pdf
    • ch07.pdf
    • ch08.pdf
    • ch09.pdf
    • fmatter.pdf
    • index.pdf
    • notes.pdf
  • 9.83 MB
  • 2018-2-5
  • AFA-2017-Part02.zip

    • AFA2017-A Clash of Cultures_ The Governance and Valuation Effects of Multiple Corporate Cultures.pdf
    • AFA2017-A First Glimpse into the Short Side of Hedge Funds.pdf
    • AFA2017-Access to Credit and Stock Market Participation.pdf
    • AFA2017-Aggregate Effects of Collateral Constraints.pdf
    • AFA2017-Analyst Coverage Network and Corporate Financial.pdf
    • AFA2017-Anchoring and Acquisitions.pdf
    • AFA2017-Anomalies and News.pdf
    • AFA2017-Are CEOs Different_ Characteristics of Top Managers.pdf
    • AFA2017-Asset Encumbrance, Bank Funding, and Financial Fragility.pdf
    • AFA2017-Asset Management Within Commercial Banking Groups_ International Evidence.pdf
    • AFA2017-Bank Complexity and Risk Management_ Evidence from Operational Risk Events in U.S. Bank Holding Companies.pdf
    • AFA2017-Bank Culture.pdf
    • AFA2017-Bank Resolution and the Structure of Global Banks.pdf
    • AFA2017-Can Decentralized Markets Be More Efficient_.pdf
    • AFA2017-Can Paying Firms Quicker Affect Aggregate Employment_.pdf
    • AFA2017-Career Concerns and Strategic Effort Allocation by Analysts.pdf
    • AFA2017-Cash-flow timing vs. discount-rate timing_ A decomposition of mutual Fund.pdf
    • AFA2017-Centralized Trading, Transparency and Interest Rate Swap Market Liquidity_ Evidence from the Implementation of the Dodd-Frank Act.pdf
    • AFA2017-Compensation goals and firm performance.pdf
    • AFA2017-Competition and Innovation in the Presence of Financial Constraints.pdf
    • AFA2017-Competition, Reach for Yield, and Money Market Funds.pdf
    • AFA2017-Corporate Culture_ Evidence from the Field.pdf
    • AFA2017-Correlated High-Frequency Trading.pdf
    • AFA2017-Creditor Rights and Relationship Banking_ Evidence from a Policy Experiment.pdf
    • AFA2017-Cross-Currency Basis.pdf
    • AFA2017-Data Abundance and Asset Price Informativeness.pdf
    • AFA2017-Dividend Dynamics, Learning, and Expected Stock Index Returns.pdf
    • AFA2017-Do Bank Boards Focus Adequately On Risk_.pdf
    • AFA2017-Do Criminal Politicians affect Firm Investment and Value_ Evidence from a Regression Discontinuity Approach.pdf
    • AFA2017-Do High Frequency Traders Need to be Regulated_ Evidence from Trading on Macroeconomic Announcements.pdf
    • AFA2017-Do Personal Ethics Influence Corporate Ethics_.pdf
    • AFA2017-Does Central Bank Tone Move Asset Prices_.pdf
    • AFA2017-Does a Larger Menu Increase Appetite_ Collateral Eligibility and Bank Risk-Taking.pdf
    • AFA2017-Economic Uncertainty, Aggregate Debt, and the Real Effects of Corporate Finance.pdf
    • AFA2017-Endogenous Specialization and Dealer Networks.pdf
    • AFA2017-Entangled Risks in Incomplete FX Markets.pdf
    • AFA2017-Estimating Information Asymmetry in Securities Markets.pdf
    • AFA2017-Executive Job Matching_ Estimates from a Dynamic Model.pdf
    • AFA2017-Experimenting with Entrepreneurship_ The Effect of Job-Protected Leave.pdf
    • AFA2017-Fast Traders Make a Quick Buck_ The Role of Speed in Liquidity Provision.pdf
    • AFA2017-Financial Conglomerate Affiliation and Hedge Funds’ Countercyclical Risk Taking.pdf
    • AFA2017-Financial Intermediation in Private Equity_ How Well do Funds of Funds Perform_.pdf
    • AFA2017-Financing Payouts.pdf
    • AFA2017-Flying Under the Radar_ The Effects of Short-Sale Disclosure Rules on Investor Behavior and Stock Prices.pdf
    • AFA2017-Generalized Recovery.pdf
    • AFA2017-Good and Bad CEOs.pdf
    • AFA2017-How should investors respond to increases in volatility_.pdf
    • AFA2017-In-Group Bias in Financial Markets.pdf
    • AFA2017-Informed Trading and Option Prices_ Evidence from Activist.pdf
    • AFA2017-Innovation Waves, Investor Sentiment, and Mergers.pdf
    • AFA2017-Insider Purchases after Short Interest Spikes_ a False Signaling Device_.pdf
    • AFA2017-Institutional Herding and Its Price Impact_ Evidence from the Corporate Bond Market.pdf
    • AFA2017-Integrity Culture and Analyst Forecast Quality .pdf
    • AFA2017-Interfund lending in mutual fund families_ Role of internal capital markets.pdf
    • AFA2017-Intraday Trading Invariance in the E-mini S&P 500 Futures Market.pdf
    • AFA2017-It Depends on Where You Search_ A Comparison of Institutional and Retail Attention.pdf
    • AFA2017-Learning across Peer Firms and Innovation Waves.pdf
    • AFA2017-Macro Announcement Premium and Risk Preferences.pdf
    • AFA2017-Maximum likelihood estimation of the equity.pdf
    • AFA2017-Minimum Payments and Debt Paydown in Consumer Credit Cards.pdf
    • AFA2017-Multiple Equilibria in Noisy Rational Expectations Economies.pdf
    • AFA2017-Non-rating revenue and conflicts of interest.pdf
    • AFA2017-Oil Volatility RisK.pdf
    • AFA2017-One thorn of experience_ CEOs, strikes, and financial leverage.pdf
    • AFA2017-Opportunistic Proposals by Union Shareholders.pdf
    • AFA2017-Optimal Financing for R&D-intensive Firms.pdf
    • AFA2017-Parsing the Content of Bank Supervision.pdf
    • AFA2017-Patents as Substitutes for Relationships.pdf
    • AFA2017-Pay Now or Pay Later__ The Economics within the Private Equity Partnership.pdf
    • AFA2017-Pension Fund Board Composition and Investment Performance_ Evidence from Private Equity.pdf
    • AFA2017-Performance-Vesting Provisions in Executive Compensation .pdf
    • AFA2017-Private Equity’s Unintended Dark Side_ On the Economic Consequences of Excessive Delistings.pdf
    • AFA2017-Real Exchange Rates and Currency Risk Premia.pdf
    • AFA2017-Relative Pay for Non-Relative Performance_ Keeping up with the Joneses with Optimal Contracts.pdf
    • AFA2017-Rethinking Performance Evaluation.pdf
    • AFA2017-Risk Management in Financial Institutions.pdf
    • AFA2017-Robust Bond Risk Premia.pdf
    • AFA2017-Shareholder-Creditor Conflict and Payout Policy_ Evidence from Mergers between Lenders and Shareholders.pdf
    • AFA2017-Size Discovery.pdf
    • AFA2017-Skewness Consequences of Seeking Alpha.pdf
    • AFA2017-Slow Trading and Stock Return Predictability.pdf
    • AFA2017-Sovereign CDS Spreads with Credit Rating.pdf
    • AFA2017-Speed and Expertise in Stock Picking_ Older, Slower, and Wiser_ .pdf
    • AFA2017-Standing on the Shoulders of Giants_ The Effect of Passive Investors on Activism.pdf
    • AFA2017-Stock Market Coverage.pdf
    • AFA2017-Taking Orders and Taking Notes_ Dealer Information Sharing in Financial Markets.pdf
    • AFA2017-Term Structure of Interest Rates with Short-run and Long-run Risks.pdf
    • AFA2017-The Causal Effect of Limits to Arbitrage on Asset Pricing Anomalies.pdf
    • AFA2017-The Cross-Section of Subjective Bond Risk Premia.pdf
    • AFA2017-The Effect of Option-based Compensation on Payout Policy_ Evidence from FAS 123R.pdf
    • AFA2017-The Equity Premium and the One Percent.pdf
    • AFA2017-The Face of Risk_ CEO Testosterone and Risk Taking Behavior.pdf
    • AFA2017-The Impact of Sovereign Shocks.pdf
    • AFA2017-The Liquid Hand-to-Mouth_ Evidence from Personal.pdf
    • AFA2017-The Misguided Beliefs of Financial Advisors.pdf
    • AFA2017-The Momentum of News .pdf
    • AFA2017-The Term Structure of Implied Volatility and Volatility Risk Premia in the FX Market.pdf
    • AFA2017-The Value of Information for Contracting.pdf
    • AFA2017-The Value of Trading Relationships in Turbulent Times.pdf
    • AFA2017-The real effects of credit ratings_ Evidence from corporate asset sales.pdf
    • AFA2017-Time-Varying Crash Risk.pdf
    • AFA2017-Uncertainty, the Exchange Rate and International Capital Flows.pdf
    • AFA2017-Unemployment and Credit Risk.pdf
    • AFA2017-Variance Risk Premia on Stocks and Bonds.pdf
    • AFA2017-Weighted Least Squares Estimates of Return Predictability Regressions.pdf
    • AFA2017-What Drives Liquidity_ Identifying Shocks to Market Makers' Supply of Liquidity and Their Role in Economic Fluctuations.pdf
    • AFA2017-What's Behind the Smooth Dividends_ Evidence from Structural Estimation.pdf
    • AFA2017-When Do Laws and Institutions Affect Recovery Rates on Collateral_.pdf
    • AFA2017-Where the Heart Is_ Information Production and the Home Bias.pdf
    • AFA2017-Wholesale Funding Runs.pdf
    • AFA2017-Why does fast loan growth predict poor performance for banks_ .pdf
  • 77.41 MB
  • 2016-12-30
  • AFA-2017-Part01.zip

    • AFA2017-A Dynamic Theory of Mutual Fund Runs and Liquidity Management.pdf
    • AFA2017-A Macroeconomic Model with Financially Constrained Producers and Intermediaries.pdf
    • AFA2017-A Tough Act to Follow_ Contrast Effects in Financial Markets.pdf
    • AFA2017-An Equilibrium Model of Institutional Demand and Asset Prices.pdf
    • AFA2017-Are Corporate Inversions Good for Shareholders_.pdf
    • AFA2017-Are Lemons Sold First_ Dynamic Signaling in the Mortgage Market.pdf
    • AFA2017-Bank Monitoring_ Evidence from Syndicated Loans.pdf
    • AFA2017-Bankruptcy Law, Private Benefits, and Risk-Taking.pdf
    • AFA2017-Bankruptcy and the Cost of Organized Labor.pdf
    • AFA2017-Betting Against Winners.pdf
    • AFA2017-Board Diversity and Director Dissent in Corporate Boards.pdf
    • AFA2017-CDS and Credit_ Testing the Small Bang Theory of the Financial Universe with Micro Data.pdf
    • AFA2017-Capital Structure Misallocation.pdf
    • AFA2017-Collateral Values and Corporate Employment.pdf
    • AFA2017-Complexity and Information Content of Financial Disclosures_ Evidence from Evolution of Uncertainty Following 10-K Filings.pdf
    • AFA2017-Contrasts in Governance_ Newly Public Firms Versus Mature Firms.pdf
    • AFA2017-Corporate Capital Structure Actions.pdf
    • AFA2017-Corporate Inversions_ A Case of Having the Cake and Eating it Too_.pdf
    • AFA2017-Corporate Leverage and Employees’ Rights in Bankruptcy.pdf
    • AFA2017-Death by Committee_ An Analysis of Delegation in Corporate Boards.pdf
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    • AFA2017-The Effect of Central Bank Liquidity Injections on Bank Credit Supply.pdf
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    • AFA2017-Using Managerial Attributes to Identify Market Feedback Effects_ The Case of Mutual Fund Fire Sales.pdf
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  • 76.53 MB
  • 2016-12-30
  • Expected Rates of Returns to Education.rar

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  • 《Journal of Housing Economics》2016年第三期为Chinas Urbanization and Housing Ma.rar

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  • JFE-2016-05-06-07.zip

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  • RA.zip

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  • 金融英文文献.zip

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    • 1-2 Average Returns, BM, and Share Issues.pdf
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  • 10月.rar

    • Nestle: Sharper than expected growth slowdown in 3Q driven by EMs - reiterate OW.pdf
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    • AT&T, Inc.:3Q14 Review: Challenging Environment, Clouded by Uncertainty.pdf
    • Abbott Laboratories: Thesis Is Coming Together.pdf
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    • Hertz Global Holdings Inc:US Car Rental: A Fake Oligopoly.pdf
    • Abbvie Inc.: Resuming with OW; Hep-C bigger and Humira longer.pdf
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  • 2014-11-8
  • 9月-3.rar

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    • Oil & Gas: E&P:Cycling around to M&A.pdf
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    • Oracle Corporation:Silver Lining in the Clouds.pdf
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    • India Financials: The Upcoming Second Leg of the Banks Rally(1).pdf
    • India Financials: The Upcoming Second Leg of the Banks Rally.pdf
    • India Materials:Coal Blocks De-allocated: Ball In Government's Court Now.pdf
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    • Industrials: Takeaways from SH-HK Stock Connect Corporate Day.pdf
    • J.C. Penney Co.: Analyst Day Preview: Very Few Roads Lead to Rome.pdf
    • Japan Strategy: Further Yen weakness poses upside risks to our base case Earnings – Yen Sensitivity at Market and Sector Level.pdf
    • Large Cap Banks: 3Q14 Preview: Long AXP, BAC Going Into Earnings.pdf
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    • Life Science Tools & Diagnostics: The Top-Down Approach to Life Science Tools; Initiating on A-PKI-TMO-WAT.pdf
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    • Major Pharmaceuticals: Correction: MS Conference BMY, LLY, MRK, PFE highlights.pdf
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    • Maruti Suzuki India Limited: Margin Surprise Next.pdf
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    • Medtronic Inc.:The 40% Solution.pdf
    • Michael Kors Holdings Ltd: Fundamentals Intact + Compelling Valuation = Buying Opportunity.pdf
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    • Microsoft: Closing the Hood: How Fast Can This Car Go?.pdf
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    • Midstream Energy :MLP、YieldCo Structuring and Tax Trends Call Recap.pdf
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    • MS:China Oil & Gas:Big 3 Underperformed CNOOC A Bit Better, Yizheng Surged After Restructuring, but Why Did Small-Cap Peers Plunge?.pdf
    • MS:Hong Kong Economics:August Retail Sales – 1st Month of Positive Growth in Seven Months.pdf
    • MS_Thailand EconomicsPolicy Rate On Hold As Expected.pdf
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    • Multi-Industry:Laguna Conference Day Two Highlights.pdf
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    • Myer: 1st Take: FY14 Result – Miss & Soft Outlook.pdf
    • Myer:Correction:Profit Growth Unlikely.pdf
    • NA Metals & Mining Chartbook: We Like Aluminum; Copper、Gold Face NT Headwinds.pdf
    • National Grid plc:National Grid: Reassuring on RIIO.pdf
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    • Netflix Inc: Europe Gives, and Europe Takes Away.pdf
    • New World Development: F2014 Operating Profit in Line, HK-China Sales Target Lowered.pdf
    • Nike Inc.: Video & Note - Raising Price Target to $105; Nike Remains Our Top OW Idea.pdf
  • 87.8 MB
  • 2014-10-7
  • 9月.rar

    • Agile Property: Quick Comment: 1-for-5 rights issue – the expected and the unexpected.pdf
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    • European Credit Strategy: IG Non-Fin Fundamentals Update: Slow and Steady.pdf
    • European Equity Strategy: Can fund performance be a contrarian indicator?.pdf
    • European Financials: Weekly Bond Tracker.pdf
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    • European Interest Rate Strategist - Retaining Our Bearish Bias.pdf
    • European Interest Rate Strategist - Searching For Yield.pdf
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    • 21Vianet: Core Businesses Intact; Room for Improvement in Cash Management.pdf
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    • Agency MBS Brief.pdf
    • Agency MBS Brief: Refi Index Largely Flat Despite Lower Rates.pdf
    • Agency MBS Weekly: Carry On, For Now.pdf
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    • Agriculture Comment:Anticipating a Quiet Farewell to 13-14.pdf
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    • Apple, Inc.:iPhone Gross Margins Biased to the Upside.pdf
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    • Asia Credit Strategy: What’s Going on in Asian Credit.pdf
    • Asia FX & Rates Strategy: India Rates:Improving Fiscal Outlook.pdf
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    • Asian Banks:Valuation Chartbook:Where Are Valuations Compared with history?.pdf
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    • ASML Holding NV: SPIE comments positive for EUV.pdf
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    • Australia Banks: Chart of the Week:Major Banks' Return on Equity.pdf
    • Australia Insurance & Wealth: Risky Business:Can QBE afford to sell its Lenders Mortgage business?.pdf
    • Australia Macro+: Assessing state of economy after startling jobs figures.pdf
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    • Australia Macro+: Macro Matters:Playing the Long Cycle.pdf
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    • Autos & Auto-Related: Cutting US Autos to Cautious, Downgrading Ford to UW.pdf
    • Bayer AG: Confident CMD.pdf
    • China Cement:Three Cement Companies Fined for Price Monopoly; Potential Negative to Prices.pdf
    • China Coal: 1H14 results wrap:Suppliers' reaction to weak demand.pdf
    • China Healthcare:MS Monthly Hospital Rx Report.pdf
    • China Industrials: Heavy Truck: Steady Volume Growth and Notable ASP Hike Ahead.pdf
    • China Insurance: Asia Insight: Significant Cash Flow Pressure Ahead.pdf
    • China Lodging Group, Limited: Trip Takeaways:Bright Outlook for Franchise Business.pdf
    • China Oil & Gas: China Gas & Chemical Trips' Takeaways.pdf
    • China Petroleum & Chemical Corp:New Restructuring Has Limited Impact on Sinopec; Yizheng A-Shares Placed at Premium to H-shares.pdf
    • China petroleum chemical Crop.pdf
    • China September 2014 “Revisions for Decisions” Revisited.pdf
    • China Shipping: Positioning for 4Q14: B Before C.pdf
    • China Telecoms Monthly KPIs: Aug-14: CM Expanded Outperformance vs. CU.pdf
    • CIO Survey:Steady As She Grows.pdf
    • CMBS Market Insights: The State of the CRE Credit Cycle.pdf
    • Coal, Gas & Power: Cross-Industry Implications of Marcellus-Utica Gas Basis; Bearish Natgas Outlook.pdf
    • Com Hem Holding AB: Buy on Recent Weakness.pdf
    • Commodities Fall Symposium: Oil & Gas Market Discussion.pdf
    • Consumer Digest #4:Key Takeaways from A-Share Corporate Days.pdf
    • Credit Companion: Market Metrics(1).pdf
    • Credit Companion: Market Metrics(2).pdf
    • Credit Companion: Market Metrics.pdf
    • Credit Companion:CDX IG23 and CDX HY23 Roll.pdf
    • Credit Continuum: Supplementary Supply.pdf
    • Credit Investor Election Guide: Studying for Midterms(1).pdf
    • Credit Investor Election Guide: Studying for Midterms.pdf
    • Cross Industry Analysis: Impact of Apple Pay on Payments Value Chain:Biggest Beneficiaries Likely AAPL, NXP.pdf
    • Cross-Asset Strategy: Global In the Flow - October 2014.pdf
    • Crude Oil:What Are OSPs Telling Us?.pdf
    • Daimler: Checkpoint China: Progress Made & Future Steps to Take.pdf
    • Danone: Topline and margin trend to improve from 2H14 - OW.pdf
    • Daum Kakao:Asia Insight: Enters Mobile Payment.pdf
    • Delhaize: Solid US momentum provides further comfort on sustainability of FCF.pdf
    • Direct Line Group Plc: Taking Profits After Strong Run:Downgrading to EW.pdf
    • E&P Weekly: US Unconventional Oil: Sliding Down the Cost Curve.pdf
    • Eaton Corp PLC: Resetting FY15e Bar to $5.pdf
    • Eaton Corp PLC:Resetting FY15e Bar to $5.pdf
    • Economics & Strategy Insights.pdf
    • EM Credit Strategy: Up in Quality.pdf
    • EM Macro Strategy -Brazil: What’s Your Take? Survey Results.pdf
    • EMEA - Steel:No buying opportunity as profitability peaks.pdf
    • Energy Transfer Partners: Improving Outlook at Attractive Value; Upgrading to OW.pdf
    • ENN Energy Holdings Limited: Investment in Sinopec Marketing: Positive to ENN.pdf
    • EUR6bn Net Reduction – ECB Tender Tracker.pdf
    • EUR47bn Net Addition– ECB Tender Tracker.pdf
    • European Banks: S&P Downgrades: Dropouts.pdf
  • 82.56 MB
  • 2014-10-7
  • journal of financeFEBRUARY 2013.rar

    • Analyst Forecast Consistency.pdf
    • Capital Budgeting versus Market Timing.pdf
    • Conflicting Family Values in Mutual Fund.pdf
    • Dynamic Competition, Valuation, and Merger.pdf
    • Efficient Recapitalization.pdf
    • Ex Ante Skewness and Expected Stock Returns.pdf
    • Industry-Specific Human Capital, Idiosyncratic.pdf
    • Liquidity Cycles and Make.pdf
    • Short-Selling Bans Around the World.pdf
    • What Do Consumers’ Fund Flows Maximize.pdf
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  • 2014-10-1
  • 33-36weekly2.rar

    • FX Pulse weekly.pdf
    • MS FX daily trading recommendations.pdf
    • US Economics:Capex Plans Summer Retreat.pdf
    • US Economics-AlphaWise Macro: Portfolio Value of Timely Sector-Macro Signals.pdf
    • China Telecoms: FDD Trial Expanded to 40 Cities.pdf
    • CNOOC: 1H14 Earnings Upbeat, OW on 2H14 Earnings or 2015 Production Recovery.pdf
    • Woolworths:1st Take: FY14 Result.pdf
    • PetroChina:1H14 Results In Line, Lower Crude Oil Prices Cap Upside Potential; Initiate A-shares at EW.pdf
    • Pan-Asian Best Ideas and RTIs – 2Q14 Review.pdf
    • Beijing Enterprises Water Group Limited:1H14 Results In Line; Remain EW on Valuation.pdf
    • Hertz Global Holdings Inc:Reality Hertz, Cutting Target to $19.pdf
    • Williams-Sonoma Inc:Well Positioned But Downgrading to EW As Momentum Slowing.pdf
    • Multi-Industry:CAPMI Back to Expansion on Full US Recovery.pdf
    • US Consumer Staples: Company Exposure to Russia & Other Central-Eastern European Countries.pdf
    • Insurance - Life-Annuity:Are Life Stocks Indicating Complacency to Low Rates.pdf
    • Autos & Auto-Related: 72, Subprime Leasing, Oh Man....pdf
    • Clarksons FFA options report.pdf
    • Sihuan Pharmaceutical: Strong 1H14 as Expected; Fruitful 2014 Ahead.pdf
    • BBY: Earnings Turnaround Expected; Positive Top-Line Deliverance Approaching.pdf
    • Burger King Worldwide, Inc.:BKW-THI Merger: Post-Call Details.pdf
    • Nimble Storage: New Customer Growth Accelerates on New Products, Channel Investments.pdf
    • Continental Resources:Deep Dive: Growth Scenarios and Analyst Day Preview.pdf
    • Greene-Freight: Truck Stop: TLFI Update:TLFI Trends above Seasonality.pdf
    • Seadrill: 2Q14 Earnings Comment.pdf
    • China Petroleum & Chemical Corp.: Entering an Era of E-commerce.pdf
    • China Oilfield Services Ltd.: 1H14 Earnings Up 39% YoY, Beating Consensus Estimates, Surging Well Service Profit a Positive Surprise, OW.pdf
    • Want Want China Holdings Ltd: A Restructuring Year.pdf
    • Jintian Pharma Group:Correction:1H14 Beat; Better Profit on High GM Products Sales.pdf
    • Asia-GEMs Strategy: Screening for Stock Opportunity in APxJ August 2014.pdf
    • Citi - China thermal coal - 140827.pdf
    • Australia Banks: Chart of the Week: WBC’s Capital Position.pdf
    • India Economics - Macro Indicators Chartbook: Policy Actions Tracker.pdf
    • China Property Tracker: ASP Pressure Remains.pdf
    • Indonesia Economics:Retail Fuel Price Hike: Five Things to Know.pdf
    • Qihoo 360 Technology Co Ltd: 2Q14: Monetization on Track, Margins to Recover Gradually.pdf
    • China Internet and Other Services:Key Takeaways from China Internet Conference - Day 2.pdf
    • Gaming & Lodging: Cutting Estimates on Macau; Remain Upbeat on Vegas.pdf
    • Retail: Video & Note- Category Sales Outlook:Discretionary Segments Lead.pdf
    • Transocean Partners Positioned to Be the Fastest Growing Maritime “MLP”.pdf
    • Food: Looking Through the Leftovers After a Difficult Q2.pdf
    • Mobileye NV Seeing Green – Initiating as Our New Top Pick.pdf
    • Crop Tracker: Yield Prospects Stay Favorable but Not Perfect.pdf
    • Greater China Technology Hardware: China – Smartphones: 1H14 Results Support Our Thesis.pdf
    • HK-China Laggards We Like.pdf
    • China Petroleum & Chemical Corp.: Raise Estimates & PT after Upbeat 1H14 Results; Initiate A-shares at OW.pdf
    • Goldwind:Big Earnings Surprise; Robust Outlook.pdf
    • Qihoo 360 Technology Co Ltd: 1st Take: 2Q14 Result.pdf
    • China Internet and Other Services: Key Takeaways from China Internet Conference - Day 1.pdf
    • MBS Analytics Package: Daily Pass-Through Report.pdf
    • Morgan Stanley FX Positioning Tracker - August 25, 2014.pdf
    • Positions and Flows Report.pdf
    • FX Week Ahead - August 25, 2014.pdf
    • MasterCard Inc: Tokenization will add new revenue streams.pdf
    • US Quant Research: Momentum: Hurry Up and Wait.pdf
    • Global Oil Services, Drilling & Equipment: PBR Subsea Demand Slows, Buy Offshore (ex-Brazil) Trade + FTI.pdf
    • Video -Natural Gas: Coal-to-Gas Switching to Keep Gas Range-Bound.pdf
    • US Volatility Tracker.pdf
    • UST Futures Report.pdf
    • US Economics:Business Conditions: Great Expectations.pdf
    • The Commodity Manual:More NE Gas Concerns; Copper Deficit Deepens.pdf
    • Salesforce.com: Starting to Cut Thru the Noise with a Solid Q2.pdf
    • Godyn-Friday FAQs: Surveying Risks to the OE Backlog.pdf
    • Monsanto Company: Whistle Stop 7 Thoughts.pdf
    • Sprint Corp: Quick Comment:Pricing Revamp Continues.pdf
    • Investment Perspectives: U.S. and the Americas, August 21, 2014.pdf
    • Financials Weekly:How Expensive (or Cheap) Are Financial Stocks Valuations on Aug 21, 2014.pdf
    • Sberbank - Commodity Monitor - 140821.pdf
    • HL - Natural Gas and Water - 140821.pdf
    • FX Morning - August 29, 2014.pdf
    • Global EM Morning - August 29, 2014.pdf
    • Cisco Systems Inc: Cisco GSX FY15 Reflections.pdf
    • Splunk Inc Key Sales Metrics Stabilize in an Impressive Q2 Print.pdf
    • Godyn-Friday FAQs: Time to Take a Look at the Aircraft Lessors.pdf
    • Tech Hardware Insights:Enterprise Server Strength Offset by Muted Cloud Demand.pdf
    • Asia Credit Strategy: Up in Quality, Not Down in Carry.pdf
    • European Interest Rate Strategy - Trades for the Longer Run.pdf
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    • Conversation, Information, and Herd Behavior.pdf
    • Do Stock Prices Move Too Much to be Justified by Subsequent Changes in Dividends.pdf
    • From Efficient Markets Theory to Behavioral Finance.pdf
    • Market Volatility and Investor Behavior.pdf
    • Portfolio Insurance and Other Investor Fashions as Factors in the 1987 Stock Market Crash.pdf
    • Public Resistance to Indexation-A Puzzle.pdf
    • Smoothness Priors and Nonlinear Regression.pdf
    • Social Security and Individual Accounts as Elements of Overall Risk-Sharing.pdf
    • Speculative Prices and Popular Models.pdf
    • Stock Prices and Social Dynamics.pdf
    • Stock Prices, Earnings, and Expected Dividends.pdf
    • The Informational Content of Ex Ante Forecasts.pdf
    • The Marsh-Merton Model of Managers' Smoothing of Dividends.pdf
    • The Significance of Market Portfolio.pdf
    • The Use of Volatility Measures in Assessing Market Efficiency.pdf
    • The dividend-price ratio and expectations of future dividends and discount factors.pdf
    • Ultimate Sources of Aggregate Variability.pdf
    • cointegration and tests of PV models.pdf
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  • 33-36weekly.rar

    • US Lodging: Raising 14-15 Outlook & Recapping Key 2Q Trends.pdf
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    • Medtronic Inc.:We Like the Entry Point.pdf
    • PETM:Throwing PETM a Bone.pdf
    • Tsakos Energy Navigation LTD: Undervalued with an MLP Potential; Raise to OW.pdf
    • Natural Gas:Coal-to-Gas Switching to Keep Gas Range-Bound.pdf
    • Visa Inc.:Highlights From the Data Center Visit.pdf
    • E&P Weekly: The Turning Point.pdf
    • Maritime Industries: Dry Bulk Stocks Rally As The BDI Rebounds.pdf
    • Refining & Marketing:Bullish GC setup favors VLO.pdf
    • The Commodity Manual: Brent Remains Challenged; Ali Price Pressure Ahead.pdf
    • Real Estate Investment Trusts: Retail REITs: Risk-Reward Favors Quality; Upgrade TCO to OW.pdf
    • Video Friday - Union Pacific Corp.: King of the Hill.pdf
    • Financials Weekly: How Expensive (or Cheap) Are Financial Stocks-Valuations on Aug 14, 2014.pdf
    • Actavis Inc:Reiterate Overweight post meeting with mgmt..pdf
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    • Agriculture Comment:FSA Data Hints at Lower US Acreage.pdf
    • Ginko International: ”MIT” Has Become Ginko’s Catch Phrase.pdf
    • Eclat Textile: Judgment Call.pdf
    • Indonesia Economics:Policy Rate On Hold; But CAD Worsens.pdf
    • China Mobile Limited: Earlier Earnings Inflection.pdf
    • Telstra Corporation: We Benchmark TLS “Productivity” vs. Global Peers … Suggests Cost-out Is Mostly Over(1).pdf
    • CDL Hospitality Trusts:More Muted Hotel Outlook.pdf
    • Cisco Systems Inc: Enterprise Accelerating but Emerging Markets Relapse.pdf
    • Michael Kors Holdings Ltd: Building a Bridge to $7B+.pdf
    • SolarCity Corp: Promising Opportunity, but Growth Largely Priced In; Initiating at Equal-weight.pdf
    • Global Airline Compass: Stocks More Volatile Than Fundamentals.pdf
    • Video Commodities Strategy: Crop Tracker - Conditions in Place for Strong US Yields.pdf
    • India Telecoms :Asia Insight New Operator, New Technology Concerns.pdf
    • Hon Hai Precision:2Q14 Margin Beat; Favorable 2H Outlook.pdf
    • India Property:MS India REIT Conference Highlights.pdf
    • China Property:Quick Comment:July Data Disturb June’s Positive Trend.pdf
    • Tencent Holdings Ltd: 2Q14:Monetization On Track, Improved Margin Outlook.pdf
    • Lenovo:1st Take:Good F1Q15 Results but Inline.pdf
    • Abengoa Yield Plc: Attractive Risk-Reward, Upgrade to OW.pdf
    • AT&T and CenturyLink: Crossing Over – AT&T now yields more than CenturyLink.pdf
    • Oracle Corporation:Attractive Setup into the Second Half of 2014.pdf
    • Greene-Freight:Truck Stop: TLFI Starts to Stabilize.pdf
    • Regulated & Diversified Utilities-IPPs:Morgan Stanley’s MonthlyMeter Reading.pdf
    • Southern Company: Downgrade on Growth, Relative Valuation, and Nuclear Risk.pdf
    • Gas Distribution:Neutral on Tariff Hike: Buy on Potential Dip.pdf
    • China Everbright International Limited:Key Takeaway from Analyst Briefing.pdf
    • Huaneng Renewables Quick Comment Recurring earnings decline by 18%.pdf
    • PetroChina Gas Price Increase Higher Than Expected; Raise Estimates, but Maintain UW.pdf
    • China Financials: Asia Insight: Still too early for a breakout; Underweight China securities.pdf
    • Commonwealth Bk Aust:1st Take:Still The Right Mix.pdf
    • Video: China Toll Roads: Turning More Cautious Amid Imminent Headwinds.pdf
    • Greater China Technology Hardware: 2Q14 IDC:Chinese OEMs on the Rise and More Fragmented Landscape.pdf
    • Goodbaby International Holdings: From Side Lines to Center Stage; Execution is Key; Resuming Coverage at OW.pdf
    • Taiwan Strategy: Refreshing TAIEX Target; Stay Defensive.pdf
    • Greater China Economics: Issues in Focus.pdf
    • China Toll Roads: Asia Insight: Turning More Cautious Amid Imminent Headwinds.pdf
    • Semiconductors: Revisiting the cycle debate in Analog post earnings.pdf
    • Major Pharmaceuticals: Diabetes experts' insights.pdf
    • Retail - Economics:Video - Note- Retail Sales Lead Indicator: Forecasting Steady, but Unexciting 3Q Growth.pdf
    • Microsoft: Back Under the Hood: Commercial Other.pdf
    • Crop Tracker:Conditions in Place for Strong Spring Wheat Yields.pdf
    • Machinery: Monthly Data Harvest:AGpocalypse Now Assessing the DE Bear Case.pdf
    • Natixis-Germanys economy is shifting down a gear-140812.pdf
    • Multi-Industry:The Corrections.pdf
    • A&D 2Q14 Review:Opportunities in Pullbacks.pdf
    • US Equity Strategy:The Factor Reference Guide.pdf
    • Integrated Oil: Major Swap: Raising OXY to OW & Lowering CVX to EW.pdf
    • Global Oil Services, Drilling & Equipment:NAm Land: Selling the News.pdf
    • The Commodity Manual: Russian Sanctions Add to Investment Risks.pdf
    • Global oil fundamentals.pdf
    • Global CLOs:CLO Collateral Fundamentals - July 2014.pdf
    • VTB - Global Macro Watch - 140822.pdf
    • Hewlett-Packard: FCF Strength and Revenue Growth Puts HP on the Path to $40.pdf
    • Helix Energy Solutions: Endorsement for Intervention.pdf
    • Tobacco: “Engle Progeny” Update.pdf
    • China Longyuan Power Group: Key Takeaways from 1H14 Analyst Briefing.pdf
    • Youku: 2Q14: In Transition for Revenue Diversification; Downgrade to EW.pdf
    • Sinotrans Limited:Strong 1H14 Profit Prompts Further Earnings Upgrade; Raise PT to HK$6.19; Reiterate OW.pdf
    • Daphne International Holdings:Growth Recovering; Move to OW.pdf
    • Japan Strategy: 1st Take: Yen breaking out of the 7 month Range - Remain Bullish on Japan Equities.pdf
    • India Equity Strategy:MS Institutional Investor Survey: Bullish.pdf
    • Video US Economics:Fed Focus: A Few Minutes on the Minutes.pdf
    • Agriculture Comment:Crop Tour Dispatch, Pt 1.pdf
  • 80.37 MB
  • 2014-9-8
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    • Capital Asset Prices_ A Theory of Market Equilibrium under Conditions of Risk.pdf
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    • Corporate Ownership around the World.pdf
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    • Efficient Capital Markets_ II.pdf
    • Financial Ratios, Discriminant Analysis and the Prediction of Corporate .pdf
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    • On Persistence in Mutual Fund Performance.pdf
    • Portfolio Selection.pdf
    • Returns to Buying Winners and Selling Losers_ Implications for Stock Market Efficiency.pdf
    • Risk, Uncertainty, and Divergence of Opinion.pdf
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    • The Limits of Arbitrage.pdf
    • What Do We Know about Capital Structure_ Some Evidence from International .pdf
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  • 2014-8-16
  • 引用率最高的20篇金融学期刊上的经典论文.zip

    • A Survey of Corporate Governance.pdf
    • Capital Asset Prices_ A Theory of Market Equilibrium under Conditions of Risk.pdf
    • Characteristics of Risk and Return in Risk Arbitrage.pdf
    • Corporate Ownership around the World.pdf
    • Does the Stock Market Overreact_.pdf
    • Efficient Capital Markets_ II.pdf
    • Financial Ratios, Discriminant Analysis and the Prediction of Corporate .pdf
    • Founding-Family Ownership and Firm Performance_ Evidence from the S&P 500.pdf
    • Investor Protection and Corporate Valuation.pdf
    • On Persistence in Mutual Fund Performance.pdf
    • Portfolio Selection.pdf
    • Returns to Buying Winners and Selling Losers_ Implications for Stock Market Efficiency.pdf
    • Risk, Uncertainty, and Divergence of Opinion.pdf
    • The Cross-Section of Expected Stock Returns.pdf
    • The Determinants of Capital Structure Choice.pdf
    • The Limits of Arbitrage.pdf
    • What Do We Know about Capital Structure_ Some Evidence from International .pdf
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  • 2014-8-16
  • Desktop.zip

    • International Stock Return Predictability What is the Role of the United States_.pdf
    • Law, Stock Markets, and Innovation.pdf
    • Opening the Black Box_ Internal Capital Markets and Managerial Power.pdf
    • Organization Capital and the Cross-Section of Expected Returns.pdf
    • Taxes, Theft, and Firm Performance.pdf
    • The Real Effects of Financial Shocks_ Evidence from Exogenous Changes in Analyst Coverage.pdf
    • A Model of Shadow Banking.pdf
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  • Mathematical Curiosities_ A Treasure Trove of Unexpected Entertainments 2014.rar

    • Mathematical Curiosities_ A Treasure Trove of Unexpected Entertainments 2014.epub
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    • Organizational forms and investment decisions.pdf
    • Fama & French_ The CAPM is Wanted, Dead or Alive (Dec 1996) .pdf
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  • 2014-4-10
  • Behavioral Finance - Lecture 3 Papers.zip

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    • Cross Section of Expected Stock Returns Subra.pdf
    • Multifactor explanations of asset pricing anomalies.pdf
    • Returns to buying winners and selling losers- implications for stock market efficiency.pdf
    • Anomalies- A Mean Reverting Walk Down Wall Street.pdf
    • Common risk factors in the returns on stocks and bonds.pdf
    • The illusory nature of momentum profits.pdf
    • Behavioral Finance - Lecture 3.pdf
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  • 2014-2-10
  • Problem sets and exams.rar

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    • ProblemsOnChoiceTheorySolutions.pdf
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    • ProblemsOnDemandTheorySolutions.pdf
    • ProblemsOnExpectedUtilityTheory.pdf
    • ProblemsOnExpectedUtilityTheorySolutionProposal.pdf
    • ProblemsOnGeneralEquilibriumTheory.pdf
    • ProblemsOnGeneralEquilibriumTheorySolution.pdf
    • ProblemsOnRiskSharing.pdf
    • ProblemsOnRiskSharingSolution.pdf
    • ProblemsOnRiskTaking.pdf
    • ProblemsOnRiskTakingSolutionProposals.pdf
    • ProblemsOnTheoryOfTheFirm.pdf
    • ProblemsOnTheoryOfTheFirmSolutions.pdf
    • ExamECS501H11wSolution.pdf
  • 1.66 MB
  • 2014-2-6
  • seminar paper 2013.rar

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    • C2008 Barberis and Huang skewness and return prospect theory.pdf
    • A1976 Litzenberger Assets price with skewness.pdf
    • A2000Conditional_skewness_in_asset pricing.pdf
    • A2007 Mitton and Vorkink Equillibrem skew adv.pdf
    • A2010 Expected idiosyncratic skewness.pdf
    • A2013 JF Ex Ante Skewness and Expected Stock Returns.pdf
    • B+2006 comment HLdiscuss.pdf
    • B+2006 RV and Microstructure noise.pdf
    • B2005 A tale of two scales.pdf
    • B2009Volatility Analysis for High Frequency Financial Data wu.zhijian.pdf
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  • Alternatives to Expected Utility Foundations.rar

    • Alternatives to Expected Utility Foundations.pdf
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  • 2013FRM二级 Current Issus 翻译.rar
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    • 3. Tails of the Unexpected.mobi
    • 6. 交易所交易基金,市场结构,闪光崩盘.mobi
    • 1. 主权信用和金融稳定性-国际视野.mobi
    • 2. 透析以冰岛为例的流动性压力测试.mobi
    • 4. 狗与飞盘.mobi
    • 5. 21世纪的商业挑战.mobi
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  • accr-10276.pdf
       Accrual quality, realized returns, and expected returns: The importance of controlling for cash flow ...

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  • FRM Core Reading.zip
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    • BankEnglandTailsUnexpected.pdf
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    • 5Operational_2012OP Duffie_Failure_Mechanics.pdf
    • 5Operational_BaselPrinciplesSoundManagementOperationalRisk.pdf
    • 5Operational_ObservationsDevelopmentsRiskAppetiteFrameworks.pdf
    • 5Operational_TilSchuermannStressTestingBanks.pdf
    • 6Basel_2012OPBasel_II_Accord.pdf
    • 6Basel_2012OP_Basel_III_Framework.pdf
    • 6Basel_2012_OP Basel_III_Liquidity_Framework.pdf
    • 6Basel_2012OP Basel_Market_Risk_Framework.pdf
    • 6Basel_BaselSupervisoryGuidelinesAdvancedMeasurementApproach.pdf
    • 6Basel_ComparativeAssessmentBaselII_IIIandSolvencyII.pdf
    • 7Management_2012IM Brown_Goetzmann_Trust_Delegation.pdf
    • 7Management_2012IM_Madoff.pdf
    • 7Management_2012IM_Lo_Risk_Mgmt_Hedge_Funds.pdf
    • SovereigncreditworthinessandFinancialStability.pdf
    • OngandCihakOfRunesandSagas.pdf
    • HaldaneandMadourosThedogandthefrisbee.pdf
    • ChallengesFinancialInnovations.pdf
    • MadhavanExchangeTradedFunds,MarketStructureandtheFlashCrash.pdf
    • 1Foundation_RiskTakingGovernancePrespective.pdf
    • 1Foundation_2012FRM_Stulz_Risk_Failures.pdf
    • 1Foundation_2012FRM_GARP_Code_Conduct.pdf
    • 2Foundation_2012VRM_Basel_Stress_Testing.pdf
    • 3Market Risk_msgsRiskMeasurementTradingBook.pdf
    • 4credit risk_2012CR Ashcraft_Schuermann_Securitization.pdf
    • 5Operational_2012OP_Basel_Economic_Capital_Modeling.pdf
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  • 2012-12-2
  • ref.rar

    • An evaluation of alternative proxies for the market's assessment of unexpected earnings.pdf
    • A Nonlinear Model of Security Price Responses to Unexpected Earnings.pdf
    • An analysis of intertemporal and cross-sectional determinants of earnings response coefficients.pdf
    • Earnings Innovations, Earnings Persistence, and Stock Returns.pdf
    • Do nonlinearity, firm-specific coefficients, and losses represent distinct factors in the relation between stock returns and accounting earnings.pdf
    • Estimating earnings response coefficients.pdf
    • Cross-sectional variation in the stock market response to accounting earnings announcements.pdf
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  • 2012-9-27
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    • the cost of capital, corporation finance and the theory of investment.pdf
    • The Pricing of Options and Corporate Liabilities.pdf
    • Capital asset prices, A theory of market equilibrium under conditions of risk.pdf
    • Common Risk Factors in the Returns on Stocks and Bonds.pdf
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  • 2012-7-24
  • 1119990726Expected ReturnsC.rar
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  • 2012-7-3
  • 归档.zip

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    • Kernel Regression Example.pdf
    • Manto Carlo simulation.pdf
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    • Normal Inverse Gaussian distribution.pdf
    • sign test.pdf
    • SIMULATING LOSS distribution-VAR-Expected shortfall.pdf
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  • 2012-5-20
  • The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics S.rar

    • Savage's subjective expected utility model The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Savage, Leonard J. (Jimmie) (1917–1971) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Sax, Emil (1845–1927) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Say, (Jean-Baptiste) Léon (1826–1896) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Say, Jean-Baptiste (1767–1832) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Say's Law The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Scandinavia, economics in The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Schelling, Thomas C_ (born 1921) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Schlesinger, Karl (1889–1938) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Schmoller, Gustav von (1838–1917) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Schmookler, Jacob (1918–1967) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • scholastic economics The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Scholes, Myron (born 1941) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
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    • Schultz, Henry (1893–1938) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Schultz, T_W_ (1902–1998) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Schumpeter, Joseph Alois (1883–1950) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
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    • 6 Efficient Rhodium-Catalyzed Asymmetric Hydrogenation.pdf
  • 622.62 KB
  • 2010-10-31
  • C Manul ASM 9ed (1).rar

    • 00 - PREFACE.pdf
    • 02 - VARIANCE.pdf
    • 04 - EXPECTED VALUES.pdf
    • 06 - RISK MEASURES.pdf
    • 09 - BONUSES.pdf
    • 11 - POISSON-GAMMA.pdf
  • 27.35 MB
  • 2010-9-26
  • finance.rar

    • Two essays on empirical asset pricing_ 1. Forecasted earnings per share and the cross section of expected returns and 2. The limits to arbitrage and the fundamental value-to-price trading strategies.pdf
    • Two essays on corporate finance.pdf
    • Liquidity risk and volatility around the world.pdf
    • Testing interest rate models for China's repo market.pdf
    • Two essays on the informativeness of stock prices_perspectives from M&A and the cross-listing of American depository receipts.pdf
    • Buyer-supplier relationships and financial structure.pdf
    • Cross sectional and time series analysis of individual stock volatility_an international study.pdf
    • Estimation risk, information asymmetry and information production in public equity offerings.pdf
    • Two essays on corporate finance_the impact of independent non-executive directors and the longevity of family control.pdf
    • Operating performance following mergers and acquisitions.pdf
    • Two essays on stock market anomalies.pdf
    • Examine the debt equity choice with nested logit.pdf
    • Information, market sentiment and corporate finance_the role of investors' attention.pdf
    • The value of political connections_evidence from China's anti_corruption campaign.pdf
    • Two essays on empirical options studies.pdf
    • Two essays on empirical asset pricing.pdf
  • 31.4 MB
  • 2010-7-17
  • 1990 to 1999.rar

    • 1998 Market Efficiency, Long-Term Returns, And Behavioral Finance.pdf
    • 1998 Nonparametric Efficiency Testing Of Asian Stock Markets Using Weekly Data.pdf
    • 1990 Habit Formation-A Resolution Of The Equity Premium Puzzle.pdf
    • 1990 Lcapital Asset Prices With And Without Negative Holdings.pdf
    • 1990 Predicting Stock Returns In An Efficient Market.pdf
    • 1990 Price Reversals, Bid-Ask Spreads, And Market Efficiency.pdf
    • 1991 Efficient Capital Markets-II.pdf
    • 1992 Financial Market Efficiency Tests.pdf
    • 1992 The Cross-Section Of Expected Stock Returns.pdf
    • 1993 A Test Of Efficiency For The S&P Index Option Market Using Variance Forecasts.pdf
    • 1993 Common Risk Factors In The Returns On Stocks And Bonds.pdf
    • 1993 Privileged Traders And Asset Market Efficiency-A Laboratory Study.pdf
    • 1993 Returns To Buying Winners And Selling Losers-Implications For Stock Market Efficiency.pdf
    • 1993 Stock Markets Volatility Efficiency And Tests-A Survey.pdf
    • 1994 Behavioral Capital Asset Pricing Theory.pdf
    • 1994 Internal Versus External Capital Markets.pdf
    • 1995 Measurement Of Market Integration And Arbitrage.pdf
    • 1996 Evaluating Fund Performance In A Dynamic Market.pdf
    • 1996 Multifactor Explanations Of Asset Pricing Anomalies.pdf
    • 1996 The Spirit Of Capitalism And Stock-Market Prices.pdf
    • 1997 Anomalies-The Equity Premium Puzzle.pdf
    • 1997 Empirical Performance Of Alternative Option Pricing Models.pdf
    • 1997 Market Efficiency, Long-Term Returns, And Behavioral Finance.pdf
    • 1997 Measuring The Efficiency Of Capital Allocation In Commercial Banking.pdf
    • 1997 Stock Market Efficiency And Economic Efficiency-Is There A Connection.pdf
    • 1997 The Limits Of Arbitrage.pdf
  • 26.02 MB
  • 2010-5-5
  • 5.rar

    • discount with varying expected returns.pdf
    • An Equilibrium Model of Bond Pricing and a Test of Market Efficiency.pdf
    • An Exact Bond Option Formula.pdf
    • An Intertemporal General Equilibrium Model of Asset Prices1985.pdf
    • Bond Pricing and the Term Structure of Interest Rates A Discrete Time Approximation.pdf
    • Bond Pricing and the Term Structure of Interest Rates A New Methodology for Contingent Claims Valuation.pdf
    • Consumption-Based Asset Pricing.pdf
    • Empirical Performance of Alternative Option Pricing Models.pdf
    • Financial Markets and the Real Economy.pdf
    • Generalized HW model and Super Calibration.pdf
    • hansen richard econometrica.pdf
    • LINEST in Excel.pdf
    • Multi-Period Market Asset PricingEquilibrium.pdf
    • Valuation of a CDO and an nth to Default CDS Without Monte Carlo Simulation.pdf
    • Valuation of Foreign Currency Options Some Empirical Tests.pdf
    • Value at Risk An Approach to Calculating Market Risk.pdf
    • Value at Risk for Interst Rate-Dependent Securities.pdf
  • 11.2 MB
  • 2010-4-23
  • 1990 to 1999.rar

    • 1998 Market Efficiency, Long-Term Returns, And Behavioral Finance.pdf
    • 1998 Nonparametric Efficiency Testing Of Asian Stock Markets Using Weekly Data.pdf
    • 1990 Habit Formation-A Resolution Of The Equity Premium Puzzle.pdf
    • 1990 Lcapital Asset Prices With And Without Negative Holdings.pdf
    • 1990 Predicting Stock Returns In An Efficient Market.pdf
    • 1990 Price Reversals, Bid-Ask Spreads, And Market Efficiency.pdf
    • 1991 Efficient Capital Markets-II.pdf
    • 1992 Financial Market Efficiency Tests.pdf
    • 1992 The Cross-Section Of Expected Stock Returns.pdf
    • 1993 A Test Of Efficiency For The S&P Index Option Market Using Variance Forecasts.pdf
    • 1993 Common Risk Factors In The Returns On Stocks And Bonds.pdf
    • 1993 Privileged Traders And Asset Market Efficiency-A Laboratory Study.pdf
    • 1993 Returns To Buying Winners And Selling Losers-Implications For Stock Market Efficiency.pdf
    • 1993 Stock Markets Volatility Efficiency And Tests-A Survey.pdf
    • 1994 Behavioral Capital Asset Pricing Theory.pdf
    • 1994 Internal Versus External Capital Markets.pdf
    • 1995 Measurement Of Market Integration And Arbitrage.pdf
    • 1996 Evaluating Fund Performance In A Dynamic Market.pdf
    • 1996 Multifactor Explanations Of Asset Pricing Anomalies.pdf
    • 1996 The Spirit Of Capitalism And Stock-Market Prices.pdf
    • 1997 Anomalies-The Equity Premium Puzzle.pdf
    • 1997 Empirical Performance Of Alternative Option Pricing Models.pdf
    • 1997 Market Efficiency, Long-Term Returns, And Behavioral Finance.pdf
    • 1997 Measuring The Efficiency Of Capital Allocation In Commercial Banking.pdf
    • 1997 Stock Market Efficiency And Economic Efficiency-Is There A Connection.pdf
    • 1997 The Limits Of Arbitrage.pdf
  • 26.02 MB
  • 2010-3-24
  • catastrophe risk.rar

    • Incomplete financial markets and contingent claim pricing in a dual expected utility theory framework.pdf
    • Pricingindexbasedcatastrophebonds.pdf
    • OverviewComonotonicity-100206.pdf
    • OWR_2007_10.pdf
    • Jin-Ping Lee.pdf
    • Valuation of catastrophe reinsurance with catastrophe bonds.pdf
  • 1.91 MB
  • 2010-3-13
  • 61-81.rar

    • Adoption and impact of an award winning post-harvest technology:The ASI rice thresher in the Senegal River Valley.pdf
    • Are Consumers in Developing Countries Willing-to-Pay More for Micronutrient-Dense Biofortified Foods?Evidence from a Field Experiment in Uganda.pdf
    • Concepts,applications and extensions of value chain analysis to livestock systems in developing countries.pdf
    • The Choice of Participation Forms in Community-Based Group Farming and Production in Team.pdf
    • Credit Constraints,Organizational Choice,and Returns to Capital: Evidence from a Rural Industrial Cluster in China.pdf
    • Did Agricultural Technological Changes Affect China’s Regional Disparity?.pdf
    • Do Sales Matter?An Exploration of Price Discounting in UK Food Retailing.pdf
    • Does the structure of agricultural science and technology policy system matter in developing country agricultural productivity growth trends?Evidence from Kenya and Uganda.pdf
    • Fear or greed?Duty or solidarity? Motivations and the development of sociocognitive and moral reasoning: experimental evidences from public-goods provision dilemmas.pdf
    • Implications of Adopting Special Products and Sensitive Products in Doha Negotiations for World and China’s Agriculture.pdf
    • Investigating Thai Shopping Behavior: Wet-Markets,Supermarkets and the‘Big Middle’.pdf
    • Land Reallocation and Its Impacts on Technical Efficiency --Evidence from China’s Agricultural Production.pdf
    • Optimal Farm Size in Russian Agriculture.pdf
    • Park with People Conservation Strategy:Local Residents Willingness to pay and Expected Net losses in Ethiopia.pdf
    • Poverty Reduction during the Rural-Urban Transformation——The Role of the Missing Middle.pdf
    • Technology Adoption And Pest Control Strategies Among UK Cereal Farmers:Evidence from Parametric and Nonparametric Count Data Models.pdf
    • The Development of the Willingness to Cooperate:Collective-Action under the Light of the Constructivist Conception of Adult Development.pdf
    • Values as driving forces of culture-specific consumption patterns–an empirical investigation of wine consumers.pdf
  • 4.01 MB
  • 2009-9-4
  • Risk Analysis -Assessing Uncertainties Beyond Expected Values and Probabilities.rar

    • Wiley.Risk.Analysis.Assessing.Uncertainties.Beyond.Expected.Values.And.Probabilities.Jul.2008.pdf
    • www.dbebooks.com - Free Books & magazines.url
  • 1.37 MB
  • 2009-9-1
  • 2009FRM新增内容Readings for Foundations of Risk Management.rar

    • 3.Expected Returns and the Arbitrage Pricing Theory.pdf
    • 5.Risk Management Failures What are They and When Do They Happen.pdf
    • 7.GARP Code of Conduct.pdf
  • 375.26 KB
  • 2009-7-19
  • Fabozzi_Financial Modeling of the Equity Market.rar

    • face_index.pdf
    • C3_Transaction and Trading Costs.pdf
    • C4_Applying the Portfolio Selection Framework in Practice.pdf
    • C5_Incorporating Higher Moments & Extreme Risk Measures.pdf
    • C6_Mathematical and Numerical Optimization.pdf
    • C8_Forecasting Expected Return and Risk.pdf
    • C9_Robust Frameworks for Estimation and Portfolio Allocation.pdf
    • C10_Feedback and Predictors in Stock Market.pdf
    • C12_Multivariate Models.pdf
    • C15_Estimation of Linear Dynamic Models.pdf
    • C16_Estimation of Hidden Variable Models.pdf
  • 45.85 MB
  • 2009-6-18
  • 333663.pdf
       The Cross-Section of Expected Stock Returns(1992)

  • 934.32 KB
  • 2009-6-5
  • 329219.pdf
       求20论坛币求Fama一篇文章Business conditions and expected returns on stocks and bonds

  • 1.7 MB
  • 2009-5-24
  • 329216.pdf
       求20论坛币求Fama一篇文章Business conditions and expected returns on stocks and bonds

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  • 2009-5-24
  • 325892.pdf
       求助Fama,E.F, and K.R.French论文《Dividend Yields and Expected Stock Returns》(1988)

  • 1.39 MB
  • 2009-5-15
  • 318927.pdf
       求助Fama的Stock returns expected returns and real activity,Journal of Finance,45(4),1089-

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  • 2009-4-25
  • 318721.pdf
       Expected utility and the Siegel paradox .pdf

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  • 2009-4-24
  • 307338.pdf
       [下载] FRM 2009 Core Reading #3 - Expected Returns and the Arbitrage Pricing Theory

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  • 2009-3-23
  • 287213.pdf
       转载:Idiosyncratic risk and the cross-section of expected stock returns(p24-37)

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  • 2009-1-18
  • 281933.pdf
       [下载]2008年6月出版-Terje Aven-Risk Analysis: Assessing Uncertainties Beyond Expected Val

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  • 2008-12-31
  • 279372.pdf

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  • 2008-12-23
  • 252430.rar
       [分享]偏好逆转(Preference Reversal)英文经典论文9篇

    • Preference Reversal and Nonexpected Utility Behavior.pdf
    • The Causes Of Preference Reversal.pdf
    • Preference Reversal.pdf
    • Testing explanations of preference reversal.pdf
    • The Construction of Preference.pdf
    • Economic Theory of Choice and the Preference Reversal Phenomenon.pdf
    • Expression Theory and the Preference Reversal Phenomena.pdf
    • Explaining preference reversal with third- generation prospect theory.pdf
  • 11.48 MB
  • 2008-10-2
  • 238523.rar

    • Analysis of the expected shortfall of aggregate dependent risks.ps
  • 196.83 KB
  • 2008-8-20
  • 233764.pdf
       Liquidity and Expected Returns Lessons from

  • 300.23 KB
  • 2008-8-5
  • 233725.pdf
       Investment-Based Expected Stock Returns

  • 320.8 KB
  • 2008-8-5
  • 230541.rar

    • Price Diffusion and Dynamics in Regional Housing Markets The Case of Five Southern California Counties.pdf
    • Pay Me Now or Pay Me Later Alternative Mortgage Products and Housing Consumption.pdf
    • Outsourcing, Inequality, and Cities.pdf
    • On The Resolution of Currency Crises Does Regulation of Financial Markets and Good Governance Matter.pdf
    • Office Construction in Singapore and Hong Kong.pdf
    • Monday Return Behaviors of REITs.pdf
    • Measure and Estimation of Bubble in Shanghai Housing.pdf
    • Mass Customisation in Housing An International Comparison.pdf
    • Long Run Performance of Real Estate Investment Trusts the.pdf
    • Liquidity and Trading Activity of REITs in Hong Kong a Market-.pdf
    • Land Price Formation under Auction Mechanisms Evidence from Beijing.pdf
    • IPO and Real Estate Evidence from an Active Market1.pdf
    • Investor Sentiment and REIT Returns.pdf
    • Investment Strategy for Redevelopment Projects.pdf
    • International Real Estate Mutual Fund Performance.pdf
    • Informed Speculation about Trading Flows - The.pdf
    • Information Asymmetry, Intermediation and Financial Innovation.pdf
    • Indicators of a Real Estate Cycle--inplementation of India.pdf
    • Illiquidity, Transaction Cost, and Optimal Holding Period for Real Estate.pdf
    • How Do Institutional Factors Affect International Real Estate Returns.pdf
    • Housing Over the Life Cycle A Structural Estimation.pdf
    • Housing for Ageing Hong Kong the Dilemma of the.pdf
    • House Price-Volume Dynamics Does The Index Matter Evidence From 12 Cities in NewZealand.pdf
    • House Price Trigger and Infusion Trap.pdf
    • Home Price Appreciation and a Term Structure Model.pdf
    • Group Property valuation.pdf
    • Fixed Term Contracts versus Open-ended Contracts in the.pdf
    • Expected Living Arrangements of Elderly People in Taiwan.pdf
    • Entry and Ineffciency in the Real Estate Brokerage Industry.pdf
    • Enhancement of the Predictive Power in Credit Risk Models.pdf
    • Economic transition and commercial property markets.pdf
    • Economic Impacts of Compensation Policies for Agricultural Land Acquisition in China A Property Rights Approach.pdf
    • Economic Competitiveness of Korean MSAs.pdf
    • Does High-Speed Rail Accessibility Influence Residential Property Prices.pdf
    • Do Changes in Illiquidity Affect Investors’ Expectations An.pdf
    • Development of a property-related evaluative.pdf
    • Defining Housing Submarket in Beijing.pdf
    • Corporate real estate holdings, debt level and stock performance of.pdf
    • Corporate Governance and Performance in the Market for.pdf
    • Comparative Study on the Appraisal of Non-Residential Property.pdf
    • Collateral Risk in Residential Mortgages.pdf
    • What Will Privatization Bring The Nontradable Share Issue Reform in China.pdf
    • Volatility Spillover in Australian Commercial Property.pdf
    • Urban planning practices and scenarios for Macao development.pdf
    • Urban Housing Prices under Globalization:A Primary Observation of Big Cities in China.pdf
    • Understand How Owners Make Their Purchase.pdf
    • The Wall Street concerns might be right.pdf
    • The Varying Seasonality of House Prices.pdf
    • The Value of Access to Jobs and Amenities Evidence for New.pdf
    • Pricing Illiquid Real Estate Assets When Returns Are Not I.I.D..pdf
    • Price Run-up in Housing Markets, Access to Bank Lending and House Prices in Korea.pdf
  • 13.56 MB
  • 2008-7-25
  • 223773.rar

    • Assume an investor is an expected utility maximizer with von.doc
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  • 2008-6-30
  • 223756.rar
       [求助]几道金融经济学的题目 急!!!承诺每题100金币,决不食言

    • Assume an investor is an expected utility maximizer with von.doc
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  • 2008-6-30
  • 222497.rar
       Martingale Methods in Financial Modelling

    • back-matter.pdf
    • front-matter.pdf
    • 3. CAPITAL GAMES.pdf
  • 1.95 MB
  • 2008-6-25