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  • 医药生物CRO专题深度研报24篇.rar

    • 20180318-国金证券-中国研发外包行业迎来高景气周期(系列二):基于12家CRO、CDMO企业的比较分析.pdf
    • 20181031-中泰证券-药明康德-603259.SH-CRO、CDMO均高速增长,Q3业绩超预期.pdf
    • 20190217-国金证券-药明康德-603259.SH-CRO CDMO国际龙头,一体化制药赋能平台.pdf
    • 20190321-兴业证券-医药证券研究报告:CRO CDMO的产业趋势和投资策略.pdf
    • 20190628-广证恒生证券研究所-医药生物2019年中期策略报告:支付端改革初显成效,看好创新药、器械细分龙头、CRO CDMO、零售药店等优质赛道的高性价比企业.pdf
    • 20191105-安信证券-医药CRO&CDMO行业跟踪系列一:19年Q3总结——行业高景气持续,优质企业受益明显.pdf
    • 20191213-招银国际-China CRO CDMO Sector Big opportunities in China and abroad.pdf
    • 20191224-国信证券-CRO CDMO行业专题:药物研发史波澜壮阔,外包服务业立于潮头.pdf
    • 20200113-安信证券-CRO&CDMO投研体系之行业深度报告(系列一):国内CRO&CDMO行业:高景气背景下的追赶与跨越.pdf
    • 20200210-安信证券-医药生物:CRO&CDMO投研体系之数据跟踪(系列二):国内CRO&CDMO行业,核心数据回顾与2020年前瞻.pdf
    • 20200322-国盛证券-医药生物行业专题研究:08年金融危机之后,全球研发投入变化几何?兼论CRO CDMO子领域近期变化.pdf
    • 20200427-国盛证券-博腾股份-300363.SZ-兼收博采,飞声腾实,专注制药服务的CRO CDMO一站式平台.pdf
    • 20200731-招银国际-睿智医药-300149.SZ-Establishing leading integrated CRO CDMO platform.pdf
    • 20200830-中泰证券-医药生物行业周报:重点推荐疫苗、CRO CDMO、医疗服务板块.pdf
    • 20200922-安信证券-医药行业:CRO&CDMO投研体系之数据跟踪(系列四):2020H1回顾与前瞻,疫情背景下中国企业竞争优势凸显.pdf
    • 20200924-中原证券-博济医药-300404.SZ-中报点评:722影响消退,布局新药研发CRO+CDMO全产业链.pdf
    • 20201101-中泰证券-医药生物专题研究报告:CRO CDMO板块2020年三季报统计:疫情加速全球创新药产业链转移,预计全年将持续高景气.pdf
    • 20201104-安信证券-医药:CRO&CDMO投研体系之数据跟踪(系列五):2020Q3回顾与前瞻,中国企业竞争优势持续.pdf
    • 20210124-中泰证券-医药生物行业周报:CRO CDMO行情将如何延续?长坡厚雪,未来可期.pdf
    • 20210314-国盛证券-博腾股份-300363.SZ-CRO+CDMO导流协同效应逐步显现,公司盈利能力持续提升.pdf
    • 20210318-中泰证券-药明生物-02269.HK-产能持续加速扩张,看好生物药CRO CDMO一体化平台长期发展.pdf
    • 20210423-中泰证券-医药生物专题研究报告:CRO、CDMO板块2020年年报统计-行业迎来业绩加速兑现期,重视中长期高景气持续.pdf
    • 20210510-中泰证券-医药生物:CRO、CDMO板块2021年一季报统计-淡季不淡,行业迎来业绩加速兑现期,重视中长期高景气持续.pdf
    • 无锡药明康德新药开发股份有限公司首次公开发行股票招股说明书(申报稿2018年2月2日报送)-20180206.pdf
  • 38.76 MB
  • 2021-5-25
  • 2sGMM-garsaa2015.pdf
        Do labor tax rebates facilitate firm growth? An empirical study on French establishments in the man ...

  • 614.76 KB
  • 2020-4-29
  • others.zip

    • asiapac2012msci.pdf
    • barra_handbook_US.pdf
    • barra_risk_model_handbook.pdf
    • BARRA模型对国内ETF市场业绩的归因分析_(1).pdf
    • Beyond_Brinson_Establishing_the_Link_Between_Sector_and_Factor_Models.pdf
    • Model_Insight_China_Equity_Model_CNE5_Empirical_Notes_July_2012.pdf
    • 量化多因子选股的理论与实践_详细版.pdf
  • 7.74 MB
  • 2018-11-8
  • 426外贸英语函电1984-3课件.rar

    • chapter 3 Enquiries.pptx
    • Chapter 4 Offer.pptx
    • chapter 5 Counter- offer.pptx
    • chapter 6 Conclusion of Business.pptx
    • Chapter 7 Terms of Payment.pptx
    • chapter 8 Establishment of Letter of Credit and Amendment.pptx
    • chapter 9 Packing, Shipping Marks and Shipment.pptx
    • chapter 10 Insurance.pptx
    • chapter 11 Complaints and Claims.pptx
    • chapter 12 Agency.pptx
    • 课件版权说明2014.rtf
    • Chapter 1 Business Letters.pptx
    • Chapter 2 Establishing Business RelationsRelationship.pptx
  • 3.91 MB
  • 2017-4-16
  • Establishing Judicial Authority in International Economic Law.zip

    • Establishing Judicial Authority in International Economic Law.pdf
  • 3.06 MB
  • 2017-1-11
  • Bloodsport_When Ruthless Dealmakers, Shrewd Ideologues, and Brawling Lawyers Top.zip

    • Bloodsport_When Ruthless Dealmakers, Shrewd Ideologues, and Brawling Lawyers Toppled the Corporate Establishment.pdf
  • 6.03 MB
  • 2016-11-22
  • 763Capacity Investment Timing by Start-ups and Established Firms in New Markets.rar

    • 763Capacity Investment Timing by Start-ups and Established Firms in New Markets.PDF
  • 174.44 KB
  • 2014-11-3
  • 0101010.rar

    • The Creation of Competitive Advantage by Producer Service Establishment.pdf
  • 1.21 MB
  • 2013-9-20
  • dosietal_1988_III.pdf
       Ch 6-9 Part III - How well does established theory work , pp 120-218

  • 20.05 MB
  • 2011-8-1
  • 空间集聚论文.rar

    • geographic concentration and establishment scale.pdf
    • specialization and geographic concentration of east java manufacturing industries.pdf
    • trends in regional industrial concentration in the US.pdf
    • geographic concentration in china's manufacturing.pdf
    • the single market and geographic concentration in europe.pdf
    • how geographical concentration affects indystrial influence,evidence from us data.pdf
    • economic geography,industry location and trade.pdf
    • industrial specialization and geographic concentration.pdf
    • the spatial distribution of economic activities in the eu.pdf
    • regional dynamics.pdf
    • industry anylasis of regional entry.pdf
    • measure of proper distribution of industry.pdf
    • the effects of spacial mobility.pdf
    • geogrphic concentration as a dynamic process.pdf
    • testing for localization using micro-geographic data.pdf
    • geographic concentration in us manufacturing dinustries.pdf
    • the geographic concentration of industry,does natural advantage explain agglomeration.pdf
    • industrial concentration and regional growth.pdf
    • aggloneration and specialization patterns when firms and workers are footloose.pdf
    • measure of geographic concentration in spain's wood industry.pdf
    • industrial location in japan of semiconductor industry.pdf
    • dynamics of agglomeration potugal.pdf
    • an account of geographic concentration patterns in Europe.pdf
    • the geographic distribution of production activity in UK.pdf
    • industry mobility and geographic concentration in the european union.pdf
    • the location of european industry.pdf
    • the spatial distribution of economic activities in Italy.pdf
    • spatial distribution of economic activites in north america.pdf
    • the geographic distribution of economic activities of the usa ME.pdf
  • 26.71 MB
  • 2010-7-8
  • 外贸函电PPT.rar

    • Unit 5 Orders and Replies .ppt
    • Unit 6 packing .ppt
    • unit 7 修改 transportation .ppt
    • Unit 8 payment.ppt
    • Unit 9 Insurance.ppt
    • Unit 10 Claim and Settlement.ppt
    • Unit4 Offers and Counteroffers.ppt
    • Unit 1 layout of Business Letter.ppt
    • Unit 2 Establishing Business Relations.ppt
    • Unit 3 Enquiries and Replies.ppt
  • 3.86 MB
  • 2010-5-18
  • Harvard Cases.rar

    • Harvard Business School - case study - Millenium Pharmaceuticals Inc.pdf
    • Harvard Business School - Case Study - The Tug-of-War_Set05.pdf
    • Harvard Business School - Management Consulting Club - Case Interview Guide.pdf
    • Harvard Business School (Case) - Robert Mondavi And The Wine Industry.pdf
    • Harvard Business School Press - Iridium Llc Case Study.pdf
    • Internet Customer Acquisition Strategy at Bankinter (Harvard Business School HBS Case).pdf
    • Standard Costs and Variance Analysis (Harvard Business School HBS Case).pdf
    • The Co-operative Bank (Harvard Business School HBS Case).pdf
    • Venture Capital Method - Valuation Problem Set (Harvard Business School HBS Case).pdf
    • Venture Capital Method - Valuation Problem Set (Harvard Business School HBS Case)_unlocked.pdf
    • 10.Flightsafety (A-B). Harvard Business School Cases.pdf
    • 11.Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. Harvard Business School Case.pdf
    • 19.Fox. Harvard Business School Case.pdf
    • 22.Costco Companies. Harvard Business School Case.pdf
    • 23 Newell Harvard Business School Case.pdf
    • Bankruptcy From Talmud (Harvard Business School Hbs Case).pdf
    • First Direct (A) (Harvard Business School HBS Case)--E22E336C1AC0E01D1A442D65751CC8CE--.pdf
    • Hang Seng Bank's e-Banking - Leveraging an Established Brand for New Relationships (Harvard Business School HBS Case).pdf
    • Harvard Business School - An Overview Of The Project Finance Market (Case Study) (S 21).pdf
    • Harvard Business School - Case Rohm & Haas New Product Marketing Strategy.pdf
    • Harvard Business School - Case Study - All The Wrong Moves, 2006.pdf
    • Harvard Business School - Case Study - Left on a Mountainside_Jan04.pdf
  • 13.94 MB
  • 2010-2-2
  • 国际商务函电.rar

    • Chapter 1 .ppt
    • Chapter 03 Establishment of Business Relations.ppt
    • Chapter 08 Terms of Payment.ppt
    • Chapter 09 Letters of Credit.ppt
    • Chapter 7 Acceptance & Orders.ppt
    • Chapter 5 Quotation & Offers.ppt
    • Chapter 4 Inquiry and reply.ppt
    • Chapter 2.ppt
    • Envelopes.ppt
    • Chapter chapter 6 Making Counteroffers.ppt
    • Chapter 11 Insurance.ppt
    • Chapter 10 Packing & Shipment.ppt
  • 686.07 KB
  • 2009-11-3
  • 嘉兴学院:国际贸易函电.rar

    • unit 3 establishing business relations.ppt
    • Unit 7 Order and their fulfillment.ppt
    • unit 8 payment.ppt
    • unit 12 claim and settlement.ppt
    • unit 1 business letter writing.ppt
    • unit 4 enquiries and replies.ppt
    • unit 5 quotations, offers and counter-offers.ppt
  • 358.76 KB
  • 2009-6-26
  • 305843.rar
       Does Foreign Direct Investment Promote Development

    • 00 In Brief.pdf
    • 01 Introduction and Overview.pdf
    • 02 The Impact of Inward FDI on Host Countries-Why Such Different Answers.pdf
    • 03 Disentangling FDI Spillover Effects-What Do Firm Perceptions Tell Us.pdf
    • 04 Foreign Direct Investment and Externalities- The Case for Public Intervention.pdf
    • 05 R&D Activities of Foreign and National Establishments in Turkish Manufacturing.pdf
    • 06 Foreign Direct Investment and Local Economic Development- Beyond Productivity Spillovers.pdf
    • 07 Mulinational Firms and Backward Linkages- A Critical Survey and a Simple Model.pdf
    • 08 Does Foreign Direct Investment Accelerate Economic Growth.pdf
    • 09 Inappropriate Pooling of Wealthy and Poor Countries in Empirical FDI Studies.pdf
    • 10 Comment.pdf
    • 10 Intrafirm Trade of US MNCs- Findings and Implications for Models and Policies Toward Trade and Investment.pdf
    • 11 How Does FDI Affect Host Country Development-Using Industry Case Studies to Make Reliable Generalizations.pdf
    • 12 China's Policies on FDI- Review and Evaluation.pdf
    • 13 Comment.pdf
    • 13 Is Africa's Skepticism of Foreign Capital Justified- Evidence from East African Firm Survey Data.pdf
    • 14 Conclusions and Implications for FDI Policy in Developing Countries, New Methods of Research, and a Future Research Agenda.pdf
  • 1.73 MB
  • 2009-3-19
  • 271635.rar

    • How to Establish an Effective Land Sector.pdf
  • 1.08 MB
  • 2008-11-30
  • 259822.rar
       [下载][原创]外贸函电 ppt

    • Unit 1 Business Letter Writing.ppt
    • Unit 2 Establishing Business Relations.ppt
    • unit 3 Credit Inquiry.ppt
    • unit 5 Quotations.ppt
    • unit 4 enquiry and reply.ppt
    • unit 6 offer.ppt
    • unit 7 orders and their fulfillment.ppt
    • unit 9 terms of payment .ppt
    • Unit10.packing.ppt
    • unit11 insurance.ppt
    • unit12 shipment.ppt
    • unit13 trade disputes.ppt
    • unit14 sales promotion.ppt
    • unit15 expos.ppt
    • unit16.ppt
  • 746.61 KB
  • 2008-10-25
  • 221733.rar

    • Unit 1 The Structure and Layout of an International Business Letter.ppt
    • Unit 2 Establishing Business Relations.ppt
    • Unit 3 Status Enquiry.ppt
    • Unit 4 Enquiry and Reply.ppt
    • Unit 5 Offer counter-offer and Acceptance.ppt
    • Unit 6 Sales Promotion.ppt
    • Unit 7 Order and their fulfilment.ppt
    • Unit 8 Payments.ppt
  • 88.88 KB
  • 2008-6-23
  • 126337.rar

    • procedures of establishing bids appraisal report 341.DOC
    • verification management of import and export documentary credit establishing 304.doc
    • Marking management of casc 303.DOC
    • methods and work flow of domestic payment collection 343.DOC
    • Operation and flow map of agent export tax-rebate 333.doc
    • operation method of export cancel after verification and domestic payment 334.DOC
    • Operation method of imports payment 317.DOC
    • preventive action control procedures 204.doc
    • quality records control procedures 202.doc
    • Review method on demand information of customer procurement sevives 305.doc
    • Risk Assessment Procedures of Suppliers 345.doc
    • Rules of aviation spare parts transportation 324.DOC
    • Rules of Equipment management 314.DOC
    • Rules of foreign-currency clearance managemant 342.doc
    • services-provide process control procedures 207.doc
    • Suppliers Selection Evaluation Management 306.doc
    • The management of tendering agent 329.DOC
    • the operation rules of huacai cargo dept. 323.doc
    • The process of Engine purchase and repair 327.DOC
    • The verification and review method of bids department 332.DOC
    • Training procedures of division 2 328.DOC
    • Transportation rules of aviation engine 325.DOC
    • Warehouse management of business department 322.DOC
    • Work procedures of business department 321.DOC
    • work procedures of customs clearance & transportation dept. 319.DOC
    • Annual assessment method of personnel in casc 311.DOC
    • Assessment method of forwarder management of casc 339.DOC
    • Bids procedures of casc 331.DOC
    • casc quality manual 101.doc
    • control & protection Procedures os Customer Property in Division three 344.doc
    • correction action control procedures 203.doc
    • documentation control procedures 201.doc
    • Documentation verification rules of import payment 316.DOC
    • Employee training method of casc 312.DOC
    • Establishment procedures of bid documents 330.DOC
    • Export contract management method 302.doc
    • failure products control procedures 205.doc
    • Import contract management method 301.doc
    • internal audit control procedures 206.doc
    • Job responsibilities and description of personnel in casc 313.DOC
    • Management of bonded warehouse 320.DOC
    • Management of business handover among department 318.DOC
    • Management of raw material-supplied and raw material-purchased process 307.doc
    • management of repair & claims of aviation equipment outside china 310.DOC
  • 343.92 KB
  • 2007-6-15
  • 105416.zip

    • Unit 1 Business Letter Writing.ppt
    • Unit 2 Invitation and Arrangement of Visits.ppt
    • Unit 3 Establishing Business Relations.ppt
    • Unit 4 Enquiries and Replies.ppt
    • Unit 5 Quotations, Offers and Counter-offers.ppt
    • Unit 6 Sales Promotion.ppt
    • Unit 7 Order and their fulfillment.ppt
    • Unit 11 Insurance.ppt
    • Unit 8 payment.ppt
    • Unit 9 packing.ppt
    • Unit 12 Claim and Settlement.ppt
    • Unit 13 Agency.ppt
    • Unit 10 Shipping.ppt
    • Unit 14 Flexible trade.ppt
    • Unit 17 Electronic correspondence.ppt
  • 798.79 KB
  • 2007-4-4
  • 48992.zip

    • Unit 1 Business Letter Writing.ppt
    • Unit 2 Invitation and Arrangement of Visits.ppt
    • Unit 3 Establishing Business Relations.ppt
    • Unit 4 Enquiries and Replies.ppt
    • Unit 5 Quotations, Offers and Counter-offers.ppt
    • Unit 6 Sales Promotion.ppt
    • Unit 7 Order and their fulfillment.ppt
    • Unit 11 Insurance.ppt
    • Unit 8 payment.ppt
    • Unit 9 packing.ppt
    • Unit 12 Claim and Settlement.ppt
    • Unit 13 Agency.ppt
    • Unit 10 Shipping.ppt
    • Unit 14 Flexible trade.ppt
    • Unit 17 Electronic correspondence.ppt
  • 798.79 KB
  • 2006-4-18
  • 23907.zip
       [下载] 外贸函电课件

    • Unit 1 Business Letter Writing.ppt
    • Unit 2 Invitation and Arrangement of Visits.ppt
    • Unit 3 Establishing Business Relations.ppt
    • Unit 4 Enquiries and Replies.ppt
    • Unit 5 Quotations, Offers and Counter-offers.ppt
    • Unit 6 Sales Promotion.ppt
    • Unit 7 Order and their fulfillment.ppt
    • Unit 11 Insurance.ppt
    • Unit 8 payment.ppt
    • Unit 9 packing.ppt
    • Unit 12 Claim and Settlement.ppt
    • Unit 13 Agency.ppt
    • Unit 10 Shipping.ppt
    • Unit 14 Flexible trade.ppt
    • Unit 17 Electronic correspondence.ppt
  • 798.79 KB
  • 2005-8-23