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    • jarquebera.m
    • kolmogorov.m
    • kscritical.m
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    • lmtest1.m
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    • pltdens.m
    • robustvcv.m
    • sacf.m
    • skewness.m
    • skewtcdf.m
    • skewtinv.m
    • skewtloglik.m
  • 217.91 KB
  • 2009-4-8
  • 295273.pdf
       [下载]NYU Prof. Robert F. Engle - Nobel Lecture

  • 711.39 KB
  • 2009-2-20
  • 289909.pdf
       NANCY TENGLER:New Era Value Investing

  • 1.55 MB
  • 2009-2-1
  • 264576.rar
       [推荐]诺奖获得者Robert F. Engle论文N篇

    • The Econometrics of Ultra-High-Frequency Data.pdf
    • [Bayesian Analysis of Stochastic Volatility Models.pdf
    • A Capital Asset Pricing Model with Time-Varying Covariances.pdf
    • Band Spectrum Regression.pdf
    • Co-Integration and Error Correction-Representation, Estimation, and Testing.pdf
    • Common Volatility in International Equity Markets.pdf
    • Estimates of the Variance of U. S. Inflation Based upon the ARCH Model.pdf
    • Estimating Time Varying Risk Premia in the Term Structure-The Arch-M Model.pdf
    • Exact Maximum Likelihood Methods for Dynamic Regressions and Band Spectrum Regressions.pdf
    • Multivariate Simultaneous Generalized Arch.pdf
    • Semiparametric ARCH Models.pdf
    • Small-Sample Properties of ARCH Estimators and Tests.pdf
    • Specification of the Disturbance for Efficient Estimation.pdf
    • Statistical Models for Financial Volatility.pdf
    • Testing for Regression Coefficient Stability with a Stationary AR(1) Alternative.pdf
    • Testing Price Equations for Stability Across Spectral Frequency Bands.pdf
  • 7.65 MB
  • 2008-11-7
  • 222580.rar
       ARCH模型创立者、2003诺奖得主Robert Engle几篇关于ARCH的经典论文

    • Robert Engle_Autoregressive Conditional Heteroscedasticity with Estimates of the Variance of United Kingdom Inflation.pdf
    • Robert Engle_Dynamic Conditional Correlation_A Simple Class of Multivariate Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity Models.pdf
    • Robert Engle_GARCH 101_The Use of ARCH-GARCH Models in Applied Econometrics.pdf
    • Robert Engle_Risk and Volatility_Econometric Models and Financial Pratice.pdf
    • Robert Engle_The Econometrics of Ultra-High-Frequency Data.pdf
  • 2.31 MB
  • 2008-6-25
  • 185038.rar

    • Cohen_et_al_JFE_1983.PDF
    • Conrad_Kaul_RFS_1989.pdf
    • Coval_Shumway_JF_2005.pdf
    • Easley_et_al_JF_1996.pdf
    • Engle_1982.pdf
    • Engle_Bollerslev_ER_1986.PDF
    • Fama_et_al_IER_1969.pdf
    • Fama_French_JF_1992.pdf
    • Fama_French_JPE_1988.pdf
    • Ferson_Jagannathan_1996.pdf
    • French_et_al_JFE_1987.PDF
    • Christie_Schultz_JF_1994.pdf
  • 16.18 MB
  • 2007-12-29
  • 185037.rar

    • 5.pdf
    • Ball_Torous_JFE_1988.PDF
    • Bekaert_Wu_RFS_2000.pdf
    • Bernard_JAR_1987.pdf
    • Bollerslev_Chou_Kroner_JE_1992.pdf
    • Bollerslev_Engle_Wooldridge_JPE_1988.pdf
    • Bollerslev_JE_1986.pdf
    • Brown_Warner_JFE_1980.pdf
    • Brown_Warner_JFE_1985.pdf
    • Campbel_Hentschel_JFE_1992.pdf
    • Christie_Harris_Schultz_JF_1994_2.pdf
    • Christie_JFE_1982.PDF
  • 27.15 MB
  • 2007-12-29
  • 182739.rar

    • 1999 Accounting for U.S. real exchange rate changes.pdf
  • 3.94 MB
  • 2007-12-19
  • 114837.pdf
       [原创][分享]ARCH MODELS by Tim Bollerslev, Robert F. Engle, Daniel B. Nelson (Excellent)

  • 396.18 KB
  • 2007-5-8
  • 86617.pdf
       名家讲坛 Rober F_ Engle .pdf

  • 210.62 KB
  • 2007-1-23
  • 84736.rar
       重磅出击--Roberet F. Engle 和 Tim Bollerslev 计量经济学文献合集(共32篇)

    • 10.rar
    • 11.rar
  • 17.52 MB
  • 2007-1-15
  • 84735.rar
       重磅出击--Roberet F. Engle 和 Tim Bollerslev 计量经济学文献合集(共32篇)

    • 27 Bollerslev and Zhou-2002-Estimating stochastic volatility diffusion using conditional moments of integrated volatility.pdf
    • 25 Bollerslev and Zhang-2003-Measuring and modeling systematic risk in factor pricing models using high-frequency data.pdf
    • 26 Bollerslev and Zhou-2002-Corrigendum to “Estimating stochastic volatility diffusion using conditional moments of integrated volatility”.pdf
  • 1002.66 KB
  • 2007-1-15
  • 84734.rar
       重磅出击--Roberet F. Engle 和 Tim Bollerslev 计量经济学文献合集(共32篇)

    • 24 Bollerslev and Wright-2000-Semiparametric estimation of long-memory volatility dependencies The role of high-frequency data.pdf
    • 22 Bollerslev-1987-A conditional heteroskedastic time series model for speculative prices and rates of return.pdf
    • 23 Bollerslev-2001-Financial econometrics Past developments and future challenges.pdf
  • 604.77 KB
  • 2007-1-15
  • 84733.rar
       重磅出击--Roberet F. Engle 和 Tim Bollerslev 计量经济学文献合集(共32篇)

    • 21 Bollerslev-1986-Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Herteroskedasticity.pdf
    • 19 Andersen, Bollerslev, Diebold and Ebens-2001-The distribution of realized stock return volatility.pdf
    • 20 Baillie, Bollerslev and Mikkelsen-1996-Fractionally integrated generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity.pdf
  • 3.2 MB
  • 2007-1-15
  • 84732.rar
       重磅出击--Roberet F. Engle 和 Tim Bollerslev 计量经济学文献合集(共32篇)

    • 18 Andersen, Bollerslev and Diebold-2002-Parametric and Nonparametric Volatility Measurement.pdf
    • 16 Andersen and Bollerslev-1997-Intraday periodicity and volatility persistence in financial markets.pdf
    • 17 Andersen, Bollerslev and Diebold-2000-The distribution of stock return volatility.pdf
  • 2.71 MB
  • 2007-1-15
  • 84730.rar
       重磅出击--Roberet F. Engle 和 Tim Bollerslev 计量经济学文献合集(共32篇)

    • 15 Andersen and Bollerslev-1996-DM-DOLLAR volatility.pdf
    • 14 Manganelli and Engle-2001-Value at Risk in finance.pdf
  • 4.4 MB
  • 2007-1-15
  • 84729.rar
       重磅出击--Roberet F. Engle 和 Tim Bollerslev 计量经济学文献合集(共32篇)

    • 12Engle and Sheppard-2001-theoretical and empirical properties of dynamic conditional correlation multivariate GARCH.pdf
    • 10 Engle and Rosenberg-1998-Testing the volatility term structure using option hedging criteria.pdf
    • 11 Engle and Russell-1998-Autoregressive conditional duration A new model for irregularly spaced transaction data.pdf
  • 2 MB
  • 2007-1-15
  • 84728.rar
       重磅出击--Roberet F. Engle 和 Tim Bollerslev 计量经济学文献合集(共32篇)

    • 9 Engle and patton-2001-WHAT GOOD IS A VOLATILITY MODEL.pdf
    • 7 Engle and Ng-1991-Time-varying volatility and the dynamic behavior of the term structure.pdf
    • 8 Engle and Ng-1993-Measuring and Testing the Impact of News on Volatility.pdf
  • 1.93 MB
  • 2007-1-15
  • 84725.rar
       重磅出击--Roberet F. Engle 和 Tim Bollerslev 计量经济学文献合集(共32篇)

    • 6 Engle and Granger-1987-co-integration and error correction_representation, estimation and testing.pdf
    • 4 Engle , Lilien and Robins-1987-Estimating time varying risk premia in the term structure the ARCH-M model.pdf
    • 5 Engle and Gallo-2006-A multiple indicators model for volatility using intra-daily data.pdf
  • 2.27 MB
  • 2007-1-15
  • 84724.rar
       重磅出击--Roberet F. Engle 和 Tim Bollerslev 计量经济学文献合集(共32篇)

    • 3 Engle-2001-Financial econometrics A new discipline with new methods.pdf
    • 1 Chanda,, Engle and Sokalska-2005-HIGH FREQUENCY MULTIPLICATIVE COMPONENT GARCH.pdf
    • 2 Engle-1982-Autoregressive conditional herteroscedasticity with estimates of the variance of United Kingdom inflation.pdf
  • 946.64 KB
  • 2007-1-15
  • 39850.rar
       [分享]Multivariate Simultaneous Generalized ARCH by Engle & Kroner

  • 160.99 KB
  • 2006-2-15
  • 38879.rar

    • garch's use(engle).pdf
  • 976.63 KB
  • 2006-2-6
  • 38878.rar

    • new frontiers for ARCH models(engle,2002).pdf
  • 143.69 KB
  • 2006-2-6
  • 37983.rar
       [分享]ARCH_GARCHModels(R.Engle的讲义 )

    • ARCH_GARCHModels(R.Engle的讲义 ).ppt
  • 417.82 KB
  • 2006-1-20
  • 15071.rar
       求几篇论文 engle “Autoregressive Conditional Duration:A New Model for Irregularly Spaced

    • Engle 2000.pdf
    • Engle,Russell 1998.pdf
  • 4.31 MB
  • 2005-5-18
  • 13387.rar

    • Bollerslev,Wooldriage,and Engle 1988.pdf
  • 494.25 KB
  • 2005-4-28
  • 11218.rar

    • engle83.pdf
    • Bollerslev87.pdf
    • dhrymes.pdf
    • Engle82.pdf
    • Engle87.pdf
    • GJR93.pdf
    • Hamilton94.pdf
    • hansen82a.pdf
  • 7.91 MB
  • 2005-4-2
  • 10859.rar
       2003 年诺贝尔经济学奖得主 讲稿

    • 2003 engle-lecture.pdf
    • 2003 granger-lecture.pdf
  • 574.84 KB
  • 2005-3-26
  • 1213.rar
       [下载]Robert F. Engle的文献

    • 200372311403860282.pdf
  • 167.75 KB
  • 2004-9-7