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  • applied_micro_methods(1).zip

    • A Closed-Form Estimator for Quantile Treatment Effects with Endogeneity.pdf
    • A General Double Robustness Result for Estimating Average Treatment Effects(2014).pdf
    • A General Double Robustness Result for Estimating Average Treatment Effects(2016).pdf
    • A model averaging approach for the ordered Probit and Nested Logit Models with Applications(supplementary materials).pdf
    • A Model averaging approach for the ordered Probit and Nested Logit Models with Applications.pdf
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    • Calonico, S., M. D. Cattaneo, and M. H. Farrell (2020). rdrobust.pdf
    • Causal Inference _The Mixtape.pdf
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    • Channeling Fisher_Randomization Tests and the Statistical In significance of Seemingly Significant Experimental Results (2019).pdf
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    • Cherry Picking with Synthetic Controls(2017).pdf
    • Clustering and External Validity in Randomized Controlled Trials.pdf
    • Conditional Quantile Estimators_A Small Sample Theory.pdf
    • Consistency Without Inference_Instrumental Variables in Practical Application.pdf
    • Correcting for Endogeneity in Models with Bunching.pdf
    • Counterfactual Treatment Effects Estimation and Inference.pdf
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    • Difference-in-Differences Estimation with Spatial Spillovers..pdf
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    • Difference-in-Differences with Variation in Treatment Timing(2018 working paper).pdf
    • Difference-in-Differences with Variation in Treatment Timing(2021).pdf
    • Distributional Tests for Regression Discontinuity_Theory and Empirical Examples.pdf
    • Do Fiscal Rules Matter_AER(2016).pdf
    • Double Robustness in Estimation of Casual Treatment Effects(PPT).pdf
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    • Doubly Robust Difference-in-Differences Estimators.pdf
    • Dynamic Bunching Estimation with Panel Data.pdf
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  • 2021-9-7
  • 2020+structural+ecmtrc.rar

    • Week 13_ Dynamics and Endogeneity.pdf
    • Topics in Advanced Econometrics (ResEcon 703).pdf
    • Week 0_ Course Overview.pdf
    • Week 1_ Structural Estimation.pdf
    • Week 2_ R Tutorial.pdf
    • Week 3_ Random Utility Mode.pdf
    • Week 4_ Logit Model.pdf
    • Week 6_ Maximum Likelihood Estimation sl.pdf
    • Week 6_ Maximum Likelihood Estimation.pdf
    • Week 7_ Logit Estimation.pdf
    • Week 8_ Generalized Method of Moments.pdf
    • Week 9_ Generalized Extreme Value Models.pdf
    • Week 10_ Mixed Logit Model.pdf
    • Week 11_ Simulation-Based Estimation.pdf
    • Week 12_ Individual-Level Coefficients.pdf
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  • 2021-3-8
  • Handbook of the Economics of Finance.rar

    • Index.pdf
    • 0 Introduction to the Series.pdf
    • 0 Preface.pdf
    • Chapter 1 - Securitization.pdf
    • Chapter 2 - Dynamic Security Design and Corporate Financing.pdf
    • Chapter 3 - Do Taxes Affect Corporate Decisions - A Review.pdf
    • Chapter 4 - Executive Compensation - Where We Are, and How We Got There.pdf
    • Chapter 5 - Behavioral Corporate Finance - An Updated Survey.pdf
    • Chapter 6 - Law and Finance After a Decade of Research.pdf
    • Chapter 7 - Endogeneity in Empirical Corporate Finance.pdf
    • Chapter 8 - A Survey of Venture Capital Research.pdf
    • Chapter 9 - Entrepreneurship and the Family Firm.pdf
    • Chapter 10 - Financing in Developing Countries.pdf
    • Chapter 11 - Financial Intermediation,Markets and native Financial Sectors.pdf
    • Chapter 12 - Advances in Consumption-Based Asset Pricing - Empirical Tests.pdf
    • Chapter 13 - Bond Pricing and the Macroeconomy .pdf
    • Chapter 14 - Investment Performance_ A Review and Synthesis.pdf
    • Chapter 15 - Mutual Funds.pdf
    • Chapter 16 - Hedge Funds.pdf
    • Chapter 17 - Financial Risk Measurement for Financial Risk Management.pdf
    • Chapter 18 - Bubbles, Financial Crises, and Systemic Risk.pdf
    • Chapter 19 - Market Liquidity—Theory and Empirical Evidence.pdf
    • Chapter 20 - Credit Derivatives.pdf
    • Chapter 21 - Household Finance - An Emerging Field.pdf
    • Chapter 22 - The Behavior of Individual Investors .pdf
    • Chapter 23 - Risk Pricing over Alternative Investment Horizons.pdf
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  • 2019-10-20
  • ScienceDirect_articles_27Jun2019_01-00-32.724.zip

    • Introduction-to-the-Series_2013_Handbook-of-the-Economics-of-Finance.pdf
    • Chapter-5---Behavioral-Corporate-Finance--An_2013_Handbook-of-the-Economics-.pdf
    • Chapter-6---Law-and-Finance-After-a-Decade_2013_Handbook-of-the-Economics-of.pdf
    • Chapter-2---Dynamic-Security-Design-and-Corp_2013_Handbook-of-the-Economics-.pdf
    • Chapter-3---Do-Taxes-Affect-Corporate-Decis_2013_Handbook-of-the-Economics-o.pdf
    • Chapter-11---Financial-Intermediation--Markets--a_2013_Handbook-of-the-Econo.pdf
    • Copyright_2013_Handbook-of-the-Economics-of-Finance.pdf
    • Preface_2013_Handbook-of-the-Economics-of-Finance.pdf
    • Chapter-4---Executive-Compensation--Where-We-Ar_2013_Handbook-of-the-Economi.pdf
    • Chapter-10---Financing-in-Developing-Cou_2013_Handbook-of-the-Economics-of-F.pdf
    • Chapter-1---Securitization_2013_Handbook-of-the-Economics-of-Finance.pdf
    • Index_2013_Handbook-of-the-Economics-of-Finance.pdf
    • Chapter-8---A-Survey-of-Venture-Capital-_2013_Handbook-of-the-Economics-of-F.pdf
    • Chapter-9---Entrepreneurship-and-the-Fam_2013_Handbook-of-the-Economics-of-F.pdf
    • Chapter-7---Endogeneity-in-Empirical-Corpor_2013_Handbook-of-the-Economics-o.pdf
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  • 2019-6-27
  • Methods for Nonparametric and Semiparametric Regressions with Endogeneity A Gent.rar

    • Methods for Nonparametric and Semiparametric Regressions with Endogeneity A Gentle Guide.pdf
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  • 2018-10-8
  • Econometrics Endogeneity(Toke Reichstein).zip
       Econometrics Endogeneity(Toke Reichstein)

    • Econometrics Endogeneity(Toke Reichstein).pdf
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  • 2016-6-4
  • Handbook-of-the-Economics-of-Finance2013e(Chapter1-11).zip

    • Chapter-8-A-Survey-of-Venture-Capital-Research_2013_Handbook-of-the-Economics-of-Finance.pdf
    • Introduction-to-the-Series_2013_Handbook-of-the-Economics-of-Finance.pdf
    • Chapter-5-Behavioral-Corporate-Finance-An-Updated-Survey_2013_Handbook-of-the-Economics-of-Finance.pdf
    • Chapter-3-Do-Taxes-Affect-Corporate-Decisions-A-Review_2013_Handbook-of-the-Economics-of-Finance.pdf
    • Preface_2013_Handbook-of-the-Economics-of-Finance.pdf
    • Chapter-4-Executive-Compensation-Where-We-Are-and-How-We-Got-There_2013_Handbook-of-the-Economics-of-Finance.pdf
    • Copyright_2013_Handbook-of-the-Economics-of-Finance.pdf
    • Chapter-6-Law-and-Finance-After-a-Decade-of-Research_2013_Handbook-of-the-Economics-of-Finance.pdf
    • Index_2013_Handbook-of-the-Economics-of-Finance.pdf
    • Chapter-2-Dynamic-Security-Design-and-Corporate-Financing-_2013_Handbook-of-the-Economics-of-Finance.pdf
    • Chapter-7-Endogeneity-in-Empirical-Corporate-Finance1_2013_Handbook-of-the-Economics-of-Finance.pdf
    • Chapter-11-Financial-Intermediation-Markets-and-Alternative-Financial-Sectors_2013_Handbook-of-the-Economics-of-Finance.pdf
    • Chapter-9-Entrepreneurship-and-the-Family-Firm_2013_Handbook-of-the-Economics-of-Finance.pdf
    • Chapter-10-Financing-in-Developing-Countries_2013_Handbook-of-the-Economics-of-Finance.pdf
    • Chapter-1-Securitization_2013_Handbook-of-the-Economics-of-Finance.pdf
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  • 2015-1-17
  • Lecture06.pdf
       Instrumental Variables and Endogeneity 工具变量 内生性

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  • 2014-1-24
  • The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics E.rar

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  • 2012-5-13
  • 悉尼大学计量经济荣誉学位讲座专题.rar

    • 9-Probit Model with endogeneity.pdf
    • 10-Tobit most recent 2.pdf
    • 11-Sample Selection Model modified.pdf
    • 12-ordered probit.pdf
    • 13-Delta Method.pdf
    • 14-multinomial discrete.pdf
    • 15-Mutinomial Logit Model with Endogeneity.pdf
    • Practice questions.pdf
    • sample.pdf
    • Sample 2.pdf
    • Sample Questions for Mid.pdf
    • Suggested Answers for Selected Questions in the Midterm Exam.pdf
    • 1-Endogeneity OLS&IV.pdf
    • 2-Applications of IV .pdf
    • 3-Heteroskedasticy-robust standard errors & Some Specification Tests.pdf
    • 4-Panel Data Methods.pdf
    • 5-Panel Data Methods Application (matched pair).pdf
    • 6-Binary Choice Models.pdf
    • 7-Numerical Optimization.pdf
    • 8-Introduction to Gauss ECMT4030.pdf
  • 2.93 MB
  • 2010-6-25
  • A Guide to Modern Econometrics, Verbeek.zip

    • Introduction To Maximum Likelihood.pdf
    • Endogeneity & GMM.pdf
    • Heteroskedasticity & Autocorrelation.pdf
    • Intrepreting And Comparing Regression Models.pdf
    • An Introduction To Linear Regression.pdf
    • LDV1.pdf
    • LDV2.pdf
    • LM Solutions.pdf
    • Time Series 1.pdf
    • Time Series 2.pdf
    • Time Series 3.pdf
    • Time Series 4.pdf
  • 1.02 MB
  • 2009-6-20
  • 297122.pdf
       Endogeneity in Brand Choice Models_MS1999.pdf

  • 2.01 MB
  • 2009-2-25
  • 169761.rar
       [原创][下载]Journal of Econometrics-Volume 141, Issue 2, Pages 323-1420 (December 2007)

    • 19.A consistent characteristic function-based test for conditional independence.pdf
    • 20.A goodness-of-fit test for ARCH(∞) models.pdf
    • 21.Modelling security market events in continuous time- Intensity based, multivariate point process models.pdf
    • 22.Asymptotics for duration-driven long range dependent processes.pdf
    • 23.An adaptive empirical likelihood test for parametric time series regression models.pdf
    • 24.A goodness-of-fit test for ARCH models.pdf
    • 25.Discrete time duration models with group-level heterogeneity.pdf
    • 26.Income distribution and inequality measurement- The problem of extreme values.pdf
    • 27.A zero-inflated ordered probit model, with an application to modelling tobacco consumption.pdf
    • 28.Estimating a generalized correlation coefficient for a generalized bivariate probit model.pdf
    • 29.Nonstationary discrete choice- A corrigendum and addendum.pdf
    • 30.Endogeneity in quantile regression models- A control function approach.pdf
    • 31.Time and causality- A Monte Carlo assessment of the timing-of-events approach.pdf
    • 32.Confidence sets for the date of a single break in linear time series regressions.pdf
    • 33.Finite sample multivariate structural change tests with application to energy demand models.pdf
    • 34.Closed-form likelihood approximation and estimation of jump-diffusions with an application to the realignment risk of the Chinese Yuan.pdf
    • 35.Inverse probability weighted estimation for general missing data problems.pdf
    • 36.A simple, robust and powerful test of the trend hypothesis.pdf
    • 38.Nonstationarity-extended local Whittle estimation.pdf
    • 37.A theory of robust long-run variance estimation.pdf
    • 39.Efficient high-dimensional importance sampling.pdf
    • 40.Corrigendum to The pseudo-true score encompassing test for non-nested hypotheses.pdf
    • 41.The large sample behaviour of the generalized method of moments estimator in misspecified models.pdf
    • 42.Erratum to “Generalizing the standard product rule of probability theory and Bayes's Theorem.pdf
    • 43.Error in contents listing of Special issue.pdf
    • 1.Editorial Board.pdf
    • 2.Realized range-based estimation of integrated variance.pdf
    • 3.Instrumental variable estimation based on conditional median restriction.pdf
    • 4.Generalized R-estimators under conditional heteroscedasticity.pdf
    • 5.Incidental trends and the power of panel unit root tests.pdf
    • 6.Non-parametric estimation of sequential english auctions.pdf
    • 7.On the uniqueness of optimal prices set by monopolistic sellers.pdf
    • 8.On the second-order properties of empirical likelihood with moment restrictions.pdf
    • 9.Contemporaneous threshold autoregressive models- Estimation, testing and forecasting.pdf
    • 10.Efficient tests of the seasonal unit root hypothesis.pdf
    • 11.Determining the cointegrating rank in nonstationary fractional systems by the exact local Whittle approach.pdf
    • 12.Asymptotic properties of a robust variance matrix estimator for panel data when T is large.pdf
    • 13.Online forecast combinations of distributions- Worst case bounds.pdf
    • 14.Nonparametric tests for conditional symmetry in dynamic models.pdf
    • 15.Masking identification of discrete choice models under simulation methods.pdf
    • 16.A smoothed least squares estimator for threshold regression models.pdf
    • 17.Can the random walk model be beaten in out-of-sample density forecasts- Evidence from intraday foreign exchange rates.pdf
    • 18.Endogenous selection or treatment model estimation.pdf
  • 13.96 MB
  • 2007-11-3
  • 125719.zip

    • Introduction To Maximum Likelihood.pdf
    • Endogeneity & GMM.pdf
    • Heteroskedasticity & Autocorrelation.pdf
    • Intrepreting And Comparing Regression Models.pdf
    • An Introduction To Linear Regression.pdf
    • LDV1.pdf
    • LDV2.pdf
    • LM Solutions.pdf
    • Time Series 1.pdf
    • Time Series 2.pdf
    • Time Series 3.pdf
    • Time Series 4.pdf
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  • 2007-6-12
  • 50714.zip
       A Guide to Modern Econometrics, Verbeek

    • Introduction To Maximum Likelihood.pdf
    • Endogeneity & GMM.pdf
    • Heteroskedasticity & Autocorrelation.pdf
    • Intrepreting And Comparing Regression Models.pdf
    • An Introduction To Linear Regression.pdf
    • LDV1.pdf
    • LDV2.pdf
    • LM Solutions.pdf
    • Time Series 1.pdf
    • Time Series 2.pdf
    • Time Series 3.pdf
    • Time Series 4.pdf
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  • 2006-4-30
  • 17638.rar
       Southampton University计量经济学教材

    • Endogeneity, Instrumental Variables and GMM.pdf
    • Heteroskedasticity & Autocorrelation.pdf
    • Interpreting & Comparing Regression Models.pdf
    • Introduction to Linear Regression.pdf
    • Limited Dependent Variables Models.pdf
    • Maximum Likelihood Estimation & Specification Tests.pdf
    • Unit Root & Cointegration Analysis.pdf
    • Univariate Time Series Models.pdf
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  • 2005-6-23
  • 14458.zip
       [下载]A Guide to Modern Econometrics, Verbeek

    • Introduction To Maximum Likelihood.pdf
    • Endogeneity & GMM.pdf
    • Heteroskedasticity & Autocorrelation.pdf
    • Intrepreting And Comparing Regression Models.pdf
    • An Introduction To Linear Regression.pdf
    • LDV1.pdf
    • LDV2.pdf
    • LM Solutions.pdf
    • Time Series 1.pdf
    • Time Series 2.pdf
    • Time Series 3.pdf
    • Time Series 4.pdf
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  • 2005-5-11