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    • 03_Decision usefulness approach_US.ppt
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    • William R. Scott-Solution manual for Financial Accounting Theory (7th Edition)-Pearson (2015).pdf
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  • 2020-9-13
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    • British Broadcasting A Study in Monopoly.pdf
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    • British Broadcasting.pdf
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  • 2010-5-18
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       Genes and Insurance: Ethical, Legal and Economic Issues (Cambridge Law, Medicine and Ethi

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       [推荐]Development Economics Microeconomic Issues and Policy Models (MTI研究生课程)

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  • 2007-2-8
  • 51628.rar

    • Levels of economic activity across countries. By Hall, Robert E.; Jones, Charles I.. American Economic Review, May97, Vol. 87 Issue 2, p173, 5p.pdf
    • Life is not Easy---Mexico's Quest for Stability and Growth. By Lustig, Nora. Journal of Economic Perspectives, Winter2001, Vol. 15 Issue 1, p85-106, 22p, 1 graph.pdf
    • Market Failure and Government Failure. By Datta-Chaudhuri, Mrinal. Journal of Economic Perspectives, Summer90, Vol. 4 Issue 3, p25-39, 15p.pdf
    • Markets, Market Failures, and Development. By Stiglitz, Joseph E.. American Economic Review, May89, Vol. 79 Issue 2, p197, 7p.pdf
    • NATIONAL INSTITUTIONS AND INDIGENOUS SYSTEMS IN MEXICO SOME PROBLEMS OF ANALYSIS. By Barkin, David. Journal of Economic Issues, Dec70, Vol. 4 Issue 4, p82, 5p.pdf
    • PART 3 INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND SOCIAL CAPITAL 12. Learning from early childcare and education programs Evaluation & Development---The Institutional Dimension - World Bank on Evaluation Development, 1998, p239-261, 23p.pdf
    • Political and Economic Factors in the Development of Russia's Regions. By Piliasov, A.. Problems of Economic Transition, Oct2003, Vol. 46 Issue 6, p32-55, 24p, 1 chart.pdf
    • The Role of International Fragmentation in the Development Process. By Jones, Ronald W.; Marjit, Sugata. American Economic Review, May2001, Vol. 91 Issue 2, p363-366, 4p.pdf
    • The State of Development Theory. By Lewis, W. Arthur. American Economic Review, Mar1984, Vol. 74 Issue 1, p1, 10p.pdf
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  • 2006-5-7
  • 51623.rar

    • Development Economics from a Chicago Perspective. By Strassmann, W. Paul. Journal of Economic Issues, Mar76, Vol. 10 Issue 1, p63, 18p.pdf
    • ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT IN MEXICO AND THAILAND AN INSTITUTIONAL ANALYSIS. By Cornehls, James V.; Van Roy, Edward. Journal of Economic Issues, Sep69, Vol. 3 Issue 3, p16, 17p.pdf
    • Economic Structure and Economic Development. By Belotti, Lorenzo Mario. American Journal of Economics & Sociology, Oct60, Vol. 20 Issue 1, p73-80, 8p.pdf
    • Economics in action Ideas, institutions, policies. By Shultz, George P.. American Economic Review, May95, Vol. 85 Issue 2, p1, 8p.pdf
    • Financial liberalisation, stockmarkets and economic development. By Singh, Ajit. Economic Journal, May97, Vol. 107 Issue 442, p771-782, 12p.pdf
    • Institutionalism, Structuralism, and Dependency in Latin America. By Street, James H.; James, Dilmus D.. Journal of Economic Issues, Sep82, Vol. 16 Issue 3, p673, 17p.pdf
    • INSTITUTIONS AND POLITICS IN A LEWIS-TYPE GROWTH MODEL. By Mosley, Paul. Manchester School (1998), Dec2004, Vol. 72 Issue 6, p751-773, 23p.pdf
    • Institutions, Social Norms, and Economic Development (Book). By Nugent, Jeffrey B.. Journal of Economic Literature, Dec2001, Vol. 39 Issue 4, p1273, 3p.pdf
    • Land Rent Flows in Economic, Political and Environmental Transitions---An Inquiry Into Ownership Rights In Land Rent.By Smiley, David H.. American Journal of Economics & Sociology, Jan1997, Vol. 56 Issue 1, p103-114, 12p.pdf
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  • 2006-5-7
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       麻省理工《Development Economics: Microeconomic Issues and Policy Models》课程全部讲义,作

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  • 2005-8-2