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    • Clin Invest Ginecol Obstet.ens
    • Clin J Sport Med.ens
    • Clin Lab Standards (CLSI).ens
    • Clin Lung Cancer.ens
    • Clin Lymphoma Myeloma Leukemia.ens
    • Clin Microbiol Infection.ens
    • Clin Neurophysiol.ens
    • Clin Nuclear Medicine.ens
    • Clin Oral Implants Res.ens
    • Clin Oral Investigations.ens
    • Clin Otolaryngology.ens
    • Clin Ovarian Other Gynecologic Cancer.ens
    • Clin Pharma Therapeutics.ens
    • Clin Pharmacokinetics.ens
    • Clin Physiol Funct Imaging.ens
    • Clin Psych Sci Pract.ens
    • Clin Queries Nephrology.ens
    • Clin Rehabilitation.ens
    • Clin Res Hepatol Gastroenterol.ens
    • Clin Therapeutics.ens
    • Clin Theriogenol.ens
    • Clin Transplantation.ens
    • Clin Ultrasound.ens
    • Clin Vaccine Immunol.ens
    • Clinica Chimica Acta.ens
    • Clinical Anatomy.ens
    • Clinical Autonomic Res.ens
    • Clinical Biochemistry.ens
    • Clinical Biomechanics.ens
    • Clinical Cancer Research.ens
    • Clinical Cardiology.ens
    • Clinical Case Studies.ens
    • Clinical Chemistry.ens
    • Clinical Dysmorphology.ens
    • Clinical Gastro Hepatol.ens
    • Clinical Genetics.ens
    • Clinical Imaging.ens
    • Clinical Immunology.ens
    • Clinical J Pain.ens
    • Clinical Kidney J.ens
    • Clinical Laboratory.ens
    • Clinical Microbio Reviews.ens
    • Clinical Microbiology Newsletter.ens
    • Clinical Molecular Allergy.ens
    • Clinical Nephrology.ens
    • Clinical Neurology Neuro.ens
    • Clinical Neuropathology.ens
    • Clinical Neuropsychologist.ens
    • Clinical Nurse Specialist.ens
    • Clinical Nursing Research.ens
    • Clinical Nutrition.ens
    • Clinical Oncology.ens
    • Clinical Ortho Related Res.ens
    • Clinical Plasma Medicine.ens
    • Clinical Psycho Psycho.ens
    • Clinical Psychology Rev.ens
    • Clinical Radiology.ens
    • Clinical Respiratory J.ens
    • Clinical Teacher.ens
    • Clinical Translational Immunology.ens
    • Clinical Translational Science.ens
    • Clinical Trials Reg Sci Cardio.ens
    • Clinical Trials.ens
    • Clinics Colon Rectal Surg.ens
    • Clinics N America.ens
    • Clinics in Dermatology.ens
    • Clnics in Dermatology.ens
    • Clothing Textiles Res J.ens
    • CoDesign.ens
    • Coaching.ens
    • Coastal Engineering.ens
    • Coastal Mgmt.ens
    • Cogn Behav Neurol.ens
    • Cognition Emotion.ens
    • Cognition.ens
    • Cognitive Behavioral Pract.ens
    • Cognitive Development.ens
    • Cognitive Linguistics.ens
    • Cognitive Neuropsychiatry.ens
    • Cognitive Neuropsychology.ens
    • Cognitive Neuroscience.ens
    • Cognitive Psychology.ens
    • Cognitive Systems Res.ens
    • Cold Regions Sci Tech.ens
    • Coleopterists Bulletin.ens
    • College Research Libraries.ens
    • Collegian.ens
    • Colloids and Surfaces A.ens
    • Colloids and Surfaces B.ens
    • Color Res and App.ens
    • Coloration Tech.ens
    • Colorectal Disease.ens
    • Combustion and Flame.ens
    • Comm Dent Oral Epidemiol.ens
    • Comm Disorders Quarterly.ens
    • Comm Nonlin Sci Num Simul.ens
    • Comm On Pure App Math.ens
    • Comm Soil Sci Plant Analysis.ens
    • Comma Delimited.ens
    • Commun Integrative Biol.ens
    • Communication Education.ens
    • Communication Research.ens
    • Communication Teacher.ens
    • Communication Theory.ens
    • Communications ACM.ens
    • Communist Post-Comm Stud.ens
    • Community Dental Health.ens
    • Community Development J.ens
    • Community Mental Health.ens
    • Community Work Family.ens
    • Comp Biochem Phys-Part A.ens
    • Comp Biochem Phys-Part B.ens
    • Comp Biochem Phys-Part C.ens
    • Comp Biochem Phys-Part D.ens
    • Comp Biol Chem.ens
    • Comp Communications.ens
    • Comp Critical Studies.ens
    • Comp Geometry.ens
    • Comp Health Practice Rev.ens
    • Comp Immunol Microbiol Infect Dis.ens
    • Comp Materials Sci.ens
    • Comp Meth Biomech Biomed Engineer.ens
    • Comp Method Appl Mech Engneer.ens
    • Comp Method Prog Biomed.ens
    • Comp Rev Food Sci Food Safety.ens
    • Comp Sci App Software.ens
    • Comp Sci Engineer.ens
    • Comp Statistics Data Anal.ens
    • Comp Stud in Soc and Hist.ens
    • Comp Theor Chem.ens
    • Comp Thera Clin Pract.ens
    • Comp Thera Medicine.ens
    • Comp Vision Image Under.ens
    • Comp-Aided Civil Infrastructure Eng.ens
    • Comparative Education.ens
    • Comparative Exercise Physiology.ens
    • Comparative Hepatology.ens
    • Comparative Lit Studies.ens
    • Comparative Medicine.ens
    • Comparative Political Studies.ens
    • Compare.ens
    • Compensation Benefits Rev.ens
    • Complement Med Res.ens
    • Complex Variables Eliptic Equat.ens
    • Complexity.ens
    • Composite Interfaces.ens
    • Composite Structures.ens
    • Composites Sci Tech.ens
    • Composites-Part A.ens
    • Composites-Part B.ens
    • Compositio Mathematica.ens
    • Comprehensive Psych.ens
    • Comptes Rendus Biologies.ens
    • Comptes Rendus Chimie.ens
    • Comptes Rendus Geosci.ens
    • Comptes Rendus Math.ens
    • Comptes Rendus Mecanique.ens
    • Comptes Rendus Paleontol.ens
    • Comptes Rendus Physique.ens
    • Computational Intelligence.ens
    • Computational Mechanics.ens
    • Computer Aided Design.ens
    • Computer Aided Geometric Des.ens
    • Computer App Eng Educ.ens
    • Computer Assist Lang Learn.ens
    • Computer Graphics Forum.ens
    • Computer J.ens
    • Computer Lang Sys Struct.ens
    • Computer Law Security Review.ens
    • Computer Meth Appl Mech Engineer.ens
    • Computer Networks.ens
    • Computer Physics Communications.ens
    • Computer Science Education.ens
    • Computer Science Review.ens
    • Computer Speech Lang.ens
    • Computer Standards Interfaces.ens
    • Computer.ens
    • Computers Biology Medicine.ens
    • Computers Chemical Engineer.ens
    • Computers Education.ens
    • Computers Electrical Engineer.ens
    • Computers Electronics Agricul.ens
    • Computers Environ Urban Systems.ens
    • Computers Graphics.ens
    • Computers Human Behavior.ens
    • Computers Industrial Engineer.ens
    • Computers Math with Applications.ens
    • Computers Structures.ens
    • Computers and Composition.ens
    • Computers and Fluids.ens
    • Computers and Geosciences.ens
    • Computers and Geotechnics.ens
    • Computers and Operations Res.ens
    • Computers and Security.ens
    • Computers in Industry.ens
    • Computing Surveys.ens
    • Concepts in Magnetic Res.ens
    • Concrete Intl.ens
    • Concurr Comp Pract E.ens
    • Confl Resolut Q.ens
    • Congenital Anomalies.ens
    • Congenital Heart Disease.ens
    • Congestive Heart Failure.ens
    • Connection Science.ens
    • Consciousness and Cognition.ens
    • Conservation Biology.ens
    • Conservation Genetics.ens
    • Conservation Letters.ens
    • Conservation Physiol.ens
    • Conservation.ens
    • Constellations.ens
    • Construction Building Materials.ens
    • Consumption Markets Culture.ens
    • Cont Accounting Res.ens
    • Cont Educ Psych.ens
    • Cont Mech Thermodyn.ens
    • Cont Pol Econ.ens
    • Contact Dermatitis.ens
    • Contact Lens Anterior Eye.ens
    • Contact.ens
    • Contemp Arab Affairs.ens
    • Contemp Clin Trials.ens
    • Contemp Italian Politics.ens
    • Contemp Justice Review.ens
    • Contemp Social Science.ens
    • Contemp South Asia.ens
    • Contemp Womens Writing.ens
    • Contemporary Clinical Trials.ens
    • Contemporary European Hist.ens
    • Continental Shelf Research.ens
    • Continuity and Change.ens
    • Continuum.ens
    • Contraception.ens
    • Contrib Mineralogy Petro.ens
    • Control Engineering Practice.ens
    • Conversations Religion Theology.ens
    • Coordination Chemistry Rev.ens
    • Copernicus Publications.ens
    • Coral Reefs.ens
    • Cornell Hotel Restaurant Admin Q.ens
    • Coronary Artery Disease.ens
    • Corporate Governance.ens
    • Corrosion Engineering.ens
    • Corrosion Science.ens
    • Cortex.ens
    • Cost Eff Resource Alloc.ens
    • Counsel Psychotherapy Research.ens
    • Counseling Psychologist.ens
    • Counseling Psychology Q.ens
    • Cranio Maxillofac Trauma Recon.ens
    • Creativity Innovation Mgmt.ens
    • Cretaceous Research.ens
    • Crime and Delinquency.ens
    • Criminal Behaviour Mental Health.ens
    • Criminal Justice Policy Review.ens
    • Criminal Justice Review.ens
    • Criminal Justice Studies.ens
    • Criminal Justice and Behavior.ens
    • Criminology Public Policy.ens
    • Criminology.ens
    • Crit Care Clinics.ens
    • Crit Persp Accounting.ens
    • Crit Rev Analytical Chem.ens
    • Crit Rev Biochem Molecular.ens
    • Crit Rev Enviro Sci Tech.ens
    • Crit Rev Immu.ens
    • Crit Rev Intl Soc Political Philos.ens
    • Crit Rev Oncology Hematol.ens
    • Crit Rev Therapeutic Drug Carrier Sys.ens
    • Crit Rev Toxicol.ens
    • Crit Studies Media Communication.ens
    • Critical African Studies.ens
    • Critical Asian Studies.ens
    • Critical Care Medicine.ens
    • Critical Care.ens
    • Critical Discourse Studies.ens
    • Critical Public Health.ens
    • Critical Quarterly.ens
    • Critical Studies Security.ens
    • Critical Studies Terrorism.ens
    • Criticism.ens
    • Crop Pasture Science.ens
    • Crop Protection.ens
    • Cross-Cultural Research.ens
    • Cryobiology.ens
    • Cryogenics.ens
    • Cryosphere.ens
    • CrystEngComm.ens
    • Crystal Growth Design.ens
    • Crystallography Reviews.ens
    • Cultural Anthropology.ens
    • Cultural Geographies.ens
    • Cultural Studies-Critical Method.ens
    • Cultural Trends.ens
    • Culture Agriculture.ens
    • Culture Health Sexuality.ens
    • Culture Organization.ens
    • Culture Psychology.ens
    • Cureus.ens
    • Curr Dev Nutrition.ens
    • Curr Directions Psych Sci.ens
    • Curr Issues Lang Plan.ens
    • Curr Microbiol.ens
    • Curr Opinion Colloid Interface Sci.ens
    • Curr Opinion Endocr Metab Res.ens
    • Curr Opinion Physiol.ens
    • Curr Opinion Solid State Mater Sci.ens
    • Curr Problems Cancer.ens
    • Curr Problems Cardiology.ens
    • Curr Problems Diag Radiol.ens
    • Curr Problems Ped Adoles Health Care.ens
    • Curr Problems Surg.ens
    • Curr Protein Peptide Sci.ens
    • Curr Res Bacteriology.ens
    • Curr Res Cardio Pharmacol.ens
    • Curr Res Chemistry.ens
    • Curr Res Dairy Science.ens
    • Curr Res Physics.ens
    • Curr Res Poultry Science.ens
    • Curr Res Tuberculosis.ens
    • Curr Therapeutic Res.ens
    • Current Alzheimers Research.ens
    • Current Anthropology.ens
    • Current Applied Physics.ens
    • Current Atherosclero Reps.ens
    • Current Biology.ens
    • Current Clinical Pract EEG.ens
    • Current Controlled Trials.ens
    • Current Genetic Medicine Reports.ens
    • Current Genetics.ens
    • Current Hypertension Reps.ens
    • Current Med Res and Op.ens
    • Current Medicinal Chem.ens
    • Current Neuropharmacology.ens
    • Current Neurovascular Res.ens
    • Current Oncology.ens
    • Current Opinion Biotech.ens
    • Current Opinion Cell Bio.ens
    • Current Opinion Chem Bio.ens
    • Current Opinion Environ Sustain.ens
    • Current Opinion Gen Dev.ens
    • Current Opinion Immunology.ens
    • Current Opinion Lipid.ens
    • Current Opinion Microbio.ens
    • Current Opinion Neurobio.ens
    • Current Opinion Otolaryn.ens
    • Current Opinion Pharmacol.ens
    • Current Opinion Plant Bio.ens
    • Current Opinion Struct Bio.ens
    • Current Pharma Design.ens
    • Current Science.ens
    • Current Topics Dev Bio.ens
    • Current Urology.ens
    • Current Zoology.ens
    • Currents Pharmacy Teaching Learning.ens
    • Curriculum Inquiry.ens
    • Curriculum J.ens
    • Curtis Botanical Mag.ens
    • CyberPsychology Behavior.ens
    • Cyberpsych Behav Soc Network.ens
    • CytoJournal.ens
    • Cytogenetic Genome Res.ens
    • Cytokine Growth Fact Rev.ens
    • Cytokine.ens
    • Cytometry.ens
    • Cytopathology.ens
    • Cytoskeleton.ens
    • Cytotherapy.ens
    • DAI German Archaeological Institute.ens
    • DCCN.ens
    • DEUQUA Special Publ.ens
    • DGPs.ens
    • DIN 1505 2 Author-Year.ens
    • DIN 1505 2 Numeric.ens
    • DIW.ens
    • DMW-English.ens
    • DMW-German.ens
    • DNA Repair.ens
    • DNA Research.ens
    • DNA and Cell Biology.ens
    • DO - Deutsche Zeits fur Osteopathie.ens
    • DZZ-Deutsche Zahnarztliche Zeits.ens
    • Dairy Sci Technology.ens
    • Dalton Transactions.ens
    • Dams Reservoirs.ens
    • Data Knowledge Engineer.ens
    • Data in Brief.ens
    • DataCite-DOI Link.ens
    • DataCite.ens
    • Database.ens
    • De Gruyter Mouton Journals.ens
    • Decis Analysis.ens
    • Decision Sciences J Innov Ed.ens
    • Decision Sciences J.ens
    • Decision Support Systems.ens
    • Deep-Sea Res Part I.ens
    • Deep-Sea Res Part II.ens
    • Dementia Ger Cog Disord Extra.ens
    • Dementia Ger Cog Disord.ens
    • Democratization.ens
    • Demography.ens
    • Dendrochronologia.ens
    • Dental Abstracts.ens
    • Dental Materials J.ens
    • Dental Traumatology.ens
    • Depression and Anxiety.ens
    • Der Internist.ens
    • Der Klinikarzt.ens
    • Der Ornithologische Beobachter.ens
    • Der Praktische Tierarzt.ens
    • Dermato-Endocrinology.ens
    • Dermatol Online J.ens
    • Dermatologic Surgery.ens
    • Dermatologic Therapy.ens
    • Dermatology.ens
    • Desalination.ens
    • Design Studies.ens
    • Designed Monomers Polymers.ens
    • Deutsche Heilpraktiker-Zeitschrift.ens
    • Deutsche Zeits fur Onkologie.ens
    • Deutsches Arzteblatt.ens
    • Dev Comparative Immunol.ens
    • Dev Disabil Res Rev.ens
    • Dev Growth Differ.ens
    • Dev Medicine Child Neuro.ens
    • Dev Neurosci.ens
    • Dev World Bioethics.ens
    • Devel Policy Rev.ens
    • Developing Economies.ens
    • Development (Company of Biologists).ens
    • Development (SID).ens
    • Development Change.ens
    • Development and Psychopath.ens
    • Developmental Biology.ens
    • Developmental Cell.ens
    • Developmental Dynamics.ens
    • Developmental Psychobiol.ens
    • Developmental Review.ens
    • Developmental Science.ens
    • Deviant Behavior.ens
    • Diabetes Aktuell.ens
    • Diabetes Care.ens
    • Diabetes Educator.ens
    • Diabetes Metab Res Rev.ens
    • Diabetes Metabol Syndrome.ens
    • Diabetes Metabol.ens
    • Diabetes Obes Metab.ens
    • Diabetes Res Clin Pract.ens
    • Diabetes Tech Therap.ens
    • Diabetes.ens
    • Diabetic Medicine.ens
    • Diabetol Int.ens
    • Diabetologia.ens
    • Diabetologie und Stoffwechsel-English.ens
    • Diabetologie und Stoffwechsel.ens
    • Diacritics.ens
    • Diag Interv Imaging J.ens
    • Diag Microbio Infect Disease.ens
    • Diagnostic Cytopathology.ens
    • Diagnostic Interven Radiol.ens
    • Dialectica.ens
    • Dialog.ens
    • Dialyse Akutell.ens
    • Diamond Related Materials.ens
    • Die Wirbelsaule.ens
    • Differ Geometry Applications.ens
    • Differences.ens
    • Differentiation.ens
    • Digestion.ens
    • Digestive Diseases Sciences.ens
    • Digestive Diseases.ens
    • Digestive Endoscopy.ens
    • Digestive Liver Disease.ens
    • Digestive Surgery.ens
    • Digi Apps Arch Cultural Heritage.ens
    • Digi Disc.ens
    • Digit Biomark.ens
    • Digital Creativity.ens
    • Digital Investigation.ens
    • Digital Journalism.ens
    • Digital Scholarship Humanities.ens
    • Digital Signal Proc.ens
    • Dimensions of Dental Hygiene.ens
    • Diplomatic History.ens
    • Disability & Society.ens
    • Disability Health J.ens
    • Disability Rehabilitation.ens
    • Disability Society.ens
    • Disaster Health.ens
    • Disasters.ens
    • Discourse Context Media.ens
    • Discourse.ens
    • Discovery Medicine.ens
    • Discrete Applied Math.ens
    • Discrete Mathematics.ens
    • Discrete Optimization.ens
    • Disease Mgmt.ens
    • Disease Models Mechanisms.ens
    • Disease-A-Month.ens
    • Diseases Aquatic Org.ens
    • Diseases Colon Rectum.ens
    • Diseases Esophagus.ens
    • Displays.ens
    • Diversity Distributions.ens
    • Domestic Animal Endo.ens
    • Drink Water Eng Sci.ens
    • Droit et Societe.ens
    • Drug Alcohol Depend.ens
    • Drug Development Res.ens
    • Drug Discov Today Technol.ens
    • Drug Discovery Today.ens
    • Drug Invention Today.ens
    • Drug Metabol Pharmacokinetics.ens
    • Drug Metabolism and Disp.ens
    • Drug Research.ens
    • Drug Resistance Updates.ens
    • Drug Safety.ens
    • Drug Testing Analysis.ens
    • Drugs and Aging.ens
    • Drugs and Therapy Persp.ens
    • Drugs.ens
    • Drying Tech.ens
    • Dubai Med J.ens
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    • E&G Quaternary Sci J.ens
    • EES Catalysis.ens
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    • EMBO Molec Medicine.ens
    • EMBO Reports.ens
    • EPPO Bulletin.ens
    • ESAIM-Control Optim Calc Var.ens
    • ESAIM-Math Model Numerical Anal.ens
    • ESAIM-Probability Statistics.ens
    • ETL.ens
    • ETRI J.ens
    • EXCLI Journal.ens
    • Ear and Hearing.ens
    • Early Amer Literature.ens
    • Early Child Dev Care.ens
    • Early Childhood Res Quarterly.ens
    • Early Human Development.ens
    • Early Intervention Psych.ens
    • Early Medieval Europe.ens
    • Early Music.ens
    • Early Popular Visual Culture.ens
    • Early Years.ens
    • Earth Interactions.ens
    • Earth Planet Sci Letters.ens
    • Earth Planets Space.ens
    • Earth Sci Rev.ens
    • Earth Surface Dynamics.ens
    • Earth Surface Proc Landforms.ens
    • Earth Syst Dynamics.ens
    • Earth Syst Science Data.ens
    • Earthq Eng Struct Dyn.ens
    • Earthquake Engineer Engineer Vibrat.ens
    • East Euro Jewish Affairs.ens
    • East European Politics Societies.ens
    • East European Politics.ens
    • Eating Behaviors.ens
    • Eating and Weight Dis.ens
    • Echocardiography.ens
    • Echohydrology.ens
    • Ecography.ens
    • Ecohydrol Hydrobiol.ens
    • Ecol Eng X.ens
    • Ecol Evol.ens
    • Ecol Mgmt Restoration.ens
    • Ecologia.ens
    • Ecological Applications.ens
    • Ecological Complexity.ens
    • Ecological Economics.ens
    • Ecological Engineering.ens
    • Ecological Entomology.ens
    • Ecological Indicators.ens
    • Ecological Informatics.ens
    • Ecological Modelling.ens
    • Ecological Monographs.ens
    • Ecological Research.ens
    • Ecology Letters.ens
    • Ecology of Freshwater Fish.ens
    • Ecology.ens
    • Econometrica.ens
    • Econometrics.ens
    • Economic Affairs.ens
    • Economic Development Quarterly.ens
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    • Economic History Review.ens
    • Economic Inquiry.ens
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    • Economic Notes.ens
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    • Economic Systems.ens
    • Economica.ens
    • Economics Education Rev.ens
    • Economics Human Biology.ens
    • Economics Letters.ens
    • Economics and Politics.ens
    • Economics of Transition.ens
    • Ecopsychology.ens
    • Ecosystems.ens
    • Ecotox and Enviro Safety.ens
    • Ed Eval Policy Anal.ens
    • Edinburgh J Botany.ens
    • Editor's Bulletin.ens
    • Educ Mgmt Abstracts.ens
    • Educ Phil Theory.ens
    • Educ Psychology Practice.ens
    • Educ Research Evaluation.ens
    • Educat Chemical Engineer.ens
    • Education 3-13.ens
    • Education Action Res.ens
    • Education Economics.ens
    • Education and Urban Society.ens
    • Education and the Law.ens
    • Educational Administration Q.ens
    • Educational Measurement.ens
    • Educational Media Intl.ens
    • Educational Policy.ens
    • Educational Res Rev.ens
    • Educational Research.ens
    • Educational Researcher.ens
    • Educational Review.ens
    • Educational Studies.ens
    • Educational Theory.ens
    • Educational and Psych Measurement.ens
    • Egypt J Remote Sens Space Sci.ens
    • Egyptian J Ear Nose Throat Allied Sci.ens
    • Egyptian J Oral Maxillofacial Surgery.ens
    • Egyptian J Pathology.ens
    • Eighteenth-Century Music.ens
    • Eighteenth-Century Studies.ens
    • Elect Commerce Res Appl.ens
    • Elect Notes Discrete Math.ens
    • Elect Notes Theor Comp Sci.ens
    • Election Law Journal.ens
    • Electoral Studies.ens
    • Electric Power Sys Res.ens
    • Electrical Eng in Japan.ens
    • Electricity J.ens
    • Electrochemistry Comm.ens
    • Electrochimica Acta.ens
    • Electromagnetic Biology Medicine.ens
    • Electronics Letters.ens
    • Electrophoresis.ens
    • Elementa.ens
    • Emerg Crit Care Med.ens
    • Emerg Med Australas.ens
    • Emerg Themes Epidemiol.ens
    • Emerging Inf Dis.ens
    • Emerging Markets Review.ens
    • Emotion Review.ens
    • Emotion Space Society.ens
    • Emotional Behav Difficulties.ens
    • EndNote Export.ens
    • Endangered Species Res.ens
    • Endeavour.ens
    • Endo-Praxis.ens
    • Endocr J.ens
    • Endocrine Disruptors.ens
    • Endocrine Pathology.ens
    • Endocrine Practice.ens
    • Endocrine Reviews.ens
    • Endocrine-Related Cancer.ens
    • Endocrinology.ens
    • Endodontic Topics.ens
    • Endoscopy CTL.ens
    • Endoscopy Intl Open.ens
    • Endoscopy.ens
    • Endoskopie heute.ens
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    • Energy Strategy Rev.ens
    • Energy Sustainable Dev.ens
    • Energy and Built Environ.ens
    • Energy and Fuels.ens
    • Energy.ens
    • Eng Failure Analysis.ens
    • Eng Fracture Mechanics.ens
    • Eng Geol Spec Pubs.ens
    • Eng Med Biol Mag.ens
    • Engineer Analysis Bound Elem.ens
    • Engineer App Artificial Intel.ens
    • Engineering Geology.ens
    • Engineering Optimization.ens
    • Engineering Structures.ens
    • Engineering in Agriculture Environment Food.ens
    • English Historical Review.ens
    • English Lang and Linguistics.ens
    • English Language Notes.ens
    • English Literary History.ens
    • English Literary Renaissance.ens
    • English Specific Purposes.ens
    • English in Education.ens
    • Enterprise Info Systems.ens
    • Enterprise Society.ens
    • Entertainment Computing.ens
    • Entomologia Exp et App.ens
    • Entomological Research.ens
    • Entomological Science.ens
    • Entrepreneurship Regional Devel.ens
    • Entrepreneurship Theor Pract.ens
    • Entropy.ens
    • Environ Biology Fishes.ens
    • Environ Biosafety Res.ens
    • Environ Chemistry.ens
    • Environ Earth Sciences.ens
    • Environ Ecological Stats.ens
    • Environ Educ Res.ens
    • Environ Engineer Sci.ens
    • Environ Entomology.ens
    • Environ Experimental Botany.ens
    • Environ Geotech.ens
    • Environ Health Prevent Med.ens
    • Environ Impact Assess Rev.ens
    • Environ Innovat Societal Trans.ens
    • Environ Modelling Software.ens
    • Environ Mol Mutagenesis.ens
    • Environ Quality Mgmt.ens
    • Environ Sci Adv.ens
    • Environ Sci Ecotechnol.ens
    • Environ Sci Pollut Res (N-Y).ens
    • Environ Sci Pollut Res (Num).ens
    • Environ Sci-Atmospheres.ens
    • Environ Sci-Nano.ens
    • Environ Sci-Process Impact.ens
    • Environ Sci-Water Res Tech.ens
    • Environ Science Policy.ens
    • Environ Science Tech Lett.ens
    • Environ Science Tech.ens
    • Environ Tox Chem.ens
    • Environ Toxicol Pharmacol.ens
    • Environment Intl.ens
    • Environment and Behavior.ens
    • Environment and Dev Econ.ens
    • Environment and History.ens
    • Environment and Planning.ens
    • Environmental Communication.ens
    • Environmental Conservation.ens
    • Environmental Educ Res.ens
    • Environmental Ethics.ens
    • Environmental Hazards.ens
    • Environmental Health.ens
    • Environmental History.ens
    • Environmental Justice.ens
    • Environmental Microbiology.ens
    • Environmental Politics.ens
    • Environmental Pollution.ens
    • Environmental Res.ens
    • Environmental Reviews.ens
    • Environmental Tech Revs.ens
    • Environmental Technology Innovation.ens
    • Environmental Technology.ens
    • Environmental Toxicology.ens
    • Environmental Values.ens
    • Environmetrics.ens
    • Enzyme Microbial Tech.ens
    • Epidemics.ens
    • Epidemiol Perspect Innov.ens
    • Epidemiol Psychiatr Sci.ens
    • Epidemiologic Reviews.ens
    • Epidemiology Infection.ens
    • Epidemiology.ens
    • Epilepsia Open.ens
    • Epilepsia.ens
    • Epilepsies.ens
    • Epilepsy Currents.ens
    • Epilepsy Research.ens
    • Epilepsy and Behavior.ens
    • Epileptic Disorders.ens
    • Equine Veterinary J.ens
    • Erciyes Med J.ens
    • Erfahrungsheilkunde.ens
    • Ergodic Theory Dyna Sys.ens
    • Ergonomics.ens
    • Ernahrung Medizin.ens
    • Esperienze Dermatol.ens
    • Essays in Criticism.ens
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    • Carbohydrate Polymers.ens
    • Carbohydrate Research.ens
    • Carbon.ens
    • Carcinogenesis.ens
    • Cardiff University Architecture MHRA.ens
    • Cardiff University Harvard.ens
    • Cardiff University SONMS Harvard.ens
    • CardioVasc Intervent Radiol.ens
    • Cardiology in the Young.ens
    • Cardiology.ens
    • Cardiometry.ens
    • Cardiorenal Med.ens
    • Cardiovasc Ther.ens
    • Cardiovascular Diab.ens
    • Cardiovascular Drug Rev.ens
    • Cardiovascular Endocrinology.ens
    • Cardiovascular Pathology.ens
    • Cardiovascular Research.ens
    • Cardiovascular Toxicology.ens
    • Cardiovascular Ultrasound.ens
    • Career Dev Except Individ.ens
    • Caries Research.ens
    • Caring for the Ages.ens
    • Cartographic J.ens
    • Cartography Geographic Info Sci.ens
    • Case Rep Acute Med.ens
    • Case Rep Clin Nutr.ens
    • Case Rep Dermatol.ens
    • Case Rep Nephrol Dial.ens
    • Case Rep Neurol.ens
    • Case Rep Oncol.ens
    • Case Rep Orthop Res.ens
    • Case Reports Gastroent.ens
    • Case Reports Ophthalmol.ens
    • Case Reports in Women's Health.ens
    • Case Studies Mechan Sys Signal Proc.ens
    • Case Studies in Construction Materials.ens
    • Case Studies in Fire Safety.ens
    • Case Studies in Structural Engineering.ens
    • Cases Journal.ens
    • Catal Lett.ens
    • Catalysis Communications.ens
    • Catalysis Express.ens
    • Catalysis Sci Tech.ens
    • Catalysis Structure Reactivity.ens
    • Catalysis Today.ens
    • Catena.ens
    • Catheterization Cardio.ens
    • Cell Adhesion Migration.ens
    • Cell Biochem Funct.ens
    • Cell Biology Intl.ens
    • Cell Calcium.ens
    • Cell Comm and Signaling.ens
    • Cell Cycle.ens
    • Cell Death Diff.ens
    • Cell Death Disease.ens
    • Cell Host Microbe.ens
    • Cell Metabolism.ens
    • Cell Preserv Tech.ens
    • Cell Proliferation.ens
    • Cell Research.ens
    • Cell Tissue Res.ens
    • Cell Transplantation.ens
    • Cell.ens
    • Cells Tissues Organs.ens
    • Cellular Immunology.ens
    • Cellular Logistics.ens
    • Cellular Microbiology.ens
    • Cellular Molec Biology.ens
    • Cellular Molec Gastroent Hepatol.ens
    • Cellular Molec Neurobiol.ens
    • Cellular Oncology.ens
    • Cellular Phys Biochem.ens
    • Cellular Reprogramming.ens
    • Cellular Signalling.ens
    • Cement Concrete Composites.ens
    • Cement Concrete Research.ens
    • Centaurus.ens
    • Central Asian Survey.ens
    • Ceramics International.ens
    • Ceramics-Silikaty.ens
    • Cereal Chemistry.ens
    • Cereal Science.ens
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    • Cerebral Cortex Comm.ens
    • Cerebral Cortex.ens
    • Cerebrovascular Diseases Extra.ens
    • Cerebrovascular Diseases.ens
    • Changing English.ens
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    • Chaos Solitons Fractals.ens
    • Chem Biology Drug Design.ens
    • Chem Eng Tech.ens
    • Chem Engineer J.ens
    • Chem Engineer Process.ens
    • Chem Engineer Research Design.ens
    • Chem Engineer Science X.ens
    • Chem Engineer Science.ens
    • Chem Heterocycle Cpds.ens
    • ChemMedChem.ens
    • ChemPhysChem.ens
    • Chemical Communications.ens
    • Chemical Geology.ens
    • Chemical Physics Letters X.ens
    • Chemical Physics Letters.ens
    • Chemical Physics.ens
    • Chemical Record.ens
    • Chemical Res Toxicology.ens
    • Chemical Reviews.ens
    • Chemical Science.ens
    • Chemical Senses.ens
    • Chemical Society Reviews.ens
    • Chemico-Biological Int.ens
    • Chemie Ingenieur Technik.ens
    • Chemie der Erde.ens
    • Chemistry Biodiversity.ens
    • Chemistry Biology.ens
    • Chemistry Ecology.ens
    • Chemistry Education Research and Practice (CERP).ens
    • Chemistry Letters.ens
    • Chemistry Physics of Lipids.ens
    • Chemistry of Life.ens
    • Chemistry of Materials.ens
    • Chemistry.ens
    • Chemoecology.ens
    • Chemometrics Intelligent Lab Sys.ens
    • Chemosphere.ens
    • Chemother Res Pract.ens
    • Chemotherapy.ens
    • Chest.ens
    • Chicago 16th Author-Date Norsk.ens
    • Chicago 16th Author-Date.ens
    • Chicago 16th Footnote.ens
    • Chicago 17th Author-Date French U Montreal.ens
    • Chicago 17th Author-Date.ens
    • Chicago 17th Footnote French U Montreal.ens
    • Chicago 17th Footnote.ens
    • Chicago Review.ens
    • Child Abuse Review.ens
    • Child Abuse and Neglect.ens
    • Child Adolesc Mental Health.ens
    • Child Adolescent Social Work.ens
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    • Child Dev Perspectives.ens
    • Child Development.ens
    • Child Maltreatment.ens
    • Child Neuropsychology.ens
    • Child Society.ens
    • Child and Family Social Work.ens
    • Child and Youth Serv Rev.ens
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    • Children's Geographies.ens
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    • Chinese J Cancer Research.ens
    • Chinese J Cancer.ens
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    • Chinese J Communication.ens
    • Chinese J Dental Research.ens
    • Chinese J Intl Law.ens
    • Chinese J Intl Politics.ens
    • Chinese J Lung Cancer.ens
    • Chinese J Natural Medicines.ens
    • Chinese J Oceanology Limnology.ens
    • Chinese J Pop Res Environ.ens
    • Chinese Medical J.ens
    • Chinese Physics B.ens
    • Chinese Physics Letters.ens
    • Chinese Std GBT7714 (author-year).ens
    • Chinese Std GBT7714 (numeric).ens
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    • Chirurgia.ens
    • Christian Bioethics.ens
    • Chromatographia.ens
    • Chromosoma.ens
    • Chronic Respiratory Dis.ens
    • Chronobiology Intl.ens
    • Circulation J (JPN).ens
    • Circulation Research.ens
    • Circulation.ens
    • Cirugia Espanola.ens
    • Cirugia y Cirujanos.ens
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    • Citing Medicine.ens
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    • City and Society.ens
    • City.ens
    • Civil Eng Environ Systems.ens
    • Civil Eng Innov.ens
    • Cladistics.ens
    • Classical Receptions J.ens
    • Classroom Discourse.ens
    • Clay Minerals.ens
    • Clays and Clay Minerals.ens
    • Climate Past.ens
    • Climate Policy.ens
    • Climate Research.ens
    • Climatic Change.ens
    • Clin Breast Cancer.ens
    • Clin Chem Lab Med.ens
    • Clin Child Psychology Psychiatry.ens
    • Clin Chiropractic.ens
    • Clin Colorectal Cancer.ens
    • Clin Drug Investigation.ens
    • Clin Endocrinology.ens
    • Clin Epidemiology Global Health.ens
    • Clin Exp Allergy.ens
    • Clin Exp Dent Res.ens
    • Clin Exp Derma.ens
    • Clin Exp Immunology.ens
    • Clin Exp Ophthalmology.ens
    • Clin Exp Optometry.ens
    • Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol.ens
    • Clin Experi Metastasis.ens
    • Clin Genitourinary Cancer.ens
    • Clin Implant Dent Rel Res.ens
    • Clin Infectious Diseases.ens
    • Clin Invest Arteriosclerosis.ens
    • Clin Invest Ginecol Obstet.ens
    • Clin Lab Standards (CLSI).ens
    • Clin Lung Cancer.ens
    • Clin Lymphoma Myeloma Leukemia.ens
    • Clin Microbiol Infection.ens
    • Clin Neurophysiol.ens
    • Clin Nuclear Medicine.ens
    • Clin Oral Implants Res.ens
    • Clin Oral Investigations.ens
    • Clin Otolaryngology.ens
    • Clin Ovarian Other Gynecologic Cancer.ens
    • Clin Pharma Therapeutics.ens
    • Clin Pharmacokinetics.ens
    • Clin Physiol Funct Imaging.ens
    • Clin Psych Sci Pract.ens
    • Clin Queries Nephrology.ens
    • Clin Rehabilitation.ens
    • Clin Res Hepatol Gastroenterol.ens
    • Clin Therapeutics.ens
    • Clin Transplantation.ens
    • Clin Vaccine Immunol.ens
    • Clinica Chimica Acta.ens
    • Clinical Anatomy.ens
    • Clinical Autonomic Res.ens
    • Clinical Biochemistry.ens
    • Clinical Biomechanics.ens
    • Clinical Cancer Research.ens
    • Clinical Cardiology.ens
    • Clinical Case Studies.ens
    • Clinical Chemistry.ens
    • Clinical Dysmorphology.ens
    • Clinical Gastro Hepatol.ens
    • Clinical Genetics.ens
    • Clinical Imaging.ens
    • Clinical Immunology.ens
    • Clinical J Pain.ens
    • Clinical Kidney J.ens
    • Clinical Laboratory.ens
    • Clinical Microbio Reviews.ens
    • Clinical Microbiology Newsletter.ens
    • Clinical Molecular Allergy.ens
    • Clinical Nephrology.ens
    • Clinical Neurology Neuro.ens
    • Clinical Neuropathology.ens
    • Clinical Neuropsychologist.ens
    • Clinical Nurse Specialist.ens
    • Clinical Nursing Research.ens
    • Clinical Nutrition.ens
    • Clinical Oncology.ens
    • Clinical Ortho Related Res.ens
    • Clinical Plasma Medicine.ens
    • Clinical Psycho Psycho.ens
    • Clinical Psychology Rev.ens
    • Clinical Radiology.ens
    • Clinical Respiratory J.ens
    • Clinical Teacher.ens
    • Clinical Translational Immunology.ens
    • Clinical Translational Science.ens
    • Clinical Trials Reg Sci Cardio.ens
    • Clinical Trials.ens
    • Clinics Colon Rectal Surg.ens
    • Clinics N America.ens
    • Clinics in Dermatology.ens
    • Clnics in Dermatology.ens
    • Clothing Textiles Res J.ens
    • CoDesign.ens
    • Coaching.ens
    • Coastal Engineering.ens
    • Coastal Mgmt.ens
    • Cogn Behav Neurol.ens
    • Cognition Emotion.ens
    • Cognition.ens
    • Cognitive Behavioral Pract.ens
    • Cognitive Development.ens
    • Cognitive Linguistics.ens
    • Cognitive Neuropsychiatry.ens
    • Cognitive Neuropsychology.ens
    • Cognitive Neuroscience.ens
    • Cognitive Psychology.ens
    • Cognitive Systems Res.ens
    • Cold Regions Sci Tech.ens
    • Coleopterists Bulletin.ens
    • College Research Libraries.ens
    • Collegian.ens
    • Colloids and Surfaces A.ens
    • Colloids and Surfaces B.ens
    • Color Res and App.ens
    • Coloration Tech.ens
    • Colorectal Disease.ens
    • Combustion and Flame.ens
    • Comm Dent Oral Epidemiol.ens
    • Comm Disorders Quarterly.ens
    • Comm Nonlin Sci Num Simul.ens
    • Comm On Pure App Math.ens
    • Comm Soil Sci Plant Analysis.ens
    • Commun Integrative Biol.ens
    • Communication Education.ens
    • Communication Research.ens
    • Communication Teacher.ens
    • Communication Theory.ens
    • Communications ACM.ens
    • Communist Post-Comm Stud.ens
    • Community Dental Health.ens
    • Community Development J.ens
    • Community Mental Health.ens
    • Community Work Family.ens
    • Comp Biochem Phys-Part A.ens
    • Comp Biochem Phys-Part B.ens
    • Comp Biochem Phys-Part C.ens
    • Comp Biochem Phys-Part D.ens
    • Comp Biol Chem.ens
    • Comp Communications.ens
    • Comp Critical Studies.ens
    • Comp Geometry.ens
    • Comp Health Practice Rev.ens
    • Comp Immunol Microbiol Infect Dis.ens
    • Comp Materials Sci.ens
    • Comp Meth Biomech Biomed Engineer.ens
    • Comp Method Appl Mech Engneer.ens
    • Comp Method Prog Biomed.ens
    • Comp Rev Food Sci Food Safety.ens
    • Comp Sci App Software.ens
    • Comp Sci Engineer.ens
    • Comp Statistics Data Anal.ens
    • Comp Stud in Soc and Hist.ens
    • Comp Theor Chem.ens
    • Comp Thera Clin Pract.ens
    • Comp Thera Medicine.ens
    • Comp Vision Image Under.ens
    • Comp-Aided Civil Infrastructure Eng.ens
    • Comparative Education.ens
    • Comparative Exercise Physiology.ens
    • Comparative Hepatology.ens
    • Comparative Lit Studies.ens
    • Comparative Medicine.ens
    • Comparative Political Studies.ens
    • Compare.ens
    • Compensation Benefits Rev.ens
    • Complement Med Res.ens
    • Complex Variables Eliptic Equat.ens
    • Complexity.ens
    • Composite Interfaces.ens
    • Composite Structures.ens
    • Composites Sci Tech.ens
    • Composites-Part A.ens
    • Composites-Part B.ens
    • Compositio Mathematica.ens
    • Comprehensive Psych.ens
    • Comptes Rendus Biologies.ens
    • Comptes Rendus Chimie.ens
    • Comptes Rendus Geosci.ens
    • Comptes Rendus Math.ens
    • Comptes Rendus Mecanique.ens
    • Comptes Rendus Paleontol.ens
    • Comptes Rendus Physique.ens
    • Computational Intelligence.ens
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    • Computer Aided Design.ens
    • Computer Aided Geometric Des.ens
    • Computer App Eng Educ.ens
    • Computer Assist Lang Learn.ens
    • Computer Graphics Forum.ens
    • Computer J.ens
    • Computer Lang Sys Struct.ens
    • Computer Law Security Review.ens
    • Computer Meth Appl Mech Engineer.ens
    • Computer Networks.ens
    • Computer Physics Communications.ens
    • Computer Science Education.ens
    • Computer Science Review.ens
    • Computer Speech Lang.ens
    • Computer Standards Interfaces.ens
    • Computer.ens
    • Computers Biology Medicine.ens
    • Computers Chemical Engineer.ens
    • Computers Education.ens
    • Computers Electrical Engineer.ens
    • Computers Electronics Agricul.ens
    • Computers Environ Urban Systems.ens
    • Computers Graphics.ens
    • Computers Human Behavior.ens
    • Computers Industrial Engineer.ens
    • Computers Math with Applications.ens
    • Computers Structures.ens
    • Computers and Composition.ens
    • Computers and Fluids.ens
    • Computers and Geosciences.ens
    • Computers and Geotechnics.ens
    • Computers and Operations Res.ens
    • Computers and Security.ens
    • Computers in Industry.ens
    • Computing Surveys.ens
    • Concepts in Magnetic Res.ens
    • Concrete Intl.ens
    • Concurr Comp Pract E.ens
    • Condor.ens
    • Confl Resolut Q.ens
    • Congenital Anomalies.ens
    • Congenital Heart Disease.ens
    • Congestive Heart Failure.ens
    • Connection Science.ens
    • Consciousness and Cognition.ens
    • Conservation Biology.ens
    • Conservation Genetics.ens
    • Conservation Letters.ens
    • Conservation Physiol.ens
    • Conservation.ens
    • Constellations.ens
    • Construction Building Materials.ens
    • Consumption Markets Culture.ens
    • Cont Accounting Res.ens
    • Cont Educ Psych.ens
    • Cont Mech Thermodyn.ens
    • Cont Pol Econ.ens
    • Contact Dermatitis.ens
    • Contact Lens Anterior Eye.ens
    • Contact.ens
    • Contemp Arab Affairs.ens
    • Contemp Clin Trials.ens
    • Contemp Italian Politics.ens
    • Contemp Justice Review.ens
    • Contemp Social Science.ens
    • Contemp South Asia.ens
    • Contemp Womens Writing.ens
    • Contemporary Clinical Trials.ens
    • Contemporary European Hist.ens
    • Continental Shelf Research.ens
    • Continuity and Change.ens
    • Continuum.ens
    • Contraception.ens
    • Contrib Mineralogy Petro.ens
    • Control Engineering Practice.ens
    • Conversations Religion Theology.ens
    • Coordination Chemistry Rev.ens
    • Copeia.ens
    • Copernicus Publications.ens
    • Coral Reefs.ens
    • Cornell Hotel Restaurant Admin Q.ens
    • Coronary Artery Disease.ens
    • Corporate Governance.ens
    • Corrosion Engineering.ens
    • Corrosion Science.ens
    • Cortex.ens
    • Cost Eff Resource Alloc.ens
    • Counsel Psychotherapy Research.ens
    • Counseling Psychologist.ens
    • Counseling Psychology Q.ens
    • Cranio Maxillofac Trauma Recon.ens
    • Creativity Innovation Mgmt.ens
    • Cretaceous Research.ens
    • Crime and Delinquency.ens
    • Criminal Behaviour Mental Health.ens
    • Criminal Justice Policy Review.ens
    • Criminal Justice Review.ens
    • Criminal Justice Studies.ens
    • Criminal Justice and Behavior.ens
    • Criminology Public Policy.ens
    • Criminology.ens
    • Crit Care Clinics.ens
    • Crit Persp Accounting.ens
    • Crit Rev Analytical Chem.ens
    • Crit Rev Biochem Molecular.ens
    • Crit Rev Enviro Sci Tech.ens
    • Crit Rev Immu.ens
    • Crit Rev Intl Soc Political Philos.ens
    • Crit Rev Oncology Hematol.ens
    • Crit Rev Therapeutic Drug Carrier Sys.ens
    • Crit Rev Toxicol.ens
    • Crit Studies Media Communication.ens
    • Critical African Studies.ens
    • Critical Asian Studies.ens
    • Critical Care Medicine.ens
    • Critical Care.ens
    • Critical Discourse Studies.ens
    • Critical Public Health.ens
    • Critical Quarterly.ens
    • Critical Studies Security.ens
    • Critical Studies Terrorism.ens
    • Criticism.ens
    • Crop Pasture Science.ens
    • Crop Protection.ens
    • Cross-Cultural Research.ens
    • Cryobiology.ens
    • Cryogenics.ens
    • Cryosphere.ens
    • CrystEngComm.ens
    • Crystal Growth Design.ens
    • Crystallography Reviews.ens
    • Cultural Anthropology.ens
    • Cultural Geographies.ens
    • Cultural Studies-Critical Method.ens
    • Cultural Trends.ens
    • Culture Agriculture.ens
    • Culture Health Sexuality.ens
    • Culture Organization.ens
    • Culture Psychology.ens
    • Cureus.ens
    • Curr Directions Psych Sci.ens
    • Curr Issues Lang Plan.ens
    • Curr Opinion Colloid Interface Sci.ens
    • Curr Opinion Endocr Metab Res.ens
    • Curr Opinion Physiol.ens
    • Curr Opinion Solid State Mater Sci.ens
    • Curr Problems Cancer.ens
    • Curr Problems Cardiology.ens
    • Curr Problems Diag Radiol.ens
    • Curr Problems Ped Adoles Health Care.ens
    • Curr Problems Surg.ens
    • Curr Protein Peptide Sci.ens
    • Curr Res Bacteriology.ens
    • Curr Res Cardio Pharmacol.ens
    • Curr Res Chemistry.ens
    • Curr Res Dairy Science.ens
    • Curr Res Physics.ens
    • Curr Res Poultry Science.ens
    • Curr Res Tuberculosis.ens
    • Curr Therapeutic Res.ens
    • Current Alzheimers Research.ens
    • Current Anthropology.ens
    • Current Applied Physics.ens
    • Current Atherosclero Reps.ens
    • Current Biology.ens
    • Current Clinical Pract EEG.ens
    • Current Controlled Trials.ens
    • Current Genetic Medicine Reports.ens
    • Current Genetics.ens
    • Current Hypertension Reps.ens
    • Current Med Res and Op.ens
    • Current Medicinal Chem.ens
    • Current Neuropharmacology.ens
    • Current Neurovascular Res.ens
    • Current Oncology.ens
    • Current Opinion Biotech.ens
    • Current Opinion Cell Bio.ens
    • Current Opinion Chem Bio.ens
    • Current Opinion Environ Sustain.ens
    • Current Opinion Gen Dev.ens
    • Current Opinion Immunology.ens
    • Current Opinion Lipid.ens
    • Current Opinion Microbio.ens
    • Current Opinion Neurobio.ens
    • Current Opinion Otolaryn.ens
    • Current Opinion Pharmacol.ens
    • Current Opinion Plant Bio.ens
    • Current Opinion Struct Bio.ens
    • Current Pharma Design.ens
    • Current Science.ens
    • Current Topics Dev Bio.ens
    • Current Urology.ens
    • Current Zoology.ens
    • Currents Pharmacy Teaching Learning.ens
    • Curriculum Inquiry.ens
    • Curriculum J.ens
    • Curtis Botanical Mag.ens
    • CyberPsychology Behavior.ens
    • Cyberpsych Behav Soc Network.ens
    • CytoJournal.ens
    • Cytogenetic Genome Res.ens
    • Cytokine Growth Fact Rev.ens
    • Cytokine.ens
    • Cytometry.ens
    • Cytopathology.ens
    • Cytoskeleton.ens
    • Cytotherapy.ens
    • DAI German Archaeological Institute.ens
    • DCCN.ens
    • DGPs.ens
    • DIN 1505 2 Author-Year.ens
    • DIN 1505 2 Numeric.ens
    • DIW.ens
    • DMW-English.ens
    • DMW-German.ens
    • DNA Repair.ens
    • DNA Research.ens
    • DNA and Cell Biology.ens
    • DO - Deutsche Zeits fur Osteopathie.ens
    • DZZ-Deutsche Zahnarztliche Zeits.ens
    • Dairy Sci Technology.ens
    • Dalton Transactions.ens
    • Dams Reservoirs.ens
    • Data Knowledge Engineer.ens
    • DataCite-DOI Link.ens
    • DataCite.ens
    • Database.ens
    • De Gruyter Mouton Journals.ens
    • Decis Analysis.ens
    • Decision Sciences J Innov Ed.ens
    • Decision Sciences J.ens
    • Decision Support Systems.ens
    • Deep-Sea Res Part I.ens
    • Deep-Sea Res Part II.ens
    • Dementia Ger Cog Disord Extra.ens
    • Dementia Ger Cog Disord.ens
    • Democratization.ens
    • Demography.ens
    • Dendrochronologia.ens
    • Dental Abstracts.ens
    • Dental Materials J.ens
    • Dental Traumatology.ens
    • Depression and Anxiety.ens
    • Der Internist.ens
    • Der Klinikarzt.ens
    • Der Ornithologische Beobachter.ens
    • Dermato-Endocrinology.ens
    • Dermatol Online J.ens
    • Dermatologic Surgery.ens
    • Dermatologic Therapy.ens
    • Dermatology.ens
    • Desalination.ens
    • Design Studies.ens
    • Designed Monomers Polymers.ens
    • Deutsche Heilpraktiker-Zeitschrift.ens
    • Deutsche Zeits fur Onkologie.ens
    • Deutsches Arzteblatt.ens
    • Dev Comparative Immunol.ens
    • Dev Disabil Res Rev.ens
    • Dev Growth Differ.ens
    • Dev Medicine Child Neuro.ens
    • Dev Neurosci.ens
    • Dev World Bioethics.ens
    • Devel Policy Rev.ens
    • Developing Economies.ens
    • Development (Company of Biologists).ens
    • Development (SID).ens
    • Development Change.ens
    • Development and Psychopath.ens
    • Developmental Biology.ens
    • Developmental Cell.ens
    • Developmental Dynamics.ens
    • Developmental Psychobiol.ens
    • Developmental Review.ens
    • Developmental Science.ens
    • Deviant Behavior.ens
    • Diabetes Aktuell.ens
    • Diabetes Care.ens
    • Diabetes Educator.ens
    • Diabetes Metab Res Rev.ens
    • Diabetes Metabol Syndrome.ens
    • Diabetes Metabol.ens
    • Diabetes Obes Metab.ens
    • Diabetes Res Clin Pract.ens
    • Diabetes Tech Therap.ens
    • Diabetes.ens
    • Diabetic Medicine.ens
    • Diabetol Int.ens
    • Diabetologia.ens
    • Diabetologie und Stoffwechsel.ens
    • Diacritics.ens
    • Diag Interv Imaging J.ens
    • Diag Microbio Infect Disease.ens
    • Diagnostic Cytopathology.ens
    • Diagnostic Interven Radiol.ens
    • Dialectica.ens
    • Dialog.ens
    • Dialyse Akutell.ens
    • Diamond Related Materials.ens
    • Differ Geometry Applications.ens
    • Differences.ens
    • Differentiation.ens
    • Digestion.ens
    • Digestive Diseases Sciences.ens
    • Digestive Diseases.ens
    • Digestive Endoscopy.ens
    • Digestive Liver Disease.ens
    • Digestive Surgery.ens
    • Digi Apps Arch Cultural Heritage.ens
    • Digit Biomark.ens
    • Digital Creativity.ens
    • Digital Investigation.ens
    • Digital Journalism.ens
    • Digital Scholarship Humanities.ens
    • Digital Signal Proc.ens
    • Dimensions of Dental Hygiene.ens
    • Diplomatic History.ens
    • Disability & Society.ens
    • Disability Health J.ens
    • Disability Rehabilitation.ens
    • Disability Society.ens
    • Disaster Health.ens
    • Disasters.ens
    • Discourse Context Media.ens
    • Discourse.ens
    • Discovery Medicine.ens
    • Discrete Applied Math.ens
    • Discrete Mathematics.ens
    • Discrete Optimization.ens
    • Disease Mgmt.ens
    • Disease Models Mechanisms.ens
    • Disease-A-Month.ens
    • Diseases Aquatic Org.ens
    • Diseases Colon Rectum.ens
    • Diseases Esophagus.ens
    • Displays.ens
    • Diversity Distributions.ens
    • Domestic Animal Endo.ens
    • Droit et Societe.ens
    • Drug Alcohol Depend.ens
    • Drug Development Res.ens
    • Drug Discov Today Technol.ens
    • Drug Discovery Today.ens
    • Drug Invention Today.ens
    • Drug Metabol Pharmacokinetics.ens
    • Drug Metabolism and Disp.ens
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    • Drug Testing Analysis.ens
    • Drugs and Aging.ens
    • Drugs and Therapy Persp.ens
    • Drugs.ens
    • Dubai Med J.ens
    • Dyes and Pigments.ens
    • Dynamic Medicine.ens
    • Dynamic Systems.ens
    • Dynamics Atmospheres Oceans.ens
    • Dyslexia.ens
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    • ELT Journal.ens
    • EMBO J.ens
    • EMBO Molec Medicine.ens
    • EMBO Reports.ens
    • EPPO Bulletin.ens
    • ESAIM-Control Optim Calc Var.ens
    • ESAIM-Math Model Numerical Anal.ens
    • ESAIM-Probability Statistics.ens
    • ETL.ens
    • ETRI J.ens
    • Ear and Hearing.ens
    • Early Amer Literature.ens
    • Early Child Dev Care.ens
    • Early Childhood Res Quarterly.ens
    • Early Human Development.ens
    • Early Intervention Psych.ens
    • Early Medieval Europe.ens
    • Early Music.ens
    • Early Popular Visual Culture.ens
    • Early Years.ens
    • Earth Interactions.ens
    • Earth Planet Sci Letters.ens
    • Earth Planets Space.ens
    • Earth Sci Rev.ens
    • Earth Surface Dynamics.ens
    • Earth Surface Proc Landforms.ens
    • Earth Syst Dynamics.ens
    • Earth Syst Science Data.ens
    • Earthq Eng Struct Dyn.ens
    • Earthquake Engineer Engineer Vibrat.ens
    • East Euro Jewish Affairs.ens
    • East European Politics Societies.ens
    • East European Politics.ens
    • Eating Behaviors.ens
    • Eating and Weight Dis.ens
    • Echocardiography.ens
    • Echohydrology.ens
    • Ecography.ens
    • Ecohydrol Hydrobiol.ens
    • Ecol Eng X.ens
    • Ecol Evol.ens
    • Ecol Mgmt Restoration.ens
    • Ecologia.ens
    • Ecological Applications.ens
    • Ecological Complexity.ens
    • Ecological Economics.ens
    • Ecological Engineering.ens
    • Ecological Entomology.ens
    • Ecological Indicators.ens
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    • 59.Steven Buccola; Yoko Iizuka. 1997. Hedonic Cost Models and the Pricing of Milk Components.pdf
    • 58.Schultz. Theodore W. 1961. Investment in Human Capital.pdf
    • 57.Schultz. Theodore W. 1965. Investing in Poor People An Economist's View.pdf
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    • I. Introduction.ppt
    • II.Recardian Model.ppt
    • III.Specific Factors Model.ppt
    • IV.H-O Model.ppt
    • IX. Partial Analysis of Trade Policy.ppt
    • V.Technical Difference Model.ppt
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  • 5.zip

    • Economics - Development Economics Studies - The World Economy - A Millennial Perspective (McGraw-Hill).pdf
    • Economics - Microeconomics of Banking - Freixas, Rochet.pdf
    • Edward Elgar - The Entrepreneur - An Economic Theory, 2nd Edition (2003).pdf
    • Edward Elgar - Theories of Financial Disturbance [Toporowski].pdf
    • Edward Elgar, Financial Systems, Corporate Investment In Innovation, And Venture Capital [2004 王学鸿].pdf
    • Edward Elgar, Frontiers Of Evolutionary Economics - Competition, Self-Organization, And Innovation Policy 2001.pdf
    • Edward Elgar, Poverty Targeting in Asia (2005) .pdf
    • Edward Elgar,.Applied Evolutionary Economics and Complex Systems 2004.pdf
    • Edward Elgar,.Economic Development Through Entrepreneurship - Government, University And Business Linkages 2006.pdf
    • Edward Elgar,.Emerging Issues in International Business Research.[2002.王学鸿].pdf
    • Edward Elgar,.Emerging Paradigms In International Entrepreneurship.[2004.ISBN184376136X]王学鸿.pdf
    • Edward Elgar,.Entrepreneurship and the Internationalisation of Asian Firms - An Institutional Perspective.[2002. 王学鸿].pdf
    • Edward Elgar,.Entrepreneurship, Money And Coordination Hayek’s Theory of Cultural Evolution.[2006.ISBN1845421302].pdf
  • 28.26 MB
  • 2011-4-26
  • 3.zip

    • Basic of International Economics-2005.pdf
    • Beating the Financial Futures Market 2006.pdf
    • Blackwell Publishing - Knowledge Management - Professional Organizational Knowledge - The Texture of Workplace Learning - S Gherardi - 2006.pdf
    • Blackwell Publishing Global Corporate Finance 6th 2006 王学鸿.pdf
    • Blackwell, Handbook Of International Trade, VolumeII- Economic And Legal Analyses Of Trade Policy And Institutions.pdf
    • Blackwell,.Handbook of International Trade, Volume I.pdf
    • Blackwell- Global corporate finance_ text and cases (2006) P.pdf
    • Business of Banking (volume I).pdf
    • Business of Banking (volumul II).pdf
    • Capital Markets, Globalization, and Economic Development (2006) 王学鸿.pdf
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    • Environ Engineer Sci.ens
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  • 8.11 MB
  • 2010-10-9
  • finance and growth.rar

    • The Dynamics of the Wealth Distribution and the Interest Rate with Credit Rationing.pdf
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    • Asymmetric Information and Loan Contracts in a Neoclassical Growth Model.pdf
    • Bank-based versus market-based financial systems A growth-theoretic analysis.pdf
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  • 2010-8-19
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    • vertical integration,appropriable rents,and .pdf
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    • incentive, information, and organization form.pdf
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  • 2010-3-30
  • 粮食安全英文文献3.rar

    • The role of agriculture in economic development.pdf
    • Vietnam development report 2004.pdf
    • Peru poverty assessment_ Opportunities for all..pdf
    • Pooling Cross Section and Time Series Data in the Estimation of Dynamic Model.pdf
    • Public investment and China’s long-term food security under WTO.pdf
    • Reducing climate change impacts on agriculture Global and regional effects of mitigation, 2000-2080.pdf
    • Research, productivity, and output growth in Chinese agriculture.pdf
    • Rice market liberalization and poverty in Viet Nam.pdf
    • Rice Prices and Income Distribution in Thailand, A Non-parametric Analysis.pdf
    • Rural Poverty and Agricultural Performance in India.pdf
    • Rural welfare effects of food price changes under induced wage responses theory and evidence for Bangladesh.pdf
    • sahel nutrition survey 1974.pdf
    • sen(1977)Starvation and Exchange Entitlements A General Approach and Its Application to the Great Bengal Famine.pdf
    • sen(1981) Ingredients of Famine Analysis Availability and Entitlements.pdf
    • Successful Targeting Reporting Efficiency and Costs in Targeted 2007.pdf
    • Targeting of transfers in developing countries review of lessons and experience.pdf
    • Technological Change and Price Effects in Agriculture Conceptual 2003.pdf
    • The dynamic effects of U.S. food aid.pdf
    • The Economic Lives of the Poor.pdf
    • The Economics of Poverty Traps and Persistent 2004.pdf
    • The future of small farms for poverty reduction and growth..pdf
    • The Global Food Crisis Causes and Solutions (Getachew Diriba,2008).pdf
    • The hidden penalties of gender inequality fetal origins of ill-health.pdf
    • The impact of HIV AIDS on food security and household vulnerability in Swaziland.pdf
    • The Lagrange Multiplier Test and Its Applications to Model Specification in Econometrics.pdf
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    • The Role of Education in Agricultural Projects for Food Security and Poverty Reduction in Kenya.pdf
    • Towards a global food aid compact.pdf
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  • 2010-3-24
  • NBER-China Economic Group working paper 2009.zip

    • 【NBER-CE2009】China's Exporters and Importers -- Firms, Products and Trade Partners.pdf
    • 【NBER-CE2009】China's Land Market Auctions -- Evidence of Corruption.pdf
    • 【NBER-CE2009】Creative Accounting or Creative Destruction - Firm-level Productivity Growth in Chinese Manufacturing.pdf
    • 【NBER-CE2009】Credit Booms Gone Bust -- Monetary Policy, Leverage Cycles and Financial Crises, 1870–2008.pdf
    • 【NBER-CE2009】Dynamic Debt Runs.pdf
    • 【NBER-CE2009】Export Prices and Heterogeneous Firm Models.pdf
    • 【NBER-CE2009】Global Imbalances and Financial Fragility.pdf
    • 【NBER-CE2009】Innovation and Institutional Ownership.pdf
    • 【NBER-CE2009】Introduction to “China's Growing Role in World Trade”.pdf
    • 【NBER-CE2009】Microinsurance, Trust and Economic Development -- Evidence from a Randomized Natural Field Experiment.pdf
    • 【NBER-CE2009】Model Structure and the Combined Welfare and Trade Effects of China's Trade Related Policies.pdf
    • 【NBER-CE2009】Persuasion-- Empirical Evidence.pdf
    • 【NBER-CE2009】Systemic Risk and the Refinancing Ratchet Effect.pdf
    • 【NBER-CE2009】The Chinese Warrants Bubble.pdf
    • 【NBER-CE2009】The Competitive Saving Motive -- Evidence from Rising Sex Ratios and Savings Rates in China.pdf
    • 【NBER-CE2009】The organization of firms across countries.pdf
    • 【NBER-CE2009】When Safe Proved Risky -- Commercial Paper During the Financial Crisis of 2007-2009.pdf
    • 【NBER-CE2009】【NBER】Human Capital In China.pdf
  • 6.98 MB
  • 2009-11-30
  • Economic Development in Africa 2000.rar

    • Economic Development in Africa 2000.pdf
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  • 2009-11-14
  • Economic Development in Africa 2001.rar

    • Economic Development in Africa 2001.pdf
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  • 2009-11-14
  • Economic Development in Africa 2002.rar

    • Economic Development in Africa 2002.pdf
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  • 2009-11-14
  • Economic Development in Africa 2003.rar

    • Economic Development in Africa 2003.pdf
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  • 2009-11-14
  • Economic Development in Africa 2004.rar

    • Economic Development in Africa 2004.pdf
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  • 2009-11-14
  • Economic Development in Africa 2005.rar

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  • 2009-11-14
  • Economic Development in Africa 2006.rar

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  • 2009-11-14
  • Economic Development in Africa 2007.rar

    • Economic Development in Africa 2007.pdf
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  • 2009-11-14
  • Economic Development in Africa 2008.rar

    • Economic Development in Africa 2008.pdf
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  • 2009-11-14
  • Economic Development in Africa 2009.rar

    • Economic Development in Africa 2009.pdf
  • 447.52 KB
  • 2009-11-14
  • 环境库兹涅茨.rar

    • Industrial pollution in economic development.pdf
    • 济南市.pdf
    • 江苏省环境库兹涅茨特征分析.pdf
    • 库兹涅茨曲线在中国水环境.pdf
    • 南京市经济发展与环境污染关系.pdf
    • 深圳经济增长与环境质量关系.pdf
    • 武汉市经济发展与交通噪声污染.pdf
    • 武汉市三废.pdf
    • 浙江省.pdf
    • 中国的环境库兹涅茨.PDF
    • 中国环境库兹涅茨曲线的估计.pdf
    • 中国省际面板数据.pdf
    • 1999, List, The environmental Kuznets curve.pdf
    • A Kuznets Curve in Environmental Efficiency An Application on OECD Countries.pdf
    • A simultaneous estimation of Environmental Kuznets Curve Evidence from China.pdf
    • An Empirical Test of Environmental Kuznets Curve for Water Pollution.pdf
    • An index directly indicates land-based pollutant load contributions of.pdf
    • Desperately seeking environmental Kuznets.pdf
    • Environmental degradation in developing countries.pdf
    • Interactions between economic growth and environmental quality in Shenzhen.pdf
    • Is China in a later stage of a U-shaped forest resource curve.pdf
    • Is environmental degradation an inevitable consequence of.pdf
    • 安徽省EKC.pdf
    • 北京市.pdf
    • 北京市EKC.pdf
    • 北京市废气.pdf
    • 广州省SO2.pdf
    • 广州省库兹涅茨.pdf
    • 广州市环境库兹涅茨曲线分析.pdf
    • 环境库兹涅茨曲线国内外研究进展.pdf
    • 环境库兹涅茨曲线假说的中国检验.pdf
    • 环境库兹涅茨曲线研究回顾与评析.pdf
    • 环境库兹涅茨曲线研究进展.pdf
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  • 2009-8-10
  • Krugman.rar

    • Leapfrogging in International Competition_A Theory of Cycles in National Technological Leadership.pdf
    • New Theories of Trade Among Industrial CountriesNew Theories of Trade Among Industrial Countries.pdf
    • Protection and Developing Countries' Exports of Manufactures.pdf
    • Scale Economies, Product Differentiation, and the Pattern of Trade.pdf
    • Space_The Final Frontier.pdf
    • The Narrow and Broad Arguments for Free Trade.pdf
    • TheMarketEconomyandStateRegulation.pdf
    • Two Cheers for Formalism.pdf
    • A Model of Innovation, Technology Transfer, and the World Distribution of Income.pdf
    • Book review of Development, Geography, and Economic.pdf
    • Can America Stay on Top.pdf
    • Complex Landscapes in Economic Geography.pdf
    • Cycles of Conventional Wisdom on Economic Development.pdf
    • History Versus Expectations.pdf
    • Increasing Returns and Economic Geography.pdf
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  • 2009-8-3
  • Finance, Intermediaries, and Economic Development.zip

    • 0521820545.pdf
  • 2.08 MB
  • 2009-7-11
  • Michael P.Todaro Economic development.rar

    • TodaroSmith_EconDev_ch06.ppt
    • TodaroSmith_EconDev_ch07.ppt
    • TodaroSmith_EconDev_ch08.ppt
    • TodaroSmith_EconDev_ch09.ppt
    • TodaroSmith_EconDev_ch10.ppt
    • TodaroSmith_EconDev_ch11.ppt
    • TodaroSmith_EconDev_ch12.ppt
    • TodaroSmith_EconDev_ch13.ppt
    • TodaroSmith_EconDev_ch14.ppt
    • TodaroSmith_EconDev_ch15.ppt
    • TodaroSmith_EconDev_ch16.ppt
    • chapter 1.ppt
    • Teaching sugesstion.doc
    • TodaroSmith_EconDev_ch02.ppt
    • TodaroSmith_EconDev_ch03.ppt
    • TodaroSmith_EconDev_ch04.ppt
    • TodaroSmith_EconDev_ch05.ppt
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  • 2009-6-30
  • 327534.pdf
       [下载]杨小凯 Economic Development, International Trade and Income Distribution

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  • 2009-5-20
  • 319302.pdf
       [分享]Legal Institutions, Sectoral Heterogeneity, and Economic Development

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  • 2009-4-27
  • 316444.pdf
       [下载]The Role of the Economist in Economic Development

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  • 2009-4-18
  • 316261.rar

    • Information Technology and Economic Development.pdf
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  • 2009-4-17
  • 315565.pdf
       The Inequality of Regional Economic Development in China between 1991 and 2001

  • 92.1 KB
  • 2009-4-15
  • 315373.rar
       [下载]Public Goods for Economic Development

    • Public Goods for Economic Development.pdf
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  • 2009-4-15
  • 305851.rar

    • 8. Conclusiona and Policy Recommendations= Are We There Yet.pdf
    • 1. Introduction= The Issue Is Deeper than American Movies.pdf
    • 2. A Road Map for the TRIPs Ahead.pdf
    • 3. Globalization and the Economics of Intellectual Property Rights= Dancing the Dual Distortion.pdf
    • 4. The Global Effects of Intellectural Property Rights= Measuring What Cannot be Seen.pdf
    • 5. Intellectual Property Rights and Economic Development= Patents, Growth, and Growing Pains.pdf
    • 6. The Global Policy Framework= Intellectual Property Rights and Wrongs.pdf
    • 7. Benefiting from Intellectual Property Protection= Take the Medicine, but Get Some Exercise, Too.pdf
  • 1.18 MB
  • 2009-3-19
  • 305843.rar
       Does Foreign Direct Investment Promote Development

    • 00 In Brief.pdf
    • 01 Introduction and Overview.pdf
    • 02 The Impact of Inward FDI on Host Countries-Why Such Different Answers.pdf
    • 03 Disentangling FDI Spillover Effects-What Do Firm Perceptions Tell Us.pdf
    • 04 Foreign Direct Investment and Externalities- The Case for Public Intervention.pdf
    • 05 R&D Activities of Foreign and National Establishments in Turkish Manufacturing.pdf
    • 06 Foreign Direct Investment and Local Economic Development- Beyond Productivity Spillovers.pdf
    • 07 Mulinational Firms and Backward Linkages- A Critical Survey and a Simple Model.pdf
    • 08 Does Foreign Direct Investment Accelerate Economic Growth.pdf
    • 09 Inappropriate Pooling of Wealthy and Poor Countries in Empirical FDI Studies.pdf
    • 10 Comment.pdf
    • 10 Intrafirm Trade of US MNCs- Findings and Implications for Models and Policies Toward Trade and Investment.pdf
    • 11 How Does FDI Affect Host Country Development-Using Industry Case Studies to Make Reliable Generalizations.pdf
    • 12 China's Policies on FDI- Review and Evaluation.pdf
    • 13 Comment.pdf
    • 13 Is Africa's Skepticism of Foreign Capital Justified- Evidence from East African Firm Survey Data.pdf
    • 14 Conclusions and Implications for FDI Policy in Developing Countries, New Methods of Research, and a Future Research Agenda.pdf
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    • conventional contracts.pdf
    • cultural beliefs.pdf
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    • Federalism as a commitment to perserving market incentives.pdf
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    • Regional Assessment of FDI and International Trade Spillovers in China from 1979 to 2006:A Space-Time Model.doc
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    • Research on the Tobacco Industry's Contribution to the National Fiscal Revenue(final edition).doc
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    • economic development in history perspective(Fei, John C. H.; Ranis, Gustav. American Economic Review, May69, Vol. 59 Issue 2, p386, 15p, 4 diagrams).pdf
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    • a historian's perspective on modern economic theory(Rostow, W. W.. American Economic Review, May52, Vol. 42 Issue 2, p16, 18p).pdf
    • a model of labor migration and urban unemployment in less development countries(Todaro, Michael P.. American Economic Review, Mar69, Vol. 59 Issue 1, p138, 11p).pdf
    • a reassessment of development economics---a reassessment of goals---irma adelman(may 1975 vol 65 p.302).pdf
    • agriculture and structural transformation in development countries---a survey of research(Johnston, Bruce F.. Journal of Economic Literature, Jun70, Vol. 8 Issue 2, p369, 36p).pdf
    • comparative advantage and development ppolicy(Chenery, Hollis B.. American Economic Review, Mar61, Vol. 51 Issue 1, p18, 34p).pdf
    • economic of development and the development of economics(Bardhan, Pranab. Journal of Economic Perspectives, Spring93, Vol. 7 Issue 2, p129, 14p).pdf
    • economic theory and mathmatics---an appraisal(Samuelson, Paul A.. American Economic Review, May52, Vol. 42 Issue 2, p56, 18p).pdf
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    • Financial liberalisation, stockmarkets and economic development. By Singh, Ajit. Economic Journal, May97, Vol. 107 Issue 442, p771-782, 12p.pdf
    • Development Economics from a Chicago Perspective. By Strassmann, W. Paul. Journal of Economic Issues, Mar76, Vol. 10 Issue 1, p63, 18p.pdf
    • ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT IN MEXICO AND THAILAND AN INSTITUTIONAL ANALYSIS. By Cornehls, James V.; Van Roy, Edward. Journal of Economic Issues, Sep69, Vol. 3 Issue 3, p16, 17p.pdf
    • Economic Structure and Economic Development. By Belotti, Lorenzo Mario. American Journal of Economics & Sociology, Oct60, Vol. 20 Issue 1, p73-80, 8p.pdf
    • Economics in action Ideas, institutions, policies. By Shultz, George P.. American Economic Review, May95, Vol. 85 Issue 2, p1, 8p.pdf
    • Institutionalism, Structuralism, and Dependency in Latin America. By Street, James H.; James, Dilmus D.. Journal of Economic Issues, Sep82, Vol. 16 Issue 3, p673, 17p.pdf
    • INSTITUTIONS AND POLITICS IN A LEWIS-TYPE GROWTH MODEL. By Mosley, Paul. Manchester School (1998), Dec2004, Vol. 72 Issue 6, p751-773, 23p.pdf
    • Institutions, Social Norms, and Economic Development (Book). By Nugent, Jeffrey B.. Journal of Economic Literature, Dec2001, Vol. 39 Issue 4, p1273, 3p.pdf
    • Land Rent Flows in Economic, Political and Environmental Transitions---An Inquiry Into Ownership Rights In Land Rent.By Smiley, David H.. American Journal of Economics & Sociology, Jan1997, Vol. 56 Issue 1, p103-114, 12p.pdf
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