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    • An analysis of intertemporal and cross-sectional determinants of earnings response coefficients.pdf
    • Earnings Innovations, Earnings Persistence, and Stock Returns.pdf
    • Do nonlinearity, firm-specific coefficients, and losses represent distinct factors in the relation between stock returns and accounting earnings.pdf
    • An evaluation of alternative proxies for the market's assessment of unexpected earnings.pdf
    • A Nonlinear Model of Security Price Responses to Unexpected Earnings.pdf
    • Estimating earnings response coefficients.pdf
    • Cross-sectional variation in the stock market response to accounting earnings announcements.pdf
  • 8.91 MB
  • 2012-9-27
  • 172813.rar

    • Off-Balance-Sheet Activities, Earnings Persistence and Stock Prices Evidence from .pdf
    • Taxes, Financing Decisions, and Firm Value .pdf
    • Theory of the Firm Managerial Behavior, Agency Costs and Ownership Structure .pdf
    • Trends in Earnings Management in the Pre- and Post-Sarbanes Oxley Periods .pdf
    • Value Versus Growth The International Evidence .pdf
    • Accelerated Vesting of Employee Stock Options in Anticipation of FAS 123-R.pdf
    • An Empirical Evaluation of Accounting Income Numbers.pdf
    • Beating Earnings Benchmarks and the Cost of Debt .pdf
    • Fair Value Accounting_ Evidence from Investment Securities and the Market Valuation of Banks.pdf
    • Investors' Differential Reaction to Positive Versus Negative Earnings Surprises .pdf
    • Market Efficiency, Long-Term Returns, and Behavioral Finance .pdf
  • 2.89 MB
  • 2007-11-11
  • 111578.rar

    • Accrual reliability, earnings persistence and stock prices.pdf
    • Australian chief executive officer remuneration----- pay and performance.pdf
    • CEO turnover and properties of accounting information.pdf
    • Does disclosure deter or trigger litigation.pdf
    • Earnings management to avoid earnings decreases and losses.pdf
    • A Reexamination of the Persistence of Accruals and Cash Flows.pdf
    • Accounting Discretion in Fair Value Estimates---- An Examination of SFAS 142 Goodwill Impairments.pdf
    • Accounting graduates' perceptions of skills emphasis in undergraduate courses----- an investigation from two Victorian universities.pdf
    • Accounting Measurement Basis, Market Mispricing, and Firm Investment Efficiency.pdf
    • Accounting Treatment of Inherent versus Incentive Uncertainties and the Capital Structure of the Firm.pdf
    • Acquirers’ abnormal returns and the non-Big 4 auditor clientele effect.pdf
    • Active investment manager portfolios and preferences for stock characteristics.pdf
    • An Analysis of the Relation between the Stewardship and Valuation Roles of Earnings.pdf
  • 3.86 MB
  • 2007-4-28