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  • Schipper.pdf.zip
       Schipper, K. (1989) Commentary on Earnings Management. Accounting Horizons, 3, 91-102.

    • Schipper.pdf
  • 1.18 MB
  • 2023-5-12
  • 财务会计理论.zip

    • 01_Introduction_US.ppt
    • 03_Decision usefulness approach_US.ppt
    • 04_Efficient securities markets_US.ppt
    • 05_Information perspective_US.ppt
    • 06_Measurement perspective_US.ppt
    • 08_Economic consequences and posotive accounting theory_US_上传.pptx
    • 10_Executive Compensation_2018(1).ppt
    • 11_Earnings Management_US(2).ppt
    • 12_Standard Setting (economic issues)_US_simple.ppt
    • William R. Scott-Solution manual for Financial Accounting Theory (7th Edition)-Pearson (2015).pdf
  • 8.04 MB
  • 2020-9-13
  • Accounting Review. Jan2015, Vol. 90 Issue 1.zip

    • CEO Equity Incentives and Financial Misreporting,The Role of Auditor Exper....epub
    • Does Mandatory IFRS Adoption Affect Crash Risk.epub
    • How Does Readability Influence Investors' Judgments Consistency of.epub
    • Nominal versus Interacting Electronic Fraud Brainstorming in Hierarchical A....epub
    • Non-Executive Employee Ownership and Corporate Risk.epub
    • Noncompliance with Mandatory Disclosure.epub
    • Speech Analysis in Financial Markets..epub
    • Substitution between Real and Accruals-Based Earnings Management after.epub
    • The Economic Consequences of Financial.epub
    • The Effect of Competition Intensity and Competition Type on the Use of Cust....epub
    • The Effect of Superiors’ Exogenous.epub
    • The Effects of Client Identity Strength and Professional Identity Salience ....epub
    • The Impact of Eliminating the Form 20-F Reconciliation on Shareholder Wealt....epub
    • Training Auditors to Perform Analytical Procedures Using Metacognitive Skil.epub
    • Unintended Consequences of Lowering Disclosure Thresholds.epub
  • 3.01 MB
  • 2015-12-13
  • Institutional Investors Heterogeneity And Earnings Management.rar

    • Institutional Investors Heterogeneity And Earnings Management.pdf
  • 391.16 KB
  • 2014-12-7
  • Earnings Management.rar

    • Earnings Management.pdf
  • 393.18 KB
  • 2013-10-18
  • 3.pdf
       Earnings management in an overlapping generations model

  • 856.67 KB
  • 2012-8-16
  • 2.pdf
       Research design issues in earnings management studies

  • 174.34 KB
  • 2012-8-16
  • 北京村镇银行小额贷款学术研讨会论文2.rar

    • 15-5馬成虎-連續時間、帶有突發事件下的組合投資與最優交易策略.pdf
    • 8-4沈中華-When Does Capital Adequacy Ratio Fail to Indicate Capital Adequacy.pdf
    • 8-5楊彩麗-極化理論視角下我國金融發展的區域比較.pdf
    • 8-6田利輝-Government Ownership of Banks and Firms in China.pdf
    • 8-7柳松-村鎮銀行的適度規模擴張研究.pdf
    • 9-1李樑堅-台灣證券業在簽訂ECFA後之大陸市場進入模式及發展策略之研究.pdf
    • 9-2黃茂海-兩岸金融人才培養合作模式探析.pdf
    • 9-3鄭鳴-兩岸證券期貨市場合作深化研究.pdf
    • 9-4孫琦峰-中國未來主要金融風險潛在爆發點.pdf
    • 9-5鄒帆-金融危機下對金融體系的再審視——基於准公共產品視角.pdf
    • 9-6陳豐-ECFA對兩岸金融合作的影響研究.pdf
    • 10-1周建波-清代賬局經營之道暨對我國小額信貸公司的啟迪.pdf
    • 10-2郭建鸞-成長期中小企業融資與產業集群社區銀行.pdf
    • 10-3戴淑庚-臺灣中小企業信用保證基金的經驗與借鑒.pdf
    • 10-4于殿江-農信社信貸業務的理論分析及實證檢驗-基於金融危機衝擊的視角.pdf
    • 10-5謝志忠-福建省農村信用社經營效率變動的測度評價分析.pdf
    • 10-6張君生-農村信用體系建設的調查研究-兼論我國社會信用體系建設.pdf
    • 10-7陳錦村-台灣的金融環境與所有權結構如何影響商業銀行的授信績效.pdf
    • 11-1黃雋-商業銀行資產規模、非利息收入與風險-基於美國的實證研究.pdf
    • 11-2李志偉-市場風險值模式驗證方法之修正-錯誤發現率之應用.pdf
    • 11-3徐學鋒-供應鏈金融創新發展的思考.pdf
    • 11-4趙尚梅-地方政府控制下城市商業銀行股權結構與績效關係研究.pdf
    • 11-5彭雅惠-實施Basel II對台灣金控與非金控商業銀行經營效率之影響與比較.pdf
    • 11-6黃玉麗-Earnings Quality and Bank Credit Rating An International Study.pdf
    • 11-7黃達業-對現金卡與信用卡的違約付款建立早期預警模型-以中國信託銀行為例.pdf
    • 12-1王澤世-中國的股市是否成為國際資產定價模型的系統性風險.pdf
    • 12-2石建勋-金融危機前後內地與香港股市聯動性及引導性變化的實證研究.pdf
    • 12-3王衍智-Long Run Stock Returns Following R&D Increases A Test of R&D Spillover Effect.pdf
    • 12-5張宏亮-信息披露與盈餘質量的互動及定價一基於中國市場的經驗證據.pdf
    • 12-6段昌文-Tick size, liquidity and Informed-base Trading.pdf
    • 12-7古志輝-普通法框架下的投資者保護問題研究.pdf
    • 13-1黎明淵-多角化與公司績效:分量迴歸分析.pdf
    • 13-2朱航-基於全面風險管理角度的保險公司治理結構分析.pdf
    • 13-3楊君偉-機構投資者在證券市場中的作用.pdf
    • 13-4池祥麟-Earnings Management Corporate Governance and Competition between Chinese A and B Share Firms.pdf
    • 13-5林灼榮-企業社會責任與財務績效:理論與實證.pdf
    • 13-6 李翔-基於實驗經濟學的信息定價效率研究.pdf
    • 13-7曹華-內幕交易監管效率與上市公司高管薪酬:一個理論模型.pdf
    • 14-1杜莉-論碳金融體系及其運行架構.pdf
    • 14-2景乃權-論金融危機下黃金儲備與國家金融安全的關係(中文版).pdf
    • 14-2景乃權-論金融危機下黃金儲備與國家金融安全的關係_英文版_.pdf
    • 14-3于寧 - How International Financial Crisis affects Industries in BeijingCapital City of China.pdf
    • 14-4涂永紅-人民幣匯率為什麼與國際收支變化無關.pdf
    • 14-5葉國俊-Asian Currency Unit-Good for China.pdf
    • 14-6鄒若郢-外商直接投資對我國紡織工業出口促進作用的實證檢驗.pdf
    • 14-7許皓程-金融開放與動態股票市場整合.pdf
    • 15-1陳超-Government Ownership Underwriting Quality and IPO Market Share.pdf
    • 15-2李宏志-私募對企業績效與異常報酬之影響-家族企業與非家族企業.pdf
    • 15-3李學峰-開放式基金分紅行為是否會帶來超額收益?—基於事件研究的角度.pdf
    • 15-4王詩韻-Reliable is Value Line's Mutual Fund Performance Rating A Multiple Criteria Ratings Approach.pdf
  • 13.23 MB
  • 2011-6-23
  • 盈余管理.rar

    • the timing of asset sales evidence of earnings management.pdf
    • Earnings management in an overlapping generations model.pdf
    • Earnings management and accounting income aggregation .pdf
  • 1.04 MB
  • 2011-6-15
  • 6 papers on CEO compensation.zip

    • CEO incentives and earnings management 2006 JFE.pdf
    • Are CEOS Rewarded for Luck The Ones without Principals Are 2001 QJE.pdf
    • CEO Compensation and Board Structure 2009 JF.pdf
    • Corporate governance, chief executive officer compensation, and firm performance 1999 JFE 980.pdf
    • Executive compensation structure, ownership, and firm performance 1995 JFE 667.pdf
    • Performance Pay and Top-Management Incentives 1990 JPE 2398.pdf
  • 2.59 MB
  • 2009-9-2
  • 329244.rar
       [下载]EARNINGS MANAGEMENT ——Joshua Ronen

  • 5.79 MB
  • 2009-5-25
  • 321017.rar

    • Part5-4 Detecting earnings management Accounting.pdf
    • Part5-1 A review of the earnings management literature and its implications for standard setting.pdf
    • Part5-2 The effect of bonus schemes on accounting decisions.pdf
    • Part5-3 Accruals management, investor sophistication, and equity valuation- Evidence from 10-Q filings.pdf
  • 7.11 MB
  • 2009-5-2
  • 320997.rar

    • Part5-4 Detecting earnings management Accounting.pdf
    • Part5-1 A review of the earnings management literature and its implications for standard setting.pdf
    • Part5-2 The effect of bonus schemes on accounting decisions.pdf
    • Part5-3 Accruals management, investor sophistication, and equity valuation- Evidence from 10-Q filings.pdf
  • 7.11 MB
  • 2009-5-2
  • 277856.pdf
       5篇盈余管理(earnings management)外文文献,都是最经典的(这回免费)

  • 2.61 MB
  • 2008-12-18
  • 277855.pdf
       5篇盈余管理(earnings management)外文文献,都是最经典的(这回免费)

  • 335.66 KB
  • 2008-12-18
  • 277854.pdf
       5篇盈余管理(earnings management)外文文献,都是最经典的(这回免费)

  • 316.55 KB
  • 2008-12-18
  • 277853.pdf
       5篇盈余管理(earnings management)外文文献,都是最经典的(这回免费)

  • 233.82 KB
  • 2008-12-18
  • 277852.pdf
       5篇盈余管理(earnings management)外文文献,都是最经典的(这回免费)

  • 200.91 KB
  • 2008-12-18
  • 277851.pdf
       5篇盈余管理(earnings management)外文文献,都是最经典的,之后还有

  • 332.45 KB
  • 2008-12-18
  • 277850.pdf
       5篇盈余管理(earnings management)外文文献,都是最经典的,之后还有

  • 314.46 KB
  • 2008-12-18
  • 277849.pdf
       5篇盈余管理(earnings management)外文文献,都是最经典的,之后还有

  • 1.38 MB
  • 2008-12-18
  • 277848.pdf
       5篇盈余管理(earnings management)外文文献,都是最经典的,之后还有

  • 219.1 KB
  • 2008-12-18
  • 277847.pdf
       5篇盈余管理(earnings management)外文文献,都是最经典的,之后还有

  • 241.4 KB
  • 2008-12-18
  • 277846.pdf
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  • 289.78 KB
  • 2008-12-18
  • 277845.pdf
       盈余管理(earnings management)的国内外文献5篇

  • 1.96 MB
  • 2008-12-18
  • 277844.pdf
       盈余管理(earnings management)的国内外文献5篇

  • 1.68 MB
  • 2008-12-18
  • 277843.pdf
       盈余管理(earnings management)的国内外文献5篇

  • 128.73 KB
  • 2008-12-18
  • 277842.pdf
       盈余管理(earnings management)的国内外文献5篇

  • 217 KB
  • 2008-12-18
  • 270945.rar
       earning quarlity 文献下载

    • Earnings Quality.pdf
    • The Quality of Accruals and Earnings The Role of Accrual Estimation Errors.pdf
    • Earnings management during import relief investigations.pdf
  • 4.12 MB
  • 2008-11-27
  • 263094.rar

    • detecting earnings management.pdf
  • 1.61 MB
  • 2008-11-3
  • 233595.pdf

  • 1.06 MB
  • 2008-8-4
  • 230472.rar

    • The Partial Adjustment of Resale House Price Evidence from Taiwan.pdf
    • The Nearest Neighbors Appraisal Technique with Spatial Components.pdf
    • The Land Lease System in the People’s Republic of China Its Development, Performance and Reform1.pdf
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    • The Integration of Securitised.pdf
    • The Influence of E-Commerce on Business Performance:.pdf
    • The impacts of rail transit on housing prices and land development intensity The case of No.13 line of Beijing.pdf
    • The Impact of Urban Rail Transit on Residential Property.pdf
    • The Impact of Mortgage Subsidies on the.pdf
    • The Impact of Location on House Price of the Monocentric City Evidence from Beijing.pdf
    • The Heterogeneous Effect of Monetary Policy on Regional Real Estate Market.pdf
    • The Effects of Discretionary Housing Policies on Asset Returns.pdf
    • The Determinants of Real Estate Executive Compensation in.pdf
    • The consequences of the implementation.pdf
    • The comparative study in Chinese banks of credit risk evaluation models of real-estate.pdf
    • The Choice of Trading Venue and Relative Price Impact of.pdf
    • The Application of Grounded Theory on the House Buyers’Decision.pdf
    • The American Dream The Private and External Benefits of Homeownership.pdf
    • Testing Urbanization Economies in Manufacturing.pdf
    • Tax Incidence and Commercial Real Estate Leases.pdf
    • Subprime Lending and House Price Volatility.pdf
    • Sticky Mortgages and the Real E¤ects of Monetary Policy.pdf
    • Smoothing consumption fluctuations through household decisions on home.pdf
    • Sample Selection Bias in Residential Property Price Indices.pdf
    • Risky Borrowers or Risky Mortgages The Right Product to Serve Low- and Moderate-Income Borrowers.pdf
    • residential sorting in Chinese Cities.pdf
    • Residential Property Affordability.pdf
    • Research on compensation system of urban housing demolition based on evolutionary game theory.pdf
    • Removing Biases in Computed Returns.pdf
    • REITs Return Behavior and Legal Infrastructure.pdf
    • Real Earnings Management and Dividend Payout Signals.pdf
    • Property Valuation, Investment and “Regressed” Discount Cash Flow Analysis.pdf
    • Professionalism in Striking a Deal the Case of Real Estate Agent.pdf
    • Principles Of A New York City Real Estate Developer.pdf
    • A Conceptual Model for improving housing affordability in Sydney.pdf
    • A Management Model for Price-restricted Housing in Beijing.pdf
    • A Modified Repeat Sales Index for Apartments.pdf
    • A Study into the Demand for Apartments in Central Auckland.pdf
    • A Time Series, Cross-Section Analysis of Appraisal-based Real Estate Returns.pdf
    • Aesthetical perception of public housing and correlation with.pdf
    • An empirical study of local dynamics and contagion in real estate markets.pdf
    • Appraisal Bias Patterns and Premises.pdf
    • Appraisal Bias --Type and Factors of the Cost Approach.pdf
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    • Are Asia-Pacific Housing Prices Too High For Comfort.pdf
    • Are Stock and Real Estate Markets Co-integrated in Asia.pdf
    • Author Order Conditions and Co-authorship in Real Estate Journals.pdf
    • Brownfields and Redevelopment in China Learning from the American.pdf
    • Bubbles in China housing markets.pdf
    • Building Environment as Significant Impact on Housing Price.pdf
    • Capital Structure Decisions in Turkish REITs.pdf
    • The Study of Property Appraisal for Real Estate Mortgage under the Information Asymmetry.pdf
    • The spatial heterogeneity of foreclosed mortgages.pdf
    • The relationship linking service attributes, and behavioral.pdf
    • The Relationship between Housing Mortgage Rate and Income Tax Rate.pdf
    • The Real Estate Premium Puzzle A Solution.pdf
    • The Performance and Problems of Affordable Housing Policy in China.pdf
  • 11.65 MB
  • 2008-7-25
  • 172813.rar

    • Off-Balance-Sheet Activities, Earnings Persistence and Stock Prices Evidence from .pdf
    • Taxes, Financing Decisions, and Firm Value .pdf
    • Theory of the Firm Managerial Behavior, Agency Costs and Ownership Structure .pdf
    • Trends in Earnings Management in the Pre- and Post-Sarbanes Oxley Periods .pdf
    • Value Versus Growth The International Evidence .pdf
    • Accelerated Vesting of Employee Stock Options in Anticipation of FAS 123-R.pdf
    • An Empirical Evaluation of Accounting Income Numbers.pdf
    • Beating Earnings Benchmarks and the Cost of Debt .pdf
    • Fair Value Accounting_ Evidence from Investment Securities and the Market Valuation of Banks.pdf
    • Investors' Differential Reaction to Positive Versus Negative Earnings Surprises .pdf
    • Market Efficiency, Long-Term Returns, and Behavioral Finance .pdf
  • 2.89 MB
  • 2007-11-11
  • 111578.rar

    • Australian chief executive officer remuneration----- pay and performance.pdf
    • CEO turnover and properties of accounting information.pdf
    • Does disclosure deter or trigger litigation.pdf
    • Earnings management to avoid earnings decreases and losses.pdf
    • A Reexamination of the Persistence of Accruals and Cash Flows.pdf
    • Accounting Discretion in Fair Value Estimates---- An Examination of SFAS 142 Goodwill Impairments.pdf
    • Accounting graduates' perceptions of skills emphasis in undergraduate courses----- an investigation from two Victorian universities.pdf
    • Accounting Measurement Basis, Market Mispricing, and Firm Investment Efficiency.pdf
    • Accounting Treatment of Inherent versus Incentive Uncertainties and the Capital Structure of the Firm.pdf
    • Accrual reliability, earnings persistence and stock prices.pdf
    • Acquirers’ abnormal returns and the non-Big 4 auditor clientele effect.pdf
    • Active investment manager portfolios and preferences for stock characteristics.pdf
    • An Analysis of the Relation between the Stewardship and Valuation Roles of Earnings.pdf
  • 3.86 MB
  • 2007-4-28