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       vol 5b

    • Gilles_Duranton,_Vernon_Henderson,_William_Strange_(eds.)-Handbook_of_Regional_and_Urban_Economics._5B-North_Holland_(2015).pdf
  • 7.82 MB
  • 2017-10-20
  • _vol._5A,_Volume_5A.zip
       vol 5a

    • Gilles_Duranton,_Vernon_Henderson,_William_Strange-Handbook_of_Regional_and_Urban_Economics,_vol._5A,_Volume_5A-North_Holland_(2015).pdf
  • 5.76 MB
  • 2017-10-20
  • Handbook of Regional and Urban Economics.zip

    • [Gilles_Duranton,_Vernon_Henderson,_William_Strang]Handbook of Regional and Urban Economics, vol. 5A.pdf
    • [Gilles_Duranton,_Vernon_Henderson,_William_Strang]Handbook of Regional and Urban Economics, vol. 5B.pdf
  • 13.59 MB
  • 2015-11-29
  • 11-20.rar
       Markowitz 马尔科维奇 CAPM 论文

    • [PAPR] 18_Portfolio Analysis with Factors and Scenarios Portfolio Analysis with Factors and Scenarios Harry M_Markowitz _André F_PeroldThe Journal of Finance_Vol_36_No_4 (Sep_1981)_pp_871-877.pdf
    • [PAPR] 19_Review Portfolio Selection_Efficient Diversification of Investments_by Harry M_MarkowitzReview by_Gerhard TintnerThe Journal of Finance_Vol_15_No_3 (Sep_1960)_p_447.pdf
    • [PAPR] 20_ReviewCommitteeDecisionswithComplementaryValuation_byDuncanBlack_R_A_NewingReviewby_HarryMarkowitzJo.pdf
    • [PAPR] 11_Mean-Variance Versus Direct Utility Maximization Yoram Kroll_Haim Levy_Harry M_MarkowitzThe Journal of Finance_Vol_39_No_1 (Mar_1984)_pp_47-61.pdf
    • [PAPR] 12_Single-Period Mean_Variance Analysis in a Changing World Harry M_Markowitz _Erik L_van Dijk Financial Analysts Journal_Vol_59_No_2 (Mar_- Apr_20.pdf
    • [PAPR] 13_On the Solution of Discrete Programming Problems Harry M_Markowitz _Alan S_Manne Econometrica_Vol_25_No_1 (Jan_1957)_pp_84-110.pdf
    • [PAPR] 14_Review Portfolio Selection by Harry M_MarkowitzReview by_R_G_D_Allen Economica_New Series_Vol_27_No_106 (May_1960)_pp_189-190.pdf
    • [PAPR] 15_Review The Theory of Games and Linear Programming by S_VajdaReview by_Harry Markowitz Operations Research_Vol_4_No_6 (Dec_1956)_pp_749-750.pdf
    • [PAPR] 16_Review Portfolio Selection_Efficient Diversification of Investments by Harry M_MarkowitzReview by_David DurandThe American Economic Review _Vol_50_No_1 (Mar_1960)_pp_234-236.pdf
    • [PAPR] 17_TheGeneralMean-VariancePortfolioSelectionProblem[andDiscussion]HarryM_Markowitz_R_Lacey_J_Plymen_M_.pdf
  • 4.33 MB
  • 2012-8-9
  • 零售业国际化1.rar

    • cedric_durand_1.pdf
    • 略论零售业的国际化模式.pdf
    • 55dcc909851c80acb3a8f8c844a6cf4a-Pages from 1 Retailing within an international context.pdf
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    • Beispielaufbau_konzeptioneller_Arbeiten.pdf
    • brandswb.pdf
    • dtt_globalpowersofretailing2010.pdf
    • econgeog2006(1).pdf
    • Explaining the Pattern of Foreign.pdf
    • Failed retail attempts in Chile.pdf
    • implications of internationalization.pdf
    • international expansion of Japan.pdf
    • LinkClick.pdf
    • Some Challenges For Management And.pdf
    • structural change and globalization of retail industry.pdf
    • Tilly-Wal-Mart-Lichtensteinbook-rev-5.01.05.pdf
    • what matters about internationalization.pdf
    • 大型国际化零售企业经营绩效的影响因素分析.pdf
    • 大型零售企业的初始国际化决策研究_关于大型_省略_始国际化的时间及其市场和方式选.pdf
    • 大型零售企业的国际市场选择模式比较.pdf
    • 国际化程度与企业绩效关系市政研究总述.pdf
    • 国际零售业发展趋势及我国零售业发展的对策.pdf
    • 国外零售国际化理论研究进展_一个文献综述.pdf
    • 零售国际化失败_以沃尔玛在德国为例.pdf
    • 零售国际化失败的原因剖析_基于阿霍德海外市场撤退的透视.pdf
    • 零售企业国际化动因初探.pdf
    • 零售商业的国际化及其原因分析.pdf
    • 零售业国际化不同模式的比较研究.pdf
    • 零售业国际化的动因和战略选择.pdf
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    • 零售业国际化发展的趋势和我国企业的对策.pdf
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  • 2010-7-11
  • Henderson2005 __ New Economic Geography(1).rar

    • 8__Duranton and Puga2001 Nursery Cities Urban Diversity, Process Innovation, and the Life Cycle of Products.pdf
    • 9__Black and Henderson1999 A Theory of Urban Growth.pdf
    • 10__Fujita et1999 On the evolution of hierarchical urban systems.pdf
    • 11__Arthur1990 Silicon valley locational clusters when do increasing returns imply monopoly.pdf
    • 12__Gabaix1999 Zipf's Law for Cities An Explanation.pdf
    • 0__Introduction.pdf
    • 1__Krugman1991 Increasing Returns and Economic Geography.pdf
    • 2__Venables1996 Equilibrium Locations of Vertically Linked Industries.pdf
    • 3__Puga1999 The rise and fall of reginal inequalities.pdf
    • 4__Ottaviano et2002 Agglomeration and Trade Revisited.pdf
    • 5__Fujita and Thisse2003 Does Geographical Agglomeration Foster Economic Growth And Who Gains and Loses from It.pdf
    • 6__Helsley and Strange1990 Matching and agglomeration economies in a system of cities.pdf
    • 7__Henderson and Becker2000 Political Economy of City Sizes and Formation.pdf
  • 6.45 MB
  • 2010-2-16