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  • khbtcrhr.zip

    • CG_Director.xls
    • CG_Director1.xls
    • CG_Director1[DES][xls].txt
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    • CG_Director2[DES][xls].txt
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    • CG_Director3[DES][xls].txt
    • CG_Director4.xls
    • CG_Director4[DES][xls].txt
    • CG_Director[DES][xls].txt
    • 版权声明.pdf
  • 23.38 MB
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  • 1auciqix.zip

    • CG_Director.xls
    • CG_Director1.xls
    • CG_Director1[DES][xls].txt
    • CG_Director2.xls
    • CG_Director2[DES][xls].txt
    • CG_Director3.xls
    • CG_Director3[DES][xls].txt
    • CG_Director[DES][xls].txt
    • 版权声明.pdf
  • 17.57 MB
  • 2016-11-23
  • filters.zip

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    • INSPEC (OvidSP).enf
    • MEDLINE-In Process (OvidSP).enf
    • Womens Studies Intl (EBSCO).enf
    • RILM (CSA).enf
    • Intl Pharm Abs (EBSCO).enf
    • Personal Alert-long (TS).enf
    • PsycINFO (EBSCO).enf
    • App Sci Tech Abs (EBSCO).enf
    • Agricola (OvidSP).enf
    • Elsevier Geography (OvidSP).enf
    • BDENF (VHL).enf
    • CRN Proprietary (EBSCO).enf
    • Derwent Drug (OvidSP).enf
    • Mgt and Org Studies (CSA).enf
    • Wilson Soc Sci Abs (OvidSP).enf
    • UltraMED (KF).enf
    • America Hist Life (EBSCO).enf
    • Psyc Behavioral Sci Coll (EBSCO).enf
    • Faculty of 1000.enf
    • AARP Ageline (OvidSP).enf
    • Short Story Index (EBSCO).enf
    • Info Sci Tech Abs (EBSCO).enf
    • San Jose Mercury News (DL).enf
    • Global Health (EBSCO).enf
    • ScienceDirect.enf
    • Gale Group News (DL).enf
    • PsycCRITIQUES (CSA).enf
    • ASFA (CSA).enf
    • BIOSIS Previews (DS).enf
    • ADOLEC (VHL).enf
    • Biography Coll Comp (EBSCO).enf
    • MLA Bibliography (OCLC).enf
    • ProceedingsFirst (OCLC).enf
    • ReferBibIX.enf
    • Garden Lit Index (EBSCO).enf
    • MELVYL.enf
    • ENERGY (STN).enf
    • Bib civil medievale.enf
    • NCJRS Abs (EBSCO).enf
    • Current Abs (EBSCO).enf
    • INSPEC (EBSCO).enf
    • WasteInfo (DL).enf
    • Illustrata Nat Sci (CSA).enf
    • Lit Resources (Gale).enf
    • FSTA (OvidSP).enf
    • Philosophers Index (CSA).enf
    • In Principio.enf
    • Weldasearch (DL).enf
    • MasterFILE Prem (EBSCO).enf
    • RIPM (OCLC).enf
    • EIS (CSA).enf
    • Plant Science (CSA).enf
    • EconLit (PQ).enf
    • Southern Baptist Hist Lib.enf
    • CAB Abstracts (DL).enf
    • Chemical Abstracts (STN).enf
    • Global Reporter (DL).enf
    • RIMP (EBSCO).enf
    • Prem Bus Source (EBSCO).enf
    • Student Ed (Gale).enf
    • ATLAS (EBSCO).enf
    • Humanities Abs (EBSCO).enf
    • WPIX (STN).enf
    • Algology Abs (CSA).enf
    • French Bus Source (EBSCO).enf
    • Salud para Todos (EBSCO).enf
    • Pascal (DL).enf
    • Left Index (EBSCO).enf
    • TOXCENTER (STN).enf
    • Natl Review Arch (EBSCO).enf
    • World Textiles (DL).enf
    • AustLit.enf
    • Wilson Art Index (OvidSP).enf
    • Accounting and Tax (DL).enf
    • Social Care Online.enf
    • Catholic Per Lit Index (EBSCO).enf
    • Norart.enf
    • Acad Search Alumni Ed (EBSCO).enf
    • AeroBase (DL).enf
    • Scholars Portal (CSA).enf
    • BIR Entertainment (EBSCO).enf
    • ERIC (DL).enf
    • Derwent Innovation Index.enf
    • Arts Humanities (DL).enf
    • LOCATORplus (NLM).enf
    • ABC-CLIO.enf
    • Race Relations Abs (EBSCO).enf
    • Design ProFILES (CSA).enf
    • Bibliography History Art (OCLC).enf
    • Agricola (CSA).enf
    • GenSciAbs (OCLC).enf
    • Family Studies Abs (EBSCO).enf
    • TOC Alert (TS).enf
    • PsycINFO (CSA).enf
    • NTIS (OvidSP).enf
    • Biotech Bioeng Abs (CSA).enf
    • RefMan RIS.enf
    • Book Review Index (Gale).enf
    • WilsonWeb.enf
    • Bib of Native North Amer (EBSCO).enf
    • History Ref Ctr (EBSCO).enf
    • BAMP (DL).enf
    • RILM (OCLC).enf
    • Intl Pharm Abs (OvidSP).enf
    • ENVIROLINE (DL).enf
    • HealthInfo (OCLC).enf
    • GeoRef (OCLC).enf
    • OSH (CCOHS).enf
    • Agricola (OCLC).enf
    • IBSS (CSA).enf
    • AMED (OvidSP).enf
    • PSYNDEX (EBSCO).enf
    • ECO (OCLC).enf
    • PAIS International (CSA).enf
    • POPLINE.enf
    • JICST (STN).enf
    • U Edinburgh.enf
    • Economia y Negocios (EBSCO).enf
    • British Lib for Dev Studies.enf
    • ASTA (OCLC).enf
    • Gale Group PROMT (DL).enf
    • ISI-CE.enf
    • Acad Search Comp (EBSCO).enf
    • PsycARTICLES (CSA).enf
    • ANTE (CSA).enf
    • FRANCIS (CSA).enf
    • HAPI (OvidSP).enf
    • Ageline (CSA).enf
    • Hist Sci Tech Med (OCLC).enf
    • Consumer Health Comp (EBSCO).enf
    • Amer Bib Slavic Studies (EBSCO).enf
    • UnCover (INGENTA).enf
    • Regional Business News (EBSCO).enf
    • INSPEC Arch (EBSCO).enf
    • Intl Inv Musical Sources (EBSCO).enf
    • Pascal Scitech (INIST).enf
    • FOODLINE Science (OvidSP).enf
    • Acad Source Prem (EBSCO).enf
    • Google Books.enf
    • e-psyche (CSA).enf
    • Environmental Sci (CSA).enf
    • Zoological Record Plus (CSA).enf
    • World Surf Coat Abs (DL).enf
    • AMED (EBSCO).enf
    • FRANCIS (OCLC).enf
    • SPORTDiscus (EBSCO).enf
    • DataTimes (OCLC).enf
    • MAS Ultra (EBSCO).enf
    • Citation.enf
    • Web of Science (TS).enf
    • Human Res Abs (EBSCO).enf
    • GenBank (NCBI).enf
    • ARTstor.enf
    • World Political Sci Abs (CSA).enf
    • Peace Res Abs (EBSCO).enf
    • Allied and Comp Med (DL).enf
    • Index Printed Music (EBSCO).enf
    • Ei Compendex (DL).enf
    • Intl Pharm Abs (DS).enf
    • Heritage Printed Book (OCLC).enf
    • EMBASE (DL).enf
    • Public Admin Abs (EBSCO).enf
    • Library of Congress.enf
    • CAMIO (OCLC).enf
    • Agricola (EBSCO).enf
    • Index Foreign Legal Per (OvidSP).enf
    • AGRIS (DL).enf
    • Military Govt Coll (EBSCO).enf
    • App Sci Tech Source (EBSCO).enf
    • Agricola (NAL).enf
    • Gen Sci Coll (EBSCO).enf
    • IPSA (OvidSP).enf
    • Electronics Abs (CSA).enf
    • MLA Directory Per (CSA).enf
    • RIS-filter.enf
    • Vetus Latina.enf
    • CAB Abstracts (EDINA).enf
    • HISA (VHL).enf
    • Corp ResourceNet (EBSCO).enf
    • U Calif-Berkeley.enf
    • Technical Reports (DTIC).enf
    • CISTI Source.enf
    • REPIDISCA (VHL).enf
    • Comm Sci Disorders (EBSCO).enf
    • Biography Index Retro (EBSCO).enf
    • Mgt Contents (DL).enf
    • BBO (VHL).enf
    • Humanities Intl Index (EBSCO).enf
    • Life Sciences (STN).enf
    • Pre-CINAHL (EBSCO).enf
    • DWPI (DL).enf
    • INSPEC (INIST).enf
    • IDIS (OvidSP).enf
    • Amazon.enf
    • Catalog of US Govt Pubs (GPO).enf
    • Health Source Nurs Ed (EBSCO).enf
    • EnvironmentS (OCLC).enf
    • Intl Bib Theater Dance (EBSCO).enf
    • PsycARTICLES (OCLC).enf
    • BibTex.enf
    • African Amer Hist Ser Coll (EBSCO).enf
    • MEDLINE (EBSCO).enf
    • Forest Science (OvidSP).enf
    • OAIster (UM).enf
    • Water Resources Abs (CSA).enf
    • Educ Res Abs (INGENTA).enf
    • Corning Museum of Glass.enf
    • CANCERLIT (DL).enf
    • SCIPIO (OCLC).enf
    • TULSA (STN).enf
    • Current Contents (OvidSP).enf
    • AP NewsMonitor Coll (EBSCO).enf
    • Zotero RIS.enf
    • Bus Source Elite (EBSCO).enf
    • Fonte Academica (EBSCO).enf
    • Book Review Digest (EBSCO).enf
    • AHFS Cons Med Info (EBSCO).enf
    • Superconductivity Papers.enf
    • NRC Research Press.enf
    • EMBASE (STN).enf
    • EMBASE.com.enf
    • IPSA (EBSCO).enf
    • Wilson Select (OCLC).enf
    • Alt Press Index (EBSCO).enf
    • Biography Index Past Pres (EBSCO).enf
    • GeoRef (CSA).enf
    • JDreamII.enf
    • New Testament Abs (EBSCO).enf
    • Petroleum Abs TULSA (EBSCO).enf
    • eBooks (EBSCO).enf
    • Eng Mats Abs (CSA).enf
    • Environment Comp (EBSCO).enf
    • Natl Research Register.enf
    • PQSCITECH (STN).enf
    • Biological and Agri Index (EBSCO).enf
    • Intl Pharm Abs (CSA).enf
    • Education Res Comp (EBSCO).enf
    • Agricola (DL).enf
    • Comm Abs (CSA).enf
    • Database Abs Revs Effect (EBSCO).enf
    • Kings Fund (DS).enf
    • KoreaMed.enf
    • FS INFO (USDA).enf
    • Urban Studies Abs (EBSCO).enf
    • PsycCRITIQUES (OCLC).enf
    • ProQuest.enf
    • Comp Database (DS).enf
    • GalleryWatch CRS Reps (EBSCO).enf
    • MEDLINE (STN).enf
    • Polymer Library (EBSCO).enf
    • Petroleum Abs (OvidSP).enf
    • MLA Intl Bib (Gale).enf
    • Criminology (CSA).enf
    • Conf Papers Index (CSA).enf
    • PsycFIRST (OCLC).enf
    • Scopus Natural Sciences (CSA).enf
    • GenderWatch (OCLC).enf
    • New Republic Arch (EBSCO).enf
    • Environment Index (EBSCO).enf
    • Bus Source Alumni (EBSCO).enf
    • NCJRS.enf
    • SONIC (LC).enf
    • BIOSIS Previews (DL).enf
    • Textile Tech Index (EBSCO).enf
    • UK Data Archive.enf
    • Polymer Library (CSA).enf
    • AMA Arch (EBSCO).enf
    • Food Sci Tech Abs (EBSCO).enf
    • LISA (CSA).enf
    • Web of Science Core Collection (TR).enf
    • SourceOECD.enf
    • Book Coll Non-Fic (EBSCO).enf
    • BIAB.enf
    • Rev hist ecclesiastique.enf
    • Intl Index TV Per (OvidSP).enf
    • ABI-Inform (DL).enf
    • AGRIS (OvidSP).enf
    • EBM Revs-HTA (OvidSP).enf
    • Index Legal Per Books (EBSCO).enf
    • Sociological Coll (EBSCO).enf
    • BioMed Central.enf
    • ERIC (OvidSP).enf
    • Art Arch Index (EBSCO).enf
    • RefWorks Import.enf
    • Witchita St U-SOAR.enf
    • Biological Sciences (CSA).enf
    • BiblioLine (NISC).enf
    • Shock Vibration Digest (EBSCO).enf
    • ABI-Inform (DS).enf
    • Aerospace High Tech (CSA).enf
    • Analytical Abs (DS).enf
    • Design App Arts Index (CSA).enf
    • Natl Library of Israel.enf
    • Biology Digest (CSA).enf
    • PsycTESTS (OvidSP).enf
    • Wilson Library Lit (OvidSP).enf
    • Philosophers Index (EBSCO).enf
    • Amer Humanities Index (EBSCO).enf
    • LGBT Life (EBSCO).enf
    • PASCAL (OvidSP).enf
    • OldMEDLINE (OvidSP).enf
    • ProCite RIS.enf
    • PubMed (NLM).enf
    • ToxFile (DL).enf
    • Wilson Human Abs (OvidSP).enf
    • CApreviews (STN).enf
    • Index New Zealand.enf
    • ATLA Religion (EBSCO).enf
    • Middle Eastern Studies (EBSCO).enf
    • Harvard Business Rev (DL).enf
    • EconLit (DL).enf
    • Physical Ed Index (CSA).enf
    • Clase y Periodica (OCLC).enf
    • Prof Dev Coll (EBSCO).enf
    • PapersInvited (CSA).enf
    • Mental Measurements (OvidSP).enf
    • RILM (EBSCO).enf
    • Disaster (VHL).enf
    • TOPICsearch (EBSCO).enf
    • FOODLINE Market (OvidSP).enf
    • EndNote Import.enf
    • COS Funding Opp (CSA).enf
    • Education Abs (EBSCO).enf
    • Wildlife Ecology Studies (EBSCO).enf
    • Books (OvidSP).enf
    • Education (CSA).enf
    • Max Planck DB.enf
    • Arab e-Marefa (EBSCO).enf
    • BNI (OvidSP).enf
    • PEDro.enf
    • World Almanac (OCLC).enf
    • Analytical Abs (DL).enf
    • EconLit (OCLC).enf
    • CABDirect (CABI).enf
    • CAB Abstracts (OvidSP).enf
    • IBSS (EBSCO).enf
    • Arte Publico Hisp Hist Coll (EBSCO).enf
    • METADEX (CSA).enf
    • Royal Geographic Society.enf
    • Ethnic NewsWatch (EBSCO).enf
    • FOODLINE (DL).enf
    • EMBASE.enf
    • MEDLINE (DS).enf
    • Meteo and Geoastro Abs (CSA).enf
    • LISTA (EBSCO).enf
    • TOXNET (NLM).enf
    • Fuente Academica (EBSCO).enf
    • EBM Revs-CDSR (OvidSP).enf
    • Patent Lens.enf
    • Criminal Justice Abs (CSA).enf
    • ATLA Religion (OCLC).enf
    • Design Abs Retro (CSA).enf
    • IMID (CSA).enf
    • MEDCARIB (VHL).enf
    • EMBASE Psychiatry (OvidSP).enf
    • SciFinder (CAS).enf
    • Comm Mass Media (EBSCO).enf
    • MEDLINE (CSA).enf
    • Abs Soc Gerontology (EBSCO).enf
    • AgeLine (EBSCO).enf
    • INSPEC (DL).enf
    • EconLit (CSA).enf
    • Digibib (HBZ).enf
    • Scopus Bus Econ (CSA).enf
    • EMBASE (DS).enf
    • Union Lists (OCLC).enf
    • HealthSTAR (OvidSP).enf
    • COMPENDEX (STN).enf
    • HAPI (EBSCO).enf
    • ABI-Inform (PQ).enf
    • Wanfang Data.enf
    • HCAplus (STN).enf
    • Salud en Espanol (EBSCO).enf
    • PsycBOOKS (CSA).enf
    • HMIC (OvidSP).enf
    • Acct Finance Learning Ctr (EBSCO).enf
    • ASSIA (CSA).enf
    • Toxline (NLM).enf
    • Bus and Industry (DL).enf
    • Bib Hist Art (CSA).enf
    • Food Sci Tech Abs (DL).enf
    • Art Index (EBSCO).enf
    • Scirus.enf
    • MEDLINE (KF).enf
    • PERIND.enf
    • IndexCat (NLM).enf
    • Primary Search (EBSCO).enf
    • Technology Res (CSA).enf
    • Natural Alt Treatments (EBSCO).enf
    • NTIS (CSA).enf
    • Current Contents (INIST).enf
    • Ovid Nursing Database (OvidSP).enf
    • SocINDEX (EBSCO).enf
    • WorldCat Diss (OCLC).enf
    • CAB Abstracts (EBSCO).enf
    • Opposing Viewpoints (Gale).enf
    • Bus ARTS (DL).enf
    • Ecology Abs (CSA).enf
    • Nota Bene Ibid.enf
    • GeoRef (EBSCO).enf
    • Assoc Prog Coll (EBSCO).enf
    • MLA Intl Bib (EBSCO).enf
    • Ebooks (OCLC).enf
    • Alt HealthWatch (EBSCO).enf
    • BIOSIS (STN).enf
    • Chem Eng Bio Abs (DL).enf
    • PsycARTICLES (EBSCO).enf
    • Global Health (DS).enf
    • Pharm News (DL).enf
    • MEDLINE (VHL).enf
    • Humanities Intl Comp (EBSCO).enf
    • INSPEC (DS).enf
    • Aerospace Database (CSA).enf
    • Student Res Ctr (Gale).enf
    • BIBSYS.enf
    • Natl Crim Just Ref Serv Abs (CSA).enf
    • DH-DATA (DS).enf
    • English Short Title Catalogue.enf
    • Health (NLM).enf
    • zetoc (MIMAS).enf
    • Religion Phil Coll (EBSCO).enf
    • Australia NZ POV (EBSCO).enf
    • Homeopathy (VHL).enf
    • Mech Eng Abs (CSA).enf
    • Toxline (CSA).enf
    • Joanna Briggs Inst EBP (OvidSP).enf
    • GeoRef (STN).enf
    • PSYNDEXplus Tests (OvidSP).enf
    • Tufts U.enf
    • MEDLINE (OCLC).enf
    • Water Resources (EBSCO).enf
    • ATLAS (OCLC).enf
    • INNOPAC.enf
    • Ethnic NewsWatch (OCLC).enf
    • ComDisDome (CSA).enf
    • Literature Online.enf
    • SACat (Sabinet).enf
    • Social SciSearch (DL).enf
    • British Nursing Index (EBSCO).enf
    • Old Testament Abs (EBSCO).enf
    • Citation Indexes (TS).enf
    • British Educ Index (DL).enf
    • Legacy Tobacco Docs.enf
    • LILACS (VHL).enf
    • Historical Abs (EBSCO).enf
    • Assoc Prog Source (EBSCO).enf
    • Maternity Infant Care (OvidSP).enf
    • WorldCat (OCLC).enf
    • EBM Revs-DARE (OvidSP).enf
    • Yale U.enf
    • Intl Medieval Bib.enf
    • Nation Arch (EBSCO).enf
    • Spanish Health (EBSCO).enf
    • Tab-delimited.enf
    • World Shakespeare Bib.enf
    • DRUGU (STN).enf
    • SPORTDiscus (DS).enf
    • Paperbase (CSA).enf
    • Australia NZ Ref Centre (EBSCO).enf
    • PILOTS (CSA).enf
    • Social Work Abs (OvidSP).enf
    • Avery Index (EBSCO).enf
    • CAB Abstracts (DS).enf
    • Computer App Sci Comp (EBSCO).enf
    • Zetoc (MIMAS).enf
    • GeoRef (DL).enf
    • Amer Diabetes Assn Coll (EBSCO).enf
    • PapersFirst (OCLC).enf
    • Books in Print (Bowker).enf
    • PsycINFO (APA).enf
    • Current Contents (DL).enf
    • GPO (OCLC).enf
    • Anthropological Lit (EBSCO).enf
    • Index Islamicus (EBSCO).enf
    • Research Starters - Bus (EBSCO).enf
    • Avery Index (CSA).enf
    • J Physique Archives.enf
    • PsycEXTRA (EBSCO).enf
    • MEDLINE (PC).enf
    • Gateway (NLM).enf
    • Library Lit Info Sci (EBSCO).enf
    • Index Jewish Per (EBSCO).enf
    • ACM Digital Library.enf
    • AIDS CancerS (OCLC).enf
    • Index Islamicus (CSA).enf
    • Social Sciences (CSA).enf
    • MWIC (OvidSP).enf
    • Assoc Prog Source Plus (EBSCO).enf
    • Biography Coll (EBSCO).enf
    • ERIC (OCLC).enf
    • Joint WorldBank.enf
    • Global Health (OvidSP).enf
    • Oceanic Abs (CSA).enf
    • Polymer Library (SR).enf
    • Mantis (OvidSP).enf
    • EconLit (OvidSP).enf
    • ICONDA (OvidSP).enf
    • FIZ Technik.enf
    • NTIS (DS).enf
    • QPAT.enf
    • SpringerLink.enf
    • Recent Refs Technology (CSA).enf
    • Family Soc Studies (EBSCO).enf
    • Acad Search Res Dev (EBSCO).enf
    • NIOSHTIC-2 (NIOSH).enf
    • Books in Print (EBSCO).enf
    • Dissertation Abs (OvidSP).enf
    • RISM Series A (EBSCO).enf
    • Natl Agricultural Library.enf
    • Amer Heritage Child Dict (EBSCO).enf
    • AIDS Cancer Res Abs (CSA).enf
    • New Scientist Arch (EBSCO).enf
    • OAIster (OCLC).enf
    • PsycINFO (DL).enf
    • WoK Alert (TS).enf
    • EBM Revs-CCTR (OvidSP).enf
    • Biological Abs Arch (EBSCO).enf
    • EconLit (AEA).enf
    • Nation Arch Prem Ed (EBSCO).enf
    • Intl Pharm Abs (DL).enf
    • Acad Search Main (EBSCO).enf
    • Internet Pers Comp Abs (EBSCO).enf
    • Russian Acad Sci Bib (OCLC).enf
    • Computer Abs (CSA).enf
    • Current Conts Connect (TS).enf
    • PsycBOOKS (EBSCO).enf
    • Comm Studies (CSA).enf
    • App Sci Tech Index Retro (EBSCO).enf
    • GeoRef (PQ).enf
    • Info Tech Case Studies (CSA).enf
    • Cochrane Library (Wiley).enf
    • Avery Index (OCLC).enf
    • Chem Abs Student (OCLC).enf
    • Philosophers Index (OvidSP).enf
    • Bus Source Corp (EBSCO).enf
    • WizFolio.enf
    • Bib of Asian Studies.enf
    • Index 19th-C Art Per (OCLC).enf
    • MEDLINE (INIST).enf
    • Bus Source Prem (EBSCO).enf
    • COS Scholar Universe (CSA).enf
    • GeoArchive (DL).enf
    • AP Source (EBSCO).enf
    • Clinical Ref Sys (EBSCO).enf
    • MEDLINE (ICHU).enf
    • ERIC (PQ).enf
    • Zentralblatt MATH.enf
    • ArticleFirst (OCLC).enf
    • Web Res Technology (CSA).enf
    • McClatchy-Tribune Coll (EBSCO).enf
    • CLAIMS (DL).enf
    • PAIS (DL).enf
    • ERIC (DS).enf
    • Personal Alert-short (TS).enf
    • Informit.enf
    • Readers Guide Abs (EBSCO).enf
    • MagillOnLit (EBSCO).enf
    • Materials Research DB (CSA).enf
    • AbeBooks.enf
    • Art Source (EBSCO).enf
    • ERIC (CSA).enf
    • Solid State Abs (CSA).enf
    • J Amer Med Assoc.enf
    • Naval Postgraduate School.enf
    • BNI (DS).enf
    • JSTOR.enf
    • Acad Search Prem (EBSCO).enf
    • Drug Info (OvidSP).enf
    • ERIC (EBSCO).enf
    • MDXHealth (OCLC).enf
    • Art Index Retro (EBSCO).enf
    • BasicBIOSIS (EBSCO).enf
  • 1.24 MB
  • 2016-7-15
  • 33-7-8.zip

    • RETRACTED-Can-directors-self-interests-influence-accounting-choices-_2008_Accounting-Organizations-and-Society.pdf
    • Accounting-hybrids-and-the-management-of-risk_2008_Accounting-Organizations-and-Society.pdf
    • Call-for-papers_2008_Accounting-Organizations-and-Society.pdf
    • A-review-and-discussion-of-management-control-in-inter-firm-relationships-Achievements-and-future-directions_2008_Accounting-Organizations-and-Society.pdf
    • Towards-an-understanding-of-the-phases-of-goodwill-accounting-in-four-Western-capitalist-countries-From-stakeholder-model-to-shareholder-model_2008_Ac.pdf
    • The-effect-of-framing-and-negotiation-partner-s-objective-on-judgments-about-negotiated-transfer-prices_2008_Accounting-Organizations-and-Society.pdf
    • The-paradox-of-greater-NGO-accountability-A-case-study-of-Amnesty-Ireland_2008_Accounting-Organizations-and-Society.pdf
    • An-exploratory-investigation-of-an-integrated-contingency-model-of-strategic-management-accounting_2008_Accounting-Organizations-and-Society.pdf
    • Management-control-systems-as-inter-organizational-trust-builders-in-evolving-relationships-Evidence-from-a-longitudinal-case-study_2008_Accounting-Or.pdf
    • Editorial-board-and-publication-information_2008_Accounting-Organizations-and-Society.pdf
    • Partner-selection-and-governance-design-in-interfirm-relationships_2008_Accounting-Organizations-and-Society.pdf
    • Ethical-climate-in-Chinese-CPA-firms_2008_Accounting-Organizations-and-Society.pdf
    • An-egocentric-model-of-the-relations-among-the-opportunity-to-underreport-social-norms-ethical-beliefs-and-underreporting-behavior_2008_Accounting-Org.pdf
    • Fearful-asymmetry-The-consumption-of-accounting-signs-in-the-Algoma-Steel-pension-bailout_2008_Accounting-Organizations-and-Society.pdf
    • The-appropriateness-of-statistical-methods-for-testing-contingency-hypotheses-in-management-accounting-research_2008_Accounting-Organizations-and-Soci.pdf
    • Editorial_2008_Accounting-Organizations-and-Society.pdf
    • Designing-management-control-in-hybrid-organizations-The-role-of-path-creation-and-morphogenesis_2008_Accounting-Organizations-and-Society.pdf
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    • CG_Director.xls
    • CG_Director[DES][xls].txt
    • 版权声明.pdf
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  • 2015-1-8
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  • JFE第九期.zip

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  • 2013-4-21
  • 2009年-2011年上市企业高管结构信息.zip
       高管治理结构信息 CSMAR

    • CG_Director.xls
    • CG_Director1.xls
    • CG_Director1[DES][xls].txt
    • CG_Director[DES][xls].txt
  • 9.85 MB
  • 2013-1-25
  • rmdirectors.rar
       RiskMetric 董事会资料

    • rmdirectors.sas7bdat
  • 1.96 MB
  • 2012-11-28
  • 利率市场化_英文论文.zip

    • 利率市场化_英文论文\A New Keynesian model for analysing monetary policy in.pdf
    • 利率市场化_英文论文\Assessing Monetary Policy and deposit dereg.pdf
    • 利率市场化_英文论文\Banks' Responses to Deregulation Profits, Technology, and Efficiency.pdf
    • 利率市场化_英文论文\China’s official rates and bond yields.pdf
    • 利率市场化_英文论文\Competition and Interest Rate Ceilings in Commercial Banking.pdf
    • 利率市场化_英文论文\Competitive Dynamics of Deregulation Evidence from U.S. Banking.pdf
    • 利率市场化_英文论文\Consequences of Deregulation for Commercial Banking.pdf
    • 利率市场化_英文论文\Deposit Rate Deregulation and Demand.pdf
    • 利率市场化_英文论文\DPS270411F.pdf
    • 利率市场化_英文论文\Dual-track interest rates and the conduct of monetary policy in China.pdf
    • 利率市场化_英文论文\Getting Along Without Regulation Q Testing the Standard View of Deposit- Rate Competition During the Wild-Card Experience.pdf
    • 利率市场化_英文论文\Honohan, Patrick, How Interest Rates Changed under Financial Liberalization_A Cross-Country Review.pdf
    • 利率市场化_英文论文\Impact of deposit rate deregulation.pdf
    • 利率市场化_英文论文\Incentive Compensation for Bank Directors The Impact of Deregulation.pdf
    • 利率市场化_英文论文\Interest rate deregulation Monetary policy efficacy and rate rigidity.pdf
    • 利率市场化_英文论文\Joint Effects of Interest Rate Deregulation and Capital Requirements on Optimal Bank Portfolio Adjustments.pdf
    • 利率市场化_英文论文\Market volatility and retail interest rate pass-through.pdf
    • 利率市场化_英文论文\Money demand in China and time-varying cointegration.pdf
    • 利率市场化_英文论文\On Deposit Interest Rate Regulation and Deregulation.pdf
    • 利率市场化_英文论文\Post-Deregulation Bank-Deposit-Rate Pricing The Multivariate Dynamics.pdf
    • 利率市场化_英文论文\
  • 12.06 MB
  • 2012-11-27
  • 0nmswql4.zip

    • CG_Director.xls
    • CG_Director1.xls
    • CG_Director1[DES][xls].txt
    • CG_Director2.xls
    • CG_Director2[DES][xls].txt
    • CG_Director[DES][xls].txt
  • 12.89 MB
  • 2012-8-3
  • IRRC DIRECTOR DATABASE 1999-2002.rar

    • IRRC DIRECTOR DATABASE 1999-2002.xls
  • 3.56 MB
  • 2012-5-17
  • IRRC DIRECTOR DATABASE 1996-1998.rar

    • IRRC DIRECTOR DATABASE 1996-1998.xls
  • 2.29 MB
  • 2012-5-17
  • IRRC DIRECTOR DATABASE 2003-2006.rar

    • IRRC DIRECTOR DATABASE 2003-2006.xls
  • 2.79 MB
  • 2012-5-17
  • IRRC DIRECTOR DATABASE 2007-2010.rar

    • IRRC DIRECTOR DATABASE 2007-2010.xls
  • 2.48 MB
  • 2012-5-17
  • The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics D.rar

    • dummy variables The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Dunlop, John Thomas (1914–2003) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Dupuit, Arsene-Jules-Emile Juvenal (1804–1866) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • durable goods markets and aftermarkets The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Durbin-Watson statistic The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Dutch disease The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • dynamic models with non-clearing markets The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • dynamic programming The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Dalton, Edward Hugh John Neale (1887–1962) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Dantzig, George B_ (1914–2005) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • data filters The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • data mining The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Davanzati, Bernardo (1529–1606) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Davenant, Charles (1656–1714) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Davenport, Herbert Joseph (1861–1931) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Davidson, David (1854–1942) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • de Finetti, Bruno (1906–1985) de Finetti, Bruno (1906–1985)The New Palgrave Dictionary of EconomicsThe New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics Online.mht
    • de Finetti, Bruno (1906–1985) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Debreu, Gerard (1921–2004) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • decentralization The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • decision theory in econometrics The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • default and enforcement constraints The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • defence economics The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • de-industrialization, ‘premature’ de-industrialization and the Dutch Disease The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • demand price The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • demand theory The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • demand-pull inflation The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
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    • dependency The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
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    • Díaz-Alejandro, Carlos (1937–1985) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Dickinson, Henry Douglas (1899–1969) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Dietzel, Heinrich (1857–1935) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • difference-in-difference estimators The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • diffusion of agricultural technology The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • diffusion of technology The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • directly unproductive profit-seeking (DUP) activities The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Director, Aaron (1901–2004) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • dispute resolution The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • distributed lags The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • distributive politics and targeted public spending The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • dividend policy The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Divisia index The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Divisia, Francois Jean Marie (1889–1964) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • division of labour The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Dobb, Maurice Herbert (1900–1976) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • dollarization The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Domar, Evsey David (1914–1997) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Dorfman, Joseph (1904–1991) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Dornbusch, Rudiger (1942–2002) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • double-entry bookkeeping The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Douglas, Paul Howard (1892–1976) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Du Pont de Nemours, Pierre Samuel (1739–1817) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • dual economies The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • dual track liberalization The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • duality The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Dühring, Eugen Karl (1833–1921) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
  • 7.03 MB
  • 2012-5-13
  • FRM-Reading-Part 2.zip

    • 30 RM&M-Fixed Income Securities, Tuckman-CH 6,7,9.pdf
    • 33 RM&M-Measuring Market Risk, 2ed-CH3-5,7.pdf
    • 34 RM&M-Mortgage-Backed Securities Products, Structuring, and Analytical Techniques-CH1,2,10.pdf
    • 35 CRM&M-Understanding the Securitization of Subprime Mortgage Credit.pdf
    • 36 CRM&M-Measuring and Marking Counterparty Risk.pdf
    • 40 CRM&M-Options Futures and Other Derivatives 8ed-CH23,24.pdf
    • 41 CRM&M-Understanding Market, Credit and Operational Risk-CH4.pdf
    • 42 CRM&M-Risk Management & Derivatives-CH18.pdf
    • 43 CRM&M-Internal Credit Risk Models-CH6.pdf
    • 44 O&IRM-Risk Management-CH14.pdf
    • 45 O&IRM-Range of Practices and Issues in Economic Capital Modeling.pdf
    • 46 O&IRM-Measuring Market Risk, 2ed-CH14,16.pdf
    • 48 O&IRM-Enterprise Risk Management-Theory and Practice.pdf
    • 49 O&IRM-A review of the key issues in operational risk capital modeling.pdf
    • 51 O&IRM-Implications of Alternative Operational Risk Modeling Techniques.pdf
    • 52 O&IRM-Failure Mechanics of Dealer Banks.pdf
    • 53 O&IRM-Basel II International Convergence of Capital Measurement and Capital Standards A Revised Framework - Comprehensive Version.pdf
    • 54 O&IRM-Basel III-A global regulatory framework for more resilient banks and banking systems.pdf
    • 55 O&IRM-Basel III International Framework for Liquidity Risk Measurement, Standards and Monitoring.pdf
    • 56 O&IRM-Revisions to the Basel II Market Risk Framework—Final Version.pdf
    • 57 O&IRM-Developments in Modelling Risk Aggregation.pdf
    • 58 RM&IM-Active Portfolio Management(2ed.Grinold,Kahn)-CH14.pdf
    • 59 RM&IM-The Capital Asset Pricing Model Theory and Evidence.pdf
    • 60 RM&IM-Value at Risk, 3rd Ed. The New Benchmark for Managing Financial Risk-CH7,17.pdf
    • 61 RM&IM-Modern Investment Management-An Equilibrium Approach.pdf
    • 62 RM&IM-Investments 8th,Bodie-CH24.pdf
    • 64 RM&IM-Trust and Delegation.pdf
    • 65 RM&IM-Madoff A Riot of Red Flags.pdf
    • 66 RM&IM-An Empirical Analysis of Hedge Funds, Mutual Funds, and U.S. Equity.pdf
    • 67 RM&IM-Risk Management for Hedge FundsIntroduction and Overview.pdf
    • 69 CI in FM-The U.S. and Irish Credit Crises Their Distinctive Differences.pdf
    • 70 CI in FM-Report to the Boards of Directors.pdf
    • 71 CI in FM-Slapped in the Face by the Invisible Hand Banking and the Panic of 2007+.pdf
    • 72 CI in FM-Global Financial Stability Report (Summary Version)-CH3.pdf
  • 16 MB
  • 2012-4-24
  • How to Launch a Hedge Fund.zip

    • CCM - Directory of Service Providers - 11-2011.pdf
    • CCM - HFM Week - How to Launch a US Hedge Fund 3-2012.pdf
    • CCM - Prelaunch Guidelines - 11-2011.pdf
    • CCM - Prime Services Tear Sheet - 11-2011.pdf
    • Frank L Napolitani.vcf
    • image001.jpg
  • 4.72 MB
  • 2012-4-21
  • CG_Executives.zip

    • CG_Ceo.txt
    • CG_Ceo_fldinfo.txt
    • CG_Commit.txt
    • CG_Commit_fldinfo.txt
    • CG_Cxhy.txt
    • CG_Cxhy_fldinfo.txt
    • CG_Director.txt
    • CG_Director_fldinfo.txt
    • CG_Idirop.txt
    • CG_Idirop_fldinfo.txt
    • CG_Incperson.txt
    • CG_Incperson_fldinfo.txt
  • 3.54 MB
  • 2011-2-24
  • Meta Ex.rar

    • Ex:2005, JOM,The Impact of Board Composition on Firms's Critical Decisions:A Meta-Analytic Review.pdf
    • Ex:2006, JOM,A Meta-Analytic Review of Relationships Between Team Design Features and Team Performance.pdf
    • Ex:2010, JOM, A Meta-Analytic Investigation of Gender Differences in Mentoring.pdf
    • Ex:2010, JOM, Divestiture and Firm Performance:A Meta-Analysis.pdf
    • Ex:2010, JOM, The Relationship of Personality to Entrepreneurial Intentions and Performance:A Meta-Analytic Review.pdf
    • Ex:2010, JOM, Transfer of Training A Meta-Analytic Review.pdf
    • Ex:2011, JOM, A Multilevel Examination of the Drivers of Firm Multinationality:A Meta-Analysis.pdf
    • Ex:2011, JOM, Mixing Business With Politics A Meta-Analysis of the Antecedents and Outcomes of Corporate Political Activity.pdf
    • Ex:1999, AMJ, Number of Directors and Financial Performance:A Meta-Analysis.pdf
    • Ex:2000, JOM,How Much Does Performance Matter?A Meta-Analysis of CEO Pay Studies.pdf
  • 1.98 MB
  • 2011-2-16
  • HBR- Information Technology.rar
       HBR- Information Technology

    • HBR199807-08 - Putting the Enterprise into the Enterprise System.pdf
    • HBR200210 - Six IT Decisions Your IT People Shouldn't Make.pdf
    • HBR200303 - IT Doesn't Matter.pdf
    • HBR200402 - Getting IT Right.pdf
    • HBR200510 - Information Technology and the Board of Directors.pdf
    • HBR200604 - The Unexpected Benefits of Sarbanes-Oxley.pdf
    • HBR200611 - Mastering the Three Worlds of Information Technology.pdf
    • HBR200707-08 - Too Far Ahead of the IT Curve.pdf
    • HBR200803 - Radically Simple IT.pdf
    • HBR200806 - Using Enterprise Systems to Create Distinctive Capabilities.pdf
    • HBR200807-08 - Investing in the IT that makes competitive difference.pdf
    • HBR198507-08 - How Information Gives You Competitve Advantage.pdf
  • 12.69 MB
  • 2010-12-23
  • HBR.BA1972.rar

    • HBR.BA1972-Production-Line Approach to Service.pdf
    • HBR.BA1972-The President and the Board of Directors.pdf
  • 8.06 MB
  • 2010-12-22
  • 萨尔瓦多salvatore《国际经济学》第八版习题答案.rar

  • 3.44 MB
  • 2010-9-28
  • f201091911821697.zip

    • CG_Ceo.xls
    • CG_Ceo_fldinfo.txt
    • CG_Commit.xls
    • CG_Commit_fldinfo.txt
    • CG_Cxhy.xls
    • CG_Cxhy_fldinfo.txt
    • CG_Director.xls
    • CG_Director_fldinfo.txt
    • CG_Idirop.xls
    • CG_Idirop_fldinfo.txt
    • CG_Incperson.xls
    • CG_Incperson_fldinfo.txt
    • CG_Rzgddw.xls
    • CG_Rzgddw_fldinfo.txt
  • 2.24 MB
  • 2010-9-28
  • 英文求职信12篇.rar

    • sample_executive_director_cover_letter.pdf
    • sample_HR_cover_letter.pdf
    • sample_marketing_cover_letter.pdf
    • sample_operations_executive_cover_letter.pdf
    • sample_R&D_executive_cover_letter.pdf
    • sample_sales_management_cover_letter.pdf
    • sample_training_executive_cover_letter.pdf
    • sample_training_manager_cover_letter.pdf
    • sample_general_management_cover_letter.pdf
    • new-grad_customer-service_cover_letter.pdf
    • new-grad_public_relations_cover_letter.pdf
    • new-grad_travel_consultant_cover_letter.pdf
  • 630.31 KB
  • 2010-8-24
  • finance.rar

    • Two essays on corporate finance_the impact of independent non-executive directors and the longevity of family control.pdf
    • Two essays on corporate finance.pdf
    • Two essays on empirical asset pricing_ 1. Forecasted earnings per share and the cross section of expected returns and 2. The limits to arbitrage and the fundamental value-to-price trading strategies.pdf
    • Liquidity risk and volatility around the world.pdf
    • Testing interest rate models for China's repo market.pdf
    • Two essays on the informativeness of stock prices_perspectives from M&A and the cross-listing of American depository receipts.pdf
    • Buyer-supplier relationships and financial structure.pdf
    • Cross sectional and time series analysis of individual stock volatility_an international study.pdf
    • Estimation risk, information asymmetry and information production in public equity offerings.pdf
    • Operating performance following mergers and acquisitions.pdf
    • Two essays on stock market anomalies.pdf
    • Examine the debt equity choice with nested logit.pdf
    • Information, market sentiment and corporate finance_the role of investors' attention.pdf
    • The value of political connections_evidence from China's anti_corruption campaign.pdf
    • Two essays on empirical options studies.pdf
    • Two essays on empirical asset pricing.pdf
  • 31.4 MB
  • 2010-7-17
  • 悉尼大学国际市场营销课件.rar

    • Clute JBER Hotmoney.doc
    • Culture.ppt
    • Global Pricing Strategies.ppt
    • Global Products&Branding (short) 2009.ppt
    • Globalization.ppt
    • Int'l & Global Pricing _Export Pricing.ppt
    • Int'l Services Mktg.ppt
    • Modes of Foreign Market Entry.ppt
    • Readings.doc
    • Significance of Int'l Mktg Director.ppt
    • The Incoterms.doc
    • 7) Foreign Market Entry Mode.ppt
    • 9) Global IMC 2009 SHORT.ppt
    • 9a) Global IMC - Ads .ppt
    • Business Customs.ppt
    • Case Studies CIC Secure 3.ppt
    • Case Studies Femme Fatal 2.ppt
    • Case Studies Slim Secrets 3.ppt
    • Case Studies_Students.ppt
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  • 2010-6-25
  • Vault.rar

    • VaultAsiaConsulting-Directory.pdf
    • VaultIBankingAsiaPacific.pdf
    • VaultAsiaBanking-Directory.pdf
  • 20.04 MB
  • 2010-6-12
  • R. H. Coase21-40.rar

    • Monopoly and Competition in the English Coal Trade.pdf
    • Monopoly Pricing with Interrelated Costs and Demands.pdf
    • Payola in Radio and Television Broadcasting.pdf
    • Price and Output Policy of State Enterprise A Comment.pdf
    • Report of the Committee on Prices in the Bituminous Coal Industry.pdf
    • Rowland Hill and the Penny Post.pdf
    • Some Notes on Monopoly Price.pdf
    • The Acquisition of Fisher Body by General Motors.pdf
    • The Analysis of Producers' Expectations.pdf
    • The Appointment of Pigou as Marshall's Successor.pdf
    • The Auction System and North Sea Gas A Comment.pdf
    • The British Gas Industry An Economic Study..pdf
    • The British Post Office and the Messenger Companies.pdf
    • The Choice of the Institutional Framework A Comment.pdf
    • The Coase Theorem and the Empty Core A Comment.pdf
    • The Economics of Broadcasting and Government Policy.pdf
    • In Honor of Aaron Director.pdf
    • Law and Economics and A. W. Brian Simpson.pdf
    • Law and Economics at Chicago.pdf
    • Marshall on Method.pdf
  • 5.97 MB
  • 2010-5-18
  • The Finance Directors Handbook.rar

    • The Finance Directors Handbook.pdf
  • 5.11 MB
  • 2010-5-9
  • s Perspective.pdf
       Hermalin, B., and Weisbach, M. 2003. “Boards of Directors as an Endogenously Determined Institution

  • 297.52 KB
  • 2010-4-9

  • 389.76 KB
  • 2010-3-24
  • 高管动态.zip

    • CG_Ceo.xls
    • CG_Ceo_fldinfo.txt
    • CG_Commit.xls
    • CG_Commit_fldinfo.txt
    • CG_Cxhy.xls
    • CG_Cxhy_fldinfo.txt
    • CG_Director.xls
    • CG_Director_fldinfo.txt
    • CG_Idirop.xls
    • CG_Idirop_fldinfo.txt
    • CG_Incperson.xls
    • CG_Incperson_fldinfo.txt
    • CG_Rzgddw.xls
    • CG_Rzgddw_fldinfo.txt
  • 82.03 KB
  • 2010-3-17
  • advancedappliedeconometrics.zip

    • Directory of Lectures.htm
    • L5b.pdf
    • L2.pdf
    • L3a.pdf
    • L3b.pdf
    • L3c.pdf
    • L4a.pdf
    • L4b.pdf
    • L5a.pdf
    • L1.pdf
  • 1.24 MB
  • 2010-3-16
  • 阅读材料.rar

    • 1._RoeInstitutionsof_CG.pdf
    • 2._HansmannAgencyProblems.pdf
    • 3._Law_of_Corporations_Chs_1_-_4.pdf
    • 4. Gilson_ControllingShareholders.pdf
    • 5. Bennedsen_Family_Behind_Family_Firm.pdf
    • 6. HOPT_board.pdf
    • 7. Macey_BoardofDirectors.pdf
    • 8. Outside Directors and Law Suits.pdf
    • 9. Law of Corporations Chs 14 - 18.pdf
    • 10. Murphy_Explaining Executive Compensation.pdf
  • 13.81 MB
  • 2009-12-11
  • Energy Project Financing --.rar

    • Energy Project Financing -- A Directory of Financing Sources for Energy Projects in Developing Countries.pdf
  • 240.94 KB
  • 2009-12-8
  • 高管动态.zip

    • CG_Ceo.csv
    • CG_Ceo_fldinfo.txt
    • CG_Commit.csv
    • CG_Commit_fldinfo.txt
    • CG_Cxhy.csv
    • CG_Cxhy_fldinfo.txt
    • CG_Director.csv
    • CG_Director_fldinfo.txt
    • CG_Idirop.csv
    • CG_Idirop_fldinfo.txt
    • CG_Incperson.csv
    • CG_Incperson_fldinfo.txt
    • CG_Rzgddw.csv
    • CG_Rzgddw_fldinfo.txt
  • 13.53 MB
  • 2009-11-19
  • s Handbook, Fourth Edition .rar

    • [财务总监手册,第四版]Finance Director's Handbook, Fourth Edition .pdf
  • 2.47 MB
  • 2009-8-6
  • 政治联系.rar

    • The Political Business Cycle after 25 Years.PDF
    • The Political Business Cycle An Empirical Test.PDF
    • The Political Economy of Corporate Governance..pdf
    • The Political Economy of the Rent-Seeking Society.pdf
    • Do Some Outside Directors Play a Political Role.pdf
    • Does Political Connectedness Affect Firm Value.PDF
    • Incumbents and protectionism The political economy of foreign entry liberalization.PDF
    • Persuasion in Politics.pdf
    • Political Connections and Corporate Bailouts.pdf
    • Political connections and preferential access to finance The role of campaign contributions.pdf
    • Political connections and the process of going public Evidence from China.PDF
    • Political Connections in a Market Economy.PDF
    • Political connections, financing and firm performance Evidence from Chinese private firms.pdf
    • Political Determinants of Corporate Governance.pdf
    • Political Determinants of Corporate Governance Political Context, Corporate Impact.pdf
    • Political Preconditions to Separating Ownership from Corporate Control.pdf
    • Political relationships, global financing, and corporate transparency Evidence from Indonesia.pdf
    • Political Trust in Rural China.PDF
    • Politically Connected CEOs and Corporate Outcomes.pdf
    • Politically connected CEOs, corporate governance, and Post-IPO performance of China's newly partially privatized firms.PDF
    • Politically Connected Firms.pdf
    • Politically-Connected Firms Can They Squeeze the State.pdf
    • Politicians and banks.PDF
    • Politics and Finance.pdf
  • 11.03 MB
  • 2009-6-15
  • 政治联系.rar

    • The Political Business Cycle after 25 Years.PDF
    • The Political Business Cycle An Empirical Test.PDF
    • The Political Economy of Corporate Governance..pdf
    • The Political Economy of the Rent-Seeking Society.pdf
    • Do Some Outside Directors Play a Political Role.pdf
    • Does Political Connectedness Affect Firm Value.PDF
    • Incumbents and protectionism The political economy of foreign entry liberalization.PDF
    • Persuasion in Politics.pdf
    • Political Connections and Corporate Bailouts.pdf
    • Political connections and preferential access to finance The role of campaign contributions.pdf
    • Political connections and the process of going public Evidence from China.PDF
    • Political Connections in a Market Economy.PDF
    • Political connections, financing and firm performance Evidence from Chinese private firms.pdf
    • Political Determinants of Corporate Governance.pdf
    • Political Determinants of Corporate Governance Political Context, Corporate Impact.pdf
    • Political Preconditions to Separating Ownership from Corporate Control.pdf
    • Political relationships, global financing, and corporate transparency Evidence from Indonesia.pdf
    • Political Trust in Rural China.PDF
    • Politically Connected CEOs and Corporate Outcomes.pdf
    • Politically connected CEOs, corporate governance, and Post-IPO performance of China's newly partially privatized firms.PDF
    • Politically Connected Firms.pdf
    • Politically-Connected Firms Can They Squeeze the State.pdf
    • Politicians and banks.PDF
    • Politics and Finance.pdf
  • 11.03 MB
  • 2009-6-15
  • 政治联系.rar

    • The Political Business Cycle after 25 Years.PDF
    • The Political Business Cycle An Empirical Test.PDF
    • The Political Economy of Corporate Governance..pdf
    • The Political Economy of the Rent-Seeking Society.pdf
    • Do Some Outside Directors Play a Political Role.pdf
    • Does Political Connectedness Affect Firm Value.PDF
    • Incumbents and protectionism The political economy of foreign entry liberalization.PDF
    • Persuasion in Politics.pdf
    • Political Connections and Corporate Bailouts.pdf
    • Political connections and preferential access to finance The role of campaign contributions.pdf
    • Political connections and the process of going public Evidence from China.PDF
    • Political Connections in a Market Economy.PDF
    • Political connections, financing and firm performance Evidence from Chinese private firms.pdf
    • Political Determinants of Corporate Governance.pdf
    • Political Determinants of Corporate Governance Political Context, Corporate Impact.pdf
    • Political Preconditions to Separating Ownership from Corporate Control.pdf
    • Political relationships, global financing, and corporate transparency Evidence from Indonesia.pdf
    • Political Trust in Rural China.PDF
    • Politically Connected CEOs and Corporate Outcomes.pdf
    • Politically connected CEOs, corporate governance, and Post-IPO performance of China's newly partially privatized firms.PDF
    • Politically Connected Firms.pdf
    • Politically-Connected Firms Can They Squeeze the State.pdf
    • Politicians and banks.PDF
    • Politics and Finance.pdf
  • 11.03 MB
  • 2009-6-15
  • 311209.zip

    • CG_Ceo.xls
    • CG_Ceo_fldinfo.txt
    • CG_Commit.xls
    • CG_Commit_fldinfo.txt
    • CG_Cxhy.xls
    • CG_Cxhy_fldinfo.txt
    • CG_Director.xls
    • CG_Director_fldinfo.txt
    • CG_Idirop.xls
    • CG_Idirop_fldinfo.txt
    • CG_Incperson.xls
    • CG_Incperson_fldinfo.txt
    • CG_Rzgddw.xls
    • CG_Rzgddw_fldinfo.txt
  • 16.35 MB
  • 2009-4-3
  • 306319.rar
       [下载]journal of finance 2008年12月 共15篇论文

    • How and When Do Firms Adjust Their Capital Structures toward Targets JF200812.pdf
    • How Does Size Affect Mutual Fund Behavior JF200812.pdf
    • In Search of Distress Risk JF200812.pdf
    • Limited Attention and the Allocation of Effort in Securities Trading JF200812.pdf
    • Mandatory Disclosure and Operational Risk Evidence from Hedge Fund Registration JF200812.pdf
    • Market Structure, Internal Capital Markets, and the Boundaries of the Firm JF200812.pdf
    • Overconfidence, CEO Selection, and Corporate Governance JF200812.pdf
    • Stock Returns and Volatility Pricing the Short-Run and Long-Run Components of Market Risk JF200812.pdf
    • The Geography of Block Acquisitions JF200812.pdf
    • The Making of an Investment Banker Stock Market Shocks, Career Choice, and Lifetime Income JF200812.pdf
    • Trusting the Stock Market JF200812.pdf
    • Average Returns, B M, and Share Issues JF200812.pdf
    • Directors' Ownership in the U.S. Mutual Fund Industry JF200812.pdf
    • Do Investors Overweight Personal Experience Evidence from IPO Subscriptions JF200812.pdf
    • Estimating the Intertemporal Risk–Return Tradeoff Using the Implied Cost of Capital JF200812.pdf
  • 2.87 MB
  • 2009-3-21
  • 299457.pdf
       Directors Report onThe History of Advertising Trust

  • 83.57 KB
  • 2009-3-3
  • 274509.pdf

  • 23 KB
  • 2008-12-8
  • 224644.zip

    • CG_Agm.xls
    • CG_Agm_fldinfo.txt
    • CG_Capchg.xls
    • CG_Capchg_fldinfo.txt
    • CG_Commit.xls
    • CG_Commit_fldinfo.txt
    • CG_Csharehold.xls
    • CG_Csharehold_fldinfo.txt
    • CG_Cxhy.xls
    • CG_Cxhy_fldinfo.txt
    • CG_Director.xls
    • CG_Director_fldinfo.txt
    • CG_Idirop.xls
    • CG_Idirop_fldinfo.txt
    • CG_Range.xls
    • CG_Range_fldinfo.txt
    • CG_Rzgddw.xls
    • CG_Rzgddw_fldinfo.txt
    • CG_Sharehold.xls
    • CG_Sharehold_fldinfo.txt
    • CG_Shrmeet.xls
    • CG_Shrmeet_fldinfo.txt
    • CG_Ybasic.xls
    • CG_Ybasic_fldinfo.txt
  • 20.56 MB
  • 2008-7-4
  • 224641.zip

    • CG_Agm.xls
    • CG_Agm_fldinfo.txt
    • CG_Capchg.xls
    • CG_Capchg_fldinfo.txt
    • CG_Commit.xls
    • CG_Commit_fldinfo.txt
    • CG_Csharehold.xls
    • CG_Csharehold_fldinfo.txt
    • CG_Cxhy.xls
    • CG_Cxhy_fldinfo.txt
    • CG_Director.xls
    • CG_Director_fldinfo.txt
    • CG_Idirop.xls
    • CG_Idirop_fldinfo.txt
    • CG_Range.xls
    • CG_Range_fldinfo.txt
    • CG_Rzgddw.xls
    • CG_Rzgddw_fldinfo.txt
    • CG_Sharehold.xls
    • CG_Sharehold_fldinfo.txt
    • CG_Shrmeet.xls
    • CG_Shrmeet_fldinfo.txt
    • CG_Ybasic.xls
    • CG_Ybasic_fldinfo.txt
  • 2.39 MB
  • 2008-7-4
  • 224555.zip

    • CG_Agm.xls
    • CG_Agm_fldinfo.txt
    • CG_Capchg.xls
    • CG_Capchg_fldinfo.txt
    • CG_Commit.xls
    • CG_Commit_fldinfo.txt
    • CG_Csharehold.xls
    • CG_Csharehold_fldinfo.txt
    • CG_Cxhy.xls
    • CG_Cxhy_fldinfo.txt
    • CG_Director.xls
    • CG_Director_fldinfo.txt
    • CG_Idirop.xls
    • CG_Idirop_fldinfo.txt
    • CG_Range.xls
    • CG_Range_fldinfo.txt
    • CG_Rzgddw.xls
    • CG_Rzgddw_fldinfo.txt
    • CG_Sharehold.xls
    • CG_Sharehold_fldinfo.txt
    • CG_Shrmeet.xls
    • CG_Shrmeet_fldinfo.txt
    • CG_Ybasic.xls
    • CG_Ybasic_fldinfo.txt
  • 20.56 MB
  • 2008-7-3
  • 224554.zip

    • CG_Agm.xls
    • CG_Agm_fldinfo.txt
    • CG_Capchg.xls
    • CG_Capchg_fldinfo.txt
    • CG_Commit.xls
    • CG_Commit_fldinfo.txt
    • CG_Csharehold.xls
    • CG_Csharehold_fldinfo.txt
    • CG_Cxhy.xls
    • CG_Cxhy_fldinfo.txt
    • CG_Director.xls
    • CG_Director_fldinfo.txt
    • CG_Idirop.xls
    • CG_Idirop_fldinfo.txt
    • CG_Range.xls
    • CG_Range_fldinfo.txt
    • CG_Rzgddw.xls
    • CG_Rzgddw_fldinfo.txt
    • CG_Sharehold.xls
    • CG_Sharehold_fldinfo.txt
    • CG_Shrmeet.xls
    • CG_Shrmeet_fldinfo.txt
    • CG_Ybasic.xls
    • CG_Ybasic_fldinfo.txt
  • 2.39 MB
  • 2008-7-3
  • 224552.zip

    • CG_Agm.xls
    • CG_Agm_fldinfo.txt
    • CG_Capchg.xls
    • CG_Capchg_fldinfo.txt
    • CG_Commit.xls
    • CG_Commit_fldinfo.txt
    • CG_Csharehold.xls
    • CG_Csharehold_fldinfo.txt
    • CG_Cxhy.xls
    • CG_Cxhy_fldinfo.txt
    • CG_Director.xls
    • CG_Director_fldinfo.txt
    • CG_Idirop.xls
    • CG_Idirop_fldinfo.txt
    • CG_Range.xls
    • CG_Range_fldinfo.txt
    • CG_Rzgddw.xls
    • CG_Rzgddw_fldinfo.txt
    • CG_Sharehold.xls
    • CG_Sharehold_fldinfo.txt
    • CG_Shrmeet.xls
    • CG_Shrmeet_fldinfo.txt
    • CG_Ybasic.xls
    • CG_Ybasic_fldinfo.txt
  • 7.25 MB
  • 2008-7-3
  • 224550.zip

    • CG_Agm.xls
    • CG_Agm_fldinfo.txt
    • CG_Capchg.xls
    • CG_Capchg_fldinfo.txt
    • CG_Commit.xls
    • CG_Commit_fldinfo.txt
    • CG_Csharehold.xls
    • CG_Csharehold_fldinfo.txt
    • CG_Cxhy.xls
    • CG_Cxhy_fldinfo.txt
    • CG_Director.xls
    • CG_Director_fldinfo.txt
    • CG_Idirop.xls
    • CG_Idirop_fldinfo.txt
    • CG_Range.xls
    • CG_Range_fldinfo.txt
    • CG_Rzgddw.xls
    • CG_Rzgddw_fldinfo.txt
    • CG_Sharehold.xls
    • CG_Sharehold_fldinfo.txt
    • CG_Shrmeet.xls
    • CG_Shrmeet_fldinfo.txt
    • CG_Ybasic.xls
    • CG_Ybasic_fldinfo.txt
  • 2.39 MB
  • 2008-7-3
  • 224063.rar

    • PWC review.pdf
  • 1.1 MB
  • 2008-7-1
  • 180343.rar

    • 西方为何害怕中国主权基金?(上).pdf
    • 西方为何害怕中国主权基金?(下).pdf
    • 中国将加入主权财富基金俱乐部.pdf
    • 中投应该买什么?(FT2007中国报道之三十一).pdf
    • 主权财富基金的西行之路.pdf
    • 主权基金不足为虑.pdf
    • 主权基金争相入股金融类公司.pdf
    • “亦农亦猎”的楼继伟.pdf
    • 【海外】海湾巨额主权基金“着眼”新兴市场投资.pdf
    • China takes the bank.pdf
    • Fear of foreigners.pdf
    • Governments go shopping.pdf
    • How sovereign wealth funds are muscling in on global markets.pdf
    • How to deal with sovereign funds.pdf
    • Instrument in the News_Sovereign Wealth Funds.pdf
    • Keep your T-bonds, we'll take the bank.pdf
    • Morgan Stanley_How Big Could Sovereign Wealth Funds Be by 2015.pdf
    • Morgan Stanley_Portfolio Allocation for Sovereign Wealth Funds.pdf
    • Morgan Stanley_Russia_The Newest Member of the ‘SWF Club’.pdf
    • Morgan Stanley_Sovereign Wealth Funds and Bond and Equity Prices.pdf
    • Morgan Stanley_The Definition of a Sovereign Wealth Fund.pdf
    • Morgan Stanley_Tracking the Tectonic Shift in Foreign Reserves and SWFs.pdf
    • Not so risk-free.pdf
    • pqdweb.jpg
    • REG Monitor_Responses to Sovereign Wealth Funds_Are 'Draconian' Measures on.pdf
    • Responses to Sovereign Wealth Funds_Are 'Draconian' Measures on.pdf
    • Sovereign funds snap up bank stakes.pdf
    • Sovereign funds warning.pdf
    • Sovereign wealth funds could total US$10 trillion by 2012.pdf
    • Sovereign-wealth funds too big to ignore.pdf
    • Standard Chartered_SWF.pdf
    • The Case for an International Reserve Diversification Standard.pdf
    • The new Rothschilds.pdf
    • The Rise of Sovereign Wealth Funds.pdf
    • The world's most expensive club.pdf
    • truman1107.pdf
    • UBS Asian and Japan Hedge Fund Directory 2005.pdf
    • View of the day_Sovereign wealth funds.pdf
    • 别给中国主权基金找麻烦.pdf
    • 大宗商品市场的新面孔.pdf
    • 国家外汇投资公司面临六大挑战.pdf
    • 国家外汇资产投资的六大看点.pdf
    • 楼继伟:中国主权基金将“严格追求商业目标”.pdf
    • 美林:主权财富基金资产到2011年将翻升四倍.pdf
    • 美元:中国的烫手山芋?(FT2007中国报道之三十).pdf
    • 欧盟调查外国政府投资基金.pdf
    • 欧盟要求主权财富基金更透明.pdf
  • 4.24 MB
  • 2007-12-9
  • 142297.rar

    • China's outbound investments.doc
    • Chinaspreadsitswings.pdf
    • Chinese overseas investment.pdf
    • corporate china goes global.pdf
    • g510-6269-going-global.pdf
    • GoingGlobalG123-0014-00.pdf
    • demandbpr.ppt
    • how can going global more successfully.pdf
    • ibm-ibv-china-going-global-interview-transcriptf-07-06.pdf
    • ICT_Export_Directory_2005-Western Australia.pdf
    • max_von_zedtwitz.pdf
    • outbound investment studies 2.pdf
    • Touwai%20China%20Newsletter%201.1.pdf
    • A survey on China's overseas investment.doc
    • China-canada seminar.doc
    • 061009_soas_stephen_green.pdf
    • BAH China-LA presentation 2006.pdf
    • china goes global.pdf
    • china goes global-implications in Canada.pdf
    • China's commodity hanger in Africa and Latin America.pdf
    • China's going overseas via direct investment.pdf
  • 5.1 MB
  • 2007-7-29
  • 142264.rar

    • China's outbound investments.doc
    • Chinaspreadsitswings.pdf
    • Chinese overseas investment.pdf
    • corporate china goes global.pdf
    • g510-6269-going-global.pdf
    • GoingGlobalG123-0014-00.pdf
    • demandbpr.ppt
    • how can going global more successfully.pdf
    • ibm-ibv-china-going-global-interview-transcriptf-07-06.pdf
    • ICT_Export_Directory_2005-Western Australia.pdf
    • max_von_zedtwitz.pdf
    • outbound investment studies 2.pdf
    • Touwai%20China%20Newsletter%201.1.pdf
    • A survey on China's overseas investment.doc
    • China-canada seminar.doc
    • 061009_soas_stephen_green.pdf
    • BAH China-LA presentation 2006.pdf
    • china goes global.pdf
    • china goes global-implications in Canada.pdf
    • China's commodity hanger in Africa and Latin America.pdf
    • China's going overseas via direct investment.pdf
  • 5.1 MB
  • 2007-7-29
  • 142258.rar

    • China's outbound investments.doc
    • Chinaspreadsitswings.pdf
    • Chinese overseas investment.pdf
    • corporate china goes global.pdf
    • g510-6269-going-global.pdf
    • GoingGlobalG123-0014-00.pdf
    • demandbpr.ppt
    • how can going global more successfully.pdf
    • ibm-ibv-china-going-global-interview-transcriptf-07-06.pdf
    • ICT_Export_Directory_2005-Western Australia.pdf
    • max_von_zedtwitz.pdf
    • outbound investment studies 2.pdf
    • Touwai%20China%20Newsletter%201.1.pdf
    • A survey on China's overseas investment.doc
    • China-canada seminar.doc
    • 061009_soas_stephen_green.pdf
    • BAH China-LA presentation 2006.pdf
    • china goes global.pdf
    • china goes global-implications in Canada.pdf
    • China's commodity hanger in Africa and Latin America.pdf
    • China's going overseas via direct investment.pdf
  • 5.1 MB
  • 2007-7-29
  • 123070.zip

    • Directory of Lectures.htm
    • L5b.pdf
    • L2.pdf
    • L3a.pdf
    • L3b.pdf
    • L3c.pdf
    • L4a.pdf
    • L4b.pdf
    • L5a.pdf
    • L1.pdf
  • 1.24 MB
  • 2007-6-4
  • 93990.rar
       business plan & management

    • SBS Directory - Discover more solutions, products and services.url
  • 1.17 MB
  • 2007-2-28
  • 71809.rar
       The market impact of directors trades(2005) 最新的好文

    • Themarketimpactofdirectors_trades.pdf
  • 6.04 MB
  • 2006-11-12
  • 54900.zip

    • Directory of Lectures.htm
    • L5b.pdf
    • L2.pdf
    • L3a.pdf
    • L3b.pdf
    • L3c.pdf
    • L4a.pdf
    • L4b.pdf
    • L5a.pdf
    • L1.pdf
  • 1.24 MB
  • 2006-6-7
  • 26540.zip
       (免费下载)一份美国高级应用计量经济学教程(作者Ariel Pakes)

    • Directory of Lectures.htm
    • L5b.pdf
    • L2.pdf
    • L3a.pdf
    • L3b.pdf
    • L3c.pdf
    • L4a.pdf
    • L4b.pdf
    • L5a.pdf
    • L1.pdf
  • 1.24 MB
  • 2005-9-13