大小 上传时间
  • 统计学:基于R的应用 数据文件.zip

    • cedegren.csv
    • Acorn.TXT
    • Forbes2000.csv
    • Glass.csv
    • HB.csv
    • Old.csv
    • Rich.csv
    • SC.csv
    • Salinity.csv
    • UCB.csv
    • USIP.TXT
    • Vowel.csv
    • ag.csv
    • agaricus-lepiota.txt
    • agaricus-lepiota1.txt
    • airquality.csv
    • binary.csv
    • bo.csv
    • chismoke.dat
    • cross.txt
    • deathP.csv
    • er.csv
    • gheight.csv
    • goals.csv
    • greenhouse2.csv
    • income.TXT
    • names.TXT
    • pairs.csv
    • party.csv
    • poison.txt
    • rebar.txt
    • rice.txt
    • soi.TXT
    • tea.txt
    • wbage.csv
  • 176.64 KB
  • 2024-9-3
  • 国有上市公司混改程度表1992-202402.zip

    • 鐗堟潈澹版槑.pdf
    • GA_StateOwnedMixedDegree[DES][xlsx].txt
    • GA_StateOwnedMixedDegree.xlsx
  • 2.92 MB
  • 2024-8-27
  • 上市公司数字化转型程度(年)2007-2022.zip

    • Copyright notice.pdf
    • DM_ListedCoDigTrsDegreeY[DES][xlsx].txt
    • DM_ListedCoDigTrsDegreeY.xlsx
  • 1.5 MB
  • 2024-5-22
  • 上市公司数字化转型指标2021-2007excel.zip

    • DM_ListedCoDigTrsDegreeY[DES][xlsx].txt
    • DM_ListedCoDigTrsDegreeY.xlsx
  • 1.08 MB
  • 2022-11-10
  • 上市公司数字化转型程度(年)102627629.zip

    • DM_ListedCoDigTrsDegreeY[DES][xlsx].txt
    • 版权声明.pdf
    • DM_ListedCoDigTrsDegreeY.xlsx
  • 1.28 MB
  • 2022-7-3
  • 国有上市公司混改程度表03-22.zip

    • GA_StateOwnedMixedDegree[DES][xlsx].txt
    • 版权声明.pdf
    • GA_StateOwnedMixedDegree.xlsx
  • 2.54 MB
  • 2022-6-22
  • 社会网络分析, 复杂网络分析:参考文献之二.rar
       社会网络分析, 复杂网络分析:参考文献之二

    • Effects of a soft cut-off on node-degree in the Twitter social network(做算法研究可参考).pdf
    • Emergent Leadership in Virtual Collaboration Settings- A Social Network Analysis Approach(值得读).pdf
    • Empirical analysis of online socialnetworks in the age of Web 2.0(短平快期刊,复杂网络研究为主).pdf
    • Empowering teams through social network ties(实证研究).pdf
    • Evolution of a large online social network(短平快,需核实是否SCI).pdf
    • A case study of Israeli higher-education institutes sharing scholarly information with the community via social networks.pdf
    • A framework for exploring organizational structure in dynamic social network(很不错).pdf
    • A novel measure of edge centrality in social networks.pdf
    • A social influence model of consumer participation in network- and small-group-based virtual communities.pdf
    • A social network approach to resolving group-level conflict in context-aware services.pdf
    • A social network perspective of tourism research collaborations(与位置服务结合是否可有新的结果).pdf
    • A social network-based system for supporting interactive collaboration in knowledge sharing over peer-to-peer network(可参考).pdf
    • A social status perspective of network utility over electronic channels in academic communities(经典实证研究).pdf
    • A synthesis of semantic social network and attraction theory for innovating community-based e-service.pdf
    • A theoretical model of intentional social action in online social networks(数据分析类文章可参考).pdf
    • An empirical study of the factors affecting social network service use(韩国人做的实证).pdf
    • An e-patient’s End-user community (EUCY)- The value added of social network applications.pdf
    • Analysis of virtual communities supporting OSS projects using social network analysis(很好).pdf
    • Architectural platform- a social network site for architects.pdf
    • Behavior-based analysis of knowledge dissemination channels in operations management (和运作管理结合研究).pdf
    • Bridging the Gap—Data Mining and Social Network Analysis for Integrating Semantic Web and Web 2.0.pdf
    • BSN- An automatic generation algorithm of social network data(把该方法搞懂并用于研究中).pdf
    • Building a Knowledge Brokering System using social network analysis- A case study of the Korean financial industry(有模仿价值).pdf
    • Communities of Public Service Support- Citizens engage in social learning in peer-to-peer networks(比较特殊的一篇文章,可看看).pdf
    • Competitivity groups on social network sites(短小,可参考).pdf
    • Cultural difference in motivations for using social network sites- A comparative study of American and Korean college students(实证).pdf
    • Discovering cohesive subgroups from social networks for targeted advertising(文献回顾可用).pdf
    • Dissemination of health information through social networks- Twitter and antibiotics(微博类研究参考).pdf
  • 15.4 MB
  • 2021-10-31
  • 2400000011.pdf
       The Many Faces of Degeneracy in Conic Optimization

  • 1.53 MB
  • 2018-12-9
  • 概率论与数理统计 习题.rar

    • 概率统计.第四版.Probability and Statistics-Mo.pdf
    • Probability and Statistics_DeGroot_课后练习答案_4th edition.pdf
  • 7.15 MB
  • 2018-12-7
  • K16446_Downloads.zip

    • deg2rad.m
    • T2.dat
    • X.dat
    • Y.dat
    • pdft2.jpg
    • Born.m
    • calcPrior2D.m
    • Cepstrum.m
    • Cepstrum2.m
    • cos2D.m
    • disk2D.m
    • Ewald.m
    • ftcos2D.m
    • ftdisk2D.m
    • ftrect1D.m
    • ftrect2D copy.m
    • ftrect2D.m
    • genPmatrix1D.m
    • genPmatrix2D.m
    • idft2D.m
    • Image.m
    • mPeval.m
    • PDFT copy.m
    • PDFT.m
    • pdft1D.m
    • pdft2D.m
    • PlotCircle.m
    • rect2D.m
    • RunPDFT.m
    • C1.dat
    • C2.dat
    • CS.dat
    • CST.dat
    • Ei0536360.dat
    • S1.dat
    • S2.dat
  • 4.68 MB
  • 2018-9-4
  • QRCodeGenerator1.1.zip

    • Example.m
    • Example.mlx
    • license.txt
    • qrcode_config.m
    • qrcode_gen.m
  • 154.48 KB
  • 2018-4-5
  • ebooks.zip

    • 1776 - David McCullough.epub
    • 1984 - George Orwell.epub
    • 1st to Die - James Patterson.epub
    • 2001_ a space odyssey - Arthur C. Clarke.epub
    • 2010_ odyssey two - Arthur C. Clarke.epub
    • 2061_ Odyssey Three - Arthur C. Clarke.epub
    • 2nd Chance - James Patterson.epub
    • 3001_ the final odyssey - Arthur C. Clarke.epub
    • 3rd Degree - James Patterson.epub
    • 4_50 from Paddington - Agatha Christie.epub
    • 4th of July - James Patterson.epub
    • 61 Hours - Lee Child.epub
    • 7th Heaven - James Patterson.epub
    • A Bend in the Road - Nicholas Sparks.epub
    • A Bone to Pick - Charlaine Harris.epub
    • A Breach of Promise - Anne Perry.epub
    • A Breath of Snow and Ashes - Diana Gabaldon.epub
    • A brief history of time - Stephen W. Hawking.epub
    • A Briefer History of Time - Stephen W. Hawking.epub
    • A Canticle For Leibowitz - Walter M. Miller.epub
    • A Caress of Twilight - Laurell K. Hamilton.epub
    • A Caribbean Mystery - Agatha Christie.epub
    • A case of conscience - James Blish.epub
    • A Cavern of Black Ice - J. V. Jones.epub
    • A Clash of Kings - George R. R. Martin.epub
    • A Clockwork Orange - Anthony Burgess.epub
    • A colossal failure of common sense_ the - Lawrence G. McDonald.epub
    • A confederacy of dunces - John Kennedy Toole.epub
    • A crown of swords - Robert Jordan.epub
    • A dangerous fortune - Ken Follett.epub
  • 15.41 MB
  • 2016-6-23
  • 27-8.zip

    • The-role-of-performance-measures-and-incentive-systems-in-relation-to-the-degree-of-JIT-implementation_2002_Accounting-Organizations-and-Society.pdf
    • Contents-and-Author-Index-for-2002_2002_Accounting-Organizations-and-Society.pdf
    • Accounting-and-Business-Research_2002_Accounting-Organizations-and-Society.pdf
    • From-moral-evaluation-to-rationalization-accounting-and-the-shifting-technologies-of-credit_2002_Accounting-Organizations-and-Society.pdf
    • Journal-of-Accounting-amp-Economics_2002_Accounting-Organizations-and-Society.pdf
    • Experimental-research-in-financial-accounting_2002_Accounting-Organizations-and-Society.pdf
    • The-relation-between-environmental-performance-and-environmental-disclosure-a-research-note_2002_Accounting-Organizations-and-Society.pdf
    • Editorial-Board_2002_Accounting-Organizations-and-Society.pdf
  • 1.72 MB
  • 2016-2-21
  • The more the better_ Optimal degree of supply-chain cooperation between competitors.rar

    • The more the better_ Optimal degree of supply-chain cooperation between competitors.pdf
  • 161.83 KB
  • 2016-1-27
  • styles.zip
       6750个ENDNOTE style

    • Transforming Anthropology.ens
    • Nurse Practitioner.ens
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    • Experi Applied Acarology.ens
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    • Curr Problems Surg.ens
    • Neuroscience Biobehavioral Revs.ens
    • Res Social Administrative Pharmacy.ens
    • Research J Environ Toxicol.ens
    • J Travel Medicine.ens
    • Cytogenetic Genome Res.ens
    • Amer J Drug Disc Devel.ens
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    • Trans Sys Man Cyber Pt C.ens
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    • PoLAR.ens
    • Toxicol Environ Chem.ens
    • J Med Surg Intensive Care Med.ens
    • Can J Philosophy.ens
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    • Risk Manage Ins Rev.ens
    • SCIENCE CHINA Phys Mech Astron.ens
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    • Urology.ens
    • J Intl Assn Phys AIDS Care.ens
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    • Geographica Helvetica.ens
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    • Transfusion Med Rev.ens
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       Capitalism's Last Stand?: Deglobalization in the Age of Austerity

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  • 2014-9-27
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  • 《统计学——基于R的应用》数据文件.zip

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    • agaricus-lepiota1.txt
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  • 2013-8-1
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    • Knee.ens
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    • J Neurochem.ens
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    • Intl J Occup Med Environ Health.ens
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    • Intl Immunology.ens
    • Oncology.ens
    • Plant Physiology.ens
    • Educat Chemical Engineer.ens
    • Physics Letters B.ens
    • Sem Orthodontics.ens
    • J Nuclear Medicine.ens
    • Hippocampus.ens
    • J Biotechnology.ens
    • J Steriod Biochem.ens
    • Euro J Phycology.ens
    • Organizational Research Methods.ens
    • Sleep Medicine.ens
    • Oxford J Archaeology.ens
    • Rev Mex Ciencias Geologicas.ens
    • Euro J Anaesthesiology.ens
    • J Service Research.ens
    • Art Book.ens
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    • Occup Environ Med.ens
    • Psychoanalytic Quarterly.ens
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    • J Synchrotron Radiation.ens
    • J Public Policy.ens
    • Radiologie up2date.ens
    • PhytoKeys.ens
    • Organometallics.ens
    • Scripta Materialia.ens
    • Skeletal Radiology.ens
    • Curr Prot - Toxicology.ens
    • Anales de Pediatria.ens
    • Catalysts Catalysed React.ens
    • Smart Materials Structures.ens
    • Euro Polymer J.ens
    • Molecular Biology Evol.ens
    • J Socio-Economics.ens
    • Criminal Justice Review.ens
    • Struct Change Econ Dynamics.ens
    • Bridge Structures.ens
    • J Psych Mental Health Nurs.ens
    • Cellular Microbiology.ens
    • Linear Algebra and Its App.ens
    • Royal Society of Chemistry.ens
    • Harmful Algae.ens
    • J Adolescence.ens
    • Chinese Std GBT7714 (author-year).ens
    • Rice Science.ens
    • Critical Care.ens
    • Pediatric Blood Cancer.ens
    • Cambridge J Education.ens
    • Environmental Microbiology.ens
    • J Fluids Engineering.ens
    • Global Public Health.ens
    • Arthropod Struct Dev.ens
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    • J Electronic Packaging.ens
    • Surface Science.ens
    • Eating and Weight Dis.ens
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    • Environ Quality Mgmt.ens
    • J Microbiology-Korea.ens
    • Oligonucleotides.ens
    • Quarterly Revs Biophysics.ens
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    • neuroreha.ens
    • J Child Adolesc Psychopharma.ens
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    • AIDS.ens
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    • J Geology.ens
    • Applied Ergonomics.ens
    • Applied Environ Microbio.ens
    • Scand J Psychology.ens
    • J Experimental Botany.ens
    • Cognitive Psychology.ens
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    • IMA J Applied Math.ens
    • Trans Applied Perception.ens
    • J Engineering Design.ens
    • Archives Insect Bio Phys.ens
    • Diabetes Care.ens
    • J Electrochemical Society.ens
    • Prog in Crystal Growth Char.ens
    • Environment and Planning.ens
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    • Environmental Toxicology.ens
    • Environ Science Policy.ens
    • Molecular Simulation.ens
    • Biological Cybernetics.ens
    • Rev Income Wealth.ens
    • Research J Allergy.ens
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    • IET Image Processing.ens
    • J Modern History.ens
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    • Biosci Biotechnol Biochem.ens
    • Computer Lang Sys Struct.ens
    • Research J Immunology.ens
    • Euro Surgical Research.ens
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    • Digestion.ens
    • Neurosurgery.ens
    • Current Opinion Mol Ther.ens
    • J Eng Gas Turbines Power.ens
    • Adv Powder Tech.ens
    • Development and Psychopath.ens
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    • Neuroscience Res.ens
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    • Water Air Soil Poll.ens
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    • Action Learning.ens
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    • J Applied Poultry Res.ens
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    • Expert Rev Ophthalmol.ens
    • Asian J Biochemistry.ens
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    • Amer J Nephrology.ens
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    • J Fish Diseases.ens
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    • Annals Nuclear Energy.ens
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    • Transforming Anthropology.ens
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    • Evolution Devel.ens
    • Intl J Greenhouse Gas Control.ens
    • Curr Problems Surg.ens
    • Neuroscience Biobehavioral Revs.ens
    • Research J Environ Toxicol.ens
    • J Travel Medicine.ens
    • Cytogenetic Genome Res.ens
    • Amer J Drug Disc Devel.ens
    • Endocrine-Related Cancer.ens
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    • Hormones Behavior.ens
    • NDT and E Intl.ens
    • Physiol Mol Plant Pathol.ens
    • Intl Business Review.ens
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    • Can Biol Ther.ens
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    • Amer Sociological Assn.ens
    • Asian J Poultry Science.ens
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    • Intl J Project Mgmt.ens
    • Comp Geometry.ens
    • Euro J Nuc Med Molec Imaging.ens
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    • Marine Mammal Science.ens
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    • J Applied Logic.ens
    • Cancer ACS.ens
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    • Prof Psych Res Practice.ens
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    • Res Accounting Regulation.ens
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    • New Astronomy.ens
    • Trends Cognitive Sciences.ens
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    • IEICE Trans Electronics.ens
    • BMC Immunology.ens
    • Amer J Epidemiology.ens
    • J Inst of Math of Jussieu.ens
    • J Optical Soc Amer.ens
    • Amer J Kidney Diseases.ens
    • Cranio Maxillofac Trauma Recon.ens
    • Crime and Delinquency.ens
    • Bulletin NHM Botany.ens
    • Klinische Neurophysiologie.ens
    • Amer J Health Behavior.ens
    • Immunol Cell Biol.ens
    • Biomed Signal Process Control.ens
    • Differentiation.ens
    • Ther Apher Dialysis.ens
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    • Trends Parasitology.ens
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    • J Amer Chem Society.ens
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    • Prog in Polymer Science.ens
    • Trans Info Sys Security.ens
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    • Trans Ultra Ferroelec Freq Cont.ens
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    • Malaria J.ens
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    • J Fluorine Chemistry.ens
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    • Sexologies.ens
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    • J Prof Iss Eng Ed Pract.ens
    • Advances Life Course Res.ens
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    • FEMS Journals.ens
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    • Trans Med Hemotherapy.ens
    • PoLAR.ens
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    • Lege artis_2.ens
    • J Intl Assn Phys AIDS Care.ens
    • UWSF (Num).ens
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    • Clinical Microbio Reviews.ens
    • Trans Comp Logic.ens
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    • Japan Dental Science Rev.ens
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    • ISPRS J Photogrammetry.ens
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    • Comp Rev Food Sci Food Safety.ens
    • Counseling Psychologist.ens
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    • Oncogene.ens
    • J Animal Ecology.ens
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    • Ecological Engineering.ens
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    • Family Consumer Science Res J.ens
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    • Intl J Control Auto Systems.ens
    • J Quant Spectro Rad Trans.ens
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    • Prog Physical Geography.ens
    • Clinical Autonomic Res.ens
    • Autonomic Neurosci.ens
    • Epidemiologic Reviews.ens
    • Obstetrics and Gynecology.ens
    • Intl J Equity in Health.ens
    • J Amer Oil Chem Soc.ens
    • J Surgical Oncology.ens
    • Aust J Chemistry.ens
    • Research J Veterinary Sci.ens
    • Knee.ens
    • J Psychoactive Drugs.ens
    • Multiple Sclerosis.ens
    • J Circadian Rhythms.ens
    • Im OP.ens
    • Prog Neuro-psychopharm Biol Psych.ens
    • Aquatic Mammals.ens
    • Echocardiography.ens
    • Micropor Mesopor Materials.ens
    • J Expos Sci Environ Epidemiol.ens
    • Sport Management Review.ens
    • Computer J.ens
    • MT Cardio.ens
    • Asian J Epidemiology.ens
    • Expert Rev Anti-infective Ther.ens
    • Environmental Ethics.ens
    • Annals Public Coop Econ.ens
    • Emerging Markets Review.ens
    • Intl J Behavioral Dev.ens
    • Ann Rev Biomed Engineering.ens
    • Aust NZ J Statistics.ens
    • Urban Water J.ens
    • Trans Model Comp Simul.ens
    • Tetrahedron.ens
    • Pharma Statistics.ens
    • Microbiology.ens
    • J Clin Rheumatology.ens
    • Intl J Coal Geology.ens
    • J Amer Dental Assoc.ens
    • Thin-Walled Structures.ens
    • Intl J Fatigue.ens
    • Intl J Disaster Risk Sci.ens
    • Skull Base.ens
    • Molecular Carcinogenesis.ens
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    • IEEE MultiMedia.ens
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    • J Tribology.ens
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    • Ecologia.ens
    • Speech Communication.ens
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    • Research J Business Mgmt.ens
    • Biotechnology J.ens
    • J Plasma Physics (author-date).ens
    • Compensation Benefits Rev.ens
    • Immunology.ens
    • Explorations in Econ Hist.ens
    • Biotech Law Report.ens
    • Drug Resistance Updates.ens
    • J Pediatrics.ens
    • Transplant Infect Disease.ens
    • J Endourology.ens
    • Pediatric Allergy Immunol.ens
    • Curr Problems Ped Adoles Health Care.ens
    • J Cellular Biochem.ens
    • TF-O AIP.ens
    • Crit Rev Analytical Chem.ens
    • Metaphilosophy.ens
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    • Biometrika.ens
    • Amer Speech.ens
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    • Psychiatric Services.ens
    • TF-B CSE citation-sequence.ens
    • J Contemp Religion.ens
    • Euro Biophysics J.ens
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    • Euro J Neurology.ens
    • Clinical Biochemistry.ens
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    • Eng Failure Analysis.ens
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    • IEICE Trans Info Systems.ens
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    • J Cellular Mol Med.ens
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    • Planta Medica.ens
    • Psychology Sport Exercise.ens
    • Mol Genetics Metab.ens
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    • Photochem Photobiol.ens
    • Ann Rev Biochem.ens
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    • Behaviour.ens
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    • Case Reports Gastroent.ens
    • Environ Mol Mutagenesis.ens
    • Population Health Metrics.ens
    • Anatom Histol Embryol.ens
    • J Dental Education.ens
    • J Shoulder Elbow Surg.ens
    • Nucleic Acids Res.ens
    • Soc Biblical Lit-notes.ens
    • Mutation Res.ens
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    • UWSF (N-Y).ens
    • World Politics.ens
    • J Strength Condition Res.ens
    • Trans Sys Man Cyber Pt A.ens
    • Biology Invas Alien Plant Can.ens
    • Life Cycle Assess (N-Y).ens
    • J Food Composition Analysis.ens
    • Res Developmental Disabilities.ens
    • J Econ Business.ens
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    • Euro Cells Materials.ens
    • Metals and Materials Intl.ens
    • J Econ Entomology.ens
    • Microelectronic Eng.ens
    • Experi Brain Res.ens
    • Archives Physical Med Rehab.ens
    • Networks.ens
    • Amer Antiquity.ens
    • Clin Exp Immunology.ens
    • Community Development J.ens
    • Chemical Communications.ens
    • Proc Combustion Institute.ens
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    • J Biological Chem.ens
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    • J Southern African Studies.ens
    • Blood Reviews.ens
    • Chinese Std GBT7714 (numeric).ens
    • Academy Management J.ens
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    • Psychology and Marketing.ens
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    • Phycological Research.ens
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    • JAACAP.ens
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    • Boreas.ens
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    • Phys Med Rehabil Kurortmed-English.ens
    • Learning Individual Diff.ens
    • Perspectives on Politics.ens
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    • J Nuclear Cardiology.ens
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    • Geofluids.ens
    • Archives Oral Biology.ens
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    • J Analytic Atomic Spectro.ens
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    • Trans Computer Systems.ens
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    • Intl Nursing Rev.ens
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    • Discourse.ens
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    • J Obstet Gynaecol Res.ens
    • Aust Style Manual (footnote).ens
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    • Sociological Methods and Res.ens
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    • Sem Liver Disease.ens
    • J Neg Results in Biomed.ens
    • Perspectives Psych Care.ens
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    • Stereo Funct Neurosurgery.ens
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    • Reactive Functional Polymers.ens
    • Odontology.ens
    • J Parallel and Dist Comp.ens
    • J Professional Nursing.ens
    • J Appl Physiology.ens
    • J Drug Issues.ens
    • Prog Natural Science.ens
    • Zoology.ens
    • la Medicina del Lavaro.ens
    • J Separation Science.ens
    • Trends Cardiovasc Med.ens
    • J Child Adolesc Psych Nursing.ens
    • Mass Spectrometry Revs.ens
    • J Vet Pharma Therapeutics.ens
    • SKINmed.ens
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    • Harvard-IBW.ens
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    • Sage Harvard.ens
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    • Fuzzy Sets and Systems.ens
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    • colony.txt
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    • error.bars.txt
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    • repmeasures.txt
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    • seedlings.txt
    • seeds.txt
    • soaysheep.txt
    • Speciesarea.txt
    • splitplot.txt
    • test.txt
    • threes.txt
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    • transgenic.txt
    • twoway.txt
    • Varcell.txt
    • weather.txt
    • worms2.txt
    • Yoda.txt
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  • 2011-10-12
  • Acemoglu 2.rar

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    • Experimentation, Patents, and Innovation Acemoglu 32.pdf
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    • Fragility of Asymptotic Agreement under Bayesian Learning Acemoglu 18.pdf
    • Generalized Poincaré-Hopf Theorem for Compact Nonsmooth Regions.pdf
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    • Income and Democracy.pdf
    • Income and Health Spending Evidence from Oil Price Shocks Acemoglu 17.pdf
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    • Institutions, Factor Prices, and Taxation.pdf
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    • Learning and Disagreement in an Uncertain World Acemoglu 19.pdf
    • Local Indices for Degenerate Variational Inequalities.pdf
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    • Dechow, P., Hutton, A., & Sloan, R. (1999)..PDF
    • Datta, S., & Dhillon, U. (1993).PDF
    • Darrough, M., & Russell, T. (2002).PDF
    • Conroy, R., Harris, R., & Park, Y. (1998)..PDF
    • Conflicts of Interest and Stock rocomendation.pdf
    • Claus, J., & Thomas, J. (2001)..PDF
    • Choi, J. (2000).PDF
    • Cheng, Q. (2005).pdf
    • Chandra, U., Procassini, A., & Waymire, G. (1999).PDF
    • Easton, P. (2004).PDF
    • download1.pdf
    • Do Investors Under-React to Information.pdf
    • Divergence of Opinion and Equity Returns.pdf
    • Discussion.pdf
    • Discussion of The Impact of Analysts.pdf
    • Discussion of investor protection and analysts’ cash flow forecasts around the world.pdf
    • Discussion of Behavioural Bias.pdf
    • Discussion of “On the relation between predictable market returns and predictable analyst forecast errors”.pdf
    • Discussion of “Evidence of differing market responses to beating analysts’ targets through tax expense decreases”.pdf
    • Discussion of “Are earnings forecasts more accurate when accompanied by cash flow forecasts ”.pdf
    • Denis, D., Denis, D., & Sarin, A. (1994)..pdf
    • Degeorge, F., Patel, J., & Zeckhauser, R. (1999).PDF
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  • 2010-10-9
  • Deguss~1.zip

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  • 2010-8-7
  • s Degree.doc
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  • 2010-4-16
  • 英文剧本合集F - H.rar

    • Final Destination.doc
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    • HALLOWEEN 7.doc
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  • 2010-1-29
  • 环境库兹涅茨.rar

    • Environmental degradation in developing countries.pdf
    • Is environmental degradation an inevitable consequence of.pdf
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    • 深圳经济增长与环境质量关系.pdf
    • 武汉市经济发展与交通噪声污染.pdf
    • 武汉市三废.pdf
    • 浙江省.pdf
    • 中国的环境库兹涅茨.PDF
    • 中国环境库兹涅茨曲线的估计.pdf
    • 中国省际面板数据.pdf
    • 1999, List, The environmental Kuznets curve.pdf
    • A Kuznets Curve in Environmental Efficiency An Application on OECD Countries.pdf
    • A simultaneous estimation of Environmental Kuznets Curve Evidence from China.pdf
    • An Empirical Test of Environmental Kuznets Curve for Water Pollution.pdf
    • An index directly indicates land-based pollutant load contributions of.pdf
    • Desperately seeking environmental Kuznets.pdf
    • Industrial pollution in economic development.pdf
    • Interactions between economic growth and environmental quality in Shenzhen.pdf
    • Is China in a later stage of a U-shaped forest resource curve.pdf
    • 安徽省EKC.pdf
    • 北京市.pdf
    • 北京市EKC.pdf
    • 北京市废气.pdf
    • 广州省SO2.pdf
    • 广州省库兹涅茨.pdf
    • 广州市环境库兹涅茨曲线分析.pdf
    • 环境库兹涅茨曲线国内外研究进展.pdf
    • 环境库兹涅茨曲线假说的中国检验.pdf
    • 环境库兹涅茨曲线研究回顾与评析.pdf
    • 环境库兹涅茨曲线研究进展.pdf
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  • 2009-8-10
  • Hayek_2.rar

    • Hayek_On the Relationship Between Investment and Output.pdf
    • Hayek_Degrees of Explanation.pdf
    • Hayek_Denationalisation of Money_ the Argument Refined.pdf
    • Hayek_Economics and Knowledge.pdf
    • Hayek_Freedom, Reason, and Tradition.pdf
    • Hayek_hayekcollection.pdf
    • Hayek_Individualism and Economic Order.pdf
    • Hayek_Investment that Raises the Demand for Capital.pdf
    • Hayek_Monetary Nationalism and International Stability.pdf
    • Hayek_Monetary Theory and the Trade Cycle.pdf
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  • 2009-7-3
  • Optimal Statistical Decisions (2004 DeGroot).rar

    • Optimal Statistical Decisions (2004 DeGroot).djvu
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  • 2009-6-22
  • 144749.pdf
       ANN based degisn and cost determination

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  • 2007-8-8
  • 97962.zip
       [下载]Tools of Developing the stradegy plans

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  • 92860.rar

    • PBS_Declining_by_Degrees_Higher_Education_at_Risk_XviD_MP3.torrent
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  • 2007-2-25
  • 43084.rar

    • Degrees of freedom1.doc
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  • 2006-3-11
  • 5927.rar

    • RZNBERBodegaBay.pdf
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  • 2004-12-22