大小 上传时间
  • Taylor_&_Francis_Articles(11Nov2023) (4).zip

    • 00-Bayesian Inference for Kendall_s Rank Correlation Coefficient.pdf
  • 753.37 KB
  • 2023-11-12
  • Taylor_&_Francis_Articles(11Nov2023) (2).zip

    • 00-Bayesian Inference for Kendall_s Rank Correlation Coefficient.pdf
  • 753.24 KB
  • 2023-11-12
  • Taylor_&_Francis_Articles(11Nov2023) (1).zip

    • 00-Hypothesis Tests for Structured Rank Correlation Matrices.pdf
  • 1.39 MB
  • 2023-11-12
  • garch11.zip

    • garch11_autocorrelation_daily.xlsm
    • EF5213_garch11.xlsm
    • garch11_supp.pdf
    • EF5213_garch11.pdf
  • 1 MB
  • 2022-4-24
  • Biometrics - 2021 - Eden - Nonparametric estimation of Spearman s rank correlati.rar

    • Biometrics - 2021 - Eden - Nonparametric estimation of Spearman s rank correlation with bivariate survival data (1).pdf
  • 1.73 MB
  • 2022-3-15
  • SPSS19-canonical correlation.sps.rar
       SPSS19-canonical correlation.sps, 典型相关分析

    • SPSS19-canonical correlation.SPS
  • 231 Bytes
  • 2021-12-29
  • 社会网络分析, 复杂网络分析:参考文献之三.rar
       社会网络分析, 复杂网络分析

    • Inferring preference correlations from social networks(可参考).pdf
    • Knowledge network dissemination in a family-firm sector(研究视角特别,实证研究).pdf
    • Leadership groups on Social Network Sites based on Personalized PageRank(可模仿).pdf
    • Less effortful thinking leads to more social networking- The associations between the use of social network sites and personality traits.pdf
    • Leveraging personal photos to inferring friendships in social network services(挺神奇的研究,可模仿).pdf
    • MEK- Using spatial–temporal information to improve social networks and knowledge dissemination(有参考价值).pdf
    • Moving knowledge to action through dissemination and exchange.pdf
    • New technology facilitates the study of social networks.pdf
    • Online and offline social networks- Use of social networking sites by emerging adults(跨领域,可参考).pdf
    • Online social networks—Paradise of computer viruses(病毒=知识?).pdf
    • Organising Knowledge Management and Dissemination in New Product Development- Lessons from 12 Global Corporations(早期研究).pdf
    • Evolution of trust networks in social web applications using supervised learning.pdf
    • Exploiting user interest similarity and social links for micro-blog forwarding in mobile opportunistic networks.pdf
    • Exploring computer supported collaborative coordination through social networks(很好,值得一读).pdf
    • Facing scalability- Naming faces in an online social network(有趣的研究,挺难).pdf
    • Game Analysis of Google's Information Dissemination Strategy in China:a New Perspective for Knowledge Engineering(可精度).pdf
    • How companies cultivate relationships with publics on social network sites- Evidence from China and the United States(实证).pdf
    • How to keep members using the information in a computer-supported social network(实证).pdf
    • Implications of the Internet for Knowledge Creation and Dissemination in Clusters of Hi-tech Firms(参考).pdf
    • Importance of tie strengths in the prisoner’s dilemma game on social networks(刘鲁文章,参考).pdf
    • Improving learning management through semantic web and social networks in e-learning environments(偏技术的可参考).pdf
    • Investigating an online social network using spatial interaction models(挺简单的研究).pdf
    • JCRFulL2014-sci.pdf
    • Knowledge communication and translation.pdf
    • Knowledge flows through social networks in a cluster- Comparing university and industry links.pdf
    • Knowledge management techniques- teaching and dissemination concepts.pdf
  • 15.25 MB
  • 2021-10-31
  • 伍德里奇导论stata程序及相应的结果.rar

    • Chapter 16 - Simultaneous Equations Models.pdf
    • Chapter 17 - Limited Dependent Variable Models and Sample Selection Corrections.pdf
    • Chapter 18 - Advanced Time Series Topics.pdf
    • wooldridge 3rd.pdf
    • Wooldridge data sets.pdf
    • 伍德里奇课本的所有stata程序以及相应的结果输出.mht
    • Chapter 2 - The Simple Regression Model.pdf
    • Chapter 3 - Multiple Regression Analysis Estimation.pdf
    • Chapter 4 - Multiple Regression Analysis Inference.pdf
    • Chapter 5 - Multiple Regression Analysis OLS Asymptotics.pdf
    • Chapter 6 - Multiple Regression Analysis Further Issues.pdf
    • Chapter 7 - Multiple Regression Analysis with Qualitative Information Binary (or Dummy) Variables.pdf
    • Chapter 8 - Heteroskedasticity.pdf
    • Chapter 9 - More on Specification and Data Problems.pdf
    • Chapter 10 - Basic Regression Analysis with Time Series Data.pdf
    • Chapter 11 - Further Issues in Using OLS with Time Series Data.pdf
    • Chapter 12 - Serial Correlation and Heteroskedasticity in Time Series Regressions.pdf
    • Chapter 13 - Pooling Cross Sections Across Time. Simple Panel Data Methods.pdf
    • Chapter 14 - Advanced Panel Data Methods.pdf
    • Chapter 15 - Instrumental Variables Estimation and Two Stage Least Squares.pdf
  • 5.18 MB
  • 2021-10-27
  • 异方差和自回归分析 in stata,Heteroskedasticity and Autocorrelation.rar
       异方差和自回归分析 in stata,Heteroskedasticity and Autocorrelation,do文件

    • Heteroskedasticity and Autocorrelation.do
    • 异方差和自回归分析 in stata,Heteroskedasticity and Autocorrelation.pdf
  • 747.21 KB
  • 2021-8-8
  • 参考文献.rar

    • The spatial autocorrelation problem in spatial interaction modelling-a comparison of two common solutions.pdf
    • On model specification and parameter space definitions in higher order spatial econometric models.pdf
    • Spatial Econometric Interaction Modelling.pdf
    • Donald J. Lacombe.pdf
    • Identifying local spatial association in flow data.pdf
    • In the neighborhood-The trade effects of the Euro in a spatial framework.pdf
  • 9.82 MB
  • 2020-1-20
  • c646a65ad093171712391ed726a716f7.zip

    • 10_Basic Regression Analysis with Time Series Data.ppt
    • 11_Further Issues in Using OLS with Time Series Data.ppt
    • 12_Serial Correlation and Heteroskedasticity in Time Series Regressions.ppt
    • 13_Pooling Cross Sections across Time_Simple Panel Data Methods.ppt
    • 14_Advanced Panel Data Methods.ppt
    • 15_Instrumental Variables Estimation and Two Stage Least Squares.ppt
    • 16_Simultaneous Equations Models.ppt
    • 17_Limited Dependent Variable Models and Sample Selection Corrections.ppt
    • 18_Advanced Time Series Topics.ppt
    • 19_Carrying Out an Empirical Project.ppt
    • 1_The Nature of Econometrics and Economic Data.ppt
    • 2_The Simple Regression Model.ppt
    • 3_Multiple Regression Analysis_Estimation.ppt
    • 4_Multiple Regression Analysis_Inference.ppt
    • 4_Multiple Regression Analysis_Inference2.ppt
    • 5_Multiple Regression Analysis_OLS Asymptotics.ppt
    • 6_Multiple Regression Analysis_Further Issues.ppt
    • 7_Multiple Regression Analysis with Qualitative Information.ppt
    • 8_Heteroskedasticity.ppt
    • 9_More on Specification and Data Issues.ppt
  • 32.2 MB
  • 2020-1-8
  • Grey_correlation.rar

    • Grey_correlation.m
  • 1.33 KB
  • 2019-6-12
  • Grey_correlation.rar

    • Grey_correlation.m
  • 1.27 KB
  • 2019-6-12
  • DCCA代码及英文文献.rar

    • DCCA_lx2_mean.m
    • Detrended Cross-Correlation Analysis A New Method for Analyzing Two Nonstationary Nonstationary.pdf
  • 231.99 KB
  • 2019-4-2
  • Spatial Autocorrelation and Spatial Filtering.zip

    • Spatial Autocorrelation and Spatial Filtering.pdf
  • 7.87 MB
  • 2019-3-26
  • Volatility-and-Correlation-In-the-Pricing-of-Equity-FX-and-Interest-Rate-Options.zip

    • Volatility-and-Correlation-In-the-Pricing-of-Equity-FX-and-Interest-Rate-Options.pdf
  • 66.77 MB
  • 2019-3-11
  • Linear Regression And Correlation - A Beginner's Guide.rar

    • Linear Regression And Correlation - A Beginner's Guide.azw3
  • 3.71 MB
  • 2018-10-30
  • instrument technical doc.zip

    • bond_futures.pdf
    • bond_futures_options.pdf
    • bond_options.pdf
    • BonusCertificates.pdf
    • CapitalProtection.pdf
    • CapitalProtectionWithCoupon.pdf
    • caps_floors_and_collars.pdf
    • cash.pdf
    • cash_flow_stream.pdf
    • cds_index_option.pdf
    • cds_options.pdf
    • CliquetOption.pdf
    • CMS_spread_options.pdf
    • coco.pdf
    • commodity.pdf
    • commodity_average_rate_options.pdf
    • commodity_future_average_rate_options.pdf
    • commodity_future_options.pdf
    • commodity_futures.pdf
    • commodity_options.pdf
    • commodity_swaps.pdf
    • CommodityAverageRateOptionMR.pdf
    • CommodityDoubleBarrier.pdf
    • CommodityFutureGenericBarrierOption.pdf
    • CommodityFutureOptionMR.pdf
    • CommodityFuturesSpreadOptionMR.pdf
    • CommodityGenericBarrierOption.pdf
    • CommodityIndexSwapFutures.pdf
    • CommodityOptionMR.pdf
    • CommodityRollingFuturesAverageRateOption.pdf
    • CommoditySingleBarrier.pdf
    • ContingentSwaption.pdf
    • convertible_bond.pdf
    • convertible_bond_option.pdf
    • credit_default_swaps.pdf
    • credit_default_swaps_revisited.pdf
    • credit_index.pdf
    • credit_index_revisited.pdf
    • DiscountCertificates.pdf
    • DSF.pdf
    • DualAssetOption.pdf
    • DualBinaryOption.pdf
    • equity.pdf
    • equity_average_rate_options.pdf
    • equity_future_options.pdf
    • equity_futures.pdf
    • equity_options.pdf
    • equity_swaps.pdf
    • EquityCorrelationSwap.pdf
    • EquityDoubleBarrier.pdf
    • EquityGenericBarrierOption.pdf
    • EquitySingleBarrier.pdf
    • EquityVarianceSwap.pdf
    • forward_vol_agreement.pdf
    • fra.pdf
    • fund.pdf
    • fx_average_rate_options.pdf
    • FX_digital_option.pdf
    • fx_forward.pdf
    • fx_futures.pdf
    • FX_futures_option.pdf
    • FX_option.pdf
    • FXBarrierDigital.pdf
    • FXCorrelationSwap.pdf
    • FXDoubleBarrier.pdf
    • FXGenericBarrierOption.pdf
    • FXSingleBarrier.pdf
    • FXTouchOption.pdf
    • FXVarianceSwap.pdf
    • general_sensitivity_instrument.pdf
    • generic_bond.pdf
    • generic_convertible_bond.pdf
    • generic_convertible_bond_best_practice.pdf
    • GenericPayoffInstrument.pdf
    • HWOneFactorTree.pdf
    • ILB_Extension_of_GB.pdf
    • Inflation_Swap.pdf
    • InflationCapsAndFloors.pdf
    • InflationIndexedLiability.pdf
    • interest_rate_futures_options.pdf
    • IR_Bundle_futures.pdf
    • IR_futures.pdf
    • mandatory_convertible_bond_new.pdf
    • money_market.pdf
    • OutperformanceCertificates.pdf
    • overnight_indexed_swap.pdf
    • PassThroughModels.pdf
    • ReverseConvertible.pdf
    • SecuritizedProductsModelingOverview.pdf
    • SecuritizedTrancheModels.pdf
    • SOFR_Futures.pdf
    • SummaryTable.pdf
    • swap.pdf
    • Swaption.pdf
    • synthetic_CDO.pdf
    • TreasuryLock.pdf
    • UK_index-linked_Gilt.pdf
    • VIX_futures.pdf
    • Warrants.pdf
    • YoY_Inflation_Swap.pdf
    • Australia_New_Zealand_Capital_Index_Bonds.pdf
    • AutoCallableNote.pdf
    • BankLoan.pdf
    • BarrierDiscountCertificates.pdf
    • BDT_swaption_pricing.pdf
  • 83.26 MB
  • 2018-9-21

  • 458.99 KB
  • 2018-7-25
  • Correlation for the third virial coefficient using.zip

    • Correlation for the third virial coefficient using.pdf
  • 696.87 KB
  • 2017-12-17
  • Sciencedirect_articles_06Oct2017_07-15-12.447.zip

    • CHAPTER-4-Engineering-Simple-Interest-Rate-Derivatives_2008_Principles-of-Financial-Engineering-Second-Edition-.pdf
    • CHAPTER-20-Principal-Protection-Techniques_2008_Principles-of-Financial-Engineering-Second-Edition-.pdf
    • CHAPTER-13-Fixed-Income-Engineering_2008_Principles-of-Financial-Engineering-Second-Edition-.pdf
    • CHAPTER-17-Essentials-of-Structured-Product-Engineering_2008_Principles-of-Financial-Engineering-Second-Edition-.pdf
    • Copyright_2008_Principles-of-Financial-Engineering-Second-Edition-.pdf
    • CHAPTER-19-Default-Correlation-Pricing-and-Trading_2008_Principles-of-Financial-Engineering-Second-Edition-.pdf
    • CHAPTER-10-Options-Engineering-with-Applications_2008_Principles-of-Financial-Engineering-Second-Edition-.pdf
    • CHAPTER-1-Introduction_2008_Principles-of-Financial-Engineering-Second-Edition-.pdf
    • CHAPTER-7-Dynamic-Replication-Methods-and-Synthetics_2008_Principles-of-Financial-Engineering-Second-Edition-.pdf
    • CHAPTER-22-Engineering-of-Equity-Instruments-Pricing-and-Replication_2008_Principles-of-Financial-Engineering-Second-Edition-.pdf
    • CHAPTER-15-Volatility-as-an-Asset-Class-and-the-Smile_2008_Principles-of-Financial-Engineering-Second-Edition-.pdf
    • CHAPTER-16-Credit-Markets-CDS-Engineering_2008_Principles-of-Financial-Engineering-Second-Edition-.pdf
    • CHAPTER-8-Mechanics-of-Options_2008_Principles-of-Financial-Engineering-Second-Edition-.pdf
    • CHAPTER-5-Introduction-to-Swap-Engineering_2008_Principles-of-Financial-Engineering-Second-Edition-.pdf
    • References_2008_Principles-of-Financial-Engineering-Second-Edition-.pdf
    • Front-Matter_2008_Principles-of-Financial-Engineering-Second-Edition-.pdf
    • Index_2008_Principles-of-Financial-Engineering-Second-Edition-.pdf
    • CHAPTER-3-Cash-Flow-Engineering-and-Forward-Contracts_2008_Principles-of-Financial-Engineering-Second-Edition-.pdf
    • CHAPTER-6-Repo-Market-Strategies-in-Financial-Engineering_2008_Principles-of-Financial-Engineering-Second-Edition-.pdf
    • Preface_2008_Principles-of-Financial-Engineering-Second-Edition-.pdf
    • CHAPTER-21-Caps-Floors-and-Swaptions-with-an-Application-to-Mortgages_2008_Principles-of-Financial-Engineering-Second-Edition-.pdf
    • Dedication_2008_Principles-of-Financial-Engineering-Second-Edition-.pdf
    • CHAPTER-12-Some-Applications-of-the-Fundamental-Theorem_2008_Principles-of-Financial-Engineering-Second-Edition-.pdf
    • CHAPTER-11-Pricing-Tools-in-Financial-Engineering_2008_Principles-of-Financial-Engineering-Second-Edition-.pdf
    • CHAPTER-2-An-Introduction-to-Some-Concepts-and-Definitions_2008_Principles-of-Financial-Engineering-Second-Edition-.pdf
    • CHAPTER-9-Engineering-Convexity-Positions_2008_Principles-of-Financial-Engineering-Second-Edition-.pdf
    • CHAPTER-18-Credit-Indices-and-Their-Tranches_2008_Principles-of-Financial-Engineering-Second-Edition-.pdf
    • CHAPTER-14-Tools-for-Volatility-Engineering-Volatility-Swaps-and-Volatility-Trading_2008_Principles-of-Financial-Engineering-Second-Edition-.pdf
  • 5.73 MB
  • 2017-10-10
  • Springer Series in Statistics(1986-1988).rar

    • 1987.Correlation Theory of Stationary and Related Random Functions Vol I Basic Results.djvu
    • 1987.Correlation Theory of Stationary and Related Random Functions Vol II Supplementary Notes and References.djvu
    • 1987.Time Series_ Theory and Methods(1987).pdf
    • 1988.Goodness-of-Fit Statistics for Discrete Multivariate Data (1988).djvu
    • 1986.Asymptotic Methods in Statistical Decision Theory(1986).pdf
    • 1986.Modern Concepts and Theorems of Mathematical Statistics(1986).pdf
    • 1986.Parameter Estimation and Hypothesis Testing in Spectral Analysis of Stationary Time Series(1986).pdf
    • 1986.Principal Component Analysis(1986).pdf
  • 90.77 MB
  • 2017-9-15
  • 各版本HS,SITC,BEC编码转换.rar

    • HS 2012 to HS 1996 Correlation and conversion tables.xls
    • HS2002 to HS1996 - Correlation and conversion tables.xls
    • HS 2012 to HS 1992 Correlation and conversion tables.xls
    • HS 2007 to HS 1992 Correlation and conversion tables.xls
    • HS2002 to HS1992 - Correlation and conversion tables.xls
    • HS1996 to HS1992 - Correlation and conversion tables.xls
    • HS 2012 to SITC Rev.4 Correlation and conversion tables.xls
    • UN Comtrade Conversion table HS2007 to SITCRev4.xls
    • HS 2012 to SITC3 Correlation and conversion tables.xls
    • UN Comtrade Conversion table HS2007 to SITCRev3.xls
    • HS1996 to SITC3 Conversion and Correlation Tables.xls
    • HS2002 to SITC3 Conversion and Correlation Tables.xls
    • HS1992 to SITC3 Conversion and Correlation Tables.xls
    • HS1996 to SITC2 Conversion and Correlation Tables.xls
    • HS1992 to SITC2 Conversion and Correlation Tables.xls
    • SITC3 to SITC2 Conversion and Correlation Tables.xls
    • HS 2012 to SITC1 Correlation and conversion tables.xls
    • HS 2007 to SITC Rev 1 Correlation and conversion tables.xls
    • HS2002 to SITC1 Conversion and Correlation Tables.xls
    • HS1996 to SITC1 Conversion and Correlation Tables.xls
    • SITC3 to SITC1 Conversion and Correlation Tables.xls
    • HS1992 to SITC1 Conversion and Conversion Tables.xls
    • SITC2 to SITC1 Conversion and Correlation Tables.xls
    • HS 2012 to BEC Correlation and conversion tables.xls
    • HS2007-BEC4 Correlation and conversionTable.xls
    • HS2002 to BEC Conversion and Correlation Tables.xls
    • HS1996 to BEC Conversion and Correlation Tables.xls
    • SITC3 to BEC Conversion and Correlation Tables.xls
    • SITC2 to BEC Conversion and Correlation Tables.xls
    • HS 2007 to SITC Rev 2 Correlation and conversion tables.xls
    • HS 2012 to SITC2 Correlation and conversion tables.xls
    • HS 2007 to HS 2002 Correlation and conversion tables.xls
    • HS 2012 to HS 2007 Correlation and conversion tables.xls
    • HS 2012 to HS 2002 Correlation and conversion tables.xls
    • HS 2007 to HS 1996 Correlation and conversion tables.xls
    • HS2002 to SITC2 Conversion and Correlation Tables.xls
  • 4.27 MB
  • 2016-11-6
  • Solution Package Intermediate Accounting 16E - Kieso.zip

    • SM.zip
    • IM.zip
    • Excel_Templates.zip
    • Excel_Working_Papers.zip
    • Kieso_IA_16e_EOC_Correlation_Chart.xlsx
    • solutions_to_excel_templates.zip
  • 11.57 MB
  • 2016-9-19
  • Modeling the Dependence of Conditional Correlations on Market Volatility.zip

    • Modeling the Dependence of Conditional Correlations on Market Volatility.pdf
  • 506.04 KB
  • 2016-7-20
  • paper 8.zip

    • YE15 Credit Portfolio Modelling Calibration Document (Part II Transition matrices correlations and recoveries).docx
    • YE15 Credit Portfolio Modelling Calibration Document (Part I, Spread risk) FINAL.DOC
  • 9.06 MB
  • 2016-5-13
  • 伍德里奇计量经济学导论所有stata程序和数据及相应的结果.zip

    • Chapter 10 - Basic Regression Analysis with Time Series Data.pdf
    • Chapter 11 - Further Issues in Using OLS with Time Series Data.pdf
    • Chapter 12 - Serial Correlation and Heteroskedasticity in Time Series Regressions.pdf
    • Chapter 13 - Pooling Cross Sections Across Time. Simple Panel Data Methods.pdf
    • Chapter 14 - Advanced Panel Data Methods.pdf
    • Chapter 15 - Instrumental Variables Estimation and Two Stage Least Squares.pdf
    • Chapter 16 - Simultaneous Equations Models.pdf
    • Chapter 17 - Limited Dependent Variable Models and Sample Selection Corrections.pdf
    • Chapter 18 - Advanced Time Series Topics.pdf
    • Chapter 2 - The Simple Regression Model.pdf
    • Chapter 3 - Multiple Regression Analysis Estimation.pdf
    • Chapter 4 - Multiple Regression Analysis Inference.pdf
    • Chapter 5 - Multiple Regression Analysis OLS Asymptotics.pdf
    • Chapter 6 - Multiple Regression Analysis Further Issues.pdf
    • Chapter 7 - Multiple Regression Analysis with Qualitative Information Binary (or Dummy) Variables.pdf
    • Chapter 8 - Heteroskedasticity.pdf
    • Chapter 9 - More on Specification and Data Problems.pdf
    • Wooldridge data sets.pdf
    • wooldridge 3rd.pdf
  • 5.44 MB
  • 2016-5-11
  • Journal of the Operational Research Society Volume 63 issue 7 2012 [doi 10.1057-.rar

    • Journal of the Operational Research Society Volume 63 issue 7 2012 [doi 10.1057-jors.2011.92] Urban, T L -- The existence of serial correlation and its effect on the format of a championship playoff.pdf
  • 124.51 KB
  • 2016-4-22
  • Correlation with R.zip

    • cor_test.R
    • corrgram.R
    • corrplotR.R
    • ellipseR.R
    • ggcorrR.R
    • plotcovR.R
    • armcorrplotR.R
  • 2.78 KB
  • 2016-2-1
  • Lecture7.pdf
       Portfolio Means, Variances and Correlations

  • 730.39 KB
  • 2015-11-23
  • 0912f50e2e4f0c4d89000000.pdf
       Problems with Instrumental Variables Estimation When the Correlation Between the Instruments and the ...

  • 1.72 MB
  • 2015-4-6
  • Correlations between Brothers and Neighboring Boys in Their Adult Earnings.rar

    • Correlations between Brothers and Neighboring Boys in Their Adult Earnings.pdf
  • 114.7 KB
  • 2015-3-6
  • Maurice G. Kendall-Rank Correlation Methods-Griffin, London (1970).rar

    • Maurice G. Kendall-Rank Correlation Methods-Griffin, London (1970).djvu
  • 2.32 MB
  • 2015-3-4
  • SPSS.zip
       SPSS for Windows 19.0 筆記

    • Ch1_A brief Tour.pdf
    • Ch9. Presenting Your Data.pdf
    • Ch3. Transforming Data.pdf
    • Ch4. Univariate Statistics.pdf
    • Ch2. Creating Data File.pdf
    • Ch6. Comparing Means.pdf
    • Ch7. Correlation and Regression.pdf
    • Ch8. Multivariate Analysis.pdf
    • Datainput_ex1_2014.pdf
    • simplestat_ex2.pdf
    • Ch5. Cross Tabulations.pdf
    • Datainput_exercise.zip
    • Ex2_files.zip
    • Ex3_files.zip
    • simpleinference_ex3.pdf
  • 5.21 MB
  • 2015-2-17
  • Notes 9th edition.rar

    • 3. Warrant Valuation When Value of Equity plus Warrants Is Lognormal.pdf
    • 4. Exact Procedure for Valuing American Calls on Stocks Paying a Single Dividend.pdf
    • 5. Differential Equation for Price of a Derivative on a Stock Paying a Known Dividend Yield.pdf
    • 6. Calculation of the Cumulative Probability in a Bivariate Normal Distribution.pdf
    • 7. Differential Equation for Price of a Derivative on a Futures Price.pdf
    • 8. Analytic Approximation for Valuing American Options.pdf
    • 9. Generalized Tree Building Procedure.pdf
    • 10. The Cornish-Fisher Expansion to Estimate VaR.pdf
    • 11. Manipulation of Credit Transition Matrices.pdf
    • 12. Calculation of Cumulative Non-Central Chi Square Distribution.pdf
    • 13. Efficient Procedure for Valuing American-Style Lookback Options.pdf
    • 14. The Hull-White Two-Factor Model.pdf
    • 15. Valuing Options on Coupon-Bearing Bonds in a One-Factor Interest Rate Model.pdf
    • 16. Construction of an Interest Rate Tree with Nonconstant Time Steps and Nonconstant Parameters.pdf
    • 17. The Process for the Short Rate in an HJM Term Structure Model.pdf
    • 18. Valuation of a Compounding Swap.pdf
    • 19. Valuation of an Equity Swap.pdf
    • 20. Changing the Market Price of Risk for Variables That Are Not the Prices of Traded Securities.pdf
    • 21. Hermite Polynomials and Their Use for Integration.pdf
    • 22. Valuation of a Variance Swap.pdf
    • 23. The Black, Derman , Toy Model.pdf
    • 24. Proof that Forward and Futures Prices Are Equal When Interest Rates Are Constant.pdf
    • 25. A Cash Flow Mapping Procedure.pdf
    • 26. A Binomial Measure of Credit Correlation.pdf
    • 27. Calculation of Moments for Valuing Asian Options.pdf
    • 28. Calculation of Moments for Valuing Basket Options.pdf
    • 29. Proof of Extensions to Ito's Lemma.pdf
    • 30. The Return for a Security Dependent on Multiple Sources of Uncertainty.pdf
    • 31. Properties of Ho-Lee and Hull-White Interest Rate Models.pdf
    • 1. Convexity Adjustments to Eurodollar Futures.pdf
    • 2. Properties of the Lognormal Distribution.pdf
  • 1.37 MB
  • 2015-1-30