大小 上传时间
  • 上市公司财务修正统计表(1997-2021).zip

    • Copyright notice.pdf
    • AR_FINCORRECTSTAT[DES][xlsx].txt
  • 437.78 KB
  • 2024-5-11
  • 上市公司财务修正明细表(2001-2021).zip

    • Copyright notice.pdf
    • AR_FINCORRECT[DES][xlsx].txt
    • AR_FINCORRECT.xlsx
  • 847.05 KB
  • 2024-5-11
  • Lancet_20240405.zip

    • Refining-treatment-choices-for-ADHD_2018_lanpsy.pdf
    • Comparative-efficacy-and-tolerability-of-medicatio.pdf
    • Signed,-sealed,-delivered_lanpsy.pdf
    • ‘Extraordinarily-arduous-and-fraught-with-d.pdf
    • Beneficial-effects-of-electroconvulsive-therapy-in.pdf
    • Corrections_lanpsy.pdf
    • More-comprehensive-models-are-needed-to-understand.pdf
  • 520.72 KB
  • 2024-4-6
  • 伍德里奇导论stata程序及相应的结果.rar

    • Chapter 16 - Simultaneous Equations Models.pdf
    • Chapter 17 - Limited Dependent Variable Models and Sample Selection Corrections.pdf
    • Chapter 18 - Advanced Time Series Topics.pdf
    • wooldridge 3rd.pdf
    • Wooldridge data sets.pdf
    • 伍德里奇课本的所有stata程序以及相应的结果输出.mht
    • Chapter 2 - The Simple Regression Model.pdf
    • Chapter 3 - Multiple Regression Analysis Estimation.pdf
    • Chapter 4 - Multiple Regression Analysis Inference.pdf
    • Chapter 5 - Multiple Regression Analysis OLS Asymptotics.pdf
    • Chapter 6 - Multiple Regression Analysis Further Issues.pdf
    • Chapter 7 - Multiple Regression Analysis with Qualitative Information Binary (or Dummy) Variables.pdf
    • Chapter 8 - Heteroskedasticity.pdf
    • Chapter 9 - More on Specification and Data Problems.pdf
    • Chapter 10 - Basic Regression Analysis with Time Series Data.pdf
    • Chapter 11 - Further Issues in Using OLS with Time Series Data.pdf
    • Chapter 12 - Serial Correlation and Heteroskedasticity in Time Series Regressions.pdf
    • Chapter 13 - Pooling Cross Sections Across Time. Simple Panel Data Methods.pdf
    • Chapter 14 - Advanced Panel Data Methods.pdf
    • Chapter 15 - Instrumental Variables Estimation and Two Stage Least Squares.pdf
  • 5.18 MB
  • 2021-10-27
  • applied_micro_methods(2).zip

    • Factorial Designs, Model Selection,and (Incorrect) Inference in Randomized Experiments.pdf
    • Econometric Methods for Program Evaluation.pdf
    • Efficient Estimation for Staggered Rollout Designs.pdf
    • Errors in the Dependent Variable of Quantile Regression Models.pdf
    • Estimating Dynamic Treatment Effects in Event Studies with Heterogeneous Treatment Effect.pdf
    • External Validity in Fuzzy Regression Discontinuity Designs.pdf
    • Extremal Quantile Regressions for Selection Models and the Black-White Wage Gap(2014)..pdf
    • Extremal Quantile Regressions for Selection Models and the Black-White Wage Gap(2018)..pdf
    • Fuzzy Differences-in-Differences(2012)..pdf
    • Fuzzy Differences-in-Differences(2017)..pdf
    • How Much Should We Trust Staggered DID Estimates.pdf
    • Identification and Extrapolation with IV.pdf
    • Inference in Differences-in-Differences with Few Treated Groups and Heteroskedasticity.pdf
    • Inference in Instrumental Variable Analysis with Heterogeneous Treatment Effects.pdf
    • Inference in Linear Regression Models with Many Covariates and Heteroscedasticity.pdf
    • Inference in Regression Discontinuity Designs with a Discrete Running Variable.pdf
    • Inference with Arbitrary Clustering.pdf
    • Inference with DID Revisited.pdf
    • Inference with Few Heterogeneous Clusters(Paper).pdf
    • Inference with Few Heterogeneous Clusters(PPT).pdf
    • Instrument-based estimation with binarized treatments_Issues and tests for the exclusion restriction.pdf
    • Instruments with Heterogeneous Effects_Bias, Monotonicity, and Localness.pdf
    • Interpreting OLS Estimands When Treatment Effects Are Heterogeneous_Smaller Groups Get Larger Weights.pdf
    • Kleven, H. J. (2016). Bunching. Annual Review of Economics 8, 435–464..pdf
    • Matching Methods for Causal Inference with Time-Series Cross-Section Data.pdf
    • Matrix Completion Methods for Causal Panel Data Models..pdf
    • Network and Panel Quantile Effects via Distribution Regression..pdf
    • Non-random exposure to exogenous shocks-Theory and Applications.pdf
    • Nonparametric Bounds for Causal Effects in Imperfect Randomized Experiments.pdf
    • On Bunching and Identification of the Taxable Income Elasticity.pdf
    • On Estimating Multiple Treatment Effects with Regression.pdf
    • On the Role of Covariates in the Synthetic Control Method.pdf
    • On_Event_Studies_and_Distributed_Lags_in_Two_Way_Fixed_Effects_Models.pdf
    • Optimal Bandwidth Choice for Robust Bias-Corrected Inference in Regression Riscontinuity Designs..pdf
    • Optimal Inference in a Class of Regression Models..pdf
    • Optimized Regression Discontinuity Designs.pdf
    • Panel Data and Experimental Design..pdf
    • Policy Evaluation with Multiple Instrumental Variables.pdf
    • Pre-event Trends in the Panel Event-Study Design.pdf
    • Quantile Treatment Effects in Difference in Differences Models under Dependence Restrictions and with Only Two Time Periods..pdf
    • Quantile treatment effects in difference in differences models with panal data.pdf
    • Quasi-Experimental Shift-Share Research Designs.pdf
    • Regression Discontinuity Designs Using Covariates..pdf
    • Revisiting Event Study Designs_Robust and Efficient Estimatation.pdf
    • Robust Standard Errors in Small Samples_Some Practical Advice.pdf
    • Sampling-Based Versus Design-Based Uncertainty in Regression Analysis..pdf
    • Shift-Share Designs_Theory and Inference..pdf
    • Simple and Honest Confidence Intervals in Non-parametric Regression..pdf
    • Simple local polynomial density estimators..pdf
    • Simultaneous Selection of Optimal Bandwidths for the Sharp Regression Discontinuity Estimator..pdf
    • Small Sample Methods for Cluster Robust Variance Estimation and Hypothesis Testing in Fixed Effects Models.pdf
    • Small-Sample Methods for Cluster-Robust Variance Estimation and Hypothesis Testing in Fixed Effects Models.pdf
    • Sufficient Statistics Revisited.pdf
    • Synthetic Controls with Imperfect Pre-Treatment Fit..pdf
    • Synthetic Controls with Staggered Adoption.pdf
    • Synthetic Difference in Differences.pdf
    • Testing continuity of a density via g-order statistics in the regression discontinuity design.pdf
    • Testing Treatment Effect Heterogeneity in Regression Discontinuity Designs.pdf
    • The Augmented Synthetic Control.pdf
    • The casual interpretation of two-stage least squares with multiple instrumental variables.pdf
    • The Effect of Minimum Wages on Low-Wage Jobs..pdf
    • The Generalized Oaxaca-Blinder Estimator.pdf
    • The Role of Parallel Trends in Event Study Settings_An Application to Environmental Economics.pdf
    • The Wild Bootstrap with a Small Number of Large Clusters.pdf
    • Two-Stage Differences-in-Differences.pdf
    • Two-Way Fixed Effects Estimators with Heterogeneous Treatment Effects.pdf
    • Two-Way Fixed Effects, the Two-Way Mundlak Regression, and DID Estimators.pdf
    • Unbiased Instrumental Variables Estimation under Known First-Stage Sign..pdf
    • Using instrumental variables for inference about policy relevant treatment parameters.pdf
    • Using Synthetic Controls_Feasibility, Data Requirements, and Methodological Aspects.pdf
    • Valid t-ratio Inference for IV.pdf
    • Visualization, Identification, and Estimation in the Linear Panel Event-Study Design.pdf
    • Weak Instruments in Instrumental Variables Regression_Theory and Practice.pdf
    • Weak Instruments in IV Regression_Theory and Practice.pdf
    • Weak-instrument robust inference for two-sample instrumentalvariables regression.pdf
    • Weak-Instrument Robust Inference for Two-Sample IV Regression.pdf
    • When Is Parallel Trends Sensitive to Functional Form.pdf
    • When Should We (Not) Interpret Linear IV Estimands as LATE.pdf
    • When Should You Adjust Standard Errors for Clustering.pdf
    • Why High Order Polynomials Should Not Be Used in Regression Discontinuity Designs.pdf
  • 81.25 MB
  • 2021-9-7
  • applied_micro_methods(1).zip

    • A Closed-Form Estimator for Quantile Treatment Effects with Endogeneity.pdf
    • A General Double Robustness Result for Estimating Average Treatment Effects(2014).pdf
    • A General Double Robustness Result for Estimating Average Treatment Effects(2016).pdf
    • A model averaging approach for the ordered Probit and Nested Logit Models with Applications(supplementary materials).pdf
    • A Model averaging approach for the ordered Probit and Nested Logit Models with Applications.pdf
    • A Permutation Test for the Regression Kink Design.pdf
    • A regression discontinuity evaluation of the policy effects of environmental regulations.pdf
    • A Simple Way to Assess Inference Methods..pdf
    • A Varying Coefficient Approach to Estimating Hedonic Housing Price Functions and their Quantiles.pdf
    • An Automatic Finite_Sample Robustness Metric_Can Dropping a Little Data Change Conclusions.pdf
    • An Exact and Robust Conformal Inference Method for Counterfactual and Synthetic Controls..pdf
    • An Honest Approach to Parallel Trends.pdf
    • Apollo.pdf
    • applied micro-methods.pdf
    • Approximate Permutation Tests and Induced Order Statistics.pdf
    • Are Sufficient Statistics Necessary_Nonparametric Measurement of Deadweight Loss from Unemployment.pdf
    • Average Gaps and Oaxaca–Blinder Decompositions_A Cautionary Tale about Regression Estimates of Racial Differences in Labor Market Outcomes..pdf
    • Bartik Instruments_What, When, and How.pdf
    • Bootstrap Inference for Propensity Score Matching..pdf
    • Bootstrap Inference of Matching Estimators for Average Treatment Effects.pdf
    • Broken or Fixed Effects.pdf
    • Calonico, S., M. D. Cattaneo, and M. H. Farrell (2020). rdrobust.pdf
    • Causal Inference _The Mixtape.pdf
    • Channeling Fisher_Randomization Tests and the Statistical In significance of Seemingly Significant Experimental Results (2016).pdf
    • Channeling Fisher_Randomization Tests and the Statistical In significance of Seemingly Significant Experimental Results (2019).pdf
    • Cherry Picking with Synthetic Controls(2020).pdf
    • Cherry Picking with Synthetic Controls(2017).pdf
    • Clustering and External Validity in Randomized Controlled Trials.pdf
    • Conditional Quantile Estimators_A Small Sample Theory.pdf
    • Consistency Without Inference_Instrumental Variables in Practical Application.pdf
    • Correcting for Endogeneity in Models with Bunching.pdf
    • Counterfactual Treatment Effects Estimation and Inference.pdf
    • Decomposing Wage Distributions using Recentered Influence Function Regressions.pdf
    • Design-Based Analysis in Difference-In-Differences Settings with Staggered Adoption.pdf
    • Difference-in-Differences Estimation with Spatial Spillovers..pdf
    • Difference-in-Differences with Multiple Time Periods.pdf
    • Difference-in-Differences with Variation in Treatment Timing(2018 working paper).pdf
    • Difference-in-Differences with Variation in Treatment Timing(2021).pdf
    • Distributional Tests for Regression Discontinuity_Theory and Empirical Examples.pdf
    • Do Fiscal Rules Matter_AER(2016).pdf
    • Double Robustness in Estimation of Casual Treatment Effects(PPT).pdf
    • Double-Robust Identification for Causal Panel Data Models.pdf
    • Doubly Robust Difference-in-Differences Estimators.pdf
    • Dynamic Bunching Estimation with Panel Data.pdf
  • 76.2 MB
  • 2021-9-7
  • 252-1117-1-SP.zip

    • TVP_VAR_MH_final_corrected_dec13.m
    • draw_sigma_constant_corrected.m
    • draw_sigma_TVP_corrected.m
    • draw_sigma_TVP_corrected_GARCH.m
    • draw_sigma_TVP_corrected_GARCH2.m
    • TVP_VAR_MH_final_corrected.m
    • TVP_VAR_MH_Prior_final.m
    • TVP_VAR_MH_revised_main.m
    • vare.m
    • wish.m
    • apm.m
    • beta_inv.m
    • beta_pdf.m
    • bfgsi.m
    • carter_kohn_hom2.m
    • carter_kohn1.m
    • chis_prb.m
    • coda.m
    • convcheck.m
    • corrvc.m
    • csminit.m
    • csminwel.m
    • csolve.m
    • Data_US_Q.mat
    • draw_alpha_a_MH_constant.m
    • draw_alpha_a_MH_TVP.m
    • draw_alpha_a_MH_TVP_dec13.m
    • draw_beta_conditional.m
    • draw_beta_conditional_constant.m
    • draw_beta_conditional_hierarchical.m
    • draw_beta_conditional_lr.m
    • draw_beta_conditional_reparametrized.m
    • draw_beta_conditional_single.m
    • draw_sigma_constant.m
    • draw_sigma_TVP.m
    • draw_sign_restrictions.m
    • empquant.m
    • Example.m
    • exp_approx.m
    • fdis_prb.m
    • g1.mat
    • H.dat
    • ident_SZ06_alt.prn
    • indtest.m
    • inv_wishpdf.m
    • keep.m
    • logdet.m
    • loglike_svar_AB.m
    • mcest.m
    • mctest.m
    • MDD_TVP_SVAR_Harmonic_final.m
    • mlag.m
    • mlag2.m
    • momentg.m
    • mprint.m
    • mvnpdf.m
    • mvnrnd.m
    • norm_rnd.m
    • numgrad.m
    • ols.m
    • ppnd.m
    • prior_ML_final_40_2_1_2_1_20_0.mat
    • prt_coda.m
    • quantile.m
    • raftery.m
    • Readme.xlsx
    • round2.m
    • sacf.m
    • tdis_inv.m
    • tdis_prb.m
    • thin.m
    • transx.m
    • trimr.m
    • TVP_VAR_MH_Figures_final.m
    • TVP_VAR_MH_final.m
    • Supplementary.pdf
    • paper.pdf
  • 875.88 KB
  • 2020-5-25
  • c646a65ad093171712391ed726a716f7.zip

    • 10_Basic Regression Analysis with Time Series Data.ppt
    • 11_Further Issues in Using OLS with Time Series Data.ppt
    • 12_Serial Correlation and Heteroskedasticity in Time Series Regressions.ppt
    • 13_Pooling Cross Sections across Time_Simple Panel Data Methods.ppt
    • 14_Advanced Panel Data Methods.ppt
    • 15_Instrumental Variables Estimation and Two Stage Least Squares.ppt
    • 16_Simultaneous Equations Models.ppt
    • 17_Limited Dependent Variable Models and Sample Selection Corrections.ppt
    • 18_Advanced Time Series Topics.ppt
    • 19_Carrying Out an Empirical Project.ppt
    • 1_The Nature of Econometrics and Economic Data.ppt
    • 2_The Simple Regression Model.ppt
    • 3_Multiple Regression Analysis_Estimation.ppt
    • 4_Multiple Regression Analysis_Inference.ppt
    • 4_Multiple Regression Analysis_Inference2.ppt
    • 5_Multiple Regression Analysis_OLS Asymptotics.ppt
    • 6_Multiple Regression Analysis_Further Issues.ppt
    • 7_Multiple Regression Analysis with Qualitative Information.ppt
    • 8_Heteroskedasticity.ppt
    • 9_More on Specification and Data Issues.ppt
  • 32.2 MB
  • 2020-1-8
  • datasets_2e.zip

    • cardkrueger1994_corrected.dta
    • angrist.dta
    • auto.dta
    • brand.dta
    • cardkrueger1994.dta
    • columbusdata.dta
    • columbusswm.dta
    • consumption_china.dta
    • CRIME1.DTA
    • dow1.dta
    • ema1996.dta
    • eventdates.dta
    • frontier2.dta
    • greene9.dta
    • grilic.dta
    • grunfeld.dta
    • gss_cdvm.dta
    • hmda.dta
    • hmda_short.dta
    • hprice2a.dta
    • hsb2.dta
    • icecream.dta
    • irates4.dta
    • jtrain3.dta
    • kennan-1985.dta
    • klein.dta
    • labor.dta
    • laborsub.dta
    • laborsup.dta
    • ldw_exper.dta
    • lutkepohl2.dta
    • m1gdp.dta
    • macro_swatson.dta
    • mlogit.dta
    • mpyr.dta
    • mus08cigar.dta
    • mus08psidextract.dta
    • mus14data.dta
    • mus18data.dta
    • mus18data1.dta
    • Nerlove-1963-Original.pdf
    • nerlove.dta
    • nerlove.xls
    • nomadic_conquest.dta
    • nomocc2.dta
    • panel84extract.dta
    • patr7079.dta
    • pe.dta
    • pennxrate.dta
    • poissonreg.dta
    • product.dta
    • recid.dta
    • school.dta
    • sp500.dta
    • stockdata.dta
    • supDem.dta
    • tobacco.dta
    • traffic.dta
    • travel.dta
    • travel2.dta
    • turksales.dta
    • turksales_finished.dta
    • ukrates.dta
    • union.dta
    • uprising.dta
    • usaww.spmat
    • varexample.dta
    • votex.dta
    • womenwk.dta
    • xtfrontier1.dta
  • 24.19 MB
  • 2019-11-19
  • Dewynne_Materials.zip

    • AppliedIto_corrected_slides_2017.pdf
    • MatlabDemos_2017-01-09.zip
  • 772.07 KB
  • 2019-1-25
  • 银行_1.rar

    • 广发证券-银行行业深度分析报告:中间业务国际经验及比较分析.pdf
    • 中国银行-全球银行业展望季报2014年第4季度(总第1期).pdf
    • 中金公司-国外大额存单介绍,兼评论我国即将推出同业存单.pdf
    • 中信证券-经济周期与银行业资产质量专题报告-经济受控减速,不良贷款缓升.pdf
    • 中信证券-移动互联:决胜O2O—中信互联网研究之银行篇:泛资产管理兴盛,第三方理财秀起.pdf
    • 中信证券-银行业专题报告:他山之石:美国货币市场基金兴与衰.pdf
    • 中信证券-银行业专题研究:2014年银行资产负债配置策略.pdf
    • 中信证券-银行业专题研究:局部去杠杆-化解总量风险.pdf
    • 中信证券-银行业专题研究:新型资本工具介绍与比较研究.pdf
    • 中信证券-银行业专题研究报告:当前融资特征分析及未来趋势展望:总量适度 长端利率下行.pdf
    • 中信证券-银行业互联网金融系列报告之四:成长中的中国货币基金.pdf
    • 中信证券-银行业金融改革专题:从自贸区看离岸金融市场建设.pdf
    • 中信证券-银行同业业务专题研究报告:转型扩规模,创新促增长.pdf
    • 中信建投-银行业“定量研究“系列报告之一-利率市场化,对银行冲击的定量研究.pdf
    • 中信建投-银行新兴业务系列报告(八篇).zip
    • DBS-Monthly Chart Book of Banks(合集).pdf
    • DNB-Chinese banks - risks and challenges.pdf
    • HSBC-Internet money market funds:The pendulum swings.pdf
    • 广发证券-银行业:资产证券化再起航,乘风破浪会有时.pdf
  • 45.3 MB
  • 2018-5-5
  • 外资16949流程图32个英文版.zip

    • TS24-00 Resource Mgmt Training.xls
    • xTS00-00 MATK Linkage Map .xls
    • xTS01a-00 APQP Phase 1.xls
    • xTS01b-00 Contract review.xls
    • xTS02-00 APQP Phase 2.xls
    • xTS03-00 APQP Phase 3.xls
    • xTS04-00 APQP Phase 4.xls
    • xTS05-00 APQP Phase 5.xls
    • xTS05-00 APQP Phase 5.xls
    • xTS06-00 Customer Releases.xls
    • xTS07-00 Scheduling.xls
    • xTS08-00 Manufacturing + Assembly.xls
    • xTS09-00 Shipping.xls
    • xTS11-00 Process-Tooling Design.xls
    • xTS12-00 ECN.xls
    • xTS13-00 Supplier Selection & Monitoring.xls
    • xTS14-00 Product Process Validation (PPAP).xls
    • xTS15-00 Purchasing.xls
    • xTS16-00 Receiving.xls
    • xTS17-00 Customer Feedback.xls
    • xTS18-00 DCC Customer Reference Material.xls
    • xTS18b-00 DCC Customer Specs.xls
    • xTS18c-00 DCC Drawings.xls
    • xTS18d-00 DCC Document Control.xls
    • xTS19-00 DCC Control of Records.xls
    • xTS21-00 Control of Nonconforming material.xls
    • xTS22-00 Maintenance.xls
    • xTS22b-00 Tooling Maintenance.xls
    • xTS25-00 Internal Audits.xls
    • xTS26-00 Continual Improvement.xls
    • xTS27-00 Corrective_Preventive Action.xls
    • xTS28-00 Management Review.xls
  • 2.81 MB
  • 2018-3-4
  • SpringerBriefs in Statistics.rar

    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) An Introduction to Bartlett Correction and Bias Reduction-Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (2014).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Applied Matrix and Tensor Variate Data Analysis-Springer Japan (2016).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in statistics) Applied multidimensional scaling-Springer (2013).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Bayesians Versus Frequentists_ A Philosophical Debate on Statistical Reasoning-Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (2016).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Brief Guidelines for Methods and Statistics in Medical Research-Springer Singapore (2015).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Convolution Copula Econometrics-Springer International Publishing (2016).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Formulas Useful for Linear Regression Analysis and Related Matrix Theory_ It's Only Formulas But We Like Them-S.pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Generalized Hyperbolic Secant Distributions_ With Applications to Finance-Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (2014).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Generalized Weibull Distributions-Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (2014).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Group-Sequential Clinical Trials with Multiple Co-Objectives-Springer Japan (2016).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Handling Missing Data in Ranked Set Sampling(2013).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Interactive LISREL in Practice_ Getting Started with a SIMPLIS Approach-Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (2011).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Introduction to Data Analysis and Graphical Presentation in Biostatistics with R_ Statistics in the Large-Springer International Publishing.pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in statistics) L1-norm and L[infinity symbol]-norm estimation _ an introduction to the least absolute residuals, the minimax absolute residual and related fitting pro.pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Lévy Processes and Their Applications in Reliability and Storage-Springer (2013).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Long-Range Dependence and Sea Level Forecasting-Springer International Publishing (2013).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Model Choice in Nonnested Families(2016).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Modern Methodology and Applications in Spatial-Temporal Modeling-Springer (2016).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Multivariate Statistical Quality Control Using R-Springer-Verlag New York (2013).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Optimal Experimental Design for Non-Linear Models_ Theory and Applications-Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (2013).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Optimal Stochastic Control Schemes within a Structural Reliability Framework-Springer International Publishing (2013).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Penalty, Shrinkage and Pretest Strategies_ Variable Selection and Estimation(2014).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Permutation Testing for Isotonic Inference on Association Studies in Genetics -Springer-Verlag Berlin.pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Permutation Tests in Shape Analysis-Springer-Verlag New York (2013).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Person-Centered Methods_ Configural Frequency Analysis (CFA) and Other Methods for the Analysis of Contingency Tables-Springer International Publis.pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Renewal Processes-Springer International Publishing (2014).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Restricted Kalman Filtering_ Theory, Methods, and Application(2012).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Sample Size Determination in Clinical Trials with Multiple Endpoints-Springer International.pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Sampling Designs Dependent on Sample Parameters of Auxiliary Variables-Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (2015).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Singular Spectrum Analysis for Time Series-Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (2013).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Software Reliability Modeling_ Fundamentals and Applications(2014).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) SPSS for Starters, Part 2-Springer Netherlands (2012).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Statistical Analysis of Clinical Data on a Pocket Calculator, Part 2_ Statistics on a Pocket Calculator, Part 2-Springer Ne.pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Statistical Approaches to Orofacial Pain and Temporomandibular Disorder.pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Statistical Decision Theory-Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (2013).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Statistical Inference for Discrete Time Stochastic Processes-Springer India (2013).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Statistical Inference for Financial Engineering-Springer International Publishing (2014).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Statistical Models for Proportions and Probabilities-Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (2013).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Statistical Signal Processing_ Frequency Estimation-Springer India (2012).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Strategic Economic Decision-Making_ Using Bayesian Belief Networks to Solve Complex Problems-Springer-Verlag New York (2013).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Student’s t-Distribution and Related Stochastic Processes-Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (2013).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Telegraph Processes and Option Pricing-Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (2013).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) The Naive Bayes Model for Unsupervised Word Sense Disambiguation_ Aspects Concerning Feature Selection-Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (2.pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) The Significance Test Controversy Revisited_ The Fiducial Bayesian Alternative-Springer (2014).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Theoretical Aspects of Spatial-Temporal Modeling-Springer Japan (2015).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Time Series Modeling for Analysis and Control_ Advanced Autopilot and Monitoring Systems-Springer Tokyo (2015).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Two-Way Analysis of Variance_ Statistical Tests and Graphics Using R -Springer-Verlag New York (2012).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Unobserved Variables_ Models and Misunderstandings-Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (2013).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) A Concise Guide to Statistics-Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (2012).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) A Multiple-Testing Approach to the Multivariate Behrens-Fisher Problem_ with Simulations and Examples in SAS(R)-Springer-Verlag New York (2013).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) A Tiny Handbook of R-Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (2011).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Adaptive Sampling Designs_ Inference for Sparse and Clustered Populations-Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (2013).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Algebraic and Computational Aspects of Real Tensor Ranks-Springer Japan (2016).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Indexation and Causation of Financial Markets Nonstationary time series analysis method-Springer (2016).pdf
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  • Drinking with the Republicans_The Politically Incorrect History of Conservative .zip

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  • 伍德里奇计量经济学导论所有stata程序和数据及相应的结果.zip

    • Chapter 10 - Basic Regression Analysis with Time Series Data.pdf
    • Chapter 11 - Further Issues in Using OLS with Time Series Data.pdf
    • Chapter 12 - Serial Correlation and Heteroskedasticity in Time Series Regressions.pdf
    • Chapter 13 - Pooling Cross Sections Across Time. Simple Panel Data Methods.pdf
    • Chapter 14 - Advanced Panel Data Methods.pdf
    • Chapter 15 - Instrumental Variables Estimation and Two Stage Least Squares.pdf
    • Chapter 16 - Simultaneous Equations Models.pdf
    • Chapter 17 - Limited Dependent Variable Models and Sample Selection Corrections.pdf
    • Chapter 18 - Advanced Time Series Topics.pdf
    • Chapter 2 - The Simple Regression Model.pdf
    • Chapter 3 - Multiple Regression Analysis Estimation.pdf
    • Chapter 4 - Multiple Regression Analysis Inference.pdf
    • Chapter 5 - Multiple Regression Analysis OLS Asymptotics.pdf
    • Chapter 6 - Multiple Regression Analysis Further Issues.pdf
    • Chapter 7 - Multiple Regression Analysis with Qualitative Information Binary (or Dummy) Variables.pdf
    • Chapter 8 - Heteroskedasticity.pdf
    • Chapter 9 - More on Specification and Data Problems.pdf
    • Wooldridge data sets.pdf
    • wooldridge 3rd.pdf
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    • Investors-reactions-to-retractions-and-corrections-of-management-earnings-forecasts_2011_Accounting-Organizations-and-Society.pdf
    • The-institutionalisation-of-unaccountability-Loading-the-dice-of-Corporate-Social-Responsibility-discourse_2011_Accounting-Organizations-and-Society.pdf
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  • GMAT.zip

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    • Guide 1 - The Fractions, Decimals, &.pdf
    • Guide 2 - The Algebra Guide.pdf
    • Guide 3 - The Word Problems Guide.pdf
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    • Guide 8 - The Sentence Correction Guide.pdf
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    • 国信证券-商业银行资产负债表的调整与变化:620以来债券市场变化逻辑的主线.pdf
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    • 德意志银行马骏-德意志银行发展经验及其对于中国证券业改革和金融机构混业经营的启示.pdf
    • 财通证券-行业逻辑系列Vol.03:商业银行的资产与负债.pdf
    • 安信证券-银行:银行互联网金融研究系列之直销银行ING-DIRECT.pdf
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  • SAS_PredictiveModeling.rar

    • demo6 Clustering Levels of Categorical Inputs.sas
    • demo7 Variable Clustering.sas
    • demo8 Variable Screening.sas
    • demo9 Empirical Logit Plots.sas
    • demo10 Accommodating Non-Linearities.sas
    • demo11 Automatic Subset Selection.sas
    • demo12 Honest Model Assessment.sas
    • demo12 Honest Model AssessmentSAS92.sas
    • demo13 Assessing Classifier Perfomance.sas
    • demo13 Assessing Classifier PerformanceSAS92.sas
    • demo14 Using Profit to Assess Fit.sas
    • demo14 Using Profit to Assess FitSAS92.sas
    • demo15 Calculating the K-S and c Statistics.sas
    • demo15 Calculating the K-S and c StatisticsSAS92.sas
    • demo16 All Subsets Regression.sas
    • develop.sas7bdat
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    • german.sas
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    • Predictive Modeling Using Logistic Regression search.pdf
    • Predictive Modeling Using Logistic Regression.pdf
    • pva code.txt
    • pva practice data imputation.docx
    • pva_raw_data.sas7bdat
    • pva1 collapsing.txt
    • QuickReference.pdf
    • READ.ME
    • Sampling Weights.sas
    • A00-240.pdf
    • Advanced Credit Risk Modeling for Basel II Using SAS 2008.pdf
    • BASELIIA_001.pdf
    • demo1 Exploring the Data.sas
    • demo2 Introduction to the LOGISTIC Procedure.sas
    • demo3 Scoring New Cases.sas
    • demo4 Correcting for Oversampling.sas
    • demo5 Imputing Missing Values.sas
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    • Error Correction Based Cointegration Tests for Panel Data. .pdf
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  • Learn.Hot.English_147_A.zip

    • 01_HE147_Idioms.mp3
    • 02_HE147_Jokes.mp3
    • 03_HE147_vocabularyClinic.mp3
    • 04_HE147_ErrorCorrection.mp3
    • 05_HE147_DictionarySlang.mp3
    • 06_HE147_BasicEnglish.mp3
    • 07_HE147_OfficeHumour.mp3
    • 08_HE147_Useful_Advice.mp3
    • 09_HE147_StupidCriminals.mp3
    • 10_HE147_GrammarClinic.mp3
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    • 12_HE147_USBarChat.mp3
    • 13_HE147_DumbUSLaws.mp3
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    • 15_HE147_WeirdTrivia.mp3
    • 16_HE147_TypicalDialogues.mp3
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  • F7FinancialReporting考官文章.rar
       F7 财务报告的考官文章

    • Suspense accounts and error correction ACCA Qualification Students ACCA ACCA Global.mht
    • 3244839.pdf
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    • sa_sept10_ias16.pdf
    • sa_sept12_f7p2_leases.pdf
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  • 2014-11-20
  • 9月-4.rar

    • US Interest Rate Strategy: Daily Data Update.pdf
    • US Quant Research:Equities Enjoy Some Quality Time.pdf
    • Vitamin Shoppe Inc: Is Risk Being Mispriced In Vitamin Retail?.pdf
    • Vodafone Group: Enterprise leading the way, OW.pdf
    • Walgreens:Stabilizing the Business in FY15 with Anticipation to Resume Growth in FY16.pdf
    • Webcast:US Economics- Inequality and Consumption.pdf
    • What's Moving Semi Stocks: Risks at MXIM; concerns in Autos weigh on the group.pdf
    • Palo Alto Networks Inc Executing Well Across Multiple Fronts.pdf
    • Palo Alto Networks Inc: Tracking the Perfect Storm — Multiple Growth Drivers Converge.pdf
    • Payments and Processing:Initial Thoughts on Apple Pay.pdf
    • Payments: Stock Implications of Apple's Potential Payment System.pdf
    • Phibro Animal Health Corp: Bumping estimates and raising PT.pdf
    • Property: Asia Property Storey: Positive on HK, more bearish on China, mixed on ASEAN.pdf
    • Property:Monthly Chartbook.pdf
    • Realizing the power of talented women.pdf
    • Retail & Economics: Retail Sales Lead Indicator: Video & Note-Forecasting Steady Growth into Jan '15.pdf
    • Retail: Videos & Note -Category Sales Outlook: Discretionary Segments Maintain Momentum.pdf
    • Retailing - Food: Kantar data: Pressure further intensifies for the ‘Listed 3’.pdf
    • Rio Tinto Ltd:Upgrade to OW as RIO returns to the “old” ways.pdf
    • Sanan Optoelectronics: 1st Take:50 New MOCVD Tool Additions from 4Q14 In Line with Our Estimates.pdf
    • SanDisk Corporation (SNDK.O):A closer look at iPhone 6 NAND content.pdf
    • Seadrill: Russia Concerns Add to Dividend Uncertainty.pdf
    • Sempra Energy: It Continues to Get Better; Raising PT and Staying OW.pdf
    • Siemens: Building up Oil & Gas – for the Long-Term.pdf
    • Sihuan Pharmaceutica:Raising PT and Estimates on Stronger Outlook.pdf
    • Sinotrans Limited:Positive Meeting Notes from Sinoair; Maintain OW on Sinotrans.pdf
    • Smiths Group:3 Reasons to Stay Positive.pdf
    • SPX Corp:Welcome to the Next Margin Self-Help Story.pdf
    • Structured_Trade_and_Commodity_Finance_in_Emerging_Markets.pdf
    • Synchrony Financial: Private Label Card Pure-Play Backed by an Improving Consumer; Initiate at OW.pdf
    • Taiwan Macro and Strategy Chartbook: Better Growth Outlook with Stronger Consumption and Improving Exports.pdf
    • Taiwan Telecoms Monthly Results:Aug-14: No Sign of ARPU Uplift Two Months after 4G Launch.pdf
    • Taiwan Telecoms: Sign of Industry Consolidation?.pdf
    • TC_M_201438.pdf
    • Te Connectivity Ltd: Deep Dive 1 of 2:Sensors to provide a meaningful growth kicker.pdf
    • Tech Hardware Insights: Strong Dollar a Revenue Headwind in 2H14.pdf
    • Telecom Services:Correction:What Could Be the Implications of a Potential Verizon Tower Sale?.pdf
    • Telstra Corporation: We Benchmark TLS “Productivity” vs. Global Peers … Suggests Cost-out Is Mostly Over.pdf
    • Terex Corp.: Crane Wreck.pdf
    • Tesla Motors Inc.:Tesla:Stock Up For The Wrong Reasons?.pdf
    • The Commodity Manual:The Misunderstood Narrative on Crude Oil Demand.pdf
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    • Times Electric:1st Take: Enters into IGBT Lease Agreement with the Parent.pdf
    • Tobacco:What Could Happen When the Quota Buyout Runs Out?.pdf
    • Tom_Peters_on_leading_the_21st_century_organization.pdf
    • TPG Telecom Ltd: 1st Take: FY14 Result … Another Positive Surprise & EBITDA Guidance upgrades.pdf
    • U.S. Pharmaceuticals:Money matters: exec comp and stock ownership in-depth.pdf
    • UK Property: JLL roundtable: sustained asset demand, abundant debt.pdf
    • United Technologies: Key Takes from Laguna Conf.pdf
    • United Technologies: Risks More Than Priced In.pdf
    • US Auto Product Guidebook, 8th Edition.pdf
    • US Economics: Fed Focus: The End of Gradualism.pdf
    • US Economics: Inequality and Consumption.pdf
    • US Economics: Peter Pan on Policy.pdf
    • US Economics:Fomc Preview:considering considerable.pdf
    • US Economics:US Economic Outlook:Somewhere in Between.pdf
    • US Equity Strategy: All About that Base (No Trouble).pdf
    • US Equity Strategy: Industrial Strength?.pdf
    • US Industrials & Autos Conference Prime: 15 - 16 September 2014.pdf
    • US Industrials & Autos Conference Prime:15 - 16 September 2014.pdf
    • US Interest Rate Strategy: Daily Data Update(1).pdf
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  • 2014-10-7
  • 9月-3.rar

    • Non-US Bond Futures Report.pdf
    • Occidental Petroleum:Buyback Raised; MENA sale next.pdf
    • Oil & Gas: E&P:Cycling around to M&A.pdf
    • Oil Services, Drilling & Equipment:NAm at a Tipping Point.pdf
    • Oracle Corporation:Cloud is Loud at OOW, But What’s Next?.pdf
    • Oracle Corporation:Silver Lining in the Clouds.pdf
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    • Hong Kong Property: HK Property Pulse #47: Outlook after 1H14 Results.pdf
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    • India Financials: The Upcoming Second Leg of the Banks Rally.pdf
    • India Materials:Coal Blocks De-allocated: Ball In Government's Court Now.pdf
    • Industrials: Takeaways from SH-HK Stock Connect Corporate Day(1).pdf
    • Industrials: Takeaways from SH-HK Stock Connect Corporate Day.pdf
    • J.C. Penney Co.: Analyst Day Preview: Very Few Roads Lead to Rome.pdf
    • Japan Strategy: Further Yen weakness poses upside risks to our base case Earnings – Yen Sensitivity at Market and Sector Level.pdf
    • Large Cap Banks: 3Q14 Preview: Long AXP, BAC Going Into Earnings.pdf
    • Large Cap Banks: Bank Mid-Year Internal Stress Tests… Window into 2015 CCAR Ask?.pdf
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    • Life Science Tools & Diagnostics: The Top-Down Approach to Life Science Tools; Initiating on A-PKI-TMO-WAT.pdf
    • Lupin Ltd.:8th Pharma Field Trip:Lupin Highlights.pdf
    • Major Pharmaceuticals: Correction: MS Conference BMY, LLY, MRK, PFE highlights.pdf
    • Making trade-offs in corporate portfolio decisions.pdf
    • Managed Care & Facilities: Conference Takeaways.pdf
    • Manager and machine The new leadership equation.pdf
    • Maruti Suzuki India Limited: Margin Surprise Next.pdf
    • MBS Analytics Package: Daily Pass-Through Report(1).pdf
    • McDonald's Corporation: Dividend Increased – 38 Years and Counting.pdf
    • Medical Technology:The Stocks to Watch into YE.pdf
    • Medtronic Inc.:The 40% Solution.pdf
    • Michael Kors Holdings Ltd: Fundamentals Intact + Compelling Valuation = Buying Opportunity.pdf
    • Micron Technology Inc.: Solid Results from Strength in Mobile.pdf
    • Microsoft: Closing the Hood: How Fast Can This Car Go?.pdf
    • Mid-Cap E&P:Marcellus-Utica:Strong Headwinds.pdf
    • Mid-Cap Exploration & Production: Where's the Bottom?.pdf
    • Midstream Energy : Niobrara Pipeline Competition.pdf
    • Midstream Energy :MLP、YieldCo Structuring and Tax Trends Call Recap.pdf
    • Midstream Energy MLPs.pdf
    • Mobileye NV: Growing Confidence Results in Growing PT; Up to $65.pdf
    • MRK:Why IMPROVE-IT is likely to fail and why it matters.pdf
    • MS:China Oil & Gas:Big 3 Underperformed CNOOC A Bit Better, Yizheng Surged After Restructuring, but Why Did Small-Cap Peers Plunge?.pdf
    • MS:Hong Kong Economics:August Retail Sales – 1st Month of Positive Growth in Seven Months.pdf
    • MS_Thailand EconomicsPolicy Rate On Hold As Expected.pdf
    • Multi-Industry:Laguna Conf Day One Highlights.pdf
    • Multi-Industry:Laguna Conference Day Two Highlights.pdf
    • Muni Monthly Dashboard:September-Munis Flatten Out.pdf
    • Myer: 1st Take: FY14 Result – Miss & Soft Outlook.pdf
    • Myer:Correction:Profit Growth Unlikely.pdf
    • NA Metals & Mining Chartbook: We Like Aluminum; Copper、Gold Face NT Headwinds.pdf
    • National Grid plc:National Grid: Reassuring on RIIO.pdf
    • Natixis-An overview of the global economy by major region-140926.pdf
    • Netflix Inc: Europe Gives, and Europe Takes Away.pdf
    • New World Development: F2014 Operating Profit in Line, HK-China Sales Target Lowered.pdf
    • Nike Inc.: Video & Note - Raising Price Target to $105; Nike Remains Our Top OW Idea.pdf
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  • 2014-10-7
  • 33-36weekly2.rar

    • FX Pulse weekly.pdf
    • MS FX daily trading recommendations.pdf
    • US Economics:Capex Plans Summer Retreat.pdf
    • US Economics-AlphaWise Macro: Portfolio Value of Timely Sector-Macro Signals.pdf
    • China Telecoms: FDD Trial Expanded to 40 Cities.pdf
    • CNOOC: 1H14 Earnings Upbeat, OW on 2H14 Earnings or 2015 Production Recovery.pdf
    • Woolworths:1st Take: FY14 Result.pdf
    • PetroChina:1H14 Results In Line, Lower Crude Oil Prices Cap Upside Potential; Initiate A-shares at EW.pdf
    • Pan-Asian Best Ideas and RTIs – 2Q14 Review.pdf
    • Beijing Enterprises Water Group Limited:1H14 Results In Line; Remain EW on Valuation.pdf
    • Hertz Global Holdings Inc:Reality Hertz, Cutting Target to $19.pdf
    • Williams-Sonoma Inc:Well Positioned But Downgrading to EW As Momentum Slowing.pdf
    • Multi-Industry:CAPMI Back to Expansion on Full US Recovery.pdf
    • US Consumer Staples: Company Exposure to Russia & Other Central-Eastern European Countries.pdf
    • Insurance - Life-Annuity:Are Life Stocks Indicating Complacency to Low Rates.pdf
    • Autos & Auto-Related: 72, Subprime Leasing, Oh Man....pdf
    • Clarksons FFA options report.pdf
    • Sihuan Pharmaceutical: Strong 1H14 as Expected; Fruitful 2014 Ahead.pdf
    • BBY: Earnings Turnaround Expected; Positive Top-Line Deliverance Approaching.pdf
    • Burger King Worldwide, Inc.:BKW-THI Merger: Post-Call Details.pdf
    • Nimble Storage: New Customer Growth Accelerates on New Products, Channel Investments.pdf
    • Continental Resources:Deep Dive: Growth Scenarios and Analyst Day Preview.pdf
    • Greene-Freight: Truck Stop: TLFI Update:TLFI Trends above Seasonality.pdf
    • Seadrill: 2Q14 Earnings Comment.pdf
    • China Petroleum & Chemical Corp.: Entering an Era of E-commerce.pdf
    • China Oilfield Services Ltd.: 1H14 Earnings Up 39% YoY, Beating Consensus Estimates, Surging Well Service Profit a Positive Surprise, OW.pdf
    • Want Want China Holdings Ltd: A Restructuring Year.pdf
    • Jintian Pharma Group:Correction:1H14 Beat; Better Profit on High GM Products Sales.pdf
    • Asia-GEMs Strategy: Screening for Stock Opportunity in APxJ August 2014.pdf
    • Citi - China thermal coal - 140827.pdf
    • Australia Banks: Chart of the Week: WBC’s Capital Position.pdf
    • India Economics - Macro Indicators Chartbook: Policy Actions Tracker.pdf
    • China Property Tracker: ASP Pressure Remains.pdf
    • Indonesia Economics:Retail Fuel Price Hike: Five Things to Know.pdf
    • Qihoo 360 Technology Co Ltd: 2Q14: Monetization on Track, Margins to Recover Gradually.pdf
    • China Internet and Other Services:Key Takeaways from China Internet Conference - Day 2.pdf
    • Gaming & Lodging: Cutting Estimates on Macau; Remain Upbeat on Vegas.pdf
    • Retail: Video & Note- Category Sales Outlook:Discretionary Segments Lead.pdf
    • Transocean Partners Positioned to Be the Fastest Growing Maritime “MLP”.pdf
    • Food: Looking Through the Leftovers After a Difficult Q2.pdf
    • Mobileye NV Seeing Green – Initiating as Our New Top Pick.pdf
    • Crop Tracker: Yield Prospects Stay Favorable but Not Perfect.pdf
    • Greater China Technology Hardware: China – Smartphones: 1H14 Results Support Our Thesis.pdf
    • HK-China Laggards We Like.pdf
    • China Petroleum & Chemical Corp.: Raise Estimates & PT after Upbeat 1H14 Results; Initiate A-shares at OW.pdf
    • Goldwind:Big Earnings Surprise; Robust Outlook.pdf
    • Qihoo 360 Technology Co Ltd: 1st Take: 2Q14 Result.pdf
    • China Internet and Other Services: Key Takeaways from China Internet Conference - Day 1.pdf
    • MBS Analytics Package: Daily Pass-Through Report.pdf
    • Morgan Stanley FX Positioning Tracker - August 25, 2014.pdf
    • Positions and Flows Report.pdf
    • FX Week Ahead - August 25, 2014.pdf
    • MasterCard Inc: Tokenization will add new revenue streams.pdf
    • US Quant Research: Momentum: Hurry Up and Wait.pdf
    • Global Oil Services, Drilling & Equipment: PBR Subsea Demand Slows, Buy Offshore (ex-Brazil) Trade + FTI.pdf
    • Video -Natural Gas: Coal-to-Gas Switching to Keep Gas Range-Bound.pdf
    • US Volatility Tracker.pdf
    • UST Futures Report.pdf
    • US Economics:Business Conditions: Great Expectations.pdf
    • The Commodity Manual:More NE Gas Concerns; Copper Deficit Deepens.pdf
    • Salesforce.com: Starting to Cut Thru the Noise with a Solid Q2.pdf
    • Godyn-Friday FAQs: Surveying Risks to the OE Backlog.pdf
    • Monsanto Company: Whistle Stop 7 Thoughts.pdf
    • Sprint Corp: Quick Comment:Pricing Revamp Continues.pdf
    • Investment Perspectives: U.S. and the Americas, August 21, 2014.pdf
    • Financials Weekly:How Expensive (or Cheap) Are Financial Stocks Valuations on Aug 21, 2014.pdf
    • Sberbank - Commodity Monitor - 140821.pdf
    • HL - Natural Gas and Water - 140821.pdf
    • FX Morning - August 29, 2014.pdf
    • Global EM Morning - August 29, 2014.pdf
    • Cisco Systems Inc: Cisco GSX FY15 Reflections.pdf
    • Splunk Inc Key Sales Metrics Stabilize in an Impressive Q2 Print.pdf
    • Godyn-Friday FAQs: Time to Take a Look at the Aircraft Lessors.pdf
    • Tech Hardware Insights:Enterprise Server Strength Offset by Muted Cloud Demand.pdf
    • Asia Credit Strategy: Up in Quality, Not Down in Carry.pdf
    • European Interest Rate Strategy - Trades for the Longer Run.pdf
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  • 2014-9-14
  • 33-36weekly.rar

    • US Lodging: Raising 14-15 Outlook & Recapping Key 2Q Trends.pdf
    • Video Pushing Parker:Do You Like Porridge.pdf
    • Medtronic Inc.:We Like the Entry Point.pdf
    • PETM:Throwing PETM a Bone.pdf
    • Tsakos Energy Navigation LTD: Undervalued with an MLP Potential; Raise to OW.pdf
    • Natural Gas:Coal-to-Gas Switching to Keep Gas Range-Bound.pdf
    • Visa Inc.:Highlights From the Data Center Visit.pdf
    • E&P Weekly: The Turning Point.pdf
    • Maritime Industries: Dry Bulk Stocks Rally As The BDI Rebounds.pdf
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    • Hansen. TESTING FOR LINEARITY (1999).pdf
    • Hansen. Testing for two-regime threshold cointegration in Vector Error-Correction Models (2002).pdf
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  • 2012-3-15
  • Muddy Waters Initiating Coverage on ONP – Strong Sell - June 28, 2010.rar

    • Muddy Waters Initiating Coverage on ONP – Strong Sell - June 28, 2010.pdf
    • MW Confirms It Analyzed the Correct ONP Entity - July 1, 2010.pdf
    • MW Response to Rick Pearson - July 2, 2010.pdf
    • Two Points RE - the ONP debate - July 6, 2010.pdf
    • Oh What a Tangled Web We Weave…July 13, 2010.pdf
    • 21CBH_p1.jpg
    • 21CBH_p2.jpg
    • ONP_One_Billion_Chinese.pdf
  • 11.63 MB
  • 2012-3-5
  • Corporate Income Taxes and the Cost of Capital A Correction.rar

    • Corporate Income Taxes and the Cost of Capital A Correction.pdf
  • 439.78 KB
  • 2012-2-6
  • 货币经济学经典文献-附目录说明.rar

    • On a correct measure inflation.pdf
    • A General Equilibrium Approach To Monetary Theory.pdf
    • A theory of consumption.pdf
    • Alternative theories of the rate of interest.pdf
    • business cycles and national income.pdf
    • Dynamic equilibrium price index asset price and inflation.pdf
    • Herd Behaviour, Bubbles and Crashes.pdf
    • How to pay for the war.pdf
    • Monetary policy and asset price volatility.pdf
    • Mr. Keynes and the Classics A Suggested Interpretation.pdf
    • Prices and production.pdf
    • Rules rather than discretion the inconsistency of optimal plans.pdf
    • the financial instability hypothesis.pdf
    • The general theory of employment, interest rate and money.pdf
    • The interest –elasticity of transactions demand for cash.pdf
    • The permanent income hypothesis revisited.pdf
    • The purchasing power of money.pdf
    • The theory of Interest.pdf
    • The transactions demand for cash an inventory theoretic approach.pdf
    • The use of indicators and the monetary conditions index in Canada.pdf
    • The value of money.pdf
    • Time to build and aggregate fluctuations.pdf
    • Utility analysis and the consumption an interpretation of cross-section data.in post-keynesian economics.pdf
    • 货币经济学.doc
  • 11.99 MB
  • 2012-1-4
  • 51179163.rar

    • The utility tree a correction and further appraisal.pdf
  • 379.37 KB
  • 2011-12-13
  • SOA past exam2.rar
       corrected AFE and APM CSP-GH CSP-IC CSP-IU CSP-RC CSP-RU exam sheet, case study, and solution

    • edu-2011-04-apm-am.pdf
    • edu-2011-04-apm-pm.pdf
    • edu-2011-04-apm-sol.pdf
    • edu-2011-04-csp-gh-am.pdf
    • edu-2011-04-csp-gh-case.pdf
    • edu-2011-04-csp-gh-pm.pdf
    • edu-2011-04-csp-gh-sol.pdf
    • edu-2011-04-csp-ic-am.pdf
    • edu-2011-04-csp-ic-pm.pdf
    • edu-2011-04-csp-ic-sol.pdf
    • edu-2011-04-csp-iu-pm.pdf
    • edu-2011-04-csp-iu-sol.pdf
    • edu-2011-04-csp-rc-am.pdf
    • edu-2011-04-csp-rc-am-case.pdf
    • edu-2011-04-csp-rc-pm.pdf
    • edu-2011-04-csp-rc-pm-case.pdf
    • edu-2011-04-csp-rc-sol.pdf
    • edu-2011-04-csp-ru.pdf
    • edu-2011-04-csp-ru-case.pdf
    • edu-2011-04-csp-ru-sol.pdf
    • edu-2011-04-afe-case.pdf
    • edu-2011-04-afe-exam-am.pdf
    • edu-2011-04-afe-exam-pm.pdf
    • edu-2011-04-afe-sol.pdf
  • 7.83 MB
  • 2011-10-1
  • AFE2.rar
       corrected AFE 4 files exam sheet, case study, and solution

    • edu-2011-04-afe-sol.pdf
    • edu-2011-04-afe-case.pdf
    • edu-2011-04-afe-exam-pm.pdf
    • edu-2011-04-afe-exam-am.pdf
  • 1.37 MB
  • 2011-10-1
  • Barclays(8.27).rar

    • Rates_and_Commodities_Technical_Focus_for_29_August_-_Downside_corrective_risk_r.pdf
    • Commodities_Weekly.pdf
    • Global_Rates_Weekly_When_youre_in_a_hole_stop_digging.pdf
    • Global_Traders_Guide.pdf
    • Global_Economics_Weekly_Fiscal_dominance_and_growth_concerns.pdf
  • 2.11 MB
  • 2011-8-29
  • Eviews2.pdf
       EVIEWS tutorial: Cointegration and error correction

  • 2.83 MB
  • 2011-1-30
  • 高级微观经济学(财大,沈凌讲义).rar

    • 00 - Syllabus.pdf
    • 2006 ET.pdf
    • advertising.pdf
    • An Introduction to the Jungle Economy.pdf
    • Chapter 1.pdf
    • Chapter 2.pdf
    • chapter 3.pdf
    • chapter 4.pdf
    • Chapter 5 Properties of Demand.pdf
    • chapter 6.pdf
    • Chapter 7.pdf
    • Chapter 8 Production.pdf
    • Chapter 9 Partial Equilibrium.pdf
    • Chapter 10 Game theory.pdf
    • Corrections.pdf
    • exam1 answer.pdf
    • exam1.pdf
    • feb1957-en.pdf
    • intro to game theory.pdf
    • lunch time seminar.pdf
    • problem 3.doc
    • Problem 4.doc
    • problem set 1.doc
    • Problem set 1.pdf
    • problem set 2.doc
    • Problem set 2.pdf
    • problem set 3.doc
    • Problem set 3.pdf
    • Problem set 4.doc
    • problem set 4.pdf
    • Rubinstein2005.pdf
    • term paper lists.pdf
    • 期中考试.pdf
    • 期中考试答案.pdf
    • Cummulative Corrections.pdf
  • 3.63 MB
  • 2010-9-6
  • abbr_c2fbb3632d126c4028685fc22b7158d3.rar

    • A Gauss Procedure to Estimate Panel-Corrected-Standard-Errors with Non-rectangular andor Missing Data.pdf
  • 34.02 KB
  • 2010-8-23
  • 悉尼大学商业与经济统计A.rar

    • Week13-corrected.pptx
    • Week7.pdf
    • Week7-13-Review.ppt
    • Week8.pdf
    • Week9.pdf
    • Week10.pdf
    • Week11-12.pdf
    • Week11-12-Stream-2-10AM.ppt
    • Week13.pdf
    • Mutually Exclusive and Independent Events.pptx
    • Week1.ppt
    • Week2.pdf
    • Week3.pdf
    • Week4.pdf
    • Week5.pdf
    • Week6.pdf
    • Week6-1-Review.ppt
  • 5.11 MB
  • 2010-6-25
  • 悉尼大学固定收益证券.rar

    • Lecture 9.ppt
    • Lecture 10.ppt
    • Lecture 11.ppt
    • Lecture 12.ppt
    • Australian Bond Market.ppt
    • Lecture 1[1].pdf
    • Lecture 2[1].pdf
    • Lecture 3 Corrected[1].pdf
    • Lecture 4[1].pdf
    • Lecture 5.ppt
    • Lecture 6.ppt
    • Lecture 7[1].pdf
    • Lecture 8[1].pdf
    • Lecture 9 Additional material.ppt
  • 8.84 MB
  • 2010-6-23
  • 商业和经济预测中的时间序列模型--数据和勘误表.rar

    • cupboekcorrecties.doc
    • data2a.zip
    • data2b.zip
  • 33.69 KB
  • 2010-5-14
  • 1952 to 1969.rar

    • 1965 Random Walks In Stock Market Price.pdf
    • 1965 Security Prices, Risk, And Maximal Gains From Diversification.pdf
    • 1965 The Behavior Of Stock Market Prices.pdf
    • 1966 Equilibrium In A Capital Asset Market.pdf
    • 1966 Forecasts Of Future Prices, Unbiased Markets, And Martingale Models.pdf
    • 1969 Lifetime Portfolio Selection Under Uncertainty-The Continuous-Time Case.pdf
    • 1969 The Adjustment Of Stock Prices To New Information.pdf
    • 1952 Portfolio Selection.pdf
    • 1953 The Analysis Of Economic Time-Series-Part I-Prices.pdf
    • 1954 Existence Of An Equilibrium For A Competitive Economy.pdf
    • 1958 Liquidity Preference As Behavior Toward Risk.pdf
    • 1958 The Cost Of Capital, Corporation Finance And The Theory Of Investment.pdf
    • 1959 Portfolio Selection-Efficient Diversification Of Investments.pdf
    • 1959 Stock-Market Patterns And Financial Analysis-Methodological Suggestions.pdf
    • 1963 Corporate Income Taxes And The Cost Of Capital-A Correction.pdf
    • 1964 Capital Asset Prices-A Theory Of Market Equilibrium Under Conditions Of Risk.pdf
    • 1965 Proof That Properly Anticipated Prices Fluctuate Randomly.pdf
  • 25.16 MB
  • 2010-5-5
  • 1952 to 1969.rar

    • 1965 Random Walks In Stock Market Price.pdf
    • 1965 Security Prices, Risk, And Maximal Gains From Diversification.pdf
    • 1965 The Behavior Of Stock Market Prices.pdf
    • 1966 Equilibrium In A Capital Asset Market.pdf
    • 1966 Forecasts Of Future Prices, Unbiased Markets, And Martingale Models.pdf
    • 1969 Lifetime Portfolio Selection Under Uncertainty-The Continuous-Time Case.pdf
    • 1969 The Adjustment Of Stock Prices To New Information.pdf
    • 1952 Portfolio Selection.pdf
    • 1953 The Analysis Of Economic Time-Series-Part I-Prices.pdf
    • 1954 Existence Of An Equilibrium For A Competitive Economy.pdf
    • 1958 Liquidity Preference As Behavior Toward Risk.pdf
    • 1958 The Cost Of Capital, Corporation Finance And The Theory Of Investment.pdf
    • 1959 Portfolio Selection-Efficient Diversification Of Investments.pdf
    • 1959 Stock-Market Patterns And Financial Analysis-Methodological Suggestions.pdf
    • 1963 Corporate Income Taxes And The Cost Of Capital-A Correction.pdf
    • 1964 Capital Asset Prices-A Theory Of Market Equilibrium Under Conditions Of Risk.pdf
    • 1965 Proof That Properly Anticipated Prices Fluctuate Randomly.pdf
  • 25.16 MB
  • 2010-3-23
  • 面板因果检验的文献.rar

    • Cointegration and error correction-representation, estimation, and testing.pdf
    • Testing Granger Causality in Heterogenous Panel Data Models with Fixed Coefficients.pdf
    • 基于异质面板因果检验的债务与盈利关系研究.caj
    • Energy consumption and economic growth in Asian economies A more comprehensive analysis using panel data.pdf
    • Energy consumption, economic growth and prices A reassessment using panel VECM for developed and developing countries.pdf
    • Energy–GDP relationship revisited An example from GCC countries using panel causality.pdf
    • Evaluation of panel data models_some suggestions from time series.pdf
    • Granger Causality Tests in Panel Data Models with Fixed Coeffcients.pdf
    • Panel data, cointegration, causality and Wagner's law Empirica evidence from Chinese province.pdf
  • 1.93 MB
  • 2010-3-10
  • 面板因果检验的文献.rar

    • Cointegration and error correction-representation, estimation, and testing.pdf
    • Testing Granger Causality in Heterogenous Panel Data Models with Fixed Coefficients.pdf
    • 基于异质面板因果检验的债务与盈利关系研究.caj
    • Energy consumption and economic growth in Asian economies A more comprehensive analysis using panel data.pdf
    • Energy consumption, economic growth and prices A reassessment using panel VECM for developed and developing countries.pdf
    • Energy–GDP relationship revisited An example from GCC countries using panel causality.pdf
    • Evaluation of panel data models_some suggestions from time series.pdf
    • Granger Causality Tests in Panel Data Models with Fixed Coeffcients.pdf
    • Panel data, cointegration, causality and Wagner's law Empirica evidence from Chinese province.pdf
  • 1.93 MB
  • 2010-3-10
  • Financial Modeling.rar

    • fm3_cumulative_typos.doc
    • fulltext.pdf
    • owc10.exe
    • problem 7.txt
    • Simularv.txt
    • simularv2507e.zip
    • Corrections.docx
    • Excel_bugs.doc
    • Excel_bugs.xlsm
  • 21.44 MB
  • 2009-9-18
  • 317487.pdf
       [分享]Determining the number of factors in a multivariate error correction–volatility fa

  • 277.01 KB
  • 2009-4-21
  • 292037.rar
       Credit risk modeling using excel and VBA- Excel Spreadsheets

    • 02merton-corrected.xls
    • 11Basel2.xls
    • functionlist.pdf
    • lp.xla
    • 01logit.xls
    • 02merton.xls
    • 03transition.xls
    • 04prediction.xls
    • 05correlation.xls
    • 06creditportfolio.xls
    • 07rating_Validation.xls
    • 08validation_portfolio.xls
    • 09cds.xls
    • 10cdos.xls
  • 3.14 MB
  • 2009-2-10
  • 264576.rar
       [推荐]诺奖获得者Robert F. Engle论文N篇

    • The Econometrics of Ultra-High-Frequency Data.pdf
    • [Bayesian Analysis of Stochastic Volatility Models.pdf
    • A Capital Asset Pricing Model with Time-Varying Covariances.pdf
    • Band Spectrum Regression.pdf
    • Co-Integration and Error Correction-Representation, Estimation, and Testing.pdf
    • Common Volatility in International Equity Markets.pdf
    • Estimates of the Variance of U. S. Inflation Based upon the ARCH Model.pdf
    • Estimating Time Varying Risk Premia in the Term Structure-The Arch-M Model.pdf
    • Exact Maximum Likelihood Methods for Dynamic Regressions and Band Spectrum Regressions.pdf
    • Multivariate Simultaneous Generalized Arch.pdf
    • Semiparametric ARCH Models.pdf
    • Small-Sample Properties of ARCH Estimators and Tests.pdf
    • Specification of the Disturbance for Efficient Estimation.pdf
    • Statistical Models for Financial Volatility.pdf
    • Testing for Regression Coefficient Stability with a Stationary AR(1) Alternative.pdf
    • Testing Price Equations for Stability Across Spectral Frequency Bands.pdf
  • 7.65 MB
  • 2008-11-7
  • 251439.pdf
       CITI-Cyclical Correction; Structural View Intact

  • 252.56 KB
  • 2008-9-28
  • 224192.rar

    • Time Series Regression.ppt
    • Vector Error Correction and Cointergration Theory1.ppt
    • ARIMA-pacf.ppt
    • Regression Analysis by EXCEL.ppt
  • 2.34 MB
  • 2008-7-2
  • 214560.rar
       [下载]Measuring and Interpreting World Economic Performance 1500-2001* by:Angus Maddison

    • Corrected Ruggles Lecture new.doc
  • 84.66 KB
  • 2008-5-23
  • 213554.zip
       no cost 经济地理和公共政策(Economic Geography and Public Policy

    • Ch2_corrections.pdf
    • ch1.pdf
    • ch10.pdf
    • ch11.pdf
    • ch12.pdf
    • ch13.pdf
    • ch14.pdf
    • ch15.pdf
    • ch16.pdf
    • ch17.pdf
    • ch18.pdf
    • ch19.pdf
    • ch3.pdf
    • ch4.pdf
    • ch5.pdf
    • ch6.pdf
    • ch7.pdf
    • ch8.pdf
    • ch9.pdf
  • 4.05 MB
  • 2008-5-19
  • 187985.pdf
       花旗报告:Berkshire Hathaway Inc (BRKa)Correction: Recent Rally Puts Investing in Buffett

  • 519.64 KB
  • 2008-1-13
  • 178128.pdf
       J.P. Morgan:China Strategy——Correction: a buying opportunity for year 2008 11月25日

  • 250.76 KB
  • 2007-11-28
  • 148089.pdf
       Co-Integration and Error Correction: Representation, Estimation, and Testing

  • 670.98 KB
  • 2007-8-23
  • 137042.rar
       cointegration error correction and the econometric analysis of non- stationary data

  • 977.44 KB
  • 2007-7-15
  • 137040.rar
       cointegration error correction and the econometric analysis of non- stationary data

  • 1000 KB
  • 2007-7-15
  • 137039.rar
       cointegration error correction and the econometric analysis of non- stationary data

  • 1000 KB
  • 2007-7-15
  • 137038.rar
       cointegration error correction and the econometric analysis of non- stationary data

  • 1000 KB
  • 2007-7-15
  • 137037.rar
       cointegration error correction and the econometric analysis of non- stationary data

  • 1000 KB
  • 2007-7-15
  • 137036.rar
       cointegration error correction and the econometric analysis of non- stationary data

  • 1000 KB
  • 2007-7-15
  • 126337.rar

    • correction action control procedures 203.doc
    • Marking management of casc 303.DOC
    • methods and work flow of domestic payment collection 343.DOC
    • Operation and flow map of agent export tax-rebate 333.doc
    • operation method of export cancel after verification and domestic payment 334.DOC
    • Operation method of imports payment 317.DOC
    • preventive action control procedures 204.doc
    • procedures of establishing bids appraisal report 341.DOC
    • quality records control procedures 202.doc
    • Review method on demand information of customer procurement sevives 305.doc
    • Risk Assessment Procedures of Suppliers 345.doc
    • Rules of aviation spare parts transportation 324.DOC
    • Rules of Equipment management 314.DOC
    • Rules of foreign-currency clearance managemant 342.doc
    • services-provide process control procedures 207.doc
    • Suppliers Selection Evaluation Management 306.doc
    • The management of tendering agent 329.DOC
    • the operation rules of huacai cargo dept. 323.doc
    • The process of Engine purchase and repair 327.DOC
    • The verification and review method of bids department 332.DOC
    • Training procedures of division 2 328.DOC
    • Transportation rules of aviation engine 325.DOC
    • verification management of import and export documentary credit establishing 304.doc
    • Warehouse management of business department 322.DOC
    • Work procedures of business department 321.DOC
    • work procedures of customs clearance & transportation dept. 319.DOC
    • Annual assessment method of personnel in casc 311.DOC
    • Assessment method of forwarder management of casc 339.DOC
    • Bids procedures of casc 331.DOC
    • casc quality manual 101.doc
    • control & protection Procedures os Customer Property in Division three 344.doc
    • documentation control procedures 201.doc
    • Documentation verification rules of import payment 316.DOC
    • Employee training method of casc 312.DOC
    • Establishment procedures of bid documents 330.DOC
    • Export contract management method 302.doc
    • failure products control procedures 205.doc
    • Import contract management method 301.doc
    • internal audit control procedures 206.doc
    • Job responsibilities and description of personnel in casc 313.DOC
    • Management of bonded warehouse 320.DOC
    • Management of business handover among department 318.DOC
    • Management of raw material-supplied and raw material-purchased process 307.doc
    • management of repair & claims of aviation equipment outside china 310.DOC
  • 343.92 KB
  • 2007-6-15
  • 126087.rar
       evaluation of vector error correction models

    • evaluation of vector error correction models.pdf
  • 231.15 KB
  • 2007-6-14
  • 119536.rar

    • Endogenous Specialization and Endogenous Principal-agent Relationship.pdf
    • Development, structural changes and urbanization.pdf
    • Economic Development, International Trade, and Income Distribution.pdf
    • Economic Growth, Commercialization, and Institutional Changes in Rural China 1979-1987.pdf
    • Economic Reforms and Constitutional Transition.pdf
    • Effects of Externality-Corrective Taxation on the Extent of the Market and Network Size of Division of Labor.pdf
    • Effects of Political Monopoly of the Ruling Elite on the Extent of the Market, income distribution, and Development.pdf
    • Empirical Evidence for Sequential Divergence and Convergence.pdf
    • China's Entry to the WTO.pdf
    • Endogenous Transaction Costs and Division of Labor.pdf
  • 4.44 MB
  • 2007-5-23
  • 113296.rar
       Journal of economitrics计量论文

    • Residual autocorrelation testing for vector error correction models.doc.ff1
    • 经济学与管理学门类“最有学术影响力的国际期刊”目录.doc
    • Common cyclical features analysis in VAR models with cointegration.doc.ff1
    • Estimating dynamic panel data discrete choice models with fixed effects.doc
    • Masking identification of discrete choice models under simulation methods.doc
  • 1.26 MB
  • 2007-5-4
  • 105551.rar

    • 00 - Syllabus.pdf
    • 2006 ET.pdf
    • advertising.pdf
    • An Introduction to the Jungle Economy.pdf
    • chapter 1.pdf
    • Chapter 2.pdf
    • chapter 3.pdf
    • chapter 4.pdf
    • Chapter 5__Properties_of_Demand.pdf
    • chapter 6.pdf
    • Chapter 7.pdf
    • Chapter 8_Production.pdf
    • Chapter 9_Partial_Equilibrium.pdf
    • Chapter 10 Game theory.pdf
    • Corrections.pdf
    • d2005101803.pdf
    • exam1 answer.pdf
    • exam1.pdf
    • feb1957-en.pdf
    • intro to game theory.pdf
    • lunch time seminar.pdf
    • problem 3.doc
    • Problem 4.doc
    • problem set 1.doc
    • Problem set 1.pdf
    • problem set 2.doc
    • Problem set 2.pdf
    • problem set 3.doc
    • Problem set 3.pdf
    • Problem set 4.doc
    • problem set 4.pdf
    • Rubinstein2005.pdf
    • term paper lists.pdf
    • 期中考试.pdf
    • 期中考试答案.pdf
  • 6.33 MB
  • 2007-4-5
  • 84725.rar
       重磅出击--Roberet F. Engle 和 Tim Bollerslev 计量经济学文献合集(共32篇)

    • 6 Engle and Granger-1987-co-integration and error correction_representation, estimation and testing.pdf
    • 4 Engle , Lilien and Robins-1987-Estimating time varying risk premia in the term structure the ARCH-M model.pdf
    • 5 Engle and Gallo-2006-A multiple indicators model for volatility using intra-daily data.pdf
  • 2.27 MB
  • 2007-1-15
  • 65312.rar
       [下载]Granger-Enger在1987年发表Co-intergation and correction:representation,estimation an

  • 1.85 MB
  • 2006-9-26
  • 59956.rar
       how to speak and write correctly(英文版)

    • how to speak and write correctly.doc
  • 116.1 KB
  • 2006-8-5
  • 59435.rar
       how to speak and write corrctly. 英文论文写作的好帮手

    • how to speak and write correctly.doc
  • 116.09 KB
  • 2006-8-1
  • 45281.rar

    • 10_Determinants of Corporate Borrowing_Myers_1977.pdf
    • 1_The Cost of Capital, Corporation Finance and the Theory of Investment_Modigliani&Miller_1958.pdf
    • 2_Corporate Income Taxes and the Cost of Capital A Correction_Modigliani and Miller_1963.pdf
    • 3_On the Irrelevance of Corporate Financial Policy_Stiglitz_1974.pdf
    • 4_A Theory of Optimal Capital Structure_Scott_1976.pdf
    • 5_Debt and Taxes_Miller_1977.pdf
    • 6_Optimal Capital Structure under Corporate and Personal Taxation_Deangelo and Masulis_1980.pdf
    • 7_The Effect of Taxes and Depreciation on Corporate Investment and Financial Leverage_Dammon and Senbet_1988.pdf
    • 8_The Determination of Financial Structure_The Incentive-Signalling Approach_Ross_1977.pdf
    • 9_Theory of the Firm_Managerial Behavior, Agency Costs and Ownership Structure_Jensen and Meckling_1976.pdf
  • 19.65 MB
  • 2006-3-24
  • 37645.rar
       Index, corrections and odd-number answers for Econometric Analysis of Cross Section and P

    • errata2.pdf
    • Index.pdf
    • errata1.pdf
  • 2.1 MB
  • 2006-1-17
  • 22517.rar

    • 2002A small sample correction for tests of hypotheses on the cointegrating vectors.pdf
    • 1995Identifying restrictions of linear equations with applications to simultaneous equations.pdf
    • 1999Testing exact rational expectations in vecm.pdf
    • 2000Cointegration analysis in the presence of structural breaks in the deterministic trend.pdf
    • 2000Modelling of cointegration in the vector autoregressive model.pdf
    • 2002A BARTLETT CORRECTION FACTOR on cointergration relation.pdf
    • 2002Controlling Inflation in a Cointegrated with vecm an Application to US Data.pdf
    • 2003More on Testing Exact Rational including drift term.pdf
    • 2004more on testing rational expection in vecm contrain constant and linear term.pdf
    • 2004The equivalence of two parametrizations for the I(2) model.pdf
    • 2005A note on testing restrictions for the cointegration parameters of a VAR with I(2) variables.pdf
    • 2005Interpretation of Cointegrating Coefficients in vecm.pdf
    • 03statistical analysis of hypotheses on the cointegrtion I(2).pdf
  • 3.4 MB
  • 2005-8-10
  • 15312.rar

    • 2-8,Co-Integration and Error Correction, Representation, Estimation, and Testing.pdf
  • 1.98 MB
  • 2005-5-22
  • 10970.rar

    • R. NORBERG1999correction.pdf
    • R. J. VERRALL1990.pdf
    • R. NORBERG1993.pdf
    • R. NORBERG1999.pdf
    • S. HAASTRUP1996.pdf
    • Sharp1996.pdf
    • sherman1984.pdf
    • Siegal2000.pdf
    • Stochastic Claim Reserving Methods in Non.doc
    • Stochastic claims reserving.rar
    • The Geneva papers on risk.doc
    • venter1998.pdf
    • verrall1999.pdf
    • verrall2000.pdf
    • verrall2000b.pdf
    • Webber1998.pdf
    • 非寿险损失分布估计和经验稳定性分析I.PDF
    • 非寿险未到期责任准备金性质及核算.PDF
    • 经济科学来高要求.txt
    • 巨灾风险证券化产品的定价问题.PDF
    • 用对数化法对古典链梯法的改进.PDF
    • 中文核心期刊2004版.htm
    • 《保险研究》2004年度目录.PDF
    • Barnett2000.pdf
    • Bulhm1995.pdf
    • Doray1996.pdf
    • England1996.pdf
    • England2001.pdf
    • ferguson1972.pdf
    • Goovearts1997.pdf
    • Goovearts1998.pdf
    • Goovearts1999.pdf
    • Goovearts1999b.pdf
    • Grace1995.pdf
    • guide to GLM.pdf
    • Hoedlemakes1995.pdf
    • K. D. SCHMIDT, A. SCHNAUS1996.pdf
    • Littman1996.pdf
    • MACK1993.pdf
    • Mack1995.pdf
    • Mack1996.pdf
    • Mack2000.pdf
    • Markov2001.pdf
    • Murphy1994.pdf
    • proceedings.htm
  • 28.2 MB
  • 2005-3-29
  • 7519.rar

    • cupboekcorrecties.doc
    • data2a.zip
    • data2b.zip
  • 33.69 KB
  • 2005-1-10
  • 2035.rar

    • The European Union-a politically incorrect view.pdf
  • 72.21 KB
  • 2004-10-28
  • 1173.rar

    • Co-Integration and Error Correction_Representation, Estimation, and Testing.pdf
  • 1.98 MB
  • 2004-9-4