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  • 矩阵形式表格.zip

  • 1.06 MB
  • 2023-6-19
  • 全国制造业28个行业出口交货值(2000-2019)UN+comtrade数据(制造业细分行业).zip

    • 制造业28个行业出口交货值(2009-2019)UN+comtrade数据(制造业细分行业).xlsx
    • 制造业28个行业出口交货值(2000-2014).xls
  • 394.05 KB
  • 2021-12-9
  • Uncomtrade-20年数据.rar

    • Australia-20年.xlsx
    • Austria-20年.xlsx
    • Belgium-20年.xlsx
    • Brazil-20年.xlsx
    • Bulgaria-19年-缺2020年.xlsx
    • Canada-China-France-Germany.xlsx
    • India-20年.xlsx
    • Indonesis-Janpan-Italy-Mexico.xlsx
    • Korea-Russian-Poland-Netherlands.xlsx
    • Spain-Sweden-Switzerland.xlsx
    • Turkey-USA-UK.xlsx
    • 1-5.xlsx
    • 6-10.xlsx
    • 11-15.xlsx
    • 16-20.xlsx
    • 21-25.xlsx
    • 26-30.xlsx
    • 31-35.xlsx
    • 36-40.xlsx
    • 41-45.xlsx
    • 46-50.xlsx
    • 51-55.xlsx
    • 56-60.xlsx
    • 61-65.xlsx
    • 66-70.xlsx
    • 71-75.xlsx
    • 76-80.xlsx
    • 81-85.xlsx
    • 86-90.xlsx
    • 91-95.xlsx
    • 96-100.xlsx
    • 101-105.xlsx
    • 106-110.xlsx
    • 111-115.xlsx
    • 116-120.xlsx
    • 121-125.xlsx
    • 126-130.xlsx
    • 131-135.xlsx
    • 136-140.xlsx
    • 141-145.xlsx
    • 146-150.xlsx
    • 151-155.xlsx
    • 156-160.xlsx
    • 161-165.xlsx
    • 166-170.xlsx
    • 171-175.xlsx
    • 176-180.xlsx
    • 181-185.xlsx
    • 186-190.xlsx
    • 186Zimbabwe.xlsx
    • 说明.xlsx
  • 69.39 MB
  • 2021-9-8
  • comtrade export.xlsx

  • 3.06 MB
  • 2018-6-12
  • 各版本HS,SITC,BEC编码转换.rar

    • HS 2012 to HS 1996 Correlation and conversion tables.xls
    • HS2002 to HS1996 - Correlation and conversion tables.xls
    • HS 2012 to HS 1992 Correlation and conversion tables.xls
    • HS 2007 to HS 1992 Correlation and conversion tables.xls
    • HS2002 to HS1992 - Correlation and conversion tables.xls
    • HS1996 to HS1992 - Correlation and conversion tables.xls
    • HS 2012 to SITC Rev.4 Correlation and conversion tables.xls
    • UN Comtrade Conversion table HS2007 to SITCRev4.xls
    • HS 2012 to SITC3 Correlation and conversion tables.xls
    • UN Comtrade Conversion table HS2007 to SITCRev3.xls
    • HS1996 to SITC3 Conversion and Correlation Tables.xls
    • HS2002 to SITC3 Conversion and Correlation Tables.xls
    • HS1992 to SITC3 Conversion and Correlation Tables.xls
    • HS1996 to SITC2 Conversion and Correlation Tables.xls
    • HS1992 to SITC2 Conversion and Correlation Tables.xls
    • SITC3 to SITC2 Conversion and Correlation Tables.xls
    • HS 2012 to SITC1 Correlation and conversion tables.xls
    • HS 2007 to SITC Rev 1 Correlation and conversion tables.xls
    • HS2002 to SITC1 Conversion and Correlation Tables.xls
    • HS1996 to SITC1 Conversion and Correlation Tables.xls
    • SITC3 to SITC1 Conversion and Correlation Tables.xls
    • HS1992 to SITC1 Conversion and Conversion Tables.xls
    • SITC2 to SITC1 Conversion and Correlation Tables.xls
    • HS 2012 to BEC Correlation and conversion tables.xls
    • HS2007-BEC4 Correlation and conversionTable.xls
    • HS2002 to BEC Conversion and Correlation Tables.xls
    • HS1996 to BEC Conversion and Correlation Tables.xls
    • SITC3 to BEC Conversion and Correlation Tables.xls
    • SITC2 to BEC Conversion and Correlation Tables.xls
    • HS 2007 to SITC Rev 2 Correlation and conversion tables.xls
    • HS 2012 to SITC2 Correlation and conversion tables.xls
    • HS 2007 to HS 2002 Correlation and conversion tables.xls
    • HS 2012 to HS 2007 Correlation and conversion tables.xls
    • HS 2012 to HS 2002 Correlation and conversion tables.xls
    • HS 2007 to HS 1996 Correlation and conversion tables.xls
    • HS2002 to SITC2 Conversion and Correlation Tables.xls
  • 4.27 MB
  • 2016-11-6
  • 1996-2010中美行业出口数据.rar

    • comtrade_trade_data.csv
    • 1996-2010中美出口数据.csv
  • 1007.84 KB
  • 2012-3-31
  • 使用指南.rar

    • UN_Comtrade使用指南.pptx
  • 3.08 MB
  • 2011-4-8
  • 325260.pdf
       源自UN comtrade 2007 按SITC 码分类的进出口商品数据

  • 166.94 KB
  • 2009-5-13