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  • Comparative Advantage, Trade, and payments in a Ricardian Model.rar

    • Comparative Advantage, Trade, and payments in a Ricardian Model.pdf
  • 2.17 MB
  • 2012-11-21
  • Comparative Advantage, Trade, and payments in a Ricardian Model.rar

    • Comparative Advantage, Trade, and payments in a Ricardian Model.pdf
  • 2.17 MB
  • 2012-11-21
  • 文献.rar

    • 8、What Goods do Countries Trade New Ricardian Predictions.pdf
    • 9、The Social Costs of Monopoly Power.pdf
    • 10、Theories of Economic Regulation.pdf
    • 1、An Account of Global Factor Trade.pdf
    • 2、Enterprise Restructuring in Transition: A Quantitative Survey.pdf
    • 3、Allocative Efficiency vs X-Inefficiency.pdf
    • 4、An Economist's Guide to U.S. v. Microsoft.pdf
    • 5、Comparative Advantage, Trade, and Payments in a Ricardian Model with a Continuum of Goods.pdf
    • 6、Factor Endowment and Relative Commodity Prices.pdf
    • 7、Inequality and Economic Growth:The Perspective of the New Growth Theories.pdf
  • 8.94 MB
  • 2011-12-14
  • 225184.pdf
       [求助] 文献, Dornbusch, Fischer, and Samuelson,1977, Comparative Advantage, Trade and Pay

  • 432.75 KB
  • 2008-7-6
  • 138314.rar

    • The Politics of Free-Trade Agreements.pdf
    • A General Equilibrium Model of Multinational Corporations in Developing Economies.pdf
    • An Account of Global Factor Trade.pdf
    • Comparative Advantage, Trade, and payments in a Ricardian Model.pdf
    • Does Trade Cause Growth.pdf
    • Export versus FDI with Heterogeneous Firms.pdf
    • Firms, Contracts, and Trade Structure.pdf
    • Globalization and the Inequality of Nations.pdf
    • Increasing Returns and All That-- A View from Trade.pdf
    • International Factor Price Differences--Leontief was Right!.pdf
    • International Protection of Intellectual Property.pdf
    • Monopolistic Competition and International Trade-- Reconsidering the Evidence.pdf
    • Outsourcing in a Global Economy.pdf
    • Plants and Productivity in International Trade.pdf
    • Protection for Sale.pdf
    • Protection for Sale--An Empirical Investigation.pdf
    • The Case of the Missing Trade and Other Mysteries-- Reply.pdf
    • The Impact of Trade on Intra-Industry Reallocations and Aggregate Industry Productivity.pdf
  • 9.22 MB
  • 2007-7-18
  • 118562.rar

    • Plants and Productivity in International Trade.pdf
    • Protection for Sale--An Empirical Investigation.pdf
    • Comparative Advantage, Trade, and payments in a Ricardian Model.pdf
    • Does Trade Cause Growth.pdf
    • Globalization and the Inequality of Nations.pdf
    • International Factor Price Differences--Leontief was Right!.pdf
    • Monopolistic Competition and International Trade-- Reconsidering the Evidence.pdf
  • 17.3 MB
  • 2007-5-20
  • 83292.rar

    • Plants and Productivity in International Trade.pdf
    • Protection for Sale--An Empirical Investigation.pdf
    • Comparative Advantage, Trade, and payments in a Ricardian Model.pdf
    • Does Trade Cause Growth.pdf
    • Globalization and the Inequality of Nations.pdf
    • International Factor Price Differences--Leontief was Right!.pdf
    • Monopolistic Competition and International Trade-- Reconsidering the Evidence.pdf
  • 17.3 MB
  • 2007-1-10