大小 上传时间
  • full-set-of-gri-standards-traditional-chinese.zip

    • GRI 1- Foundation 2021 - Traditional Chinese.pdf
    • GRI 11- Oil and Gas Sector 2021 - Traditional Chinese.pdf
    • GRI 2- General Disclosures 2021 - Traditional Chinese.pdf
    • GRI 201- Economic Performance 2016 - Traditional Chinese.pdf
    • GRI 202- Market Presense 2016 - Traditional Chinese.pdf
    • GRI 203- Indirect Economic Impacts 2016 - Traditional Chinese.pdf
    • GRI 204- Procurement Practices 2016 - Traditional Chinese.pdf
    • GRI 205- Anti-corruption 2016 - Traditional Chinese.pdf
    • GRI 206- Anti-competitive Behaviour 2016 - Traditional Chinese.pdf
    • GRI 207- Tax 2019 - Traditional Chinese.pdf
    • GRI 3- Material Topics 2021 - Traditional Chinese.pdf
    • GRI 301- Materials 2016 - Traditional Chinese.pdf
    • GRI 302- Energy 2016 - Traditional Chinese.pdf
    • GRI 303- Water and Effluents 2018 - Traditional Chinese.pdf
    • GRI 304- Biodiversity 2016 - Traditional Chinese.pdf
    • GRI 305- Emissions 2016 - Traditional Chinese.pdf
    • GRI 306- Effluents and Waste 2016 - Traditional Chinese.pdf
    • GRI 306- Waste 2020 - Traditional Chinese.pdf
    • GRI 308- Supplier Environmental Assessment 2016 - Traditional Chinese.pdf
    • GRI 401- Employment 2016 - Traditional Chinese.pdf
    • GRI 402- Labor-Management Relations 2016 - Traditional Chinese.pdf
    • GRI 403- Occupational Health and Safety 2018 - Traditional Chinese.pdf
    • GRI 404- Training and Education 2016 - Traditional Chinese.pdf
    • GRI 405- Diversity and Equal Opportunity 2016 - Traditional Chinese.pdf
    • GRI 406- Non-discrimination 2016 - Traditional Chinese.pdf
    • GRI 407- Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining 2016 - Traditional Chinese.pdf
    • GRI 408- Child Labor 2016 - Traditional Chinese.pdf
    • GRI 409- Forced or Compulsory Labor 2016 - Traditional Chinese.pdf
    • GRI 410- Security Practices 2016 - Traditional Chinese.pdf
    • GRI 411- Rights of Indigenous Peoples 2016 - Traditional Chinese.pdf
    • GRI 413- Local Communities 2016 - Traditional Chinese.pdf
    • GRI 414- Supplier Socail Assessment 2016 - Traditional Chinese.pdf
    • GRI 415- Public Policy 2016 - Traditional Chinese.pdf
    • GRI 416- Customer Health and Safety 2016 - Traditional Chinese.pdf
    • GRI 417- Marketing and Labeling 2016 - Traditional Chinese.pdf
    • GRI 418- Customer Privacy 2016 - Traditional Chinese.pdf
    • GRI Standards Glossary 2022 - Traditional Chinese.pdf
    • GRI 12 Coal Sector Standard 2022 - Traditional Chinese.pdf
  • 44.14 MB
  • 2023-8-15
  • The diffusion of hybrid seed corn in two Iowa communities.rar

    • The diffusion of hybrid seed corn in two Iowa communities.pdf
  • 532.87 KB
  • 2023-5-24
  • Wealth Warrior 8 Steps for Communities of Color to Conquer the Stock Market.rar

    • Wealth Warrior 8 Steps for Communities of Color to Conquer the Stock Market.epub
  • 7.07 MB
  • 2023-4-12
  • AOM Annals 2022 Baldessarelli 2022 THE AESTHETIC DIMENSION OF ORGANIZING.zip
       aom annals

    • AOM Annals 2022 Baldessarelli 2022 THE AESTHETIC DIMENSION OF ORGANIZING.pdf
    • AOM Annals 2022 Csaszar use of artificial intelligence analogies .pdf
    • AOM Annals 2022 Lievens A REVIEW OF CURIOSITY AT WORK.pdf
    • AOM Annals 2022 Park INCENTIVE EFFECTS ON ETHICS.pdf
  • 9.14 MB
  • 2023-1-12
  • 社会网络分析, 复杂网络分析:参考文献之四.rar
       社会网络分析, 复杂网络分析

    • The ties that bind- Social network principles in online communities.pdf
    • Towards Identifying the Challenges Associated with Emerging Large Scale Social Networks.pdf
    • Visual representation of knowledge networks- A social network analysis of hospitality research domain.pdf
    • Why people use social networking sites- An empirical study integrating network externalities and motivation theory.pdf
    • 标签系统中基于潜在社会网络的知识传播研究_易明.pdf
    • 从知识传播的角度看问答型社交网站_知乎_.pdf
    • 基于_弱关系理论_的知识问答社区知识传播研究_以知乎网为例_宁菁菁.pdf
    • 基于Bass模型的知识扩散演化分析_罗天虎.pdf
    • 基于Tag的知识主题网络构建与Web知识推送研究_易明.pdf
    • 社会性标签系统中的信息搜寻_基于豆瓣网的实证调查.pdf
    • Power and the perception of social networks(视角特别,可参考,难模仿).pdf
    • Privacy threat model for data portability in social network applications.pdf
    • Recommendation of similar users, resources and social networks in a Social Internetworking Scenario(好文章).pdf
    • Relationship between the level of intimacy and lurking in online social network services(实证,选题和综述参考).pdf
    • Role of knowledge conversion and social networks in team performance(张大鲁可参考).pdf
    • Scholars and faculty members lived experiences in online social networks.pdf
    • Set Pair Community Mining and Situation Analysis Based on Web Social Network.pdf
    • Simulation-based workforce assignment in a multi-organizational social network for alliance-based software development(可参考).pdf
    • SNS社区中知识传播演化仿真模型:simulation based on Chinese Douban.docx
    • SNS社区中知识扩散演化仿真模型.docx
    • Social and semantic coevolution in knowledge networks(没看明白,可参考).pdf
    • Social integration and post-adoption usage of Social Network Sites An analysis of effects on learning performance(实证).pdf
    • Social network analysis in virtual learning community at faculty of information technologies (fit), Mostar(实证).pdf
    • Social network productivity in the use of.pdf
    • Social network, social trust and shared goals in organizational knowledge sharing(实证).pdf
    • Social networks – access all areas.pdf
    • Social structure of Facebook networks(复杂网络分析,有高度参考价值,可模仿分析其他数据).pdf
    • Structural investigation of supply networks- A social network analysis approach(社会网络跨领域应用参考).pdf
    • The contribution of social network sites to exposure to political difference.pdf
    • The dynamic competitive recommendation algorithm in social network services.pdf
    • The provision of online public goods- Examining social structure in an electronic network of practice.pdf
    • The social networks of collaborative process.pdf
    • Topic oriented community detection through social objects and link analysis in social networks(社区发现方面有参考价值).pdf
  • 15.98 MB
  • 2021-10-31
  • 社会网络分析, 复杂网络分析:参考文献之二.rar
       社会网络分析, 复杂网络分析:参考文献之二

    • A social influence model of consumer participation in network- and small-group-based virtual communities.pdf
    • A social status perspective of network utility over electronic channels in academic communities(经典实证研究).pdf
    • Analysis of virtual communities supporting OSS projects using social network analysis(很好).pdf
    • Effects of a soft cut-off on node-degree in the Twitter social network(做算法研究可参考).pdf
    • Emergent Leadership in Virtual Collaboration Settings- A Social Network Analysis Approach(值得读).pdf
    • Empirical analysis of online socialnetworks in the age of Web 2.0(短平快期刊,复杂网络研究为主).pdf
    • Empowering teams through social network ties(实证研究).pdf
    • Evolution of a large online social network(短平快,需核实是否SCI).pdf
    • A case study of Israeli higher-education institutes sharing scholarly information with the community via social networks.pdf
    • A framework for exploring organizational structure in dynamic social network(很不错).pdf
    • A novel measure of edge centrality in social networks.pdf
    • A social network approach to resolving group-level conflict in context-aware services.pdf
    • A social network perspective of tourism research collaborations(与位置服务结合是否可有新的结果).pdf
    • A social network-based system for supporting interactive collaboration in knowledge sharing over peer-to-peer network(可参考).pdf
    • A synthesis of semantic social network and attraction theory for innovating community-based e-service.pdf
    • A theoretical model of intentional social action in online social networks(数据分析类文章可参考).pdf
    • An empirical study of the factors affecting social network service use(韩国人做的实证).pdf
    • An e-patient’s End-user community (EUCY)- The value added of social network applications.pdf
    • Architectural platform- a social network site for architects.pdf
    • Behavior-based analysis of knowledge dissemination channels in operations management (和运作管理结合研究).pdf
    • Bridging the Gap—Data Mining and Social Network Analysis for Integrating Semantic Web and Web 2.0.pdf
    • BSN- An automatic generation algorithm of social network data(把该方法搞懂并用于研究中).pdf
    • Building a Knowledge Brokering System using social network analysis- A case study of the Korean financial industry(有模仿价值).pdf
    • Communities of Public Service Support- Citizens engage in social learning in peer-to-peer networks(比较特殊的一篇文章,可看看).pdf
    • Competitivity groups on social network sites(短小,可参考).pdf
    • Cultural difference in motivations for using social network sites- A comparative study of American and Korean college students(实证).pdf
    • Discovering cohesive subgroups from social networks for targeted advertising(文献回顾可用).pdf
    • Dissemination of health information through social networks- Twitter and antibiotics(微博类研究参考).pdf
  • 15.4 MB
  • 2021-10-31
  • The Oxford Handbook of Group and Organizational Learning(缺最后两章).rar

    • 01. Psychological Foundations of Group and Organizational Learning.pdf
    • 31. Learning in Virtual Teams.pdf
    • 30. Theorizing Knowledge Collaboration in Online Communities.pdf
    • 29. Learning Who We Are From Our Leaders How Leaders Shape Group and Organizational Norms and Identities.pdf
    • 28. Organizational Structure and Organizational Learning.pdf
    • 29. A Social Identity Model for Education.pdf
    • 27. Learning in Chains and What We Can Learn From It.pdf
    • 26. How and When Can Social Hierarchy Promote Learning in Groups.pdf
    • 25. Organizational Routines and Organizational Learning.pdf
    • 24. Collective Intelligence and Group Learning.pdf
    • 23. Team Diversity and Learning in Organizations.pdf
    • 22. Team Emotions and Team Learning.pdf
    • 21. Group and Intergroup Creativity.pdf
    • 20. Collective Paradoxical Frames Managing Tensions in Learning and Innovation.pdf
    • 19. Team Innovation Cycles.pdf
    • 18. Knowledge Transfer Barriers, Methods, and Timing of Methods.pdf
    • 17. Personnel Movement as a Mechanism for Learning in Organizations and Teams.pdf
    • 16. Social Comparison and Learning From Others.pdf
    • 15. Is Organizational Memory a Useful Capability An Analysis of Its Effects on Productivity, Absorptive Capacity, and Adaptation.pdf
    • 14. How Interacting Groups Remember Implications for Learning by Groups in Organizations.pdf
    • 13. Team Training in the Organizational Context.pdf
    • 12. Team Training in Organizations It Works—When Done Right.pdf
    • 11. Performance Feedback in Organizations and Groups Common Themes.pdf
    • 10. Learning While Deciding in Groups.pdf
    • 08. Information Sharing Within Groups in Organizations Situational and Motivational Influences.pdf
    • 07. Advancing Team Learning Process Mechanisms, Knowledge Outcomes, and Implications.pdf
    • 09. Team Reflexivity.pdf
    • 06. Attention, Knowledge, and Organizational Learning.pdf
    • 05. Sampling Biases Explain Decision Biases.pdf
    • 04. Organizational Learning From Failure Present Theory and Future Inquiries.pdf
    • 03. Organizational Learning and Organizational Improvisation.pdf
    • 02. Deliberate Learning.pdf
  • 7.82 MB
  • 2019-8-29
  • Wisdom and influence of elders Possibilities for health promotion and decreasing.zip

    • Wisdom and influence of elders Possibilities for health promotion and decreasing tobacco exposure in First Nations communities.pdf
  • 912.46 KB
  • 2018-11-7
  • cambridge-core_journal-aso-volume-37-issue-9_29Mar2018.zip

    • Enjoying_the_third_age_Discourse_identity_and_liminality_in_extra-care_communities.pdf
    • ASO_volume_37_issue_9_Cover_and_Front_matter.pdf
    • Old_age_expectations_are_related_to_how_long_people_want_to_live.pdf
    • ASO_volume_37_issue_9_Cover_and_Back_matter.pdf
  • 862.57 KB
  • 2018-3-29
  • 3319732463.pdf
       Human Dynamics Research in Smart and Connected Communities

  • 8.04 MB
  • 2018-2-14
  • From Pleasure Machines to Moral Communities_An Evolutionary Economics without Ho.zip

    • From Pleasure Machines to Moral Communities_An Evolutionary Economics without Homo economicus.pdf
  • 1.26 MB
  • 2017-1-15
  • Affective Communities in World Politics_Collective Emotions after Trauma.zip

    • Affective Communities in World Politics_Collective Emotions after Trauma.pdf
  • 6.47 MB
  • 2017-1-12
  • Building Successful Online Communities_Evidence-Based Social Design.zip

    • Building Successful Online Communities_Evidence-Based Social Design.pdf
  • 6.99 MB
  • 2016-8-21
  • Transforming Rural Communities in China and Beyond.rar

    • Transforming Rural Communities in China and Beyond.pdf
  • 2.48 MB
  • 2015-2-26
  • Prevalence, awareness, treatment, control, and risk factors associated with hype.zip

    • Prevalence, awareness, treatment, control, and risk factors associated with hypertension in urban adults from 33 communities of China.pdf
  • 177.35 KB
  • 2013-3-29
  • Encouraging participation in virtual communities.rar

    • Encouraging participation in virtual communities.pdf
  • 91.45 KB
  • 2013-3-22
  • The Development of Master-Planned Communities in Chinese Suburbs_ A Case Study o.rar

    • The Development of Master-Planned Communities in Chinese Suburbs_ A Case Study of Shanghai_s Thames Town.pdf
  • 4.2 MB
  • 2013-3-9
  • Smart Cities, Buildings and Communities.rar

    • Smart Cities, Buildings and Communities.pdf
  • 281.01 KB
  • 2012-12-18
  • 5篇全球生产网络经典文献.zip

    • Transnational communities and the evolution of GPNs_the cases of Taiwan, China and India.pdf
    • 'Globalizing' Regional Development_ A GPNs Perspective.pdf
    • GPNs and the Analysis of Economic Development.pdf
    • GPNs and the changing geography of innovation systems_implications for developing countries.pdf
    • GPNs, knowledge diffusion,and local capability formation.pdf
  • 5.12 MB
  • 2012-7-12
  • 农业经济主文献1.rar

    • 7.Bardhan P. 2000. Irrigation and cooperation- An empirical analysis of 48 irrigation communities in South India.pdf
    • 4.Amartya Sen. 1981.Ingredients of Famine Analysis Availability and Entitlements.pdf
    • 5.Amartya Sen. 1977. Social Choice Theory-A ReExamination.pdf
    • 6.Anselin L. 2002. Under the hood - Issues in the specification and interpretation of spatial regression models.pdf
    • 10.Benjamin D, Brandt L, Giles J. 2005. The evolution of income inequality in rural China.pdf
    • 11.Bernstein TP, Lu XB. 2000. Taxation without representation- Peasants, the central and the local states in reform China.pdf
    • 12.Brauw de A, Huang JK, Rozelle S, et al. 2002.The evolution of China's rural labor markets during the reforms.pdf
    • 13.Burton M, Rigby D, Young T, et al. 2001. Consumer attitudes to genetically modified organisms in food in the UK.pdf
    • 14.Coase, Ronald. 1937. The Nature of the Firm.pdf
    • 15.Coase, Ronald. 1960.The Problem of Social Cost.pdf
    • 16.Cummings Ronald G.; Laura O. Taylor. 1999. Unbiased Value Estimates for Environmental Goods.pdf
    • 17.Deaton; Angus John Muellbauer. 1980. An Almost Ideal Demand System.pdf
    • 18.Fan Shenggen. 1991. Effects of Technological Change and Institutional Reform on Production Growth in Chinese Agriculture.pdf
    • 19.Fan Shenggen, Eric J. Wailes; Gail L. Cramer. 1995. Household Demand in Rural China, A Two-Stage LES-AIDS Model.pdf
    • 20.Fan Shenggen; Linxiu Zhang; Xiaobo Zhang. 2004. Reforms, Investment,and Poverty in Rural China.pdf
    • 1. Agrawal A, Gibson CC. 1999. Enchantment and disenchantment-The role of community in natural resource conservation.doc
    • 1. Agrawal A, Gibson CC. 1999. Enchantment and disenchantment-The role of community in natural resource conservation.pdf
    • 2. Agrawal A. 2001. Common property institutions and sustainable governance of resources.doc
    • 2. Agrawal A. 2001. Common property institutions and sustainable governance of resources.pdf
    • 3.Akerlof George. 1970. The Market for Lemons Quality Uncertainty and the Market Mechanism.pdf
  • 15.91 MB
  • 2012-4-8
  • Vol 42(1-2).rar

    • Which communities should be afraid of mobility-The effects of agglomeration economies on the sensitivity of employment location to local taxes.pdf
    • Crime, police, and truth-in-sentencing-The impact of state sentencing policy on local communities.pdf
    • Drive 'Til You Qualify-Credit quality and household location.pdf
    • Dwindling U.S. internal migration-Evidence of spatial equilibrium or structural shifts in local labor markets.pdf
    • Empirical estimation of the option premium for residential redevelopment.pdf
    • Fertility decisions and endogenous residential sorting.pdf
    • Geography, choice and participation in higher education in England.pdf
    • Give or take-Rewards versus charges for a congested bottleneck.pdf
    • In the neighborhood-The trade effects of the Euro in a spatial framework.pdf
    • Industrial agglomeration and firm size-Evidence from China.pdf
    • Industrial relocation policy, productivity and heterogeneous plants-Evidence from Japan.pdf
    • Intergenerational linkages in consumption patterns and the geographical distribution of surnames.pdf
    • Keeping up with the Joneses-Neighborhood effects in housing renovation.pdf
    • Making space for crime-A spatial analysis of criminal competition.pdf
    • Measurement errors in a spatial context.pdf
    • On model specification and parameter space definitions in higher order spatial econometric models.pdf
    • Parking management, financial subsidies to alternatives to drive alone and commute mode choices in Seattle.pdf
    • Policies for local development-An evaluation of Italy's “Patti Territoriali”.pdf
    • Policies on illegal immigration in a federation.pdf
    • Regional analysis of property taxation, education finance reform, and property value growth.pdf
    • Regional industrial structure and agglomeration economies-An analysis of productivity in three manufacturing industries.pdf
    • Spatial competition and merging incentives when firms produce complements.pdf
    • Spatial dependencies in German matching functions.pdf
    • The distributional effects of NAFTA in Mexico-Evidence from a panel of municipalities.pdf
    • The impact of social capital on crime-Evidence from the Netherlands.pdf
    • The welfare effects of discriminating between in-state and out-of-state students.pdf
    • Urbanization and or rural industrialization in China.pdf
    • A household-level decomposition of the white–black homeownership gap.pdf
    • Are homes hot or cold potatoes-The distribution of marketing time in the housing market.pdf
    • Are poor neighborhoods “retail deserts”.pdf
    • Crime and property values-Evidence from the 1990s crime drop.pdf
  • 14.12 MB
  • 2011-12-27
  • 英语现代背诵篇章4.rar

    • 77-Food and Health.mp3
    • 78-Police and Communities.mp3
    • 79-Population Growth.mp3
    • 80-Evolution and Wheels.mp3
    • 64-Salt and Metabolism.mp3
    • 65-The Early Settlers in North America.mp3
    • 66-Plants in the Deserts.mp3
    • 67-The American Civil War.mp3
    • 68-Women in Colonial North America.mp3
    • 69-The Revolution in American Higher Education.mp3
    • 70-Garza's Art Works.mp3
    • 71-The Alaska Pipeline.mp3
    • 72-The Satiric Literature.mp3
    • 73-The Microscopic Technique.mp3
    • 74-The History of Chemistry.mp3
    • 75-Hydrogen and Industries.mp3
    • 76-Mars.mp3
  • 31.75 MB
  • 2011-4-21
  • 低碳材料.rar

    • Transitioning to low carbon communities—from behaviour change to systemic change_ Lessons from Australia .pdf
    • Building capacity for low-carbon communities The role of grassroots initiatives.pdf
    • In pursuit of resilient, low carbon communities An examination of barriers to action in three Canadian cities.pdf
    • Low-carbon communities as a context for individual behavioural change.pdf
    • Low-carbon communities as a context for individual behavioural change .pdf
    • The impacts of carbon tax and complementary policies on Chinese economy .pdf
    • The UK transport carbon model An integrated life cycle approach to explore low carbon futures.pdf
    • Towards real energy economics_ Energy policy driven by life-cycle carbon emission.pdf
    • Transport and climate change Simulating the options for carbon reduction in London.pdf
    • Transport and climate change_ Simulating the options for carbon reduction in London .pdf
    • A STEP toward understanding wind power development policy barriers in advanced economies .pdf
    • Application of energy system models for designing a low-carbon society.pdf
    • Application of energy system models for designing a low-carbon society .pdf
    • Carbon market risks and rewards Firm perceptions of CDM investment decisions in Brazil and India.pdf
    • Carbon tax_ Challenging neoliberal solutions to climate change .pdf
    • China in the transition to a low-carbon economy .pdf
    • China's energy development strategy under the low-carbon economy .pdf
    • Community action for sustainable housing_ Building a low-carbon future .pdf
    • Deliberating on low carbon development .pdf
    • Designing carbon markets, Part II_ Carbon markets in space .pdf
    • Designing carbon markets. Part I Carbon markets in time.pdf
    • Integrated energy and carbon modeling with a decision support system Policy scenarios for low-carbon city development in Bangkok.pdf
    • Interactions and implications of renewable and climate change policy on UK energy scenarios.pdf
    • Lessons for low-carbon energy transition Eperience from the Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnership.pdf
    • Life cycle water use of low-carbon transport fuels.pdf
    • Life-cycle carbon and cost analysis of energy efficiency measures in new commercial buildings.pdf
    • Life-cycle carbon and cost analysis of energy efficiency measures in new commercial buildings .pdf
    • Low carbon fuel standards Implementation scenarios and challenges.pdf
    • Low carbon fuel standards_ Implementation scenarios and challenges .pdf
    • Low-carbon building assessment and multi-scale input–output analysis .pdf
    • Low-carbon fuel standard—Status and analytic issues .pdf
    • Macroeconomics, finance, commodities Interactions with carbon markets in a data-rich model.pdf
    • Navigating the global carbon market An analysis of the CDM's value chain and prevalent business models.pdf
    • Pathways to a low-carbon economy for the UK with the macro-econometric E3MG model .pdf
    • Personal carbon trading_ A policy ahead of its time_ .pdf
    • Plug-in hybrid electric vehicles—A low-carbon solution for Ireland_ .pdf
    • Potential and bottlenecks of the carbon market The case of a developing country, Nepal.pdf
    • Potential for reduction of CO2 emissions and a low-carbon scenario for the Brazilian industrial sector .pdf
    • Status and outlook for Thailand's low carbon electricity development .pdf
    • The governance of transport and climate change.pdf
  • 18.59 MB
  • 2010-12-31
  • Encouraging participation in virtual communities.rar

    • Encouraging participation in virtual communities.pdf
  • 581.54 KB
  • 2010-12-8
  • 81-101.rar

    • What are the social impacts of land use restrictions on local communities? Empirical evidence from Costa Rica.pdf
    • A Global Model for Agriculture and Bioenergy:Application to Biofuel and Food Security in Peru and Tanzania.pdf
    • A Quantitative Analysis of Trade Policy Responses to High Agricultural Commodity Prices.pdf
    • Assessing the potential for synergy in the implementation of Payment for Environmental Services(PES) programs:an empirical analysis in Costa Rica.pdf
    • Commodity prices,structural constraints and food price shocks in Tanzania.pdf
    • Consumer’s choice on GM labeling:evidences from China.pdf
    • Consumers’ WTA for GM rice cookie:an experiment study in China.pdf
    • Cotton Production in Uganda:Would GM technologies be the Solution?.pdf
    • Evaluating the Impact of Land Tenure and Titling on Access to Credit in Uganda.pdf
    • Getting Implicit Shadow Prices Right for the Estimation of the Malmquist Index:The Case of Agricultural Total Factor Productivity in Developing Countries.pdf
    • Grain Markets and Large Social Transfers - An Analysis of Productive Safety Net Program in Ethiopia.pdf
    • Monetary Impacts and Overshooting of Agricultural Prices in a Transition Economy:The Case of Hungary.pdf
    • Policy Options for Improving Market Participation and Sales of Smallholder Livestock Producers:A case study of Ethiopia.pdf
    • Specification and Estimation of Heterogeneous Risk Preference.pdf
    • The Retail Services,The Market Power,and the Vertical Relationships in the Breakfast Cereals Industry.pdf
    • The Role of Agriculture in Nigeria’s Economic Growth:A General Equilibrium Analysis.pdf
    • Valuing Animal Welfare Labels with Experimental Auctions:What do we learn from Consumers?.pdf
    • Why African governments underinvest in agric_final.pdf
  • 4.45 MB
  • 2009-11-2
  • 低碳经济学术论文1.rar

    • (重要)Transitioning to low carbon communities—from behaviour change to systemic change: Lessons from Australia.pdf
    • Building capacity for low-carbon communities:The role of grassroots initiatives.pdf
    • Low-carbon communities as a context for individual behavioural change.pdf
    • (重要)The strategy of energy-related carbon emission reduction in Shanghai.pdf
    • (重要)Will future low-carbon schools in the UK have an overheating problem?.pdf
    • (重要)从创建低碳经济到应对能源挑战_解读英国能源政策的变化与特点.caj
    • (重要)低碳经济_理念_实践_创新.caj
    • (重要)低碳经济的发展模式研究.caj
    • (重要)低碳经济发展的技术经济范式与路径思考.kdh
    • (重要)低碳经济发展模式与中国的选择.kdh
    • (重要)低碳经济与环境金融创新.caj
    • (重要)低碳经济与清洁发展机制.caj
    • (重要)低碳经济与中国经济发展模式转型.caj
    • (重要)低碳世界中的中国:地位、挑战与战略.pdf
    • (重要)国外发展低碳经济的政策及启示.kdh
    • (重要)基于MFA分析下的低碳经济发展战略.kdh
    • (重要)江西发展低碳经济的思考.kdh
    • (重要)绿色奥运与低碳经济.kdh
    • (重要)南昌发展低碳经济的路径选择研究.kdh
    • (重要)我国发展低碳经济的政策工具创新.caj
    • (重要)我国生态消耗与经济发展的动态比较研究_关于西部地区发展低碳经济的考量.caj
    • (重要)意大利的低碳经济发展政策.kdh
    • (重要)英国发展低碳经济应对气候变化和能源安全的理念和最新进展.caj
    • (重要)中国发展低碳经济的困难与障碍分析.kdh
    • (庄贵阳)How Will China Move towards Becoming a Low carbon economy?.pdf
    • _低碳经济_概述及其在中国的发展.kdh
    • _气候变化与低碳经济发展媒体高层论坛_2009气候变化中国声音_在京召开.kdh
    • 2020年中国低碳经济目标_单位GDP二氧化碳排放降50_.caj
    • A Chinese sky trust?: Distributional impacts of carbon charges and revenue recycling in China.pdf
    • a low-carbon scenario creation method for a local scale economy and its application in Kyoto city.pdf
    • AGE analysis of the impact of a carbon energy tax on the Irish economy.pdf
    • An integrated analysis of policies that increase investments in advanced energy-efficient low-carbon technologies.pdf
    • Analysis and integration of fuel cell combined cycles for development of low-carbon energy technologies.pdf
    • Assessing the economic impacts of agricultural carbon sequestration:Terraces and agroforestry in the Peruvian Andes.pdf
    • Catalyzing strategic transformationtoalow-carboneconomy:ACCS roadmap for China.pdf
    • Climate change policy:quantifying uncertainties for damages and optimal carbon taxes.pdf
    • Climate policy and the optimal extraction of high-and low-carbon fossil fuels.pdf
    • Climate Policy, Ecological modernization and the UK Emission trading scheme.pdf
    • Conceptual study of distributed CO2 capture and the sustainable carbon economy.pdf
    • Deregulation in an energy market and its impact on R&D for low-carbon energy technology.pdf
    • Developing pathways to low carbon land-based passenger transport in Great Britain by 2050.pdf
    • Different scenarios for achieving radical reduction in carbon emissions:a decomposition analysis.pdf
    • Diversity and security in UK electricity generation: The influence of low-carbon objectives.pdf
    • Domestic futures—Which way to a low-carbon housing stock?.pdf
    • Economic evaluation of the geological storage of CO2 considering the scale of economy.pdf
    • Economic feasibility of carbon sequestration with enhanced gas recovery(CSEGR).pdf
    • Economy and ecology of emerging markets and credits for bio-sequestered carbon on private land in tropical Australia.pdf
    • Energy and carbon taxes and their distributional implications.pdf
    • Energy consumption, carbon emissions, and economic growth in China.pdf
    • Energy consumption, economic growth, and carbon emissions:challenges faced by an EU candidate member.pdf
    • European and Japanese fuel economy initiatives: what they are, their prospects for success, their usefulness as a guide for US action.pdf
    • fire,thinning,and the carbon economy:effects of fire and fire surrogate treatments on estimated carbon storage and sequestration rate.pdf
    • From hydrocarbon to hydrogen–carbon to hydrogen economy.pdf
    • From sustainable development to carbon control:eco-state restructuring and the politics of urban and regioanl development.pdf
    • From the petroeconomy to the bioeconomy:integrating bioenergy production with agricultural demands.pdf
    • How carbon credits could drive the emergence of renewable energies.pdf
    • Hydrogen economy in Taiwan and biohydrogen.pdf
    • Hydrogen production from biomass coupled with carbon dioxide capture: The implications of thermodynamic equilibrium.pdf
    • Key policy considerations for facilitating low carbon technology transfer to developing countries.pdf
    • Low-carbon energy policy and ambient air pollution in Shanghai,China:A health-based economic assessment.pdf
    • Low-Stabilisation Scenarios and Technologies for Carbon capture and sequestration.pdf
    • Macroeconomic and sectoral impacts of carbon taxation.pdf
    • Market influence on the low carbon energy refurbishment of existing multi-residential buildings.pdf
    • More than a carbon economy: nutrient trade and ecological sustainability in facultative arbuscular mycorrhizal symbioses.pdf
    • North and south: Regional footprints on the transition pathway towards a low carbon,global economy.pdf
    • opportunities for low carbon sustainability in large commercial buildings in China.pdf
    • Paths to a low-carbon economy – the Masdar example.pdf
    • Policy interactions, risk and price formation in carbon markets.pdf
    • Potential futures for road transportation CO2 emissions in the Asia Pacific.pdf
    • Powering or de-powering future vehicles to reach low carbon outcomes: the long term view 1930–2020.pdf
    • (重要)Analysis of China’s Renewable Energy development under the current economic and technical circumstances.pdf
    • (重要)Decomposition analysis of CO2 emission in long-term climate stabilization scenarios.pdf
    • (重要)Developing a long-term local society design methodology towards a low-carbon economy:An application to shiga prefecture in Japan.pdf
    • (重要)does the private sector help or hurt the environment?evidence from carbon dioxide pollution in developing countries.pdf
    • (重要)national trajectories of carbon emissions:analysis of proposals to foster the transition to low-carbon economies.pdf
    • (重要)Population aging and future carbon emissions in the United States.pdf
    • (重要)Recent Advances in CO2 Capture and Utilization.pdf
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