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  • InventWithPython_resources.zip

    • cherry.png
    • AISim1.py
    • AISim2.py
    • AISim3.py
    • animation.py
    • background.mid
    • baddie.png
    • bagels.py
    • buggy.py
    • cipher.py
    • coinFlips.py
    • collisionDetection.py
    • dodger.py
    • dragon.py
    • gameover.wav
    • guess.py
    • hangman.py
    • hangman2.py
    • hello.py
    • jokes.py
    • pickup.wav
    • player.png
    • pygameHelloWorld.py
    • reversegam.py
    • spritesAndSounds.py
    • tictactoe.py
  • 261.18 KB
  • 2023-4-13
  • applied_micro_methods(1).zip

    • A Closed-Form Estimator for Quantile Treatment Effects with Endogeneity.pdf
    • A General Double Robustness Result for Estimating Average Treatment Effects(2014).pdf
    • A General Double Robustness Result for Estimating Average Treatment Effects(2016).pdf
    • A model averaging approach for the ordered Probit and Nested Logit Models with Applications(supplementary materials).pdf
    • A Model averaging approach for the ordered Probit and Nested Logit Models with Applications.pdf
    • A Permutation Test for the Regression Kink Design.pdf
    • A regression discontinuity evaluation of the policy effects of environmental regulations.pdf
    • A Simple Way to Assess Inference Methods..pdf
    • A Varying Coefficient Approach to Estimating Hedonic Housing Price Functions and their Quantiles.pdf
    • An Automatic Finite_Sample Robustness Metric_Can Dropping a Little Data Change Conclusions.pdf
    • An Exact and Robust Conformal Inference Method for Counterfactual and Synthetic Controls..pdf
    • An Honest Approach to Parallel Trends.pdf
    • Apollo.pdf
    • applied micro-methods.pdf
    • Approximate Permutation Tests and Induced Order Statistics.pdf
    • Are Sufficient Statistics Necessary_Nonparametric Measurement of Deadweight Loss from Unemployment.pdf
    • Average Gaps and Oaxaca–Blinder Decompositions_A Cautionary Tale about Regression Estimates of Racial Differences in Labor Market Outcomes..pdf
    • Bartik Instruments_What, When, and How.pdf
    • Bootstrap Inference for Propensity Score Matching..pdf
    • Bootstrap Inference of Matching Estimators for Average Treatment Effects.pdf
    • Broken or Fixed Effects.pdf
    • Calonico, S., M. D. Cattaneo, and M. H. Farrell (2020). rdrobust.pdf
    • Causal Inference _The Mixtape.pdf
    • Channeling Fisher_Randomization Tests and the Statistical In significance of Seemingly Significant Experimental Results (2016).pdf
    • Channeling Fisher_Randomization Tests and the Statistical In significance of Seemingly Significant Experimental Results (2019).pdf
    • Cherry Picking with Synthetic Controls(2020).pdf
    • Cherry Picking with Synthetic Controls(2017).pdf
    • Clustering and External Validity in Randomized Controlled Trials.pdf
    • Conditional Quantile Estimators_A Small Sample Theory.pdf
    • Consistency Without Inference_Instrumental Variables in Practical Application.pdf
    • Correcting for Endogeneity in Models with Bunching.pdf
    • Counterfactual Treatment Effects Estimation and Inference.pdf
    • Decomposing Wage Distributions using Recentered Influence Function Regressions.pdf
    • Design-Based Analysis in Difference-In-Differences Settings with Staggered Adoption.pdf
    • Difference-in-Differences Estimation with Spatial Spillovers..pdf
    • Difference-in-Differences with Multiple Time Periods.pdf
    • Difference-in-Differences with Variation in Treatment Timing(2018 working paper).pdf
    • Difference-in-Differences with Variation in Treatment Timing(2021).pdf
    • Distributional Tests for Regression Discontinuity_Theory and Empirical Examples.pdf
    • Do Fiscal Rules Matter_AER(2016).pdf
    • Double Robustness in Estimation of Casual Treatment Effects(PPT).pdf
    • Double-Robust Identification for Causal Panel Data Models.pdf
    • Doubly Robust Difference-in-Differences Estimators.pdf
    • Dynamic Bunching Estimation with Panel Data.pdf
  • 76.2 MB
  • 2021-9-7
  • A(101-148).rar

    • Ayn Rand.zip
    • Anne Michaels.zip
    • Anne Perry.zip
    • Anne Rice.zip
    • Anne Stuart.zip
    • Anne Tyler.zip
    • Annie Burrows.zip
    • Annie Jones.zip
    • Annmarie Ortega.zip
    • Anonymous.zip
    • Anthony Bourdain.zip
    • Anthony Burgess.zip
    • Anthony Francis.zip
    • Anthony Horowitz.zip
    • Anthony Huso.zip
    • Anthony M. DeStefano.zip
    • Anthony Powell.zip
    • Antoine de Saint-Exupery.zip
    • Antoinette May.zip
    • Antoinette van Heugten.zip
    • Anton Chekhov.zip
    • Antonia Fraser.zip
    • Antony Moore.zip
    • Anvil_ Christopher_ Flint_ Eric (EDT).zip
    • Anya Bast.zip
    • Anya Richards.zip
    • Aprilynne Pike.zip
    • Apsley Cherry-Garrard.zip
    • Arlene James.zip
    • Arlene Knowell.zip
    • Armin Shimerman.zip
    • Armistead Maupin.zip
    • Arnaldur Indridason.zip
    • Arthur Agatston.zip
    • Arthur C. Clarke.zip
    • Arthur Golden.zip
    • Arthur Hailey.zip
    • Arthur Herman.zip
    • Arthur Miller.zip
    • Arthur Slade.zip
    • Arturo Perez-Reverte.zip
    • Asa Larsson.zip
    • Assaf Gavron.zip
    • Audrey Niffenegger.zip
    • Aurora Rose Lynn.zip
    • Austin Grossman.zip
    • Ava Gray.zip
    • Avi Steinberg.zip
  • 97.08 MB
  • 2017-3-24
  • inventwithpython.zip

    • cherry.png
    • AISim1.py
    • AISim2.py
    • AISim3.py
    • animation.py
    • background.mid
    • baddie.png
    • bagels.py
    • cipher.py
    • collisionDetection.py
    • dodger.py
    • dragon.py
    • gameover.wav
    • guess.py
    • hangman.py
    • hello.py
    • jokes.py
    • pickup.wav
    • player.png
    • pygameHelloWorld.py
    • pygameInput.py
    • reversi.py
    • sonar.py
    • spritesAndSounds.py
    • tictactoe.py
  • 258.16 KB
  • 2017-1-17
  • CherryPy Essentials.rar

    • CherryPy Essentials.pdf
  • 2.87 MB
  • 2016-4-9
  • 英文剧本合集C - E.rar

    • Excalibur.doc
    • The Cable Guy.doc
    • Casino.doc
    • Cell.doc
    • CHARADE.doc
    • CHERRY FALLS.doc
    • Chinatown.doc
    • Citizen Kane.doc
    • Contact.doc
    • COPYCAT.doc
    • Crash.doc
    • The Crow.doc
    • DARK CITY.doc
    • Dead Poet.doc
    • Day of The Dead.doc
    • DARK CIT1.doc
    • DARK CIT2.doc
    • DARK CIT3.doc
    • DEEP RISING.doc
    • Die Hard.doc
    • Dr.doc
    • DUNE.doc
    • Dogma.doc
    • ED WOOD.doc
    • The Saul Zaentz Company.doc
    • ENTRAPMENT.doc
    • The Empire Strikes Back.doc
    • El Mariachi.doc
    • The Elephant Man.doc
    • The Elephant Ma1.doc
    • Escape From New York.doc
    • Evil Dead II.doc
    • EVITA.doc
    • Erik the Viking.doc
    • Escape From L.doc
  • 3.11 MB
  • 2010-3-25
  • 278608.rar

    • 4F-4_The World Currency Unit_Lok-Sang Ho.ppt
    • 4G-2—Cherry-Picking-Shuaizhang Feng et al.pdf
    • 4G-4_城镇职工性别就业差异研究_姚先国 黄志岭.ppt
    • 3H-4_工资差异均值分解的一种新改进_郭继强, 陆利丽.ppt
    • 3I-3—石油国内税的价格效应-孙泽生等.ppt
    • 3L-1_Managerial Hubris and International Joint Ventures_Lanyue Zhou.ppt
    • 3M-4—大陆与香港能够构成共同货币区的实证研究.喻旭兰.ppt
    • 4A-2—Nonparametric regression estimation .Carlos Martins-Filho,Feng Yao.pdf
    • 4A-3_ The Nonlinear Dynamics_Terence Tai-Leung Chong and Qing He.ppt
    • 4D-1_Labor Market Effect of Health in China_Judy Xu.ppt
    • 4D-2—Collapsing of Chinese family farming.Goro Takahashi.ppt
    • 4E-3_工会对劳动者权益维护的作用分析_姚先国等.ppt
    • 4F-1—Changing Inflation Dynamics in the U.S.and U.K. Chu-Ping C.Vijverberg et al.pptx
    • 4F-2_Securitization,liquidity creation and subprime mortgage crisis_Jianbo Tian and Xiaomei Li.pptx
    • 4F-3—A Financial Dynamic CGE Model of the Chinese Economy.Jingliang Xiao.ppt
  • 7.86 MB
  • 2008-12-20