大小 上传时间
  • 全国各区县域地理空间联系2017-2022.zip

    • 鐗堟潈澹版槑.pdf
    • CNT_GeoSpaceCor[DES][xlsx].txt
    • CNT_GeoSpaceCor.xlsx
  • 1.62 MB
  • 2024-8-23
  • 全国空间距离表(区县级)(年)2019-2022.zip

    • 鐗堟潈澹版槑.pdf
    • EG_SpaceDistanceCountyY[DES][xlsx].txt
    • EG_SpaceDistanceCountyY.xlsx
  • 880.59 KB
  • 2024-7-22
  • 全国公路交通距离表(区县级)(年)2019-2022.zip

    • 鐗堟潈澹版槑.pdf
    • EG_RoadDistanceCountyY[DES][xlsx].txt
    • EG_RoadDistanceCountyY.xlsx
  • 1.03 MB
  • 2024-7-22
  • 全国各地级市城市空间距离表(地市州级)(年)2019-2022.zip

    • 鐗堟潈澹版槑.pdf
    • EG_SpaceDistanceCityY[DES][xlsx].txt
    • EG_SpaceDistanceCityY.xlsx
  • 678.51 KB
  • 2024-7-22
  • 企业债公司债可转债转股价格变动表1993-202404.zip

    • Copyright notice.pdf
    • BND_CcbdPriceChg[DES][xlsx].txt
    • BND_CcbdPriceChg.xlsx
    • 企业债公司债可转债发行信息表2002-202404.zip
  • 1.43 MB
  • 2024-5-12
  • 4-2-2 2002-2021年按资金来源分全国城市市政公用设施建设固定资产投资(按城市分列).zip

    • 0b1a64bcec5de180a166c7ae6179767.png
    • 4-2-2 2002年按资金来源份全国城市建设固定资产投资(按城市分列).xlsx
    • 4-2-2 2003年按资金来源分全国城市建设固定资产投资(按城市分列).xls
    • 4-2-2 2004年按资金来源分全国城市建设固定资产投资(按城市分列).xlsx
    • 4-2-2 2005年按资金来源分全国城市建设固定资产投资(按城市分列).xlsx
    • 4-2-2 2006年按资金来源分全国城市市政公用设施建设固定资产投资(按城市分列).xlsx
    • 4-2-2 2007年按资金来源分全国城市市政公用设施建设固定资产投资(按城市分列).xlsx
    • 4-2-2 2008年按资金来源分全国城市市政公用设施建设固定资产投资(按城市分列).xlsx
    • 4-2-2 2009年按资金来源分全国城市市政公用设施建设固定资产投资(按城市分列).xlsx
    • 4-2-2 2010年按资金来源分全国城市市政公用设施建设固定资产投资(按城市分列).xlsx
    • 4-2-2 2013年按资金来源分全国城市市政公用设施建设.xlsx
    • 4-2-2 2014年按资金来源分全国城市市政公用设施建设.xlsx
    • 4-2-2 2015年按资金来源分全国城市市政公用设施建设.xlsx
    • 4-2-2 2016年按资金来源分全国城市市政公用设施建设.xlsx
    • 4-2-2 2017年按资金来源分全国城市市政公用设施建设.xlsx
    • 4-2-2 2018年按资金来源分全国城市市政公用设施建设.xlsx
    • 4-2-2 2019年按资金来源分全国城市市政公用设施建设.xlsx
    • 4-2-2 2011年按资金来源分全国城市市政公用设施建设.xlsx
    • 4-2-2 2012年按资金来源分全国城市市政公用设施建设.xlsx
    • 4-2-2 2020年按资金来源分全国城市市政公用设施建设.xlsx
    • 4-2-2 2021年按资金来源分全国城市市政公用设施建设固定资产投资(按城市分列).xlsx
  • 1.46 MB
  • 2022-12-10
  • 各县域地理空间.zip

    • CNT_GeoSpaceCor[DES][xlsx].txt
    • CNT_GeoSpaceCor.xlsx
  • 1.18 MB
  • 2022-6-16
  • eeus.zip

    • vcecomp.tex
    • allstations.dta
    • annualsunspots.dta
    • ar2models.do
    • arfima.do
    • armasimulate.do
    • auto.do
    • beyond.do
    • bilinear.do
    • binary.do
    • brisbanetemp.dta
    • cb_2017_us_state_20m.dta
    • cb_2017_us_state_20m_shp.dta
    • censored.do
    • census_popnst.dta
    • cerillos.dta
    • cerrillosm.dta
    • co2breaks.do
    • co2businesscycleshocks.xls
    • co2cycles.irf
    • co2.irf
    • co2plot.do
    • cointegration.do
    • commodity.dta
    • confirmed_adj_st.dta
    • confirmed_adj_st_long.dta
    • confirmed_adj_st_pol.dta
    • consistency.do
    • corruption.dta
    • crushbreaks.do
    • crushplot.do
    • crushspread2.do
    • crushspread.do
    • crushspread.dta
    • dailywind.do
    • data.do
    • discrete.do
    • dist_cepii.dta
    • djsidata.dta
    • dynamics.do
    • ecmsimulate.do
    • ,eeus-ado.pkg
    • eeus-ado.pkg
    • ,eeus-data.pkg
    • eeus-data.pkg
    • eeus-do.pkg
    • fci.dta
    • fcoint.do
    • firstgen.do
    • fishmap.do
    • forecasting.do
    • fractionalcointegration.dta
    • fractional.do
    • gmm.do
    • grassi.do
    • greenrisk.do
    • greensolow.dta
    • hourly.do
    • intro.do
    • knitteldata.do
    • knittel.do
    • loadweightedprice.do
    • logforecast.do
    • logpercapitaco2.dta
    • lwp.dta
    • main.do
    • markov.do
    • mgarch.do
    • ml.do
    • mlestimate.do
    • moran.do
    • mw-data.dta
    • ne_110m_admin_0_countries.dbf
    • ne_110m_admin_0_countries.shp
    • nile.dta
    • nina34.dta
    • nonlinear.do
    • nonlinear-testing.do
    • ,ols.do
    • ols.do
    • ordered.do
    • panel.do
    • phh.do
    • phh.dta
    • phh_fix.dta
    • phhmap.do
    • phh_orig.dta
    • phhwide.dta
    • plots-fractional.do
    • plots-single.do
    • plots-stsm.do
    • plots-svars.do
    • pm_daily.dta
    • pm_hourly.dta
    • pm_weekly.dta
    • politaffil2.dta
    • politaffil_76_92.xlsx
    • politaffil.dta
    • quarterlyusmacro.dta
    • santiago.dta
    • secondgen.do
    • sim10.dta
    • sim50.dta
    • single.do
    • soi.dta
    • spatial.do
    • spatialfish_small.dta
    • spatial-testing.do
    • spinst_eeus.ado
    • sst34.dta
    • stabv.dta
    • star.do
    • ,stata.toc
    • stata.toc
    • states.dta
    • stern&kaufmann2014.dta
    • stsm.do
    • sumstats.do
    • sunspots.dta
    • svars.do
    • threshold.do
    • treaty_all_final.dta
    • twobalance.dta
    • ucm.do
    • unitroots.do
    • usastates.dta
    • usastates_shp.dta
    • us_co2_emissions_by_source.xlsx
    • v23.ado
    • var.do
    • varma.do
    • vars.dta
    • volatility.do
    • wdist.stswm
    • weightingmatrices.do
    • whalecatch.do
    • whalecatch.dta
    • whalesdata.dta
    • whales.dta
    • windstats.do
    • world.dta
    • world_shp.dta
    • wpol.spmat
    • wpol.stswm
  • 21.38 MB
  • 2022-5-20
  • sample.rar

    • icecream.dta
    • lin_1992.dta
    • food.dta
    • galton.dta
    • gasoline.dta
    • gdp_china.dta
    • geodata_short.dta
    • grilic.dta
    • grilic_small.dta
    • grilic_small.xls
    • Growth.dta
    • hprice2a.dta
  • 67.27 KB
  • 2022-5-5
  • 各县域地理空间联系.zip

    • CNT_GeoSpaceCor[DES][xlsx].txt
    • 版权声明.pdf
    • CNT_GeoSpaceCor.xlsx
  • 1.15 MB
  • 2022-1-16
  • 各县域地理空间联系101014435.zip

    • CNT_GeoSpaceCor[DES][xlsx].txt
    • 版权声明.pdf
    • CNT_GeoSpaceCor.xlsx
  • 459.6 KB
  • 2021-11-27
  • 中级公共经济学第二版英文版和第一版练习答案.zip

    • Intermediate+public+economics-MIT+Press.pdf
    • 练习册IntermediatePublicEconomic(2006)课后习题答案.pdf
  • 7.09 MB
  • 2021-10-10
  • 杭州统计年鉴2018.zip

    • 38cec1045b4a42099c35332e6ce208e4.pdf
    • 1.pdf
    • 10.pdf
    • 11.pdf
    • 12.pdf
    • 13.pdf
    • 3.pdf
    • 4.pdf
    • 5.pdf
    • 6.pdf
    • 7.pdf
    • 8.pdf
    • 9.pdf
    • 公报.pdf
    • 封底.pdf
    • 封面.pdf
    • 编委会和编辑人员.pdf
    • 编者说明、目录.pdf
    • 1.txt
  • 22.72 MB
  • 2021-3-8
  • 扫地僧Backtrader给力教程样书和源码v1.13__无需密码.zip

    • 扫地僧Backtrader给力教程v1.13样书.pdf
    • sourceChapter1.zip
  • 2.82 MB
  • 2020-11-17
  • 扫地僧Backtrader给力教程样书和源码v1.13__无需密码.zip

    • 扫地僧Backtrader给力教程v1.13样书.pdf
    • sourceChapter1.zip
  • 2.83 MB
  • 2020-11-17
  • 高级计量及stata应用第二版数据集.zip

    • icecream.dta
    • angrist.dta
    • auto.dta
    • brand.dta
    • cardkrueger1994.dta
    • columbusdata.dta
    • columbusswm.dta
    • consumption_china.dta
    • CRIME1.DTA
    • dow1.dta
    • ema1996.dta
    • eventdates.dta
    • frontier2.dta
    • greene9.dta
    • grilic.dta
    • grunfeld.dta
    • gss_cdvm.dta
    • hmda.dta
    • hmda_short.dta
    • hprice2a.dta
    • hsb2.dta
    • irates4.dta
    • kennan-1985.dta
    • klein.dta
    • labor.dta
    • laborsub.dta
    • laborsup.dta
    • ldw_exper.dta
    • lutkepohl2.dta
    • m1gdp.dta
    • macro_swatson.dta
    • mlogit.dta
    • mpyr.dta
    • mus08cigar.dta
    • mus08psidextract.dta
    • mus14data.dta
    • mus18data.dta
    • mus18data1.dta
    • Nerlove-1963-Original.pdf
    • nerlove.dta
    • nerlove.xls
    • nomadic_conquest.dta
    • nomocc2.dta
    • panel84extract.dta
    • patr7079.dta
    • pe.dta
    • pennxrate.dta
    • poissonreg.dta
    • product.dta
    • recid.dta
    • school.dta
    • sp500.dta
    • stockdata.dta
    • supDem.dta
    • tobacco.dta
    • traffic.dta
    • travel.dta
    • travel2.dta
    • turksales.dta
    • turksales_finished.dta
    • ukrates.dta
    • union.dta
    • uprising.dta
    • usaww.spmat
    • varexample.dta
    • votex.dta
    • womenwk.dta
    • xtfrontier1.dta
  • 24 MB
  • 2020-7-27
  • .CiteSpaceChinese使用中文教程.rar

    • .CiteSpaceChinese使用中文教程.txt
  • 174 Bytes
  • 2020-6-14
  • 教学教改项目申请书.zip

    • 296884de-e374-4875-9cec-d43284277634.pdf
    • 11.pdf
    • 11BB0B10F526226A5DDE7A14E69_F21A9755_1058FD.pdf
    • 1443578501716.pdf
    • 2013年省教改项目申请书-阎江.pdf
    • 20140715105150_437.pdf
    • 2015100611475908.pdf
    • 20170627102813003.pdf
    • 225940.pdf
    • 27F0695DE408A668539ADA6ACE1_D6831134_1122091.pdf
    • 80D14C6B60A69989A0A1DAFD65C_3FF47FB8_CF574.pdf
    • 84c6aa33-baba-4ce2-9e5e-badc971299f2.pdf
    • D1922C85A268B2621815241BA17_82050B91_81DEF.pdf
    • download.pdf
    • P020180426318012835055.pdf
  • 29.33 MB
  • 2020-5-24
  • datasets_2e.zip

    • icecream.dta
    • angrist.dta
    • auto.dta
    • brand.dta
    • cardkrueger1994.dta
    • cardkrueger1994_corrected.dta
    • columbusdata.dta
    • columbusswm.dta
    • consumption_china.dta
    • CRIME1.DTA
    • dow1.dta
    • ema1996.dta
    • eventdates.dta
    • frontier2.dta
    • greene9.dta
    • grilic.dta
    • grunfeld.dta
    • gss_cdvm.dta
    • hmda.dta
    • hmda_short.dta
    • hprice2a.dta
    • hsb2.dta
    • irates4.dta
    • jtrain3.dta
    • kennan-1985.dta
    • klein.dta
    • labor.dta
    • laborsub.dta
    • laborsup.dta
    • ldw_exper.dta
    • lutkepohl2.dta
    • m1gdp.dta
    • macro_swatson.dta
    • mlogit.dta
    • mpyr.dta
    • mus08cigar.dta
    • mus08psidextract.dta
    • mus14data.dta
    • mus18data.dta
    • mus18data1.dta
    • Nerlove-1963-Original.pdf
    • nerlove.dta
    • nerlove.xls
    • nomadic_conquest.dta
    • nomocc2.dta
    • panel84extract.dta
    • patr7079.dta
    • pe.dta
    • pennxrate.dta
    • poissonreg.dta
    • product.dta
    • recid.dta
    • school.dta
    • sp500.dta
    • stockdata.dta
    • supDem.dta
    • tobacco.dta
    • traffic.dta
    • travel.dta
    • travel2.dta
    • turksales.dta
    • turksales_finished.dta
    • ukrates.dta
    • union.dta
    • uprising.dta
    • usaww.spmat
    • varexample.dta
    • votex.dta
    • womenwk.dta
    • xtfrontier1.dta
  • 24.19 MB
  • 2019-11-19
  • (Test Bank)Money, Banking and Financial Markets 5th Edition by Stephen G. Cecchetti.zip

    • Cecchetti5e_Chapter 23_Test Bank.docx
    • Cecchetti5e_Chapter 01_Test Bank_Revised.docx
    • Cecchetti5e_Chapter 02_Test Bank_Revised.docx
    • Cecchetti5e_Chapter 03_Test Bank_Revised.docx
    • Cecchetti5e_Chapter 04_Test Bank_Revised.docx
    • Cecchetti5e_Chapter 05_Test Bank_Revised.docx
    • Cecchetti5e_Chapter 06_Test Bank_Revised.docx
    • Cecchetti5e_Chapter 07_Test Bank_Revised.docx
    • Cecchetti5e_Chapter 08_Test Bank_Revised.docx
    • Cecchetti5e_Chapter 09_Test Bank.docx
    • Cecchetti5e_Chapter 10_Test Bank.docx
    • Cecchetti5e_Chapter 11_Test Bank.docx
    • Cecchetti5e_Chapter 12_Test Bank.docx
    • Cecchetti5e_Chapter 13_Test Bank.docx
    • Cecchetti5e_Chapter 14_Test Bank.docx
    • Cecchetti5e_Chapter 15_Test Bank.docx
    • Cecchetti5e_Chapter 16_Test Bank.docx
    • Cecchetti5e_Chapter 17_Test Bank.docx
    • Cecchetti5e_Chapter 19_Test Bank.docx
    • Cecchetti5e_Chapter 20_Test Bank.docx
    • Cecchetti5e_Chapter 21_Test Bank.docx
    • Cecchetti5e_Chapter 22_Test Bank.docx
    • Cecchetti5e_Chapter 18_Test Bank.docx
  • 4.75 MB
  • 2019-4-17
  • CiteSpaceChinese.zip

    • CiteSpaceChinese.pdf
  • 14.05 MB
  • 2018-12-11
  • ISBEE-5books.rar

    • (The International Society of Business, Economics, and Ethics Book Series 5) Maria Cecilia Coutinho de Arruda, Boleslaw Rok (eds.)-Understanding Ethics and Responsibilities in a Globalizing World-Spri.pdf
    • (The International Society of Business, Economics, and Ethics Book Series 4) Sukhbir Sandhu, Stephen McKenzie, Howard Harris (eds.)-Linking Local and Global Sustainability-Springer Netherlands (2014).pdf
    • (The International Society of Business, Economics, and Ethics Book Series 3) Pauline J. Albert, Patricia Werhane, Tim Rolph (auth.), Pauline J. Albert, Patricia Werhane, Tim Rolph (eds.)-Global Povert.pdf
    • (The International Society of Business, Economics, and Ethics Book Series 2) Laura J. Spence, Mollie Painter-Morland (auth.), Laura Spence, Mollie Painter-Morland (eds.)-Ethics in Small and Medium Siz.pdf
    • (The International Society of Business, Economics, and Ethics Book Series 1) Paul Collier (auth.), Geoff Moore (eds.)-Fairness in International Trade-Springer Netherlands (2010).pdf
  • 11.97 MB
  • 2018-12-5
  • instrument technical doc.zip

    • bond_futures.pdf
    • bond_futures_options.pdf
    • bond_options.pdf
    • BonusCertificates.pdf
    • CapitalProtection.pdf
    • CapitalProtectionWithCoupon.pdf
    • caps_floors_and_collars.pdf
    • cash.pdf
    • cash_flow_stream.pdf
    • cds_index_option.pdf
    • cds_options.pdf
    • CliquetOption.pdf
    • CMS_spread_options.pdf
    • coco.pdf
    • commodity.pdf
    • commodity_average_rate_options.pdf
    • commodity_future_average_rate_options.pdf
    • commodity_future_options.pdf
    • commodity_futures.pdf
    • commodity_options.pdf
    • commodity_swaps.pdf
    • CommodityAverageRateOptionMR.pdf
    • CommodityDoubleBarrier.pdf
    • CommodityFutureGenericBarrierOption.pdf
    • CommodityFutureOptionMR.pdf
    • CommodityFuturesSpreadOptionMR.pdf
    • CommodityGenericBarrierOption.pdf
    • CommodityIndexSwapFutures.pdf
    • CommodityOptionMR.pdf
    • CommodityRollingFuturesAverageRateOption.pdf
    • CommoditySingleBarrier.pdf
    • ContingentSwaption.pdf
    • convertible_bond.pdf
    • convertible_bond_option.pdf
    • credit_default_swaps.pdf
    • credit_default_swaps_revisited.pdf
    • credit_index.pdf
    • credit_index_revisited.pdf
    • DiscountCertificates.pdf
    • DSF.pdf
    • DualAssetOption.pdf
    • DualBinaryOption.pdf
    • equity.pdf
    • equity_average_rate_options.pdf
    • equity_future_options.pdf
    • equity_futures.pdf
    • equity_options.pdf
    • equity_swaps.pdf
    • EquityCorrelationSwap.pdf
    • EquityDoubleBarrier.pdf
    • EquityGenericBarrierOption.pdf
    • EquitySingleBarrier.pdf
    • EquityVarianceSwap.pdf
    • forward_vol_agreement.pdf
    • fra.pdf
    • fund.pdf
    • fx_average_rate_options.pdf
    • FX_digital_option.pdf
    • fx_forward.pdf
    • fx_futures.pdf
    • FX_futures_option.pdf
    • FX_option.pdf
    • FXBarrierDigital.pdf
    • FXCorrelationSwap.pdf
    • FXDoubleBarrier.pdf
    • FXGenericBarrierOption.pdf
    • FXSingleBarrier.pdf
    • FXTouchOption.pdf
    • FXVarianceSwap.pdf
    • general_sensitivity_instrument.pdf
    • generic_bond.pdf
    • generic_convertible_bond.pdf
    • generic_convertible_bond_best_practice.pdf
    • GenericPayoffInstrument.pdf
    • HWOneFactorTree.pdf
    • ILB_Extension_of_GB.pdf
    • Inflation_Swap.pdf
    • InflationCapsAndFloors.pdf
    • InflationIndexedLiability.pdf
    • interest_rate_futures_options.pdf
    • IR_Bundle_futures.pdf
    • IR_futures.pdf
    • mandatory_convertible_bond_new.pdf
    • money_market.pdf
    • OutperformanceCertificates.pdf
    • overnight_indexed_swap.pdf
    • PassThroughModels.pdf
    • ReverseConvertible.pdf
    • SecuritizedProductsModelingOverview.pdf
    • SecuritizedTrancheModels.pdf
    • SOFR_Futures.pdf
    • SummaryTable.pdf
    • swap.pdf
    • Swaption.pdf
    • synthetic_CDO.pdf
    • TreasuryLock.pdf
    • UK_index-linked_Gilt.pdf
    • VIX_futures.pdf
    • Warrants.pdf
    • YoY_Inflation_Swap.pdf
    • Australia_New_Zealand_Capital_Index_Bonds.pdf
    • AutoCallableNote.pdf
    • BankLoan.pdf
    • BarrierDiscountCertificates.pdf
    • BDT_swaption_pricing.pdf
  • 83.26 MB
  • 2018-9-21
  • 2版数据.zip

    • icecream.dta
    • CRIME1.DTA
    • Nerlove-1963-Original.pdf
    • angrist.dta
    • auto.dta
    • brand.dta
    • cardkrueger1994.dta
    • columbusdata.dta
    • columbusswm.dta
    • consumption_china.dta
    • dow1.dta
    • ema1996.dta
    • eventdates.dta
    • frontier2.dta
    • greene9.dta
    • grilic.dta
    • grunfeld.dta
    • gss_cdvm.dta
    • hmda.dta
    • hmda_short.dta
    • hprice2a.dta
    • hsb2.dta
    • irates4.dta
    • kennan-1985.dta
    • klein.dta
    • labor.dta
    • laborsub.dta
    • laborsup.dta
    • ldw_exper.dta
    • lutkepohl2.dta
    • m1gdp.dta
    • macro_swatson.dta
    • mlogit.dta
    • mpyr.dta
    • mus08cigar.dta
    • mus08psidextract.dta
    • mus14data.dta
    • mus18data.dta
    • mus18data1.dta
    • nerlove.dta
    • nerlove.xls
    • nomadic_conquest.dta
    • nomocc2.dta
    • panel84extract.dta
    • patr7079.dta
    • pe.dta
    • pennxrate.dta
    • poissonreg.dta
    • product.dta
    • recid.dta
    • school.dta
    • sp500.dta
    • stockdata.dta
    • supDem.dta
    • tobacco.dta
    • traffic.dta
    • travel.dta
    • travel2.dta
    • turksales.dta
    • turksales_finished.dta
    • ukrates.dta
    • union.dta
    • uprising.dta
    • usaww.spmat
    • varexample.dta
    • votex.dta
    • womenwk.dta
    • xtfrontier1.dta
  • 24.94 MB
  • 2018-4-27
  • UBS_Q-Series.zip

    • UBSInvestmentBank_Q-SeriesJapanTelecomSector-SmartphonesinJapanSellingicecubesto-_Jul_07_2010.pdf
    • UBSInvestmentBank_-Q-Series-DoDividendsReallyMatter-12303Mezrich_Jan_23_2003.pdf
    • UBSInvestmentBank_-Q-Series-DoDividendsReallyMatter-_Jan_25_2003.pdf
    • UBSInvestmentBank_-Q-SeriesCorporateFundamentalsProfitabilityMoreroomtogo--Precious_May_04_2004.pdf
    • UBSInvestmentBank_ChinaInstantNoodles-UBSEvidenceLabImprovedconsumer(ChineseVersion)-_Nov_16_2017.pdf
    • UBSInvestmentBank_ChinaInternetSector-UBSEvidenceLabHitmobilegamesdiversifying-Xu_Aug_29_2017.pdf
    • UBSInvestmentBank_ChinaInternetSector-UBSEvidenceLabsocialvideoismore-lean-_Jan_02_2018.pdf
    • UBSInvestmentBank_ChinaInternetSector-UBSEvidenceLab–Mobilegamesextendsuccess-Xu_Mar_22_2017.pdf
    • UBSInvestmentBank_Q-Series-GlobalbanksIsFinTechathreatoranopportunity--Finch_Jul_27_2016.pdf
    • UBSInvestmentBank_Q-Series-Howdisruptivewillamassadoptionofrobotaxisbe--Lesne_Sep_29_2017.pdf
    • UBSInvestmentBank_Q-Series-Isthe'goldenage'offoreigncorporate-(ChineseVersion)_Aug_21_2015.pdf
    • UBSInvestmentBank_Q-Series-IstheSkytheLimitforCloudComputing--_May_07_2016.pdf
    • UBSInvestmentBank_Q-Series-IsTheSmart-PhoneTheNewPC-(ChineseVersion)-Jenkins_Dec_03_2015.pdf
    • UBSInvestmentBank_Q-Series-Neweraforautotech-whowinsandwholoses--Jenkins_Sep_20_2016.pdf
    • UBSInvestmentBank_Q-Series-UBSEvidenceLabElectricCarTeardownWillEVandADASadd-_Jun_07_2017.pdf
    • UBSInvestmentBank_Q-Series-UBSEvidenceLabElectricCarTeardown–(ChineseVersion)-_Jun_16_2017.pdf
    • UBSInvestmentBank_Q-Series-UBSEvidenceLabElectricCarTeardown–DisruptionAhead--Hummel_May_19_2017.pdf
    • UBSInvestmentBank_Q-Series-WhatIstheScopeoftheSharingEconomy--_Jul_21_2016.pdf
    • UBSInvestmentBank_Q-Series-Whatwilldemographicsmeanforgrowthandstockmarketreturns--_Jan_23_2017.pdf
    • UBSInvestmentBank_Q-Series-Wherewill5GfallonHypevsRealityspectrum--Dineen_Nov_17_2016.pdf
    • UBSInvestmentBank_Q-Series-WhydoFamily-ControlledPublicCompanies-(ChineseVersion)_May_07_2015.pdf
    • UBSInvestmentBank_Q-Series-WillAIAdoptionFollowtheInternetEvolution-WhichVendors-_Nov_07_2016.pdf
    • UBSInvestmentBank_Q-SeriesChinaAutomobileSector-WhereistheblueoceanforChineseOEMs--_Jul_25_2012.pdf
    • UBSInvestmentBank_Q-SeriesChinaEconomics-WhattoExpectfromChineseConsumersintheNext-_Oct_26_2012.pdf
    • UBSInvestmentBank_Q-SeriesESGandSustainability-Doesgoodgovernance-(ChineseVersion)_Jul_01_2014.pdf
    • UBSInvestmentBank_Q-SeriesGlobalBanks-IsAIthenextrevolutioninretailbanking--Finch_Nov_27_2017.pdf
    • UBSInvestmentBank_Q-SeriesGlobalRetail-DissectingAmazon'snewmarketplaybookHaveshareprices-_Jul_17_2017 (1).pdf
    • UBSInvestmentBank_Q-SeriesGlobalRetail-DissectingAmazon'snewmarketplaybookHaveshareprices-_Jul_17_2017.pdf
    • UBSInvestmentBank_Q-SeriesGlobalTechnology-WhoWillWinTheBattleForTheGlobal-_Sep_23_2010.pdf
    • UBSInvestmentBank_Q-SeriesGlobalTechnologyCommunications-WhoAretheEnablersof-TheInternetof_Feb_20_2014.pdf
    • UBSInvestmentBank_Q-SeriesGlobalTechnologyStrategy-AreWeinaCloudComputingBubble--_Feb_18_2011.pdf
    • UBSInvestmentBank_Q-SeriesMeasuringValue-Cheapcomparedtowhat--_Aug_30_2008.pdf
    • UBSInvestmentBank_Q-SeriesRelativeValue-Aquestionofvalue—Whichrelativevalue-_Sep_17_2009.pdf
    • UBSInvestmentBank_Q-SeriesTelecomEquipment-Smallcells–awaveofdisruption--Jenkins_Sep_07_2012.pdf
    • UBSInvestmentBank_UBSEvidenceLabChinaInternetSector-Cashinonacashlesssociety-Xu_Aug_08_2017.pdf
    • UBSInvestmentBank_UBSEvidenceLabChinaInternetSector-ChinaInnovationHowChina’sgame-_Jan_19_2018.pdf
    • UBSInvestmentBank_UBSEvidenceLabChinaInternetSector-OnlinevideovscableTV-_Jan_22_2018.pdf
    • UBSInvestmentBank_UBSEvidenceLabEuropeanLuxury-UnderstandingMillennialsIIChinese-_Mar_19_2018.pdf
    • UBSInvestmentBank_UBSEvidenceLabGermanBanks-Structuralchangeahead-WethinksoROEs-_May_30_2017.pdf
    • UBSInvestmentBank_UBSEvidenceLabMacro-ChinaEconomyEconomicSlowdownStabilizingin-_Dec_29_2017.pdf
    • UBSInvestmentBank_YYInc-UBSEvidenceLabinnovationinlivevideoandsocialgamesnot-_Jan_02_2018.pdf
  • 36.95 MB
  • 2018-4-4
  • bookfiles_2013.zip

    • BONUS!!! PowerPivotPro Reference-Card.pdf
    • BookData.accdb
    • ch01_NOFILE.txt
    • ch02_NOFILE.txt
    • ch03_NOFILE.txt
    • ch04_LoadData.xlsx
    • ch05_IntroCalcColumn.xlsx
    • ch06_IntroDAXMeasures.xlsx
    • ch07_GoldenRules.xlsx
    • ch08_CALCULATE.xlsx
    • ch09_ALL.xlsx
    • ch10_MultipleTables.xlsx
    • ch11_NOFILE.txt
    • ch12_DisconnectedTables.xlsx
    • ch13_FILTER.xlsx
    • ch14_TimeIntelligence.xlsx
    • ch15_ConditionalFun.xlsx
    • ch16_Xfunctions.xlsx
    • ch17_MultipleDataTables.xlsx
    • ch17_MultipleDataTables_Excel2013_Dashboard.xlsx
    • ch17_ServiceCalls.csv
    • ch18_MultiTablesDifferentGrain.xlsx
    • ch19_NOFILE.txt
    • ch20_SEE_FOLDER.txt
    • ch21_Power_BI_Desktop_Intro.pbix
    • ch22A_ComplicatedRelationships.xlsx
    • ch22B_ComplicatedRelationships_M2M.xlsx
    • ch22C_ComplicatedRelationships_M2M.pbix
    • ch23_Row_Filter_Context.xlsx
    • ch24_CALC_FILTER.xlsx
    • ch25_CustomCalendar.xlsx
    • ch26_AdvancedCalcColumn.xlsx
    • ch27_PowerBIDesktop_NewFunctions_Variables.pbix
    • ch28_NOFILE.txt
  • 76.55 MB
  • 2018-3-4
  • 陈强数据.rar

    • icecream.dta
    • gdp_china.dta
    • geodata_short.dta
    • grilic.dta
    • grilic_small.dta
    • grilic_small.xls
    • Growth.dta
    • hprice2a.dta
    • lin_1992.dta
    • loanapp.dta
    • macro_swatson.dta
    • mpyr.dta
    • munnell.dta
    • nelson_plosser.dta
    • nerlove.dta
    • nomadic_conquest.dta
    • phillips.dta
    • sunspot_year.dta
    • szzs.dta
    • titanic.dta
    • Woody3.dta
    • acemoglu.dta
    • airpassengers.dta
    • airq.dta
    • bai_kung.dta
    • border.dta
    • cobb_douglas.dta
    • consumption.dta
    • cpi_month.dta
    • fertility_small.dta
    • food.dta
    • galton.dta
    • gasoline.dta
  • 308.1 KB
  • 2017-11-29
  • Data-Finished-本科计量.zip

    • icecream.dta
    • acemoglu.dta
    • airpassengers.dta
    • airq.dta
    • bai_kung.dta
    • border.dta
    • cobb_douglas.dta
    • consumption.dta
    • cpi_month.dta
    • fertility_small.dta
    • food.dta
    • galton.dta
    • gasoline.dta
    • gdp_china.dta
    • geodata_short.dta
    • grilic.dta
    • grilic_small.dta
    • grilic_small.xls
    • Growth.dta
    • hprice2a.dta
    • lin_1992.dta
    • loanapp.dta
    • macro_3e.dta
    • macro_swatson.dta
    • mpyr.dta
    • munnell.dta
    • nelson_plosser.dta
    • nerlove.dta
    • nomadic_conquest.dta
    • phillips.dta
    • sunspot_year.dta
    • szzs.dta
    • titanic.dta
    • Woody3.dta
  • 347.11 KB
  • 2017-7-29
  • [Alex_Holmes]_Hadoop_in_Practice_ _Code.rar

    • 1617290238_Hado.pdf
    • 1617290238_Hado_SourceCode.zip
  • 26.22 MB
  • 2017-7-28
  • CiteSpaceChinese.pdf

  • 14.73 MB
  • 2017-7-27
  • fwdpaypaledu30plzsendallfollowingfrom1to10pac.zip
       solution manual

    • 9780134572871_TIF-259336.zip
    • 03_9780134571416_ism-259338.zip
    • 10_practice-exams-259345.zip
    • 09_9780134572864_sample-tax-return-files-259344.zip
    • 05_9780134532158_self-study-problems-259340.zip
    • 08_rates-credits-other-data-259343.zip
    • 04_9780134572871_solutions-tax-software-259339.zip
    • 06_problem-concordance-259341.zip
    • Errata-259337.zip
    • Ch. 5 CCA and CEC - 2016 2017 Student.docx
  • 16.5 MB
  • 2017-5-21
  • 1972_sp500_sourcecode.zip

    • var_and_avar_backtest.m
    • exctract_ARMAGARCH_residuals.m
    • ljung_box_and_arch_tests.m
    • sacf_and_spacf_plots.m
    • readme.txt.txt
  • 6.33 KB
  • 2016-12-18
  • R语言绘制地理热图.rar

    • chinaprovincecity.csv
    • bou2_4p.dbf
    • bou2_4p.shp
    • bou2_4p.shx
    • china-province-border-data.tar.gz
    • chinaprovinceborderdata_tar_gz.zip
    • geshengzhibiao.csv
    • 用R绘制地图.R
  • 1.44 MB
  • 2016-8-22
  • 金融发展指标.zip

    • tempb68d5603362440568cdfccec618b61c5.xls
    • Description.txt
    • 版权声明.pdf
  • 228.06 KB
  • 2015-12-30
  • 140027124853.zip

    • icecream.dta
    • angrist.dta
    • auto.dta
    • brand.dta
    • cardkrueger1994.dta
    • columbusdata.dta
    • columbusswm.dta
    • consumption_china.dta
    • CRIME1.DTA
    • dow1.dta
    • ema1996.dta
    • eventdates.dta
    • frontier2.dta
    • greene9.dta
    • grilic.dta
    • grunfeld.dta
    • gss_cdvm.dta
    • hmda.dta
    • hmda_short.dta
    • hprice2a.dta
    • hsb2.dta
    • irates4.dta
    • kennan-1985.dta
    • klein.dta
    • labor.dta
    • laborsub.dta
    • laborsup.dta
    • ldw_exper.dta
    • lutkepohl2.dta
    • m1gdp.dta
    • macro_swatson.dta
    • mlogit.dta
    • mpyr.dta
    • mus08cigar.dta
    • mus08psidextract.dta
    • mus14data.dta
    • mus18data.dta
    • mus18data1.dta
    • nerlove.dta
    • nerlove.xls
    • nomadic_conquest.dta
    • nomocc2.dta
    • panel84extract.dta
    • patr7079.dta
    • pe.dta
    • pennxrate.dta
    • poissonreg.dta
    • product.dta
    • recid.dta
    • school.dta
    • sp500.dta
    • stockdata.dta
    • supDem.dta
    • tobacco.dta
    • traffic.dta
    • travel.dta
    • travel2.dta
    • turksales.dta
    • turksales_finished.dta
    • ukrates.dta
    • union.dta
    • uprising.dta
    • usaww.spmat
    • varexample.dta
    • votex.dta
    • womenwk.dta
    • xtfrontier1.dta
  • 22.5 MB
  • 2015-12-18
  • CECA+GC+3-2010+建设项目工程结算编审规程.zip

    • CECA GC 3-2010 建设项目工程结算编审规程.pdf
  • 1.82 MB
  • 2015-8-7
  • ServiceCore.rar

    • ServiceCore.dll
  • 26.67 KB
  • 2015-3-12
  • CEconomics.zip

    • CEconomics.epub
  • 377.01 KB
  • 2014-9-21
  • Newton L. Bowers, Hans U. Gerber, James C. Hickman, Donald A. Jones, Cecil J. Ne.zip

    • Newton L. Bowers, Hans U. Gerber, James C. Hickman, Donald A. Jones, Cecil J. Nesbitt-Actuarial Mathematics-Society of Actuaries (1997).djvu
  • 4.82 MB
  • 2014-9-18
  • 2011 Michael R. Kinney (Author), Cecily A. Raiborn (Author)-Cost Accounting_ Fou.rar

    • 2011 Michael R. Kinney (Author), Cecily A. Raiborn (Author)-Cost Accounting_ Foundations and Evolutions (Available Titles Cengagenow)-South-Western College Pub (2011).pdf
  • 11.97 MB
  • 2014-9-2
  • 证券简介.zip

    • temp8913cec94f9d4b788993d758729e493d.xls
    • Description.txt
  • 183.4 KB
  • 2014-8-23
  • 经济行业快讯.zip

    • CME_Mfoodaverpricechange.xls
    • CME_Mfoodaverpricechange[DES][xls].txt
    • CME_Mautosalesarea.xls
    • CME_Mautosalesarea[DES][xls].txt
    • CME_Mcommerbulidsold.xls
    • CME_Mcommerbulidsold[DES][xls].txt
    • CME_Mconstructrealestate.xls
    • CME_Mconstructrealestate[DES][xls].txt
    • CME_Mconsumerpriceratio.xls
    • CME_Mconsumerpriceratio[DES][xls].txt
    • CME_Mdesignatedsizeretail.xls
    • CME_Mdesignatedsizeretail[DES][xls].txt
    • CME_MEPMProducPriceChange.xls
    • CME_MEPMProducPriceChange[DES][xls].txt
    • CME_Mindproductoutput.xls
    • CME_Mindproductoutput[DES][xls].txt
    • CME_Mindustryvalueadd.xls
    • CME_Mindustryvalueadd[DES][xls].txt
    • CME_Minvestfixasset.xls
    • CME_Minvestfixasset[DES][xls].txt
    • CME_Minvestfixedassetactual.xls
    • CME_Minvestfixedassetactual[DES][xls].txt
    • CME_Minvestrealestate.xls
    • CME_Minvestrealestate[DES][xls].txt
    • CME_Mmaineconomicdata.xls
    • CME_Mmaineconomicdata[DES][xls].txt
    • CME_Mmainindustryvalueadd.xls
    • CME_Mmainindustryvalueadd[DES][xls].txt
    • CME_Mmainproductoutput.xls
    • CME_Mmainproductoutput[DES][xls].txt
    • CME_Mproducerpriceratio.xls
    • CME_Mproducerpriceratio[DES][xls].txt
    • CME_Mproductelectinforindy.xls
    • CME_Mproductelectinforindy[DES][xls].txt
    • CME_Mpurchasepriceratio.xls
    • CME_Mpurchasepriceratio[DES][xls].txt
    • CME_Mretailsales.xls
    • CME_Mretailsales[DES][xls].txt
    • CME_Msectorinvestfixasset.xls
    • CME_Msectorinvestfixasset[DES][xls].txt
    • CME_Qmcitylandprices.xls
    • CME_Qmcitylandprices[DES][xls].txt
    • CME_Qqgdp.xls
    • CME_Qqgdp[DES][xls].txt
    • CME_Qurbanearnexpend.xls
    • CME_Qurbanearnexpend[DES][xls].txt
  • 1.43 MB
  • 2014-7-24
  • CAViaRCodes.ZIP

    • VarianceCovariance.m
    • ADAPTIVEloop.dll
    • ASloop.c
    • ASloop.dll
    • CAViaR.m
    • CAViaROptimisation.m
    • DQtest.m
    • GARCHloop.c
    • GARCHloop.dll
    • NewsImpactCurve.m
    • ReadMe.txt
    • RQobjectiveFunction.m
    • SAVloop.c
    • SAVloop.dll
    • ADAPTIVEloop.c
  • 21.71 KB
  • 2014-6-23
  • 陈强高级计量经济学及stata应用(第二版)全部数据.rar

    • icecream.dta
    • sp500.dta
    • stockdata.dta
    • supDem.dta
    • tobacco.dta
    • traffic.dta
    • travel.dta
    • travel2.dta
    • turksales.dta
    • turksales_finished.dta
    • ukrates.dta
    • union.dta
    • uprising.dta
    • usaww.spmat
    • varexample.dta
    • votex.dta
    • womenwk.dta
    • xtfrontier1.dta
    • angrist.dta
    • auto.dta
    • brand.dta
    • cardkrueger1994.dta
    • columbusdata.dta
    • columbusswm.dta
    • consumption_china.dta
    • CRIME1.DTA
    • dow1.dta
    • ema1996.dta
    • eventdates.dta
    • frontier2.dta
    • greene9.dta
    • grilic.dta
    • grunfeld.dta
    • gss_cdvm.dta
    • hmda.dta
    • hmda_short.dta
    • hprice2a.dta
    • hsb2.dta
    • irates4.dta
    • kennan-1985.dta
    • klein.dta
    • labor.dta
    • laborsub.dta
    • laborsup.dta
    • ldw_exper.dta
    • lutkepohl2.dta
    • m1gdp.dta
    • macro_swatson.dta
    • mlogit.dta
    • mpyr.dta
    • mus08cigar.dta
    • mus08psidextract.dta
    • mus14data.dta
    • mus18data.dta
    • mus18data1.dta
    • nerlove.dta
    • nerlove.xls
    • Nerlove-1963-Original.pdf
    • nomadic_conquest.dta
    • nomocc2.dta
    • panel84extract.dta
    • patr7079.dta
    • pe.dta
    • pennxrate.dta
    • poissonreg.dta
    • product.dta
    • recid.dta
    • school.dta
  • 14.21 MB
  • 2014-6-19
  • 黄燕-SAS统计分析及应用-数据.rar

    • aceclus7_4.sas
    • 5xt01.xls
    • 6xt01.xls
    • anova5_1.sas
    • anova5_1.sas7bdat
    • anova5_1.xls
    • anova5_5.sas
    • anova5_5.sas7bdat
    • anova5_5.xls
    • anova5_6.sas
    • anova5_7.sas
    • anovaout5_5.lst
    • anovazhjiao5_17.sas
    • aquatic11_1.sas
    • aquatic11_2.sas
    • cancorr9_1.sas
    • cancorr9_2.sas
    • Candisc10_2.sas
    • child.xls
    • chlid-pcomp.sas
    • clus7_4.jpg
    • clust7_2.dat
    • clust7_2.jpg
    • clust7_2.lst
    • clust7_2.sas
    • clust7_2.sas7bdat
    • clust7_3.sas
    • clust7_4.sas
    • corr6_2.sas
    • corr6_3.sas
    • crime.sas
    • crime.xls
    • data1_1.sas
    • data1_2.sas
    • data1_3.sas
    • data1_4.sas
    • data1_5.sas
    • data2_1.sas
    • data2_2.sas
    • data2_3.sas
    • data2_4.sas
    • data2_5.sas
    • discrim10_1.sas
    • factor11_1.sas
    • factor11_2.sas
    • fastclus7_3.sas
    • fastclus7_3.xls
    • freq3_2.sas
    • glm5_4.sas
    • glm5_8.sas
    • glm5_9.sas
    • glm5_13.sas
    • glm5_13_2.sas
    • glm5_14.sas
    • glm5_14.sas7bdat
    • glm5_14.xls
    • glm5_15.xls
    • glm5_15_1.sas
    • glm5_15_2.sas
    • glm5_15_3.sas
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    • glm5_18.sas7bdat
    • glm5_18.xls
    • glm5_19.sas
    • glm6_16.sas
    • glmxiyin5_12.sas
    • glmzj5_16.sas
    • glmzj5_16.xls
    • gpa.sas7bdat
    • ladingfang_cow5_10.SAS
    • ldfbeets5_11.sas
    • mean3_1.sas
    • NLIN6_14.sas
    • npar1way4_6.sas
    • npar1way4_7.sas
    • npar1way4_9-2.sas
    • npar1way4_10.sas
    • pcomp8_1.sas
    • pcomp8_1.xls
    • pcomp8_2.sas
    • pcomp8_2.xls
    • princomp8_1.sas
    • princomp8_1.xls
    • princomp8_1b.sas
    • reg_nlin6_11.sas
    • reg_nlin6_12.sas
    • reg6_1.sas
    • reg6_4.sas
    • reg6_5.sas
    • reg6_5.xls
    • reg6_6.sas
    • reg6_6.xls
    • reg6_7.sas
    • reg6_8.sas
    • reg6_9.sas
    • reg6_10.sas
    • reg6_13.sas
    • reg6_15.xls
    • reg6_17.sas
    • reglog6_13.sas
    • REGNLIN6_15.sas
    • regnlin6_18.sas
    • rsreg6_19.sas
    • rsreg6_20.sas
    • ttese4_3.sas
    • ttese4_4.sas
    • ttese4_5.sas
    • ttest4_1.sas
    • ttest4_1.xls
    • ttest4_2.sas
    • ttest4_8.sas
    • ttest4_9.sas
    • ttest4_11.sas
    • univer3_3.sas
    • varclus7_1.sas
    • varclus7_1.txt
    • varclus7_1.xls
    • yeid.xls
    • zjiao5_13.txt
    • zjiao6_14.txt
  • 132.53 KB
  • 2013-9-10
  • 高级计量经济学与应用stata.rar

    • icecream.dta
    • nerlove.dta
    • panel84extract.dta
    • pe.dta
    • poissonreg.dta
    • sp500.dta
    • supDem.dta
    • tobacco.dta
    • traffic.dta
    • ukrates.dta
    • womenwk.dta
    • klein.dta
    • Nerlove-1963-Original.pdf
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  • 2013-9-5
  • CEC_201303_PDF.zip

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  • 2013-3-25
  • CFA Level I Curriculum Knowledge Structure and Navigator.zip

    • 2012 CFA Level I Curriculum Book II.tex
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    • 2012 CFA Level I Curriculum Book III.tex
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    • 2012 CFA Level I Curriculum Book IV.tex
    • 2012 CFA Level I Curriculum Book V.pdf
    • 2012 CFA Level I Curriculum Book V.tex
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    • 2012 CFA Level I Curriculum Book VI.tex
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    • ActivityRatios.jpg
    • BalanceSheetRatio.jpg
    • CashFlowCoverageRatios.jpg
    • CashFlowIFRSvsUSGAAP.jpg
    • CashFlowPerformanceRatios.jpg
    • cc_beamer.tex
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    • DominantOligopolist.jpg
    • FourFactorModel.jpg
    • FRAPayoffFormula.jpg
    • GDPExpenditure.jpg
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    • IndustryAnalysis.jpg
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    • InvestmentIndifferenceCurve.jpg
    • KinkedDemand.jpg
    • Kurtosis.JPG
    • LiquidityRatios.jpg
    • MarketEfficiencyForms.jpg
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    • MarkowitzFrontier.jpg
    • MoneyTransMechanism.jpg
    • NormalvsStudentT.jpg
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    • Profit.jpg
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    • sharpe_ratio.JPG
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    • SolvencyRatios.jpg
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    • tariff.jpg
    • TraditionYieldMeasure.jpg
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    • 2012 CFA Level I Curriculum Book I.tex
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  • 2013-1-27
  • 陈强高级计量及stata应用 数据.rar

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    • ukrates.dta
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    • consumption_china.dta
    • CRIME1.DTA
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    • mus08cigar.dta
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    • nerlove.dta
    • nerlove.xls
    • Nerlove-1963-Original.pdf
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  • 2012-11-25
  • Cecchetti.ppt.rar
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    • Chapter_4_Cecchetti.ppt
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  • 光伏会议讲稿.rar

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    • 期货从业基础知识精讲班-第1讲.asf
    • 期货从业基础知识精讲班-第2讲.asf
    • 期货从业基础知识精讲班-第3讲.asf
    • 期货从业基础知识精讲班-第4讲.asf
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  • 2010-6-19
  • 2010.rar

    • 上海证券:2010年保险业投资策略:提前布局、把握通胀预期阶段的投资机会.pdf
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    • 2010年产业比较分析年度报告.PDF
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    • E51EC9E130E719E2BFBBFE61F16EEFC0.pdf
    • 渤海证券 2010年产业比较分析年度报告.PDF
    • 东北证券:2010年A股年度策略报告:结构调整、市场平衡、关注结构性机会-091208.pdf
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    • 安信证券:2010年A股投资策略-20091216.pdf
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  • 2010.rar

    • 上海证券:2010年保险业投资策略:提前布局、把握通胀预期阶段的投资机会.pdf
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    • 五粮液(000858)收购集团酒业资产点评-千呼万唤始出来.PDF
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    • 2010年产业比较分析年度报告.PDF
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    • E51EC9E130E719E2BFBBFE61F16EEFC0.pdf
    • 渤海证券 2010年产业比较分析年度报告.PDF
    • 东北证券:2010年A股年度策略报告:结构调整、市场平衡、关注结构性机会-091208.pdf
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    • 广发证券:2010年度投资策略报告:关注通胀主线,布局消费+资源-091209.pdf
    • 国海证券:2010年宏观经济报告:稳中求变,立足近忧谋远虑-091209.pdf
    • 国泰君安:2010年策略:“泡沫”幻觉之后的沉寂-091200.pdf
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    • 中信证券:2010年中国经济展望:回归正常化,经济复苏与政策退出-091209.pdf
    • 中信证券:2010全球经济展望:渐进复苏亟需持续政策支持-091209.pdf
    • 安信证券:2010年A股投资策略-20091216.pdf
    • 安信证券:中国证券市场2010年投资策略报告:盛衰相继-091216.pdf
    • 长江证券:浓缩型周期下的2010年资产配置:复苏的结构性演进-091215.pdf
    • 国泰君安:2010年中国宏观经济展望:两驾马车拉经济调整节奏求均衡-091210.pdf
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  • 2009-12-17
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  • s Articles.rar

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    • StagnancyTrap1.doc
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  • 2009-7-1
  • 192463.rar
       Using Eviews for Undergraduate Econometics数据集

    • chap8-3.dat
    • Chard.dat
    • COAL.DAT
    • COBB.DAT
    • commcoll.dat
    • data_list.PDF
    • data_list.xls
    • diet.dat
    • DWPI.DAT
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    • football.dat
    • fullmoon.dat
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    • london.dat
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    • MEAT.DAT
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    • mining.dat
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    • OIL.DAT
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    • profits.dat
    • PUB.DAT
    • Read_Me.txt
    • sales.DAT
    • sirmans.dat
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    • tab9-3S.dat
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    • vote.dat
    • WOOL.DAT
    • Xr6-7.dat
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    • BOND.DAT
    • br-1.dat
    • capm.dat
    • CARS.DAT
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