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  • P.rar

    • Topic02-Environment of cf.pdf
    • Topic03-.pdf
    • Topic04-Time Value of Money.pdf
    • Topic05-Financial Security Valuation.pdf
    • Topic06-Risk and Return.pdf
    • Topic07 Fundamentals of Capital Budgeting.pdf
    • Topic08-Capital Structure Decision.pdf
    • Topic00-Introduction to Corporate Finance.pdf
    • Topic01-Financial Goal and Principles.pdf
  • 7.5 MB
  • 2022-6-30

  • 29.89 KB
  • 2020-9-6
  • CFA audio96-98.rar
       CFA 公司财务corporate finance

    • 098 - Capital Budgeting - Part 3.mp3
    • 096 - Capital Budgeting - Part 1.mp3
    • 097 - Capital Budgeting - Part 2.mp3
  • 18.66 MB
  • 2016-5-21
  • 国际金融11-20章部分课件.rar

    • chapter 19 multinational capital budgeting.pdf
    • chapter 12 the global cost and availability of capital.pdf
    • chapter 14 financial structure and international debt.pdf
    • chapter 16 international protfolio theory and diversification .pdf
    • chapter 20 international trade finance.pdf
    • chapter 11 translation exposure.pdf
  • 1.62 MB
  • 2015-6-16
  • 2_HBS case study.zip

    • 01 Samoa Tala, HBS Case 9-209-053, Transaction Risk in Funding Micro Finance.PDF
    • 02 Hedging Currency Risks at AIFS.PDF
    • 03 Valuing a Cross-Border LBO_ Bidding on the Yell Group.PDF
    • 04 Globalizing the Cost of Capital and Capital Budgeting at AES.PDF
    • 05 Drilling South_ Petrobras Evaluates Pecom.PDF
    • 06 Foreign Exchange Hedging Strategies at General Motors_ Transactional and Translational Exposures.PDF
    • 07 Foreign Exchange Hedging Strategies at General Motors_ Competitive Exposures.PDF
    • 08 Gaz de France.PDF
    • 09 Jaguar plc--1984.PDF
    • 10 Nestle and Alcon--the Value of a Listing.PDF
    • 11 Dow's Bid for Rohm and Haas.PDF
    • 12 An Overview of Project Finance and Infrastructure Finance-2014 Update.PDF
    • 13 Aluminium Bahrain (Alba)_ The Pot Line 5 Expansion Project.PDF
    • 14 Sallie Mae Reverse Yen PERLS Issue.pdf
    • 15 Baidu.com, Inc._ Valuation at IPO.PDF
    • 16 InBev and Anheuser-Busch.PDF
    • Brazilian beer merger negotiations.pdf
  • 7.76 MB
  • 2015-3-19
  • Capabilities and capital investment New perspectives on capital budgeting.rar

    • Capabilities and capital investment New perspectives on capital budgeting.pdf
  • 160.09 KB
  • 2014-12-9
  • journal of financeFEBRUARY 2013.rar

    • Analyst Forecast Consistency.pdf
    • Capital Budgeting versus Market Timing.pdf
    • Conflicting Family Values in Mutual Fund.pdf
    • Dynamic Competition, Valuation, and Merger.pdf
    • Efficient Recapitalization.pdf
    • Ex Ante Skewness and Expected Stock Returns.pdf
    • Industry-Specific Human Capital, Idiosyncratic.pdf
    • Liquidity Cycles and Make.pdf
    • Short-Selling Bans Around the World.pdf
    • What Do Consumers’ Fund Flows Maximize.pdf
  • 2.99 MB
  • 2014-10-1
  • Corporate Governance, Capital Markets, Capital Budgeting An Integrated Approach.rar

    • Corporate Governance, Capital Markets, Capital Budgeting An Integrated Approach.pdf
  • 18.39 MB
  • 2014-9-3
  • Ca.rar
       Capital Budgeting and Financial Decisions

    • Chap001.doc
    • Chap002.doc
    • Chap003.doc
    • Chap004.doc
    • Chap005.doc
    • Chap006.doc
    • Chap007.doc
    • Chap008.doc
    • Chap009.doc
    • Chap010.doc
    • Chap011.doc
    • Chap012.doc
    • Chap013.doc
    • Chap014.doc
    • Chap015.doc
    • Chap016.doc
    • Chap017.doc
    • Chap018.doc
    • Chap019.doc
    • Chap020.doc
    • Chap021.doc
    • Chap022.doc
    • Chap023.doc
    • Chap024.doc
    • Chap025.doc
    • Chap026.doc
    • Chap027.doc
  • 6.13 MB
  • 2012-7-31
  • CFA考试Textbook大合集-2.zip

    • 10 - The Cost of Capital.pdf
    • 09 - Stocks and Their Valuation.pdf
    • 11 - The Basics of Capital Budgeting.pdf
    • 12 - Cash Flow Estimation and Risk Analysis.pdf
    • 13 - Capital Structure and Leverage.pdf
    • 14 - Distributions to Shareholders Dividends and Share Repurchases.pdf
    • 15 - Working Capital Management.pdf
    • 16 - Multinational Financial Management.pdf
    • Appendix A - Mathematical Tables.pdf
    • Appendix B - Solutions to Self-Test Problems.pdf
    • Appendix C - Answers to End-of-Chapter Problems.pdf
    • Appendix D - Selected Equations and Data.pdf
    • Endsheets.pdf
  • 11.04 MB
  • 2010-12-12
  • CFA考试Textbook大合集-2.zip

    • 10 - The Cost of Capital.pdf
    • 09 - Stocks and Their Valuation.pdf
    • 11 - The Basics of Capital Budgeting.pdf
    • 12 - Cash Flow Estimation and Risk Analysis.pdf
    • 13 - Capital Structure and Leverage.pdf
    • 14 - Distributions to Shareholders Dividends and Share Repurchases.pdf
    • 15 - Working Capital Management.pdf
    • 16 - Multinational Financial Management.pdf
    • Appendix A - Mathematical Tables.pdf
    • Appendix B - Solutions to Self-Test Problems.pdf
    • Appendix C - Answers to End-of-Chapter Problems.pdf
    • Appendix D - Selected Equations and Data.pdf
    • Endsheets.pdf
  • 11.04 MB
  • 2010-12-12
  • 金融工程papers.rar

    • Rational Capital Budgeting in an Irrational World.pdf
    • hkh1.pdf
    • liquidity and credit risk.pdf
    • Optimal Consumption and Investment with Transaction Costs and Multiple Risky Assets.pdf
    • Estimation and Test of a Simple Model of Intertemporal Capital Asset Pricing.pdf
    • discount with varying expected returns.pdf
    • The Effects of Changes in Risk and Risk Taking A survey.pdf
    • SCC Method a new approach dealing with high-dimension Garch model.pdf
  • 2.68 MB
  • 2010-11-17
  • 悉尼大学国际金融课件.rar

    • Lecture1_Introductory Lecture and the FX Market (3March2010)_USYDstudents[1].pdf
    • Lecture2_FX Markets (Part II)_10March2010_USYDstudents[1].pdf
    • Lecture2_International Parity Conditions (Part I)_10March2010_USYDstudents[1].pdf
    • Lecture3_International Parity Conditions (Part II)_17March2010_USYDstudents[1].pdf
    • Lecture4_Currency Options and Option Strategies_24March2010_USYDstudents[1].pdf
    • Lecture5_Currency Futures & Swaps_31March2010_USYDstudents[1].pdf
    • Lecture6_Management of FX risk and exposure_21April2010_USYDstudents[1].pdf
    • Lecture7_Measuring and Managing Real Exchange Risk_28April2010_USYDstudents[1].pdf
    • Lecture9_Short and Long Term Investment_12May2010_USYDstudents[1].pdf
    • Lecture10_Political and Country Risk Analysis_26May2010_USYDstudents[1].pdf
    • Lecture11_International Capital Budgeting_2June2010_USYDstudents[1].pdf
  • 3.1 MB
  • 2010-6-24
  • F9_FTC.rar

    • 15 Sources of finance.htm
    • 14 The economic environment.htm
    • 13 Asset investment decisions and capital rationing.htm
    • 12 Investment appraisal under uncertainty.htm
    • 11 Investment appraisal – further aspects of discounted cash flows (DCF).htm
    • 10 Investment appraisal – discounted cash flow techniques.htm
    • 9 Capital budgeting and basic investment appraisal techniques.htm
    • 8 Working capital management – cash and funding strategies.htm
    • 7 Working capital management – accounts receivable and payable.htm
    • 6 Working capital management – inventory control.htm
    • 5 Working capital management.htm
    • 4 Financial and other objectives in not-for-profit organisations.htm
    • 3 Measuring achievement of corporate objectives.htm
    • 2 Management and the achievement of stakeholder objectives.htm
    • 1 The financial management function.htm
    • Introduction.htm
    • 24 Questions & Answers.htm
    • 23 Interest rate risk.htm
    • 22 Foreign exchange risk.htm
    • 21 Market efficiency.htm
    • 20 Business valuations.htm
    • 19 Capital structure and the cost of capital.htm
    • 18 The cost of capital.htm
    • 17 Finance for small and medium enterprises.htm
    • 16 Capital structure and financial ratios.htm
    • acca_f9_errata_sheet_2_2007.pdf
  • 10.5 MB
  • 2010-6-12
  • Internatinal Finance Management.rar

    • Lecture 2 Cash Flow and Financial Analysis.ppt
    • Lecture 3 Ratio Analysis.ppt
    • Lecture 4 Time Value of Money.ppt
    • Lecture 5 Cost of Capital.ppt
    • Lecture 6 Risk and Return.ppt
    • Lecture 7 Capital Budgeting.ppt
    • Case 1 Analysis of an investment decision.doc
    • Lecture 1 Introduction to Internantional Finance Management .ppt
  • 1.59 MB
  • 2010-6-12
  • 公司金融课件(全英文).rar

    • Topic 09 - Executive Compensation.ppt
    • Topic 10-Real Options.ppt
    • Topic 11- Merger and Aquisition.ppt
    • Topic 01 - Review of Corporate Finance 1.ppt
    • Topic 02 - Making Capital Budgeting Decisions.ppt
    • Topic 03 - Capital Budgeting and Risk.ppt
    • Topic 04 - Does Debt Policy Matter.ppt
    • Topic 05 - How Much Money Should A Firm Borrow.ppt
    • Topic 06 - What We Left Out.ppt
    • Topic 07 - Dividend Policy.ppt
    • Topic 08 - Debt and Equity Issues including Initial Public Offerings.ppt
  • 4.58 MB
  • 2010-4-26
  • 公司理财.rar

    • Topic06-Financial Security Valuation.ppt
    • Topic07-Fundamentals of Capital Budgeting.ppt
    • Topic08-Extensions of Capital Budgeting.ppt
    • Topic09-Capital Structure Decision.ppt
    • Topic10-Dividend Policy.ppt
    • Topic00-Introduction of Corporate Finance.ppt
    • Topic01-Financial Goal and Principles.ppt
    • Topic02-Financial Environment.ppt
    • Topic03-Financial Analysis and Financial Planning.ppt
    • Topic03-财务分析与财务计划.ppt
    • Topic04-Time Value of Money.ppt
    • Topic05-Risk and Return.ppt
  • 1.91 MB
  • 2010-2-24
  • 201-221.rar

    • Returns to Scope Smallholders commercialization through multipurpose cooperatives in Ethiopia.pdf
    • Spatial Networks, Labor Supply and Income Dynamics Evidence from Indonesian Villages.pdf
    • The decision to invest and the investment level:An application to Dutch glasshouse horticulture firms.pdf
    • The Long-Run Impact of Energy Prices on World Agricultural Markets:The Role of Macro-Economic Linkages.pdf
    • The potential contribution of forage shrubs to economic returns and environmental management in Australian dryland agricultural systems.pdf
    • The Role of Bounded Rationality in Farm Financing Decisions– First Empirical Evidence –.pdf
    • The U.S. Value of Agricultural Production:A Measuring Framework with Implications for WTO Monitoring and Disciplines.pdf
    • Can German Wine Cooperatives Compete on Quality?.pdf
    • Capital Budgeting Analysis of Organic Coffee Production in Gulmi District of Nepal.pdf
    • China's growing food imports from the EU.pdf
    • Collective Activities for the Management of Rural Common-Pool Resources A Case Study of Irrigation System from Niigata Prefecture,Japan.pdf
    • Cost of GMO-related co-existence and traceability systems in food production in Germany.pdf
    • Fat Chance:Modelling the Socio-Economic Determinants of Dietary Fat Intake in China.pdf
    • Household Income Dynamics in Rural China.pdf
    • Insights from the Guatemalan food system an application of exploratory spatial data analysis techniques for food security analysis.pdf
    • Maping the competitive food chain for fresh produce retailers in Tshwane,South Africa.pdf
    • Reshaping agricultural peatland use climate friendly in selected German regions.pdf
    • Resource scarcity gradients in the post-Green Revolution Indo-Gangetic Plains:Implications for agricultural technology use and supply.pdf
  • 3.07 MB
  • 2010-1-26
  • Fundamentals of Financial Management, 10e.rar

    • 1 - An Overview of Financial Management.pdf
    • 2 - Financial Statements, Cash Flow, and Taxes.pdf
    • 3 - Analysis of Financial Statements.pdf
    • 4 - Financial Planning and Forecasting.pdf
    • 5 - The Financial Environment Markets, Institutions, and Interest Rates.pdf
    • 6 - Risk and Rates of Return.pdf
    • 7 - Time Value of Money.pdf
    • 8 - Bonds and Their Valuation.pdf
    • 9 - Stocks and Their Valuation.pdf
    • 10 - The Cost of Capital.pdf
    • 11 - The Basics of Capital Budgeting.pdf
    • 12 - Cash Flow Estimation and Risk Analysis.pdf
    • Appendix A - Mathematical Tables.pdf
    • Appendix B - Solutions to Self-Test Problems.pdf
    • Appendix C - Answers to End-of-Chapter Problems.pdf
    • Appendix D - Selected Equations and Data.pdf
    • Endsheets.pdf
    • 13 - Capital Structure and Leverage.pdf
    • 14 - Distributions to Shareholders Dividends and Share Repurchases.pdf
    • 15 - Working Capital Management.pdf
    • 16 - Multinational Financial Management.pdf
  • 20.62 MB
  • 2010-1-18
  • 09 Capital Budgeting Decisions.rar

    • 09 Capital Budgeting Decisions.mov
  • 9.22 MB
  • 2010-1-4
  • 225412.rar
       金融学教案(马里兰大学 英文)

    • Notes 6 Corprate Strategy.pdf
    • Notes 7 External Funds Needed.pdf
    • Notes 8 Intro to Risk and Return.pdf
    • Notes 9 SML and the CAPM.pdf
    • Notes 10 wacc.pdf
    • Notes 11 Market Efficiency.pdf
    • Notes 12 Capital Structure.pdf
    • Notes 13 Dividends.pdf
    • Notes 14 Options.pdf
    • Notes 15 International.pdf
    • Notes 1 Intro.pdf
    • Notes 2 Time value of Money.pdf
    • Notes 3 Bonds.pdf
    • Notes 4 Stocks.pdf
    • Notes 5 Capital Budgeting.pdf
  • 4.39 MB
  • 2008-7-7
  • 222376.rar
       Mertons 《finance lecture notes》,诺奖大师的经典金融教材,值得收藏。

    • Chpt1 introduction.pdf
    • Chpt2 On the Arithmetic of Compound Interest-The Time Value of Money.pdf
    • Chpt3 On the Theory of Accumulation and Intertemporal Consumption Choice by Households in an Environment of Certainty.pdf
    • Chpt4 On the Role of Business Firms, Financial Instruments and Markets in an Environment of Certainty.pdf
    • Chpt5 The Default-Free Bond Market and Financial Intermediation in Borrowing and Lending.pdf
    • Chpt6 The Value of the Firm Under Certainty.pdf
    • Chpt7 The Firm's Investment Decision Under Certainty- Capital Budgeting and Ranking of New Investment Projects.pdf
    • Chpt8 Forward Contracts, Futures Contracts and Options.pdf
    • Chpt9 The Financing Decision by Firms-Impact of Capital Structure Choice on Value.pdf
    • Chpt10 The Investor's Decision Under Uncertainty- Portfolio Selection.pdf
    • Chpt11 Implications of Portfolio Theory for the Operation of the Capital Markets-The Capital Asset Pricing Model.pdf
    • Chpt12 Risk-Spreading via Financial Intermediation-Life Insurance.pdf
    • Chpt13 Optimal Use of Security Analysis and Investment Management.pdf
    • Chpt14 Theory of Value and Capital Budgeting Under Uncertainty.pdf
    • Chpt15 Introduction to Mergers and Acquisitions-Firm Diversification.pdf
    • Chpt16 The Financing Decision by Firms-Impact of Dividend Policy on Value.pdf
    • Chpt17 Security Pricing and Security Analysis in an Efficient Market.pdf
    • Contents.pdf
  • 2.39 MB
  • 2008-6-24
  • 156517.rar

    • CAPM for capital budgeting.pdf
  • 1.09 MB
  • 2007-9-22
  • 84945.rar

    • 10. International Debt.ppt
    • 11. Multinational Capital Budgeting.ppt
    • 12. International Portfolio Theory.ppt
  • 4 MB
  • 2007-1-16
  • 83475.rar

    • Rational Capital Budgeting in an Irrational World.pdf
  • 687.07 KB
  • 2007-1-11
  • 28241.rar
       [下载]金融学教案(马里兰大学 英文)

    • Notes 6 Corprate Strategy.pdf
    • Notes 7 External Funds Needed.pdf
    • Notes 8 Intro to Risk and Return.pdf
    • Notes 9 SML and the CAPM.pdf
    • Notes 10 wacc.pdf
    • Notes 11 Market Efficiency.pdf
    • Notes 12 Capital Structure.pdf
    • Notes 13 Dividends.pdf
    • Notes 14 Options.pdf
    • Notes 15 International.pdf
    • Notes 1 Intro.pdf
    • Notes 2 Time value of Money.pdf
    • Notes 3 Bonds.pdf
    • Notes 4 Stocks.pdf
    • Notes 5 Capital Budgeting.pdf
  • 4.39 MB
  • 2005-9-25