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  • 流程型组织.rar

    • 第09讲:BPR项目运作的四个阶段:BOD模型的应用.pdf
    • 第10讲:流程落地九步法:通过流程管理流程.pdf
    • 第11讲:以流程驱动组织变革:实现多方共赢的局面.pdf
    • 第12讲:职位的再造升级:实现减员增效涨薪的方法.pdf
    • 第13讲:人力资源管理:干部如何转型.pdf
    • 第14讲:人力资源管理:关键人才成长.pdf
    • 第15讲:人力资源管理:以奋斗者为本.pdf
    • 第16讲:结束语:企业管理的真谛:以客户为中心的流程型变革.pdf
    • 00直问大咖:《流程型组织 》.pdf
    • 第01讲:拥抱客户还是老板?老板导向型组织的弊端.pdf
    • 第02讲:打破企业两大根本问题,聚焦客户价值创造.pdf
    • 第03讲:颠覆传统流程定义,真正实现以流程创造价值.pdf
    • 第04讲:实现以客户为中心的核心,用流程重新定义职位.pdf
    • 第05讲:流程变革实战案例一:研发流程的重整要点.pdf
    • 第06讲:流程变革实战案例二:销售流程的重整要点.pdf
    • 第07讲:流程变革实战案例三:战略流程的重整要点.pdf
    • 第08讲:谁来驱动变革:让变革影响企业的每个人.pdf
  • 43.07 MB
  • 2024-5-2
  • 国际投行研究分析资料2022-01.zip

    • HSBC-China’s property stumble Why it’s different from the subprime mortgage crisis.pdf
    • CS-Visa Inc..pdf
    • Sichuan Teway Food Group (603317.SS)_ Data update_ Adjusting FY22E quarterly estimates(1).pdf
    • Sichuan Swellfun Co. (600779.SS)_ Cautious Outlook Into 2H22; Maintain Neutral(1).pdf
    • Sichuan Swellfun Co. (600779.SS)_ 2Q22 Miss on Covid Disruption to Consumption Scenarios, with Channel Inventory Management i....pdf
    • Shopify Inc. (SHOP)_ Growth, margins likely approaching a trough(1).pdf
    • Shell Plc (SHEL.AS)_ Strong set of 2Q results and cash flow generation support increased share buybacks; Buy (1).pdf
    • Shanghai Putailai New Energy (603659.SS)_ 1H22 inline; Strong anode and separator shipment driven by EV growth; Stay Neutral(1).pdf
    • ServiceNow Inc. (NOW)_ Expect solid quarter with embedded conservatism_ 2Q22 Preview(1).pdf
    • ServiceNow Inc. (NOW)_ Estimates largely derisked as waning macro backdrop incorporated in guide - 2Q22 Results(1).pdf
    • Sangfor (300454.SZ)_ HCI v6.8.0 launched; financial _ steel clients on cloudization, HCI, cybersecurity; Buy(1).pdf
    • Samsung Electronics (005930.KS)_ Earnings Review_ 2Q22 inline with expectations_ A more disciplined memory investment the com...(1).pdf
    • Retail_ Specialty Hardlines_ Sporting goods digital trends; Update on promotional activity(1).pdf
    • Qualcomm Inc. (QCOM)_ FQ3'22 Wrap_ QTR beat but FQ4 guidance miss; High-end demand resilient even as handset market expectati...(1).pdf
    • Puma (PUMG.DE)_ 2Q22E EBIT beat driven by strong sales momentum, albeit uncertain consumer demand leaves FY22E EBIT unchanged...(1).pdf
    • Prosus_Naspers_ Release 4th update on buyback programme execution(1).pdf
    • Pentair Plc (PNR)_ Execution on price-cost encouraging as volume slowdown comes into focus; remain Buy on favorable risk-reward(1).pdf
    • Paccar Inc. (PCAR)_ Structural Parts margin improvement balanced by challenging cyclical outlook(1).pdf
    • One 97 Communications (PAYT.BO)_ 1QFY23 preview_ Another quarter of elevated growth and improving margins; Buy(1).pdf
    • NXP Semiconductors NV (NXPI)_ Solid results_guide, but we continue to await normalization in shipments; 2Q22 EPS recap(1).pdf
    • NetEase Inc. (NTES)_ Thoughts on Diablo Immortal releases in China on 25 July; Buy(1).pdf
    • Natural Gas_ Potential NS1 drop brings upside risk to our TTF forecast(1).pdf
    • MS-The Thin Red Line.pdf
    • MS-Sunday Start - 60-40 Isn’t Dead, Just Resting.pdf
    • MS-Sound Bites 芯片之争 – 投资者反馈.pdf
    • MS_McDonald'sCorporation _ NorthAmerica 2Q22_ Defensive Characteristics Show Up Around the World Amidst Growing Uncertainty_20220726.pdf
    • MS_Internet _ NorthAmerica Where Are We Trading Now...Let Mega Cap EPS Begin_20220726.pdf
    • MS -China Equity Strategy Focus List Changes.pdf
    • Moody's Corp. (MCO)_ Ratings revenue soft in 2Q, with estimates largely de-risked and attention turning to recovery in 2023(1).pdf
    • Miniso (MNSO)_ Addressing recent investor queries; Buy(1).pdf
    • Milkyway (603713.SS)_ First Take_ 2Q22 a clean beat; Buy.pdf
    • Milkyway (603713.SS)_ Earnings Review_ Raising estimates post strong 2Q22; maintain Buy(1).pdf
    • Microsoft Corp. (MSFT)_ PC and FX headwinds are more than offset by $100bn Cloud Revenue runrate, growing at 33% CC – F4Q22 R...(1).pdf
    • Microsoft Corp. (MSFT)_ Expecting strong underlying trends amid FX volatility – F4Q22 preview (1).pdf
    • Metals & Mining_ Models and single-name views as 2Q earnings accelerate(1).pdf
    • Meta Platforms, Inc. (META)_ Q2'22 Review_ Macro Headwinds Replace Privacy Headwinds; Shift to Long Term Platform Transition ...(1).pdf
    • Meta Platforms, Inc. (META)_ Q2 '22 Earnings First Take(1).pdf
    • Merck & Co. (MRK)_ 2Q22 First Take_ Revenue_EPS Beat and topline Guidance Raise(1).pdf
    • MediaTek (2454.TW)_ Our thoughts on the new strategic partnership with Intel (1).pdf
    • McDonald's Corp. (MCD)_ 2Q22 Review_ Sales Momentum Continues Across Geographies, Company Well-Positioned to Manage Cost Pres...(1).pdf
    • MasterCard Inc. (MA)_ Key Takeaways from 2Q22 EPS(1).pdf
    • Macro at a Glance_ Latest views and forecasts(1).pdf
    • LVMH Moet-Hennessy Louis Vuitton (LVMH.PA)_ 1H22_ Sales +19% cFX with +6% EBIT beat; reiterate Buy, PT to EUR730 (was EUR700)(1).pdf
    • Liberty Energy Inc. (LBRT)_ 2Q22 First Take_ Significant EBITDA Beat on Net Pricing, Activating Additional Fleets For 2022(1).pdf
    • Kweichow Moutai (600519.SS)_ Data update_ Adjusting FY22E quarterly estimates(1).pdf
    • Kraft Heinz Co. (KHC)_ Further relative under-performance seems unlikely from here; Up to Neutral(1).pdf
    • Keyence (6861.T)_ Earnings Review_ 1Q in line in adjusted terms, taking China lockdowns into account; business structure rema...(1).pdf
    • Kaiser Aluminum Corp. (KALU)_ First Take_ 2Q EPS and EBITDA miss on higher costs and Warrick supply chain challenges; Sell(1).pdf
    • JPM-Global Data Watch Skating on thin ice during.pdf
    • JPM-Global Commodities.pdf
    • JPM-first to market.pdf
    • JPM-Cross Asset Volatility Machine Learning Trading .pdf
    • JPM-Commodities Oil Drilling Report Total US oil.pdf
    • JPM-China’s housing market alarm bell rings again -2022-07-21.pdf
    • Japan SaaS_ KPI summary_ Fundamentals largely unchanged, but valuations remain low(1).pdf
    • Japan Machinery_ Automation_ June robot_robodrill volume inferred from customs data_ China upturn, robot shipments remain high(1).pdf
    • Japan Chemicals_ June MOF data_ Silicon wafer shipment volume down -7% yoy on China impact, overall ASP up high +43% yoy(1).pdf
    • J.P.摩根-亚太地区投资策略-新兴市场亚洲本地市场2022年年中展望:从急性到慢性-保持UW利率和外汇-2022.6.14-40页.pdf
    • J.P.摩根-新兴市场投资策略-新兴市场边缘数据观察:有风险的副作用的强效药-2022.6.17-29页.pdf
    • J.P.摩根-全球自动化行业-JPM&CSIA系统集成商调查:需求在高位达到顶峰-2022.6.17-58页.pdf
    • J.P.摩根-全球投资策略-外汇年中展望:下半年货币需要了解的十件事-2022.6.17-51页.pdf
    • J.P.摩根-全球投资策略-全球数据观察:当我向他们复仇时,他们会知道我是主-2022.6.17-89页.pdf
    • J.P.摩根-全球投资策略-J.P.摩根视角:告别负收益率-2022.6.15-92页.pdf
    • J.P.摩根-美股银行业-美国中小盘银行赚钱策略更新:卓越的客户体验和强劲的增长历来能带来可观的表现-2022.6.15-44页.pdf
    • J.P.摩根-美股医疗保健行业-可操作的见解:生育101-市场背景是BFP-2022.6.16-28页.pdf
    • J.P.摩根-美股投资策略-2022年年中展望:更大的宽幅和更大的紧缩迫使更广泛的预测—移动到175个基点-2022.6.17-22页.pdf
    • J.P.摩根-美股汽车行业-数字化二手和特许经营汽车经销商:行业思考与手册-2022.6.14-202页.pdf
    • J.P.摩根-美股能源行业-J.P.摩根能源问题库:勘探和开采、综合石油和炼油、中游、油田服务和设备、公用事业和替代能源-2022.6.14-243页.pdf
    • J.P.摩根-美股零售业-行业&公司深度研究(HAS, MAT, FNKO)-2022.6.16-66页.pdf
    • J.P.摩根-美股保险行业-变额年金市场趋势:疲软的市场将损害近期的业绩;尾部风险是长期的担忧-2022.6.17-32页.pdf
    • J.P.摩根-美股半导体行业-J.P.摩根半导体和半导体资本设备公司-2022.6-40页.pdf
    • Iron Ore - From scarcity to glut(1).pdf
    • India Telecom_ Spectrum auction_ Bids 60% higher vs GSe at US$19 bn, likely led by Jio(1).pdf
    • HSBC-中国运输与物流行业-上海运输与物流8月可全面恢复-2022.6.16-24页.pdf
    • HSBC-中国投资策略-中国股票策略:从亚洲供应链的转变中寻找赢家-2022.6.13-21页.pdf
    • HSBC-中国能源行业-中国太阳能设备:太阳能电池市场可能出现范式转变-2022.6.14-26页.pdf
    • HSBC-中国PCB行业-触底反弹;关注苹果相关FPC-2022.6.15-21页.pdf
    • HSBC-亚太地区投资策略-亚太地区利率:加速加息-2022.6.16-32页.pdf
    • HSBC-亚太地区投资策略-看点:亚洲债券市场-2022.6-167页.pdf
    • HSBC-亚太地区电子设备和仪器行业-亚洲科技:启动ABF基板领域-2022.6.15-29页.pdf
    • HSBC-全球投资策略-体育用品回顾:迎接新一轮的复杂性-2022.6.14-32页.pdf
    • HSBC-全球投资策略-HSBC第16届运输与物流大会:同样的风暴,不同的船-2022.6.15-33页.pdf
    • HSBC-The Major bond letter.PDF
    • HSBC-Covered Bond Insight Strong year-to-date issuance in USD and GBP.pdf
    • Hong Kong Exchanges (0388.HK)_ BABA announces HK primary listing plans; Buy(1).pdf
    • Healthcare Pulse_ Unsettled ... Investor sentiment; market color; sector themes; charts to watch(1).pdf
    • GS MINING_ Amplats __ Iron ore __ SIG __ China steel production __ Las Bambas __ Natural Gas NS1(1).pdf
    • GS EUROPEAN EXPRESS_ European Views _ Encore_ Buy LVMH, Volvo, NHY _ US Consumer _ China Musings(1).pdf
    • Greater China Telecom Equipment_ June_ 5G BTS +154k units to 1,854k; 5G subscribers +28mn(1).pdf
    • Global Rates Trader_ A Europe-driven yield downdraft(1).pdf
    • Global PMI Monitor_ DM Composite PMI Falls Below 50 in July; Further Easing in Inflation Components (Zhestkova)(1).pdf
    • Global Market Views_ Relief, but no green light (Trivedi_Wilson)(1).pdf
    • Global Economics Comment_ June Trimmed Core Inflation_ US Reacceleration (Bhushan)(1).pdf
    • General Electric Co. (GE)_ Strong 2Q, low bar to clear in 3Q, valuation attractive(1).pdf
    • FOMC Roundtable July 26-27 [presentation](1).pdf
    • Fiserv Inc. (FISV)_ Key Takeaways from 2Q22 EPS(1).pdf
    • Fiserv Inc. (FISV)_ First Take_ Top-line beat with particular strength in Merchant Acceptance(1).pdf
    • Europe Beverages_ Trends in US Off-Trade Beer market remain fairly consistent in July(1).pdf
    • Equinix Inc. (EQIX)_ 2Q22 Review_ Solid results and increased core 2022 guidance; maintain Buy and $765 PT(1).pdf
    • Energy_ Drillers_ See upside potential into 2Q earnings; continue to prefer NBR over RIG longer-term(1).pdf
    • Energy, Utilities & Mining Pulse_ Investors Asking_ What Surprised During Earnings and the Growing Importance of EPS Execution(1).pdf
    • EM in Focus_ Drilling into EM Debt Dynamics(1).pdf
    • DB-US Strategy Update Refunding preview Maintaining.pdf
    • DB-Asia Thematic Analysis Asias energy security.pdf
    • CS-Zhuzhou CRRC Times Electric Co., Ltd (3898.HK).pdf
    • CS-Zhejiang Huahai Pharmaceutical Co Ltd (600521.SS).pdf
    • CS-Yangtze Optical (601869.SS).pdf
    • CS-Weibo Corporation (WB.OQ).pdf
    • CS-Taiwan View on the news - July 22.pdf
    • CS-Taiwan Display Sector -220725.pdf
    • CS-Summary Europe.pdf
    • CS-Steel Import Monitor.pdf
    • CS-Squarespace, Inc.pdf
    • CS-Shopify Inc..pdf
    • CS-Shenzhen Salubris Pharmaceuticals Co Ltd (002294.SZ).pdf
    • CS-Shell_Carbon Neutral LNG Opportunity.pdf
    • CS-Shanghai Putailai New Energy Technology (603659.SS).pdf
    • CS-Sea Limited (SE.N).pdf
    • CS-Ping An Healthcare and Technology (1833.HK).pdf
    • CSPC Pharma (1093.HK)_ Second ex-China license-out of CLDN18.2 assets; 1-2 more BD deals expected before YE22(1).pdf
    • CS-Payments, Processors and FinTech Expert Insights.pdf
    • CS-Oatly Group AB.pdf
    • CS-MINISO Group (MNSO.N).pdf
    • CS-Meta Platforms, Inc..pdf
    • CS-Machinery sector-Implications for Japanese machinery sector.pdf
    • CS-Machinery sector.pdf
    • CS-LONGi Green Energy Technology (601012.SS).pdf
    • CS-Lee & Man Paper Manufacturing Ltd. (2314.HK).pdf
    • CS-Last Edition.pdf
    • CS-Last Edition - US.pdf
    • CS-Last Edition - US -220721.pdf
    • CS-Kuaishou Tech (1024.HK).pdf
    • CS-Jiangsu Hengrui Pharmaceuticals Co., Ltd. (600276.SS).pdf
    • CS-Jiangling Motors Corp., Ltd. (000550.SZ).pdf
    • CS-iQIYI Inc. (IQ.OQ).pdf
    • CS-Inovance Technology (300124.SZ).pdf
    • CS-HUTCHMED (China) Limited (HCM.OQ).pdf
    • CS-Huaneng Power International Inc (0902.HK).pdf
    • CS-Hualan Biological Engineering Inc. (002007.SZ).pdf
    • CS-HKEx (0388.HK).pdf
    • CS-Globe Life.pdf
    • CS-UK Banks read across notes.pdf
    • CS-Tsingtao Brewery (600600.SS).pdf
    • CS-Trip.com Group (TCOM.OQ).pdf
    • CS-Tongcheng Travel (0780.HK).pdf
    • CS-The Container Conundrum – U.S. Shipping Port Dynamics Update.pdf
    • CS-Technology sector.pdf
    • CS-Taiwan View on the news.pdf
    • CS-Taiwan View on the news - July 25.pdf
  • 97.71 MB
  • 2022-8-8
  • 72个麦肯锡咨询项目案例.zip

    • 08麦肯锡:宽带接入平台.pdf
    • 37麦肯锡-关于软件行业的研究报告.pdf
    • 17麦肯锡-中国电信流程实施咨询方案(定稿版).pdf
    • 34麦肯锡-制定制胜的市场营销策略.pdf
    • 41麦肯锡-LG战略报告.PDF
    • 23麦肯锡-重庆金夫人婚纱连锁集团公司-最终报告106页.pdf
    • 01麦肯锡--兴唐战略规划_附战略、财务规划模板.ppt
    • 02麦肯锡—改善百威啤酒经营业绩.品牌定位及新产品开发咨询报告.ppt
    • 03麦肯锡-康佳集团业绩评估操作手册.ppt
    • 04麦肯锡-康佳系列手册之广告促销计划流程实施手册.ppt
    • 07麦肯锡-康佳系列手册之业务计划和资金预算操作手册.ppt
    • 10麦肯锡—大唐电信战略的制定方法咨询报告.ppt
    • 12麦肯锡-云南电信KPI方案.ppt
    • 13麦肯锡-中国电信 计费和帐务管理流程手册..PPT
    • 14麦肯锡-中国电信产品与服务市场细分研究报告.ppt
    • 16麦肯锡--中国电信-客户生命周期管理(培训).ppt
    • 19麦肯锡—中国联通:开拓业务增长的战略.PPT
    • 20麦肯锡-上海联通固定市场举措.ppt
    • 24麦肯锡-TCL股份组织结构设计方案.ppt
    • 31麦肯锡-公共电视运营模式.ppt
    • 11麦肯锡-为广东电信总经理级别进行的BPR培训材料(商业客户营销理念).ppt
    • 33麦肯锡-上海环保---高效管理程序的结构.ppt
    • 46麦肯锡—三星竞争对手分析(NOKIA).ppt
    • 27麦肯锡—迅速改善中信银行零售业绩方案.ppt
    • 50麦肯锡--pc咨询方案.ppt
    • 53麦肯锡—联想集团三年规划战略.ppt
    • 43麦肯锡-广电股份管理整合咨询——组织设计方案-6.4.ppt
    • 47麦肯锡-三星战略TO西门子.ppt
    • 44麦肯锡--润滑油战略.ppt
    • 36麦肯锡-中粮业绩管理.ppt
    • 28麦肯锡—中信实业银行贷记卡中心组织架构建设方案.ppt
    • 58麦肯锡—平安保险薪酬改革咨询报告.ppt
    • 21麦肯锡--中国联通组织结构报告.ppt
    • 54麦肯锡—联想集团战略咨询项目建议书.ppt
    • 29麦肯锡—中信实业银行私人银行经理工作手册.PPT
    • 51麦肯锡—联想集团2002年服务器网络事业部规划.ppt
    • 56麦肯锡-联想事业部战略规划报告.ppt
    • 32麦肯锡-黑龙江庆新油田业绩管理报告.ppt
    • 57麦肯锡—平安保险保险未来组织模式报告.ppt
    • 39麦肯锡--信虹住宅战略咨询中期报告.PPT
    • 06麦肯锡-康佳系列手册之信息管理流程.ppt
    • 48麦肯锡—把握中国资本市场的机遇.ppt
    • 42麦肯锡-金新信托-建立完善的产业投资流程.ppt
    • 09麦肯锡:昆明本地网BPR项目方案.ppt
    • 55麦肯锡—联想科技业务流程改造报告.ppt
    • 52麦肯锡--联想报告_建立成功的财务管理体系.ppt
    • 26麦肯锡—招商集团发展战略咨询报告.ppt
    • 45麦肯锡—NOKIA制胜美国市场报告.ppt
    • 15麦肯锡—中国电信大客户培训战略报告.ppt
    • 22麦肯锡-奇瑞TII制胜的整合营销策略34页.ppt
    • 05麦肯锡-康佳系列手册之新产品开发实施手册.ppt
    • 35麦肯锡_中粮集团战略咨询报告.ppt
    • 25麦肯锡:西南证券的人力资源战略.ppt
    • 30麦肯锡-工商银行深圳分行业绩改善与客户管理.ppt
    • 38麦肯锡--上海国际汽车城开发建设方案.ppt
    • 40麦肯锡-临港方案.ppt
    • 59麦肯锡—平安保险人员配置咨询报告.ppt
    • 60麦肯锡—平安保险员工培训咨询报告.ppt
    • 61麦肯锡—平安保险招聘手册.ppt
    • 62麦肯锡—平安员工发展咨询报告.ppt
    • 63麦肯锡—平安保险信息系统规划咨询报告.ppt
    • 64麦肯锡-上柴制定制胜的公司战略.ppt.ppt
    • 65麦肯锡—神州数码公司发展战略咨询报告.ppt
    • 66麦肯锡—神州数码建立一流的经营业绩管理体系.ppt
    • 67麦肯锡—实达建立高绩效的市场营销及销售管理体系咨询报告.PPT
    • 68麦肯锡—实达阶段一报告.ppt
    • 69麦肯锡—实达项目启动报告.ppt
    • 70麦肯锡—一汽大众:通过业务流程再造建立独特的竞争优势.ppt
    • 71麦肯锡-03年7月―中国均瑶集团战略咨询项目建议书.ppt
    • 72麦肯锡-2003年7月天狮集团战略设计和首次上市咨询报告.ppt
    • 18麦肯锡-中国电信市场分析报告.ppt
    • 49麦肯锡—宝钢股份精益生产诊断结果汇报报告.ppt
  • 30.6 MB
  • 2022-3-20
  • Minitab 17.3.1 green.rar
       minitab 17.3.1 中英文免安装版

    • MssUpdater.ini
    • MtbRD.cmd
    • MssUpdater.exe
    • Mtb.exe
    • nlssrv32.exe
    • rmd.exe
    • DataProvider.dll
    • filechck.dll
    • filecheck.dll
    • lfbmp14nu.dll
    • LFCMP14nu.DLL
    • lffax14nu.dll
    • lfgif14nu.dll
    • LFJ2K14nu.dll
    • Lfpng14nu.dll
    • lftif14nu.dll
    • Lfwmf14nu.dll
    • libifcoremd.dll
    • libmmd.dll
    • libxml2.dll
    • LTDIS14nu.dll
    • ltfil14nu.DLL
    • ltimg14nu.dll
    • ltkrn14nu.dll
    • mfc120.dll
    • mfc120chs.dll
    • mfc120cht.dll
    • mfc120deu.dll
    • mfc120enu.dll
    • mfc120esn.dll
    • mfc120fra.dll
    • mfc120ita.dll
    • mfc120jpn.dll
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    • mfc120rus.dll
    • mfc120u.dll
    • mfc70.dll
    • mfcm120.dll
    • mfcm120u.dll
    • msvcp120.dll
    • msvcr120.dll
    • msvcr70.dll
    • MtbArchive.dll
    • MtbAuthN.dll
    • MtbAuthNCHS.dll
    • MtbAuthNDEU.dll
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    • MtbAuthNFRA.dll
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    • MtbAuthNKOR.dll
    • MtbAuthNPTB.dll
    • MtbBCG.dll
    • MtbBook.dll
    • MtbBT.dll
    • MtbCDL.dll
    • MtbCDLParseValidation.dll
    • MtbCDLValidation.dll
    • MtbCmndFramework.dll
    • MtbDateTime.dll
    • MtbDDE.dll
    • MtbDlg.dll
    • MtbEDT.dll
    • MtbExceptions.dll
    • MtbFormat.dll
    • MtbGED.dll
    • mtbgr.dll
    • MtbGraphAttributes.dll
    • MtbGraphics.dll
    • MtbGraphicsCmnd.dll
    • MtbGraphicsFtn.dll
    • MtbGUI.dll
    • MtbHOB.dll
    • MtbHVW.dll
    • MtbIO.dll
    • MtbMath.dll
    • MtbMemory.dll
    • MtbMessaging.dll
    • MtbMsg.dll
    • MtbMVT.dll
    • MtbObjectiveGrid.dll
    • MtbObserver.dll
    • MtbOLE.dll
    • MtbOut.dll
    • MtbPrefs.dll
    • MtbRCH.dll
    • MtbSED.dll
    • MtbSortCmnd.dll
    • MtbStatUtil.dll
    • MtbStreams.dll
    • MtbStrings.dll
    • MtbTemplate.dll
    • MtbUTL.dll
    • MtbWorkVar.dll
    • r2netdll.dll
    • RWUXThemeSU.dll
    • StatLibrary.dll
    • vcamp120.dll
    • vccorlib120.dll
    • vcomp120.dll
    • Mtbff.des
    • MtbTG.des
    • MtbGraph.ico
    • MtbProj.ico
    • MtbText.ico
    • regid.1994-02.com.minitab_Minitab 17_17.3.1.0.swidtag
  • 87.13 MB
  • 2019-5-13
  • DeutscheBank.rar

    • DeutscheBank_LifeScienceToolsDiagnosticsIndustryPrimerLeonard'sLabPrimerOverviewofToolsDiagnostics_May_19_2018 (1).pdf
    • DeutscheBank_LifeScienceToolsDiagnosticsIndustryPrimerLeonard'sLabPrimerOverviewofToolsDiagnostics_May_19_2018.pdf
    • DeutscheBank_dbAccessBerlin-GSAC2018Compendium_May_21_2018.pdf
    • DeutscheBank_CoveredBondandAgencyUpdateOverviewCoveredBonds_May_22_2018.pdf
  • 22.76 MB
  • 2018-6-6
  • 9.3-4.zip
       sas online doc 9.3 第四部分

    • oledbpr.chm
    • odbcdref.chm
    • odsug.chm
    • olapug.chm
    • orbomug.chm
    • orcpug.chm
    • orlsoug.chm
    • ormplpug.chm
    • ormpug.chm
    • orpmug.chm
    • proc.chm
    • procstat.chm
    • publishdg.chm
    • qcug.chm
  • 61.79 MB
  • 2016-11-16
  • 34-5.zip

    • From-new-deal-institutions-to-capital-markets-Commercial-consumer-risk-scores-and-the-making-of-subprime-mortgage-finance_2009_Accounting-Organization.pdf
    • Exploring-the-interface-between-accounting-and-finance_2009_Accounting-Organizations-and-Society.pdf
    • Editorial-board-and-publication-information_2009_Accounting-Organizations-and-Society.pdf
    • Tracking-the-numbers-Across-accounting-and-finance-organizations-and-markets_2009_Accounting-Organizations-and-Society.pdf
    • Regulatory-networks-for-accounting-and-auditing-standards-A-social-network-analysis-of-Canadian-and-international-standard-setting_2009_Accounting-Org.pdf
    • Brief-encounters-Calculation-and-the-interaction-order-of-anonymous-electronic-markets_2009_Accounting-Organizations-and-Society.pdf
    • Merchants-accounts-performance-assessment-and-decision-making-in-mercantilist-Britain_2009_Accounting-Organizations-and-Society.pdf
    • The-usefulness-of-inaccurate-models-Towards-an-understanding-of-the-emergence-of-financial-risk-management_2009_Accounting-Organizations-and-Society.pdf
    • An-analysis-of-changes-to-a-team-based-incentive-plan-and-its-effects-on-productivity-product-quality-and-absenteeism_2009_Accounting-Organizations-an.pdf
  • 1.98 MB
  • 2016-2-21
  • BookExamples-6e.zip
       BookExamples 例子文档

    • partbprp.dst
    • Avg Total WIP natural A.dat
    • Avg Total WIP natural B.dat
    • Avg Total WIP synched A.dat
    • Avg Total WIP synched B.dat
    • Book.plb
    • Exercise 04-34 Input Data.xls
    • Experiment 06-05.pan
    • mission.wav
    • Model 03-01.doe
    • Model 03-02.doe
    • Model 03-03.doe
    • Model 03-04.doe
    • Model 03-05.doe
    • Model 04-01.doe
    • Model 04-02.doe
    • Model 04-03.doe
    • Model 04-04.doe
    • Model 04-05.doe
    • Model 05-01.doe
    • Model 05-02.doe
    • Model 05-03.doe
    • Model 05-04.doe
    • Model 06-01.doe
    • Model 06-02.doe
    • Model 06-03.doe
    • Model 06-04.dgr
    • Model 06-04.doe
    • Model 06-05.doe
    • Model 06-05.p
    • Model 06-06.doe
    • Model 06-07.doe
    • Model 07-01.doe
    • Model 07-01.dxf
    • Model 07-02.dgr
    • Model 07-02.doe
    • Model 07-03.doe
    • Model 07-04.doe
    • Model 08-01.doe
    • Model 08-02.doe
    • Model 08-03.doe
    • Model 08-04.doe
    • Model 08-05.doe
    • Model 09-01.doe
    • Model 09-02.doe
    • Model 09-03.doe
    • Model 09-04.doe
    • Model 09-05.doe
    • Model 09-06.doe
    • Model 10-01.doe
    • Model 10-02 Input.txt
    • Model 10-02.doe
    • Model 10-03 Input.mdb
    • Model 10-03 Input.xls
    • Model 10-03.doe
    • Model 10-04 Call Data.xls
    • Model 10-04.doe
    • Model 10-05 Input.xls
    • Model 10-05.doe
    • Model 10-05a.doe
    • Model 10-06 Input.txt
    • Model 10-06.doe
    • Model 10-07 Input.txt
    • Model 10-07.doe
    • Model 10-07.xls
    • Model 11-01.doe
    • Model 11-02a.doe
    • Model 11-02b.doe
    • Model 11-03.doe
    • Model 11-04.doe
    • Model 11-05.doe
    • Model 12-01.doe
    • Model 12-02.doe
    • Model 12-03.doe
    • Model 12-04.doe
    • Models 12-1 and 12-2.dgr
    • MU1.xls
    • Newsvendor.xls
    • Optimum Seeking 06-06.opt
    • Percent Rejected - Base Case.dat
    • Percent Rejected - More Resources.dat
    • Total Cost - Base Case.dat
    • Total Cost - Model 06-03.dat
    • Total Cost - Model 06-03.dft
    • Total Cost - Model 06-03.txt
    • Total Cost - Model 06-03.xls
    • Total Cost - More Resources.dat
    • Total WIP History One Long Run.dat
    • Total WIP History.dat
  • 6.56 MB
  • 2015-5-25
  • 金融大危机文献.zip

    • The role of the securitization process in the expansion of subprime credit.pdf
    • The subprime panic.pdf
    • A new keynesian perspective on the Great Recession.pdf
    • An expectations-driven interpretation of the Great Recession.pdf
    • An overview of the crisis -- causes, consequences, and solutions.pdf
    • Causes of the Great Recession of 2007-2009 the financial crisis was the symptom not the disease.pdf
    • Deciphering the liquidity and credit crunch 2007-2008.pdf
    • Interpreting the causes of the Great Recessionf of 2008.pdf
    • Liquidity and leverage.pdf
    • Reading about the financial crisis -- a twenty-one-book review.pdf
    • Sudden stops, financial crises, and leverage.pdf
    • The economic crisis from a neoclassical perspective.pdf
    • The financial crisis and the policy responses -- an empirical analysis of what went wrong.pdf
    • The Great Recession -- lessons from microeconomic data.pdf
    • The panic of 2007.pdf
    • The rise in mortgage defaults.pdf
  • 11.74 MB
  • 2015-3-27
  • EViews 8-1.rar

    • abank32.dll
    • AvailableFeatures.ini
    • DLXAPI32.DLL
    • dualmode.com
    • EDCDataDll.dll
    • EDCFdbBin.dll
    • entry.dll
    • ev_dbase.dll
    • ev_dset.dll
    • EViews Add In.xla
    • EViews8.exe
    • EViews8Help.chm
    • EViewsHelp.exe
    • EViewsMgr.dll
    • EViewsOleDbProvider.dll
    • EViewsUpdateLauncher.exe
    • EVX11.PIF
    • F77L3.EER
    • ftran.dll
    • input.dll
    • intramo.dll
    • johtab.bin
    • libgfortran-3.dll
    • libharu.dll
    • libiomp5md.dll
    • LicenseAgree.rtf
    • lisource.txt
    • msvcr71.dll
    • seats.dll
    • spssio32.dll
    • Symmath.dll
    • tramo.dll
    • tramseat.dll
    • urctab.bin
    • X11Q2.EXE
    • X11SS.EXE
    • x12a.exe
    • X12A.MDL
    • X13AS.EXE
    • xlsm_template.xlsm
    • xlsx_template.xlsx
    • zlibwapi.dll
  • 49.22 MB
  • 2014-11-26
  • journal of finance JUNE 2013.rar

    • Equilibrium Subprime Lending.pdf
    • Access to Collateral and Corporate Debt.pdf
    • Can Time-Varying Risk of Rare Disasters Explain.pdf
    • Decentralized Investment Management.pdf
    • Do Hostile Takeovers Stifle Innovation.pdf
    • Financial Regulation, Financial Globalization,.pdf
    • How Wise Are Crowds Insights from Retail.pdf
    • Reverse Survivorship Bias.pdf
    • Sentiment during Recessions.pdf
    • State-Level Business Cycles and Local Return.pdf
    • The Evolution of a Financial Crisis.pdf
    • The Maturity Rat Race—Erratum.pdf
    • Value and Momentum Everywhere.pdf
  • 6.16 MB
  • 2014-10-5
  • Eviews7.2 完全破解版.zip

    • EViews Add In.xla
    • EViews7 - 快捷方式.lnk
    • EViews7.exe
    • EViewsMgr.dll
    • EViewsOleDbProvider.dll
    • EViewsUpdateLauncher.exe
    • F77L3.EER
    • INFSymmath.dll
    • InfoZip.dll
    • Lapack.dll
    • P32FTPC6.DLL
    • P32TCPC5.DLL
    • Register for Com.bat
    • abank32.dll
    • dforrt.dll
    • dlxapi32.dll
    • edcdatadll.dll
    • edcfdbbin.dll
    • entry.dll
    • ev_dbase.dll
    • ev_dset.dll
    • evx11.pif
    • fame95.dll
    • input.dll
    • internet.ini
    • intramo.dll
    • johpval.dll
    • johtab.bin
    • johtab.ebn
    • libguide40.dll
    • libiomp5md.dll
    • mkl_def.dll
    • mkl_intel_thread.dll
    • mkl_lapack.dll
    • mkl_lapack32.dll
    • mkl_p3.dll
    • mkl_p4.dll
    • mkl_p4m.dll
    • mkl_p4m3.dll
    • mkl_p4p.dll
    • msvcr71.dll
    • seats.dll
    • sn.txt
    • spssio32.dll
    • symmath.dll
    • tramo.dll
    • tramseat.dll
    • tvpack.dll
    • urctab.bin
    • urctab.ebn
    • uroot_pval3.dll
    • x11q2.exe
    • x11ss.exe
    • x12a.exe
    • x12a.mdl
    • zlib1.dll
  • 28.22 MB
  • 2014-9-17
  • 33-36weekly2.rar

    • Autos & Auto-Related: 72, Subprime Leasing, Oh Man....pdf
    • FX Pulse weekly.pdf
    • MS FX daily trading recommendations.pdf
    • US Economics:Capex Plans Summer Retreat.pdf
    • US Economics-AlphaWise Macro: Portfolio Value of Timely Sector-Macro Signals.pdf
    • China Telecoms: FDD Trial Expanded to 40 Cities.pdf
    • CNOOC: 1H14 Earnings Upbeat, OW on 2H14 Earnings or 2015 Production Recovery.pdf
    • Woolworths:1st Take: FY14 Result.pdf
    • PetroChina:1H14 Results In Line, Lower Crude Oil Prices Cap Upside Potential; Initiate A-shares at EW.pdf
    • Pan-Asian Best Ideas and RTIs – 2Q14 Review.pdf
    • Beijing Enterprises Water Group Limited:1H14 Results In Line; Remain EW on Valuation.pdf
    • Hertz Global Holdings Inc:Reality Hertz, Cutting Target to $19.pdf
    • Williams-Sonoma Inc:Well Positioned But Downgrading to EW As Momentum Slowing.pdf
    • Multi-Industry:CAPMI Back to Expansion on Full US Recovery.pdf
    • US Consumer Staples: Company Exposure to Russia & Other Central-Eastern European Countries.pdf
    • Insurance - Life-Annuity:Are Life Stocks Indicating Complacency to Low Rates.pdf
    • Clarksons FFA options report.pdf
    • Sihuan Pharmaceutical: Strong 1H14 as Expected; Fruitful 2014 Ahead.pdf
    • BBY: Earnings Turnaround Expected; Positive Top-Line Deliverance Approaching.pdf
    • Burger King Worldwide, Inc.:BKW-THI Merger: Post-Call Details.pdf
    • Nimble Storage: New Customer Growth Accelerates on New Products, Channel Investments.pdf
    • Continental Resources:Deep Dive: Growth Scenarios and Analyst Day Preview.pdf
    • Greene-Freight: Truck Stop: TLFI Update:TLFI Trends above Seasonality.pdf
    • Seadrill: 2Q14 Earnings Comment.pdf
    • China Petroleum & Chemical Corp.: Entering an Era of E-commerce.pdf
    • China Oilfield Services Ltd.: 1H14 Earnings Up 39% YoY, Beating Consensus Estimates, Surging Well Service Profit a Positive Surprise, OW.pdf
    • Want Want China Holdings Ltd: A Restructuring Year.pdf
    • Jintian Pharma Group:Correction:1H14 Beat; Better Profit on High GM Products Sales.pdf
    • Asia-GEMs Strategy: Screening for Stock Opportunity in APxJ August 2014.pdf
    • Citi - China thermal coal - 140827.pdf
    • Australia Banks: Chart of the Week: WBC’s Capital Position.pdf
    • India Economics - Macro Indicators Chartbook: Policy Actions Tracker.pdf
    • China Property Tracker: ASP Pressure Remains.pdf
    • Indonesia Economics:Retail Fuel Price Hike: Five Things to Know.pdf
    • Qihoo 360 Technology Co Ltd: 2Q14: Monetization on Track, Margins to Recover Gradually.pdf
    • China Internet and Other Services:Key Takeaways from China Internet Conference - Day 2.pdf
    • Gaming & Lodging: Cutting Estimates on Macau; Remain Upbeat on Vegas.pdf
    • Retail: Video & Note- Category Sales Outlook:Discretionary Segments Lead.pdf
    • Transocean Partners Positioned to Be the Fastest Growing Maritime “MLP”.pdf
    • Food: Looking Through the Leftovers After a Difficult Q2.pdf
    • Mobileye NV Seeing Green – Initiating as Our New Top Pick.pdf
    • Crop Tracker: Yield Prospects Stay Favorable but Not Perfect.pdf
    • Greater China Technology Hardware: China – Smartphones: 1H14 Results Support Our Thesis.pdf
    • HK-China Laggards We Like.pdf
    • China Petroleum & Chemical Corp.: Raise Estimates & PT after Upbeat 1H14 Results; Initiate A-shares at OW.pdf
    • Goldwind:Big Earnings Surprise; Robust Outlook.pdf
    • Qihoo 360 Technology Co Ltd: 1st Take: 2Q14 Result.pdf
    • China Internet and Other Services: Key Takeaways from China Internet Conference - Day 1.pdf
    • MBS Analytics Package: Daily Pass-Through Report.pdf
    • Morgan Stanley FX Positioning Tracker - August 25, 2014.pdf
    • Positions and Flows Report.pdf
    • FX Week Ahead - August 25, 2014.pdf
    • MasterCard Inc: Tokenization will add new revenue streams.pdf
    • US Quant Research: Momentum: Hurry Up and Wait.pdf
    • Global Oil Services, Drilling & Equipment: PBR Subsea Demand Slows, Buy Offshore (ex-Brazil) Trade + FTI.pdf
    • Video -Natural Gas: Coal-to-Gas Switching to Keep Gas Range-Bound.pdf
    • US Volatility Tracker.pdf
    • UST Futures Report.pdf
    • US Economics:Business Conditions: Great Expectations.pdf
    • The Commodity Manual:More NE Gas Concerns; Copper Deficit Deepens.pdf
    • Salesforce.com: Starting to Cut Thru the Noise with a Solid Q2.pdf
    • Godyn-Friday FAQs: Surveying Risks to the OE Backlog.pdf
    • Monsanto Company: Whistle Stop 7 Thoughts.pdf
    • Sprint Corp: Quick Comment:Pricing Revamp Continues.pdf
    • Investment Perspectives: U.S. and the Americas, August 21, 2014.pdf
    • Financials Weekly:How Expensive (or Cheap) Are Financial Stocks Valuations on Aug 21, 2014.pdf
    • Sberbank - Commodity Monitor - 140821.pdf
    • HL - Natural Gas and Water - 140821.pdf
    • FX Morning - August 29, 2014.pdf
    • Global EM Morning - August 29, 2014.pdf
    • Cisco Systems Inc: Cisco GSX FY15 Reflections.pdf
    • Splunk Inc Key Sales Metrics Stabilize in an Impressive Q2 Print.pdf
    • Godyn-Friday FAQs: Time to Take a Look at the Aircraft Lessors.pdf
    • Tech Hardware Insights:Enterprise Server Strength Offset by Muted Cloud Demand.pdf
    • Asia Credit Strategy: Up in Quality, Not Down in Carry.pdf
    • European Interest Rate Strategy - Trades for the Longer Run.pdf
  • 86.09 MB
  • 2014-9-14
  • 弗兰克法博齐系列三.zip

    • subprime mortgage credit derivatives.pdf
    • the global money market.pdf
    • the handbook of commodity investing.pdf
    • the handbook of equity style management.pdf
    • the handbook of financial instruments.pdf
  • 30.05 MB
  • 2014-9-4
  • subprime mortgage credit derivatives.zip

    • subprime mortgage credit derivatives.pdf
  • 3.24 MB
  • 2014-9-4
  • 2014年第七期.zip

    • Predatory-lending-and-the-subprime-crisis_2014_Journal-of-Financial-Economics.pdf
    • A-dynamic-limit-order-market-with-fast-and-slow-traders_2014_Journal-of-Financial-Economics.pdf
    • Beauty-is-in-the-eye-of-the-beholder-The-effect-of-corporate-tax-avoidance-on-the-cost-of-bank-loans_2014_Journal-of-Financial-Economics.pdf
    • Comovement-and-investment-banking-networks_2014_Journal-of-Financial-Economics.pdf
    • Editorial-Board_2014_Journal-of-Financial-Economics.pdf
    • Performance-evaluation-with-high-moments-and-disaster-risk_2014_Journal-of-Financial-Economics.pdf
    • Safer-ratios,-riskier-portfolios-Banks壮-response-to-government-aid_2014_Journal-of-Financial-Economics.pdf
    • The-Idealized-Electoral-College-voting-mechanism-and-shareholder-power_2014_Journal-of-Financial-Economics.pdf
    • Winners-in-the-spotlight-Media-coverage-of-fund-holdings-as-a-driver-of-flows_2014_Journal-of-Financial-Economics.pdf
  • 4.57 MB
  • 2014-8-18
  • Eviews7.2.zip

    • dforrt.dll
    • dlxapi32.dll
    • edcdatadll.dll
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    • entry.dll
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    • EViews Add In.xla
    • EViews7.exe
    • EViewsMgr.dll
    • EViewsOleDbProvider.dll
    • EViewsUpdateLauncher.exe
    • evx11.pif
    • F77L3.EER
    • fame95.dll
    • InfoZip.dll
    • INFSymmath.dll
    • input.dll
    • internet.ini
    • intramo.dll
    • johpval.dll
    • johtab.bin
    • johtab.ebn
    • Lapack.dll
    • libguide40.dll
    • libiomp5md.dll
    • mkl_def.dll
    • mkl_intel_thread.dll
    • mkl_lapack.dll
    • mkl_lapack32.dll
    • mkl_p3.dll
    • mkl_p4.dll
    • mkl_p4m.dll
    • mkl_p4m3.dll
    • mkl_p4p.dll
    • msvcr71.dll
    • P32FTPC6.DLL
    • P32TCPC5.DLL
    • Register for Com.bat
    • seats.dll
    • sn.txt
    • spssio32.dll
    • symmath.dll
    • tramo.dll
    • tramseat.dll
    • tvpack.dll
    • urctab.bin
    • urctab.ebn
    • uroot_pval3.dll
    • x11q2.exe
    • x11ss.exe
    • x12a.exe
    • x12a.mdl
    • zlib1.dll
    • abank32.dll
  • 28.88 MB
  • 2014-7-11
  • 麦肯锡全套99个.zip

    • 002麦肯锡内部培训 如何进行团队内部及团队与客户之间的交流.ppt
    • 003麦肯锡内部培训 咨询顾问必备宝典-麦肯锡的7S模型.pdf
    • 004麦肯锡--战略咨询培训手册.ppt
    • 005麦肯锡_麦肯锡营销咨询手册.ppt
    • 006麦肯锡_麦肯锡运营效率咨询手册.pdf
    • 007麦肯锡_麦肯锡组织咨询手册.ppt
    • 008麦肯锡-业绩管理手册.PPT
    • 009麦肯锡-新员工培训手册.ppt
    • 010麦肯锡_团队的智慧内部培训手册.ppt
    • 011麦肯锡-工具与方法内部工作手册.ppt
    • 012麦肯锡-综合技能培训材料.pdf
    • 013麦肯锡-战略讲稿.ppt
    • 014麦肯锡-营销研究工具.pdf
    • 015麦肯锡-市场营销战略全套分析模型.ppt
    • 016麦肯锡-市场研究方法.ppt
    • 017麦肯锡--市场细分.ppt
    • 018麦肯锡_企业战略规划模板.ppt
    • 019麦肯锡-企业并购中的人力资源问题.pdf
    • 020麦肯锡_精细运营系统解决方法.ppt
    • 021麦肯锡_招商集团发展战略咨询报告.ppt
    • 022麦肯锡-康佳集团业绩评估操作手册.ppt
    • 023麦肯锡-康佳系列手册之广告促销计划流程实施手册.ppt
    • 024麦肯锡-康佳系列手册之新产品开发实施手册.ppt
    • 025麦肯锡-康佳系列手册之信息管理流程.ppt
    • 026麦肯锡-康佳系列手册之业务计划和资金预算操作手册.ppt
    • 027麦肯锡:宽带接入平台.pdf
    • 028麦肯锡:昆明本地网BPR项目方案.ppt
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    • 030麦肯锡-美国通讯行业研究报告(英).pdf
    • 031麦肯锡-为广东电信总经理级别进行的BPR培训材料(商业客户营销理念).ppt
    • 032麦肯锡-云南电信KPI方案.ppt
    • 033麦肯锡-中国电信 计费和帐务管理流程手册..PPT
    • 034麦肯锡-中国电信产品与服务市场细分研究报告.ppt
    • 035麦肯锡_中国电信大客户培训战略报告.ppt
    • 036麦肯锡--中国电信-客户生命周期管理(培训).ppt
    • 037麦肯锡-中国电信流程实施咨询方案(定稿版).pdf
    • 038麦肯锡-中国电信市场分析报告.ppt
    • 039麦肯锡_中国联通:开拓业务增长的战略.PPT
    • 040麦肯锡-上海联通固定市场举措.ppt
    • 041麦肯锡--中国联通组织结构报告.ppt
    • 042麦肯锡-奇瑞TII制胜的整合营销策略34页.ppt
    • 043麦肯锡-重庆金夫人婚纱连锁集团公司-最终报告106页.pdf
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    • 045麦肯锡:西南证券的人力资源战略.ppt
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    • 049麦肯锡_中信实业银行私人银行经理工作手册.PPT
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    • 054麦肯锡-战略规划制定及实施流程研讨会.ppt
    • 055麦肯锡-制定制胜的市场营销策略.pdf
    • 056麦肯锡_中粮集团战略咨询报告.ppt
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    • 059麦肯锡--crm研究报告45页.ppt
    • 060麦肯锡-关于软件行业的研究报告.pdf
    • 061麦肯锡--中国物流市场研究报告 英文.pdf
    • 062麦肯锡--上海国际汽车城开发建设方案.ppt
    • 063麦肯锡--信虹住宅战略咨询中期报告.PPT
    • 064麦肯锡-临港方案.ppt
    • 065麦肯锡-LG战略报告.PDF
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    • 071麦肯锡-三星战略TO西门子.ppt
    • 072麦肯锡_把握中国资本市场的机遇.ppt
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    • 074麦肯锡--pc咨询方案.ppt
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    • 076麦肯锡--联想报告_建立成功的财务管理体系.ppt
    • 077麦肯锡_联想集团三年规划战略.ppt
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    • 081麦肯锡_平安保险2002工作计划报告.ppt
    • 082麦肯锡_平安保险保险未来组织模式报告.ppt
    • 083麦肯锡_平安保险薪酬改革咨询报告.ppt
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    • 085麦肯锡_平安保险员工培训咨询报告.ppt
    • 086麦肯锡_平安保险招聘手册.ppt
    • 087麦肯锡_平安员工发展咨询报告.ppt
    • 088麦肯锡_平安保险信息系统规划咨询报告.ppt
    • 089麦肯锡_汽车产品开发流程.pdf
    • 090麦肯锡_人力资源最佳典范.PPT
    • 091麦肯锡_软件业如何走出困境.pdf
    • 092麦肯锡-上柴制定制胜的公司战略.ppt.ppt
    • 093麦肯锡_神州数码公司发展战略咨询报告.ppt
    • 094麦肯锡_神州数码建立一流的经营业绩管理体系.ppt
    • 095麦肯锡_实达建立高绩效的市场营销及销售管理体系咨询报告.PPT
    • 096麦肯锡_实达阶段一报告.ppt.bt.td
    • 097麦肯锡_实达项目启动报告.ppt
    • 098麦肯锡_一汽大众:通过业务流程再造建立独特的竞争优势.ppt
    • 099麦肯锡-03年7月—中国均瑶集团战略咨询项目建议书.ppt
    • 100麦肯锡-2003年7月天狮集团战略设计和首次上市咨询报告.ppt
  • 41.5 MB
  • 2014-1-3
  • HBS_Case_Finance_2007-2012.zip

    • Subprime -Ameracan Housing and Global Financial Turmoil -2008.pdf
    • Financing American Housing Construction in the Aftermath of War -2009.pdf
    • Introduction to Short Selling -2012.pdf
    • Jones Electrical Distribution -2010.pdf
    • The New York Times Company -2008.pdf
    • Tottenham Hotspur plc -2009.pdf
  • 2.1 MB
  • 2013-9-6
  • HBS Case Finance 2008-2012.zip

    • Subprime -Ameracan Housing and Global Financial Turmoil -2008.pdf
    • An Overview of Project Finance and Infrastructure Finance -2009 Update -2011.pdf
    • Financing American Housing Construction in the Aftermath of War -2009.pdf
    • Introduction to Short Selling -2012.pdf
    • Jones Electrical Distribution -2010.pdf
    • The New York Times Company -2008.pdf
    • Tottenham Hotspur plc -2009.pdf
  • 3.22 MB
  • 2013-5-15
  • HBS Case Finance 2007-2012.zip

    • Subprime -Ameracan Housing and Global Financial Turmoil -2008.pdf
    • An Overview of Project Finance and Infrastructure Finance -2009 Update -2011.pdf
    • Financing American Housing Construction in the Aftermath of War -2009.pdf
    • Gobi Partners Raising Fund II - 2007.pdf
    • Introduction to Short Selling -2012.pdf
    • Jones Electrical Distribution -2010.pdf
    • The New York Times Company -2008.pdf
    • Tottenham Hotspur plc -2009.pdf
  • 3.67 MB
  • 2013-5-14
  • Eviews7.2+完全破解版.rar

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  • 22.61 MB
  • 2013-4-7
  • Mckinsey - 中国电信苏州BPR实施进度控制计划.rar

    • Mckinsey - 中国电信苏州BPR实施进度控制计划.ppt
  • 30 KB
  • 2013-3-31
  • Mckinsey - 中国电信BPR项目—福州大客户六步分析法实例.rar

    • Mckinsey - 中国电信BPR项目—福州大客户六步分析法实例.ppt
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  • 2013-3-31
  • Eviews7.2破解版.rar

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  • 2013-2-28
  • 麦肯锡的精髓.rar

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    • 031麦肯锡-为广东电信总经理级别进行的BPR培训材料(商业客户营销理念).ppt
    • 麦肯锡 宝钢股份精益生产诊断结果.ppt
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  • 2012-12-18

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  • 2012-11-3
  • FRM-Reading-Part 2.zip

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    • 30 RM&M-Fixed Income Securities, Tuckman-CH 6,7,9.pdf
    • 33 RM&M-Measuring Market Risk, 2ed-CH3-5,7.pdf
    • 34 RM&M-Mortgage-Backed Securities Products, Structuring, and Analytical Techniques-CH1,2,10.pdf
    • 36 CRM&M-Measuring and Marking Counterparty Risk.pdf
    • 40 CRM&M-Options Futures and Other Derivatives 8ed-CH23,24.pdf
    • 41 CRM&M-Understanding Market, Credit and Operational Risk-CH4.pdf
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    • 43 CRM&M-Internal Credit Risk Models-CH6.pdf
    • 44 O&IRM-Risk Management-CH14.pdf
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    • 46 O&IRM-Measuring Market Risk, 2ed-CH14,16.pdf
    • 48 O&IRM-Enterprise Risk Management-Theory and Practice.pdf
    • 49 O&IRM-A review of the key issues in operational risk capital modeling.pdf
    • 51 O&IRM-Implications of Alternative Operational Risk Modeling Techniques.pdf
    • 52 O&IRM-Failure Mechanics of Dealer Banks.pdf
    • 53 O&IRM-Basel II International Convergence of Capital Measurement and Capital Standards A Revised Framework - Comprehensive Version.pdf
    • 54 O&IRM-Basel III-A global regulatory framework for more resilient banks and banking systems.pdf
    • 55 O&IRM-Basel III International Framework for Liquidity Risk Measurement, Standards and Monitoring.pdf
    • 56 O&IRM-Revisions to the Basel II Market Risk Framework—Final Version.pdf
    • 57 O&IRM-Developments in Modelling Risk Aggregation.pdf
    • 58 RM&IM-Active Portfolio Management(2ed.Grinold,Kahn)-CH14.pdf
    • 59 RM&IM-The Capital Asset Pricing Model Theory and Evidence.pdf
    • 60 RM&IM-Value at Risk, 3rd Ed. The New Benchmark for Managing Financial Risk-CH7,17.pdf
    • 61 RM&IM-Modern Investment Management-An Equilibrium Approach.pdf
    • 62 RM&IM-Investments 8th,Bodie-CH24.pdf
    • 64 RM&IM-Trust and Delegation.pdf
    • 65 RM&IM-Madoff A Riot of Red Flags.pdf
    • 66 RM&IM-An Empirical Analysis of Hedge Funds, Mutual Funds, and U.S. Equity.pdf
    • 67 RM&IM-Risk Management for Hedge FundsIntroduction and Overview.pdf
    • 69 CI in FM-The U.S. and Irish Credit Crises Their Distinctive Differences.pdf
    • 70 CI in FM-Report to the Boards of Directors.pdf
    • 71 CI in FM-Slapped in the Face by the Invisible Hand Banking and the Panic of 2007+.pdf
    • 72 CI in FM-Global Financial Stability Report (Summary Version)-CH3.pdf
  • 16 MB
  • 2012-4-24
  • 长沙卷烟_BPR&ERP项目_供应链汇报.rar

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  • 2012-4-5
  • 【4A】咨询管理类:汉普.zip

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    • 万向钱潮营销有限公司有限公司ERP系统实施应用建议书.doc
    • 中国电信BPR项目.ppt
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    • 绩效管理培训教材.ppt
    • 美的ERP简介、实施、应用.ppt
    • 长沙卷烟厂 业务流程重组与ERP实施项目-目标业务流程与管理模式设计报告-综述.doc
    • 长沙卷烟厂业务流程重组与ERP实施项目-目标业务流程与管理模式设计报告(简要版).doc
    • 长沙卷烟厂业务流程重组与ERP实施项目-目标业务流程优化与管理模式设计报告-文档说明.doc
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  • 15.08 MB
  • 2012-1-3
  • EViews7.rar

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  • 2011-7-5
  • abbr_dc91e551416cdbd7387cc6cdd4c81776.rar

    • Credit Risk Frontiers - Subprime Crisis, Pricing and Hedging, CVA, MBS, Ratings, and Liquidity.pdf
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  • 2011-7-2
  • 钱军.rar

    • Subprime_Crisis_Overview.ppt
    • Global-Financing-09.ppt
    • ICBC-June09_Chinese.ppt
    • M&A-2009.ppt
    • Overview-SUFE-2009.ppt
    • Compensation-2009.ppt
  • 3.41 MB
  • 2011-6-14
  • 咨询报告4.rar

    • 027麦肯锡:宽带接入平台.pdf
    • 028麦肯锡:昆明本地网BPR项目方案.ppt
    • 029麦肯锡_大唐电信战略的制定方法咨询报告.ppt
    • 030麦肯锡-美国通讯行业研究报告(英).pdf
    • 031麦肯锡-为广东电信总经理级别进行的BPR培训材料(商业客户营销理念).ppt
  • 3.07 MB
  • 2011-1-28
  • 世界经济&次贷危机.rar

    • 次贷危机 (Subprime Crisis).pdf
    • 世界经济形势.pdf
  • 20.39 MB
  • 2010-11-17
  • 系统工程论文1.rar

    • 解释结构模型在城市交通管理中的应用5.caj
    • 解释结构模型在服务蓝图设计中的应用.CAJ
    • 解释结构模型在投入产出表结构分析中的应用.caj
    • 解释结构模型在中国疯牛病风险识别中的应用研究2.caj
    • 解释结构模型中的非超系统与超级扩展系统.caj
    • 模糊解释结构模型.caj
    • 区域城市化与生态环境耦合发展模拟及调控策略_以江苏省为例.caj
    • 区域高新技术优先发展领域选择影响因素的结构分析3.caj
    • 上市公司壳资源质量的模糊聚类评价——以陕西为例的研究.CAJ
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    • 支持BPR的解释结构建模ISM探讨.CAJ
    • 中长期高技术产业化过程影响因素的结构分析.caj
    • 上海国际金融中心建设条件的量化研究.KDH
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  • 新建文件夹.rar
       市场泡沫 房地产

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    • Is there a real estate bubble in the US.pdf
    • Real Estate and the Asian Crisis.pdf
    • Spatial analysis of real estate price bubbles Paris, 1984 1993.pdf
    • Stock prices and trading volume, An assessment for linear and nonlinear Granger causality.pdf
    • WHAT HAPPENED TO ASIA paul Krugman.pdf
    • Where are the speculative bubbles in US housing markets.pdf
    • 1 empirical test of the fundamental value hypothesis in land market.pdf
    • 1 on testing for self-fulfilling speculative price bubble.pdf
    • 1 sydney.pdf
    • Bank lending and real estate in Asia,market optimism and asset bubbles.pdf
    • Bubbles in Metropolitan Housing Markets.pdf
    • housing market bubbles and currency crisis.pdf
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  • 2009-12-4
  • 次贷危机.rar

    • [次贷危机].Subprime.Crisis-HARRISON.pdf
  • 19.98 MB
  • 2009-9-30
  • abbr_bbadae1c9e04b76877158ae20d61306b.rar

    • 031麦肯锡-为广东电信总经理级别进行的BPR培训材料(商业客户营销理念).ppt
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  • 028麦肯锡:昆明本地网BPR项目方案.rar

    • 028麦肯锡:昆明本地网BPR项目方案.ppt
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  • [次级抵押贷款金融衍生品]Subprime Mortgage Credit Derivatives .rar

    • [次级抵押贷款金融衍生品]Subprime Mortgage Credit Derivatives .pdf
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    • [PPT] the Lender of Last Resort and Liquidity Provision_How Much of a Departure is the Subprime Crisis.ppt
    • [ADVERTISEMENT] Solution Liquidity Risk.pdf
    • [ADVERTISEMENT] Spotlight on Liquidity risk management.pdf
    • [BOOK] Chapter3_4 Liquidity Risk.pdf
    • [BOOK] Gaining a Competitive Advantage Through Advanced Liquidity Risk Management.pdf
    • [BOOK] Liquidity Risk.pdf
    • [BOOK] Liquidity Risk Managing Asset and Funding Risk.pdf
    • [BOOK] Principles for Sound Liquidity Risk Management and Supervision.pdf
    • [PAPER] A Consultative Paper on Liquidity Risk.pdf
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    • [PAPER] Banks' Advantage in Hedging Liquidity Risk Theory and Evidence from the Commercial Paper Market.pdf
    • [PAPER] Banks as Liquidity Providers an Explanation for the Co-existence of Lending and Deposit-taking.pdf
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    • [PAPER] Debt Relief What Do the Markets Think.pdf
    • [PAPER] DECISION on minimum standards for liquidity risk management in banks.pdf
    • [PAPER] Estimation of liquidity risk in banking.pdf
    • [PAPER] Financial Crisis and New Dimensions of Liquidity Risk Rethinking Prudential Regulation and Supervision.pdf
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    • [PAPER] Funding Liquidity Risk in a Quantitative Model of Systemic Stability.pdf
    • [PAPER] How Do Banks Manage Liquidity Risk Evidence From the Equity and Deposit Market in the Fall of 1998.pdf
    • [PAPER] How Might Financial Market Information Be Used for Supervisory Purposes.pdf
    • [PAPER] How to Measure and Manage Liquidity Risk, Interest Rate Risk and Foreigh Exhange Risk Using Gap Analysis.pdf
    • [PAPER] Instruction on Bank Liquidity.pdf
    • [PAPER] Liquidity and Transparency in Bank Risk Management.pdf
    • [PAPER] Liquidity risk and financial instability-an alternative approach to calculate the probability of bank exit.pdf
    • [PAPER] Liquidity Risk and Limited ArbitrageAre Banks Helping Hedge Funds Get Rich.PDF
    • [PAPER] Liquidity Risk and Limited ArbitrageWhy Banks Lend to Opaque Hedge Funds.pdf
    • [PAPER] Liquidity Risk Financial Disclosure the Case of Large European Financial Groups.pdf
    • [PAPER] Liquidity Risk Financial DisclosureThe Case Of Large European Financial Groups.pdf
    • [PAPER] Liquidity Risk in Securities Settlement.pdf
    • [PAPER] Liquidity Risk Management.pdf
    • [PAPER] Liquidity Risk Management Guideline.pdf
    • [PAPER] Liquidity Risk Management Requirements For Banks Liquidity Risk Management.pdf
    • [PAPER] Liquidity Risk Management_2.pdf
    • [PAPER] Liquidity Risk Management—More Important Than Ever.pdf
    • [PAPER] Liquidity Risk Supervision - A Revised Minimum Liquid Asset Framework.pdf
    • [PAPER] Liquidity Risk Supervision and Challenges in Liquidity Risk Management.pdf
    • [PAPER] Liquidity risk, liquidity creation and financial fragilityA theory of banking.pdf
    • [PAPER] Liquidity, Risk Taking, and the Lender of Last Resort.pdf
    • [PAPER] Managing Bank Liquidity Risk How Depositloan Synergies Vary With Market Conditions.pdf
    • [PAPER] Market Liquidity and Banking LiquidityLinkages, Vulnerabilities and the Role of Disclosure.pdf
    • [PAPER] Models of Foreign Exchange Settlement and Informational Efficiency in Liquidity Risk Management.pdf
    • [PAPER] Money Market Derivatives and the Allocation of Liquidity Risk in the Banking Sector.pdf
    • [PAPER] Proposed Consultation paper on Liquidity Risk Management for Conventional Banks.pdf
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    • [PAPER] Sound Liquidity Risk Management Practices in Community Banks.pdf
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    • [PAPER] Unanticipated shocks and Systemic Influences The Impact of Contagion in Global Equity Markets in 1998.pdf
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    • [PPT] Bank Liquidity Risk Management Practice.pdf
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    • [PPT] Liquidity Risk.pdf
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    • [REPORT] Addressing Large Exposure concerns.pdf
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    • [REPORT] Classify Liquidity Risk.doc
    • [REPORT] Discussion Report about Liquidity Risk.pdf
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    • INDEX.txt
  • 17.32 MB
  • 2009-7-30
  • [次贷危机].Subprime.Crisis-HARRISON.rar

    • [次贷危机].Subprime.Crisis-HARRISON.pdf
  • 19.94 MB
  • 2009-7-11
  • DCC.rar

    • Transmission of Liquidity Shocks_Evidence from the 2007 Subprime Crisis.pdf
    • Theoretical and Empirical Properties of Dynamic Conditional Correlation Multivariate GARCH.pdf
    • Asymmetric Dynamics in the Correlations of Global Equity and Bond Returns.pdf
    • Evaluating the Specification of Covariance Models for Large Portfolios.pdf
    • Fitting and Testing Vast Dimensional Time-Varying Covariance Models.pdf
    • Fitting Vast Dimensional Time-Varying Covariance Models.pdf
    • Multi-step estimation of Multivariate GARCH models.pdf
  • 3.06 MB
  • 2009-6-18
  • 331193.rar

    • Subprime.ppt
    • 货币当局资产负债2008.doc
    • 货币当局资产负债表2007P.doc
    • 《金融学概论》(2008-2009)课程大纲.doc
    • 《金融学概论》_2008-2009_课程大纲P.pdf
    • 1导论.ppt
    • 2金融系统及其特征.ppt
    • 3货币的时间价值.ppt
    • 4有效市场理论.ppt
    • 5行为金融学导论.ppt
    • 6资本预算分析.ppt
    • 7风险管理与投资组合.ppt
    • 8CAPM与APT.ppt
    • 9衍生产品定价及其应用.ppt
    • 10资本结构理论.ppt
    • 11利润与股利政策.ppt
    • 12金融监管理论.ppt
    • CAPM.pdf
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    • 麦肯锡经典营销分析全套 rar压缩包.rar
    • 平安咨询-员工发展(麦肯锡).rar
    • 麦肯锡新员工培训手册.rar
    • 管理学资料.-.[管理学世界500强企业管理案例].(PDF).rar
    • 麦肯锡 中国电信大客户培训战略报.ppt
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    • 麦肯锡高层管理论丛(季刊).-.[信息技术行业].(pdf).rar
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    • 麦肯锡05年2月最新报告 全球资本市场研究.rar
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    • 《麦肯锡高层管理论丛(季刊) - 金融服务行业》详细信息.rar
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  • 2009-5-15
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  • 2009-4-16
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  • 1.55 MB
  • 2009-4-2
  • 308743.rar

    • 031麦肯锡-为广东电信总经理级别进行的BPR培训材料(商业客户营销理念).ppt
    • Apple:回春妙手乔布斯.pdf
    • CISCO公司的网上营销.pdf
    • Cyber超市的网上销售方案.pdf
    • HP:硅谷之父休利特、帕卡德.pdf
    • IBM公司.pdf
    • IBM公司—与优秀的风险企业共同发展.pdf
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  • 2009-3-28
  • 305322.rar

    • [次贷危机].Subprime.Crisis-HARRISON.pdf
    • [长尾理论].pdf
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  • 300819.pdf
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  • 390.26 KB
  • 2009-3-6
  • 297867.pdf
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  • 22.09 MB
  • 2009-1-16
  • 280470.rar

    • 031麦肯锡-为广东电信总经理级别进行的BPR培训材料(商业客户营销理念).ppt
    • Apple:回春妙手乔布斯.pdf
    • CISCO公司的网上营销.pdf
    • Cyber超市的网上销售方案.pdf
    • HP:硅谷之父休利特、帕卡德.pdf
    • IBM公司.pdf
    • IBM公司—与优秀的风险企业共同发展.pdf
    • IBM新世纪两大主题—电子商务与风险投资.pdf
    • KPCB公司投资互联网产业大获其利.pdf
    • SUN:网络先驱麦克里阿利.pdf
    • yahoo!—与众不同的酷!.pdf
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  • 2008-12-26
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    • 4F-2_Securitization,liquidity creation and subprime mortgage crisis_Jianbo Tian and Xiaomei Li.pptx
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    • 3L-1_Managerial Hubris and International Joint Ventures_Lanyue Zhou.ppt
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    • 4A-2—Nonparametric regression estimation .Carlos Martins-Filho,Feng Yao.pdf
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  • 22.09 MB
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    • [次贷危机].Subprime.Crisis-HARRISON.pdf
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  • 271593.rar

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  • 2008-11-29
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       [推荐]《次贷危机》(Subprime Crisis)

    • [次贷危机].Subprime.Crisis-HARRISON.pdf
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    • [次贷危机].Subprime.Crisis-HARRISON.pdf
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  • 264279.rar
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    • [次贷危机].Subprime.Crisis-HARRISON.pdf
  • 19.98 MB
  • 2008-10-10
  • 254462.rar

    • Subprime.Crisis-HARRISON.part41.rar
    • Subprime.Crisis-HARRISON.part36.rar
    • Subprime.Crisis-HARRISON.part37.rar
    • Subprime.Crisis-HARRISON.part38.rar
    • Subprime.Crisis-HARRISON.part39.rar
    • Subprime.Crisis-HARRISON.part40.rar
  • 2.89 MB
  • 2008-10-9
  • 253908.pdf
       次贷危机文章:Subprime Mortgages:What, Where, and to Whom?

  • 586.59 KB
  • 2008-10-7
  • 253903.pdf
       [下载]Understanding the Subprime Mortgage Crisis

  • 430.46 KB
  • 2008-10-7
  • 252721.pdf
       次贷危机(subprime lending crisis)

  • 240.7 KB
  • 2008-10-3
  • 251686.rar

    • 031麦肯锡-为广东电信总经理级别进行的BPR培训材料(商业客户营销理念).ppt
    • Apple:回春妙手乔布斯.pdf
    • CISCO公司的网上营销.pdf
    • Cyber超市的网上销售方案.pdf
    • HP:硅谷之父休利特、帕卡德.pdf
    • IBM公司.pdf
    • IBM公司—与优秀的风险企业共同发展.pdf
    • IBM新世纪两大主题—电子商务与风险投资.pdf
    • KPCB公司投资互联网产业大获其利.pdf
    • SUN:网络先驱麦克里阿利.pdf
    • yahoo!—与众不同的酷!.pdf
    • 爱立信.pdf
    • 把质量意识注入每位员工的血脉-日立的质量管理.pdf
    • 半导体霸主:英特尔(Intel).pdf
    • 宝马—成功的新形象.pdf
    • 奔驰汽车—国家元首的专车.pdf
    • 波特技术公司.pdf
    • 波音—顶尖运输机生产.pdf
    • 不断创新的佳能.pdf
    • “红杏闹春”还是“山雨欲来”—跨国公司在中国的研发机构素描.pdf
  • 3.5 MB
  • 2008-9-29
  • 243385.rar

    • Subprime & FV (CSRC8.27).ppt
  • 1.07 MB
  • 2008-9-3
  • 238969.rar

    • ERP&BPR培训教材.ppt
    • ERP培训方案.rar
    • ERP知识培训.ppt
    • MRP-ERP简介.doc
  • 1.66 MB
  • 2008-8-21
  • 236269.rar

    • ubpr.ppt
  • 119.91 KB
  • 2008-8-13
  • 233842.pdf
       Moodys Special Comments on Subprime Issue

  • 234.24 KB
  • 2008-8-5
  • 230472.rar

    • Subprime Lending and House Price Volatility.pdf
    • The Partial Adjustment of Resale House Price Evidence from Taiwan.pdf
    • The Nearest Neighbors Appraisal Technique with Spatial Components.pdf
    • The Land Lease System in the People’s Republic of China Its Development, Performance and Reform1.pdf
    • The Interactions between Public and Private Housing.pdf
    • The Integration of Securitised.pdf
    • The Influence of E-Commerce on Business Performance:.pdf
    • The impacts of rail transit on housing prices and land development intensity The case of No.13 line of Beijing.pdf
    • The Impact of Urban Rail Transit on Residential Property.pdf
    • The Impact of Mortgage Subsidies on the.pdf
    • The Impact of Location on House Price of the Monocentric City Evidence from Beijing.pdf
    • The Heterogeneous Effect of Monetary Policy on Regional Real Estate Market.pdf
    • The Effects of Discretionary Housing Policies on Asset Returns.pdf
    • The Determinants of Real Estate Executive Compensation in.pdf
    • The consequences of the implementation.pdf
    • The comparative study in Chinese banks of credit risk evaluation models of real-estate.pdf
    • The Choice of Trading Venue and Relative Price Impact of.pdf
    • The Application of Grounded Theory on the House Buyers’Decision.pdf
    • The American Dream The Private and External Benefits of Homeownership.pdf
    • Testing Urbanization Economies in Manufacturing.pdf
    • Tax Incidence and Commercial Real Estate Leases.pdf
    • Sticky Mortgages and the Real E¤ects of Monetary Policy.pdf
    • Smoothing consumption fluctuations through household decisions on home.pdf
    • Sample Selection Bias in Residential Property Price Indices.pdf
    • Risky Borrowers or Risky Mortgages The Right Product to Serve Low- and Moderate-Income Borrowers.pdf
    • residential sorting in Chinese Cities.pdf
    • Residential Property Affordability.pdf
    • Research on compensation system of urban housing demolition based on evolutionary game theory.pdf
    • Removing Biases in Computed Returns.pdf
    • REITs Return Behavior and Legal Infrastructure.pdf
    • Real Earnings Management and Dividend Payout Signals.pdf
    • Property Valuation, Investment and “Regressed” Discount Cash Flow Analysis.pdf
    • Professionalism in Striking a Deal the Case of Real Estate Agent.pdf
    • Principles Of A New York City Real Estate Developer.pdf
    • A Conceptual Model for improving housing affordability in Sydney.pdf
    • A Management Model for Price-restricted Housing in Beijing.pdf
    • A Modified Repeat Sales Index for Apartments.pdf
    • A Study into the Demand for Apartments in Central Auckland.pdf
    • A Time Series, Cross-Section Analysis of Appraisal-based Real Estate Returns.pdf
    • Aesthetical perception of public housing and correlation with.pdf
    • An empirical study of local dynamics and contagion in real estate markets.pdf
    • Appraisal Bias Patterns and Premises.pdf
    • Appraisal Bias --Type and Factors of the Cost Approach.pdf
    • Are Additions to the Nasdaq-100 Index Information Free.pdf
    • Are Asia-Pacific Housing Prices Too High For Comfort.pdf
    • Are Stock and Real Estate Markets Co-integrated in Asia.pdf
    • Author Order Conditions and Co-authorship in Real Estate Journals.pdf
    • Brownfields and Redevelopment in China Learning from the American.pdf
    • Bubbles in China housing markets.pdf
    • Building Environment as Significant Impact on Housing Price.pdf
    • Capital Structure Decisions in Turkish REITs.pdf
    • The Study of Property Appraisal for Real Estate Mortgage under the Information Asymmetry.pdf
    • The spatial heterogeneity of foreclosed mortgages.pdf
    • The relationship linking service attributes, and behavioral.pdf
    • The Relationship between Housing Mortgage Rate and Income Tax Rate.pdf
    • The Real Estate Premium Puzzle A Solution.pdf
    • The Performance and Problems of Affordable Housing Policy in China.pdf
  • 11.65 MB
  • 2008-7-25
  • 211463.rar

    • Subprime bond alert triggers sell.pdf
    • Subprime market in UK.pdf
    • pricing_order_flow_risk.pdf
    • Principles to guard against complacency.pdf
    • rare_disasters.pdf
    • Silence not golden for sovereign funds.pdf
    • SocGen_scandal_in_depth.pdf
    • The crucial thing is to be prepared.pdf
    • The fruitless search for certainty.pdf
    • Volatility_spillovers.pdf
  • 1.26 MB
  • 2008-5-9
  • 211461.rar

    • 2007_US_subprime.pdf
    • A focus on the exceptions that prove the rule.pdf
    • A risk shared may be more risky.pdf
    • A short history of bankruptcy.pdf
    • Beijing set to encourage foreign listings.pdf
    • credit_card_market.pdf
    • Deference may explain trading failure.pdf
    • Difficult decisions for an uncertain world.pdf
    • Europe_IFRS.pdf
    • Funds are ousting the banks.pdf
    • has_financial_development_riskier.pdf
  • 846.23 KB
  • 2008-5-9
  • 207012.rar

    • 长沙卷烟_BPR&ERP项目_供应链汇报.ppt
  • 483.39 KB
  • 2008-4-20
  • 205750.rar

    • 031麦肯锡-为广东电信总经理级别进行的BPR培训材料(商业客户营销理念).ppt
  • 873.65 KB
  • 2008-4-15
  • 203995.rar

  • 832.82 KB
  • 2008-4-7
  • 203138.rar

    • 基于六西格玛流程改进的库存管理优化.kdh
    • 论供应商管理库存_VMI_对SCM的流程优化.kdh
    • _制造业库存控制技术与策略_系列讲座之八库存控制与销售管理和预测处理流程.caj
    • 基于动力学模型的流程再造动阻力分析及实证研究.caj
    • 基于流程行业ERP环境下的采购和库存管理系统.caj
    • 基于预订销售的库存模型.caj
    • 零资金零库存网店流程.caj
    • 流程型企业备件库存决策模型及应用.caj
    • 浅析BPR在第三方物流信息系统建设中的应用.caj
    • 运用ARIMA模型检验BPR对销售业绩影响.caj
    • ERP实施中的采购业务BPR实践.kdh
    • 基于价值流的BPR实例研究.kdh
  • 2.46 MB
  • 2008-4-4
  • 185397.rar

    • Chapter7MatlabProbability.ppt
  • 1.13 MB
  • 2007-12-30
  • 185386.rar

    • Chapter4MatlabProgram.ppt
  • 1.17 MB
  • 2007-12-30
  • 178656.pdf
       The Subprime Meltdown: A primer

  • 405.81 KB
  • 2007-11-30
  • 177223.rar

    • 安盛—营口市商业银行项目建议书.ppt
    • 泉州卷烟管理咨询项目启动会.ppt
    • 知识管理案例分析.doc
    • 安达信-深圳达实智能股份有限公司整体顾问项目建议书.ppt
    • 安达信—深圳科技工业园总公司战略实施方案.ppt
    • 安达信—深圳市顺电实业内部营运审计项目管理咨询方案.ppt
    • 安达信-深圳证券交易所人力资源管理咨询项目现状分析报告.ppt
    • 安达信为国泰君安BPR项目文档一——全面预算体系介绍.ppt
    • 安达信—旭日电子物流商业计划建议书.ppt
    • 安达信-业务流程优化设计培训.ppt
    • 安达信—战略采购的方法和流程l_0723.ppt
    • 安达信—中国重点国有企业领导人员培训企业变革框架.ppt
    • 安达信—转变促成的基本方法.pdf
    • 安盛 丽珠目标营销组织方案.ppt
    • 安盛-新天国际项目建议书.ppt
  • 6.62 MB
  • 2007-11-26
  • 176200.rar

    • BPR培训资料.ppt
  • 167.44 KB
  • 2007-11-23
  • 174912.rar

  • 1.5 MB
  • 2007-11-19
  • 167848.rar

    • BPR理论(上)张.ppt
  • 238.3 KB
  • 2007-10-26
  • 162550.pdf
       [下载]Building Sandcastles The Subprime Adventure

  • 785.13 KB
  • 2007-10-8
  • 155773.rar
       第十四章 企业过程再造(BPR)

    • 第十四章 企业过程再造(BPR).ppt
  • 21.35 KB
  • 2007-9-20
  • 154149.rar

  • 771.13 KB
  • 2007-9-14
  • 153802.zip

    • 高级培训内容:BPR理论.ppt
  • 113.46 KB
  • 2007-9-13
  • 153217.rar

  • 90.46 KB
  • 2007-9-12
  • 146303.rar
       subprime mortgage market

  • 1.15 MB
  • 2007-8-14
  • 143349.rar

    • 汉普BPR报价策略.ppt
  • 17.73 KB
  • 2007-8-3
  • 142297.rar

    • demandbpr.ppt
    • China's outbound investments.doc
    • Chinaspreadsitswings.pdf
    • Chinese overseas investment.pdf
    • corporate china goes global.pdf
    • g510-6269-going-global.pdf
    • GoingGlobalG123-0014-00.pdf
    • how can going global more successfully.pdf
    • ibm-ibv-china-going-global-interview-transcriptf-07-06.pdf
    • ICT_Export_Directory_2005-Western Australia.pdf
    • max_von_zedtwitz.pdf
    • outbound investment studies 2.pdf
    • Touwai%20China%20Newsletter%201.1.pdf
    • A survey on China's overseas investment.doc
    • China-canada seminar.doc
    • 061009_soas_stephen_green.pdf
    • BAH China-LA presentation 2006.pdf
    • china goes global.pdf
    • china goes global-implications in Canada.pdf
    • China's commodity hanger in Africa and Latin America.pdf
    • China's going overseas via direct investment.pdf
  • 5.1 MB
  • 2007-7-29
  • 142264.rar

    • demandbpr.ppt
    • China's outbound investments.doc
    • Chinaspreadsitswings.pdf
    • Chinese overseas investment.pdf
    • corporate china goes global.pdf
    • g510-6269-going-global.pdf
    • GoingGlobalG123-0014-00.pdf
    • how can going global more successfully.pdf
    • ibm-ibv-china-going-global-interview-transcriptf-07-06.pdf
    • ICT_Export_Directory_2005-Western Australia.pdf
    • max_von_zedtwitz.pdf
    • outbound investment studies 2.pdf
    • Touwai%20China%20Newsletter%201.1.pdf
    • A survey on China's overseas investment.doc
    • China-canada seminar.doc
    • 061009_soas_stephen_green.pdf
    • BAH China-LA presentation 2006.pdf
    • china goes global.pdf
    • china goes global-implications in Canada.pdf
    • China's commodity hanger in Africa and Latin America.pdf
    • China's going overseas via direct investment.pdf
  • 5.1 MB
  • 2007-7-29
  • 142258.rar

    • demandbpr.ppt
    • China's outbound investments.doc
    • Chinaspreadsitswings.pdf
    • Chinese overseas investment.pdf
    • corporate china goes global.pdf
    • g510-6269-going-global.pdf
    • GoingGlobalG123-0014-00.pdf
    • how can going global more successfully.pdf
    • ibm-ibv-china-going-global-interview-transcriptf-07-06.pdf
    • ICT_Export_Directory_2005-Western Australia.pdf
    • max_von_zedtwitz.pdf
    • outbound investment studies 2.pdf
    • Touwai%20China%20Newsletter%201.1.pdf
    • A survey on China's overseas investment.doc
    • China-canada seminar.doc
    • 061009_soas_stephen_green.pdf
    • BAH China-LA presentation 2006.pdf
    • china goes global.pdf
    • china goes global-implications in Canada.pdf
    • China's commodity hanger in Africa and Latin America.pdf
    • China's going overseas via direct investment.pdf
  • 5.1 MB
  • 2007-7-29
  • 131637.rar

    • 业务流程重组(BPR)高级管理课程.ppt
  • 339.55 KB
  • 2007-7-1
  • 126617.rar

    • BPR04.ppt
  • 575.87 KB
  • 2007-6-16
  • 124407.rar

  • 1.98 MB
  • 2007-6-9
  • 117108.rar

    • 长沙卷烟_BPR&ERP项目_供应链汇报.ppt
  • 483.39 KB
  • 2007-5-16
  • 117099.rar

    • Anderson_BPR_Apporach.pdf
  • 16.01 KB
  • 2007-5-16
  • 117079.rar

    • Bain_BPR_Approach.pdf
  • 19.54 KB
  • 2007-5-16
  • 116555.rar

    • 杜邦薄膜-BPR研讨-汉普咨询.ppt
  • 238.71 KB
  • 2007-5-14
  • 115365.rar

  • 512.85 KB
  • 2007-5-10
  • 112077.rar

    • CE Training material 1 - Concept and Apporach.pdf
  • 326.45 KB
  • 2007-4-29
  • 108877.rar

    • BPR课程.ppt
  • 203.68 KB
  • 2007-4-18
  • 106669.rar

    • GuiTyre-BPR-Review-V10.ppt
  • 1.67 MB
  • 2007-4-9
  • 101448.rar

    • 长沙卷烟_BPR&ERP项目_供应链汇报.ppt
  • 483.38 KB
  • 2007-3-22
  • 100628.zip

  • 11.46 KB
  • 2007-3-20
  • 100577.rar

    • ERP&BPR培训教材.ppt
  • 383.68 KB
  • 2007-3-20
  • 100506.rar

    • bpr案例.doc
  • 41.79 KB
  • 2007-3-20
  • 97999.rar

    • 基于BPR理论的企业重组.pdf
  • 208.43 KB
  • 2007-3-12
  • 97815.rar

    • 杜邦-01.ppt
    • 杜邦-02.ppt
    • 杜邦-03.ppt
    • 杜邦-04.ppt
  • 987.77 KB
  • 2007-3-12
  • 97813.rar
       [下载]bcg BPR approach

    • bcg BPR approach.pdf
  • 29.63 KB
  • 2007-3-12
  • 97308.rar

    • 企业再造BPR介绍.ppt
  • 82.34 KB
  • 2007-3-10
  • 96611.rar

    • VM31bTWN.DS
    • Config.set
    • StillCap.exe
    • stream.sys
    • usbvm31b.cat
    • usbvm31b.inf
    • usbVM31b.sys
    • vidcap32.Exe
    • Vm_sti.exe
    • VM31bPrp.Ax
    • VM31bSTI.dll
    • amcap.exe
    • VM31bTXP.DS
    • VMCap.exe
  • 366.68 KB
  • 2007-3-8
  • 94160.rar

    • Kueng98.pdf
  • 109.19 KB
  • 2007-2-28
  • 94149.zip

    • 安达信为国泰君安BPR项目文档一——全面预算体系介绍81163_99284.ppt
  • 404.03 KB
  • 2007-2-28
  • 90389.rar
       BPR by KPMG

    • Business Process Reengineering.ppt
  • 354.86 KB
  • 2007-2-9
  • 88780.zip

    • diebprocs.src
    • DATA.DAT
    • diebp050.prg
    • diebp062.prg
    • diebp074.prg
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    • diebp342.prg
    • diebp348.prg
    • diebp367.prg
    • diebp397.prg
    • EXCH.DAT
    • GNP.dat
    • return_nyse.dat
  • 55.74 KB
  • 2007-2-1
  • 78677.rar

    • 流程再造(BPR)资料.doc
  • 91.05 KB
  • 2006-12-19
  • 65829.rar

  • 543.35 KB
  • 2006-9-30
  • 45992.rar

    • CBProQD.exe
  • 3.19 MB
  • 2006-3-28
  • 15226.rar

    • 08-11Supply and Demand of Textiles (1985--2002).xls
    • 08-12Production and Sales Value of Construction Materials (1985--2002).xls
    • 08-13Supply and Demand of Tobacco (1985--2001).xls
    • 08-14Product of Food and Allied Products (1980--2001).xls
    • 18-09日本技术贸易.xls
    • 18-10foreign exchange.xls
    • 18-11gold and foreign exchange.xls
    • 19-07labor force.xls
    • 19-08employees by industry.xls
    • 19-11 index 3.xls
    • 19-12weekly hours.xls
    • 19-42 regular emplyess index2.xls
    • 19-44regular employee index.xls
    • 19-45wage index.xls
    • 19-46wage index 2.xls
    • 德国.xls
    • 台湾.xls
    • 04-05-bfunds and flow.xls
    • 06-16Business Activities of Mining, Manufacturing, Wholesale and Retail Trade (F.Y.1991--2001).xls
    • 06-18Actual Conditions of Overseas Activities Conducted by Japanese Firms (F.Y.1996--2001).xls
    • 06-19Actual Conditions of Overseas Activities Conducted by Japanese Firms by Region (F.Y.1996--2001).xls
    • 06-20Actual Conditions of Foreign Affiliates (Distribution) (F.Y.1996--2001).xls
    • 08-07manufacture 1.xls
    • 08-08-aProduction and Inventory - Production of Iron and Steel Products (1948--2002).xls
    • 08-08-bProduction and Inventory - Production of Non-Ferrous Metal Products (1948--2002).xls
    • 08-08-c.xls
    • 08-08-dProduction and Inventory - Production, Consumption, Shipments and Inventory of Coke (1985--2002).xls
    • 08-08-eProduction and Inventory - Production and Inventory of General Industry Machinery (1985--2002).xls
    • 08-08-fProduction and Inventory - Production and Inventory of Electrical Machinery and Equipment (1985--2002).xls
    • 08-08-gProduction and Inventory - Production and Inventory of Transport Machinery (1985--2002).xls
    • 08-08-hProduction and Inventory - Production and Inventory of Precision Apparatus, Ordnance, Forging and Cast Iron (1985--2002).xls
    • 08-08-icement and cerimic.xls
    • 08-08-jProduction and Inventory - Production and Sales Value of Chemical Products (1985--2002).xls
    • 08-08-kProduction and Inventory - Production and Sales Value of Rubber Products, Plastic Products and Leather Products (1985--2002).xls
    • 08-08-l Production and Inventory - Production and Sales Value of Pulp and Paper (1985--2002).xls
    • 08-08-m Production and Inventory - Production and Sales Value of Textile Products (1985--2003).xls
    • 08-08-nProduction and Inventory - Production of Daily Necessaries (1985--2002).xls
    • 08-09Orders Received for Machinery (1985--2003).xls
    • 08-10Production of Drugs and Medicines (1985--2002).xls
  • 560.26 KB
  • 2005-5-20