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  • James Stewart, Lothar Redlin, & Saleem Watson - Worksheets for Algebra and Tri.zip

    • Worksheet_AlgebraicExpressions_+and-_AnswerKey.docx
    • Worksheet_AlgebraicExpressions_Multiplication_AnswerKey.docx
    • Worksheet_Ch.10AnswerKey.docx
    • Worksheet_Ch.12AnswerKey.docx
    • Worksheet_Ch.1AnswerKey.docx
    • Worksheet_Ch.2AnswerKey.docx
    • Worksheet_Ch.3AnswerKey.docx
    • Worksheet_Ch.4AnswerKey.docx
    • Worksheet_ComplexLinearEquations_and_Inequalities_AnswerKey.docx
    • Worksheet_CourseReview_Application_AnswerKey.docx
    • Worksheet_CourseReview_Domain_AnswerKey.docx
    • Worksheet_CourseReview_Regression_AnswerKey.docx
    • Worksheet_CourseReview_SolvingEquations_AnswerKey.docx
    • Worksheet_CourseReview_Transformations_AnswerKey.docx
    • Worksheet_DescribingGraphs_AnswerKey.docx
    • Worksheet_Equations_and_InequalitiesInvolvingFractions_AnswerKey.docx
    • Worksheet_FactoringTrinomials_ax^2+bx+c_AnswerKey.docx
    • Worksheet_FactoringTrinomials_x^2+bx+c_AnswerKey.docx
    • Worksheet_Factoring_Difference_of_Squares_AnswerKey.docx
    • Worksheet_Factoring_GCF_AnswerKey.docx
    • Worksheet_GraphingLinearEquations_AnswerKey.docx
    • Worksheet_IntervalNotation_AnswerKey.docx
    • Worksheet_LinearEquations_Variables_on_BothSides_AnswerKey.docx
    • Worksheet_LinearInequalities_AnswerKey.docx
    • Worksheet_Operations_w_Fractions_AnswerKey.docx
    • Worksheet_PrereqReviewPacketAnswerKey.docx
    • Worksheet_PrereqSkillReviewDay_AnswerKey.docx
    • Worksheet_Properties_of_Exponents_AnswerKey.docx
    • Worksheet_SimplifyingRadicals_AnswerKey.docx
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  • 城市工业智能化14.zip

    • robots.dta
    • 劳动就业人口.dta
    • 城市工业智能化14.dta
    • 数据清洗1025.do
  • 24.62 MB
  • 2024-4-7
  • 中国人口和就业统计年鉴2022 光盘版 EXCEL.zip

    • bottom.htm
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    • Helpe.htm
    • indexce.htm
    • indexch 中国人口和就业统计年鉴2022.htm
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    • 《使用说明》(4个首页).txt
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  • 2023-12-14
  • Transformation Groups for Beginners [Duzhin & Tchebotarevsky].zip
       Transformation Groups for Beginners

    • Transformation Groups for Beginners [Duzhin & Tchebotarevsky].djvu
  • 890.64 KB
  • 2023-12-11
  • linalg-I.pdf
       Linear Algebra for Computer Vision, Robotics, and Machine Learning

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  • 2023-10-15
  • 淮北统计年鉴2022.zip

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    • 1-1 行政区划和土地面积(2021年).htm
    • 1-2 镇及街道办事处名录(2021年).htm
    • 1-3 气温、降雨量(2021年).htm
    • 1-4 分月气温和降水量(2021年).htm
    • 1-5 各行业机构单位数(2021年).htm
    • 1-6 国民经济和社会发展总量与速度指标.htm
    • 1-7 国民经济和社会发展结构指标.htm
    • 1-8 区县主要经济和社会发展指标(2021年).htm
    • 10-1 城市人口和建设用地(2021年).htm
    • 10-10 公共交通情况(2021年).htm
    • 10-2 城市建设设施水平(2021年).htm
    • 10-3 城市公共供水情况(2021年).htm
    • 10-4 城市自建设施供水情况(2021年).htm
    • 10-5 城市天然气情况(2021年).htm
    • 10-6 城市液化石油气情况(2021年).htm
    • 10-7 市政设施情况(2021年).htm
    • 10-8 城市园林绿化情况(2021年).htm
    • 10-9 城市市容环境卫生情况(2021年).htm
    • 11-1 农村基本情况和农业生产条件.htm
    • 11-10 水果生产情况(2021年).htm
    • 11-11 林业生产情况(2021年).htm
    • 11-12 畜牧业生产情况(2021年).htm
    • 11-13 渔业生产情况(2021年).htm
    • 11-14 蔬菜及特种作物生产情况(2021年).htm
    • 11-2 主要年份农林牧渔业生产情况.htm
    • 11-3 主要年份农作物播种面积.htm
    • 11-4 农林牧渔业总产值.htm
    • 11-5 主要年份牲畜饲养情况.htm
    • 11-6 主要年份畜产品产量.htm
    • 11-7 农林牧渔业总产值(2021年).htm
    • 11-8 农业基本情况及生产条件(2021年).htm
    • 11-9 农业主要产品生产情况(2021年).htm
    • 12-1 主要年份重点工业产品产量.htm
    • 12-2 主要工业产品产量(2021年).htm
    • 12-3 主要工业产品生产能力(2021年).htm
    • 12-4 全市规模以上工业企业主要经济指标(2021年).htm
    • 12-5 杜集区规模以上工业企业主要经济指标 (2021年).htm
    • 12-6 相山区规模以上工业企业主要经济指标(2021年).htm
    • 12-7 烈山区规模以上工业企业主要经济指标(2021年).htm
    • 12-8 濉溪县规模以上工业企业主要经济指标(2021年).htm
    • 13-1 主要年份建筑业总产值.htm
    • 13-2 建筑业企业生产情况(2021年).htm
    • 13-3 建筑业企业财务状况(2021年).htm
    • 14-1 主要年份交通、邮电情况.htm
    • 14-2 地方交通运输情况(2021年).htm
    • 14-3 民用汽车拥有量(2021年).htm
    • 14-4 邮政局所情况(2021年).htm
    • 14-5 邮政行业基本情况(2021年).htm
    • 14-6 通信业务基本情况(2021年).htm
    • 15-1 主要年份社会消费品零售总额.htm
    • 15-10 限额以上住宿餐饮法人企业经营情况(2021年).htm
    • 15-11 限额以上住宿和餐饮业法人企业财务状况(2021年).htm
    • 15-2 全市社会消费品零售总额(2021年).htm
    • 15-4 亿元商品交易市场情况(2021年末).htm
    • 15-5 亿元以上商品交易市场成交情况(2021年).htm
    • 15-6 限额以上批发和零售业法人企业基本情况(2021年末).htm
    • 15-7 限额以上批发零售法人企业财务状况(2021年).htm
    • 15-8 限额以上批发和零售业法人企业商品购进、销售和库存(2021年).htm
    • 15-9 限额以上住宿和餐饮业法人基本情况表(2021年).htm
    • 16-1 主要年份对外贸易情况.htm
    • 16-2 主要年份利用外资情况.htm
    • 16-3 全市进出口主要国别(地区)情况.htm
    • 17-1 主要年份普通中小学机构人员情况.htm
    • 17-10 全市及分县区中小学专任教师职称情况(2021年).htm
    • 17-11 全市及分县区普通中学专任教师学历情况(2021年).htm
    • 17-12 全市及分县区小学和幼儿教育专任教师学历情况(2021年).htm
    • 17-13 全市及分县区基础教育普及情况(2021年).htm
    • 17-14 全市及分县区初中和小学学龄人口入学率(2021年).htm
    • 17-15 全市及分县区普通高中办学条件(2021年).htm
    • 17-16 全市及分县区普通初中办学条件(2021年).htm
    • 17-17 全市及分县区普通小学办学条件(2021年).htm
    • 17-18 淮北师范大学基本情况(2021年).htm
    • 17-19 淮北职业技术学院基本情况(2021年).htm
    • 17-2 全市各级各类教育基本情况(2021年).htm
    • 17-20 淮北理工学基本情况(2021年).htm
    • 17-21 科技活动基本情况(2021年).htm
    • 17-22 科协系统科技活动情况(2021年).htm
    • 17-23 科协系统科技活动情况(2021年).htm
    • 17-24 产品质量监督检查情况(2021年).htm
    • 17-25 文化艺术和文物事业机构、人员情况(2021年).htm
    • 17-26 艺术表演团体演出情况(2021年).htm
    • 17-27 公共图书馆业务活动情况(2021年).htm
    • 17-28 档案馆基本情况(2021年).htm
    • 17-29 广播、电视播出与节目制作情况(2021年).htm
    • 17-3 全市及分县区各类学校校数(2021年).htm
    • 17-4 全市及分县区各类学校在校学生数(2021年).htm
    • 17-5 全市及分县区各类学校招生数(2021年).htm
    • 17-6 全市及分县区各类学校毕业生数(2021年).htm
    • 17-7 全市及分县区各类学校毕业班学生数(2021年).htm
    • 17-8 全市及分县区各类学校教职工数(2021年).htm
    • 17-9 全市及分县区各类学校专任教师数(2021年).htm
    • 18-1 主要年份卫生事业情况.htm
    • 18-10 检察机关审查起诉案件、逮捕案件情况(2021年).htm
    • 18-11 劳动争议仲裁受理及处理情况(2021年).htm
    • 18-12 民政行业单位基本情况(2021年).htm
    • 18-13 社会救济情况(2021年).htm
    • 18-14 社会福利事业情况(2021年).htm
    • 18-15 婚姻登记情况(2021年).htm
    • 18-16 基本养老保险情况(2021年).htm
    • 18-17 工伤、医疗、失业、医疗保险情况(2021年).htm
    • 18-18 殡葬情况(2021年).htm
    • 18-19 交通事故情况(2021年).htm
    • 18-2 全市卫生机构、人员情况(2021年).htm
    • 18-20 火灾事故情况(2020年).htm
    • 18-21 火灾事故情况(2021年).htm
    • 18-3 濉溪县卫生机构、人员情况(2021年).htm
    • 18-4 体育事业基本情况(2021年).htm
    • 18-5 妇联工作情况(2021年).htm
    • 18-6 残疾人事业基本情况(2021年).htm
    • 18-7 工会组织情况.htm
    • 18-8 律师、公证、调解工作情况(2021年).htm
    • 18-9 公安机关受理、查处治安案件情况(2021年).htm
    • 2-1 全市生产总值(2021年).htm
    • 2-10 烈山区主要年份地区生产总值.htm
    • 2-11 烈山区主要年份地区生产总值发展速度(按可比价格计算).htm
    • 2-12 濉溪县主要年份地区生产总值.htm
    • 2-13 濉溪县主要年份地区生产总值发展速度(按可比价格计算).htm
    • 2-14 杜集区地区生产总值(2021年).htm
    • 2-15 相山区地区生产总值(2021年).htm
    • 2-16 烈山区地区生产总值(2021年).htm
    • 2-17 濉溪县地区生产总值(2021年).htm
    • 2-2 主要年份地区生产总值.htm
    • 2-3 主要年份地区生产总值构成.htm
    • 2-4 主要年份地区生产总值发展速度(按可比价格计算).htm
    • 2-5 主要年份地区生产总值指数(按可比价格计算).htm
    • 2-6 杜集区主要年份地区生产总值.htm
    • 2-7 杜集区主要年份地区生产总值发展速度(按可比价格计算).htm
    • 2-8 相山区主要年份地区生产总值.htm
    • 2-9 相山区主要年份地区生产总值发展速度(按可比价格计算).htm
    • 3-1 主要年份户籍人口情况.htm
    • 3-2 主要年份人口变动情况.htm
    • 3-3 全市及县区户籍人口基本情况(2021年).htm
    • 3-4 全市及县区人口变动情况(2021年).htm
    • 3-5 主要年份全市常住人口及城镇化率.htm
    • 3-6 全市及县区年末常住人口.htm
    • 4-1 主要年份城镇非私营单位劳动工资情况.htm
    • 4-2 主要年份就业人员情况.htm
    • 4-3 城镇非私营单位就业人员、工资总额和平均工资(2021年).htm
    • 4-4 城镇私营单位就业人员、工资总额和平均工资(2021年).htm
    • 5-1 主要年份固定资产投资情况.htm
    • 5-10 濉溪县房地产开发投资完成情况(2021年).htm
    • 5-11 濉溪县房地产施工、竣工、销售情况(2021年).htm
    • 5-2 固定资产投资主要指标增速(2021年).htm
    • 5-3 分县区固定资产投资完成情况.htm
    • 5-4 全市固定资产投资构成情况.htm
    • 5-5 全市分县区固定资产投资构成情况(2021年).htm
    • 5-6 全市固定资产投资完成情况(2021年).htm
    • 5-7 全市房地产开发投资完成情况.htm
    • 5-8 全市房地产施工、竣工、销售情况.htm
    • 5-9 濉溪县固定资产投资完成情况(2021年).htm
    • 6-1 全社会用电情况.htm
    • 6-2 分行业全社会工业用电量 续表.htm
    • 6-2 分行业全社会工业用电量.htm
    • 6-3 分行业工业用水情况(2021年).htm
    • 6-4 主要年份工业企业主要能源品种消费量.htm
    • 6-5 分行业工业企业主要能源品种消费量(2021年).htm
    • 6-6 规模以上工业企业能源购进、消费及库存(2021年).htm
    • 6-7 主要年份能源消耗总量.htm
    • 7-1 主要年份财政金融情况.htm
    • 7-2 市级一般公共预算收入决算情况(2021年).htm
    • 7-3 市级一般公共预算支出决算情况(2021年).htm
    • 7-4 保险业务情况.htm
    • 7-5 全市金融机构本外币合并收支情况(2021年).htm
    • 7-6 全市金融机构人民币信贷收支情况(2021年).htm
    • 7-7 全市金融机构外汇信贷收支情况(2021年).htm
    • 7-8 濉溪县金融机构本外币合并收支情况(2021年).htm
    • 7-9 濉溪县金融机构人民币信贷收支情况(2021年).htm
    • 8-1 主要年份居民消费价格指数.htm
    • 8-2 居民消费价格总指数(2021年).htm
    • 8-3 商品零售价格总指数(2021年).htm
    • 9-1 主要年份城乡居民收入情况.htm
    • 9-2 调查户和调查人口基本情况(2021年).htm
    • 9-3 居民家庭住房情况(2021年).htm
    • 9-4 居民百户家庭主要消费品拥有量(2021年).htm
    • 9-5 淮北市居民可支配收入和生活消费支出情况(2021年).htm
    • 9-6 杜集区居民可支配收入和生活消费支出情况(2021年).htm
    • 9-7 相山区居民可支配收入和生活消费支出情况(2021年).htm
    • 9-8 烈山区居民可支配收入和生活消费支出情况(2021年).htm
    • 9-9 濉溪县居民可支配收入和生活消费支出情况(2021年).htm
    • empty.gif
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    • 《淮北统计年鉴——2022》.mhtml
    • 主要统计指标解释 (1).htm
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    • 简要说明.htm
    • 附录1 2021年全省及各市主要经济指标.htm
    • 附录2 2021年长三角三省一市各地市主要指标.htm
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  • 2023-5-14
  • 池州统计年鉴2022.zip

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    • joinbottom.gif
    • 1-1 全市行政区划和自然资源.html
    • 1-2 镇、乡、街道办事处名录.htm
    • 1-3 自 然 资 源.html
    • 1-4 土地利用情况.html
    • 1-5 主要年份全市降水量、平均气温、相对湿度、日照时数.html
    • 1-6 分月全市降水量、平均气温、相对湿度、日照时数.html
    • 1-7 分县市区年降水量、平均气温、相对湿度、日照时数.html
    • 1-主要统计指标解释.html
    • 1-滁州市行政区划示意图.html
    • 1-行政区划和自然资源封面.html
    • 10-1 历年市区市政工程设施情况.html
    • 10-2 历年市区环境卫生情况.html
    • 10-3 历年市区城市供水情况.html
    • 10-4 历年市区污水排放和处理情况.html
    • 10-5历年市区城市燃气使用情况.html
    • 10-6 历年市区城市公共交通情况.html
    • 10-7 历年市区城市园林绿化情况.html
    • 10-主要统计指标解释.html
    • 10-城市概况封面.html
    • 10-市政工程投资总额图示.html
    • 11-1 主要年份农村基本情况及农业生产条件.html
    • 11-10 分县市区茶叶、园林水果及食用坚果生产情况.html
    • 11-11 分县市区蔬菜及特种作物生产情况.html
    • 11-12 分县市区畜产品产量.htm
    • 11-13 分县市区畜禽存栏量.html
    • 11-14 分县市区规模户规模化养殖情况.html
    • 11-15 分县市区生产经营单位规模化养殖情况.html
    • 11-16 分县市区林业生产情况.html
    • 11-17 分县市区渔业生产情况.html
    • 11-18 分县市区农林牧渔业总产值(当年价).html
    • 11-19 分县市区农林牧渔业总产值(可比价).html
    • 11-2 主要年份主要农产品产量.html
    • 11-20 分县市区农林牧渔业增加值(当年价).html
    • 11-21 分县市区农民专业合作社基本情况.html
    • 11-22 分县市区家庭农场基本情况.html
    • 11-23 主要年份水利经费实际使用情况.html
    • 11-24 历年国家农业综合开发投资.html
    • 11-25 分县市区国家农业综合开发项目土地治理投资.html
    • 11-26 分县市区农村改厕情况.html
    • 11-3 主要年份农林牧渔业产值、构成及增加值.html
    • 11-4 分县市区农村基本情况及农业生产条件.html
    • 11-5 分县市区农业现代化水平.html
    • 11-6 分县市区农业机械拥有量.html
    • 11-7 分县市区种植业面积.html
    • 11-8 分县市区种植业产量.html
    • 11-9 分县市区设施农业面积.html
    • 11-主要统计指标解释.html
    • 11-农业 封面.html
    • 11-农林牧渔总产值及构成 图示.html
    • 12-1 规模以上工业企业单位数和总产值.html
    • 12-2 主要年份规模以上工业产品产量.html
    • 12-3 分经济类型规模以上工业企业主要经济指标 续表1.html
    • 12-3 分经济类型规模以上工业企业主要经济指标 续表2.html
    • 12-3 分经济类型规模以上工业企业主要经济指标 续表3.html
    • 12-3 分经济类型规模以上工业企业主要经济指标.html
    • 12-4 分行业、分县市区规模以上工业企业主要经济指标 续表1.html
    • 12-4 分行业、分县市区规模以上工业企业主要经济指标 续表2.html
    • 12-4 分行业、分县市区规模以上工业企业主要经济指标 续表3.html
    • 12-4 分行业、分县市区规模以上工业企业主要经济指标.html
    • 12-5 规模以上工业企业主要经济效益指标.html
    • 12-主要统计指标解释.html
    • 12-工业 封面.html
    • 13-1 近年建筑业企业基本概况.html
    • 13-2 近年建筑业企业主要经济指标.html
    • 13-3 分县市区建筑业企业单位数.html
    • 13-4 分县市区建筑业企业施工产值.html
    • 13-5 建筑企业生产情况.htm
    • 13-6 分县市区建筑企业生产情况.html
    • 13-7 建筑企业财务状况.html
    • 13-8 分县市区建筑企业财务状况.html
    • 13-9 建筑企业房屋建筑完成情况.html
    • 13-主要统计指标解释.html
    • 13-建筑业 封面.html
    • 13-建筑业全员劳动生产力 图示.html
    • 14-1 主要年份交通运输业基本情况.html
    • 14-10 分县市区电信公司业务量和通信设备拥有量.html
    • 14-11 历年移动公司业务基本情况.html
    • 14-12 历年联通公司业务基本情况.html
    • 14-2 分县市区公路、航道里程.html
    • 14-3 分县市区公路密度及通达情况.html
    • 14-4-5 全市交通固定资产投资完成情况.html
    • 14-6 分县市区营运车辆、船舶实有数.html
    • 14-7 主要年份邮政电信业务基本情况.html
    • 14-8 分县市区邮政公司基本情况.html
    • 14-9 分县市区邮政公司业务基本情况.html
    • 14-主要统计指标解释.html
    • 14-交通运输、邮电通信 封面.html
    • 14-交通运输及邮电通信统计 图示.html
    • 15-1 四经普调整主要年份社会消费品零售总额.html
    • 15-10 分县市区限额以上批发零售、住宿餐饮企业从业人数.html
    • 15-11 分县市区限额以上批发零售业商品购进、销售和库存情况.html
    • 15-12 分县市区限额以上批发贸易企业主要财务指标情况 续表.html
    • 15-12 分县市区限额以上批发贸易企业主要财务指标情况.html
    • 15-13 分县市区限额以上零售贸易企业主要财务指标情况 续表.html
    • 15-13 分县市区限额以上零售贸易企业主要财务指标情况.html
    • 15-14 分县市区限额以上住宿企业主要财务指标情况 续表.html
    • 15-14 分县市区限额以上住宿企业主要财务指标情况.html
    • 15-15 分县市区限额以上餐饮企业主要财务指标情况 续表.html
    • 15-15 分县市区限额以上餐饮企业主要财务指标情况.html
    • 15-16 分县市区限额以上住宿业主要经营情况.html
    • 15-17 分县市区限额以上餐饮业主要经营情况.html
    • 15-18 限额以上批发和零售业连锁经营情况.html
    • 15-19 限额以上住宿和餐饮业连锁经营情况.html
    • 15-2 主要年份限额以上批发、零售业商品购、销、存总额.html
    • 15-20 亿元以上商品交易市场情况.html
    • 15-21 亿元以上商品交易市场摊位分类情况.html
    • 15-22 分县市区亿元以上商品交易市场情况.html
    • 15-23 粮油购、销、存情况.html
    • 15-3 限额以上批发零售、住宿餐饮业基本情况(按登记注册类型分).html
    • 15-4 限额以上批发零售业商品购进、销售和库存情况(按登记注册类型分).html
    • 15-5 限额以上批发零售业商品购进、销售和库存情况(按行业分).html
    • 15-6 限额以上批发和零售业商品销售分类情况.html
    • 15-7 限额以上批发零售企业主要财务指标情况(按登记注册类型分) 续表.html
    • 15-7 限额以上批发零售企业主要财务指标情况(按登记注册类型分).html
    • 15-8 限额以上批发零售企业主要财务指标情况(按行业分) 续表.html
    • 15-8 限额以上批发零售企业主要财务指标情况(按行业分).html
    • 15-9 限额以上住宿业和餐饮企业主要财务指标情况 续表.htm
    • 15-9 限额以上住宿业和餐饮企业主要财务指标情况.html
    • 15-主要统计指标解释.html
    • 15-批发零售和餐饮业 封面.html
    • 15-社会消费品零售总额 图示.html
    • 16-1 主要年份利用外资情况.html
    • 16-2 分县市区利用外资情况.html
    • 16-3 主要年份外贸进出口总额.html
    • 16-4 分县市区商品进出口情况.html
    • 16-5 省以上自然保护区.html
    • 16-7 重点文物保护单位.html
    • 16-8 主要年份旅游事业情况.html
    • 16-9 主要年份国内居民出境办理证件情况.html
    • 16-主要统计指标解释.html
    • 16-对外经济和旅游业 封面.html
    • 16-近年对我经济和旅游业统计 图示.html
    • 17-1 主要年份教育事业基本情况.html
    • 17-10 小学分城乡学校基本情况.html
    • 17-11 主要年份各级学校女学生和女教师数.html
    • 17-12 主要年份全市科技活动基本情况.html
    • 17-13 近年全市科技成果.html
    • 17-14 主要时期(年份)专利授权量.html
    • 17-15 主要年份三种专利申请受理、授权量.html
    • 17-16 分县市区三种专利授权量.html
    • 17-17 科协系统科技活动情况.html
    • 17-18 分县市区规上工业企业研究与试验发展基本情况.html
    • 17-19 分县市区规上工业企业研究与试验发展经费情况.html
    • 17-2 各级各类学校基本情况.html
    • 17-20 分县市区规上工业企业自主知识产权和技术情况.html
    • 17-21 大中型工业企业研究与试验发展基本情况.html
    • 17-22 大中型工业企业研究与试验发展经费情况.html
    • 17-23 省级及以上开发区(工业园区)主要经济指标.html
    • 17-24 分县市区省级及以上开发区(工业园区)经济指标.html
    • 17-25 主要年份广播、电视事业发展情况.html
    • 17-26 主要年份广播、电视节目制作时间.html
    • 17-27 广播、电视建设主要指标.html
    • 17-28 主要年份广播、电视覆盖人口.html
    • 17-29 主要年份广播、电视覆盖率.html
    • 17-3 中等职业教育学校基本情况.html
    • 17-30 广播、电视宣传基本情况.html
    • 17-31 近年文化艺术和文物事业机构、人员情况.html
    • 17-32 群众艺术馆、文化馆站业务活动及经费情况.html
    • 17-33 艺术表演团体演出情况.html
    • 17-34 博物馆、文物馆机构业务活动情况.html
    • 17-35 近年公共图书馆业务活动情况.html
    • 17-4 近年初中和小学毕业生升学率及小学学龄儿童入学率.html
    • 17-5 分县市区中、小学基本情况.html
    • 17-6 中等职业学校分科学生数.html
    • 17-7 分县市区中等职业学校情况.html
    • 17-8 分县市区特殊教育情况.html
    • 17-9 普通中学分城乡学校基本情况.html
    • 17-主要统计指标解释.html
    • 17-在校学生人数统计 图示.html
    • 17-教育科技文化 封面.html
    • 18-1 历年体育活动基本情况.html
    • 18-10 分县市区卫生机构、床位数.html
    • 18-11 分县市区村卫生室基本情况.html
    • 18-12 分县市区医院病床使用情况.html
    • 18-13 村卫生室按主办单位分从业人员数.html
    • 18-14 分县市区卫生机构人员数.html
    • 18-15 分县市区优抚和社会福利事业、企业单位情况.html
    • 18-16 分县市区抚恤、补助、低保、医疗救助情况.html
    • 18-17 历年婚姻登记情况.html
    • 18-18 分县市区婚姻登记情况.html
    • 18-19 分县市区灾情汇总情况.html
    • 18-2 后备人才项目分布.html
    • 18-20 分县市区台风灾害灾情汇总情况.html
    • 18-21 分县市区风雹灾害灾情汇总情况.html
    • 18-22 分县市区救灾工作情况.html
    • 18-23 民生工程实施情况.html
    • 18-3 当年等级运动员发展情况.html
    • 18-4 体育赛事情况.html
    • 18-5 健身场地设施统计.html
    • 18-6 近年医疗卫生机构数.html
    • 18-7 卫生机构、床位、人员数.html
    • 18-8 政府办历年卫生机构人员数.html
    • 18-9 卫生机构各类人员数.html
    • 18-主要统计指标解释.html
    • 18-体育卫生社会福利 封面.html
    • 18-卫生机构和卫生技术人员 图示.html
    • 19-1 近年规上服务业企业财务状况(国家平台).html
    • 19-10 分县市区分行业重点服务业企业主要经济指标(省平台).html
    • 19-2 近年重点服务业企业财务状况(省平台).html
    • 19-3 按行业分的规上服务业企业财务状况(国家平台) 续表.html
    • 19-3 按行业分的规上服务业企业财务状况(国家平台).html
    • 19-4 按行业分的重点服务业企业财务状况(省平台) 续表.html
    • 19-4 按行业分的重点服务业企业财务状况(省平台).html
    • 19-5 按经济类型分的规上服务业企业财务状况(国家平台) 续表.html
    • 19-5 按经济类型分的规上服务业企业财务状况(国家平台).html
    • 19-6 按经济类型分的重点服务业企业财务状况(省平台) 续表.html
    • 19-6 按经济类型分的重点服务业企业财务状况(省平台).html
    • 19-7 分县市区规上服务业企业财务状况(国家平台).html
    • 19-8 分县市区重点服务业企业财务状况(省平台).html
    • 19-9 分县市区分行业规上服务业企业主要经济指标(国家平台).html
    • 19-主要统计指标解释.html
    • 19-近年重点服务业企业营业收入 图示.html
    • 19-重点服务业 封面.html
    • 2-1 滁州一天的社会经济活动.html
    • 2-10 按行业大类分组的法人单位、产业活动单位数及就业人数.html
    • 2-11 按登记注册类型分组的法人单位、产业活动单位数及就业人数.html
    • 2-12 按开业时间分组的法人单位、产业活动单位数及就业人数.html
    • 2-13 按地区分组的法人单位、产业活动单位数及就业人数.html
    • 2-14 按地区、机构类型分组的法人单位数及就业人数.html
    • 2-2 滁州市的人均水平.html
    • 2-3 国民经济和社会发展结构指标.html
    • 2-4 主要年份国民经济和社会发展总量及速度指标.html
    • 2-5 滁州市主要经济指标占全省的比重、位次.html
    • 2-6 省内及周边市主要人均指标.html
    • 2-7 2021年长三角三省一市各地县市主要指标.html
    • 2-8 淮海经济区主要经济指标.html
    • 2-9 按机构类型、行业(门类)分组的法人单位、产业活动单位数及就业人数.html
    • 2-主要统计指标解释.html
    • 2-综合 封面.html
    • 20-1 主要年份律师、公证、调解工作基本情况.html
    • 20-10 主要年份人民法院一审刑事案件收结案情况.html
    • 20-11 人民法院刑事一审案件收结案情况.html
    • 20-12 主要年份人民法院行政一审案件收结案情况.html
    • 20-13 人民法院行政一审案件收结案情况.html
    • 20-14 主要年份人民法院民商事一审案件收结案情况.html
    • 20-15 人民法院各类民商事一审案件收结案情况.html
    • 20-16 分县市刑事案件被告人判决生效情况.html
    • 20-17 分县市区司法所、司法助理员组织建设情况.html
    • 20-18 分县市区法制宣传、治理工作情况.html
    • 20-19 分县市区人民调解委员会组织建设情况.html
    • 20-2 分县市区律师、公证、调解工作基本情况.html
    • 20-20 分县市区人民调解委员会工作情况.htm
    • 20-21 分县市区基层法律服务工作情况.html
    • 20-22 劳动争议仲裁委员会受理及处理案件情况.html
    • 20-23 分县市区刑释解教人员安置帮教工作情况.html
    • 20-24 近年环保系统机构、人员数.html
    • 20-25 环保系统机构、人员数.html
    • 20-26 近年环境污染与破坏事故情况.html
    • 20-27 近年生活污染物排放情况.html
    • 20-28 分县市区重点调查企业工业废水排放及处理情况.htm
    • 20-29 分县市区重点调查企业工业废气排放及处理情况.html
    • 20-3 公安机关受理、查处治安案件情况.html
    • 20-30 分县市区重点调查企业工业固体废物产生及处理利用情况.html
    • 20-31 环境质量综合情况.html
    • 20-32 主要年份县及县以上工业企业“三废”排放情况.html
    • 20-33 重点调查企业分行业废水排放及处理情况.html
    • 20-34 重点调查企业分行业固体废物、危险废物产生及处理利用情况.html
    • 20-35 工业分重点行业废气产生及处理利用情况.html
    • 20-36 近年造林面积.html
    • 20-37 分县市区造林面积.html
    • 20-38 主要年份森林病虫害防治情况.html
    • 20-39 分县市区森林病虫害防治情况.html
    • 20-4 分县市区公安机关查处治安案件情况.html
    • 20-40 产品质量监督检验情况.html
    • 20-41 主要年份交通事故情况.html
    • 20-42 分县市区交通事故情况.html
    • 20-43 近年火灾情况.html
    • 20-44 分县市区火灾情况.html
    • 20-45 近年工会组织情况.html
    • 20-46 妇联组织及干部情况.html
    • 20-47 分县市区工会组织情况.html
    • 20-48 妇女工作情况.html
    • 20-49 历届中国共产党滁州市代表大会人数及构成.html
    • 20-5 公安机关刑事案件立案破案情况.html
    • 20-50 历届市人大代表人数及构成.html
    • 20-51 历届市政协委员人数及构成.html
    • 20-6 分县市区公安机关立案的刑事案件情况.html
    • 20-7 检察机关侦监案件情况.html
    • 20-8 检察机关公诉案件情况.html
    • 20-9 检察机关民事行政案件情况.html
    • 20-主要统计指标解释.html
    • 20-法制、环保及其他 封面.html
    • 23-end.html
    • 3-1 滁州历年地区生产总值.html
    • 3-10 2021年滁州分县市区地区生产总值发展指数.html
    • 3-11 各市生产总值和指数.html
    • 3-12 2021年各市分产业分行业增加值.html
    • 3-2 滁州历年地区生产总值构成.html
    • 3-3 滁州历年地区生产总值发展指数.html
    • 3-4 滁州市地区生产总值及发展速度.html
    • 3-5 近年滁州文化及相关产业增加值.html
    • 3-6 历年滁州分县市区地区生产总值.html
    • 3-7 历年滁州各县人均地区生产总值.html
    • 3-8 2021年滁州分县市区地区生产总值.html
    • 3-9 2021年滁州分县市区地区生产总值构成.html
    • 3-主要年份地区生产总值及构成 示意图.html
    • 3-主要统计指标解释.html
    • 3-国民经济核算封面.html
    • 4-1 近年主要人口指标.html
    • 4-2 近年户籍人口年龄构成.html
    • 4-3 七次全国人口普查全市人口基本情况.html
    • 4-4 分县市区户籍人口及人口变动情况.html
    • 4-5 分县市区计划生育情况.html
    • 4-6分县市区常住人口及城镇化率情况.html
    • 4-主要统计指标解释.html
    • 4-人口封面.html
    • 4-总人口 图示.html
    • 5-1 城镇非私营单位就业人员.html
    • 5-2 近年份城镇非私营单位就业人员工资和指数.html
    • 5-3 城镇非私营单位就业人员工资总额和平均工资.html
    • 5-主要统计指标解释.html
    • 5-就业人员和职工工资封面.html
    • 6-1 固定资产投资主要指标.html
    • 6-10 分(县、市区) 按行业固定资产投资情况.html
    • 6-11 分(县、市区)固定资产投资资金来源分情况.html
    • 6-12 分(县、市区)按建设性质项目分固定资产投资情况.html
    • 6-13 分(县、市区)分项目民间投资固定资产情况.htm
    • 6-14 分(县、市区)工业技改投资情况.html
    • 6-15 近年房地产开发主要指标.html
    • 6-16 分县市区房地产投资及开发情况.html
    • 6-17 房地产按用途分的施工、销售、空置情况.html
    • 6-18 各县市区按用途分房屋施工、竣工情况.html
    • 6-19 分县市区按用途分的房屋销售面积情况.html
    • 6-2 分行业按登记注册类型 分固定资产投资.html
    • 6-20 分县市区按用途分的房屋销售额情况.htm
    • 6-21 分县市区按用途分的房屋待售情况.html
    • 6-22 分县市区房地产开发企业(单位)财务状况.html
    • 6-3 分行业投资按构成、控股分类.html
    • 6-4 分行业固定资产投资资金来源情况.html
    • 6-5 分行业按建设性质分项目投资.html
    • 6-6 分(县、市区)固定资产投资情况.html
    • 6-7 分(县、市区)按登记注册类型分固定资产投资情况.html
    • 6-8 分(县、市区)按构成控股分固定资产投资情况.html
    • 6-9 分(县、市区)按行业新增固定资产投资情况.html
    • 6-主要统计指标解释.html
    • 6-固定资产投资封面.html
    • 7-1 近年能源生产与消费总量.html
    • 7-10 分行业工业用水情况.html
    • 7-11 分行业规模以上工业企业主要能源品种消费量.htm
    • 7-12 规模以上工业企业能源购进、消费及库存.html
    • 7-13 近年全市能源消费情况.html
    • 7-14 分县市区全社会用电情况.html
    • 7-15 分县市区工业用水情况.html
    • 7-2 近年平均每天各种能源消费量.html
    • 7-3 近年分县市区全社会电力消费情况.html
    • 7-4 近年能源消耗情况.html
    • 7-5 分县市区能源消耗情况.html
    • 7-6 主要年份全社会用电情况.html
    • 7-7 主要年份电力建设情况.htm
    • 7-8 近年工业企业主要能源品种消费量.htm
    • 7-9 近年分行业全社会工业用电量.html
    • 7-主要统计指标解释.html
    • 7-能源封面.html
    • 7-近年能源生产与消费总量图示.html
    • 8-1 主要年份财政收入.html
    • 8-10 近年分区域金融机构本外币存款余额.html
    • 8-11 近年分区域金融机构本外币贷款余额.html
    • 8-12 金融机构人民币存款余额.html
    • 8-13 分区域金融机构人民币存款余额.html
    • 8-14 金融机构人民币贷款余额.html
    • 8-15 分区域金融机构人民币贷款余额.html
    • 8-16 近年人寿保险主要指标.htm
    • 8-17 近年财产保险主要指标.html
    • 8-2 主要年份财政支出.html
    • 8-3 分县市区财政收入.html
    • 8-4 分县市区财政支出.html
    • 8-5 税费收入.html
    • 8-6 分县市区税费收入.html
    • 8-7 分行业分税种税收收入.html
    • 8-8 主要年份金融机构人民币存贷款余额.html
    • 8-9 金融机构本外币存贷款余额(分科目).html
    • 8-主要统计指标解释.html
    • 8-财政、金融、保险封面.html
    • 8-财政收入和支出总量 图示.html
    • 9-1 近年居民可支配收入.html
    • 9-10 主要年份平均每百户城镇居民家庭年末耐用消费品拥有量.html
    • 9-11 近年城镇居民家庭居住情况.html
    • 9-12 近年居民消费价格指数.html
    • 9-13 近年商品零售价格指数.html
    • 9-14 历年职工基本医疗保险基金情况.htm
    • 9-15 分县市区职工基本医疗保险基金情况(含生育).html
    • 9-16 近年城镇企业职工基本养老保险基金情况.html
    • 9-17 分县市区企业职工基本养老保险基金情况.html
    • 9-18 近年失业保险基金情况.html
    • 9-19 分县市区失业保险情况.html
    • 9-2 主要年份农村居民家庭基本情况.html
    • 9-20 近年工伤保险基金情况.htm
    • 9-21 分县市区工伤保险情况.html
    • 9-22 近年生育保险基金情况.html
    • 9-23 近年城乡居民医疗保险情况.html
    • 9-24 分县市区城乡居民医疗保险情况.html
    • 9-3 分县市区农村住户基本情况.html
    • 9-4 分县市区每百户农村居民年末耐用物品拥有量.html
    • 9-5 分县市区农村住户人均现金收支.html
    • 9-6 分县市区农村住户人均购买商品.html
    • 9-7 主要年份城镇居民家庭基本情况.html
    • 9-8 主要年份城镇居民不同收入水平分组情况.html
    • 9-9 主要年份城镇居民家庭人均购买主要商品数量.html
    • 9-主要统计指标解释.html
    • 9-人民生活封面.html
    • bjsm.html
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    • Comptes Rendus Mecanique.ens
    • Comptes Rendus Paleontol.ens
    • Comptes Rendus Physique.ens
    • Computational Intelligence.ens
    • Computational Mechanics.ens
    • Computer Aided Design.ens
    • Computer Aided Geometric Des.ens
    • Computer App Eng Educ.ens
    • Computer Assist Lang Learn.ens
    • Computer Graphics Forum.ens
    • Computer J.ens
    • Computer Lang Sys Struct.ens
    • Computer Law Security Review.ens
    • Computer Meth Appl Mech Engineer.ens
    • Computer Networks.ens
    • Computer Physics Communications.ens
    • Computer Science Education.ens
    • Computer Science Review.ens
    • Computer Speech Lang.ens
    • Computer Standards Interfaces.ens
    • Computer.ens
    • Computers Biology Medicine.ens
    • Computers Chemical Engineer.ens
    • Computers Education.ens
    • Computers Electrical Engineer.ens
    • Computers Electronics Agricul.ens
    • Computers Environ Urban Systems.ens
    • Computers Graphics.ens
    • Computers Human Behavior.ens
    • Computers Industrial Engineer.ens
    • Computers Math with Applications.ens
    • Computers Structures.ens
    • Computers and Composition.ens
    • Computers and Fluids.ens
    • Computers and Geosciences.ens
    • Computers and Geotechnics.ens
    • Computers and Operations Res.ens
    • Computers and Security.ens
    • Computers in Industry.ens
    • Computing Surveys.ens
    • Concepts in Magnetic Res.ens
    • Concrete Intl.ens
    • Concurr Comp Pract E.ens
    • Confl Resolut Q.ens
    • Congenital Anomalies.ens
    • Congenital Heart Disease.ens
    • Congestive Heart Failure.ens
    • Connection Science.ens
    • Consciousness and Cognition.ens
    • Conservation Biology.ens
    • Conservation Genetics.ens
    • Conservation Letters.ens
    • Conservation Physiol.ens
    • Conservation.ens
    • Constellations.ens
    • Construction Building Materials.ens
    • Consumption Markets Culture.ens
    • Cont Accounting Res.ens
    • Cont Educ Psych.ens
    • Cont Mech Thermodyn.ens
    • Cont Pol Econ.ens
    • Contact Dermatitis.ens
    • Contact Lens Anterior Eye.ens
    • Contact.ens
    • Contemp Arab Affairs.ens
    • Contemp Clin Trials.ens
    • Contemp Italian Politics.ens
    • Contemp Justice Review.ens
    • Contemp Social Science.ens
    • Contemp South Asia.ens
    • Contemp Womens Writing.ens
    • Contemporary Clinical Trials.ens
    • Contemporary European Hist.ens
    • Continental Shelf Research.ens
    • Continuity and Change.ens
    • Continuum.ens
    • Contraception.ens
    • Contrib Mineralogy Petro.ens
    • Control Engineering Practice.ens
    • Conversations Religion Theology.ens
    • Coordination Chemistry Rev.ens
    • Copernicus Publications.ens
    • Coral Reefs.ens
    • Cornell Hotel Restaurant Admin Q.ens
    • Coronary Artery Disease.ens
    • Corporate Governance.ens
    • Corrosion Engineering.ens
    • Corrosion Science.ens
    • Cortex.ens
    • Cost Eff Resource Alloc.ens
    • Counsel Psychotherapy Research.ens
    • Counseling Psychologist.ens
    • Counseling Psychology Q.ens
    • Cranio Maxillofac Trauma Recon.ens
    • Creativity Innovation Mgmt.ens
    • Cretaceous Research.ens
    • Crime and Delinquency.ens
    • Criminal Behaviour Mental Health.ens
    • Criminal Justice Policy Review.ens
    • Criminal Justice Review.ens
    • Criminal Justice Studies.ens
    • Criminal Justice and Behavior.ens
    • Criminology Public Policy.ens
    • Criminology.ens
    • Crit Care Clinics.ens
    • Crit Persp Accounting.ens
    • Crit Rev Analytical Chem.ens
    • Crit Rev Biochem Molecular.ens
    • Crit Rev Enviro Sci Tech.ens
    • Crit Rev Immu.ens
    • Crit Rev Intl Soc Political Philos.ens
    • Crit Rev Oncology Hematol.ens
    • Crit Rev Therapeutic Drug Carrier Sys.ens
    • Crit Rev Toxicol.ens
    • Crit Studies Media Communication.ens
    • Critical African Studies.ens
    • Critical Asian Studies.ens
    • Critical Care Medicine.ens
    • Critical Care.ens
    • Critical Discourse Studies.ens
    • Critical Public Health.ens
    • Critical Quarterly.ens
    • Critical Studies Security.ens
    • Critical Studies Terrorism.ens
    • Criticism.ens
    • Crop Pasture Science.ens
    • Crop Protection.ens
    • Cross-Cultural Research.ens
    • Cryobiology.ens
    • Cryogenics.ens
    • Cryosphere.ens
    • CrystEngComm.ens
    • Crystal Growth Design.ens
    • Crystallography Reviews.ens
    • Cultural Anthropology.ens
    • Cultural Geographies.ens
    • Cultural Studies-Critical Method.ens
    • Cultural Trends.ens
    • Culture Agriculture.ens
    • Culture Health Sexuality.ens
    • Culture Organization.ens
    • Culture Psychology.ens
    • Cureus.ens
    • Curr Dev Nutrition.ens
    • Curr Directions Psych Sci.ens
    • Curr Issues Lang Plan.ens
    • Curr Microbiol.ens
    • Curr Opinion Colloid Interface Sci.ens
    • Curr Opinion Endocr Metab Res.ens
    • Curr Opinion Physiol.ens
    • Curr Opinion Solid State Mater Sci.ens
    • Curr Problems Cancer.ens
    • Curr Problems Cardiology.ens
    • Curr Problems Diag Radiol.ens
    • Curr Problems Ped Adoles Health Care.ens
    • Curr Problems Surg.ens
    • Curr Protein Peptide Sci.ens
    • Curr Res Bacteriology.ens
    • Curr Res Cardio Pharmacol.ens
    • Curr Res Chemistry.ens
    • Curr Res Dairy Science.ens
    • Curr Res Physics.ens
    • Curr Res Poultry Science.ens
    • Curr Res Tuberculosis.ens
    • Curr Therapeutic Res.ens
    • Current Alzheimers Research.ens
    • Current Anthropology.ens
    • Current Applied Physics.ens
    • Current Atherosclero Reps.ens
    • Current Biology.ens
    • Current Clinical Pract EEG.ens
    • Current Controlled Trials.ens
    • Current Genetic Medicine Reports.ens
    • Current Genetics.ens
    • Current Hypertension Reps.ens
    • Current Med Res and Op.ens
    • Current Medicinal Chem.ens
    • Current Neuropharmacology.ens
    • Current Neurovascular Res.ens
    • Current Oncology.ens
    • Current Opinion Biotech.ens
    • Current Opinion Cell Bio.ens
    • Current Opinion Chem Bio.ens
    • Current Opinion Environ Sustain.ens
    • Current Opinion Gen Dev.ens
    • Current Opinion Immunology.ens
    • Current Opinion Lipid.ens
    • Current Opinion Microbio.ens
    • Current Opinion Neurobio.ens
    • Current Opinion Otolaryn.ens
    • Current Opinion Pharmacol.ens
    • Current Opinion Plant Bio.ens
    • Current Opinion Struct Bio.ens
    • Current Pharma Design.ens
    • Current Science.ens
    • Current Topics Dev Bio.ens
    • Current Urology.ens
    • Current Zoology.ens
    • Currents Pharmacy Teaching Learning.ens
    • Curriculum Inquiry.ens
    • Curriculum J.ens
    • Curtis Botanical Mag.ens
    • CyberPsychology Behavior.ens
    • Cyberpsych Behav Soc Network.ens
    • CytoJournal.ens
    • Cytogenetic Genome Res.ens
    • Cytokine Growth Fact Rev.ens
    • Cytokine.ens
    • Cytometry.ens
    • Cytopathology.ens
    • Cytoskeleton.ens
    • Cytotherapy.ens
    • DAI German Archaeological Institute.ens
    • DCCN.ens
    • DEUQUA Special Publ.ens
    • DGPs.ens
    • DIN 1505 2 Author-Year.ens
    • DIN 1505 2 Numeric.ens
    • DIW.ens
    • DMW-English.ens
    • DMW-German.ens
    • DNA Repair.ens
    • DNA Research.ens
    • DNA and Cell Biology.ens
    • DO - Deutsche Zeits fur Osteopathie.ens
    • DZZ-Deutsche Zahnarztliche Zeits.ens
    • Dairy Sci Technology.ens
    • Dalton Transactions.ens
    • Dams Reservoirs.ens
    • Data Knowledge Engineer.ens
    • Data in Brief.ens
    • DataCite-DOI Link.ens
    • DataCite.ens
    • Database.ens
    • De Gruyter Mouton Journals.ens
    • Decis Analysis.ens
    • Decision Sciences J Innov Ed.ens
    • Decision Sciences J.ens
    • Decision Support Systems.ens
    • Deep-Sea Res Part I.ens
    • Deep-Sea Res Part II.ens
    • Dementia Ger Cog Disord Extra.ens
    • Dementia Ger Cog Disord.ens
    • Democratization.ens
    • Demography.ens
    • Dendrochronologia.ens
    • Dental Abstracts.ens
    • Dental Materials J.ens
    • Dental Traumatology.ens
    • Depression and Anxiety.ens
    • Der Internist.ens
    • Der Klinikarzt.ens
    • Der Ornithologische Beobachter.ens
    • Der Praktische Tierarzt.ens
    • Dermato-Endocrinology.ens
    • Dermatol Online J.ens
    • Dermatologic Surgery.ens
    • Dermatologic Therapy.ens
    • Dermatology.ens
    • Desalination.ens
    • Design Studies.ens
    • Designed Monomers Polymers.ens
    • Deutsche Heilpraktiker-Zeitschrift.ens
    • Deutsche Zeits fur Onkologie.ens
    • Deutsches Arzteblatt.ens
    • Dev Comparative Immunol.ens
    • Dev Disabil Res Rev.ens
    • Dev Growth Differ.ens
    • Dev Medicine Child Neuro.ens
    • Dev Neurosci.ens
    • Dev World Bioethics.ens
    • Devel Policy Rev.ens
    • Developing Economies.ens
    • Development (Company of Biologists).ens
    • Development (SID).ens
    • Development Change.ens
    • Development and Psychopath.ens
    • Developmental Biology.ens
    • Developmental Cell.ens
    • Developmental Dynamics.ens
    • Developmental Psychobiol.ens
    • Developmental Review.ens
    • Developmental Science.ens
    • Deviant Behavior.ens
    • Diabetes Aktuell.ens
    • Diabetes Care.ens
    • Diabetes Educator.ens
    • Diabetes Metab Res Rev.ens
    • Diabetes Metabol Syndrome.ens
    • Diabetes Metabol.ens
    • Diabetes Obes Metab.ens
    • Diabetes Res Clin Pract.ens
    • Diabetes Tech Therap.ens
    • Diabetes.ens
    • Diabetic Medicine.ens
    • Diabetol Int.ens
    • Diabetologia.ens
    • Diabetologie und Stoffwechsel-English.ens
    • Diabetologie und Stoffwechsel.ens
    • Diacritics.ens
    • Diag Interv Imaging J.ens
    • Diag Microbio Infect Disease.ens
    • Diagnostic Cytopathology.ens
    • Diagnostic Interven Radiol.ens
    • Dialectica.ens
    • Dialog.ens
    • Dialyse Akutell.ens
    • Diamond Related Materials.ens
    • Die Wirbelsaule.ens
    • Differ Geometry Applications.ens
    • Differences.ens
    • Differentiation.ens
    • Digestion.ens
    • Digestive Diseases Sciences.ens
    • Digestive Diseases.ens
    • Digestive Endoscopy.ens
    • Digestive Liver Disease.ens
    • Digestive Surgery.ens
    • Digi Apps Arch Cultural Heritage.ens
    • Digi Disc.ens
    • Digit Biomark.ens
    • Digital Creativity.ens
    • Digital Investigation.ens
    • Digital Journalism.ens
    • Digital Scholarship Humanities.ens
    • Digital Signal Proc.ens
    • Dimensions of Dental Hygiene.ens
    • Diplomatic History.ens
    • Disability & Society.ens
    • Disability Health J.ens
    • Disability Rehabilitation.ens
    • Disability Society.ens
    • Disaster Health.ens
    • Disasters.ens
    • Discourse Context Media.ens
    • Discourse.ens
    • Discovery Medicine.ens
    • Discrete Applied Math.ens
    • Discrete Mathematics.ens
    • Discrete Optimization.ens
    • Disease Mgmt.ens
    • Disease Models Mechanisms.ens
    • Disease-A-Month.ens
    • Diseases Aquatic Org.ens
    • Diseases Colon Rectum.ens
    • Diseases Esophagus.ens
    • Displays.ens
    • Diversity Distributions.ens
    • Domestic Animal Endo.ens
    • Drink Water Eng Sci.ens
    • Droit et Societe.ens
    • Drug Alcohol Depend.ens
    • Drug Development Res.ens
    • Drug Discov Today Technol.ens
    • Drug Discovery Today.ens
    • Drug Invention Today.ens
    • Drug Metabol Pharmacokinetics.ens
    • Drug Metabolism and Disp.ens
    • Drug Research.ens
    • Drug Resistance Updates.ens
    • Drug Safety.ens
    • Drug Testing Analysis.ens
    • Drugs and Aging.ens
    • Drugs and Therapy Persp.ens
    • Drugs.ens
    • Drying Tech.ens
    • Dubai Med J.ens
    • Dyes and Pigments.ens
    • Dynamic Medicine.ens
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    • E&G Quaternary Sci J.ens
    • EES Catalysis.ens
    • ELT Journal.ens
    • EMBO J.ens
    • EMBO Molec Medicine.ens
    • EMBO Reports.ens
    • EPPO Bulletin.ens
    • ESAIM-Control Optim Calc Var.ens
    • ESAIM-Math Model Numerical Anal.ens
    • ESAIM-Probability Statistics.ens
    • ETL.ens
    • ETRI J.ens
    • EXCLI Journal.ens
    • Ear and Hearing.ens
    • Early Amer Literature.ens
    • Early Child Dev Care.ens
    • Early Childhood Res Quarterly.ens
    • Early Human Development.ens
    • Early Intervention Psych.ens
    • Early Medieval Europe.ens
    • Early Music.ens
    • Early Popular Visual Culture.ens
    • Early Years.ens
    • Earth Interactions.ens
    • Earth Planet Sci Letters.ens
    • Earth Planets Space.ens
    • Earth Sci Rev.ens
    • Earth Surface Dynamics.ens
    • Earth Surface Proc Landforms.ens
    • Earth Syst Dynamics.ens
    • Earth Syst Science Data.ens
    • Earthq Eng Struct Dyn.ens
    • Earthquake Engineer Engineer Vibrat.ens
    • East Euro Jewish Affairs.ens
    • East European Politics Societies.ens
    • East European Politics.ens
    • Eating Behaviors.ens
    • Eating and Weight Dis.ens
    • Echocardiography.ens
    • Echohydrology.ens
    • Ecography.ens
    • Ecohydrol Hydrobiol.ens
    • Ecol Eng X.ens
    • Ecol Evol.ens
    • Ecol Mgmt Restoration.ens
    • Ecologia.ens
    • Ecological Applications.ens
    • Ecological Complexity.ens
    • Ecological Economics.ens
    • Ecological Engineering.ens
    • Ecological Entomology.ens
    • Ecological Indicators.ens
    • Ecological Informatics.ens
    • Ecological Modelling.ens
    • Ecological Monographs.ens
    • Ecological Research.ens
    • Ecology Letters.ens
    • Ecology of Freshwater Fish.ens
    • Ecology.ens
    • Econometrica.ens
    • Econometrics.ens
    • Economic Affairs.ens
    • Economic Development Quarterly.ens
    • Economic Geography.ens
    • Economic Geology.ens
    • Economic History Review.ens
    • Economic Inquiry.ens
    • Economic Journal.ens
    • Economic Modelling.ens
    • Economic Notes.ens
    • Economic Policy.ens
    • Economic Record.ens
    • Economic Systems.ens
    • Economica.ens
    • Economics Education Rev.ens
    • Economics Human Biology.ens
    • Economics Letters.ens
    • Economics and Politics.ens
    • Economics of Transition.ens
    • Ecopsychology.ens
    • Ecosystems.ens
    • Ecotox and Enviro Safety.ens
    • Ed Eval Policy Anal.ens
    • Edinburgh J Botany.ens
    • Editor's Bulletin.ens
    • Educ Mgmt Abstracts.ens
    • Educ Phil Theory.ens
    • Educ Psychology Practice.ens
    • Educ Research Evaluation.ens
    • Educat Chemical Engineer.ens
    • Education 3-13.ens
    • Education Action Res.ens
    • Education Economics.ens
    • Education and Urban Society.ens
    • Education and the Law.ens
    • Educational Administration Q.ens
    • Educational Measurement.ens
    • Educational Media Intl.ens
    • Educational Policy.ens
    • Educational Res Rev.ens
    • Educational Research.ens
    • Educational Researcher.ens
    • Educational Review.ens
    • Educational Studies.ens
    • Educational Theory.ens
    • Educational and Psych Measurement.ens
    • Egypt J Remote Sens Space Sci.ens
    • Egyptian J Ear Nose Throat Allied Sci.ens
    • Egyptian J Oral Maxillofacial Surgery.ens
    • Egyptian J Pathology.ens
    • Eighteenth-Century Music.ens
    • Eighteenth-Century Studies.ens
    • Elect Commerce Res Appl.ens
    • Elect Notes Discrete Math.ens
    • Elect Notes Theor Comp Sci.ens
    • Election Law Journal.ens
    • Electoral Studies.ens
    • Electric Power Sys Res.ens
    • Electrical Eng in Japan.ens
    • Electricity J.ens
    • Electrochemistry Comm.ens
    • Electrochimica Acta.ens
    • Electromagnetic Biology Medicine.ens
    • Electronics Letters.ens
    • Electrophoresis.ens
    • Elementa.ens
    • Emerg Crit Care Med.ens
    • Emerg Med Australas.ens
    • Emerg Themes Epidemiol.ens
    • Emerging Inf Dis.ens
    • Emerging Markets Review.ens
    • Emotion Review.ens
    • Emotion Space Society.ens
    • Emotional Behav Difficulties.ens
    • EndNote Export.ens
    • Endangered Species Res.ens
    • Endeavour.ens
    • Endo-Praxis.ens
    • Endocr J.ens
    • Endocrine Disruptors.ens
    • Endocrine Pathology.ens
    • Endocrine Practice.ens
    • Endocrine Reviews.ens
    • Endocrine-Related Cancer.ens
    • Endocrinology.ens
    • Endodontic Topics.ens
    • Endoscopy CTL.ens
    • Endoscopy Intl Open.ens
    • Endoscopy.ens
    • Endoskopie heute.ens
    • Energies.ens
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    • Energy Buildings.ens
    • Energy Conversion Mgmt.ens
    • Energy Economics.ens
    • Energy Environ Engineer J.ens
    • Energy Environ Focus.ens
    • Energy Environ Science.ens
    • Energy Materials.ens
    • Energy Policy.ens
    • Energy Procedia.ens
    • Energy Research & Social Science.ens
    • Energy Strategy Rev.ens
    • Energy Sustainable Dev.ens
    • Energy and Built Environ.ens
    • Energy and Fuels.ens
    • Energy.ens
    • Eng Failure Analysis.ens
    • Eng Fracture Mechanics.ens
    • Eng Geol Spec Pubs.ens
    • Eng Med Biol Mag.ens
    • Engineer Analysis Bound Elem.ens
    • Engineer App Artificial Intel.ens
    • Engineering Geology.ens
    • Engineering Optimization.ens
    • Engineering Structures.ens
    • Engineering in Agriculture Environment Food.ens
    • English Historical Review.ens
    • English Lang and Linguistics.ens
    • English Language Notes.ens
    • English Literary History.ens
    • English Literary Renaissance.ens
    • English Specific Purposes.ens
    • English in Education.ens
    • Enterprise Info Systems.ens
    • Enterprise Society.ens
    • Entertainment Computing.ens
    • Entomologia Exp et App.ens
    • Entomological Research.ens
    • Entomological Science.ens
    • Entrepreneurship Regional Devel.ens
    • Entrepreneurship Theor Pract.ens
    • Entropy.ens
    • Environ Biology Fishes.ens
    • Environ Biosafety Res.ens
    • Environ Chemistry.ens
    • Environ Earth Sciences.ens
    • Environ Ecological Stats.ens
    • Environ Educ Res.ens
    • Environ Engineer Sci.ens
    • Environ Entomology.ens
    • Environ Experimental Botany.ens
    • Environ Geotech.ens
    • Environ Health Prevent Med.ens
    • Environ Impact Assess Rev.ens
    • Environ Innovat Societal Trans.ens
    • Environ Modelling Software.ens
    • Environ Mol Mutagenesis.ens
    • Environ Quality Mgmt.ens
    • Environ Sci Adv.ens
    • Environ Sci Ecotechnol.ens
    • Environ Sci Pollut Res (N-Y).ens
    • Environ Sci Pollut Res (Num).ens
    • Environ Sci-Atmospheres.ens
    • Environ Sci-Nano.ens
    • Environ Sci-Process Impact.ens
    • Environ Sci-Water Res Tech.ens
    • Environ Science Policy.ens
    • Environ Science Tech Lett.ens
    • Environ Science Tech.ens
    • Environ Tox Chem.ens
    • Environ Toxicol Pharmacol.ens
    • Environment Intl.ens
    • Environment and Behavior.ens
    • Environment and Dev Econ.ens
    • Environment and History.ens
    • Environment and Planning.ens
    • Environmental Communication.ens
    • Environmental Conservation.ens
    • Environmental Educ Res.ens
    • Environmental Ethics.ens
    • Environmental Hazards.ens
    • Environmental Health.ens
    • Environmental History.ens
    • Environmental Justice.ens
    • Environmental Microbiology.ens
    • Environmental Politics.ens
    • Environmental Pollution.ens
    • Environmental Res.ens
    • Environmental Reviews.ens
    • Environmental Tech Revs.ens
    • Environmental Technology Innovation.ens
    • Environmental Technology.ens
    • Environmental Toxicology.ens
    • Environmental Values.ens
    • Environmetrics.ens
    • Enzyme Microbial Tech.ens
    • Epidemics.ens
    • Epidemiol Perspect Innov.ens
    • Epidemiol Psychiatr Sci.ens
    • Epidemiologic Reviews.ens
    • Epidemiology Infection.ens
    • Epidemiology.ens
    • Epilepsia Open.ens
    • Epilepsia.ens
    • Epilepsies.ens
    • Epilepsy Currents.ens
    • Epilepsy Research.ens
    • Epilepsy and Behavior.ens
    • Epileptic Disorders.ens
    • Equine Veterinary J.ens
    • Erciyes Med J.ens
    • Erfahrungsheilkunde.ens
    • Ergodic Theory Dyna Sys.ens
    • Ergonomics.ens
    • Ernahrung Medizin.ens
    • Esperienze Dermatol.ens
    • Essays in Criticism.ens
    • Estuaries and Coasts.ens
    • Estuarine Coastal Shelf Sci.ens
    • Ethics Education.ens
    • Ethics Intl Affairs.ens
    • Ethics Medicine Public Health.ens
    • Ethics Sci Enviro Pol.ens
    • Ethics Social Welfare.ens
    • Ethiopian J Health Dev.ens
    • Ethique Sante.ens
    • Ethnic Racial Studies.ens
    • Ethnicity Health.ens
    • Ethnography Educ.ens
    • Ethnohistory.ens
    • Ethnomusicology.ens
    • Ethology.ens
    • Ethos.ens
    • EuPA Open Proteomics.ens
    • Eukaryotic Cell.ens
    • Eurasian Clin Analyt Med.ens
    • Eurasian J Med.ens
    • Euro Accounting Review.ens
    • Euro Addict Res.ens
    • Euro Ann Otorhinolaryngol Head Neck Dis.ens
    • Euro Arch Psych Clin Neuro.ens
    • Euro Biophysics J.ens
    • Euro Cells Materials.ens
    • Euro Child Adol Psych.ens
    • Euro Cytokine Network.ens
    • Euro Early Child Educ Res J.ens
    • Euro Eating Disorders Rev.ens
    • Euro Economic Review.ens
    • Euro Endodontic J.ens
    • Euro Financial Mgmt.ens
    • Euro Heart J Cardio Imaging.ens
    • Euro Heart J Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy.ens
    • Euro Heart J Supp.ens
    • Euro Heart J.ens
    • Euro J Agronomy.ens
    • Euro J Anaesthesiology.ens
    • Euro J Applied Mathematics.ens
    • Euro J Applied Physiology.ens
    • Euro J Cancer Care.ens
    • Euro J Cancer Prevention.ens
    • Euro J Cancer.ens
    • Euro J Cardiothoracic Surg.ens
    • Euro J Cardiovasc Nursing.ens
    • Euro J Cell Biology.ens
    • Euro J Clin Micro Inf Dis.ens
    • Euro J Clin Nutrition.ens
    • Euro J Clin Pharmacol.ens
    • Euro J Clinical Invest.ens
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    • Euro J Dental Education.ens
    • Euro J Dentistry Medicine.ens
    • Euro J Dermatology.ens
    • Euro J Devel Psych.ens
    • Euro J Echocardiology.ens
    • Euro J Education.ens
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    • Euro J Endocrinology.ens
    • Euro J Engineering Ed.ens
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    • Euro J Epidemiology.ens
    • Euro J Gastroenterology Hepatology.ens
    • Euro J Haematology.ens
    • Euro J Heart Failure.ens
    • Euro J Human Genetics.ens
    • Euro J Immunology.ens
    • Euro J Integrative Med.ens
    • Euro J Internal Med.ens
    • Euro J Intl Law.ens
    • Euro J Lipid Sci Technol.ens
    • Euro J Mechanics-A Solids.ens
    • Euro J Mechanics-B Fluids.ens
    • Euro J Medical Genetics.ens
    • Euro J Medicinal Chemistry.ens
    • Euro J Mineral.ens
    • Euro J Neurology.ens
    • Euro J Neuroscience.ens
    • Euro J Nuc Med Molec Imaging.ens
    • Euro J Nutrition.ens
    • Euro J Ob Gyn Repro Biol.ens
    • Euro J Oncology Nursing.ens
    • Euro J Operational Research.ens
    • Euro J Oral Sciences.ens
    • Euro J Orthodontics.ens
    • Euro J Orthopaedic Surg Trauma.ens
    • Euro J Paediatr Dent.ens
    • Euro J Paediatric Neurology.ens
    • Euro J Pain.ens
    • Euro J Pediatric Surg Rept.ens
    • Euro J Pediatric Surgery.ens
    • Euro J Pediatrics.ens
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    • Euro J Pharma Sciences.ens
    • Euro J Pharmacology.ens
    • Euro J Philosophy.ens
    • Euro J Phycology.ens
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    • Euro J Political Economy.ens
    • Euro J Political Res.ens
    • Euro J Protistology.ens
    • Euro J Psych Counsel.ens
    • Euro J Public Health.ens
    • Euro J Radiography.ens
    • Euro J Radiology Open.ens
    • Euro J Radiology.ens
    • Euro J Social Work.ens
    • Euro J Soil Biology.ens
    • Euro J Soil Science.ens
    • Euro J Spec Needs Ed.ens
    • Euro J Sport Science.ens
    • Euro J Surgical Oncology.ens
    • Euro J Teacher Educ.ens
    • Euro J Work Organizational Psych.ens
    • Euro Law J.ens
    • Euro Manag Rev.ens
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    • Euro Neurology.ens
    • Euro Neuropsychopharmacology.ens
    • Euro Phys J-Applied Physics.ens
    • Euro Physical J C.ens
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    • Euro Rev Appl Psychol.ens
    • Euro Rev Econ History.ens
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    • Euro Sociological Rev.ens
    • Euro Spine J.ens
    • Euro Sport Mgmt Quarterly.ens
    • Euro Surgical Research.ens
    • Euro Thyroid J.ens
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    • Europace.ens
    • Eval Program Planning.ens
    • Evaluation Review.ens
    • Evaluation and the Health Prof.ens
    • Evid-based Comp Alt Med.ens
    • Evidence-Based Comm Assess Interven.ens
    • Evidence-Based Dentistry.ens
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    • Evol Applications.ens
    • Evol Ecology Res.ens
    • Evol Hum Behav.ens
    • Evol Med Pub Health.ens
    • Evolution Devel.ens
    • Evolution.ens
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  • 国际投行研究分析资料2022-01.zip

    • Japan Machinery_ Automation_ June robot_robodrill volume inferred from customs data_ China upturn, robot shipments remain high(1).pdf
    • CS-Visa Inc..pdf
    • Sichuan Teway Food Group (603317.SS)_ Data update_ Adjusting FY22E quarterly estimates(1).pdf
    • Sichuan Swellfun Co. (600779.SS)_ Cautious Outlook Into 2H22; Maintain Neutral(1).pdf
    • Sichuan Swellfun Co. (600779.SS)_ 2Q22 Miss on Covid Disruption to Consumption Scenarios, with Channel Inventory Management i....pdf
    • Shopify Inc. (SHOP)_ Growth, margins likely approaching a trough(1).pdf
    • Shell Plc (SHEL.AS)_ Strong set of 2Q results and cash flow generation support increased share buybacks; Buy (1).pdf
    • Shanghai Putailai New Energy (603659.SS)_ 1H22 inline; Strong anode and separator shipment driven by EV growth; Stay Neutral(1).pdf
    • ServiceNow Inc. (NOW)_ Expect solid quarter with embedded conservatism_ 2Q22 Preview(1).pdf
    • ServiceNow Inc. (NOW)_ Estimates largely derisked as waning macro backdrop incorporated in guide - 2Q22 Results(1).pdf
    • Sangfor (300454.SZ)_ HCI v6.8.0 launched; financial _ steel clients on cloudization, HCI, cybersecurity; Buy(1).pdf
    • Samsung Electronics (005930.KS)_ Earnings Review_ 2Q22 inline with expectations_ A more disciplined memory investment the com...(1).pdf
    • Retail_ Specialty Hardlines_ Sporting goods digital trends; Update on promotional activity(1).pdf
    • Qualcomm Inc. (QCOM)_ FQ3'22 Wrap_ QTR beat but FQ4 guidance miss; High-end demand resilient even as handset market expectati...(1).pdf
    • Puma (PUMG.DE)_ 2Q22E EBIT beat driven by strong sales momentum, albeit uncertain consumer demand leaves FY22E EBIT unchanged...(1).pdf
    • Prosus_Naspers_ Release 4th update on buyback programme execution(1).pdf
    • Pentair Plc (PNR)_ Execution on price-cost encouraging as volume slowdown comes into focus; remain Buy on favorable risk-reward(1).pdf
    • Paccar Inc. (PCAR)_ Structural Parts margin improvement balanced by challenging cyclical outlook(1).pdf
    • One 97 Communications (PAYT.BO)_ 1QFY23 preview_ Another quarter of elevated growth and improving margins; Buy(1).pdf
    • NXP Semiconductors NV (NXPI)_ Solid results_guide, but we continue to await normalization in shipments; 2Q22 EPS recap(1).pdf
    • NetEase Inc. (NTES)_ Thoughts on Diablo Immortal releases in China on 25 July; Buy(1).pdf
    • Natural Gas_ Potential NS1 drop brings upside risk to our TTF forecast(1).pdf
    • MS-The Thin Red Line.pdf
    • MS-Sunday Start - 60-40 Isn’t Dead, Just Resting.pdf
    • MS-Sound Bites 芯片之争 – 投资者反馈.pdf
    • MS_McDonald'sCorporation _ NorthAmerica 2Q22_ Defensive Characteristics Show Up Around the World Amidst Growing Uncertainty_20220726.pdf
    • MS_Internet _ NorthAmerica Where Are We Trading Now...Let Mega Cap EPS Begin_20220726.pdf
    • MS -China Equity Strategy Focus List Changes.pdf
    • Moody's Corp. (MCO)_ Ratings revenue soft in 2Q, with estimates largely de-risked and attention turning to recovery in 2023(1).pdf
    • Miniso (MNSO)_ Addressing recent investor queries; Buy(1).pdf
    • Milkyway (603713.SS)_ First Take_ 2Q22 a clean beat; Buy.pdf
    • Milkyway (603713.SS)_ Earnings Review_ Raising estimates post strong 2Q22; maintain Buy(1).pdf
    • Microsoft Corp. (MSFT)_ PC and FX headwinds are more than offset by $100bn Cloud Revenue runrate, growing at 33% CC – F4Q22 R...(1).pdf
    • Microsoft Corp. (MSFT)_ Expecting strong underlying trends amid FX volatility – F4Q22 preview (1).pdf
    • Metals & Mining_ Models and single-name views as 2Q earnings accelerate(1).pdf
    • Meta Platforms, Inc. (META)_ Q2'22 Review_ Macro Headwinds Replace Privacy Headwinds; Shift to Long Term Platform Transition ...(1).pdf
    • Meta Platforms, Inc. (META)_ Q2 '22 Earnings First Take(1).pdf
    • Merck & Co. (MRK)_ 2Q22 First Take_ Revenue_EPS Beat and topline Guidance Raise(1).pdf
    • MediaTek (2454.TW)_ Our thoughts on the new strategic partnership with Intel (1).pdf
    • McDonald's Corp. (MCD)_ 2Q22 Review_ Sales Momentum Continues Across Geographies, Company Well-Positioned to Manage Cost Pres...(1).pdf
    • MasterCard Inc. (MA)_ Key Takeaways from 2Q22 EPS(1).pdf
    • Macro at a Glance_ Latest views and forecasts(1).pdf
    • LVMH Moet-Hennessy Louis Vuitton (LVMH.PA)_ 1H22_ Sales +19% cFX with +6% EBIT beat; reiterate Buy, PT to EUR730 (was EUR700)(1).pdf
    • Liberty Energy Inc. (LBRT)_ 2Q22 First Take_ Significant EBITDA Beat on Net Pricing, Activating Additional Fleets For 2022(1).pdf
    • Kweichow Moutai (600519.SS)_ Data update_ Adjusting FY22E quarterly estimates(1).pdf
    • Kraft Heinz Co. (KHC)_ Further relative under-performance seems unlikely from here; Up to Neutral(1).pdf
    • Keyence (6861.T)_ Earnings Review_ 1Q in line in adjusted terms, taking China lockdowns into account; business structure rema...(1).pdf
    • Kaiser Aluminum Corp. (KALU)_ First Take_ 2Q EPS and EBITDA miss on higher costs and Warrick supply chain challenges; Sell(1).pdf
    • JPM-Global Data Watch Skating on thin ice during.pdf
    • JPM-Global Commodities.pdf
    • JPM-first to market.pdf
    • JPM-Cross Asset Volatility Machine Learning Trading .pdf
    • JPM-Commodities Oil Drilling Report Total US oil.pdf
    • JPM-China’s housing market alarm bell rings again -2022-07-21.pdf
    • Japan SaaS_ KPI summary_ Fundamentals largely unchanged, but valuations remain low(1).pdf
    • Japan Chemicals_ June MOF data_ Silicon wafer shipment volume down -7% yoy on China impact, overall ASP up high +43% yoy(1).pdf
    • J.P.摩根-亚太地区投资策略-新兴市场亚洲本地市场2022年年中展望:从急性到慢性-保持UW利率和外汇-2022.6.14-40页.pdf
    • J.P.摩根-新兴市场投资策略-新兴市场边缘数据观察:有风险的副作用的强效药-2022.6.17-29页.pdf
    • J.P.摩根-全球自动化行业-JPM&CSIA系统集成商调查:需求在高位达到顶峰-2022.6.17-58页.pdf
    • J.P.摩根-全球投资策略-外汇年中展望:下半年货币需要了解的十件事-2022.6.17-51页.pdf
    • J.P.摩根-全球投资策略-全球数据观察:当我向他们复仇时,他们会知道我是主-2022.6.17-89页.pdf
    • J.P.摩根-全球投资策略-J.P.摩根视角:告别负收益率-2022.6.15-92页.pdf
    • J.P.摩根-美股银行业-美国中小盘银行赚钱策略更新:卓越的客户体验和强劲的增长历来能带来可观的表现-2022.6.15-44页.pdf
    • J.P.摩根-美股医疗保健行业-可操作的见解:生育101-市场背景是BFP-2022.6.16-28页.pdf
    • J.P.摩根-美股投资策略-2022年年中展望:更大的宽幅和更大的紧缩迫使更广泛的预测—移动到175个基点-2022.6.17-22页.pdf
    • J.P.摩根-美股汽车行业-数字化二手和特许经营汽车经销商:行业思考与手册-2022.6.14-202页.pdf
    • J.P.摩根-美股能源行业-J.P.摩根能源问题库:勘探和开采、综合石油和炼油、中游、油田服务和设备、公用事业和替代能源-2022.6.14-243页.pdf
    • J.P.摩根-美股零售业-行业&公司深度研究(HAS, MAT, FNKO)-2022.6.16-66页.pdf
    • J.P.摩根-美股保险行业-变额年金市场趋势:疲软的市场将损害近期的业绩;尾部风险是长期的担忧-2022.6.17-32页.pdf
    • J.P.摩根-美股半导体行业-J.P.摩根半导体和半导体资本设备公司-2022.6-40页.pdf
    • Iron Ore - From scarcity to glut(1).pdf
    • India Telecom_ Spectrum auction_ Bids 60% higher vs GSe at US$19 bn, likely led by Jio(1).pdf
    • HSBC-中国运输与物流行业-上海运输与物流8月可全面恢复-2022.6.16-24页.pdf
    • HSBC-中国投资策略-中国股票策略:从亚洲供应链的转变中寻找赢家-2022.6.13-21页.pdf
    • HSBC-中国能源行业-中国太阳能设备:太阳能电池市场可能出现范式转变-2022.6.14-26页.pdf
    • HSBC-中国PCB行业-触底反弹;关注苹果相关FPC-2022.6.15-21页.pdf
    • HSBC-亚太地区投资策略-亚太地区利率:加速加息-2022.6.16-32页.pdf
    • HSBC-亚太地区投资策略-看点:亚洲债券市场-2022.6-167页.pdf
    • HSBC-亚太地区电子设备和仪器行业-亚洲科技:启动ABF基板领域-2022.6.15-29页.pdf
    • HSBC-全球投资策略-体育用品回顾:迎接新一轮的复杂性-2022.6.14-32页.pdf
    • HSBC-全球投资策略-HSBC第16届运输与物流大会:同样的风暴,不同的船-2022.6.15-33页.pdf
    • HSBC-The Major bond letter.PDF
    • HSBC-Covered Bond Insight Strong year-to-date issuance in USD and GBP.pdf
    • HSBC-China’s property stumble Why it’s different from the subprime mortgage crisis.pdf
    • Hong Kong Exchanges (0388.HK)_ BABA announces HK primary listing plans; Buy(1).pdf
    • Healthcare Pulse_ Unsettled ... Investor sentiment; market color; sector themes; charts to watch(1).pdf
    • GS MINING_ Amplats __ Iron ore __ SIG __ China steel production __ Las Bambas __ Natural Gas NS1(1).pdf
    • GS EUROPEAN EXPRESS_ European Views _ Encore_ Buy LVMH, Volvo, NHY _ US Consumer _ China Musings(1).pdf
    • Greater China Telecom Equipment_ June_ 5G BTS +154k units to 1,854k; 5G subscribers +28mn(1).pdf
    • Global Rates Trader_ A Europe-driven yield downdraft(1).pdf
    • Global PMI Monitor_ DM Composite PMI Falls Below 50 in July; Further Easing in Inflation Components (Zhestkova)(1).pdf
    • Global Market Views_ Relief, but no green light (Trivedi_Wilson)(1).pdf
    • Global Economics Comment_ June Trimmed Core Inflation_ US Reacceleration (Bhushan)(1).pdf
    • General Electric Co. (GE)_ Strong 2Q, low bar to clear in 3Q, valuation attractive(1).pdf
    • FOMC Roundtable July 26-27 [presentation](1).pdf
    • Fiserv Inc. (FISV)_ Key Takeaways from 2Q22 EPS(1).pdf
    • Fiserv Inc. (FISV)_ First Take_ Top-line beat with particular strength in Merchant Acceptance(1).pdf
    • Europe Beverages_ Trends in US Off-Trade Beer market remain fairly consistent in July(1).pdf
    • Equinix Inc. (EQIX)_ 2Q22 Review_ Solid results and increased core 2022 guidance; maintain Buy and $765 PT(1).pdf
    • Energy_ Drillers_ See upside potential into 2Q earnings; continue to prefer NBR over RIG longer-term(1).pdf
    • Energy, Utilities & Mining Pulse_ Investors Asking_ What Surprised During Earnings and the Growing Importance of EPS Execution(1).pdf
    • EM in Focus_ Drilling into EM Debt Dynamics(1).pdf
    • DB-US Strategy Update Refunding preview Maintaining.pdf
    • DB-Asia Thematic Analysis Asias energy security.pdf
    • CS-Zhuzhou CRRC Times Electric Co., Ltd (3898.HK).pdf
    • CS-Zhejiang Huahai Pharmaceutical Co Ltd (600521.SS).pdf
    • CS-Yangtze Optical (601869.SS).pdf
    • CS-Weibo Corporation (WB.OQ).pdf
    • CS-Taiwan View on the news - July 22.pdf
    • CS-Taiwan Display Sector -220725.pdf
    • CS-Summary Europe.pdf
    • CS-Steel Import Monitor.pdf
    • CS-Squarespace, Inc.pdf
    • CS-Shopify Inc..pdf
    • CS-Shenzhen Salubris Pharmaceuticals Co Ltd (002294.SZ).pdf
    • CS-Shell_Carbon Neutral LNG Opportunity.pdf
    • CS-Shanghai Putailai New Energy Technology (603659.SS).pdf
    • CS-Sea Limited (SE.N).pdf
    • CS-Ping An Healthcare and Technology (1833.HK).pdf
    • CSPC Pharma (1093.HK)_ Second ex-China license-out of CLDN18.2 assets; 1-2 more BD deals expected before YE22(1).pdf
    • CS-Payments, Processors and FinTech Expert Insights.pdf
    • CS-Oatly Group AB.pdf
    • CS-MINISO Group (MNSO.N).pdf
    • CS-Meta Platforms, Inc..pdf
    • CS-Machinery sector-Implications for Japanese machinery sector.pdf
    • CS-Machinery sector.pdf
    • CS-LONGi Green Energy Technology (601012.SS).pdf
    • CS-Lee & Man Paper Manufacturing Ltd. (2314.HK).pdf
    • CS-Last Edition.pdf
    • CS-Last Edition - US.pdf
    • CS-Last Edition - US -220721.pdf
    • CS-Kuaishou Tech (1024.HK).pdf
    • CS-Jiangsu Hengrui Pharmaceuticals Co., Ltd. (600276.SS).pdf
    • CS-Jiangling Motors Corp., Ltd. (000550.SZ).pdf
    • CS-iQIYI Inc. (IQ.OQ).pdf
    • CS-Inovance Technology (300124.SZ).pdf
    • CS-HUTCHMED (China) Limited (HCM.OQ).pdf
    • CS-Huaneng Power International Inc (0902.HK).pdf
    • CS-Hualan Biological Engineering Inc. (002007.SZ).pdf
    • CS-HKEx (0388.HK).pdf
    • CS-Globe Life.pdf
    • CS-UK Banks read across notes.pdf
    • CS-Tsingtao Brewery (600600.SS).pdf
    • CS-Trip.com Group (TCOM.OQ).pdf
    • CS-Tongcheng Travel (0780.HK).pdf
    • CS-The Container Conundrum – U.S. Shipping Port Dynamics Update.pdf
    • CS-Technology sector.pdf
    • CS-Taiwan View on the news.pdf
    • CS-Taiwan View on the news - July 25.pdf
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    • TECHNICAL ANALYSIS of CANDLESTICK AND CHART PATTERNS_ 13 Custom Technical Indicators, 5 Winning Trading Setups and a Customizable Trading Robot to automate your day or swing trading strategies.epub
    • TECHNICAL ANALYSIS of CANDLESTICK AND CHART PATTERNS_ 13 Custom Technical Indicators, 5 Winning Trading Setups and a Customizable Trading Robot to automate your day or swing trading strategies.pdf
    • TECHNICAL ANALYSIS of CANDLESTICK AND CHART PATTERNS_ 13 Custom Technical Indicators, 5 Winning Trading Setups and a Customizable Trading Robot to automate your day or swing trading strategies_nodrm.azw
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  • 45.28 MB
  • 2021-9-14
  • 2021-01医疗医美.zip

    • 医美行业深度研究报告:繁简各异,四地医美产品如何获批?-20210531-华创证券-37页.pdf
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    • 医药行业2021年中期投资策略:聚焦强刚需下的持续性优势-20210614-国泰君安-61页.pdf
    • CFLP-2020医药物流智慧化现状及发展趋势-2021.5-22页.pdf
    • 医药行业:CRO&CMO框架研究,外包生态的整合与扩张-20210523-中金公司-38页.pdf
    • 医疗健康行业:Botox引领美丽革命,中国医美有望迈向合规-20210522-中金公司-27页.pdf
    • 毕马威-“十四五”医疗篇报告 就医疗健康产业规划提供建议-2021.5-39页.pdf
    • CB INSIGHTS-生物医药领域的真实世界数据行业研究报告(英文)-2021.5-51页.pdf
    • Mob研究院-2021年互联网医疗行业洞察:砥砺前行,领军企业行则将至-2021.6-43页.pdf
    • 医美行业投资框架:寻找中国医美的艾尔建-20210611-兴业证券-83页.pdf
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    • 医药行业2021年中期策略报告:人口结构演变铸造医药长期牛市,建议超配医药-20210525-东吴证券-56页.pdf
    • 医美行业颜值经济系列深度报告之一:变美步履不停,“颜值经济”浪潮来临-20210526-东吴证券-83页.pdf
    • 医美行业投资框架:寻找中国医美的艾尔建-兴业证券-2021.6.11-83页.pdf
    • 全市场科技产业策略报告第112期:数字医疗细分领域之医疗社交平台当前现状和未来发展怎么看?-20210601-安信证券-48页.pdf
    • 医疗健康产业2021年下半年投资策略:百花齐放,关注疫情后时代的医药强势复苏-20210531-中信证券-110页.pdf
  • 91.78 MB
  • 2021-9-4
  • 中国第三次全国农业普查(综合资料).zip

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    • 1.txt
  • 28.44 MB
  • 2021-8-3
  • 中国劳动统计年鉴2020.zip

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  • 87.03 MB
  • 2021-7-7
  • 医疗医美01.zip

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    • 医疗健康行业:Botox引领美丽革命,中国医美有望迈向合规-20210522-中金公司-27页.pdf
  • 92.76 MB
  • 2021-6-22
  • 新疆统计年鉴2020.zip

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  • 2021-5-17
  • 中国人口和就业统计年鉴2020(光盘版).zip

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  • 62.35 MB
  • 2021-2-21
  • Our Broken America Why Both Sides Need to Stop Ranting and Start Listening.rar

    • Our Broken America Why Both Sides Need to Stop Ranting and Start Listening.epub
  • 590.7 KB
  • 2021-1-11
  • 西藏统计年鉴2015.rar

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  • 37.21 MB
  • 2021-1-4
  • 全国农产品成本收益资料汇编2012(光盘版).zip

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    • 免费下载更多年鉴.jpg
  • 4.49 MB
  • 2020-12-19
  • 全国农产品成本收益资料汇编2011.zip

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  • 3.2 MB
  • 2020-12-19
  • 全国农产品成本收益资料汇编2009.zip

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  • 2.66 MB
  • 2020-12-19
  • 新疆统计年鉴2019(光盘版).zip

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  • 2020-11-26
  • 新疆统计年鉴2018(光盘版).zip

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    • 《光盘版使用说明》(2个首页).txt
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  • 2020-11-26
  • 新疆统计年鉴2017(光盘版).zip

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    • 《光盘版使用说明》(2个首页).txt
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  • 2020-11-26
  • 新疆统计年鉴2016(光盘版).zip

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    • 《光盘版使用说明》(2个首页).txt
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  • 2020-11-26
  • 新疆统计年鉴2015(光盘版).zip

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    • 《光盘版使用说明》(2个首页).txt
  • 98.17 MB
  • 2020-11-26
  • The Future of Medicine.pdf
       The digitalization of healthcare is providing a better healthcare delivery experience for both patie ...

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  • 2020-10-8
  • styles.zip

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    • Frontiers in Zoology.ens
    • Fruits.ens
    • Fuel Processing Technology.ens
    • Fuel.ens
    • Fukuoka Acta Medica.ens
    • Funct Integrative Genom.ens
    • Function.ens
    • Functional Ecology.ens
    • Functional Plant Biology.ens
    • Fundam Clin Pharmacol.ens
    • Fungal Biology Reviews.ens
    • Fungal Biology.ens
    • Fungal Diversity.ens
    • Fungal Genetics and Biol.ens
    • Fusion Engineering Design.ens
    • Fuss und Sprunggelenk.ens
    • Future Generation Computer Sys.ens
    • Future Science.ens
    • Futures.ens
    • Futuribles.ens
    • Fuzzy Sets and Systems.ens
    • G3 Genes Genomes Genetics.ens
    • G3 Geochem Geophys Geosys.ens
    • GAIA Deutsch.ens
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    • GE Port J Gastroenterol.ens
    • GOST-Appearance-Order.ens
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    • GSA Bulletin.ens
    • Gaceta Medica Mexico.ens
    • Gait Posture.ens
    • Games and Culture.ens
    • Games and Econ Beh.ens
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    • Gastroenterology.ens
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    • Gastrointestinal Intervention.ens
    • Gastrointestinal Tumors.ens
    • Gazzetta Medica Italiana.ens
    • Geburtshilfe Frauenheilkd-English.ens
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    • Gen Anthropology Newsletter.ens
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    • Gene Expression Patterns.ens
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    • Gene.ens
    • General Anthropology.ens
    • General Hospital Psychiatry.ens
    • Genes Brain Behavior.ens
    • Genes Chromosomes Cancer.ens
    • Genes Development.ens
    • Genes and Immunity.ens
    • Genes to Cells.ens
    • Genesis.ens
    • Genet Med.ens
    • Genetic Epidemiology.ens
    • Genetic Testing Mol Biomark.ens
    • Genetic Vaccines Therapy.ens
    • Genetics Research.ens
    • Genetics Selection Evolution.ens
    • Genetics.ens
    • Genome Announcements.ens
    • Genome Biology Evolution.ens
    • Genome Biology.ens
    • Genome Research.ens
    • Genome.ens
    • Genomics.ens
    • Genre.ens
    • Geo Geogr Environ.ens
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    • Geochemical Journal.ens
    • Geochemical Perspectives Letters.ens
    • Geochemical Perspectives.ens
    • Geochemical Trans.ens
    • Geochemistry.ens
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    • Geofisica Internacional.ens
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    • Geografiska Annaler Ser A.ens
    • Geografiska Annaler Ser B.ens
    • Geographical Analysis.ens
    • Geographical J.ens
    • Geographical Research.ens
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    • Geol J.ens
    • Geological Magazine.ens
    • Geological Soc
  • 16.53 MB
  • 2020-10-7
  • 2020年无锡统计年鉴.rar

    • bottom.htm
    • 2020年统计年鉴使用说明.txt
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  • 2020-9-12
  • 2013中国第三产业统计年鉴.rar

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    • start.exe
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  • 2020-6-17
  • 中国第三产业统计年鉴2019.zip

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  • 2020-4-10
  • 中国科技统计年鉴2018.rar

    • bottom.htm
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    • start.exe
    • autorun.inf
    • cbs.htm
    • indexce.htm
  • 49.39 MB
  • 2020-3-1
  • 【书名】_国际金融(第五版)ppt 【作者】_刘舒年、温晓芳 主编.zip
       【书名】_国际金融(第五版)ppt 【作者】_刘舒年、温晓芳 主编

    • 第八章 项目贷款与BOT.pdf
    • 第二章 外汇汇率和汇率制度.pdf
    • 第九章 国际资本流动与债务危机.pdf
    • 第六章 国际金融市场与衍生金融工具市场.pdf
    • 第七章 对外贸易信贷.pdf
    • 第三章 外汇业务和汇率折算.pdf
    • 第十一章 国际货币体系.pdf
    • 第十章 国际金融组织.pdf
    • 第四章 外汇风险管理.pdf
    • 第五章 外汇管制与我国的外汇管理.pdf
    • 第一章 国际收支与国际储备.pdf
  • 8.2 MB
  • 2020-2-10
  • 中国人口和就业统计年鉴2019.zip

    • bottom.htm
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  • 2020-2-5
  • 中国能源统计年鉴2018.zip

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    • 中国能源统计年鉴2018\start.exe
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  • 2020-1-12
  • 天津统计年鉴2010(光盘版).zip

    • bottom.htm
    • Helpe.htm
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    • helpc.htm
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    • start.exe
    • top.htm
    • tope.htm
    • 关注免费领取2013-2017年.png
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  • 2019-12-22
  • 浙江统计年鉴2016.zip

    • bottom.htm
    • START.htm
    • autorun.inf
    • bindingConfig.xml
    • help.htm
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    • start.exe
    • start.ico
    • topch.htm
    • topeh.htm
    • yearbook.xml
  • 5.83 MB
  • 2019-12-18
  • HBS.rar

    • 2017 The Vanca Reworking Digital Marketing Strategy.pdf
    • 2017 Uber Changing the Way the World Moves.pdf
    • 2018 Dell Upcycling Ocean Plastics Through Supply Chain Innovation.pdf
    • 2018 The Nike School Innovation Fund Scaling for Impact in Oregon Public Schools.pdf
    • 2019 General Electric and Suez Deal or No Deal.pdf
    • 2019 Ride-Hailing Services Forecasting Uber’s Growth.pdf
    • 1982 Johnson & Johnson The Tylenol Tragedy.pdf
    • 1994 Nucleon, Inc..pdf
    • 1997 Silicon Valley of the East Creating Taiwan's Semiconductor Industry.pdf
    • 1998 Perrier, Nestle, and the Agnellis.pdf
    • 1999 How Process Enterprises Really Work.pdf
    • 2000 Cafes Monte Bianco Building a Profit Plan.pdf
    • 2000 Coca-Cola's New Vending Machine (A) Pricing to Capture Value, or Not.pdf
    • 2000 Dell Selling Directly, Globally.pdf
    • 2001 Mountain Dew Selecting New Creative.pdf
    • 2001 Nestle Quality on the Boardroom Agenda (A).pdf
    • 2001 Nike, Inc. Cost of Capital.pdf
    • 2001 Nokia Corp. Innovation and Efficiency in a High-Growth Global Firm.pdf
    • 2002 Compliance, Collaboration, and Codes of Labor Practice The adidas Connection.pdf
    • 2002 Nestle's Globe Program (A) The Early Months.pdf
    • 2003 Costco Wholesale Corp. Financial Statement Analysis (A).pdf
    • 2003 Dell's Dilemma in Brazil Negotiating at the State Level.pdf
    • 2003 General Motors OnStar.pdf
    • 2003 Hero Honda (India) Ltd. Is it 'Honda' that Makes It a 'Hero'.pdf
    • 2004 Coca-Cola's Marketing Challenges in Brazil The Tubaιnas War.pdf
    • 2004 The Merger of Hewlett-Packard and Compaq (A) Strategy and Valuation.pdf
    • 2004 The Merger of Hewlett-Packard and Compaq (B) Deal Design.pdf
    • 2005 Carrefour S.A..pdf
    • 2005 Emerging Business Opportunities at IBM (A).pdf
    • 2005 Executive Compensation at General Electric (A).pdf
    • 2006 FedEx and Environmental Defense Building a Hybrid Delivery Fleet.pdf
    • 2006 GE’s Growth Strategy The Immelt Initiative.pdf
    • 2006 GE's Talent Machine The Making of a CEO.pdf
    • 2007 eBay's Strategy in China Alliance or Acquisition.pdf
    • 2007 Leadership Development at Goldman Sachs.pdf
    • 2008 Hyundai CardHyundai Capital and GE Money Re-branding Decisions in a Successful Joint Venture.pdf
    • 2008 Research in Motion Managing Explosive Growth.pdf
    • 2009 ATH MicroTechnologies, Inc. (A) Making the Numbers.pdf
    • 2009 Boeing The Fight for Fasteners.pdf
    • 2009 Nestlé in 2008.pdf
    • 2010 Event Sponsorship and Ambush Marketing Lessons from the Beijing Olympics.pdf
    • 2010 Homeless World Cup Social Entrepreneurship, Cause Marketing, and a Partnership with Nike.pdf
    • 2010 Mass Production and Vertical Integration at Ford in the 1920s.pdf
    • 2010 Metabical Positioning and CommunicationsStrategy for a New Weight-Loss Drug.pdf
    • 2010 Metabical Pricing, Packaging, and Demand Forecasting for a New Weight-Loss Drug.pdf
    • 2010 Shanzhai! MediaTek and the White Box Handset Market.pdf
    • 2011 Bombardier Aerospace The CSeries Dilemma.pdf
    • 2011 Finland and Nokia Creating the World's Most Competitive Economy.pdf
    • 2011 GE Healthcare (A) Innovating for Emerging Markets.pdf
    • 2011 Honda (A) + (B).pdf
    • 2011 Keda's SAP Implementation.pdf
    • 2011 Nokia India Battery Recall Logistics.pdf
    • 2011 State Bank of India Transforming a State Owned Giant.pdf
    • 2011 Vertu Nokia's Luxury Mobile Phone for the Urban Rich.pdf
    • 2012 Alphabet Energy.pdf
    • 2012 Coca-Cola in 2011 In Search of a New Model.pdf
    • 2012 Coke and Pepsi from Global to Indian Advertising.pdf
    • 2012 Merck (in 2009) Open for Innovation.pdf
    • 2012 Nestlé SA Nutrition, Health and Wellness Strategy.pdf
    • 2012 Netflix Inc. Streaming Away from DVDs.pdf
    • 2013 Airbus vs. Boeing (A).pdf
    • 2013 Citigroup’s Shareholder Tango in Brazil (A).pdf
    • 2013 Coca-Cola Back in Burma.pdf
    • 2013 Coca-Cola Liquid and Linked.pdf
    • 2013 Governance and Sustainability at Nike (A).pdf
    • 2014 Corporate Governance at Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia Not A Good Thing.pdf
    • 2014 Facebook and WhatsApp Acquire or Ally.pdf
    • 2014 Hyundai Motor Company Design Takes the Driver's Seat.pdf
    • 2014 Microsoft New Wine in an Old Bottle.pdf
    • 2015 Uber An Empire in the Making.pdf
    • 2016 Adidas RussiaCIS and the Russian Crisis Retrench or Double Down (A).pdf
    • 2016 Airbnb, Etsy, Uber Growing from One Thousand to One Million Customers.pdf
    • 2016 Building the Digital Manufacturing Enterprise of the Future at Siemens.pdf
    • 2016 Cisco India (A) Innovation in Emerging Markets.pdf
    • 2016 GE’s Big Bet on Data and Analytics.pdf
    • 2016 Netflix International Expansion.pdf
    • 2016 Patient Room of the Future User-Oriented Innovation.pdf
    • 2016 Pricing the EpiPen This is Going to Sting.pdf
    • 2016 Reach Capital Performance in Education Technology.pdf
    • 2017 Fasten Challenging Uber and Lyft with a New Business Model.pdf
    • 2017 i-flex solutions limited (B) The Oracle Years.pdf
    • 2017 Southeastern Asset Management Challenges Buyout at Dell.pdf
  • 97.59 MB
  • 2019-11-29
  • Harvard Business School case.zip

    • 2005 Sony AIBO The World's First Entertainment Robot.pdf
    • 2015 Amgen Inc. Pursuing Innovation and Imitation (A).pdf
    • 2015 Hedging at Porsche.pdf
    • 2015 Mobileye The Future of Driverless Cars.pdf
    • 2015 Nintendo Wii U Lessons Learned for New Strategic Directions.pdf
    • 2015 Wal-Mart In Search of Renewed Growth.pdf
    • 2016 ATB Digital Disruption in the Parking Meter Industry.pdf
    • 2016 Blockchain A New Solution for Supply Integrity.pdf
    • 2016 Disruption in Detroit Ford, Silicon Valley, and Beyond.pdf
    • 2016 Patient Room of the Future User-Oriented Innovation.pdf
    • 2017 Amazon Go Venturing into Traditional Retail.pdf
    • 2017 Curana Managing Open Innovation for Growth in SMEs (A).pdf
    • 2017 The Vanca Reworking Digital Marketing Strategy.pdf
    • 2017 Uber Changing the Way the World Moves.pdf
    • 2017 Volkswagen and Tata Motors A Strategic Alliance in India.pdf
    • 2017 Volkswagen Emission Scandal Reputation Recovery and Recall Strategy.pdf
    • 2017 Walmart’s Emergent Low-Cost Sustainable Product Strategy.pdf
    • 2017 Xiaomi Entering International Markets.pdf
    • 2019 General Electric and Suez Deal or No Deal.pdf
    • 1985 Scenarios Shooting the Rapids.pdf
    • 1985 Scenarios Uncharted Waters Ahead.pdf
    • 1992 Adolph Coors in the Brewing Industry.pdf
    • 1994 Wal-Mart Stores, Inc..pdf
    • 1995 Eastman Kodak Company Funtime Film.pdf
    • 1995 Power Play (A) Nintendo in 8-bit Video Games.pdf
    • 1995 The Body Shop International.pdf
    • 1997 Corporate New Ventures at Procter & Gamble.pdf
    • 1998 New United Motors Manufacturing, Inc. (NUMMI).pdf
    • 1998 Samsung China The Introduction of Color TV.pdf
    • 2000 A Hunderd-Year War Coke vs. Pepsi, 1890s-1990s.pdf
    • 2000 Loblaw Companies Limited Preparing for Wal-Mart Supercenters.pdf
    • 2000 Microsoft, 2000.pdf
    • 2001 Adobe Systems Incorporated.pdf
    • 2001 Hewlett-Packard Co. DeskJet Printer Supply Chain (A).pdf
    • 2001 The Pharmaceutical Industry and the AIDS Crisis in Developing Countries.pdf
    • 2002 Ford Motor Company's Value Enhancement Plan (A).pdf
    • 2002 Sunk Costs The Plan to Dump the Brent Spar (A).pdf
    • 2002 WalMart Stores, Inc..pdf
    • 2003 Blueprint for Ford's Future From Personal Automobiles to Mobility.pdf
    • 2003 Costco Wholesale Corp. Financial Statement Analysis (A).pdf
    • 2003 General Motors OnStar.pdf
    • 2003 Hero Honda (India) Ltd. Is it 'Honda' that Makes It a 'Hero'.pdf
    • 2004 Hewlett-Packard–Compaq The Merger Decision.pdf
    • 2004 HP and Compaq Combined In Search of Scale and Scope.pdf
    • 2004 Kodak (A).pdf
    • 2004 Matrix Semiconductor Inc. (A) Tackling Challenges of Strategic Dimensions.pdf
    • 2004 The Globalization of CEMEX.pdf
    • 2004 The Merger of Hewlett-Packard and Compaq (A) Strategy and Valuation.pdf
    • 2005 Apple Computer 2002.pdf
    • 2005 Executive Compensation at General Electric (A).pdf
    • 2005 Kodak and the Digital Revolution (A).pdf
    • 2005 Matrix Semiconductor Inc. (B) Transitioning from Innovation to Execution.pdf
    • 2005 Wal-Mart, 2005.pdf
    • 2006 Executive Decision Making at General Motors.pdf
    • 2006 GE’s Growth Strategy The Immelt Initiative.pdf
    • 2006 Procter & Gamble Organization 2005 (B).pdf
    • 2006 Project Evaluation in Emerging Markets Exxon Mobil, Oil, and Argentina.pdf
    • 2006 Wal-Mart Stores Everyday Low Prices in China.pdf
    • 2007 Apple Computer, 2006.pdf
    • 2007 Development of a Multinational Personnel Selection System.pdf
    • 2007 eBay's Strategy in China Alliance or Acquisition.pdf
    • 2007 Keller Williams Realty (A).pdf
    • 2007 Mountain Man Brewing Company Bringing the Brand to Light.pdf
    • 2007 Strategic Outsourcing at Bharti Airtel Limited.pdf
    • 2007 The Walt Disnet Company Investor Communications Strategy.pdf
    • 2007 TiVo 2007 DVRs and Beyond.pdf
    • 2007 Volkswagen of America Managing IT Priorities.pdf
    • 2008 Design Strategy at Samsung Electronics Becoming a Top-Tier Company.pdf
    • 2008 Mattel and the Toy Recalls (A).pdf
    • 2009 Nestlé in 2008.pdf
    • 2009 Nintendo's Disruptive Strategy Implications for the Video Game Industry.pdf
    • 2009 Porsche, Volkswagen, and CSX Cars, Trains, and Derivatives.pdf
    • 2010 Amazon.com The Brink of Bankruptcy.pdf
    • 2010 Mass Production and Vertical Integration at Ford in the 1920s.pdf
    • 2010 Metabical Positioning and CommunicationsStrategy for a New Weight-Loss Drug.pdf
    • 2010 Samsung’s Next Frontier.pdf
    • 2010 Volkswagen do Brasil Driving Strategy with Balanced Scorecard.pdf
    • 2011 Attune Foods Challenging the Goliaths with Authenticity.pdf
    • 2011 China or the World A Financial Reporting Strategy for Hong Kong’s Capital Markets.pdf
    • 2011 Honda (A) + (B).pdf
    • 2011 Keda's SAP Implementation.pdf
    • 2011 Pricing Games Sony PlayStation and Microsoft Xbox.pdf
    • 2011 Wal-Mart Update, 2011.docx
    • 2012 Half a Century of Supply Chain Management at Wal-Mart.pdf
    • 2012 Risk Management at Wellfleet Bank All That Glitters Is Not Gold.pdf
    • 2012 Wal-Mart in China 2012.pdf
    • 2013 Aggregate Planning at Green Mills.pdf
    • 2013 Volkswagen in India.pdf
    • 2014 Apple (in 2013) How to Sustain a Competitive Advantage.pdf
  • 92.72 MB
  • 2019-11-21
  • HBS.rar

    • 2008 The Talbots, Inc., and Subsidiaries Accounting for Goodwill.pdf
    • 1976 Cash Flow and the Time Value of Money.pdf
    • 1979 Note on Theory of Optimal Capital Structure.pdf
    • 1981 Minolta Camera Co., Ltd..pdf
    • 1987 Learning by the Case Method.pdf
    • 1990 CIBA-GEIGY Pharmaceuticals Pharma International.pdf
    • 1992 Kentucky Fried Chicken (Japan) Limited.pdf
    • 1992 Xerox and Fuji Xerox.pdf
    • 1993 Beta Management Company.pdf
    • 1993 Depreciation at Delta and Pan Am.pdf
    • 1993 Note on Bank Loans.pdf
    • 1993 Rohm and Haas( A) New Product Marketing Strategy.pdf
    • 1994 Note on Adjusted Present Value.pdf
    • 1994 Philip Morris Companies and Kraft, Inc..pdf
    • 1995 Arbitrage in the Government Bond Market.pdf
    • 1995 Capital Projects as Real Options An Introduction.pdf
    • 1995 City Year National Expansion Strategy (A).pdf
    • 1995 Crédit Géneral, SA.pdf
    • 1995 State Street Boston Corporation Leading with Information Technology.pdf
    • 1995 The Venture Capital Method - Valuation Problem Set.pdf
    • 1996 Standard Costs and Variance Analysis.pdf
    • 1997 A Bankurptcy Problem from the Talmud.pdf
    • 1997 Manzana Insurance - Fruitvale Branch (Abridged).pdf
    • 1997 The Co-operative Bank.pdf
    • 1998 First Direct (A).pdf
    • 1998 Statements of Cash Flows Tree Examples.pdf
    • 1999 An Overview of the Project Finance Market.pdf
    • 2000 Honeywell, Inc. and Integrated Risk Management.pdf
    • 2000 McKinsey & Company Managing Knowledge and Learning.pdf
    • 2000 Microsoft's Financial Reporting Strategy.pdf
    • 2000 Note on Marketing Strategy.pdf
    • 2000 Shock Therapy in Eastern Europe Supplement.pdf
    • 2000 The Boston Beer Company, Inc..pdf
    • 2000 The Coca-Cola Company (A).pdf
    • 2000 The U.S. Export-Import Bank and the Three Gorges Dam (A).pdf
    • 2000 Tree Values.pdf
    • 2001 Millennium Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (A).pdf
    • 2001 Term Sheet Negotiations for Trendsetter.com, Inc..pdf
    • 2002 Acme Investment Trust.pdf
    • 2002 Akamai's Underwater Options (A).pdf
    • 2002 Dell—New Horizons.pdf
    • 2002 Ford Motor Company's Value Enhancement Plan (A).pdf
    • 2002 Li & Fung (A) Internet Issues.pdf
    • 2002 Robert Mondavi & The Wine Industry.pdf
    • 2002 Sara's Options.pdf
    • 2002 Strategic Captial Management, LLC(A).pdf
    • 2002 The Indian Software Industry in 2002.pdf
    • 2003 2009 Zappos.com 2009 Clothing Customer Service and Company Culture, 2002.pdf
    • 2003 At the T. Rowe Price Trading Desk (A).pdf
    • 2003 Chase's Strategy for Syndicating the Hong Kong Disneyland Loan (A).pdf
    • 2003 Chase's Strategy for Syndicating the Hong Kong Disneyland Loan (B).pdf
    • 2003 Group Process in the Challenger Launch Decision (B).pdf
    • 2003 Internet Customer Acquisition Strategy at Bankinter.pdf
    • 2003 Internet Customer Acquisition Strategy at.pdf
    • 2003 Merck & Company Evaluating a Drug Licensing Opportunity.pdf
    • 2004 Deferred Taxes and the Valuation Allowance at Lucent Technologies, Inc. (A).pdf
    • 2004 Dividend Policy at Linear Technology.pdf
    • 2004 PetroChina.pdf
    • 2004 Strategic Inflection TiVo in 2003 (A).pdf
    • 2005 Gobi Partners October 2004.pdf
    • 2005 KAMCO and the Cross-Border Securitization of Korean Non-Performing Loans.pdf
    • 2005 Zipcar.pdf
    • 2006 Accounting for Pensions and Employee Benefits at Ford and Toyota.pdf
    • 2006 Chemalite, Inc..pdf
    • 2006 Harley-Davidson, Inc. Motorcycle Manufacturer or Financing Company.pdf
    • 2006 Investment Banking at Thomas Weisel Partners.pdf
    • 2006 Market Segmentation, Target Market Selectiorn, and Positioning.pdf
    • 2006 The Children's Investment Fund, 2005.pdf
    • 2006 Understanding Economic Value Added.pdf
    • 2007 GE’s Imagination Breakthroughs The Evo Project.pdf
    • 2007 HCL Technologies (A) (Abridged).pdf
    • 2007 McDonald’s Corporation Managing a Sustainable Supply Chain.pdf
    • 2007 PolyMedica Corporation (A).pdf
    • 2008 Banc One Corporation.pdf
    • 2008 Barilla SpA (A).pdf
    • 2008 Berkshire Partners Bidding for Carter's.pdf
    • 2008 Shareholder Activists at Friendly Ice Cream (A).pdf
    • 2008 Structuring Real Estate Deals An Investor’s Perspective.pdf
    • 2008 The Allstate Corporation.pdf
    • 2009 Mary Kay Cosmetics Asian Market Entry (A).pdf
    • 2009 Midland Energy Resources, Inc. Cost of Capital.pdf
    • 2009 New Century Financial Corporation.pdf
    • 2009 RFID at the Metro Group.pdf
    • 2009 Tottenham Hotspur plc.pdf
    • 2009 Zappos.com 2009 Clothing Customer Service and Company Culture.pdf
    • 2010 Flash Memory, Inc..pdf
    • 2010 Google in China (A).pdf
    • 2010 Jones Electrical Distribution.pdf
    • 2010 The NFL’s Digital Media Strategy.pdf
    • 2011 Accounting for the iPhone at Apple Inc..pdf
    • 2011 Big Spaceship Ready to Go Big.pdf
    • 2011 Roche’s Acquisition of Genentech.pdf
    • 2011 The Tip of the Iceberg JP Morgan Chase and Bear Stearns (A).pdf
    • 2012 Apple Inc. in 2012.pdf
    • 2012 Credit Rating Agency Reform in the US and EU.pdf
    • 2013 Diamond Foods, Inc..pdf
    • 2015 Note on the Leveraged Loan Market.pdf
    • 2016 Alibaba’s Taobao (2009).pdf
  • 90.66 MB
  • 2019-11-10
  • 中国第三次全国农业普查(综合资料).zip

    • bottom.htm
    • autorun.inf
    • cbs.htm
    • indexce.htm
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    • left.htm
    • lefte.htm
    • shutong.htm
    • start.exe
  • 28.44 MB
  • 2019-9-12
  • 河南调查年鉴-2017.rar

    • bottom.htm
    • start.exe
    • autorun.inf
    • cbs.htm
    • indexce.htm
    • indexch.htm
    • left.htm
    • lefte.htm
    • shutong.htm
  • 38.62 MB
  • 2019-7-8
  • 河北经济年鉴2018.zip

    • bottom.htm
    • help.htm
    • Helpe.htm
    • indexce.htm
    • indexch.htm
    • indexee.htm
    • indexeh.htm
    • left.htm
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    • left_.htm
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    • main.htm
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    • top.htm
    • tope.htm
    • topex.htm
    • topexx.htm
  • 89.36 MB
  • 2019-4-11
  • 浙江统计年鉴2018(光盘版).rar

    • bottom.htm
    • help.htm
    • indexch.htm
    • indexch_xls.htm
    • indexeh.htm
    • indexeh_xls.htm
    • START.htm
    • topch.htm
    • topeh.htm
    • hide.html
    • bindingConfig.xml
    • yearbook.xml
    • autorun.inf
    • start.exe
    • start.ico
  • 3.95 MB
  • 2019-2-21
  • Robotic Building.pdf
       Robotic Building (Springer Series in Adaptive Environments) ISBN-10 书号: 3319708651 ISBN-13 书号: 9 ...

  • 7.58 MB
  • 2019-2-8
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  • 2018-8-23
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    • 中国卫生统计年鉴2006(光盘版)\lefte.htm
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  • introduction to MetaTrader 5 and programming with MQL5 - create your 1st investm.rar
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    • introduction to MetaTrader 5 and programming with MQL5 - create your 1st investment robot (2018).epub
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  • 贵州统计年鉴-2017.rar

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  • 2017年中国科技统计年鉴.rar

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  • 常州统计年鉴2017.zip

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  • 中国科技统计年鉴2017.rar

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  • 中国固定资产投资统计年鉴(2015年).rar

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  • 四川调查年鉴2016.rar

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  • 2017-10-14
  • Sciencedirect_articles_25Sep2017_07-07-02.395.zip

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    • Chapter-29-Mesolimbic-Dopamine-Signaling-in-Cocaine-Addiction_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
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    • Chapter-25-Prenatal-Cocaine-Induced-Alterations-in-Dendritic-Spine-Density-and-Glutamate-Neurotransmission_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-44-Cocaine-and-5-HT1B-Receptor-Induced-Long-Term-Depression_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-66-Biperiden-in-the-Treatment-of-Cocaine-Crack-Dependence-Clinical-Perspectives_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-40-Cognitive-Dysfunctions-in-Chronic-Cocaine-Users_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-64-Antipsychotic-Drugs-in-Cocaine-Use-Disorder_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-17-Neurological-Aspects-of-Cocaine-and-the-Suprachiasmatic-Circadian-Clock_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Recommended-Research-and-Resources-on-the-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine-Mechanisms-and-Treatment_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-52-Cocaine-Induced-Metaplasticity-in-the-CA1-Region-of-the-Hippocampus_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Front-matter_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-67-Actions-of-Butyrylcholinesterase-Against-Cocaine_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-5-Concentrations-of-Cocaine-in-Blood-Samples-From-Impaired-Drivers-and-Drug-Related-Deaths_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-54-Cocaine-and-Dysregulated-Synaptic-Transmission-in-the-Bed-Nucleus-of-the-Stria-Terminalis_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-58-Nicotine-and-Cocaine-Interactions-Focus-on-Dopamine-Pharmacology-Neuroadaptations-and-Behavior-Relevant-to-Addiction_2017_The-Neuroscience-.pdf
    • Chapter-42-Impact-of-Prenatal-Cocaine-Exposure-on-Adolescent-Behavior_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-37-Headache-in-Cocaine-Users-Epidemiology-Clinical-Features-and-Putative-Pathophysiological-Mechanisms_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-30-Cocaine-and-Striatal-Projection-Neuron-Subtype-Mechanisms_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-3-Contribution-of-Stress-to-Cocaine-Addiction_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-59-Pharmacological-Treatments-for-Alcohol-Cocaine-Interactions-A-Preclinical-Focus_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-38-Cocaine-and-Intertemporal-Decision-Making_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-27-Cocaine-Addiction-and-mGluR5-Recent-Advances-From-Behavioral-and-Positron-Emission-Tomography-Studies_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-28-Cocaine-Ghrelin-and-the-Mesolimbic-System_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Preface_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-68-Cocaine-and-Butyrylcholinesterase-Gene-Therapy_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-26-The-Role-of-the-Hippocampus-in-Cocaine-Responses_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-46-The-Role-of-Dopamine-D3-Receptors-in-Cocaine-Related-Behavior_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-51-Cocaine-Enhances-Gamma-Aminobutyric-Acid-Release-From-Reticular-Thalamic-Nucleus-Role-of-T-Type-Calcium-Channels_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-C.pdf
    • Chapter-56-Brain-Derived-Neurotrophic-Factor-in-Cocaine-Withdrawal_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-48-Trace-Amine-Associated-Receptor-1-and-Cocaine-Abuse_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-7-Cocaine-Adulterants-and-Effects-on-Monoamine-Transporters_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-49-Cocaine-and-Cerebral-Sigma-1-Receptor-Occupancy_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-50-The-Glutamate-Transporter-GLT1-and-Cocaine-Relapse_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-63-Medication-Strategies-for-the-Management-of-Cocaine-Use-Disorder_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-11-MicroRNAs-and-Cocaine_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-13-Cocaine-and-Posttranslational-Modifications-of-Neuronal-Proteins_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-9-Cocaine-and-Epigenetics-An-Overview_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-70-Cannabinoid-CB2-Receptor-A-New-Target-for-Treatment-of-Cocaine-Addiction_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-16-Critical-Role-of-d-Serine-Signaling-in-Synaptic-Plasticity-Relevant-to-Cocaine-Addiction_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-10-DNA-Methylation-Psychostimulant-Induced-Addiction-and-the-Position-of-Cocaine_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-45-Hippocampal-Contributions-to-Dopamine-Receptor-Mediated-Effects-of-Cocaine_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-32-The-Role-of-the-Habenulomesencephalic-Circuit-in-Cocaine-Addiction_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-47-Cocaine-Endorphin-and-Opioid-Receptors_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-65-Use-of-N-Acetylcysteine-in-Relapse-and-Cocaine-Addiction_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-53-Interaction-of-Cocaine-Analogue-RTI82-With-the-Dopamine-Transporter_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-6-Cocaine-Postmortem-Distribution-in-Brain_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-69-Patient-Responses-to-Guanfacine-in-Cocaine-Addiction_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-2-Sex-Differences-in-the-Effects-and-Actions-of-Cocaine_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-21-Role-of-Mitochondria-on-the-Neurological-Effects-of-Cocaine_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-34-Stroop-Cocaine-Dependence-and-Intrinsic-Connectivity_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Copyright_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-36-Long-Lasting-Changes-Following-Repeated-Cocaine-Use-Behavioral-Sensitization-and-Neurotoxicity_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-33-Crack-Cocaine-and-Cognitive-Related-Electrophysiological-Changes-After-Noninvasive-Brain-Stimulation_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-57-Comorbidities-Associated-With-the-Use-and-Misuse-of-Crack-Cocaine_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-39-Cocaine-Dependence-and-Attention-Deficit-Hyperactivity-Disorder_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • List-of-Contributors_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-24-Hypocretin-Orexin-in-Models-of-Cocaine-Addiction_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-60-A-Review-of-Instruments-for-Screening-and-Diagnosis-of-Cocaine-Use_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-15-Mechanisms-That-Regulate-the-Expression-of-Dopamine-D1-Receptor-in-Cocaine-Addiction_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • Chapter-62-Cocaine-and-an-Overview-of-Neurocognitive-Relapse-Predictors_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
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  • Household Service Robotics .zip

    • Chapter-1-1-Introduction_2015_Household-Service-Robotics.htm
    • Chapter-2-1-The-State-of-the-Art-in-Service-Robotic-System-Design_2015_Household-Service-Robotics.htm
    • Chapter-2-2-Surveillance-Robot-Utilizing-Video-and-Audio-Information1_2015_Household-Service-Robotics.htm
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    • Chapter-6-4-Toward-a-Human-Robot-Symbiotic-System1_2015_Household-Service-Robotics.htm
    • Index_2015_Household-Service-Robotics.htm
    • Preface_2015_Household-Service-Robotics.pdf
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