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    • fat_tails.pdf
    • subexponential-distr.pdf
    • trees.bat
    • 二项分布的计算及其在保险问题中的应用_于.pdf
    • 风险价值:金融风险管理新标准.菲利普.乔.pdf
    • 几种保险理赔的分布及其在保险实务中的应用.pdf
    • 泊松分布与负二项分布在模拟索赔次数中的应.pdf
  • 84.49 MB
  • 2024-1-15
  • Reducing the Risk of Black Swans.azw3.zip

    • Reducing the Risk of Black Swans.azw3
  • 1.73 MB
  • 2019-1-15
  • Trend Following - How to Make a Fortune in Bull, Bear and Black Swan Markets-Wil.rar

    • Trend Following - How to Make a Fortune in Bull, Bear and Black Swan Markets-Wiley (2017).pdf
  • 8.35 MB
  • 2019-1-6
  • Trend Following - How to Make a Fortune in Bull, Bear and Black Swan Markets-Wil.rar

    • Trend Following - How to Make a Fortune in Bull, Bear and Black Swan Markets-Wiley (2017).epub
  • 12.77 MB
  • 2017-9-22
  • shadow banking.zip

    • a black swan in money market.pdf
    • A Model of Shadow Banking.pdf
    • AModelOfShadowBanking_preview.pdf
    • A_Macroprudential_Approach_to_Financial_Regulation.pdf
    • Bank Runs, Deposit Insurance, and Liquidity.pdf
    • Central Bank Independence and macroeconomics performance.pdf
    • Securitized_Banking_and_the_Run_on_Repo.pdf
    • The (Sizable) Role of Rehypothecation in the Shadow Banking System.pdf
    • The Nonbank-Bank Nexus and the Shadow Banking System.pdf
    • The Role of Bank Credit Enhancements in Securitization.pdf
    • The shadow banking system:implication for financial regulation.pdf
    • _影子银行体系_信贷危机的金融分析_易宪容.pdf
    • banking funding models:securitization and deposits.pdf
    • bubbles liquidity and macroeconomy.pdf
    • economic effects of runs on early shadow bank.pdf
    • financial sectors procyclicality:lessons from financial crisis.pdf
    • information、liquidity and the ongoing panic of 2007.pdf
    • procyclicality of financial system and financial stability.pdf
    • questions and answers about financial crisis.pdf
    • regulating the shadow banking.pdf
    • securities lendings and repos market overview and financial stability issues.pdf
    • shadow banking and financial crisis.pdf
    • shadow banking and financial instability.pdf
    • shadow banking,financialmarkets and financial stability.pdf
    • shadow banking:a review of the literature.pdf
    • the Derivatives Market's Payment Priorities as Financial Crisis Accelerator.pdf
    • the changing nature of financial intermediation and the financial crisis of 2007.pdf
    • the debt deflation theory of great depression.pdf
    • the financial crisis and the policy responses:an empirical analysis of what went wrong.pdf
    • 中外影子银行体系的本质与监管_袁增霆.pdf
    • 影子银行体系与金融体系稳定性_何德旭.pdf
    • 影子银行体系与金融危机_杜亚斌.pdf
    • 影子银行体系的业务运作_风险特征与金融监管_尹继志.pdf
    • 影子银行体系的信用创造_机制_效应和应对思路_周莉萍.pdf
    • 影子银行体系的内涵及外延_中国人民银行调查统计司与成都分行调查统计处联合课题组.pdf
    • 影子银行体系的脆弱性_监管改革及对我国的启示_张田.pdf
    • 影子银行体系监管改革的顶层设计问题探析_李建军.pdf
    • 影子银行体系金融不稳定性扩大机制与美联储货币政策应对研究_徐滢.pdf
    • 影子银行的信用创造功能及其对货币政策的挑战_李波.pdf
    • 影子银行的风险与监管_龚明华.pdf
    • 新建 Microsoft PowerPoint 演示文稿.ppt
    • 流动性_流动性过剩与货币政策.pdf
    • 美国次贷危机的流动性传导机制的金融分析_易宪容.pdf
    • 论影子银行体系国际监管的进展_不足_出路_周莉萍.pdf
    • 论美国影子银行体系的发展_运作_影响及监管_王达.pdf
  • 22.66 MB
  • 2014-9-13
  • 1.zip
       AFE FE-C166-09 Black Monday and Black Swans

    • Black Monday and black swans.vsd
    • dig.v38.n3.pdf
    • faj.v64.n2.pdf
  • 386.83 KB
  • 2012-1-23
  • 1.zip
       文件有误, 请不要下这个包.

    • Black Monday and black swans.vsd
    • Black monday and black swans.doc
  • 893.37 KB
  • 2012-1-23
  • 310982.pdf
       [下载]黑天鹅(black swan)英文版+好的资本主义和坏的资本主义

  • 1.21 MB
  • 2009-4-2
  • 264756.pdf
       黑天鹅 Black Swan(英文版)

  • 6.88 MB
  • 2008-11-8
  • 251295.pdf
       [美]纳西姆•尼古拉斯•塔勒布 The Black Swan黑天鹅(Random House2007) PDF

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  • 2008-9-28
  • 235373.pdf
       [下载]黑天鹅 The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbable

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  • 2008-8-9
  • 229542.rar
       The Black Swan: Taleb的又一杰作

  • 1.07 MB
  • 2008-7-22
  • 229541.rar
       The Black Swan: Taleb的又一杰作

  • 1.39 MB
  • 2008-7-22
  • 229540.rar
       The Black Swan: Taleb的又一杰作

  • 1.39 MB
  • 2008-7-22
  • 229539.rar
       The Black Swan: Taleb的又一杰作

  • 1.39 MB
  • 2008-7-22
  • 229538.rar
       The Black Swan: Taleb的又一杰作

  • 1.39 MB
  • 2008-7-22
  • 212826.rar

    • Taleb, Nassim Nicholas - The Black Swan; The Impact of the Highly Improbable (Random House, 2007).pdf
  • 6.63 MB
  • 2008-5-15
  • 203164.pdf
       Story: Flight of the Black Swan

  • 1.89 MB
  • 2008-4-4