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  • 计量经济学数据分析.rar

    • 计量经济学数据分析报告.doc
    • 计量经济学代码.Rmd
    • Employee-Attrition.csv
  • 1.22 MB
  • 2022-6-18
  • American Economic Review (July 2015).rar

    • Financial Entanglement A Theory of Incomplete Integration, Leverage, Crashes, and Contagion.pdf
    • Revealed Preference, Rational Inattention, and Costly Information Acquisition.pdf
    • Risk Preferences Are Not Time Preferences Balancing on a Budget Line Comment.pdf
    • Risk Preferences Are Not Time Preferences On the Elicitation of Time Preference under Conditions of Risk Comment.pdf
    • Risk Preferences Are Not Time Preferences Reply.pdf
    • Risk Preferences Are Not Time Preferences Separating Risk and Time Preference Comment.pdf
    • Team Contests with Multiple Pairwise Battles.pdf
    • Vertical Contracting with Informational Opportunism.pdf
    • Acquisitions, Productivity, and Profitability Evidence from the Japanese Cotton Spinning Industry.pdf
    • An Empirical Model of the Medical Match.pdf
    • Banking, Liquidity, and Bank Runs in an Infinite Horizon Economy.pdf
    • Do Firms Underinvest in Long-Term Research Evidence from Cancer Clinical Trials.pdf
    • Estimating a War of Attrition The Case of the US Movie Theater Industry.pdf
  • 7.48 MB
  • 2015-9-15
  • Reducing Panel Attrition..rar

    • Reducing Panel Attrition..pdf
  • 5.66 MB
  • 2013-7-14
  • micro2.zip

    • L10warofattrition.pdf
    • l05production.pdf
    • Professor Charles A_ Wilson.htm
    • GMFinalexam97.pdf
    • gms00p11.pdf
    • L08yexistence.pdf
    • mte99.pdf
    • l01defpo.pdf
    • fe99.pdf
    • gms00p07.pdf
    • Professor Charles A_ Wilson__.htm
    • PS99-04.pdf
    • L09auctions.pdf
    • L08zComplementarityConditons.pdf
    • Professor Charles A_ Wilson_math.htm
    • gms00p10.pdf
    • gms00p09.pdf
    • gms00p08.pdf
    • PS00-01.pdf
    • gms00final.pdf
    • Professor Charles A_ Wilson_ge.htm
    • L08strategicgame.pdf
    • l05zexample.pdf
    • mts00ans.pdf
    • PS99-06.pdf
    • PS99-02.pdf
    • gms00p05.pdf
    • l04taxes.pdf
    • L06-core.pdf
    • l03slutskyanduniqueness.pdf
    • l02poandce.pdf
    • GMmidtermexam97.pdf
    • PS99-03.pdf
    • l07olg.pdf
    • GMmidtermexam98.pdf
    • GMS00MTGrades.pdf
    • CV.pdf
    • mts00.pdf
    • GMFinalexam98.pdf
    • 191.pdf
  • 1.69 MB
  • 2010-7-25
  • 156398.zip

    • L10warofattrition.pdf
    • l05production.pdf
    • Professor Charles A_ Wilson.htm
    • GMFinalexam97.pdf
    • gms00p11.pdf
    • L08yexistence.pdf
    • mte99.pdf
    • l01defpo.pdf
    • fe99.pdf
    • gms00p07.pdf
    • Professor Charles A_ Wilson__.htm
    • PS99-04.pdf
    • L09auctions.pdf
    • L08zComplementarityConditons.pdf
    • Professor Charles A_ Wilson_math.htm
    • gms00p10.pdf
    • gms00p09.pdf
    • gms00p08.pdf
    • PS00-01.pdf
    • gms00final.pdf
    • Professor Charles A_ Wilson_ge.htm
    • L08strategicgame.pdf
    • l05zexample.pdf
    • mts00ans.pdf
    • PS99-06.pdf
    • PS99-02.pdf
    • gms00p05.pdf
    • l04taxes.pdf
    • L06-core.pdf
    • l03slutskyanduniqueness.pdf
    • l02poandce.pdf
    • GMmidtermexam97.pdf
    • PS99-03.pdf
    • l07olg.pdf
    • GMmidtermexam98.pdf
    • GMS00MTGrades.pdf
    • CV.pdf
    • mts00.pdf
    • GMFinalexam98.pdf
    • 191.pdf
  • 1.69 MB
  • 2007-9-21
  • 137233.rar
       [原创]萧政的panel data 书后的部分参考文献

    • Consistent Estimates Based on Partially Consistent Observations.pdf
    • Error Components and Seemingly Unrelated Regressions.pdf
    • Estimating Dynamic Random Effects Models from Panel Data Covering Short Time Periods.pdf
    • Estimating Vector Autoregressions with Panel Data.pdf
    • Inference in Linear Time Series Models with some Unit Roots.pdf
    • Instrumental-Variable Estimation of an Error-Components Model.pdf
    • Leapfrog estimation of a fixed-effects model with unknown transformation of the dependent variable.pdf
    • On Seemingly Unrelated Regressions with Error Components.pdf
    • On the Pooling of Time Series and Cross Section Data.pdf
    • Optimal Experimental Design for Error Components Models.pdf
    • Optimal Inference in Cointegrated Systems.pdf
    • Panel Data and Unobservable Individual Effects.pdf
    • Pooling Cross Section and Time Series Data in the Estimation of a Dynamic Model The Demand for Natural Gas.pdf
    • Pooling of Time Series and Cross Section Data.pdf
    • Rank estimation of a generalized fixed-effects regression model.pdf
    • Social Experimentation, Truncated Distributions, and Efficient Estimation.pdf
    • Specification Tests for the Multinomial Logit Model.pdf
    • Specification Tests in Econometrics.pdf
    • Testing for Neglected Heterogeneity.pdf
    • Testing for Panel Cointegration with Multiple.pdf
    • The Estimation of a Simultaneous Equation Generalized Probit Model.pdf
    • A Comparative Study of Alternative Estimators in a Distributed Lag Model.pdf
    • A Conditional Probit Model for Qualitative Choice.pdf
    • A Heteroskedasticity-Consistent Covariance Matrix Estimator and a Direct Test for Heteroskedasticity.pdf
    • Attrition Bias in Experimental and Panel Data The Gary Income Maintenance Experiment.pdf
  • 31.69 MB
  • 2007-7-16
  • 71159.rar
       [推荐]萧政的panel data 后的部分参考文献,都是jstor里的

    • Rank estimation of a generalized fixed-effects regression model.pdf
    • Specification Tests for the Multinomial Logit Model.pdf
    • Panel Data and Unobservable Individual Effects.pdf
    • A Conditional Probit Model for Qualitative Choice.pdf
    • Attrition Bias in Experimental and Panel Data The Gary Income Maintenance Experiment.pdf
    • The Estimation of a Simultaneous Equation Generalized Probit Model.pdf
    • A Comparative Study of Alternative Estimators in a Distributed Lag Model.pdf
    • Error Components and Seemingly Unrelated Regressions.pdf
    • On Seemingly Unrelated Regressions with Error Components.pdf
    • Leapfrog estimation of a fixed-effects model with unknown transformation of the dependent variable.pdf
  • 10.21 MB
  • 2006-11-9