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  • 数字经济上市公司专利申请获得情况(年)2007-2023.zip

    • Copyright notice.pdf
    • DM_DigEcLstdComPtntApplY[DES][xlsx].txt
    • DM_DigEcLstdComPtntApplY.xlsx
  • 555.37 KB
  • 2024-5-22
  • Pandas代码.zip

    • 17-apply操作.ipynb
    • 10-时间操作.ipynb
    • 11-常用操作.ipynb
    • 12-groupby练习.ipynb
    • 13-字符串操作.ipynb
    • 14-索引2.ipynb
    • 15-Pandas绘图.ipynb
    • 16-大数据处理.ipynb
    • 16-大数据处理技巧.ipynb
    • 1-Pandas-介绍.ipynb
    • 2-Pandas索引.ipynb
    • 3-groupby.ipynb
    • 4-基础结构.ipynb
    • 5-数值运算.ipynb
    • 6-对象操作.ipynb
    • 7-merge操作.ipynb
    • 7-merge合并.ipynb
    • 8-显示设置.ipynb
    • 9-pivot操作.ipynb
    • game_logs.csv
    • macrodata.csv
    • Pandas练习题.ipynb
    • tips.csv
    • titanic_train.csv
  • 24.45 MB
  • 2024-3-22
  • 2020年至今ESG最火学术文章.zip

    • Analyzing active managers' commitment to ESG--Evidence from United Nations principles for responsible investment.pdf
    • Applying economics–not gut feel–to ESG.pdf
    • Corporate social responsibility and sustainable finance-- A review of the literature.pdf
    • Do responsible investors invest responsibly.pdf
    • Does sustainability generate better financial performance-- review, meta-analysis, and propositions.pdf
    • ESG confusion and stock returns--Tackling the problem of noise.pdf
    • ESG lending.pdf
    • ESG ratings-- A Compass without direction.pdf
    • ESG-- Hyperboles and reality.pdf
    • Firm‐level climate change exposure.pdf
    • Global pricing of carbon-transition risk.pdf
    • Stock price reactions to ESG news-- The role of ESG ratings and disagreement.pdf
    • The effects of mandatory ESG disclosure around the world.pdf
    • The end of ESG.pdf
    • The making and meaning of ESG.pdf
    • Valuing ESG Doing Good or Sounding Good.pdf
    • War and Policy Investor Expectations on the Net-Zero Transition.pdf
    • Who pays for sustainability-- An analysis of sustainability-linked bonds.pdf
    • Why is corporate virtue in the eye of the beholder The case of ESG ratings.pdf
  • 21.42 MB
  • 2023-7-10
  • 遗传规划matlab工具箱,可以大大提高编程的效率.zip

    • applyoperator.m
    • applysurvival.m
    • absolute.m
    • accuracy_complexity.m
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    • addterminals.m
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    • antprogn3.m
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    • demoant.m
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    • exp_y.txt
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    • graphicsstart.m
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    • heavydynnodes.m
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    • mysqrt.m
    • nand.m
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    • nodes.m
    • nor.m
    • normalize.m
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    • orderby.m
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    • parity3bit_y.txt
    • parity5bit_x.txt
    • parity5bit_y.txt
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    • quartic_y.txt
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    • rank89.m
    • ranking.m
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    • resetstate.m
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    • santafetrail.txt
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    • setoperators.m
    • setparams.m
    • setterminals.m
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    • strictdepth.m
    • strictnodes.m
    • sus.m
    • swapnodes.m
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    • tournament.m
    • tree2str.m
    • treelevel.m
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    • updatenodeids.m
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    • updatestate.m
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  • 548.08 KB
  • 2023-6-24
  • 数字经济上市公司专利申请获得情况(年)211616735.zip

    • DM_DigEcLstdComPtntApplY[DES][xlsx].txt
    • 版权声明.pdf
    • DM_DigEcLstdComPtntApplY.xlsx
  • 535.46 KB
  • 2022-7-3
  • 国内外专利申请获得情况表141924635.zip

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    • 版权声明.pdf
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  • 2022-2-6
  • 2007-2020年 国内外专利申请获得情况表.zip

    • PT_LCDOMFORAPPLY[DES][xlsx].txt
    • 版权声明.pdf
  • 1.41 MB
  • 2021-12-31
  • Insurance Company Valuation_2.zip

    • I17 四大\DTT-IFRS 17 Transition Resource Group meeting 3.pdf
    • I17 四大\DTT_global-ifrs-insurance-survey-2018.pdf
    • I17 四大\ey-good-life-insurance-pd-oct-2018.pdf
    • I17 四大\EY_Applying IFRS 17 A closer look at the new Insurance Contracts Standard.pdf
    • I17 四大\deloitte-cn-fs-implementing-ifrs-17-in-china-zh-170911.pdf
    • I17 四大\PwC ifrs-17-illustration-feb-26.pdf
    • I17 四大\PWC_IFRS 17:reinsurance needs careful consideration, a guide to the challenges ahead.pdf
    • I17 四大\PWC_ifrs-17-will-affect-how-reinsurers-conduct-business.pdf
    • I17 四大\PWC_Three simple ideas can take the panic out of your prep for IFRS 17.pdf
    • I17 四大\PWC_保险准则过渡工作组第二次会议讨论计量单元、合同边界及保障责任单元问题.pdf
    • I17 四大\KPMG Comment Letter on IASB ED-2013-7 and FASB Proposed Accounting Stand....pdf
    • I17 四大\KPMG Pacific Life Re IFRS support 29032018 - excl. fees and people.pptx
    • I17 四大\KPMG Pacific Life Re IFRS support 29032018.pptx
    • I17 四大\KPMG-CL-ED-2015-11-Applying-IFRS-9-with-IFRS 4.pdf
    • I17 四大\kpmg-navigating-change-ifrs17-9-benchmarking-report.pdf
    • I17 四大\IFRS17一般模型点的原则与实施难点-1201.pdf
    • I17 四大\IFRS4.2 保险合同会计准则最新进展与挑战__20160818_EY付振平.pdf
    • I17 四大\IFRS4 phase II update-金鹏.pdf
    • insurance-newsletter-2015-48.pdf
    • insurance-newsletter-2015-49.pdf
    • insurance-newsletter-2016-51.pdf
    • insurance-newsletter-2016-52.pdf
    • insurance-newsletter-2016-53.pdf
    • insurance-newsletter-2016-54.pdf
    • insurance-newsletter-2017-57.pdf
    • ifrs-17-accounting-model-a3-jan-2018.pdf
    • ifrs-17-effects-analysis.pdf
    • ifrs-17-factsheet.pdf
    • ifrs-17-in-it-to-win-it.pdf
    • ifrs-17-insurance-contracts-accounting-new-perspective.pdf
    • ifrs-17-project-summary.pdf
    • ifrs17-first-impressions-2017.pdf
    • ifrs17-transi.pdf
    • IFRS17_Full.pdf
    • IFRS17disclsoures28062017.pdf
    • IFRS4_SII.pptx
    • IFRS_17_Slipsheet_V9.pdf
    • IFRS_Peer_Analysis_v7.pdf
    • IFRS_Peer_Analysis_v7.pptx
    • IFRS_Slides_022817_Color.pdf
    • IFRS_update_Insurance_Partner_Conference_2017.pptx
  • 98.69 MB
  • 2021-4-22
  • 国内外专利申请获得情况表.zip

    • PT_LCDOMFORAPPLY[DES][xlsx].txt
  • 1.03 MB
  • 2021-1-25
  • creating strategic value - applying value investing principles to corporate mana.rar
       creating strategic value - applying value investing principles to corporate management (2020)

    • creating strategic value - applying value investing principles to corporate management (2020).epub
  • 1.57 MB
  • 2020-10-29
  • 国内外专利申请获得情况表082948697.zip

    • PT_LCDOMFORAPPLY[DES][xlsx].txt
    • 鐗堟潈澹版槑.pdf
  • 992.77 KB
  • 2020-10-4
  • 国内外专利申请获得情况表2007年-2017年12月31日--全部A股.zip

    • PT_LCDOMFORAPPLY[DES][xlsx].txt
    • 鐗堟潈澹版槑.pdf
  • 990.29 KB
  • 2020-8-18
  • 2005-2017年上市公司专利申请情况表.zip

    • PT_Apply-1.xls
    • PT_Apply-1[Matlab].txt
    • PT_Apply.xls
    • PT_Apply[DES][xls].txt
    • PT_Apply[Matlab].txt
  • 4.78 MB
  • 2020-6-27
  • 国内外专利申请获得情况表203923540.zip

    • PT_LCDOMFORAPPLY[DES][xlsx].txt
    • 鐗堟潈澹版槑.pdf
  • 888.41 KB
  • 2020-6-1
  • 家族企业指标汇总.zip

    • FamFirm_AssetsToPay[DES][xlsx].txt
    • FamFirm_CashPayment[DES][xlsx].txt
    • FamFirm_Contrshr[DES][xlsx].txt
    • FamFirm_EduBack[DES][xlsx].txt
    • FamFirm_FamFInfo[DES][xlsx].txt
    • FamFirm_FinIndex[DES][xlsx].txt
    • FamFirm_InvExit[DES][xlsx].txt
    • FamFirm_InvolvedParty[DES][xlsx].txt
    • FamFirm_LCDomForApply[DES][xlsx].txt
    • FamFirm_OFDI[DES][xlsx].txt
    • FamFirm_OverseasIncome[DES][xlsx].txt
    • FamFirm_StockPayment[DES][xlsx].txt
    • FamFirm_Structure[DES][xlsx].txt
    • FamFirm_TradingMain[DES][xlsx].txt
    • FamFirm_Underlying[DES][xlsx].txt
  • 20.29 KB
  • 2019-11-20
  • 国内外专利申请获得情况表224802209.zip

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    • PT_LCDomForApply[DES][xls].txt
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  • 2019-9-28
  • 国内外专利申请获得情况表100822777.zip

    • PT_LCDomForApply.xlsx
    • PT_LCDomForApply[DES][xlsx].txt
    • 版权声明.pdf
  • 1 MB
  • 2019-8-24
  • 专利申请情况表161757938.zip

    • PT_Apply.xlsx
    • PT_Apply[DES][xlsx].txt
    • 版权声明.pdf
  • 24.41 MB
  • 2019-4-3
  • 国内外专利申请获得情况表162348306.zip

    • PT_LCDomForApply.xlsx
    • PT_LCDomForApply[DES][xlsx].txt
    • 版权声明.pdf
  • 1.02 MB
  • 2019-4-3
  • 2005-2017年上市公司专利申请情况表.zip

    • PT_Apply-1.xls
    • PT_Apply-1[Matlab].txt
    • PT_Apply.xls
    • PT_Apply[DES][xls].txt
    • PT_Apply[Matlab].txt
    • 版权声明.pdf
  • 4.91 MB
  • 2019-1-21
  • 专利申请情况表214150344.zip

    • PT_Apply.xlsx
    • PT_Apply[DES][xlsx].txt
  • 24.2 MB
  • 2019-1-10
  • 专利申请情况表185411083.zip

    • PT_Apply.xlsx
    • PT_Apply[DES][xlsx].txt
    • 版权声明.pdf
  • 16.67 MB
  • 2018-11-16
  • (2001)Applying and Interpreting Statistics_A Comprehensive Guide_Glen McPherson.rar

    • (2001)Applying and Interpreting Statistics_A Comprehensive Guide_Glen McPherson.pdf
  • 13.37 MB
  • 2018-11-4
  • (1997)Applying Generalized Linear Models_ James K. Lindsey.rar

    • (1997)Applying Generalized Linear Models_ James K. Lindsey.pdf
  • 1.02 MB
  • 2018-11-4
  • 专利申请情况表152512174.zip

    • PT_Apply.xlsx
    • PT_Apply[DES][xlsx].txt
    • 版权声明.pdf
  • 765.41 KB
  • 2018-10-29
  • (Solution Manual)Managerial Accounting 16th Edition by Garrison.zip

    • 16e_GNB_CH01_SM_final.docx
    • 16e_GNB_CH02_SM_final.docx
    • 16e_GNB_CH03_SM_final.docx
    • 16e_GNB_CH04_SM_final.docx
    • 16e_GNB_CH05_SM_final.docx
    • 16e_GNB_CH06_SM_final.docx
    • 16e_GNB_CH07_SM_final.docx
    • 16e_GNB_CH08_SM_final.docx
    • 16e_GNB_CH09_SM_final.docx
    • 16e_GNB_CH10_SM_final.docx
    • 16e_GNB_CH11_SM_final.docx
    • 16e_GNB_CH12_SM_final.docx
    • 16e_GNB_CH13_SM_final.docx
    • 16e_GNB_CH14_SM_final.docx
    • 16e_GNB_CH15_SM_final.docx
    • 16e_GNB_Integration_Exercises_SM_final.docx
    • 16e_GNB_Prologue_SM_final.docx
    • Chapter_10_Applying_Excel.xls
    • Chapter_11_Applying_Excel.xls
    • Chapter_12_Applying_Excel.xls
    • Chapter_13_Applying_Excel.xls
    • Chapter_1_Applying_Excel.xls
    • Chapter_2_Applying_Excel.xlsx
    • Chapter_3_Applying_Excel.xls
    • Chapter_4_Applying_Excel.xls
    • Chapter_5_Applying_Excel.xls
    • Chapter_6_Applying_Excel.xls
    • Chapter_7_Applying_Excel.xls
    • Chapter_8_Applying_Excel.xls
    • Chapter_9_Applying_Excel.xls
    • GNB_16e_CH01_LectureNotes.docx
    • GNB_16e_CH01A_LectureNotes.docx
    • GNB_16e_CH02_LectureNotes.docx
    • GNB_16e_CH02A_LectureNotes.docx
    • GNB_16e_CH02B_LectureNotes.docx
    • GNB_16e_CH03_LectureNotes.docx
    • GNB_16e_CH03A_LectureNotes.docx
    • GNB_16e_CH04_LectureNotes.docx
    • GNB_16e_CH04A_LectureNotes.docx
    • GNB_16e_CH04B_LectureNotes.docx
    • GNB_16e_CH05_LectureNotes.docx
    • GNB_16e_CH05A_LectureNotes.docx
    • GNB_16e_CH06_LectureNotes.docx
    • GNB_16e_CH06A_LectureNotes.docx
    • GNB_16e_CH07_LectureNotes.docx
    • GNB_16e_CH07A_LectureNotes.docx
    • GNB_16e_CH08_Lecture_Notes_Final.docx
    • GNB_16e_CH09_LectureNotes.docx
    • GNB_16e_CH10_LectureNotes.docx
    • GNB_16e_CH10A_LectureNotes.docx
    • GNB_16e_CH10B_LectureNotes.docx
    • GNB_16e_CH11_LectureNotes.docx
    • GNB_16e_CH11A_LectureNotes.docx
    • GNB_16e_CH11B_LectureNotes.docx
    • GNB_16e_CH12_LectureNotes.docx
    • GNB_16e_CH12A_LectureNotes.docx
    • GNB_16e_CH13_LectureNotes.docx
    • GNB_16e_CH13A_LectureNotes.docx
    • GNB_16e_CH13C_LectureNotes.docx
    • GNB_16e_CH14_LectureNotes.docx
    • GNB_16e_CH14A_LectureNotes.docx
    • GNB_16e_CHProl_LectureNotes.docx
  • 24.48 MB
  • 2018-10-4
  • Applying IFRS Standards, 4 E textbook.zip

    • Applying IFRS Standards, 4 E textbook.pdf
  • 3.41 MB
  • 2018-10-3
  • Applying International Financial Reporting Standards 4E - Ruth Picker - SM.zip

    • cover.jpg
    • Exercises.zip
    • Solutions Manual.zip
  • 4.54 MB
  • 2018-9-2
  • 国内外专利申请获得情况表170043852.zip

    • PT_LCDomForApply.xlsx
    • PT_LCDomForApply[DES][xlsx].txt
    • 版权声明.pdf
  • 358.7 KB
  • 2018-6-30
  • 国内外专利申请获得情况表165956250.zip

    • PT_LCDomForApply.xlsx
    • PT_LCDomForApply[DES][xlsx].txt
    • 版权声明.pdf
  • 362.14 KB
  • 2018-6-30
  • 国内外专利申请获得情况表145637737.zip

    • PT_LCDomForApply.xlsx
    • PT_LCDomForApply[DES][xlsx].txt
    • 版权声明.pdf
  • 783.38 KB
  • 2018-4-28
  • Applying Data Science - Business Case Studies Using SAS.rar

    • Applying Data Science - Business Case Studies Using SAS.azw3
  • 17.89 MB
  • 2018-3-3
  • 专利申请情况.zip
       专利数据库所有数据 到2016

    • PT_Apply.xls
    • PT_Apply1.xls
    • PT_Apply[DES][xls].txt
    • 版权声明.pdf
  • 10.01 MB
  • 2018-1-29
  • 专利申请情况表.zip

    • PT_Apply.xls
    • PT_Apply1.xls
    • PT_Apply[DES][xls].txt
    • 版权声明.pdf
  • 9.55 MB
  • 2018-1-29
  • Invest In The Best - Applying the principles of Warren Buffett for long-term inv.rar

    • Invest In The Best - Applying the principles of Warren Buffett for long-term investing success.azw3
  • 1.23 MB
  • 2017-12-15
  • 36-39.rar

    • (International Series in Operations Research & Management Science 36) THE NEXT GENERATION OF ELECTRIC POWER UNIT COMMITMENT MODELS.pdf
    • (International Series in Operations Research & Management Science 37) Linear Programming_ Foundations and Extensions(2001).pdf
    • (International Series in Operations Research & Management Science 39) Constraint-Based Scheduling_ Applying Constraint Programming to Scheduling.pdf
    • (International Series in Operations Research & Management Science 38) Mathematical Programming and Financial Objectives for Scheduling Projects.pdf
  • 46.06 MB
  • 2017-11-6
  • Statistics for Biology and Health(2009-2010).rar

    • 2010.Statistical Methods for Disease Clustering(2010).pdf
    • 2009.A Guide to QTL Mapping with R_qtl(2009).pdf
    • 2009.Applying Quantitative Bias Analysis to Epidemiologic Data(2009).pdf
    • 2009.Cancer Mortality and Morbidity Patterns in the U.S. Population_ An Interdisciplinary Approach.pdf
    • 2009.Clinical Prediction Models_ A Practical Approach to Development, Validation, and Updating(2009).pdf
    • 2009.Medical Applications of Finite Mixture Models(2009).pdf
    • 2009.Mixed Effects Models and Extensions in Ecology with R(1).pdf
    • 2009.Mixed Effects Models and Extensions in Ecology with R(2).pdf
    • 2010.Analysing Seasonal Health Data(2010).pdf
    • 2010.Design and Analysis of Vaccine Studies(2010).pdf
    • 2010.Logistic Regression_ A Self-Learning Text(2010).pdf
    • 2010.Modern Infectious Disease Epidemiology.pdf
    • 2010.Regression with Linear Predictors.pdf
  • 68.36 MB
  • 2017-9-14
  • Springer Texts in Statistics(2000-2002).rar

    • 2002.Statistical Methods for the Analysis of Repeated Measurements(2002).pdf
    • 2000.Introduction to Graphical Modelling-Springer (2000).pdf
    • 2000.Probability for Statisticians,Galen R. Shorack(2000).pdf
    • 2000.Probability via Expectation【Peter Whittle (auth.) 】2000.pdf
    • 2000.Stat Labs [Mathematical Statistics Through Applications] (2000).pdf
    • 2000.Time Series Analysis and Its Applications(2000).pdf
    • 2001.Advanced Linear Modeling_ Multivariate, Time Series, and Spatial Data_ Nonparametric Regression and Response Surface Maximization.pdf
    • 2001.Applying and Interpreting Statistics(2001).pdf
    • 2002.Applied Multivariate Analysis (Springer)(2002).pdf
    • 2002.Introduction to time series and forecasting(2002).pdf
    • 2002.Plane Answers to Complex Questions_ The Theory of Linear Models (2002).pdf
    • 2002.Statistical Analysis of Designed Experiments 2e (2002).pdf
  • 77.77 MB
  • 2017-9-13
  • Springer Texts in Statistics(1997).rar

    • 1997.A First Course in Multivariate Statistics 1997.pdf
    • 1997.Applying Generalized Linear Models(1997).pdf
    • 1997.Log-Linear Models and Logistic Regression 2ed(1997).pdf
    • 1997.Probability Theory(3rd 1997).pdf
    • 1997.Probability Theory_ Independence, Interchangeability, Martingales(1997).pdf
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  • 2017-9-13
  • Strategic Decision Making_Applying the Analytic Hierarchy Process.zip

    • Strategic Decision Making_Applying the Analytic Hierarchy Process.pdf
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  • 2017-1-25
  • TP (pdf).zip

    • Testing Python_Applying Unit Testing, TDD, BDD and Acceptance Testing.pdf
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  • 2017-1-9
  • TP (epub).zip

    • Testing Python_Applying Unit Testing, TDD, BDD and Acceptance Testing.epub
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  • 2017-1-9
  • TP (pdf epub).zip

    • Testing Python_Applying Unit Testing, TDD, BDD and Acceptance Testing.pdf
    • Testing Python_Applying Unit Testing, TDD, BDD and Acceptance Testing.epub
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  • 2017-1-9
  • Understanding and Applying Basic Statistical Methods Using R.zip

    • Understanding and Applying Basic Statistical Methods Using R.pdf
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  • market masters - interviews with canada's top investors - proven investing .rar
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    • market masters - interviews with canada's top investors - proven investing strategies you can apply (2016).epub
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  • 2016-5-25
  • Applying International Financial Reporting Standards 3E - Ru....zip

    • ch30_tb_picker3e.doc
    • ch01_tb_picker3e.doc
    • ch02_tb_picker3e.doc
    • ch03_tb_picker3e.doc
    • ch04_tb_picker3e.doc
    • ch05_tb_picker3e.doc
    • ch06_tb_picker3e.doc
    • ch07_tb_picker3e.doc
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    • ch09_tb_picker3e.doc
    • ch10_tb_picker3e.doc
    • ch11_tb_picker3e.doc
    • ch12_tb_picker3e.doc
    • ch13_tb_picker3e.doc
    • ch14_tb_picker3e.doc
    • ch15_tb_picker3e.doc
    • ch16_tb_picker3e.doc
    • ch17_tb_picker3e.doc
    • ch18_tb_picker3e.doc
    • ch19_tb_picker3e.doc
    • ch20_tb_picker3e.doc
    • ch21_tb_picker3e.doc
    • ch22_tb_picker3e.doc
    • ch23_tb_picker3e.doc
    • ch24_tb_picker3e.doc
    • ch25_tb_picker3e.doc
    • ch26_tb_picker3e.doc
    • ch27_tb_picker3e.doc
    • ch28_tb_picker3e.doc
    • ch29_tb_picker3e.doc
  • 671.46 KB
  • 2016-3-30
  • Entrepreneurial intentions_ applying the theory of planned behaviour.rar

    • Entrepreneurial intentions_ applying the theory of planned behaviour.pdf
  • 830.83 KB
  • 2016-1-8
  • notapply.zip

    • notapply.epub
  • 1.75 MB
  • 2015-12-6
  • Client Management and Leadership Success .rar

    • Client Management and Leadership Success_ A Course Review Applying Critical Thinking Skills to Test Taking.pdf
  • 1.19 MB
  • 2015-2-13
  • Applying Elliot Wave Theory Profitably.rar

    • Applying Elliot Wave Theory Profitably.pdf
  • 14.79 MB
  • 2014-9-7
  • Understanding and Applying Research Designa.rar

    • Understanding and Applying Research Designa.pdf
  • 7.54 MB
  • 2014-8-16
  • Applying-Rev-June2014.pdf
       Applying IFRS: A closer look at the new revenue recognition standard (June 2014)

  • 1.02 MB
  • 2014-8-15
  • Handbook on Systemic Risk (Part I - III ).rar
       Part I - III

    • 1 Systemic Risk Information Requirements Current Environment, Needs, and Approaches for Development.htm
    • 2 Aligning Models and Data for Systemic Risk Analysis.htm
    • 3 Applying FpML.htm
    • 4 Data Integration for Systemic Risk in the Financial System.htm
    • 5 Semantics in Systemic Risk Management.htm
    • 6 Statistical Assessments of Systemic Risk Measures.htm
    • 7 Regime Switching Models and Risk Measurement Tools.htm
    • 8 Measuring Systemic Risk.htm
    • 9 Taxing Systemic Risk.htm
    • 10 Analyzing Systemic Risk of the European Banking Sector.htm
  • 48.48 MB
  • 2014-5-26
  • R 4.6 - Custom Functions With apply()-H06_Ic_kDvI.zip

    • R 4.6 - Custom Functions With apply()-H06_Ic_kDvI.mp4
  • 17.46 MB
  • 2013-7-13
  • R 3.2 - The apply() Family of Functions-WuCVs3bW-ZY.zip

    • R 3.2 - The apply() Family of Functions-WuCVs3bW-ZY.mp4
  • 44.46 MB
  • 2013-7-12
  • 第三章(part2).zip

    • 3 - 5 - Lecture 5a lapply (923) (1).mp4
    • 3 - 5 - Lecture 5a- lapply (9-23).srt.srt
    • 3 - 6 - Lecture 5b apply (716) (1).mp4
    • 3 - 6 - Lecture 5b- apply (7-16).srt.srt
    • 3 - 7 - Lecture 5c tapply and split (1222) (1).mp4
    • 3 - 7 - Lecture 5c- tapply and split (12-22).srt.srt
    • 3 - 4 - Lecture 4c Optimization Application (921) (1).mp4
    • 3 - 4 - Lecture 4c- Optimization Application (9-21).srt.srt
  • 29.09 MB
  • 2013-6-20
  • 第三章(part3).zip

    • 3 - 8 - Lecture 5d mapply (441) (1).mp4
    • 3 - 8 - Lecture 5d- mapply (4-41).srt.srt
    • 3 - 10 - Debugging Tools Part 2 (1007) (1).mp4
    • 3 - 10 - Debugging Tools- Part 2 (10-07).srt.srt
    • 3 - 11 - Debugging Tools Part 3 (823) (1).mp4
    • 3 - 11 - Debugging Tools- Part 3 (8-23).srt.srt
    • 3 - 9 - Debugging Tools Part 1 (850) (1).mp4
    • 3 - 9 - Debugging Tools- Part 1 (8-50).srt.srt
  • 32.68 MB
  • 2013-6-20
  • Applying Contemporary Statistical Techniques.rar
       Applying Contemporary Statistical Techniques

    • Applying Contemporary Statistical Techniques.pdf
  • 3.84 MB
  • 2013-5-29
  • Matlab - Sect 42 - Apply Mathematical Functions to Matrices.rar

    • Matlab - Sect 42 - Apply Mathematical Functions to Matrices.mp4
  • 8.62 MB
  • 2012-8-22
  • Matlab - Sect 31 - Applying Math Functions to Elements of a Vector.rar

    • Matlab - Sect 31 - Applying Math Functions to Elements of a Vector.mp4
  • 5.49 MB
  • 2012-8-21
  • 水哥哥IRT资料.pdf
       Applying the Rasch Model : Fundamental Measurement in the Human Sciences

  • 3.31 MB
  • 2012-3-14
  • array.pdf
       What does array mean and how to apply it in daily work

  • 43.34 KB
  • 2012-2-14
  • sas base programm certification.zip

    • M31 - Creating and Applying User-Defined Formats - 23 of 25.mht
    • M31 - Creating and Applying User-Defined Formats - 24 of 25.mht
    • M34 - Generating Data with DO Loops - 32 of 34.mht
    • M34 - Generating Data with DO Loops - 33 of 34.mht
    • M35 - Processing Variables with Arrays - 33 of 35.mht
    • M35 - Processing Variables with Arrays - 34 of 35.mht
    • M39 - Creating and Managing Variables - 34 of 36.mht
    • M39 - Creating and Managing Variables - 35 of 36.mht
    • M40 - Creating Enhanced List and Summary Reports - 38 of 40.mht
    • M40 - Creating Enhanced List and Summary Reports - 39 of 40.mht
    • M41 - Producing Descriptive Statistics - 39 of 41.mht
    • M41 - Producing Descriptive Statistics - 40 of 41.mht
    • M01 - Basic Concepts Quiz .mht
    • M01 - Basic Concepts Summary.mht
    • M02 - Editing and Debugging SAS Programs Quiz.mht
    • M02 - Editing and Debugging SAS Programs Summary.mht
    • M03 - Using the Programming Workspace Quiz.mht
    • M03 - Using the Programming Workspace Summary .mht
    • M04 - Creating List Reports - 53 of 55.mht
    • M04 - Creating List Reports - 54 of 55.mht
    • M12 - Creating SAS Data Sets from Raw Data - 46 of 48.mht
    • M12 - Creating SAS Data Sets from Raw Data - 47 of 48.mht
    • M14 - Reading SAS Data Sets - 30 of 32.mht
    • M14 - Reading SAS Data Sets - 31 of 32.mht
    • M16 - Referencing Files and Setting Options - Quiz.mht
    • M16 - Referencing Files and Setting Options - Summary.mht
    • M18 - Producing HTML Output - 30 of 32.mht
    • M18 - Producing HTML Output - 31 of 32.mht
    • M19 - Reading Raw Data in Fixed Fields - 32 of 34.mht
    • M19 - Reading Raw Data in Fixed Fields - 33 of 34.mht
    • M20 - Combining SAS Data Sets - 47 of 49.mht
    • M20 - Combining SAS Data Sets - 48 of 49.mht
    • M22 - Understanding DATA Step Processing - 45 of 47.mht
    • M22 - Understanding DATA Step Processing - 46 of 47.mht
    • M23 - Reading Free-Format Data - 38 of 40.mht
    • M23 - Reading Free-Format Data - 39 of 40.mht
    • M24 - Reading Date and Time Values - 29 of 31.mht
    • M24 - Reading Date and Time Values - 30 of 31.mht
    • M25 - Creating a Single Observation from Multiple Records - 18 of 20.mht
    • M25 - Creating a Single Observation from Multiple Records - 19 of 20.mht
    • M26 - Creating Multiple Observations from a Single Record - 31 of 33.mht
    • M26 - Creating Multiple Observations from a Single Record - 32 of 33.mht
    • M27 - Reading Hierarchical Files - 28 of 30.mht
    • M27 - Reading Hierarchical Files - 29 of 30.mht
    • M30 - Transforming Data with SAS Functions - 93 of 95.mht
    • M30 - Transforming Data with SAS Functions - 94 of 95.mht
  • 2.98 MB
  • 2009-12-12
  • Xcelsius视频教学-Xcelsius Tips and Tricks 02.rar
       Xcelsius视频教学-Xcelsius Tips and Tricks 02.rar

    • Xcelsius Tips and Tricks(Xcelsius技巧和窍门)10-Controlling Dynamic Visibility with Multiple Selectors(控制的动态性与多重选择器)xmultipleselectors.swf
    • Xcelsius Tips and Tricks(Xcelsius技巧和窍门)06-Easy Formatting Tricks(易格式技巧)Xformattingtricks.swf
    • Xcelsius Tips and Tricks(Xcelsius技巧和窍门)07-Incorporating an Image into your Dashboard(纳入控制台的图像)Ximagebackground.swf
    • Xcelsius Tips and Tricks(Xcelsius技巧和窍门)08-Apply Special Markers for Min and Max Data Points(申请特别标记的最小和最大数据点)xminmaxchart.swf
    • Xcelsius Tips and Tricks(Xcelsius技巧和窍门)09-Adding a Directional Trend Line to your Chart(添加定向趋势线图表)xtrendline_controller.swf
  • 33.33 MB
  • 2010-4-26
  • 《国际贸易单据汇编》.rar

    • lc_apply.xls
    • cl_pay.xls
    • LCAmend.xls
    • LCdisapp.xls
    • 保险单.xls
    • 海运提单.xls
    • 汇票.xls
    • 普惠制产地证.xls
    • 普通产地证.xls
    • 商检证书.xls
    • 商业发票.xls
    • 装箱单.xls
    • bid.xls
    • cl_order.xls
  • 159.43 KB
  • 2009-10-4
  • 芝加哥反托拉斯学派最新进展.rar

    • Assessing Tying Claims in the Context of Software Integration_ A Suggested Framework for Applying the Rule of Reason Analysis.pdf
  • 134.04 KB
  • 2009-9-26
  • 芝加哥反托拉斯学派最新进展.rar

    • Assessing Tying Claims in the Context of Software Integration_ A Suggested Framework for Applying the Rule of Reason Analysis.pdf
  • 134.04 KB
  • 2009-9-26
  • 美国签证信息.rar

    • 25问.doc
    • 108问.doc
    • 157.doc
    • 158.doc
    • 2009美国签证新的填表和材料规定APPLYING_FOR_A_US_NONIMMIGRANT_VISA_05DECFINAL[1].pdf
    • Study Plan模版.doc
    • 工作证明.doc
    • 美国学生签证材料.doc
    • 签证流程.doc
  • 1020.17 KB
  • 2009-8-5
  • Fabozzi_Financial Modeling of the Equity Market.rar

    • face_index.pdf
    • C3_Transaction and Trading Costs.pdf
    • C4_Applying the Portfolio Selection Framework in Practice.pdf
    • C5_Incorporating Higher Moments & Extreme Risk Measures.pdf
    • C6_Mathematical and Numerical Optimization.pdf
    • C8_Forecasting Expected Return and Risk.pdf
    • C9_Robust Frameworks for Estimation and Portfolio Allocation.pdf
    • C10_Feedback and Predictors in Stock Market.pdf
    • C12_Multivariate Models.pdf
    • C15_Estimation of Linear Dynamic Models.pdf
    • C16_Estimation of Hidden Variable Models.pdf
  • 45.85 MB
  • 2009-6-18
  • 317360.pdf

  • 9.62 MB
  • 2009-4-20
  • 223030.rar

    • Distribution-free Calculation of the Standard Error of Chain Ladder Reserve Estimates.pdf
    • An Introduction to Bootstrap Methods using Arc.pdf
    • An Introduction to GLM Theory.pdf
    • An Introduction to the Bootstrap.pdf
    • Applying GLM Techniques in Non- Traditional Areas_ppt.pdf
    • August 2000 Actuarial Review.pdf
    • Bayesian Methods in Actuarial Science.pdf
    • Bootstrap Methodology in Claim Reserving.pdf
    • Bootstrap resampling.pdf
    • Chain ladder and Interactive Modelling.pdf
    • Chain Ladder Bias.pdf
    • Chain Ladder Reserve Risk Estimators.pdf
    • Claims Reserving Using Generalized Linear Models.pdf
    • Claims Reserving Using Tweedie's Compound Poisson Model.pdf
    • Claims Reserving When There Are Negative Values in the triangle.pdf
    • Comparative Study of the Performance of Loss Reserving Methods Through Simulation.pdf
    • Consideration of Bias in Chain Ladder Estimates.pdf
    • Considerations Regarding Standards of Materiality in Estimates of Outstanding Liabilities.pdf
    • Credibility theory and Generalized Linear Models.pdf
    • Designing a New Automobile Insurance Pricing System in China.pdf
    • Discussion of “Nonlinear Regression Model of Incurred But Not Reported Losses” by Scott Stelljes.pdf
    • Discussion of Generalized Minimum Bias Models.pdf
    • Discussion of the Mean Square Error of Prediction in the Chain-Ladder Reserving Method.pdf
    • An Extension of Mack's Model for the Chain Ladder Method.pdf
    • Estimating Claim Settlement Values Using GLM.pdf
    • Estimating Predictive Distributions for Loss Reserve Models.pdf
  • 13.58 MB
  • 2008-6-27
  • 197254.rar
       [下载]Modeling Risk Applying Monte Carlo Simulation, Real Options Analysis, Forecasting,

    • Modeling Risk Applying Monte Carlo Simulation, Real Options Analysis, Forecasting, And Optimization Techniques.pdf
  • 12.35 MB
  • 2008-3-10
  • 191900.pdf
       [推荐]Modeling Risk Applying Monte Carlo Simulation, Real Options Analysis, Forecasting,

  • 34.29 MB
  • 2008-2-3
  • 191899.pdf
       [推荐]Modeling Risk Applying Monte Carlo Simulation, Real Options Analysis, Forecasting,

  • 34.29 MB
  • 2008-2-3
  • 145204.rar

    • Thank_You_for_Applying_Letter_3.doc
    • Applicant_Drug_Test_Consent_Form.doc
    • Applicant_Reference_Release.doc
    • At_Will_Employment_Release.doc
    • Authorization_To_Hire.doc
    • Candidate_Evaluation.doc
    • Employment_Application.doc
    • Employment_Verification.doc
    • Fair_Credit_Reporting_Notice.doc
    • File_Status_Update.doc
    • Independent_Contractor.doc
    • Internal_Applications.doc
    • Internal_Candidate_Record.doc
    • Internal_Job_Posting.doc
    • Inventions_Proprietary_Info_Agrmnt.doc
    • NonCompetition.doc
    • Nondisclosure_Agreement.doc
    • Offer_Letter.doc
    • Recruitment_Recap.doc
    • Reference_Checking.doc
    • Reference_Letter_Favorable.doc
    • Reference_Letter_Poor.doc
    • Reference_Release.doc
    • Reference_Release_Applicant.doc
    • Reference_Release_Employment.doc
    • Reference_Request_Letter.doc
    • Thank_You_for_Applying_Letter.doc
    • Thank_You_for_Applying_Letter_2.doc
    • Affirmative_Action_Recruitment_Report.doc
  • 92.54 KB
  • 2007-8-10
  • 138261.pdf
       Applying Generalized Linear Models

  • 1.23 MB
  • 2007-7-18
  • 129915.rar

    • imagetestapply.pdf
    • imagemodel.pdf
    • brandmodel.pdf
  • 1.02 MB
  • 2007-6-26
  • 128338.zip
       SAS 认证合集打包-官方真题集+练习题集+教程

    • M31 - Creating and Applying User-Defined Formats - 23 of 25.mht
    • M31 - Creating and Applying User-Defined Formats - 24 of 25.mht
    • M34 - Generating Data with DO Loops - 32 of 34.mht
    • M34 - Generating Data with DO Loops - 33 of 34.mht
    • M35 - Processing Variables with Arrays - 33 of 35.mht
    • M35 - Processing Variables with Arrays - 34 of 35.mht
    • M39 - Creating and Managing Variables - 34 of 36.mht
    • M39 - Creating and Managing Variables - 35 of 36.mht
    • M40 - Creating Enhanced List and Summary Reports - 38 of 40.mht
    • M40 - Creating Enhanced List and Summary Reports - 39 of 40.mht
    • M41 - Producing Descriptive Statistics - 39 of 41.mht
    • M41 - Producing Descriptive Statistics - 40 of 41.mht
    • M01 - Basic Concepts Quiz .mht
    • M01 - Basic Concepts Summary.mht
    • M02 - Editing and Debugging SAS Programs Quiz.mht
    • M02 - Editing and Debugging SAS Programs Summary.mht
    • M03 - Using the Programming Workspace Quiz.mht
    • M03 - Using the Programming Workspace Summary .mht
    • M04 - Creating List Reports - 53 of 55.mht
    • M04 - Creating List Reports - 54 of 55.mht
    • M12 - Creating SAS Data Sets from Raw Data - 46 of 48.mht
    • M12 - Creating SAS Data Sets from Raw Data - 47 of 48.mht
    • M14 - Reading SAS Data Sets - 30 of 32.mht
    • M14 - Reading SAS Data Sets - 31 of 32.mht
    • M16 - Referencing Files and Setting Options - Quiz.mht
    • M16 - Referencing Files and Setting Options - Summary.mht
    • M18 - Producing HTML Output - 30 of 32.mht
    • M18 - Producing HTML Output - 31 of 32.mht
    • M19 - Reading Raw Data in Fixed Fields - 32 of 34.mht
    • M19 - Reading Raw Data in Fixed Fields - 33 of 34.mht
    • M20 - Combining SAS Data Sets - 47 of 49.mht
    • M20 - Combining SAS Data Sets - 48 of 49.mht
    • M22 - Understanding DATA Step Processing - 45 of 47.mht
    • M22 - Understanding DATA Step Processing - 46 of 47.mht
    • M23 - Reading Free-Format Data - 38 of 40.mht
    • M23 - Reading Free-Format Data - 39 of 40.mht
    • M24 - Reading Date and Time Values - 29 of 31.mht
    • M24 - Reading Date and Time Values - 30 of 31.mht
    • M25 - Creating a Single Observation from Multiple Records - 18 of 20.mht
    • M25 - Creating a Single Observation from Multiple Records - 19 of 20.mht
    • M26 - Creating Multiple Observations from a Single Record - 31 of 33.mht
    • M26 - Creating Multiple Observations from a Single Record - 32 of 33.mht
    • M27 - Reading Hierarchical Files - 28 of 30.mht
    • M27 - Reading Hierarchical Files - 29 of 30.mht
    • M30 - Transforming Data with SAS Functions - 93 of 95.mht
    • M30 - Transforming Data with SAS Functions - 94 of 95.mht
    • SASbaseM_Answer.htm
  • 2.99 MB
  • 2007-6-22
  • 123342.pdf
       Applying Contemporary Statistical Techniques

  • 4.54 MB
  • 2007-6-5
  • 121636.rar

    • 惠普《Applying FocusPM for Non-Project Managers》59页.ppt
  • 213.15 KB
  • 2007-5-27
  • 121267.rar

    • 美世《Serving customers digitally---Applying the right tools to support your business design》12页.pdf
  • 210.51 KB
  • 2007-5-27
  • 117874.rar
       [下载]Applying Quantitative Marketing Techniques to the

    • 06Applying Quantitative Marketing Techniques to the Internet.pdf
  • 200.83 KB
  • 2007-5-18
  • 107826.rar
       Web Site Analysis (SAS Course Notes)

    • applying_dm_techniques_using_em.pdf
  • 3.95 MB
  • 2007-4-14
  • 97797.pdf
       Applying Kalman Filiter in Matlab

  • 425.54 KB
  • 2007-3-12
  • 81111.rar

    • lc_apply.xls
    • cl_pay.xls
    • LCAmend.xls
    • LCdisapp.xls
    • 保险单.xls
    • 海运提单.xls
    • 汇票.xls
    • 普惠制产地证.xls
    • 普通产地证.xls
    • 商检证书.xls
    • 商业发票.xls
    • 装箱单.xls
    • bid.xls
    • cl_order.xls
  • 159.43 KB
  • 2006-12-29
  • 60937.rar
       download : Applying Game Theory to Finance(MIT斯隆学院讲义)

    • SIM_GameTheory_to_Finance.ppt
  • 29.64 KB
  • 2006-8-14
  • 41038.zip

    • M31 - Creating and Applying User-Defined Formats - 23 of 25.mht
    • M31 - Creating and Applying User-Defined Formats - 24 of 25.mht
    • M34 - Generating Data with DO Loops - 32 of 34.mht
    • M34 - Generating Data with DO Loops - 33 of 34.mht
    • M35 - Processing Variables with Arrays - 33 of 35.mht
    • M35 - Processing Variables with Arrays - 34 of 35.mht
    • M39 - Creating and Managing Variables - 34 of 36.mht
    • M39 - Creating and Managing Variables - 35 of 36.mht
    • M40 - Creating Enhanced List and Summary Reports - 38 of 40.mht
    • M40 - Creating Enhanced List and Summary Reports - 39 of 40.mht
    • M41 - Producing Descriptive Statistics - 39 of 41.mht
    • M41 - Producing Descriptive Statistics - 40 of 41.mht
    • M01 - Basic Concepts Quiz .mht
    • M01 - Basic Concepts Summary.mht
    • M02 - Editing and Debugging SAS Programs Quiz.mht
    • M02 - Editing and Debugging SAS Programs Summary.mht
    • M03 - Using the Programming Workspace Quiz.mht
    • M03 - Using the Programming Workspace Summary .mht
    • M04 - Creating List Reports - 53 of 55.mht
    • M04 - Creating List Reports - 54 of 55.mht
    • M12 - Creating SAS Data Sets from Raw Data - 46 of 48.mht
    • M12 - Creating SAS Data Sets from Raw Data - 47 of 48.mht
    • M14 - Reading SAS Data Sets - 30 of 32.mht
    • M14 - Reading SAS Data Sets - 31 of 32.mht
    • M16 - Referencing Files and Setting Options - Quiz.mht
    • M16 - Referencing Files and Setting Options - Summary.mht
    • M18 - Producing HTML Output - 30 of 32.mht
    • M18 - Producing HTML Output - 31 of 32.mht
    • M19 - Reading Raw Data in Fixed Fields - 32 of 34.mht
    • M19 - Reading Raw Data in Fixed Fields - 33 of 34.mht
    • M20 - Combining SAS Data Sets - 47 of 49.mht
    • M20 - Combining SAS Data Sets - 48 of 49.mht
    • M22 - Understanding DATA Step Processing - 45 of 47.mht
    • M22 - Understanding DATA Step Processing - 46 of 47.mht
    • M23 - Reading Free-Format Data - 38 of 40.mht
    • M23 - Reading Free-Format Data - 39 of 40.mht
    • M24 - Reading Date and Time Values - 29 of 31.mht
    • M24 - Reading Date and Time Values - 30 of 31.mht
    • M25 - Creating a Single Observation from Multiple Records - 18 of 20.mht
    • M25 - Creating a Single Observation from Multiple Records - 19 of 20.mht
    • M26 - Creating Multiple Observations from a Single Record - 31 of 33.mht
    • M26 - Creating Multiple Observations from a Single Record - 32 of 33.mht
    • M27 - Reading Hierarchical Files - 28 of 30.mht
    • M27 - Reading Hierarchical Files - 29 of 30.mht
    • M30 - Transforming Data with SAS Functions - 93 of 95.mht
    • M30 - Transforming Data with SAS Functions - 94 of 95.mht
  • 2.98 MB
  • 2006-2-27
  • 30685.zip
       [推荐]Statistics Ebooks

    • 06 building and applying logistic regression models.pdf
    • 00 frontmatter.pdf
    • 01 introduction - distributions and inference for categorical data.pdf
    • 02 describing contingency tables.pdf
    • 03 inference for contingency tables.pdf
    • 04 introduction to generalized linear models.pdf
    • 05 logistic regression.pdf
    • 07 logit models for multinomial responses.pdf
    • 08 loglinear models for contingency tables.pdf
    • 09 building and extending loglinear_logit models.pdf
    • 10 models for matched pairs.pdf
    • 11 analyzing repeated categorical response data.pdf
    • 12 random effects.pdf
    • 13 other mixture models for categorical data.pdf
    • 14 asymptotic theory for parametric models.pdf
    • 15 alternative estimation theory for parametric models.pdf
    • 16 historical tour of categorical data analysis.pdf
    • 17 appendix a - using computer software.pdf
    • 18 appendix b - chi-squared distribution values.pdf
    • 19 references.pdf
    • 20 examples index.pdf
    • 21 author index.pdf
    • 22 subject index.pdf
    • 23 wiley series in probability and statistics.pdf
  • 4.78 MB
  • 2005-10-13
  • 28133.rar
       [下载]A Contractarian Paradigm for Applying Economic Theory

    • 21650-1.pdf
  • 668.17 KB
  • 2005-9-24
  • 24562.rar
       Applying Optimization Technology to Portfolio Management, Expanding boundaries.

    • JPM%2030%2004%20Mulvey.pdf
  • 344.53 KB
  • 2005-8-30
  • 15003.rar

    • lc_apply.xls
    • cl_pay.xls
    • LCAmend.xls
    • LCdisapp.xls
    • 保险单.xls
    • 海运提单.xls
    • 汇票.xls
    • 普惠制产地证.xls
    • 普通产地证.xls
    • 商检证书.xls
    • 商业发票.xls
    • 装箱单.xls
    • bid.xls
    • cl_order.xls
  • 159.43 KB
  • 2005-5-17
  • 12111.zip
       [下载]Alan Agresti.Categorical Data Analysis

    • 06 building and applying logistic regression models.pdf
    • 00 frontmatter.pdf
    • 01 introduction - distributions and inference for categorical data.pdf
    • 02 describing contingency tables.pdf
    • 03 inference for contingency tables.pdf
    • 04 introduction to generalized linear models.pdf
    • 05 logistic regression.pdf
    • 07 logit models for multinomial responses.pdf
    • 08 loglinear models for contingency tables.pdf
    • 09 building and extending loglinear_logit models.pdf
    • 10 models for matched pairs.pdf
    • 11 analyzing repeated categorical response data.pdf
    • 12 random effects.pdf
    • 13 other mixture models for categorical data.pdf
    • 14 asymptotic theory for parametric models.pdf
    • 15 alternative estimation theory for parametric models.pdf
    • 16 historical tour of categorical data analysis.pdf
    • 17 appendix a - using computer software.pdf
    • 18 appendix b - chi-squared distribution values.pdf
    • 19 references.pdf
    • 20 examples index.pdf
    • 21 author index.pdf
    • 22 subject index.pdf
    • 23 wiley series in probability and statistics.pdf
  • 4.78 MB
  • 2005-4-13
  • 9492.zip
       [下载]Statistical Methods for Categorical Data Analysis

    • 06 building and applying logistic regression models.pdf
    • 00 frontmatter.pdf
    • 01 introduction - distributions and inference for categorical data.pdf
    • 02 describing contingency tables.pdf
    • 03 inference for contingency tables.pdf
    • 04 introduction to generalized linear models.pdf
    • 05 logistic regression.pdf
    • 07 logit models for multinomial responses.pdf
    • 08 loglinear models for contingency tables.pdf
    • 09 building and extending loglinear_logit models.pdf
    • 10 models for matched pairs.pdf
    • 11 analyzing repeated categorical response data.pdf
    • 12 random effects.pdf
    • 13 other mixture models for categorical data.pdf
    • 14 asymptotic theory for parametric models.pdf
    • 15 alternative estimation theory for parametric models.pdf
    • 16 historical tour of categorical data analysis.pdf
    • 17 appendix a - using computer software.pdf
    • 18 appendix b - chi-squared distribution values.pdf
    • 19 references.pdf
    • 20 examples index.pdf
    • 21 author index.pdf
    • 22 subject index.pdf
    • 23 wiley series in probability and statistics.pdf
  • 4.78 MB
  • 2005-3-2
  • 1033.rar

    • Assessing Tying Claims in the Context of Software Integration_ A Suggested Framework for Applying the Rule of Reason Analysis.pdf
  • 134.04 KB
  • 2004-8-8