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  • 城市(空间)经济学经典外文文献.zip

    • Glaeser,Edward+L+2008+Cities,agglomeration,and++spatial+equilibrum,Oxford+Univer.pdf
    • Glaeser,Edward+L+2008+Cities,agglomeration,and++spatial+equilibrum1.pdf
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    • nequality and City Size.pdf
    • “Sorting and Local Wage and Skill Distributions in France”.pdf
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  • 2022-3-23
  • Handbook of Regional and Urban Economics vol5.zip

    • Foreword_2015_Handbook-of-Regional-and-Urban-Economics.pdf
    • Chapter-7---Cities-and-the-Environm_2015_Handbook-of-Regional-and-Urban-Econ.pdf
    • Chapter-3---Spatial-Methods_2015_Handbook-of-Regional-and-Urban-Economics.pdf
    • Chapter-18---Place-Based-Policie_2015_Handbook-of-Regional-and-Urban-Economi.pdf
    • Chapter-5---The-Empirics-of-Agglomeratio_2015_Handbook-of-Regional-and-Urban.pdf
    • Contributors_2015_Handbook-of-Regional-and-Urban-Economics.pdf
    • Chapter-1---Causal-Inference-in-Urban-and-_2015_Handbook-of-Regional-and-Urb.pdf
    • Chapter-23---Urban-Crime_2015_Handbook-of-Regional-and-Urban-Economics.pdf
    • Chapter-20---Transportation-Costs-and-the-Spatia_2015_Handbook-of-Regional-a.pdf
    • Index_2015_Handbook-of-Regional-and-Urban-Economics.pdf
    • Chapter-11---Housing-Bubbles_2015_Handbook-of-Regional-and-Urban-Economics.pdf
    • Copyright_2015_Handbook-of-Regional-and-Urban-Economics.pdf
    • Chapter-13---The-Microstructure-of-Housing-Marke_2015_Handbook-of-Regional-a.pdf
    • Chapter-15---How-Mortgage-Finance-Affects-t_2015_Handbook-of-Regional-and-Ur.pdf
    • Chapter-21---Cities-in-Developing-Countries--Fueled-by-_2015_Handbook-of-Reg.pdf
    • Chapter-6---Agglomeration-and-Innov_2015_Handbook-of-Regional-and-Urban-Econ.pdf
    • Chapter-9---Neighborhood-and-Network-_2015_Handbook-of-Regional-and-Urban-Ec.pdf
    • Chapter-8---Urban-Land-Use_2015_Handbook-of-Regional-and-Urban-Economics.pdf
    • Introduction-to-the-Series_2015_Handbook-of-Regional-and-Urban-Economics.pdf
    • Chapter-19---Regulation-and-Housing-_2015_Handbook-of-Regional-and-Urban-Eco.pdf
    • Chapter-4---Agglomeration-Theory-with-Hete_2015_Handbook-of-Regional-and-Urb.pdf
    • Chapter-10---Immigration-and-the-Economy-of_2015_Handbook-of-Regional-and-Ur.pdf
    • Chapter-2---Structural-Estimation-in-Urb_2015_Handbook-of-Regional-and-Urban.pdf
    • Chapter-14---US-Housing-Policy_2015_Handbook-of-Regional-and-Urban-Economics.pdf
    • Chapter-17---Taxes-in-Cities_2015_Handbook-of-Regional-and-Urban-Economics.pdf
    • Chapter-22---The-Geography-of-Development-_2015_Handbook-of-Regional-and-Urb.pdf
    • Chapter-12---Housing--Finance--and-the-M_2015_Handbook-of-Regional-and-Urban.pdf
    • Chapter-16---Change-and-Persistence-in-the-Econo_2015_Handbook-of-Regional-a.pdf
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  • 2019-9-3
  • CBD Hypothesis andEconomies of Agglomeration.rar

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  • Journals of Urban Economic201691.rar
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    • Does the market value value-added_ Evidence from housing prices after a public release of school and teacher value-added.pdf
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    • Negative home equity, economic insecurity, and household mobility over the Great Recession.pdf
    • Workforce location and equilibrium unemployment in a duocentric economy with matching frictions.pdf
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  • Trends and determinants of China's industrial agglomeration.rar

    • Trends and determinants of China's industrial agglomeration.pdf
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  • 2015-12-6
  • Journal of Urban Economic 2015 Vol 89.rar
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    • On the spatial scale of industrial agglomerations.pdf
    • The effects of road pricing on driver behavior and air pollution.pdf
    • Razing San Francisco_ The 1906 disaster as a natural experiment in urban redevelopment.pdf
    • On revenue recycling and the welfare effects of second-best congestion pricing in a monocentric city.pdf
    • Industry localization, distance decay, and knowledge spillovers_ Following the patent paper trail.pdf
    • Editorial Board.pdf
    • Driving to opportunity_ Local rents, wages, commuting, and sub-metropolitan quality of life.pdf
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  • Sciencedirect_articles_15May2015_01-26-46.688.zip

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    • Chapter-4-Agglomeration-Theory-with-Heterogeneous-Agents_2015_Handbook-of-Regional-and-Urban-Economics.pdf
    • Chapter-11-Housing-Bubbles_2015_Handbook-of-Regional-and-Urban-Economics.pdf
    • Copyright_2015_Handbook-of-Regional-and-Urban-Economics.pdf
    • Chapter-12-Housing-Finance-and-the-Macroeconomy_2015_Handbook-of-Regional-and-Urban-Economics.pdf
    • Chapter-9-Neighborhood-and-Network-Effects_2015_Handbook-of-Regional-and-Urban-Economics.pdf
    • Introduction-to-the-Series_2015_Handbook-of-Regional-and-Urban-Economics.pdf
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    • Chapter-6-Agglomeration-and-Innovation_2015_Handbook-of-Regional-and-Urban-Economics.pdf
    • Chapter-13-The-Microstructure-of-Housing-Markets-Search-Bargaining-and-Brokerage_2015_Handbook-of-Regional-and-Urban-Economics.pdf
    • Chapter-1-Causal-Inference-in-Urban-and-Regional-Economics_2015_Handbook-of-Regional-and-Urban-Economics.pdf
    • Chapter-2-Structural-Estimation-in-Urban-Economics_2015_Handbook-of-Regional-and-Urban-Economics.pdf
    • Chapter-3-Spatial-Methods_2015_Handbook-of-Regional-and-Urban-Economics.pdf
    • Chapter-15-How-Mortgage-Finance-Affects-the-Urban-Landscape_2015_Handbook-of-Regional-and-Urban-Economics.pdf
    • Chapter-7-Cities-and-the-Environment_2015_Handbook-of-Regional-and-Urban-Economics.pdf
    • Chapter-10-Immigration-and-the-Economy-of-Cities-and-Regions_2015_Handbook-of-Regional-and-Urban-Economics.pdf
    • Chapter-5-The-Empirics-of-Agglomeration-Economies_2015_Handbook-of-Regional-and-Urban-Economics.pdf
    • Chapter-14-US-Housing-Policy_2015_Handbook-of-Regional-and-Urban-Economics.pdf
    • Contributors_2015_Handbook-of-Regional-and-Urban-Economics.pdf
    • Foreword_2015_Handbook-of-Regional-and-Urban-Economics.pdf
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  • 2015-5-15
  • Identifying Agglomeration Spillovers: Evidence from Winners and Losers of Large.zip

    • Identifying Agglomeration Spillovers: Evidence from Winners and Losers of Large Plant Openings.pdf
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  • 2014-12-15
  • Increasing returns, monopolistic competition, and agglomeration economies in con.rar
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    • Increasing returns, monopolistic competition, and agglomeration economies in consumption and production..pdf
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  • The Empirics of Agglomeration and Trade.zip

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  • 2014-10-10
  • Evidence on the nature and sources of agglomeration economics.zip

    • Evidence on the nature and sources of agglomeration economics.pdf
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  • Agglomeration and Regional growth.zip

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  • A monopolistic competition model of spatial agglomeration_Differentiated product.rar

    • A monopolistic competition model of spatial agglomeration_Differentiated product approach.pdf
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  • The role of ports in the making of major cities: Self-agglomeration and hub-effect.rar

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  • 2013-4-14
  • The Productivity Advantages of Large Cities_ Distinguishing Agglomeration From F.rar

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  • Vol 42(6).rar

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    • RS&UE 2012(6)-Firms' locations under demand heterogeneity.pdf
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    • RS&UE 2012(6)-Introduction to the special issue in honor of Jacques Thisse.pdf
    • RS&UE 2012(6)-Market access in global and regional trade.pdf
    • RS&UE 2012(6)-Measuring welfare gains from relaxation of land-use restrictions_The case of India's building-height limits.pdf
    • RS&UE 2012(6)-Nesting horizontal and vertical differentiation.pdf
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    • RS&UE 2012(6)-Optimal intellectual property rights protection during an international health emergency.pdf
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    • RS&UE 2012(6)-Trade costs and international strategy of firms_The role of endogenous product differentiation.pdf
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    • RS&UE 2012(6)-FAR regulations and unpriced transport congestion.pdf
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  • 2012-11-26
  • Vol 42(5).rar

    • RS&UE 2012(5)-Reprint of development, agglomeration, and the organization of work.pdf
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    • RS&UE 2012(5)-Migration and development-Insights from the 3rd AFD-World Bank Migration and Development Conference.pdf
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    • RS&UE 2012(5)-Performance of skilled migrants in the U.S._A dynamic approach.pdf
    • RS&UE 2012(5)-Remittances and financial openness.pdf
    • RS&UE 2012(5)-Remittances, migrants' education and immigration policy_Theory and evidence from bilateral data.pdf
    • RS&UE 2012(5)-Education and migration choices in hierarchical societies_The case of Matam, Senegal.pdf
    • RS&UE 2012(5)-Gender wage differentials among rural–urban migrants in China.pdf
    • RS&UE 2012(5)-Human capital acquisition and international migration in a model of educational market.pdf
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  • The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics U.rar

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  • 全部文章.rar

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  • 2012-3-30
  • Vol 42(1-2).rar

    • Industrial agglomeration and firm size-Evidence from China.pdf
    • Regional industrial structure and agglomeration economies-An analysis of productivity in three manufacturing industries.pdf
    • Which communities should be afraid of mobility-The effects of agglomeration economies on the sensitivity of employment location to local taxes.pdf
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    • Dwindling U.S. internal migration-Evidence of spatial equilibrium or structural shifts in local labor markets.pdf
    • Empirical estimation of the option premium for residential redevelopment.pdf
    • Fertility decisions and endogenous residential sorting.pdf
    • Geography, choice and participation in higher education in England.pdf
    • Give or take-Rewards versus charges for a congested bottleneck.pdf
    • In the neighborhood-The trade effects of the Euro in a spatial framework.pdf
    • Industrial relocation policy, productivity and heterogeneous plants-Evidence from Japan.pdf
    • Intergenerational linkages in consumption patterns and the geographical distribution of surnames.pdf
    • Keeping up with the Joneses-Neighborhood effects in housing renovation.pdf
    • Making space for crime-A spatial analysis of criminal competition.pdf
    • Measurement errors in a spatial context.pdf
    • On model specification and parameter space definitions in higher order spatial econometric models.pdf
    • Parking management, financial subsidies to alternatives to drive alone and commute mode choices in Seattle.pdf
    • Policies for local development-An evaluation of Italy's “Patti Territoriali”.pdf
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    • Regional analysis of property taxation, education finance reform, and property value growth.pdf
    • Spatial competition and merging incentives when firms produce complements.pdf
    • Spatial dependencies in German matching functions.pdf
    • The distributional effects of NAFTA in Mexico-Evidence from a panel of municipalities.pdf
    • The impact of social capital on crime-Evidence from the Netherlands.pdf
    • The welfare effects of discriminating between in-state and out-of-state students.pdf
    • Urbanization and or rural industrialization in China.pdf
    • A household-level decomposition of the white–black homeownership gap.pdf
    • Are homes hot or cold potatoes-The distribution of marketing time in the housing market.pdf
    • Are poor neighborhoods “retail deserts”.pdf
    • Crime and property values-Evidence from the 1990s crime drop.pdf
    • Crime, police, and truth-in-sentencing-The impact of state sentencing policy on local communities.pdf
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  • 2011-12-27
  • do NEG.pdf
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  • 2011-9-18
  • How Migration Restrictions Limit Agglomeration and Productivity in China.rar

    • How Migration Restrictions Limit Agglomeration and Productivity in China.pdf
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  • 2011-8-27
  • 最新的文章.rar

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  • 空间经济学综述文章.rar

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    • 如何认识空间经济学_兼与李春洋先生商榷.pdf
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    • 本地市场效应_理论和经验研究的新近进展.pdf
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    • the geographic concentration of industry,does natural advantage explain agglomeration.pdf
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  • 区域空间英文文献2.rar

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    • The historical geography of european cities an interpretive essay.pdf
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    • Theories of Systems of Cities.pdf
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  • 2010-3-24
  • 区域空间英文文献.rar

    • Evidence on the nature and sources of agglomeration economics.pdf
    • Micro-foundations of urban agglomeration economies.pdf
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    • Factor mobility and redistribution a survey.pdf
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    • Historical Perspectives on U.S. Economic Geography.pdf
    • human capital externalities in cities.pdf
    • Knowledge spillovers and the geography of innovation.pdf
    • Neighborhood Effects.pdf
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  • 2010-3-18
  • Henderson2005 __ New Economic Geography(2).rar

    • 19__Henderson2003 Marshall's scale economies.pdf
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    • 21__Eaton and Eckstein1997 Cities and growth Theory and evidence from France and Japan.pdf
    • 22__Black and Henderson2003 Urban evolution in the USA.pdf
    • 23__Ioannides and Overman2003 Zipf's law for cities an empirical examination.pdf
    • 13__Hanson1997 Increasing Returns, Trade and the Regional Structure of Wages.pdf
    • 14__Davis and Weinstein2003 Market access, economic geography and comparative advantage an empirical test.pdf
    • 15__Caselli and Coleman-II2001 The U.S. Structural Transformation and Regional Convergence A Reinterpretation.pdf
    • 16__Davis and Weinstein2002 Bones, Bombs, and Break Points The Geography of Economic Activity.pdf
    • 17__Jaffe et1993 Geographic Localization of Knowledge Spillovers as Evidenced by Patent Citations.pdf
    • 18__Ellison and Glaeser1997 Geographic Concentration in U.S. Manufacturing Industries A Dartboard Approach.pdf
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  • 2010-2-16
  • Henderson2005 __ New Economic Geography(1).rar

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    • 9__Black and Henderson1999 A Theory of Urban Growth.pdf
    • 10__Fujita et1999 On the evolution of hierarchical urban systems.pdf
    • 11__Arthur1990 Silicon valley locational clusters when do increasing returns imply monopoly.pdf
    • 12__Gabaix1999 Zipf's Law for Cities An Explanation.pdf
    • 0__Introduction.pdf
    • 1__Krugman1991 Increasing Returns and Economic Geography.pdf
    • 2__Venables1996 Equilibrium Locations of Vertically Linked Industries.pdf
    • 3__Puga1999 The rise and fall of reginal inequalities.pdf
    • 4__Ottaviano et2002 Agglomeration and Trade Revisited.pdf
    • 5__Fujita and Thisse2003 Does Geographical Agglomeration Foster Economic Growth And Who Gains and Loses from It.pdf
    • 7__Henderson and Becker2000 Political Economy of City Sizes and Formation.pdf
  • 6.45 MB
  • 2010-2-16
  • 287282.pdf
       [求助]Skills, agglomeration, and segmentation(100元)

  • 411.74 KB
  • 2009-1-19
  • 234480.pdf

  • 165.09 KB
  • 2008-8-7
  • 231655.rar

  • 1.81 MB
  • 2008-7-29
  • 218910.pdf
       Spatial Agglomeration Dynamics

  • 119.53 KB
  • 2008-6-12
  • 209553.rar

    • Urban size, efficiency and agglomeration economies:the case of China.pdf
    • 资本流动、对外直接投资和最优税制.doc
    • The Economic Impacts of Immigration of High-skill Workers in the Context of Globalization.doc
    • The Effectiveness Study of Area-based Yield Crop Insurance Application in China.doc
    • The Effects of Housing Reform on Durables Consumption in China.doc
    • The Impact of Minimum Wages on Employment:Evidence from China.pdf
    • The Impact of Off-farm Employment on Rural Factor Market Development and Village Incomes.doc
    • The Impact of Rural Taxation Reform on Farmer’s Household Income.doc
    • The Transmission Effects of World Demographic Changes in an International Multi-Region Overlapping Generations Model.doc
    • Trade Openness, Domestic Terms of Trade, and Welfare of Agricultural Producers in China.doc
    • Transmission Mechanism of Monetary Policy in a Small Open Economy.doc
    • Understanding Variation in the Design of China’s New Cooperative Medical System.doc
    • Understanding Why Household Incomes Are More Unequally Distributed in China than in Russia.doc
    • Water Shortages, Intersectoral Water Allocation and Economic Growth:The Case of China.pdf
    • Will health inequality be enlarged——the demand for preventive care.doc
    • 从经济体制改革进程看有中国特色的社会主义市场化改革─中国大陆经济崛起的内在制度环境.doc
    • 儿童学习成绩变化——对农村父母回流决策的影响.doc
    • 工业集聚与城市经济效率的因果关系和决定因素—中国城市的空间计量经济实证分析.doc
    • 绝对教育年限与相对教育位置的收入效应.doc
    • 农村道路建设对减缓贫困的影响评估.doc
    • 农村小学布局结构调整前后政府教育投入的变化研究.doc
    • 我国外资银行风险监管的研究.doc
    • 新型农村合作医疗与农村养老行为.doc
    • 学生学习成绩变化对父母回流决策的影响CES.doc
    • 中国房地产市场的制度缺陷与调控政策选择.doc
    • 中国工业民主和员工参与制度及功能:国企民企外企的比较——来自湖南的调查.doc
    • 中国工业民主和员工参与制度与功能:国企民企外企的比较——来自湖南的调查.doc
    • 中国经济增长与政府官员评价机制.doc
  • 3.19 MB
  • 2008-5-1
  • 86548.pdf

  • 249.58 KB
  • 2007-1-22
  • 77918.rar
       一组区域、城市经济学论文:NBER working paper(18篇,pdf)

    • The Divergence of Human Capital Levels Across Cities.pdf
    • Urban Structure and Growth.pdf
    • Why Have Housing Prices Gone Up.pdf
    • Urban Growth and Housing Supply.pdf
    • Urban Colossus:Why is New York America's Largest City.pdf
    • Portfolio Diversification and City Agglomeration.pdf
    • Private Investment and Government Protection.pdf
    • Increasing Returns and Economic Geography.pdf
    • U.S. urban decline and growth, 1950 to 2000.pdf
    • Growth in Cities.pdf
    • Cities, Regions and the Decline of Transport Costs.pdf
    • The Causes and Consequences of Land Use Regulation: Evidence from Greater Boston.pdf
    • Why Has House Price Dispersion Gone Up.pdf
    • Schooling Externalities, Technology and Productivity:Theory and Evidence from U.S. States.pdf
    • Superstar Cities.pdf
    • Division of Labor and the Rise of Cities:Evidence from U.S. Industrialization, 1850-1880.pdf
    • Firm Fragmentation and Urban Patterns.pdf
    • Cities and Countries.pdf
  • 10.44 MB
  • 2006-12-15
  • 74446.rar

    • Evidence on the nature and sources of agglomeration economics.pdf
    • Micro-foundations of urban agglomeration economies.pdf
    • Spatial Distribution of Economic Activities in North America.pdf
    • sprawl and urban growth.pdf
    • The Empirics of Agglomeration and Trade.pdf
    • The Evolution of City Size distributions.pdf
    • The historical geography of european cities an interpretive essay.pdf
    • The spatial distribution of economic activities in the european union.pdf
    • Theories of Systems of Cities.pdf
    • Urban and growth henderson.pdf
    • Urban Political Economics.pdf
    • Agglomeration and economic geography.pdf
    • Agglomeration and Regional growth.pdf
    • Factor mobility and redistribution a survey.pdf
    • Fiscal Decentralization.pdf
    • Historical Perspectives on U.S. Economic Geography.pdf
    • human capital externalities in cities.pdf
    • Knowledge spillovers and the geography of innovation.pdf
    • Neighborhood Effects.pdf
    • regional diconvergence2.pdf
    • Spatial Distribution of Economic Activities in Japan and china.pdf
  • 9.87 MB
  • 2006-11-27
  • 64401.pdf

  • 629.94 KB
  • 2006-9-20
  • 62005.pdf

  • 282.72 KB
  • 2006-8-27
  • 61933.pdf

  • 180.65 KB
  • 2006-8-26
  • 56173.rar

    • InAgglo目錄.doc
  • 13.29 KB
  • 2006-6-22
  • 44489.rar

    • Evidence on the nature and sources of agglomeration economics.pdf
    • Micro-foundations of urban agglomeration economies.pdf
    • Spatial Distribution of Economic Activities in North America.pdf
    • sprawl and urban growth.pdf
    • The Empirics of Agglomeration and Trade.pdf
    • The Evolution of City Size distributions.pdf
    • The historical geography of european cities an interpretive essay.pdf
    • The spatial distribution of economic activities in the european union.pdf
    • Theories of Systems of Cities.pdf
    • Urban and growth henderson.pdf
    • Urban Political Economics.pdf
    • Agglomeration and economic geography.pdf
    • Agglomeration and Regional growth.pdf
    • Factor mobility and redistribution a survey.pdf
    • Fiscal Decentralization.pdf
    • Historical Perspectives on U.S. Economic Geography.pdf
    • human capital externalities in cities.pdf
    • Knowledge spillovers and the geography of innovation.pdf
    • Neighborhood Effects.pdf
    • regional diconvergence2.pdf
    • Spatial Distribution of Economic Activities in Japan and china.pdf
  • 9.87 MB
  • 2006-3-19
  • 19569.rar

    • Economic Opening and Industrial Agglomeration in China.pdf
    • Effects of Industry Agglomeration dicators of Growth and Development in Maine.pdf
    • etd-0210103-133933.pdf
    • Externalities, growth, and regional stagnation.pdf
    • A measure of the geographic concentration in french.pdf
    • A spatial interpretation of the density dependence model in industrial demography. Towards a synthesis with spatial sciences..doc
    • Agglomeration and growth in the NEG,a critical assessment.pdf
    • Agglomeration and regional growth.pdf
    • Agglomeration economies and productivity in Indian industry..pdf
    • Agglomeration in a global economy A survey of the 'new economic.pdf
    • Agglomeration, Transport, and Regional Development in Indonesia.pdf
    • Approaches to Economic Growth and Development.pdf
    • Backward Linkages of Foreign Direct Investment.pdf
    • Disparities in Regional Performance Investment at the Sectoral.pdf
    • Economic Integration and Manufacturing Concentration Patterns.pdf
  • 3.75 MB
  • 2005-7-15
  • 8884.rar
       上传藤田昌久的论文 《economics of agglomeration》

    • economics of agglomeration.pdf
  • 302.62 KB
  • 2005-2-13