大小 上传时间
  • Category theory for computing science-Michael Barr, Charles Wells.zip
       Category Theory for Computing Science

    • Category theory for computing science-Michael Barr, Charles Wells.djvu
  • 8.08 MB
  • 2024-6-23
  • Topology of Closed One-Forms (Mathematical Surveys and Monographs) Michael Farber.zip
       Topology of Closed One-Forms

    • Topology of Closed One-Forms (Mathematical Surveys and Monographs) Michael Farber.djvu
  • 7.6 MB
  • 2023-11-16
  • The Big Short (Michael Lewis) (Z-Library).zip

    • The Big Short (Michael Lewis) (Z-Library).epub
  • 265.3 KB
  • 2023-7-12
  • CTM 124 3-Transposition Groups (Cambridge Tracts in Mathematics) (Michael Aschba.zip
       3-Transposition Groups

    • CTM 124 3-Transposition Groups (Cambridge Tracts in Mathematics) (Michael Aschbacher) 0521571960.djvu
  • 2.54 MB
  • 2023-6-6
  • The Essentials of Financial Modeling in Excel A Concise Guide to Concepts and Methods.rar
       True PDF EPUB

    • The Essentials of Financial Mod - Michael Rees.pdf
    • The Essentials of Financial Mod - Rees, Michael;.epub
  • 68.02 MB
  • 2023-2-19
  • A Comprehensive Introduction to Differential Geometry, Vol 2, 3ed (Michael Spiva.zip
       A Comprehensive Introduction to Differential Geometry vol2

    • A Comprehensive Introduction to Differential Geometry, Vol 2, 3ed (Michael Spivak) 0914098810.djvu
  • 3.38 MB
  • 2023-1-22
  • (Classics in Applied Mathematics) Michael D. Intriligator - Mathematical optimiz.rar

    • (Classics in Applied Mathematics) Michael D. Intriligator - Mathematical optimization and economic theory-Society for Industrial Mathematics (2002).djvu
  • 5.33 MB
  • 2022-12-9
  • M. Ramesh, Michael Howlett - Studying Public Policy_ Policy Cycles and Policy Su.zip

    • M. Ramesh, Michael Howlett - Studying Public Policy_ Policy Cycles and Policy Subsystems .pdf
    • M. Ramesh, Michael Howlett - Studying Public Policy_ Policy Cycles and Policy Subsystems .pdf
  • 18.84 MB
  • 2022-8-11
  • Examples & Explanations.rar
       Examples & Explanations国际著名的法律法规典例及解释集

    • Examples & Explanations_ Conflict of Laws, Second Edition - Hoffheimer, Michael H_.azw3
    • Examples & Explanations_ Dispute Resolution, Second Edition - Moffitt, Michael L. & Schneider, Andrea Kupfer.azw3
    • Examples & Explanations_ Bankruptcy and Debtor Creditor, Fifth Edition - Blum, Brian A_.azw3
    • Examples & Explanations_ California Community Property, Fourth Edition - Goldberg , Charlotte.azw3
    • Examples & Explanations_ Civil Procedure, Seventh Edition - Glannon, Joseph W_.azw3
    • Examples & Explanations_ Constitutional Law, & Federalism, Sixth Edition - Christopher N. May & Allen Ides.azw3
    • Examples & Explanations_ Constitutional Law_ Individual Rights, Sixth Edition - May, Christopher N. & Ides, Allan.azw3
    • Examples & Explanations_ Contracts, Sixth Edition - Brian A. Blum.azw3
    • Examples & Explanations_ Copyright, Third Edition - McJohn, Stephen M_.azw3
    • Examples & Explanations_ Corporations, Seventh Edition - Palmiter, Alam R_.azw3
    • Examples & Explanations_ Criminal Law, Sixth Edition - Singer, Richard G. & La Fond, John Q_.azw3
    • Examples & Explanations_ Criminal Procedure ll_ From Bail to Jail, Third Edition - Singer, Richard G_.azw3
    • Examples & Explanations_ Criminal Procedure_ Thd the Police, Seventh Edition - Bloom, Robert M. & Brodin, Mark S_.azw3
    • Examples & Explanations_ Employment Discrimination, Second Edition - Friedman, Joel Wm_.azw3
    • Examples & Explanations_ Environmental Law, Sixth Edition - Ferrey, Steven.azw3
    • Examples & Explanations_ Evidence, Eighth Edition - Best, Arthur.azw3
    • Examples & Explanations_ Family Law, Fourth Edition - Oliphant, Robert E. & Ver Steegh, Nancy.azw3
    • Examples & Explanations_ Federal Courts, Third Edition - Little, Laura E_.azw3
    • Examples & Explanations_ Intellectual Property, Fourth Edition - McJohn, Stephen M_.azw3
    • Examples & Explanations_ Payment Systems, Fifth Edition - Brook, James.azw3
    • Examples & Explanations_ Property, Fourth Edition - Burke, Barlow & Snoe, Joseph.azw3
    • Examples & Explanations_ Remedies, Third Edition - Hasen, Richard L_.azw3
    • Examples & Explanations_ Wills, Trusts, and Estates, Fifth Edition - Beyer, Gerry W_.azw3
    • Examples & Explanations_ Administrative Law - Funk, William F. & Seamon, Richard H_.mobi
    • Examples & Explanations_ Antitrust - Sagers, Christopher L_.mobi
    • Examples & Explanations_ Contracts, Sixth Edition - Brian A. Blum.mobi
    • Examples & Explanations_ Federal Income Tax, 6th Edition - Bankman, Joseph & Griffith, Thomas D. & Pratt, Katherine.mobi
    • Examples & Explanations_ International Law - Epps, Valerie & Graham, Lorie.mobi
    • Examples & Explanations_ Legal Writing - Pollman, Terrill & Stinson, Judith & Newmann, Richard K. Jr. & Pollman, Elizabeth.mobi
    • Examples & Explanations_ Professional Responsibility, 3rd Edition - Wendel, W. Bradley.mobi
    • Examples & Explanations_ Sales & Leases, Sixth Edition - Brook, James.mobi
    • Securities Regulation_ Examples & Explanations, Fifth Edition - Palmiter, Alan R_.mobi
  • 49.78 MB
  • 2022-5-3
  • 社会网络分析, 复杂网络分析:参考文献之二.rar
       社会网络分析, 复杂网络分析:参考文献之二

    • A case study of Israeli higher-education institutes sharing scholarly information with the community via social networks.pdf
    • Effects of a soft cut-off on node-degree in the Twitter social network(做算法研究可参考).pdf
    • Emergent Leadership in Virtual Collaboration Settings- A Social Network Analysis Approach(值得读).pdf
    • Empirical analysis of online socialnetworks in the age of Web 2.0(短平快期刊,复杂网络研究为主).pdf
    • Empowering teams through social network ties(实证研究).pdf
    • Evolution of a large online social network(短平快,需核实是否SCI).pdf
    • A framework for exploring organizational structure in dynamic social network(很不错).pdf
    • A novel measure of edge centrality in social networks.pdf
    • A social influence model of consumer participation in network- and small-group-based virtual communities.pdf
    • A social network approach to resolving group-level conflict in context-aware services.pdf
    • A social network perspective of tourism research collaborations(与位置服务结合是否可有新的结果).pdf
    • A social network-based system for supporting interactive collaboration in knowledge sharing over peer-to-peer network(可参考).pdf
    • A social status perspective of network utility over electronic channels in academic communities(经典实证研究).pdf
    • A synthesis of semantic social network and attraction theory for innovating community-based e-service.pdf
    • A theoretical model of intentional social action in online social networks(数据分析类文章可参考).pdf
    • An empirical study of the factors affecting social network service use(韩国人做的实证).pdf
    • An e-patient’s End-user community (EUCY)- The value added of social network applications.pdf
    • Analysis of virtual communities supporting OSS projects using social network analysis(很好).pdf
    • Architectural platform- a social network site for architects.pdf
    • Behavior-based analysis of knowledge dissemination channels in operations management (和运作管理结合研究).pdf
    • Bridging the Gap—Data Mining and Social Network Analysis for Integrating Semantic Web and Web 2.0.pdf
    • BSN- An automatic generation algorithm of social network data(把该方法搞懂并用于研究中).pdf
    • Building a Knowledge Brokering System using social network analysis- A case study of the Korean financial industry(有模仿价值).pdf
    • Communities of Public Service Support- Citizens engage in social learning in peer-to-peer networks(比较特殊的一篇文章,可看看).pdf
    • Competitivity groups on social network sites(短小,可参考).pdf
    • Cultural difference in motivations for using social network sites- A comparative study of American and Korean college students(实证).pdf
    • Discovering cohesive subgroups from social networks for targeted advertising(文献回顾可用).pdf
    • Dissemination of health information through social networks- Twitter and antibiotics(微博类研究参考).pdf
  • 15.4 MB
  • 2021-10-31
  • Solutions Manual for Introduction to Modern Economic Growth.zip

    • Michael Peters, Alp Simsek_Solutions Manual for Introduction to Modern Economic Growth.pdf
  • 2.6 MB
  • 2021-9-20
  • Mathematical Methods for Economics by Michael Klein.rar

    • Mathematical Methods for Economics by Michael Klein.pdf
  • 3.21 MB
  • 2021-8-25
  • Jason A. Colquitt_ Jeffery Lepine_ Michael Wesson - Organizational Behavior_ Imp.rar

    • Jason A. Colquitt_ Jeffery Lepine_ Michael Wesson - Organizational Behavior_ Improving Performance and Commitment in the Workplace (2018, McGraw-Hill Education) - libgen.lc.pdf
  • 42.4 MB
  • 2021-4-23
  • Michael Parkin - Microeconomics-Pearson (2018).rar

    • Michael Parkin - Microeconomics-Pearson (2018).pdf
  • 11.9 MB
  • 2020-12-8
  • ACCA压缩下.rar

    • 全球经济状况调研:2019年第三季度_GECSQ32019.MichaelTaylor.pdf
    • 中亚国家会计基础设施比较研究_central-asia-accounting-base-comparison.pdf
    • 商业形式:构建助力企业成功的法律框架_pi-business-forms-part3.pdf
    • 创造社会和环境价值_PI Social environmental value creation Jimmy Greer.pdf
    • 全球企业税收政策:原则与实践_GlobalPolicyOnTaxation.JasonPiper.pdf
    • 综合报告洞见3.0:展现“真实”的一面_pi-insights-IR-3.0.pdf
    • 综合报告洞见3.0:展现“真实”的一面_pi-insights-ir-3.0-cn.pdf
    • ACCA与IFAC系列联合研究:公共部门财务管理的优秀实践展示_ea-public-sector-policy-.pdf
  • 38.18 MB
  • 2019-12-21
  • SUMS76 Essential Real Analysis, Michael Field (2017).zip

    • SUMS76 Essential Real Analysis, Michael Field (2017).jpg
    • SUMS76 Essential Real Analysis, Michael Field (2017).pdf
  • 9.16 MB
  • 2019-6-24
  • Mathematics for Economics - Michael Hoy, John Livernois, Chris McKenna, Ray Rees.zip

    • Mathematics for Economics - Michael Hoy, John Livernois, Chris McKenna, Ray Rees and Thanasis Stengos (2011).djvu
  • 24.35 MB
  • 2019-6-6
  • Michael Killen - From Single to Scale_ How a Single Person, Small Business, or a.zip

    • Michael Killen - From Single to Scale_ How a Single Person, Small Business, or an Entrepreneur Can Grow Their Business to Profit (2019, Apress).pdf
  • 1.39 MB
  • 2019-5-18
  • 9781118448908.pdf
       The R book (Second Edition, Michael J. Crawley)

  • 10.04 MB
  • 2019-5-17
  • Jennifer Rudolph, Michael Szonyi - The China Questions_ Critical Insights into a.zip

    • Jennifer Rudolph, Michael Szonyi - The China Questions_ Critical Insights into a Rising Power (2018, Harvard University Press).epub
  • 510.04 KB
  • 2019-5-5
  • .pdf
       RDD Michael R. Roberts

  • 2 MB
  • 2019-5-5
  • META分析导论.pdf
       本书是英文版Introduction to Meta-Analysis(Michael Borenstein; Larry V. Hedges等著),由李国春等翻译 ...

  • 39.13 MB
  • 2019-3-27
  • Investment Professor Danling Jiang.zip
       Investment Professor Danling Jiang

    • Memo to Investment Committee.Michael Du.20140420.pdf
    • Lecture2_asset_classes.pptx
    • 水务公司的重组上市.ppt
    • Lecture7 CAPM and Factor Models.pptx
    • 定向增发——以粤高速为例.ppt
    • 首次公开发行与分拆、整体、买壳以及借壳上市.pdf
    • 尽职调查及不良资产的查询工具.pdf
    • Lecture4_mutual_fund.pptx
    • Lecture8 Options Trading and Hedging strategy.pptx
    • 资产估值.pdf
    • Lecture5 Risk and Return.pptx
    • syllubus.pptx
    • 投资学.doc
    • Investment exam1.pdf
    • Lecture1_background.pptx
    • Lecture3_security_trading.pptx
    • PKU_Debt_Overhang_example.pdf
    • 上市公司再融资 以招商地产为例.pdf
    • 投资银行的尽职调查.ppt
    • Lecture6 Diversification.pptx
    • 长城电脑收购冠捷科技 案例共享.ppt
    • 金融英语.doc
    • IPO(首次公开发行)涉及的重要法律问题讨论.pptx
    • Risk and Return.pptx
  • 30.58 MB
  • 2019-3-15
  • tup.rar

    • AAA--The_Undoing_Project_by_Michael_Lewis.pdf
  • 1.24 MB
  • 2019-3-10
  • [Michael_Batnick]_Big_Mistakes__The_Best_Investors.zip

    • [Michael_Batnick]_Big_Mistakes__The_Best_Investors.epub
  • 440.14 KB
  • 2019-3-3
  • michael o'leary - turbulent times for the man who made ryanair (2018).rar
       michael o'leary - turbulent times for the man who made ryanair (2018)

    • michael o'leary - turbulent times for the man who made ryanair (2018).epub
  • 909.41 KB
  • 2019-1-13
  • Burry.pdf
       Michael Burry 年报及投资日记

  • 2.38 MB
  • 2018-12-9
  • (1990)Statistics for Lawyers_Michael O. Finkelstein, Bruce Levin.rar

    • (1990)Statistics for Lawyers_Michael O. Finkelstein, Bruce Levin.pdf
  • 3.11 MB
  • 2018-11-4
  • (2013)Financial Modeling, Actuarial Valuation and Solvency in Insurance_Mario V..rar

    • (2013)Financial Modeling, Actuarial Valuation and Solvency in Insurance_Mario V. Wüthrich, Michael Merz.pdf
  • 7.21 MB
  • 2018-11-1
  • (2007)Financial Modeling Under Non-Gaussian Distributions_Eric Jondeau, Ser-Huan.rar

    • (2007)Financial Modeling Under Non-Gaussian Distributions_Eric Jondeau, Ser-Huang Poon, Michael Rockinger.pdf
  • 5.57 MB
  • 2018-11-1
  • UNP_Lewis.zip

    • AAA--The_Undoing_Project_by_Michael_Lewis.pdf
  • 1.25 MB
  • 2018-10-27
  • (The Wiley Finance Series) Michael Rees-Principles of Financial Modelling_ Model.zip

    • (The Wiley Finance Series) Michael Rees-Principles of Financial Modelling_ Model Design and Best Practices Using Excel and VBA-Wiley.pdf
  • 22.41 MB
  • 2018-10-18
  • the fifth risk (2018) - michael lewis.rar
       the fifth risk (2018) - michael lewis

    • the fifth risk (2018) - michael lewis.epub
  • 1.99 MB
  • 2018-10-2
  • D9387C6ED2BE3BAC3171A9D32A7EFEFA11971DE33D9941A5 (1).zip

    • style\map\raphael.js
    • dieselgenerator.html
    • dieselgenset.html
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    • style\acharts-min.js
    • style\bootstrap.css
    • style\bui\acharts-min.js
    • style\bui\bui-min.js
    • style\custom.js
    • style\datatables.css
    • style\gt.css
    • style\jquery-1.7.1.min.js
    • style\map\chinamap.js
    • style\map\loadmap.js
    • style\map\map.css
    • style\map\world.js
    • style\style.css
    • 发电机组.html
    • 机组.html
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  • 2018-7-19
  • MichaelMann-TheSourcesofSocialPowerVolume3.zip
       Michael Mann-The Sources of Socia lPower Volume3

    • MichaelMann-TheSourcesofSocialPowerVolume3.pdf
  • 2.31 MB
  • 2018-6-1
  • Digital Image Processing 3rd Rafael C. Gonzalez.rar

    • Digital Image Processing 3rd Rafael C. Gonzalez.pdf
  • 59.3 MB
  • 2018-1-17
  • Flash Boys by Michael Lewis.rar

    • Flash Boys by Michael Lewis.pdf
  • 943.52 KB
  • 2017-9-21
  • Studies in Big Data(10-28缺少12,25,27).rar

    • (Studies in Big Data 13) Han Liu, Alexander Gegov, Mihaela Cocea-Rule Based Systems for Big Data_ A Machine Learning Approach-Springer International Publishing (2015).pdf
    • (Studies in Big Data 28) Vicenc Torra (auth.)-Data Privacy_ Foundations, New Developments and the Big Data Challenge-Springer International Publishing (2017).pdf
    • (Studies in Big Data 10) Witold Pedrycz, Shyi-Ming Chen (eds.)-Granular Computing and Decision-Making_ Interactive and Iterative Approaches-Springer International Publishing (2015).pdf
    • (Studies in big data 11) Big data _ a primer-Springer India (2015).pdf
    • (Studies in Big Data 11) Transparent Data Mining for Big and Small Data(2017).pdf
    • (Studies in Big Data 14) Joanna Kolodziej, Luís Correia, José Manuel Molina (eds.)-Intelligent Agents in Data-intensive Computing-Springer International Publishing (2016).pdf
    • (Studies in Big Data 15) Ana Paula Ferreira Dias Barbosa Póvoa, Joao Luis de Miranda (eds.)-Operations Research and Big Data_ IO2015-XVII Congress of Portuguese Association of Operational Research (AP.pdf
    • (Studies in Big Data 16) Nathalie Japkowicz, Jerzy Stefanowski-Big Data Analysis_ New Algorithms for a New Society-Springer (2015).pdf
    • (Studies in Big Data 17) Bhabani Shankar Prasad Mishra, Satchidananda Dehuri, Euiwhan Kim, Gi-Name Wang (eds.)-Techniques and Environments for Big Data Analysis_ Parallel, Cloud, and Grid Computing-Sp.pdf
    • (Studies in Big Data 18) Ali Emrouznejad (eds.)-Big Data Optimization_ Recent Developments and Challenges-Springer International Publishing (2016).pdf
    • (Studies in Big Data 19) Dominik Ryzko, Piotr Gawrysiak, Marzena Kryszkiewicz, Henryk Rybiński (eds.)-Machine Intelligence and Big Data in Industry-Springer International Publishing (2016).pdf
    • (Studies in Big Data 20) Oliver Kramer (auth.)-Machine Learning for Evolution Strategies-Springer International Publishing (2016).pdf
    • (Studies in Big Data 21) Francesco Corea (auth.)-Big Data Analytics_ A Management Perspective-Springer International Publishing (2016).pdf
    • (Studies in Big Data 22) Constandinos X. Mavromoustakis, George Mastorakis, Ciprian Dobre-Advances in Mobile Cloud Computing and Big Data in the 5G Era-Springer (2017).pdf
    • (Studies in Big Data 23) Chintan Bhatt, Nilanjan Dey, Amira S. Ashour (eds.)-Internet of Things and Big Data Technologies for Next Generation Healthcare-Springer (2017).pdf
    • (Studies in Big Data 24) Witold Pedrycz, Shyi-Ming Chen (eds.)-Data Science and Big Data_ An Environment of Computational Intelligence-Springer International Publishing (2017).pdf
    • (Studies in Big Data 26) S. Srinivasan-Guide to Big Data Applications (ed.)-Springer (2017).epub
  • 93.16 MB
  • 2017-9-13
  • Michael Freitag, Herbert Kotzab, Jürgen Pannek eds. Dynamics in Logistics Proce.rar

    • Michael Freitag, Herbert Kotzab, Jürgen Pannek eds. Dynamics in Logistics Proceedings of the 5th International Conference LDIC, 2016 Bremen, Germany.pdf
  • 7.69 MB
  • 2017-9-11
  • Lecture Notes in Statistics 131-140.rar

    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 133) Michael D. Escobar, Mike West (auth.), Dipak Dey, Peter Müller, Debajyoti Sinha (eds.)-Practical Nonparametric and Semiparametric Bayesian Statistics-Springer-Verlag .pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 140) Case Studies in Bayesian Statistics Volume IV.pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 131) Joel L. Horowitz (auth.)-Semiparametric Methods in Econometrics-Springer-Verlag New York (1998).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 132) Lawrence H. Cox, Douglas Nychka (auth.), Douglas Nychka, Walter W. Piegorsch, Lawrence H. Cox (eds.)-Case Studies in Environmental Statistics-Springer-Verlag New York.pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 134) Yu. A. Kutoyants (auth.)-Statistical Inference for Spatial Poisson Processes-Springer-Verlag New York (1998).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 135) Christian P. Robert, Sylvia Richardson (auth.), Christian P. Robert (eds.)-Discretization and MCMC Convergence Assessment-Springer-Verlag New York (1998).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 136) Gregory C. Reinsel, Raja P. Velu (auth.)-Multivariate Reduced-Rank Regression_ Theory and Applications-Springer-Verlag New York (1998).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 137) V. Seshadri (auth.)-The Inverse Gaussian Distribution_ Statistical Theory and Applications-Springer-Verlag New York (1999).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 138) József Beck (auth.), Peter Hellekalek, Gerhard Larcher (eds.)-Random and Quasi-Random Point Sets-Springer-Verlag New York (1998).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 139) Roger B. Nelsen (auth.)-An Introduction to Copulas-Springer New York (1999).pdf
  • 83.75 MB
  • 2017-9-9
  • Lecture Notes in Statistics 71-80.rar

    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 80) Douglas E. Critchlow, Michael A. Fligner (auth.), Michael A. Fligner, Joseph S. Verducci (eds.)-Probability Models and Statistical Analyses for Ranking Data-Springer-V.pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 71) Eduardo M. R. A. Engel (auth.)-A Road to Randomness in Physical Systems-Springer-Verlag New York (1992).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 72) James K. Lindsey (auth.)-The Analysis of Stochastic Processes using GLIM-Springer-Verlag New York (1992).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 73) Barry C. Arnold, Enrique Castillo, José-Mariá Sarabia (auth.)-Conditionally Specified Distributions-Springer-Verlag New York (1992).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 74) Mona Abdalla, Jim Kay (auth.), Piero Barone, Arnoldo Frigessi, Mauro Piccioni (eds.)-Stochastic Models, Statistical Methods, and Algorithms in Image Analysis_ Proceedi.pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 75) Joseph B. Kadane, Parthasarathy Bagchi (auth.), Prem K. Goel, N. Sreenivas Iyengar (eds.)-Bayesian Analysis in Statistics and Econometrics-Springer-Verlag New York (19.pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 76) Lennart Bondesson (auth.)-Generalized Gamma Convolutions and Related Classes of Distributions and Densities-Springer-Verlag New York (1992).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 77) Enno Mammen (auth.)-When Does Bootstrap Work__ Asymptotic Results and Simulations-Springer-Verlag New York (1992).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 78) Robert Gilchrist, Clive Payne (auth.), Ludwig Fahrmeir, Brian Francis, Robert Gilchrist, Gerhard Tutz (eds.)-Advances in GLIM and Statistical Modelling_ Proceedings of.pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 79) Norbert Schmitz (auth.), Norbert Schmitz (eds.)-Optimal Sequentially Planned Decision Procedures-Springer-Verlag New York (1993).pdf
  • 77.11 MB
  • 2017-9-9
  • Lecture Notes in Statistics 51-60.rar

    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 51) Michael Falk (auth.), Jürg Hüsler, Rolf-Dieter Reiss (eds.)-Extreme Value Theory_ Proceedings of a Conference held in Oberwolfach, Dec. 6–12, 1987-Springer-Verlag New .pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 60) Lázió Gyorfi, Wolfgang Hardle, Pascal Sarda (auth.), Lázió Gyorfi, Wolfgang Hardle, Pascal Sarda, Philippe Vieu (eds.)-Nonparametric Curve Estimation from Time Series-.pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 52) The Matching Methodology_ Some Statistical Properties-Springer-Verlag New York (1989).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 53) Barry C. Arnold, Narayanaswamy Balakrishnan (auth.)-Relations, Bounds and Approximations for Order Statistics-Springer-Verlag New York (1989).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 54) Kirti R. Shah, Bikas K. Sinha (auth.)-Theory of Optimal Designs-Springer-Verlag New York (1989).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 55) Bryan F. J. Manly (auth.), Lyman L. McDonald, Bryan F. J. Manly, Jeffrey A. Lockwood, Jesse A. Logan (eds.)-Estimation and Analysis of Insect Populations_ Proceedings .pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 56) James K. Lindsey (auth.)-The Analysis of Categorical Data Using GLIM-Springer-Verlag New York (1989).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 57) A V Swan (auth.), Adriano Decarli, Brian J. Francis, Robert Gilchrist, Gilg U. H. Seeber (eds.)-Statistical Modelling_ Proceedings of GLIM 89 and the 4th International.pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 58) Ole E. Barndorff-Nielsen, Preben Blaesild, Poul Svante Eriksen (auth.)-Decomposition and Invariance of Measures, and Statistical Transformation Models-Springer-Verlag N.pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 59) Sudhir Gupta, Rahul Mukerjee (auth.)-A Calculus for Factorial Arrangements-Springer-Verlag New York (1989).pdf
  • 55.75 MB
  • 2017-9-9
  • [Michael_Curley]_Finance_Policy_for_Renewable_Ener(b-ok.org).rar

    • [Michael_Curley]_Finance_Policy_for_Renewable_Ener(b-ok.org).pdf
  • 4.47 MB
  • 2017-7-13
  • The Photographer's Eye - Michael Freeman.zip
       The Photographer's Eye - ...

    • The Photographer's Eye - Michael Freeman.pdf
  • 25.58 MB
  • 2017-6-19
  • Methods for the Economic Evaluation fourth edition - Michael F. Drummond.rar
       A must have book for health economics

    • Methods for the Economic Evalua - Michael F. Drummond,Mark J. Scu.epub
  • 577.23 KB
  • 2017-6-14
  • [J._Michael_Fitzpatrick,_ákos_Lédeczi]_Computer_(BookZZ.org).rar

    • [J._Michael_Fitzpatrick,_Akos_Lédeczi]_Computer_(BookZZ.org).pdf
  • 49.82 MB
  • 2017-5-4
  • M(101-163).rar

    • Michael A. Martin.zip
    • Michael Anthony.zip
    • Michael C. Thomsett.zip
    • Michael C. White.zip
    • Michael Capuzzo.zip
    • Michael Chabon.zip
    • Michael Connelly.zip
    • Michael Crichton.zip
    • Michael Cunningham.zip
    • Michael Davis.zip
    • Michael Dobbs.zip
    • Michael E. Marks.zip
    • Michael Gruber.zip
    • Michael Haag.zip
    • Michael J. Fox.zip
    • Michael Korda.zip
    • Michael Lewis.zip
    • Michael Marshall.zip
    • Michael Mewshaw.zip
    • Michael Moorcock.zip
    • Michael Ondaatje.zip
    • Michael Pollan.zip
    • Michael Rubens.zip
    • Michael Ruhlman.zip
    • Michael S. Gazzaniga.zip
    • Michael Schuster.zip
    • Michael Scott.zip
    • Michael Specter.zip
    • Michael Swanwick.zip
    • Michael Tunison.zip
    • Michael Van Rooy.zip
    • Michael Walsh.zip
    • Michael.zip
    • Meredith Efken.zip
    • Merline Lovelace.zip
    • Merrie DeStefano.zip
    • Merry Jones.zip
    • Mia Zachary.zip
    • Michel Faber.zip
    • Michele Young-Stone.zip
    • Michelle Moran.zip
    • Mignon F. Ballard.zip
    • Miguel Syjuco.zip
    • Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi.zip
    • Mike Dash.zip
    • Mike Mullane.zip
    • Mikhail Bulgakov.zip
    • Mikkel Birkegaard.zip
    • Miklos Vamos.zip
    • Mingmei Yip.zip
    • Mira Grant.zip
    • Miranda Bliss.zip
    • Miranda July.zip
    • Mohammed Hanif.zip
    • Mollie Katzen.zip
    • Molly Evans.zip
    • Morgan Matson.zip
    • Mosab Hassan Yousef.zip
    • Mulk Raj Anand.zip
    • Myers_ Cindi.zip
    • Melody Carlson.zip
    • Melody Thomas.zip
    • Mercedes Lackey.zip
  • 83.54 MB
  • 2017-3-24
  • A(101-148).rar

    • Anne Michaels.zip
    • Ayn Rand.zip
    • Anne Perry.zip
    • Anne Rice.zip
    • Anne Stuart.zip
    • Anne Tyler.zip
    • Annie Burrows.zip
    • Annie Jones.zip
    • Annmarie Ortega.zip
    • Anonymous.zip
    • Anthony Bourdain.zip
    • Anthony Burgess.zip
    • Anthony Francis.zip
    • Anthony Horowitz.zip
    • Anthony Huso.zip
    • Anthony M. DeStefano.zip
    • Anthony Powell.zip
    • Antoine de Saint-Exupery.zip
    • Antoinette May.zip
    • Antoinette van Heugten.zip
    • Anton Chekhov.zip
    • Antonia Fraser.zip
    • Antony Moore.zip
    • Anvil_ Christopher_ Flint_ Eric (EDT).zip
    • Anya Bast.zip
    • Anya Richards.zip
    • Aprilynne Pike.zip
    • Apsley Cherry-Garrard.zip
    • Arlene James.zip
    • Arlene Knowell.zip
    • Armin Shimerman.zip
    • Armistead Maupin.zip
    • Arnaldur Indridason.zip
    • Arthur Agatston.zip
    • Arthur C. Clarke.zip
    • Arthur Golden.zip
    • Arthur Hailey.zip
    • Arthur Herman.zip
    • Arthur Miller.zip
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    • Arturo Perez-Reverte.zip
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    • Assaf Gavron.zip
    • Audrey Niffenegger.zip
    • Aurora Rose Lynn.zip
    • Austin Grossman.zip
    • Ava Gray.zip
    • Avi Steinberg.zip
  • 97.08 MB
  • 2017-3-24
  • Michael L. Halls Moore.zip
       Michael L. Halls Moore. 两本算法交易书

    • Michael L. Halls Moore. book1.pdf
    • Michael L. Halls Moore. book2.pdf
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    • State of Terror_How Terrorism Created Modern Israel.epub
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    • BEN-ISRAEL_et_al-2002-International_Labour_Review.pdf
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  • 魔球:数据胜过直觉.rar

    • Michael Lewis-Moneyball_ The Art of Winning an Unfair Game-W. W. Norton & Company (2004).epub
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    • Michael J. Sandel Justice Whats the Right Thing to Do-.pdf
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  • [Michael_Kupferschmid]_Classical_Fortran.rar

    • [Michael_Kupferschmid]_Classical_Fortran.djvu
  • 4.48 MB
  • 2016-7-29
  • filters.zip

    • Natl Library of Israel.enf
    • GEOBASE (DL).enf
    • Amer Revolution Arch (EBSCO).enf
    • PASCAL (STN).enf
    • Alt Press Index Arch (EBSCO).enf
    • Import (DIMDI).enf
    • Ei Compendex (OvidSP).enf
    • BREPOLiS.enf
    • Social Services Abs (CSA).enf
    • Centre for Reviews and Diss (NHS).enf
    • All Databases (DL).enf
    • ERIC.enf
    • Bioethics (VHL).enf
    • CiNii.enf
    • Biological Abs (EBSCO).enf
    • Dissertation Abs (DL).enf
    • Library Master.enf
    • Ei Compendex (Ei).enf
    • EconLit (EBSCO).enf
    • Acad Source Comp (EBSCO).enf
    • ECCO (Gale).enf
    • AOM Arch (EBSCO).enf
    • CancerLit (EBSCO).enf
    • Aqualine (CSA).enf
    • Legal Coll (EBSCO).enf
    • CINAHL (DS).enf
    • Anthropological Index Online (EBSCO).enf
    • AMED (DS).enf
    • ARTbiblio Modern (CSA).enf
    • Business News (China InfoBank).enf
    • Computer Sci Index (EBSCO).enf
    • Home Imp Ref Ctr (EBSCO).enf
    • Arts Humanities (DS).enf
    • Religious Theological Abs.enf
    • Urban Stud and Plan (CSA).enf
    • Social Sci Abs (EBSCO).enf
    • NERAC.enf
    • GreenFILE (EBSCO).enf
    • Anthropological Index (OCLC).enf
    • Aristoteles Latinus.enf
    • Research Starters - Soc (EBSCO).enf
    • Newspaper Source (EBSCO).enf
    • GeoBase (OvidSP).enf
    • PubMed Central (NLM).enf
    • Alt Press Index (OCLC).enf
    • Mon Germaniae Hist.enf
    • Music Index (EBSCO).enf
    • Audiobook Coll (EBSCO).enf
    • Newspaper Abs (DL).enf
    • Pascal BioMed (INIST).enf
    • EBM Revs-ACP (OvidSP).enf
    • Factiva (DJ).enf
    • Philosophers Index (OCLC).enf
    • BIOSIS Previews (OvidSP).enf
    • Arts Humanities (OCLC).enf
    • Business and Industry (OCLC).enf
    • Journals (OvidSP).enf
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    • Biography Ref Bank (EBSCO).enf
    • FIAF (OvidSP).enf
    • PSYNDEXplus Lit AV (OvidSP).enf
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    • MLA Intl Bib (CSA).enf
    • LLBA (CSA).enf
    • Index Chemicus (DL).enf
    • Acad Search Elite (EBSCO).enf
    • ATLA Religion (OvidSP).enf
    • CA Search (DL).enf
    • Sociological Abs (CSA).enf
    • Fish and Fisheries (EBSCO).enf
    • Gen Sci Abs (EBSCO).enf
    • CCRCT (Wiley).enf
    • Art Arch Comp (EBSCO).enf
    • Health Source Cons Ed (EBSCO).enf
    • Chicano DB (OCLC).enf
    • Anthropology Plus (OCLC).enf
    • Wilson App Sci Tech (OvidSP).enf
    • JDreamIII.enf
    • FRANCIS (OvidSP).enf
    • Essay Gen Lit Index (EBSCO).enf
    • Intl Pharm Abs (STN).enf
    • CINAHL (EBSCO).enf
    • CAplus (STN).enf
    • SPIRES-HEP.enf
    • Biological Abs (OvidSP).enf
    • Film TV Lit Index (EBSCO).enf
    • MEDLINE (OvidSP).enf
    • Elsevier World Textiles (OvidSP).enf
    • WPIDS (STN).enf
    • Anthropological Lit (OCLC).enf
    • Arctic Antarctic Regions (EBSCO).enf
    • Health Wellness (DL).enf
    • Ei Compendex (EBSCO).enf
    • Advanstar Comm (EBSCO).enf
    • MEDLINE (DL).enf
    • Periodical Abs (DL).enf
    • ADS.enf
    • Rehab Sports Med Source (EBSCO).enf
    • Articles Wharton Fac (EBSCO).enf
    • LegalTrac (Gale).enf
    • U Nevada-Reno.enf
    • SCISEARCH (STN).enf
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    • Dissertation Abs (CAS).enf
    • Bus Source Comp (EBSCO).enf
    • Health Tech Assess (EBSCO).enf
    • Wilson Art Abs (OvidSP).enf
    • Insurance Per Index (EBSCO).enf
    • Education Admin Abs (EBSCO).enf
    • NTIS (DL).enf
    • BusManagement (OCLC).enf
    • Ei Compendex (DS).enf
    • Nursing Coll (EBSCO).enf
    • Biography Ref Center (EBSCO).enf
    • BHI (CSA).enf
    • African Amer Arch (EBSCO).enf
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    • Anthropology Plus (EBSCO).enf
    • PEP Arch (EBSCO).enf
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    • Current Contents (DS).enf
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    • CrossRef (EBSCO).enf
    • PAHO (VHL).enf
    • ClinicalTrials.enf
    • Reference Update (TS).enf
    • CAB Abstracts (BIDS).enf
    • InfoTrac (Gale).enf
    • Proceedings (OCLC).enf
    • Social Policy and Prac (OvidSP).enf
    • Earthquake Eng Abs (CSA).enf
    • Middle Search Plus (EBSCO).enf
    • CONF (STN).enf
    • Political Sci Comp (EBSCO).enf
    • AMA Marketing Watch (EBSCO).enf
    • Gender Studies (EBSCO).enf
    • Safety Sci Risk (CSA).enf
    • Scientific Amer Arch (EBSCO).enf
    • Zoological Record (DL).enf
    • ARLIS.enf
    • EMBASE (OvidSP).enf
    • Amer Antiq Soc Per (EBSCO).enf
    • Sci Tech Digest (CSA).enf
    • Hosp Tourism Index (EBSCO).enf
    • EMBASE Drugs Pharm (OvidSP).enf
    • WHOLIS (VHL).enf
    • App Sci Tech Index (EBSCO).enf
    • Zoological Record (OvidSP).enf
    • ATLA (CSA).enf
    • CINAHL Plus (EBSCO).enf
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    • ArchiveGrid (OCLC).enf
    • Wilson Index Legal (OvidSP).enf
    • Africa-Wide NiPAD (EBSCO).enf
    • Art Index (OCLC).enf
    • PsycINFO (PQ).enf
    • Biomedical Ref Coll (EBSCO).enf
    • Violence Abuse Abs (EBSCO).enf
    • GIDEON (EBSCO).enf
    • Art Abstracts (EBSCO).enf
    • SciSearch (DL).enf
    • Transplant Library (OvidSP).enf
    • PsycINFO (OvidSP).enf
    • US EPA.enf
    • INSPEC (OvidSP).enf
    • MEDLINE-In Process (OvidSP).enf
    • Womens Studies Intl (EBSCO).enf
    • RILM (CSA).enf
    • Intl Pharm Abs (EBSCO).enf
    • Personal Alert-long (TS).enf
    • PsycINFO (EBSCO).enf
    • App Sci Tech Abs (EBSCO).enf
    • Agricola (OvidSP).enf
    • Elsevier Geography (OvidSP).enf
    • BDENF (VHL).enf
    • CRN Proprietary (EBSCO).enf
    • Derwent Drug (OvidSP).enf
    • Mgt and Org Studies (CSA).enf
    • Wilson Soc Sci Abs (OvidSP).enf
    • UltraMED (KF).enf
    • America Hist Life (EBSCO).enf
    • Psyc Behavioral Sci Coll (EBSCO).enf
    • Faculty of 1000.enf
    • AARP Ageline (OvidSP).enf
    • Short Story Index (EBSCO).enf
    • Info Sci Tech Abs (EBSCO).enf
    • San Jose Mercury News (DL).enf
    • Global Health (EBSCO).enf
    • ScienceDirect.enf
    • Gale Group News (DL).enf
    • PsycCRITIQUES (CSA).enf
    • ASFA (CSA).enf
    • BIOSIS Previews (DS).enf
    • ADOLEC (VHL).enf
    • Biography Coll Comp (EBSCO).enf
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    • Garden Lit Index (EBSCO).enf
    • MELVYL.enf
    • ENERGY (STN).enf
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    • NCJRS Abs (EBSCO).enf
    • Current Abs (EBSCO).enf
    • INSPEC (EBSCO).enf
    • WasteInfo (DL).enf
    • Illustrata Nat Sci (CSA).enf
    • Lit Resources (Gale).enf
    • FSTA (OvidSP).enf
    • Philosophers Index (CSA).enf
    • In Principio.enf
    • Weldasearch (DL).enf
    • MasterFILE Prem (EBSCO).enf
    • RIPM (OCLC).enf
    • EIS (CSA).enf
    • Plant Science (CSA).enf
    • EconLit (PQ).enf
    • Southern Baptist Hist Lib.enf
    • CAB Abstracts (DL).enf
    • Chemical Abstracts (STN).enf
    • Global Reporter (DL).enf
    • RIMP (EBSCO).enf
    • Prem Bus Source (EBSCO).enf
    • Student Ed (Gale).enf
    • ATLAS (EBSCO).enf
    • Humanities Abs (EBSCO).enf
    • WPIX (STN).enf
    • Algology Abs (CSA).enf
    • French Bus Source (EBSCO).enf
    • Salud para Todos (EBSCO).enf
    • Pascal (DL).enf
    • Left Index (EBSCO).enf
    • TOXCENTER (STN).enf
    • Natl Review Arch (EBSCO).enf
    • World Textiles (DL).enf
    • AustLit.enf
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    • Accounting and Tax (DL).enf
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    • Norart.enf
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    • AeroBase (DL).enf
    • Scholars Portal (CSA).enf
    • BIR Entertainment (EBSCO).enf
    • ERIC (DL).enf
    • Derwent Innovation Index.enf
    • Arts Humanities (DL).enf
    • LOCATORplus (NLM).enf
    • ABC-CLIO.enf
    • Race Relations Abs (EBSCO).enf
    • Design ProFILES (CSA).enf
    • Bibliography History Art (OCLC).enf
    • Agricola (CSA).enf
    • GenSciAbs (OCLC).enf
    • Family Studies Abs (EBSCO).enf
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    • PsycINFO (CSA).enf
    • NTIS (OvidSP).enf
    • Biotech Bioeng Abs (CSA).enf
    • RefMan RIS.enf
    • Book Review Index (Gale).enf
    • WilsonWeb.enf
    • Bib of Native North Amer (EBSCO).enf
    • History Ref Ctr (EBSCO).enf
    • BAMP (DL).enf
    • RILM (OCLC).enf
    • Intl Pharm Abs (OvidSP).enf
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    • OSH (CCOHS).enf
    • Agricola (OCLC).enf
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    • U Edinburgh.enf
    • Economia y Negocios (EBSCO).enf
    • British Lib for Dev Studies.enf
    • ASTA (OCLC).enf
    • Gale Group PROMT (DL).enf
    • ISI-CE.enf
    • Acad Search Comp (EBSCO).enf
    • PsycARTICLES (CSA).enf
    • ANTE (CSA).enf
    • FRANCIS (CSA).enf
    • HAPI (OvidSP).enf
    • Ageline (CSA).enf
    • Hist Sci Tech Med (OCLC).enf
    • Consumer Health Comp (EBSCO).enf
    • Amer Bib Slavic Studies (EBSCO).enf
    • UnCover (INGENTA).enf
    • Regional Business News (EBSCO).enf
    • INSPEC Arch (EBSCO).enf
    • Intl Inv Musical Sources (EBSCO).enf
    • Pascal Scitech (INIST).enf
    • FOODLINE Science (OvidSP).enf
    • Acad Source Prem (EBSCO).enf
    • Google Books.enf
    • e-psyche (CSA).enf
    • Environmental Sci (CSA).enf
    • Zoological Record Plus (CSA).enf
    • World Surf Coat Abs (DL).enf
    • AMED (EBSCO).enf
    • FRANCIS (OCLC).enf
    • SPORTDiscus (EBSCO).enf
    • DataTimes (OCLC).enf
    • MAS Ultra (EBSCO).enf
    • Citation.enf
    • Web of Science (TS).enf
    • Human Res Abs (EBSCO).enf
    • GenBank (NCBI).enf
    • ARTstor.enf
    • World Political Sci Abs (CSA).enf
    • Peace Res Abs (EBSCO).enf
    • Allied and Comp Med (DL).enf
    • Index Printed Music (EBSCO).enf
    • Ei Compendex (DL).enf
    • Intl Pharm Abs (DS).enf
    • Heritage Printed Book (OCLC).enf
    • EMBASE (DL).enf
    • Public Admin Abs (EBSCO).enf
    • Library of Congress.enf
    • CAMIO (OCLC).enf
    • Agricola (EBSCO).enf
    • Index Foreign Legal Per (OvidSP).enf
    • AGRIS (DL).enf
    • Military Govt Coll (EBSCO).enf
    • App Sci Tech Source (EBSCO).enf
    • Agricola (NAL).enf
    • Gen Sci Coll (EBSCO).enf
    • IPSA (OvidSP).enf
    • Electronics Abs (CSA).enf
    • MLA Directory Per (CSA).enf
    • RIS-filter.enf
    • Vetus Latina.enf
    • CAB Abstracts (EDINA).enf
    • HISA (VHL).enf
    • Corp ResourceNet (EBSCO).enf
    • U Calif-Berkeley.enf
    • Technical Reports (DTIC).enf
    • CISTI Source.enf
    • REPIDISCA (VHL).enf
    • Comm Sci Disorders (EBSCO).enf
    • Biography Index Retro (EBSCO).enf
    • Mgt Contents (DL).enf
    • BBO (VHL).enf
    • Humanities Intl Index (EBSCO).enf
    • Life Sciences (STN).enf
    • Pre-CINAHL (EBSCO).enf
    • DWPI (DL).enf
    • INSPEC (INIST).enf
    • IDIS (OvidSP).enf
    • Amazon.enf
    • Catalog of US Govt Pubs (GPO).enf
    • Health Source Nurs Ed (EBSCO).enf
    • EnvironmentS (OCLC).enf
    • Intl Bib Theater Dance (EBSCO).enf
    • PsycARTICLES (OCLC).enf
    • BibTex.enf
    • African Amer Hist Ser Coll (EBSCO).enf
    • MEDLINE (EBSCO).enf
    • Forest Science (OvidSP).enf
    • OAIster (UM).enf
    • Water Resources Abs (CSA).enf
    • Educ Res Abs (INGENTA).enf
    • Corning Museum of Glass.enf
    • CANCERLIT (DL).enf
    • SCIPIO (OCLC).enf
    • TULSA (STN).enf
    • Current Contents (OvidSP).enf
    • AP NewsMonitor Coll (EBSCO).enf
    • Zotero RIS.enf
    • Bus Source Elite (EBSCO).enf
    • Fonte Academica (EBSCO).enf
    • Book Review Digest (EBSCO).enf
    • AHFS Cons Med Info (EBSCO).enf
    • Superconductivity Papers.enf
    • NRC Research Press.enf
    • EMBASE (STN).enf
    • EMBASE.com.enf
    • IPSA (EBSCO).enf
    • Wilson Select (OCLC).enf
    • Alt Press Index (EBSCO).enf
    • Biography Index Past Pres (EBSCO).enf
    • GeoRef (CSA).enf
    • JDreamII.enf
    • New Testament Abs (EBSCO).enf
    • Petroleum Abs TULSA (EBSCO).enf
    • eBooks (EBSCO).enf
    • Eng Mats Abs (CSA).enf
    • Environment Comp (EBSCO).enf
    • Natl Research Register.enf
    • PQSCITECH (STN).enf
    • Biological and Agri Index (EBSCO).enf
    • Intl Pharm Abs (CSA).enf
    • Education Res Comp (EBSCO).enf
    • Agricola (DL).enf
    • Comm Abs (CSA).enf
    • Database Abs Revs Effect (EBSCO).enf
    • Kings Fund (DS).enf
    • KoreaMed.enf
    • FS INFO (USDA).enf
    • Urban Studies Abs (EBSCO).enf
    • PsycCRITIQUES (OCLC).enf
    • ProQuest.enf
    • Comp Database (DS).enf
    • GalleryWatch CRS Reps (EBSCO).enf
    • MEDLINE (STN).enf
    • Polymer Library (EBSCO).enf
    • Petroleum Abs (OvidSP).enf
    • MLA Intl Bib (Gale).enf
    • Criminology (CSA).enf
    • Conf Papers Index (CSA).enf
    • PsycFIRST (OCLC).enf
    • Scopus Natural Sciences (CSA).enf
    • GenderWatch (OCLC).enf
    • New Republic Arch (EBSCO).enf
    • Environment Index (EBSCO).enf
    • Bus Source Alumni (EBSCO).enf
    • NCJRS.enf
    • SONIC (LC).enf
    • BIOSIS Previews (DL).enf
    • Textile Tech Index (EBSCO).enf
    • UK Data Archive.enf
    • Polymer Library (CSA).enf
    • AMA Arch (EBSCO).enf
    • Food Sci Tech Abs (EBSCO).enf
    • LISA (CSA).enf
    • Web of Science Core Collection (TR).enf
    • SourceOECD.enf
    • Book Coll Non-Fic (EBSCO).enf
    • BIAB.enf
    • Rev hist ecclesiastique.enf
    • Intl Index TV Per (OvidSP).enf
    • ABI-Inform (DL).enf
    • AGRIS (OvidSP).enf
    • EBM Revs-HTA (OvidSP).enf
    • Index Legal Per Books (EBSCO).enf
    • Sociological Coll (EBSCO).enf
    • BioMed Central.enf
    • ERIC (OvidSP).enf
    • Art Arch Index (EBSCO).enf
    • RefWorks Import.enf
    • Witchita St U-SOAR.enf
    • Biological Sciences (CSA).enf
    • BiblioLine (NISC).enf
    • Shock Vibration Digest (EBSCO).enf
    • ABI-Inform (DS).enf
    • Aerospace High Tech (CSA).enf
    • Analytical Abs (DS).enf
    • Design App Arts Index (CSA).enf
    • Biology Digest (CSA).enf
    • PsycTESTS (OvidSP).enf
    • Wilson Library Lit (OvidSP).enf
    • Philosophers Index (EBSCO).enf
    • Amer Humanities Index (EBSCO).enf
    • LGBT Life (EBSCO).enf
    • PASCAL (OvidSP).enf
    • OldMEDLINE (OvidSP).enf
    • ProCite RIS.enf
    • PubMed (NLM).enf
    • ToxFile (DL).enf
    • Wilson Human Abs (OvidSP).enf
    • CApreviews (STN).enf
    • Index New Zealand.enf
    • ATLA Religion (EBSCO).enf
    • Middle Eastern Studies (EBSCO).enf
    • Harvard Business Rev (DL).enf
    • EconLit (DL).enf
    • Physical Ed Index (CSA).enf
    • Clase y Periodica (OCLC).enf
    • Prof Dev Coll (EBSCO).enf
    • PapersInvited (CSA).enf
    • Mental Measurements (OvidSP).enf
    • RILM (EBSCO).enf
    • Disaster (VHL).enf
    • TOPICsearch (EBSCO).enf
    • FOODLINE Market (OvidSP).enf
    • EndNote Import.enf
    • COS Funding Opp (CSA).enf
    • Education Abs (EBSCO).enf
    • Wildlife Ecology Studies (EBSCO).enf
    • Books (OvidSP).enf
    • Education (CSA).enf
    • Max Planck DB.enf
    • Arab e-Marefa (EBSCO).enf
    • BNI (OvidSP).enf
    • PEDro.enf
    • World Almanac (OCLC).enf
    • Analytical Abs (DL).enf
    • EconLit (OCLC).enf
    • CABDirect (CABI).enf
    • CAB Abstracts (OvidSP).enf
    • IBSS (EBSCO).enf
    • Arte Publico Hisp Hist Coll (EBSCO).enf
    • METADEX (CSA).enf
    • Royal Geographic Society.enf
    • Ethnic NewsWatch (EBSCO).enf
    • FOODLINE (DL).enf
    • EMBASE.enf
    • MEDLINE (DS).enf
    • Meteo and Geoastro Abs (CSA).enf
    • LISTA (EBSCO).enf
    • TOXNET (NLM).enf
    • Fuente Academica (EBSCO).enf
    • EBM Revs-CDSR (OvidSP).enf
    • Patent Lens.enf
    • Criminal Justice Abs (CSA).enf
    • ATLA Religion (OCLC).enf
    • Design Abs Retro (CSA).enf
    • IMID (CSA).enf
    • MEDCARIB (VHL).enf
    • EMBASE Psychiatry (OvidSP).enf
    • SciFinder (CAS).enf
    • Comm Mass Media (EBSCO).enf
    • MEDLINE (CSA).enf
    • Abs Soc Gerontology (EBSCO).enf
    • AgeLine (EBSCO).enf
    • INSPEC (DL).enf
    • EconLit (CSA).enf
    • Digibib (HBZ).enf
    • Scopus Bus Econ (CSA).enf
    • EMBASE (DS).enf
    • Union Lists (OCLC).enf
    • HealthSTAR (OvidSP).enf
    • COMPENDEX (STN).enf
    • HAPI (EBSCO).enf
    • ABI-Inform (PQ).enf
    • Wanfang Data.enf
    • HCAplus (STN).enf
    • Salud en Espanol (EBSCO).enf
    • PsycBOOKS (CSA).enf
    • HMIC (OvidSP).enf
    • Acct Finance Learning Ctr (EBSCO).enf
    • ASSIA (CSA).enf
    • Toxline (NLM).enf
    • Bus and Industry (DL).enf
    • Bib Hist Art (CSA).enf
    • Food Sci Tech Abs (DL).enf
    • Art Index (EBSCO).enf
    • Scirus.enf
    • MEDLINE (KF).enf
    • PERIND.enf
    • IndexCat (NLM).enf
    • Primary Search (EBSCO).enf
    • Technology Res (CSA).enf
    • Natural Alt Treatments (EBSCO).enf
    • NTIS (CSA).enf
    • Current Contents (INIST).enf
    • Ovid Nursing Database (OvidSP).enf
    • SocINDEX (EBSCO).enf
    • WorldCat Diss (OCLC).enf
    • CAB Abstracts (EBSCO).enf
    • Opposing Viewpoints (Gale).enf
    • Bus ARTS (DL).enf
    • Ecology Abs (CSA).enf
    • Nota Bene Ibid.enf
    • GeoRef (EBSCO).enf
    • Assoc Prog Coll (EBSCO).enf
    • MLA Intl Bib (EBSCO).enf
    • Ebooks (OCLC).enf
    • Alt HealthWatch (EBSCO).enf
    • BIOSIS (STN).enf
    • Chem Eng Bio Abs (DL).enf
    • PsycARTICLES (EBSCO).enf
    • Global Health (DS).enf
    • Pharm News (DL).enf
    • MEDLINE (VHL).enf
    • Humanities Intl Comp (EBSCO).enf
    • INSPEC (DS).enf
    • Aerospace Database (CSA).enf
    • Student Res Ctr (Gale).enf
    • BIBSYS.enf
    • Natl Crim Just Ref Serv Abs (CSA).enf
    • DH-DATA (DS).enf
    • English Short Title Catalogue.enf
    • Health (NLM).enf
    • zetoc (MIMAS).enf
    • Religion Phil Coll (EBSCO).enf
    • Australia NZ POV (EBSCO).enf
    • Homeopathy (VHL).enf
    • Mech Eng Abs (CSA).enf
    • Toxline (CSA).enf
    • Joanna Briggs Inst EBP (OvidSP).enf
    • GeoRef (STN).enf
    • PSYNDEXplus Tests (OvidSP).enf
    • Tufts U.enf
    • MEDLINE (OCLC).enf
    • Water Resources (EBSCO).enf
    • ATLAS (OCLC).enf
    • INNOPAC.enf
    • Ethnic NewsWatch (OCLC).enf
    • ComDisDome (CSA).enf
    • Literature Online.enf
    • SACat (Sabinet).enf
    • Social SciSearch (DL).enf
    • British Nursing Index (EBSCO).enf
    • Old Testament Abs (EBSCO).enf
    • Citation Indexes (TS).enf
    • British Educ Index (DL).enf
    • Legacy Tobacco Docs.enf
    • LILACS (VHL).enf
    • Historical Abs (EBSCO).enf
    • Assoc Prog Source (EBSCO).enf
    • Maternity Infant Care (OvidSP).enf
    • WorldCat (OCLC).enf
    • EBM Revs-DARE (OvidSP).enf
    • Yale U.enf
    • Intl Medieval Bib.enf
    • Nation Arch (EBSCO).enf
    • Spanish Health (EBSCO).enf
    • Tab-delimited.enf
    • World Shakespeare Bib.enf
    • DRUGU (STN).enf
    • SPORTDiscus (DS).enf
    • Paperbase (CSA).enf
    • Australia NZ Ref Centre (EBSCO).enf
    • PILOTS (CSA).enf
    • Social Work Abs (OvidSP).enf
    • Avery Index (EBSCO).enf
    • CAB Abstracts (DS).enf
    • Computer App Sci Comp (EBSCO).enf
    • Zetoc (MIMAS).enf
    • GeoRef (DL).enf
    • Amer Diabetes Assn Coll (EBSCO).enf
    • PapersFirst (OCLC).enf
    • Books in Print (Bowker).enf
    • PsycINFO (APA).enf
    • Current Contents (DL).enf
    • GPO (OCLC).enf
    • Anthropological Lit (EBSCO).enf
    • Index Islamicus (EBSCO).enf
    • Research Starters - Bus (EBSCO).enf
    • Avery Index (CSA).enf
    • J Physique Archives.enf
    • PsycEXTRA (EBSCO).enf
    • MEDLINE (PC).enf
    • Gateway (NLM).enf
    • Library Lit Info Sci (EBSCO).enf
    • Index Jewish Per (EBSCO).enf
    • ACM Digital Library.enf
    • AIDS CancerS (OCLC).enf
    • Index Islamicus (CSA).enf
    • Social Sciences (CSA).enf
    • MWIC (OvidSP).enf
    • Assoc Prog Source Plus (EBSCO).enf
    • Biography Coll (EBSCO).enf
    • ERIC (OCLC).enf
    • Joint WorldBank.enf
    • Global Health (OvidSP).enf
    • Oceanic Abs (CSA).enf
    • Polymer Library (SR).enf
    • Mantis (OvidSP).enf
    • EconLit (OvidSP).enf
    • ICONDA (OvidSP).enf
    • FIZ Technik.enf
    • NTIS (DS).enf
    • QPAT.enf
    • SpringerLink.enf
    • Recent Refs Technology (CSA).enf
    • Family Soc Studies (EBSCO).enf
    • Acad Search Res Dev (EBSCO).enf
    • NIOSHTIC-2 (NIOSH).enf
    • Books in Print (EBSCO).enf
    • Dissertation Abs (OvidSP).enf
    • RISM Series A (EBSCO).enf
    • Natl Agricultural Library.enf
    • Amer Heritage Child Dict (EBSCO).enf
    • AIDS Cancer Res Abs (CSA).enf
    • New Scientist Arch (EBSCO).enf
    • OAIster (OCLC).enf
    • PsycINFO (DL).enf
    • WoK Alert (TS).enf
    • EBM Revs-CCTR (OvidSP).enf
    • Biological Abs Arch (EBSCO).enf
    • EconLit (AEA).enf
    • Nation Arch Prem Ed (EBSCO).enf
    • Intl Pharm Abs (DL).enf
    • Acad Search Main (EBSCO).enf
    • Internet Pers Comp Abs (EBSCO).enf
    • Russian Acad Sci Bib (OCLC).enf
    • Computer Abs (CSA).enf
    • Current Conts Connect (TS).enf
    • PsycBOOKS (EBSCO).enf
    • Comm Studies (CSA).enf
    • App Sci Tech Index Retro (EBSCO).enf
    • GeoRef (PQ).enf
    • Info Tech Case Studies (CSA).enf
    • Cochrane Library (Wiley).enf
    • Avery Index (OCLC).enf
    • Chem Abs Student (OCLC).enf
    • Philosophers Index (OvidSP).enf
    • Bus Source Corp (EBSCO).enf
    • WizFolio.enf
    • Bib of Asian Studies.enf
    • Index 19th-C Art Per (OCLC).enf
    • MEDLINE (INIST).enf
    • Bus Source Prem (EBSCO).enf
    • COS Scholar Universe (CSA).enf
    • GeoArchive (DL).enf
    • AP Source (EBSCO).enf
    • Clinical Ref Sys (EBSCO).enf
    • MEDLINE (ICHU).enf
    • ERIC (PQ).enf
    • Zentralblatt MATH.enf
    • ArticleFirst (OCLC).enf
    • Web Res Technology (CSA).enf
    • McClatchy-Tribune Coll (EBSCO).enf
    • CLAIMS (DL).enf
    • PAIS (DL).enf
    • ERIC (DS).enf
    • Personal Alert-short (TS).enf
    • Informit.enf
    • Readers Guide Abs (EBSCO).enf
    • MagillOnLit (EBSCO).enf
    • Materials Research DB (CSA).enf
    • AbeBooks.enf
    • Art Source (EBSCO).enf
    • ERIC (CSA).enf
    • Solid State Abs (CSA).enf
    • J Amer Med Assoc.enf
    • Naval Postgraduate School.enf
    • BNI (DS).enf
    • JSTOR.enf
    • Acad Search Prem (EBSCO).enf
    • Drug Info (OvidSP).enf
    • ERIC (EBSCO).enf
    • MDXHealth (OCLC).enf
    • Art Index Retro (EBSCO).enf
    • BasicBIOSIS (EBSCO).enf
  • 1.24 MB
  • 2016-7-15
  • Michael Porter- competitive strategy.rar
       Michael Porter- competitive strategy

    • michael_porter_-_competitive_strategy.pdf
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  • Michael Porter - Competitive Advantage.rar
       Michael Porter - Competitive Advantadge

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  • Michael Porter - Competitive Advantage.rar

    • Michael Porter - Competitive Advantage.pdf
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    • michael_porter_-_competitive_strategy.pdf
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    • Michael Porter - Competitive advantage of nations 1998.pdf
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  • Michael Parkin, Economics (11th Edition).zip

    • Michael Parkin, Economics (11th Edition).pdf
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