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  • 9. Stata13 adds factor-variable labels to results.rar

    • 9. Stata13 adds factor-variable labels to results.flv
  • 1.7 MB
  • 2013-6-10
  • 121saddsda123123.rar

    • 121saddsda123123.pdf
  • 5.82 MB
  • 2012-10-6
  • 悉尼大学商业与经济统计B课件.rar

    • Chapter 6.pdf
    • Chapter 6.xls
    • Chapter 7.pdf
    • Chapter 7.xls
    • Chapter 8.pdf
    • Chapter 9-Revised.pdf
    • Chapter 9-Revised.xls
    • Chapter 10.pdf
    • Chapter 10.xls
    • Chapter 11.pdf
    • Chapter 11.xls
    • Chapter 11-Additional material.doc
    • Chapter 12.pdf
    • Chi-square table.pdf
    • Control Charts.pdf
    • ECMT1010-Sampling.pdf
    • Koop p83ff.pdf
    • matrices.pdf
    • PRTL_DIFF.pdf
    • Week3.pdf
    • Week4.pdf
    • Week6.pdf
    • Week7.pdf
    • Week9.pdf
    • Week 2.xls
    • Week 5.pdf
    • Week_7 Multicollinearity illustrated using artificial data.pdf
    • Ch1 KaddStat.pdf
    • Ch3-reference.pdf
    • Ch4-reference.pdf
    • Chapter 1.pdf
    • Chapter 2.pdf
    • Chapter 3.pdf
    • Chapter 4.pdf
    • Chapter 5.pdf
    • Chapter 5.xls
  • 19.02 MB
  • 2010-6-25
  • 27615.rar
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