大小 上传时间
  • 93.full.pdf
       Dynamic Time Warping: S&P 500 Sector ETF Pattern Matching Trading Strategy

  • 2.13 MB
  • 2022-4-14
  • 大数据工程师培训(16课件 5实验).rar

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    • 第1讲-大数据技术综述.pdf
    • 第2讲-分布式文件系统HDFS.pdf
    • 第3讲-分布式计算框架.pdf
    • 第4讲-分布式资源管理框架YARN.pdf
    • 第5讲-星环大数据产品介绍.pdf
    • 第6讲-大数据典型应用场景.pdf
    • 第7讲-星环大数据开发工具集.pdf
    • 第8讲-TDH平台的软硬件环境要求.pdf
    • 第9讲-TDH集群的角色分配.pdf
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  • 2021-10-27
  • 华为开发者大会2020(壹).zip

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  • 2020-4-2
  • 论文.rar

    • CAST Using neural networks to improve trading systems based on technical analysis by means of the RSI financial indicator.pdf
    • CAST- Using neural networks to improve trading systems based on technical analysis by means of the RSI financial indicator.docx
    • Combining multiple feature selection methods for stock prediction_ Union, intersection, and multi-intersection approaches.pdf
    • Correlating Financial Time Series with Micro-Blogging Activity.pdf
    • Deep learning for event-driven stock prediction..pdf
    • Deep Learning for Event-Driven Stock Prediction.docx
    • Deep Learning Networks for Stock Market Analysis and Prediction_ Methodology, Data Representations, and Case Studies.pdf
    • Design and Application of Artificial Neural Networks for Predicting the Values of Indexes on the Bulgarian Stock Market.pdf
    • Do Funds Make More When They Trade More.pdf
    • Financial Time Series Segmentation Based On Turning Points.pdf
    • High Frequency Trading and Extreme Price Movements_.pdf
    • High-frequency trading strategies.pdf
    • how to design targetdate funds.pdf
    • Improving Financial Time Series Prediction Using Exogenous Series and Neural Networks Committees.pdf
    • Measuring Skill in the Mutual Fund Industry.pdf
    • Risk and Return in High-Frequency Trading .pdf
    • A Bayesian regularized artificial neural network for stock market forcasting.pdf
    • A fuzzy rule based expert system for stock evaluation and portfolio construction_ An application to Istanbul Stock Exchange .pdf
    • A method for automatic stock trading combining technical analysis and nearest neighbor classification.pdf
    • A novel text mining approach to financial time series forecasting.pdf
    • A prediction scheme using perceptually important points and dynamic time warping.pdf
    • An Autonomous Trader Agent for the Stock Market Based on Online Sequential Extreme Learning Machine Ensemble.docx
    • An autonomous trader agent for the stock market based on online sequential extreme learning machine ensemble.pdf
    • An empirical methodology for developing stockmarket trading systems using arti cial neural networks.pdf
    • An intraday market risk management approach based on textual analysis.pdf
    • Application of support vector machines in financial time 1899 series forcasting.pdf
    • Automatic High-Frequency Trading_ An Application to Emerging Chilean Stock Market.pdf
    • Automatic method for stock trading combining technical analysis and the Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm.pdf
    • Automatie Method for Stoek Trading Combining Teehnieal Analysis and the Artifieial Bee Colony Algorithm.docx
  • 17.22 MB
  • 2019-1-26
  • SHEAR_WARP算法的改进.rar

    • SHEAR_WARP算法的改进.nh
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  • 2010-8-17