大小 上传时间
  • 2023权益资本成本CAPM模型.rar

    • 基于WACC的国有垄断企业...—以能源型国有上市公司为例_陈少晖.pdf
    • 计算结果.xlsx
    • 计算结果剔除版本.xlsx
    • 日收益Beta表年度数据.xlsx
    • 市场风险溢价.xlsx
    • 无风险利率文件.xlsx
    • 偿债能力行业代码年度.dta
    • 计算结果.dta
    • 计算结果剔除版本.dta
    • 是否ST或PT.dta
    • 计算代码.do
    • 再融资监管促进企业理性投资...——来自中国上市公司的证据_覃家琦.pdf
  • 13.89 MB
  • 2024-7-1
  • 上市公司资本成本公共参数表200303-202403季度数据.zip

    • EVA_WACC[DES][xlsx].txt
    • EVA_WACC.xlsx
    • Copyright notice.pdf
  • 189.66 KB
  • 2024-4-27
  • 上市公司EVA经济增加值2003-2023Q3季度每股人均EVA销售总净资产EVA率ROIC.zip

    • EVA_WACC.xlsx
    • 上市公司经济增加值2003-2023Q3EVA_Quarter季度数据.xlsx
    • 公式在6,7页EVA专题 数据库说明书 - 副本.pdf
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  • 2024-2-16
  • 2022CAPM模型.rar

    • 基于WACC的国有垄断企业...—以能源型国有上市公司为例_陈少晖.pdf
    • 偿债能力行业代码.dta
    • 计算结果.dta
    • 计算结果剔除版本.dta
    • 是否ST或PT.dta
    • 计算结果.xlsx
    • 计算结果剔除版本.xlsx
    • 日收益Beta表年度数据.xlsx
    • 市场风险溢价.xlsx
    • 无风险利率文件.xlsx
    • 再融资监管促进企业理性投资...——来自中国上市公司的证据_覃家琦.pdf
    • 计算代码.do
  • 12.89 MB
  • 2023-6-3
  • beta2206.rar

    • beta2206.xlsx
    • wacc0630.xlsx
    • wacc18.xlsx
    • wacc19.xlsx
    • wacc20.xlsx
    • wacc21.xlsx
    • beta18.xlsx
    • beta19.xlsx
    • beta20.xlsx
    • beta21.xlsx
  • 94.19 KB
  • 2022-10-22
  • 权益资本成本CAPM模型.rar

    • 基于WACC的国有垄断企业...—以能源型国有上市公司为例_陈少晖.pdf
    • 计算结果.dta
    • 计算结果.xlsx
    • 年Beta文件.xlsx
    • 市场风险溢价.xlsx
    • 无风险利率文件.xlsx
    • 再融资监管促进企业理性投资...——来自中国上市公司的证据_覃家琦.pdf
    • 计算代码.do
  • 5.72 MB
  • 2022-10-12
  • 权益资本成本CAPM模型.rar

    • 基于WACC的国有垄断企业...—以能源型国有上市公司为例_陈少晖.pdf
    • 计算结果.dta
    • 计算结果.xlsx
    • 年Beta文件.xlsx
    • 市场风险溢价.xlsx
    • 无风险利率文件.xlsx
    • 再融资监管促进企业理性投资...——来自中国上市公司的证据_覃家琦.pdf
    • 计算代码.do
  • 5.72 MB
  • 2022-10-12
  • wacc.xlsx

  • 1.21 MB
  • 2022-7-22
  • newaccount.xlsx

  • 15.55 KB
  • 2019-3-27
  • waconomics - redefining water's role in our economy (2018).rar
       waconomics - redefining water's role in our economy (2018)

    • waconomics - redefining water's role in our economy (2018).epub
  • 5.27 MB
  • 2018-3-27
  • HelloWorld2_source_code.zip

    • Ahoy.wav
    • AvastGotIt.wav
    • beach_ball.png
    • bg_music.mp3
    • b_ball_rect.png
    • cards.py
    • circleai.py
    • crazy_eights.py
    • doc1.gif
    • doc2.gif
    • docbutton.gif
    • dots_list.txt
    • DozerBlue.png
    • DozerRed.png
    • eat1.gif
    • eat2.gif
    • eatbutton.gif
    • game_over.wav
    • get_point.wav
    • hangman.ui
    • hit_paddle.wav
    • hit_wall.wav
    • listing_1-1.py
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    • listing_10-1.py
    • listing_11-1.py
    • listing_11-2.py
    • listing_11-3.py
    • listing_11-4.py
    • listing_11-5.py
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    • Listing_13-1.py
    • Listing_13-2.py
    • Listing_13-3.py
    • Listing_13-4.py
    • Listing_13-5.py
    • Listing_13-6.py
    • Listing_13-7.py
    • Listing_14-1.py
    • Listing_14-2.py
    • Listing_14-3.py
    • Listing_14-4.py
    • Listing_14-5.py
    • Listing_14-6.py
    • Listing_15-1.py
    • Listing_15-2.py
    • Listing_15-3.py
    • Listing_16-1.py
    • Listing_16-10.py
    • Listing_16-11.py
    • Listing_16-12.py
    • Listing_16-13.py
    • Listing_16-14.py
    • Listing_16-15.py
    • Listing_16-16.py
    • Listing_16-2.py
    • Listing_16-3.py
    • Listing_16-4.py
    • Listing_16-5.py
    • Listing_16-6.py
    • Listing_16-7.py
    • Listing_16-8.py
    • Listing_17-1.py
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    • Listing_17-3.py
    • Listing_17-4.py
    • Listing_18-1.py
    • Listing_18-2.py
    • Listing_18-3.py
    • Listing_18-4.py
    • Listing_18-5.py
    • Listing_19-1.py
    • Listing_19-2.py
    • Listing_19-3.py
    • Listing_19-4.py
    • Listing_19-5.py
    • Listing_20-1.py
    • Listing_20-2.py
    • Listing_20-3.py
    • Listing_20-4.py
    • listing_21-1.py
    • listing_22-1.py
    • listing_22-2.py
    • listing_22-3.py
    • listing_22-4.py
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    • listing_23-1.py
    • Listing_23-10.py
    • Listing_23-11.py
    • listing_23-2.py
    • listing_23-3.py
    • listing_23-4.py
    • Listing_23-5.py
    • Listing_23-6.py
    • Listing_23-7.py
    • Listing_23-8.py
    • Listing_23-9.py
    • Listing_24-1.py
    • Listing_24-2.py
    • Listing_24-3.py
    • Listing_24-4.py
    • listing_25-1.py
    • listing_25-2.py
    • listing_25-3.py
    • listing_26-1.py
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    • listing_5-1.py
    • listing_5-2.py
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    • listing_8-9.py
    • lunarlander.png
    • moonsurface.png
    • MyFirstGui.ui
    • new_life.wav
    • NoMore.wav
    • nullai.py
    • pet1.gif
    • pet2.gif
    • pet3.gif
    • play1.gif
    • play2.gif
    • playbutton.gif
    • pythonbattle.py
    • randomai.py
    • skier_crash.png
    • skier_down.png
    • skier_flag.png
    • skier_left1.png
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    • skier_right2.png
    • skier_tree.png
    • sleep1.gif
    • sleep2.gif
    • sleep3.gif
    • sleep4.gif
    • splat.wav
    • stopbutton.gif
    • tempconv.ui
    • tempconv_menu.ui
    • tempconv_menu_hotkeys.ui
    • TooHigh.wav
    • TooLow.wav
    • virtualpet.ui
    • wackyball.bmp
    • walk1.gif
    • walk2.gif
    • walk3.gif
    • walk4.gif
    • walkbutton.gif
    • WhatsYerGuess.wav
    • words.txt
  • 4.1 MB
  • 2017-1-15
  • statistical_yearbook_of_the_regions_poland_2015_tables.zip

    • Dzial_19_Podmioty gospodarki narodowej.xlsx
    • Tabl_I_Wybrane dane o regionach (NTS 1) w 2014 r.xls
    • Tabl_II_Wazniejsze dane o wojewodztwach (NTS 2).xlsx
    • Tabl_III_Wybrane dane o podregionach (NTS 3) w 2014 r.xlsx
    • Tabl_Wybrane dane o powiatach (NTS 4) w 2014 r.xls
    • Tabl_Wybrane dane o regionach NUTS 2 w krajach UE.xlsx
    • Wybr dane o podreg_w podziale obowiazujacym do 31_XII_2014.xlsx
    • Dzial_01_Warunki naturalne i ochrona srodowiska.xls
    • Dzial_02_Organizacja panstwa.xls
    • Dzial_03_Wymiar sprawiedliwosci.xlsx
    • Dzial_04_Ludnosc.xlsx
    • Dzial_05_Rynek pracy.xlsx
    • Dzial_06_Dochody ludnosci_Budzety gospodarstw domowych.xlsx
    • Dzial_07_Infrastruktura komunalna_Mieszkania.xlsx
    • Dzial_08_Edukacja i wychowanie.xlsx
    • Dzial_09_Ochrona zdrowia i pomoc spoleczna.xls
    • Dzial_10_Kultura_Turystyka_Sport.xlsx
    • Dzial_11_Dzialalnosc B+R i innowacyjna_Spolecz informacyjne.xlsx
    • Dzial_12_Rolnictwo i lesnictwo.xls
    • Dzial_13_Przemysl i budownictwo.xls
    • Dzial_14_Transport i Lacznosc.xlsx
    • Dzial_15_Handel_Ceny.xlsx
    • Dzial_16_Finanse publiczne.xlsx
    • Dzial_17_Inwestycje_Srodki trwale.xlsx
    • Dzial_18_Rachunki regionalne.xlsx
  • 2.77 MB
  • 2016-10-30
  • common stocks and common sense - the strategies, analysesm decisions and emtions.rar
       common stocks and common sense - the strategies, analysesm decisions and emtions of a particularly s ...

    • common stocks and common sense - the strategies, analysesm decisions and emtions of a particularly successful value investor (2016) - wachenhelm.epub
  • 453.04 KB
  • 2016-6-30
  • 公司理财题库.rar

    • Chap014(WACC).doc
    • Chap002.doc
    • Chap003.doc
    • Chap004.doc
    • Chap005.doc
    • Chap006.doc
    • Chap007.doc
    • Chap008.doc
    • Chap009.doc
    • Chap010.doc
    • Chap011(盈亏平衡).doc
    • Chap012.doc
    • Chap013.doc
    • Chap015.doc
    • Chap016(MM).doc
    • Chap017.doc
    • ~$hap011.doc
    • ~$hap013.doc
    • ~$hap015.doc
    • Chap001.doc
  • 5.96 MB
  • 2015-11-29
  • Fundamentals.of.Financial.Management,.Van.Horne,.Wachowicz.Jr,.13ed,.PH,.2008.zip

    • Fundamentals.of.Financial.Management,.Van.Horne,.Wachowicz.Jr,.13ed,.PH,.2008.pdf
  • 7.9 MB
  • 2015-6-12
  • ( Wackerly, Mendenhall and Mendenhall)Mathematical Statistics with Applications .rar

    • Mathematical.Statistics.with.Applications 7ed.pdf
    • 另一本也很不錯Mathematical+Statistics+with+Applications(用SAS的).pdf
  • 99.67 MB
  • 2014-12-4
  • Wackerly AISE.rar
       mathematical statistics with application 7 ed solution manual

  • 2.88 MB
  • 2014-9-11
  • Corporate Valuation.rar
       Corporate Valuation

    • WACC.pdf
    • lab1 model.pdf
    • library10.2.pdf
    • Private firms.pdf
    • Ratios exercise.ppt
    • Ratios_wk2.pdf
    • Review and exam.pdf
    • risk management.pdf
    • tire city base.xls
    • Various bits.pdf
    • week 6 CF.xls
    • A sample valuation report.pdf
    • Cash flows.pdf
    • decision_trees and real options.pdf
    • exam10 front page.pdf
    • Forecasting_cash_flows.pdf
  • 1.84 MB
  • 2011-6-28
  • cfpt.rar

    • Lecture 7 Estimating the firm's cost of capital%2C WACC.ppt
    • Lecture 13 International Investment Decision.ppt
    • Lecture 1 Introduction to corporate projects and investments.ppt
    • Lecture 2 Estimating the cash flows of a project.ppt
    • Lecture 3 Evaluating and mitigating the risks of a project%2C Real options.ppt
    • Lecture 4 Competition and profitability.ppt
    • Lecture 5 Measuring corporate performance.ppt
    • Lecture 6 The cost of capital of a project.ppt
    • Lecture 7 Appendix.doc
    • Lecture 8 Does Debt Policy Matter.ppt
    • Lecture 9 Optimal financing policy.ppt
    • Lecture 10 How do firms decide on payout.ppt
    • Lecture 11 Optimal payout policy and valuation.ppt
    • Lecture 12 Working Capital.ppt
  • 2.26 MB
  • 2011-3-20
  • 中文版.rar

    • spsswsas.dll
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    • spsstbcb.pdf
    • spsstrnd.pdf
    • msw.hdi
    • DeIsL1.isu
    • mapx40.lic
    • igparse.llr
    • batfiles.doc
    • faq.doc
    • readme.doc
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    • dumb-off.bat
    • dumb-on.bat
    • expoff.bat
    • generic.bat
    • launchon.bat
    • newuser.bat
    • objs-off.bat
    • objs-on.bat
    • pmalert.bat
    • prtfast.bat
    • prtnorm.bat
    • prtslow.bat
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    • spsswrts.sbb
    • spsswtsc.sbb
    • spsswv2c.sbb
    • spsswwbc.sbb
    • Descriptive statistics.spp
    • 1991 U.S. General Social Survey.sav
    • AML survival.sav
    • anorectic.sav
    • Anxiety 2.sav
    • Anxiety.sav
    • Breast cancer survival.sav
    • carpet.sav
    • Cars.sav
    • coffee.sav
    • Coronary artery data.sav
    • Employee data.sav
    • Fat surfactant.sav
    • flying.sav
    • Glass strain.sav
    • Growth study.sav
    • GSS93 subset.sav
    • GSS 93 for Missing Values.sav
    • guttman.sav
    • Home sales [by neighborhood].sav
    • Inventor.sav
    • judges.sav
    • kinship_dat.sav
    • kinship_ini.sav
    • kinship_var.sav
    • Love.sav
    • Mall rentals.sav
    • map_data.sav
    • Mouse survival.sav
    • New drug.sav
    • Oven tests.sav
    • ozone.sav
    • Plastic.sav
    • Road construction bids.sav
    • sales.sav
    • screws.sav
    • smoking.sav
    • Tomato.sav
    • Trends chapter 4.sav
    • Trends chapter 5.sav
    • Trends chapter 6.sav
    • Trends chapter 7.sav
    • Trends chapter 8.sav
    • Trends chapter 9.sav
    • Trends chapter 10.sav
    • Trends chapter 11.sav
    • Trends chapter 12.sav
    • Trends chapter 13.sav
    • Trends chapter 14.sav
    • Turnip leaves.sav
    • tv-survey.sav
    • University of Florida graduate salaries.sav
    • verd1985.sav
    • voter.sav
    • World95.sav
    • World 95 for Missing Values.sav
    • Canonical correlation.sps
    • Descriptive statistics.sps
    • Ridge regression.sps
    • SPSS PC+ syntax convertor.sps
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  • 38.3 MB
  • 2010-8-18
  • Non-Monotonic Hazard Functions and the Autoregressive Conditional Duration Model.zip

    • ba_bacd_o.fmt
    • ba_eacd_o.fmt
    • ba_wacd_o.fmt
    • dis_bacd_o.fmt
    • dis_eacd_o.fmt
    • xon_wacd_o.fmt
    • ectj.dec
    • ectj.ext
    • ECTJ.OUT
    • ectj.prg
    • ectj.src
    • ibm_bacd_o.fmt
    • ibm_eacd_o.fmt
    • ibm_wacd_o.fmt
    • ko_bacd_o.fmt
    • ko_eacd_o.fmt
    • ko_wacd_o.fmt
    • xon_bacd_o.fmt
    • xon_eacd_o.fmt
    • dis_wacd_o.fmt
    • readme.txt
  • 19.34 KB
  • 2010-5-11
  • Comparison of Financial Duration .zip

    • XONQP18_BETA_LNWACD2_O.fmt
    • XONQP18_BETA_LNWACD1_O.fmt
    • XONQP18_BETA_WACD_O.fmt
    • dtyfcacd.src
    • XONQP18_BETA_OACD_O.fmt
    • XONQP18_BETA_GGLACD1_O.fmt
    • XONQP18_BETA_GGACD_O.fmt
    • XONQP18_BETA_EACD_O.fmt
    • XONQP18_BETA_BACD_O.fmt
    • XONQP18.fmt
    • tmp.tkf
    • tacd.src
    • Tacd.dec
    • svddeflt.ext
    • svd_h.src
    • highfreq.src
    • graphic.tkf
    • gammafm.src
    • formike.prg
    • ectj037.pdf
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  • 2010-5-11
  • 308997.pdf
       [下载] Study notes for Macroeconomics by Paul Wachtel

  • 1.45 MB
  • 2009-3-28
  • 270594.pdf
       WACC Leverage英文

  • 70.43 KB
  • 2008-11-26
  • 263451.rar

    • HPtn Capital - WACC FTE APV.xls
    • BusinessValuation.xls
    • Calculating Company Value with DCF.xls
    • Combination Template.xls
    • Company-model-Metro.xls
    • Comparable Companies (NON-FDS).xls
    • DCF 6-00.xls
    • dcf_forecast.xls
    • evavaln.xls
    • fcashflow.xls
    • fcfe2st.xls
    • fcfe3st.xls
    • fcfest.xls
    • fcff2st.xls
    • fcffst.xls
    • ffcf-eva-ffcf-firm-valuation.xls
    • IBMvaluation.xls
    • implied risk premium.xls
    • lec08notes.xls
    • Mergers and Acquisitions.xls
    • model.xls
    • spr2001.xls
    • valuation1.xls
    • valuation04.xls
    • valuation_dialogue.xls
    • betawacc.xls
  • 689.54 KB
  • 2008-11-4
  • 233180.pdf
       Wachovia_The Bottom in the Housing Market

  • 677.74 KB
  • 2008-8-3
  • 225412.rar
       金融学教案(马里兰大学 英文)

    • Notes 6 Corprate Strategy.pdf
    • Notes 7 External Funds Needed.pdf
    • Notes 8 Intro to Risk and Return.pdf
    • Notes 9 SML and the CAPM.pdf
    • Notes 10 wacc.pdf
    • Notes 11 Market Efficiency.pdf
    • Notes 12 Capital Structure.pdf
    • Notes 13 Dividends.pdf
    • Notes 14 Options.pdf
    • Notes 15 International.pdf
    • Notes 1 Intro.pdf
    • Notes 2 Time value of Money.pdf
    • Notes 3 Bonds.pdf
    • Notes 4 Stocks.pdf
    • Notes 5 Capital Budgeting.pdf
  • 4.39 MB
  • 2008-7-7
  • 201393.pdf

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  • 200725.pdf

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  • 2008-3-25
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  • 2008-1-4
  • 184536.pdf
       paul wachtel 宏观经济学,英文原版(pdf)

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  • 180255.rar

    • 5_DCF_WACC07.pdf
    • 7_DCF_GrowT07.pdf
    • 8_DCF_Models07.pdf
    • 9_DCF_Examples07.pdf
    • 10_Acquisition07.pdf
    • 11_ValueEnhanceEVA07.pdf
    • 12_ValueEnhanceDCF07.pdf
    • 1_Introduction07.pdf
    • 2_FinState07.pdf
    • 3_DCF_E&F07.pdf
    • 4_Risk_Return07.pdf
    • 6_DCF_CF07.pdf
    • Out_Valuation07.pdf
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  • 2007-4-18
  • 108857.pdf
       Paul Wachtel.-.Macroeconomics

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  • 53503.rar
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    • 周小川行长在2005年10月20日中国债券市场发展高峰会上的讲话.doc
    • 周小川行长在首届中国金融论坛的总结演讲.doc
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  • 2006-5-23
  • 28241.rar
       [下载]金融学教案(马里兰大学 英文)

    • Notes 6 Corprate Strategy.pdf
    • Notes 7 External Funds Needed.pdf
    • Notes 8 Intro to Risk and Return.pdf
    • Notes 9 SML and the CAPM.pdf
    • Notes 10 wacc.pdf
    • Notes 11 Market Efficiency.pdf
    • Notes 12 Capital Structure.pdf
    • Notes 13 Dividends.pdf
    • Notes 14 Options.pdf
    • Notes 15 International.pdf
    • Notes 1 Intro.pdf
    • Notes 2 Time value of Money.pdf
    • Notes 3 Bonds.pdf
    • Notes 4 Stocks.pdf
    • Notes 5 Capital Budgeting.pdf
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  • 2005-9-25
  • 16519.rar

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    • tobin(jmcb)a general equilibium approach to monetary theory.pdf
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    • patinkin(aer)financial intermediaries and the logical structure of monetary theory.pdf
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