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  • Reproducible Econometrics Using R.pdf
       应用R可复制计量经济学Reproducible Econometrics Using R,香港科技大学教学讲义 笔记 =Jeffrey S. Racine ...

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  • 2023-6-9
  • 配套数据.txt
       《Mixed modelling using R》书中数据网盘链接

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  • 2021-10-26
  • applied_micro_methods(1).zip

    • A Closed-Form Estimator for Quantile Treatment Effects with Endogeneity.pdf
    • A General Double Robustness Result for Estimating Average Treatment Effects(2014).pdf
    • A General Double Robustness Result for Estimating Average Treatment Effects(2016).pdf
    • A model averaging approach for the ordered Probit and Nested Logit Models with Applications(supplementary materials).pdf
    • A Model averaging approach for the ordered Probit and Nested Logit Models with Applications.pdf
    • A Permutation Test for the Regression Kink Design.pdf
    • A regression discontinuity evaluation of the policy effects of environmental regulations.pdf
    • A Simple Way to Assess Inference Methods..pdf
    • A Varying Coefficient Approach to Estimating Hedonic Housing Price Functions and their Quantiles.pdf
    • An Automatic Finite_Sample Robustness Metric_Can Dropping a Little Data Change Conclusions.pdf
    • An Exact and Robust Conformal Inference Method for Counterfactual and Synthetic Controls..pdf
    • An Honest Approach to Parallel Trends.pdf
    • Apollo.pdf
    • applied micro-methods.pdf
    • Approximate Permutation Tests and Induced Order Statistics.pdf
    • Are Sufficient Statistics Necessary_Nonparametric Measurement of Deadweight Loss from Unemployment.pdf
    • Average Gaps and Oaxaca–Blinder Decompositions_A Cautionary Tale about Regression Estimates of Racial Differences in Labor Market Outcomes..pdf
    • Bartik Instruments_What, When, and How.pdf
    • Bootstrap Inference for Propensity Score Matching..pdf
    • Bootstrap Inference of Matching Estimators for Average Treatment Effects.pdf
    • Broken or Fixed Effects.pdf
    • Calonico, S., M. D. Cattaneo, and M. H. Farrell (2020). rdrobust.pdf
    • Causal Inference _The Mixtape.pdf
    • Channeling Fisher_Randomization Tests and the Statistical In significance of Seemingly Significant Experimental Results (2016).pdf
    • Channeling Fisher_Randomization Tests and the Statistical In significance of Seemingly Significant Experimental Results (2019).pdf
    • Cherry Picking with Synthetic Controls(2020).pdf
    • Cherry Picking with Synthetic Controls(2017).pdf
    • Clustering and External Validity in Randomized Controlled Trials.pdf
    • Conditional Quantile Estimators_A Small Sample Theory.pdf
    • Consistency Without Inference_Instrumental Variables in Practical Application.pdf
    • Correcting for Endogeneity in Models with Bunching.pdf
    • Counterfactual Treatment Effects Estimation and Inference.pdf
    • Decomposing Wage Distributions using Recentered Influence Function Regressions.pdf
    • Design-Based Analysis in Difference-In-Differences Settings with Staggered Adoption.pdf
    • Difference-in-Differences Estimation with Spatial Spillovers..pdf
    • Difference-in-Differences with Multiple Time Periods.pdf
    • Difference-in-Differences with Variation in Treatment Timing(2018 working paper).pdf
    • Difference-in-Differences with Variation in Treatment Timing(2021).pdf
    • Distributional Tests for Regression Discontinuity_Theory and Empirical Examples.pdf
    • Do Fiscal Rules Matter_AER(2016).pdf
    • Double Robustness in Estimation of Casual Treatment Effects(PPT).pdf
    • Double-Robust Identification for Causal Panel Data Models.pdf
    • Doubly Robust Difference-in-Differences Estimators.pdf
    • Dynamic Bunching Estimation with Panel Data.pdf
  • 76.2 MB
  • 2021-9-7
  • Deep Learning with R Cookbook-2020.rar
       Deep Learning with R Cookbook-2020

    • Deep Learning with R Cookbook Over 45 unique recipes to delve into neural network techniques using R 3.5.x by Swarna Gupta.pdf
  • 13.24 MB
  • 2021-6-20
  • Practical Data Science Cookbook,2th,2017.rar

    • Practical Data Science Cookbook:Data pre-processing, analysis and visualization using R and Python (2017, Packt Publishing).pdf
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  • 2020-7-10
  • RCS_Reg.rar

    • RCS_Reg.sas
    • Dose-response analyses using restricted cubic spline functions in public health research.pdf
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  • 2020-2-17
  • time series.rar

    • ts a data analysis approach using R.pdf
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  • 2019-8-31
  • R语言经典统计与回归.zip

    • Using R for Data Management, Statistical Analysis, and Graphics.pdf
    • Extending_the_Linear_Model_with_R.pdf
    • Linear Models with R (Texts in Statistical Science).pdf
    • Nonlinear Regression with R (use R).pdf
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  • 2019-4-4
  • Practical React Native.pdf
       Practical React Native: Build Two Full Projects and One Full Game using React Native

  • 5.05 MB
  • 2018-12-19
  • (Monographs on statistics and applied probability 150) Langrock, Roland_ MacDona.zip

    • (Monographs on statistics and applied probability 150) Langrock, Roland_ MacDonald, Iain L._ Zucchini, W-Hidden Markov Models for Time Series_ An Introduction Using R-CRC Press (2016).pdf
  • 3.28 MB
  • 2018-11-29
  • Franois Husson, Sébastien Lê, Jérme Pagès-Exploratory Multivariate Analysis .rar

    • Francois Husson, Sébastien Lê, Jérome Pagès-Exploratory Multivariate Analysis by Example using R-CRC (2017).pdf
  • 10.8 MB
  • 2018-11-25
  • (2013)Linear Mixed-Effects Models Using R A Step-by-Step Approach__1st__Andrzej .rar

    • (2013)Linear Mixed-Effects Models Using R A Step-by-Step Approach__1st__Andrzej Galecki, Tomasz Burzykowski.pdf
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  • 2018-11-4
  • Practical Propensity Score Methods Using R.rar

    • Practical Propensity Score Methods Using R.azw3
  • 7.68 MB
  • 2018-11-3
  • Using R With Multivariate Statistics.rar

    • Using R With Multivariate Statistics.azw3
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  • 2018-11-3
  • Foundations and Applications of Statistics An Introduction Using R, 2nd Edition.zip

    • Foundations and Applications of Statistics An Introduction Using R, 2nd Edition.pdf
  • 13.37 MB
  • 2018-9-16
  • Modeling Dose-Response Microarray Data in Early Drug Development Experiments Using R.zip

    • Modeling Dose-Response Microarray Data in Early Drug Development Experiments Using R.pdf
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  • 2018-6-29
  • Applied Biclustering Methods for Big and High-Dimensional Data Using R.zip

    • Applied Biclustering Methods for Big and High-Dimensional Data Using R.pdf
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  • 2018-6-29
  • Survival Analysis.zip

    • Applied Survival Analysis Using R.pdf
    • Applied Survival Analysis - Regression Modeling of Time to Event Data. Hosmer DW.pdf
    • Counting Processes and Survival Analysis.pdf
    • Survival Analysis A Self-Learning Text.pdf
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  • 2018-5-31
  • Community Ecology - Analytical Methods Using R and Excel.rar

    • Community Ecology - Analytical Methods Using R and Excel.azw3
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  • 2017-12-8
  • ESEUR-draft.pdf
       Empirical Software Engineering using R

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  • 2017-11-7
  • Buch.zip
       HMM Time Series课程资料作业

    • Hidden Markov Models for Time Series An Introduction Using R.pdf
    • ch3_slides.pdf
    • ch3_solutions.pdf
    • ch4_slides.pdf
    • ch4_solutions.pdf
    • ch5_slides.pdf
    • ch5_solutions.pdf
    • ch6_slides.pdf
    • ch6_solutions.pdf
    • ch8_slides.pdf
    • ch8_solutions.pdf
    • Exercise.R
    • Mixed Hidden Markov Models-An extension of the Hidden Markov Model to the Longitudinal Data Setting.pdf
    • myklimdata.txt
    • nspr.ps
    • parest_thet05.txt
    • parest_thet15.txt
    • soap.txt
    • week7_notes.pdf
    • week9_notes.pdf
    • week10_example.pdf
    • week10_solutions.pdf
    • week13_example.pdf
    • winddata.txt
    • writtenexercise1.pdf
    • writtenexercise2.pdf
    • writtenexercise3.pdf
    • 2006_Zucchini Bulla Berzel_Lecture notes HMM.pdf
    • ch1_slides.pdf
    • ch1_solutions.pdf
    • ch2_slides.pdf
    • ch2_solutions.pdf
  • 9.74 MB
  • 2017-10-16
  • Use R!(2016).rar

    • 2016.Applied Survival Analysis Using R(2016).pdf
    • 2016.Data Wrangling with R-Springer International Publishing (2016).pdf
    • 2016.ggplot2_ Elegant Graphics for Data Analysis(2016).pdf
    • 2016.Learn ggplot2 using Shiny App-Springer (2016).pdf
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  • 2017-9-15
  • Use R!(2012G-2015).rar

    • 2015.Political Analysis Using R(2015).pdf
    • 2015.Primer to Analysis of Genomic Data Using R-Springer International Publishing (2015).pdf
    • 2015.R for Marketing Research and Analytics(2015).pdf
    • 2012.Modeling Psychophysical Data in R(2012).pdf
    • 2012.R by Example_ Concepts to Code(2012).pdf
    • 2012.Six Sigma with R_ Statistical Engineering for Process Improvement-Springer-Verlag New York (2012).pdf
    • 2012.Solving Differential Equations in R(2012).pdf
    • 2013.Analyzing Compositional Data with R(2013).pdf
    • 2013.Applied Spatial Data Analysis with R(2013).pdf
    • 2013.Bayesian Networks in R_ with Applications in Systems Biology(2013).pdf
    • 2013.Seamless R and C++ Integration with Rcpp(2013).pdf
    • 2014.Functional and Phylogenetic Ecology in R(2014).pdf
    • 2014.Modern Optimization with R(2014).pdf
    • 2014.Multistate Analysis of Life Histories with R(2014).pdf
    • 2014.Statistical Analysis of Network Data with R(2014).pdf
    • 2014.XML and Web Technologies for Data Sciences with R (Use R!)(2014).pdf
    • 2015.A User's Guide to Network Analysis in R(2015).pdf
    • 2015.Meta-Analysis with R(2015).pdf
    • 2015.Quality Control with R_ An ISO Standards Approach(2015).pdf
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  • 2017-9-15
  • Statistics for Biology and Health(2003-2005).rar

    • 2005.Bioinformatics and Computational Biology Solutions Using R and Bioconductor.djvu
    • 2005.Survival Analysis_ A Self-Learning Text, 2nd Edition(2005).pdf
    • 2005.The Evaluation of Surrogate Endpoints.pdf
    • 2005.Statistical Methods in Bioinformatics_ An Introduction(2005).pdf
    • 2005.Statistical Methods in Molecular Evolution(2005).pdf
    • 2003.Design and Analysis of DNA Microarray Investigation.pdf
    • 2003.Multiple Analyses in Clinical Trials_ Fundamentals for Investigators-Springer (2003).pdf
    • 2003.Survival analysis_ Techniques for censored and truncated data-Springer (2003).pdf
    • 2003.The Analysis of Gene Express.pdf
    • 2005.Applied Mathematical Demography, Third Edition(2005).pdf
    • 2005.Regression Methods in Biostatistics_ Linear, Logistic, Survival, and Repeated Measures Models.djvu
  • 52.91 MB
  • 2017-9-14
  • Springer Texts in Statistics(2010-2013).rar

    • 2013.Linear Mixed-Effects Models Using R(2013).pdf
    • 2010.Applied Probability, 2nd Edition (Kenneth Lange,2010).pdf
    • 2010.Fundamentals_of_Probability_A First Course(2010).pdf
    • 2010.Large Sample Techniques for Statistics(2010).pdf
    • 2010.Theoretical Statistics-Topics for a Core Course(2010).pdf
    • 2011.Introduction to Modeling and Analysis of Stochastic Systems(2011).pdf
    • 2011.Plane Answers to Complex Questions(4th Edition).pdf
    • 2011.Probability for Statistics and Machine Learning(2011).pdf
    • 2011.Statistics and Data Analysis for Financial Engineering(2011).pdf
    • 2011.Statistics for Bioengineering Sciences,Brani Vidakovic,2011.pdf
    • 2011.Time Series Analysis and Its Applications With R Examples(3rd Edition 2011).pdf
    • 2012.Essentials of Stochastic Processes(2012).pdf
    • 2012.Modern Mathematical Statistics with Applications(2012).pdf
    • 2013.An Introduction to Statistical Learning with Applications in R(2013).pdf
    • 2013.Applied Bayesian Statistics-With R and OpenBUGS Examples.pdf
    • 2013.Essential Statistical Inference.pdf
    • 2013.Optimization, Kenneth Lange, 2ed, Springer, 2013.pdf
    • 2013.Probability A Graduate Course[2013].pdf
  • 87.65 MB
  • 2017-9-13
  • SpringerBriefs in Statistics.rar

    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Multivariate Statistical Quality Control Using R-Springer-Verlag New York (2013).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Two-Way Analysis of Variance_ Statistical Tests and Graphics Using R -Springer-Verlag New York (2012).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) An Introduction to Bartlett Correction and Bias Reduction-Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (2014).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Applied Matrix and Tensor Variate Data Analysis-Springer Japan (2016).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in statistics) Applied multidimensional scaling-Springer (2013).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Bayesians Versus Frequentists_ A Philosophical Debate on Statistical Reasoning-Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (2016).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Brief Guidelines for Methods and Statistics in Medical Research-Springer Singapore (2015).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Convolution Copula Econometrics-Springer International Publishing (2016).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Formulas Useful for Linear Regression Analysis and Related Matrix Theory_ It's Only Formulas But We Like Them-S.pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Generalized Hyperbolic Secant Distributions_ With Applications to Finance-Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (2014).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Generalized Weibull Distributions-Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (2014).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Group-Sequential Clinical Trials with Multiple Co-Objectives-Springer Japan (2016).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Handling Missing Data in Ranked Set Sampling(2013).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Interactive LISREL in Practice_ Getting Started with a SIMPLIS Approach-Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (2011).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Introduction to Data Analysis and Graphical Presentation in Biostatistics with R_ Statistics in the Large-Springer International Publishing.pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in statistics) L1-norm and L[infinity symbol]-norm estimation _ an introduction to the least absolute residuals, the minimax absolute residual and related fitting pro.pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Lévy Processes and Their Applications in Reliability and Storage-Springer (2013).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Long-Range Dependence and Sea Level Forecasting-Springer International Publishing (2013).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Model Choice in Nonnested Families(2016).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Modern Methodology and Applications in Spatial-Temporal Modeling-Springer (2016).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Optimal Experimental Design for Non-Linear Models_ Theory and Applications-Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (2013).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Optimal Stochastic Control Schemes within a Structural Reliability Framework-Springer International Publishing (2013).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Penalty, Shrinkage and Pretest Strategies_ Variable Selection and Estimation(2014).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Permutation Testing for Isotonic Inference on Association Studies in Genetics -Springer-Verlag Berlin.pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Permutation Tests in Shape Analysis-Springer-Verlag New York (2013).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Person-Centered Methods_ Configural Frequency Analysis (CFA) and Other Methods for the Analysis of Contingency Tables-Springer International Publis.pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Renewal Processes-Springer International Publishing (2014).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Restricted Kalman Filtering_ Theory, Methods, and Application(2012).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Sample Size Determination in Clinical Trials with Multiple Endpoints-Springer International.pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Sampling Designs Dependent on Sample Parameters of Auxiliary Variables-Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (2015).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Singular Spectrum Analysis for Time Series-Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (2013).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Software Reliability Modeling_ Fundamentals and Applications(2014).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) SPSS for Starters, Part 2-Springer Netherlands (2012).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Statistical Analysis of Clinical Data on a Pocket Calculator, Part 2_ Statistics on a Pocket Calculator, Part 2-Springer Ne.pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Statistical Approaches to Orofacial Pain and Temporomandibular Disorder.pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Statistical Decision Theory-Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (2013).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Statistical Inference for Discrete Time Stochastic Processes-Springer India (2013).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Statistical Inference for Financial Engineering-Springer International Publishing (2014).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Statistical Models for Proportions and Probabilities-Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (2013).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Statistical Signal Processing_ Frequency Estimation-Springer India (2012).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Strategic Economic Decision-Making_ Using Bayesian Belief Networks to Solve Complex Problems-Springer-Verlag New York (2013).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Student’s t-Distribution and Related Stochastic Processes-Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (2013).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Telegraph Processes and Option Pricing-Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (2013).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) The Naive Bayes Model for Unsupervised Word Sense Disambiguation_ Aspects Concerning Feature Selection-Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (2.pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) The Significance Test Controversy Revisited_ The Fiducial Bayesian Alternative-Springer (2014).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Theoretical Aspects of Spatial-Temporal Modeling-Springer Japan (2015).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Time Series Modeling for Analysis and Control_ Advanced Autopilot and Monitoring Systems-Springer Tokyo (2015).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Unobserved Variables_ Models and Misunderstandings-Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (2013).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) A Concise Guide to Statistics-Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (2012).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) A Multiple-Testing Approach to the Multivariate Behrens-Fisher Problem_ with Simulations and Examples in SAS(R)-Springer-Verlag New York (2013).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) A Tiny Handbook of R-Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (2011).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Adaptive Sampling Designs_ Inference for Sparse and Clustered Populations-Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (2013).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Algebraic and Computational Aspects of Real Tensor Ranks-Springer Japan (2016).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Indexation and Causation of Financial Markets Nonstationary time series analysis method-Springer (2016).pdf
  • 85.77 MB
  • 2017-9-13
  • Statistics for Social and Behavioral Sciences Part B.rar

    • (Statistics for Social and Behavioral Sciences) The Basics of Item Response Theory Using R-Springer International Publishing (2017).pdf
    • (Statistics for Social and Behavioral Sciences) Relative Distribution Methods in the Social Sciences (1999).pdf
    • (Statistics for Social and Behavioral Sciences) Seasonal Adjustment Methods and Real Time Trend-Cycle Estimation-Springer International Publishing (2016).pdf
    • (Statistics for Social and Behavioral Sciences) Statistical Confidentiality_ Principles and Practice(2011).pdf
    • (Statistics for Social and Behavioral Sciences) Statistical Modeling of the National Assessment of Educational Progress-Springer-Verlag New York (2011).pdf
    • (Statistics for Social and Behavioral Sciences) Statistical Models for Test Equating, Scaling, and Linking(2011).pdf
    • (Statistics for Social and Behavioral Sciences) Statistics for Lawyers(2015).pdf
    • (Statistics for Social and Behavioral Sciences) Test Equating, Scaling, and Linking_ Methods and Practices-Springer-Verlag New York (2014).pdf
    • (Statistics for Social and Behavioral Sciences) The kernel method of test equating-Springer (2004).pdf
    • (Statistics for Social and Behavorial Sciences) Introduction to Variance Estimation -Springer (2007).pdf
    • (Statistics for Social Science and Public Policy) Explanatory Item Response Models_ A Generalized Linear and Nonlinear Approach-Sp.pdf
    • (Statistics for Social Science and Public Policy) Generalizability Theory-Springer-Verlag New York (2001).pdf
    • (Statistics for Social Science and Public Policy) Prove It with Figures_ Empirical Methods in Law and Litigation(1997).pdf
    • (Statistics for Social Science and Public Policy) Statistical Science in the Courtroom(2000).pdf
    • (Statistics for social science and public policy) Statistics for Lawyers-Springer (2001).pdf
    • (Statistics for social science and public policy) Statistics for Lawyers-Springer (2007).pdf
    • (Statistics for Social Science and Public Policy) Test Equating, Scaling, and Linking_ Methods and Practices-Springer New York (2004).pdf
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  • 2017-9-13
  • Lecture Notes in Statistics 191-200.rar

    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 196) Advances in Social Science Research Using R-Springer-Verlag New York (2010).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 200) Dependence in Probability and Statistic.pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 191) Semi-Markov Chains and Hidden Semi-Markov Models toward Applications_ Their use in Reliability and DNA Analysis.pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 192) Random Effect and Latent Variable Model Selection-Springer-Verlag New York (2008).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 193) Deconvolution Problems in Nonparametric Statistics-Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (2009).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 194) Permutation Tests for Stochastic Ordering and ANOVA_ Theory and Applications with R-Springer-Verlag.pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 195) Computation of Multivariate Normal and t Probabilities(2009).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 197) Vladimir Vatutin (auth.), Miguel González Velasco, Inés M. Puerto, Rodrigo Martínez, Manuel Molina, Manuel Mota, Alfonso Ramos (eds.)-Workshop on Branching Processes .pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 198) Copula Theory and Its Applications_ Proceedings o.pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 199) Multivariate Nonparametric Methods with R_ An approach based on spatial signs and ranks-Springer-Verlag New York (2010).pdf
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  • 2017-9-9
  • Contingency Table Analysis_ Methods and Implementation Using R(2014).rar

    • Contingency Table Analysis_ Methods and Implementation Using R(2014).pdf
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  • 2017-9-7
  • Introduction to Deep Learning Using R.zip

    • Introduction to Deep Learning Using R.pdf
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  • 2017-7-31
  • 38f9d.rar

    • Introduction to Deep Learning Using R by T. Beysolow II.pdf
    • Deep Learning with Python A Hands-on Introduction by N. Ketkar.pdf
    • MATLAB Deep Learning With Machine Learning Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence by P. Kim.pdf
  • 12.77 MB
  • 2017-7-29
  • Fashion Supply Chain Management Using Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Tech.rar
       Fashion Supply Chain Managemen ...20

    • Fashion Supply Chain Management Using Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Technologies.pdf
  • 6.59 MB
  • 2017-5-26
  • 第1-15册(QQ群:538911602).zip

    • A Handbook of Statistical Analyses Using R(QQ群:538911602).pdf
    • A Primer in Biological Data Analysis and Visualization Using R-Columbia University Press (2014)(QQ群:538911602).pdf
    • Advanced Topics in Analysis of Economic and Financial Data Using R(QQ群:538911602).pdf
    • Advances in Social Science Research Using R(QQ群:538911602).pdf
    • A Modern Approach To Regression With R(4Ed)(QQ群:538911602).pdf
    • a user's guide to network analysis in R((QQ群:538911602)).pdf
    • Advanced R, Hadley Wickham, Chapman and Hall_CRC (2014)(QQ群:538911602).pdf
    • Advanced R_ Data Programming and the Cloud(QQ群:538911602).pdf
    • an_intriduction_Machine_Learning_withR(QQ群:538911602).pdf
    • An_Introduction_to_Bootstrap_Methods_with_Applications_to_R(QQ群:538911602).pdf
    • An_Introduction_to_Data_Analysis_using_Aggregation_Functions_in_R(QQ群:538911602).pdf
    • An_Introduction_to_R_for_Quantitative_Economics_Graphing,_Simulating_and_Computing(QQ群:538911602).pdf
    • An_Introduction_to_Statistical_Learning_with_Applications_in_R(QQ群:538911602).pdf
    • An_R_Companion_to_Applied_Regression(QQ群:538911602).pdf
    • A_First_Course_in_Statistical_Programming_with_R_(2nd_Edition)(QQ群:538911602).pdf
  • 70.51 MB
  • 2017-4-26
  • Molecular Data Analysis Using R.zip

    • Molecular Data Analysis Using R.pdf
  • 5.63 MB
  • 2017-1-10
  • Business Analytics Using R - A Practical Approach.zip

    • Business Analytics Using R - A Practical Approach.pdf
  • 12.37 MB
  • 2016-12-28
  • Machine Learning Using R.zip

    • Machine Learning Using R.pdf
  • 9.42 MB
  • 2016-12-24
  • Hidden Markov Models for Time Series_An Introduction Using R (2nd Edition).zip

    • Hidden Markov Models for Time Series_An Introduction Using R (2nd Edition).pdf
  • 45.51 MB
  • 2016-12-9
  • Understanding and Applying Basic Statistical Methods Using R.zip

    • Understanding and Applying Basic Statistical Methods Using R.pdf
  • 2.86 MB
  • 2016-12-8
  • Using R for Digital Soil Mapping.zip

    • Using R for Digital Soil Mapping.pdf
  • 3.6 MB
  • 2016-11-29
  • Rcases.pdf
       Data mining using R with case studies

  • 5.36 MB
  • 2016-7-2
  • Practical Regression and Anova using R.rar

    • Practical Regression and Anova using R.pdf
  • 859.69 KB
  • 2016-6-16
  • Applied Statistics for Bioinformatics Using R.rar

    • Applied Statistics for Bioinformatics Using R.pdf
  • 941.73 KB
  • 2016-6-16
  • Analysis of Epidemiological Data Using R and Epicalc.rar

    • Analysis of Epidemiological Data Using R and Epicalc.pdf
  • 2.1 MB
  • 2016-6-16
  • Using R for Data Analysis and Graphics - Introduction, Examples and Commentary.rar

    • Using R for Data Analysis and Graphics - Introduction, Examples and Commentary.pdf
  • 2.12 MB
  • 2016-6-16
  • Statistics Using R with Biological Examples.rar

    • Statistics Using R with Biological Examples.pdf
  • 3.48 MB
  • 2016-6-16
  • simpleR – Using R for Introductory Statistics.rar

    • simpleR – Using R for Introductory Statistics.pdf
  • 1.99 MB
  • 2016-6-16
  • Using R for introductory econometrics Code data.rar
       Using R for Introductory Econometrics全部源码与大部数据

    • Example-2-4.R
    • Example-2-5.R
    • Example-2-6.R
    • Example-2-7.R
    • Example-2-8.R
    • Example-2-9.R
    • Example-2-10.R
    • Example-2-11.R
    • Example-2-12.R
    • Example-3-1.R
    • Example-3-2.R
    • Example-3-3.R
    • Example-3-5.R
    • Example-3-6.R
    • Example-4-1.R
    • Example-4-1-cv.R
    • Example-4-3.R
    • Example-4-3-cv.R
    • Example-4-8.R
    • Example-4-10.R
    • Example-5-3.R
    • Example-6-1.R
    • Example-6-2.R
    • Example-6-3.R
    • Example-6-5.R
    • Example-6-6.R
    • Example-7-1.R
    • Example-7-1-logical.R
    • Example-7-5.R
    • Example-7-6.R
    • Example-7-8.R
    • Example-8-2.R
    • Example-8-2-cont.R
    • Example-8-4.R
    • Example-8-5.R
    • Example-8-6.R
    • Example-8-7.R
    • Example-9-2-automatic.R
    • Example-9-2-manual.R
    • Example-10-2.R
    • Example-10-4.R
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    • Example-18-4-urca.R
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    • Example-ARCH.R
    • Example-B-6.R
    • Example-B-6-2.R
    • Example-Barium.R
    • Example-C-2.R
    • Example-C-3.R
    • Example-C-5.R
    • Example-C-6.R
    • Example-C-7.R
    • Example-CRE2.R
    • Example-CRE-test-RE.R
    • Example-Data.R
    • Example-Dummy-CRE-1.R
    • Example-Dummy-CRE-2.R
    • Example-DWtest.R
    • Example-EffMkts.R
    • Example-FD.R
    • Example-HausmTest.R
    • Example-pdfetch.R
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    • Examples-C3-C5-C7.R
    • Example-zoo.R
    • oursalesdata.RData
    • phillips.dta
    • sales.csv
    • sales.txt
    • affairs.dta
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    • Example-2-3-2.R
    • Example-2-3-3.R
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    • Adam Aspin (auth.)-High Impact Data Visualization with Power View, Power Map, and Power BI-Apress (2014).pdf
    • Julie Steele, Noah Iliinsky-Designing Data Visualizations -O'Reilly Media (2011).pdf
    • (Human-Computer Interaction Series) Wolfgang Aigner, Silvia Miksch, Heidrun Schumann, Christian Tominski-Visualization of Time-Oriented Data-Springer (2011).pdf
    • Scott Murray-Interactive Data Visualization for the Web_ An Introduction to Designing with D3-O'Reilly Media (2013).pdf
    • (Mathematics and Visualization) Peer-Timo Bremer, Ingrid Hotz, Valerio Pascucci, Ronald Peikert (eds.)-Topological Methods in Data Analysis and Visualization III_ Theory, Algorithms, and Applications-.pdf
    • (Springer Optimization and Its Applications 75) Gintautas Dzemyda, Olga Kurasova, Julius Zilinskas (auth.)-Multidimensional Data Visualization_ Methods and Applications-Springer New York (2013).pdf
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    • (N)Tom Barker (auth.)-Pro Data Visualization using R and JavaScript-Apress (2013).pdf
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    • Gregg Hartvigsen-A Primer in Biological Data Analysis and Visualization Using R-Columbia University Press (2014).epub
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    • Chapter 2 Path Models and Analysis_MathHmwk.txt
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    • Chapter 6 Models with Dichotomous Indicator Variables_gss2000.dat
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  • Statistics - An introduction using R.zip

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  • Statistical Research Methods等2本.rar

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  • Random Effects Modeling using R and WinBUGS.zip
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  • Handling Missing Data in Ranked Set Sampling.rar

    • 003 Sampling Using Ranked Sets:Basic Concepts.pdf
    • 001 Front Matter.pdf
    • 002 Missing Observations and Data Quality Improvement.pdf
    • 004 The Non-response Problem:Subsampling Among the Non-respondents.pdf
    • 005 Imputation of the Missing Data.pdf
    • 006 Some Numerical Studies of the Behavior of RSS.pdf
    • 007 Back Matter.pdf
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  • Vol 42(1-2).rar

    • Drive 'Til You Qualify-Credit quality and household location.pdf
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    • Empirical estimation of the option premium for residential redevelopment.pdf
    • Fertility decisions and endogenous residential sorting.pdf
    • Geography, choice and participation in higher education in England.pdf
    • Give or take-Rewards versus charges for a congested bottleneck.pdf
    • In the neighborhood-The trade effects of the Euro in a spatial framework.pdf
    • Industrial agglomeration and firm size-Evidence from China.pdf
    • Industrial relocation policy, productivity and heterogeneous plants-Evidence from Japan.pdf
    • Intergenerational linkages in consumption patterns and the geographical distribution of surnames.pdf
    • Keeping up with the Joneses-Neighborhood effects in housing renovation.pdf
    • Making space for crime-A spatial analysis of criminal competition.pdf
    • Measurement errors in a spatial context.pdf
    • On model specification and parameter space definitions in higher order spatial econometric models.pdf
    • Parking management, financial subsidies to alternatives to drive alone and commute mode choices in Seattle.pdf
    • Policies for local development-An evaluation of Italy's “Patti Territoriali”.pdf
    • Policies on illegal immigration in a federation.pdf
    • Regional analysis of property taxation, education finance reform, and property value growth.pdf
    • Regional industrial structure and agglomeration economies-An analysis of productivity in three manufacturing industries.pdf
    • Spatial competition and merging incentives when firms produce complements.pdf
    • Spatial dependencies in German matching functions.pdf
    • The distributional effects of NAFTA in Mexico-Evidence from a panel of municipalities.pdf
    • The impact of social capital on crime-Evidence from the Netherlands.pdf
    • The welfare effects of discriminating between in-state and out-of-state students.pdf
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    • Which communities should be afraid of mobility-The effects of agglomeration economies on the sensitivity of employment location to local taxes.pdf
    • A household-level decomposition of the white–black homeownership gap.pdf
    • Are homes hot or cold potatoes-The distribution of marketing time in the housing market.pdf
    • Are poor neighborhoods “retail deserts”.pdf
    • Crime and property values-Evidence from the 1990s crime drop.pdf
    • Crime, police, and truth-in-sentencing-The impact of state sentencing policy on local communities.pdf
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  • 2011-12-27
  • Using R to do unrelated t-tests.zip

    • Using R to do unrelated t-tests.webm
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  • 2011-10-22
  • Using R to do a related t-test.zip

    • Using R to do a related t-test.webm
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  • Using R to calculate chi squared.zip

    • Using R to calculate chi squared.webm
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