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  • 34.51 MB
  • 2019-12-31
  • 公司金融理论(英文版).rar

    • 公司金融理论([法]让o梯若尔Jean Tirole-英文版).pdf
  • 3.58 MB
  • 2016-4-2
  • jean tirole.zip

    • A Primer on Foreclosure.pdf
    • A Theory of Dynamic Oligopoly.pdf
    • A Theory of Income and Dividend Smoothing Based on Incumbency Rent.pdf
    • A _Signal-Jamming_ Theory of Predation.pdf
    • A theory of debt and equity Diversity of securities and manager shareholder congruence.pdf
    • Advocates.pdf
    • Auctioning Incentive Contracts.pdf
    • Cooperation among Competitors_ Some Economics of Payment Card Associations.pdf
    • Formal and Real Authority in Organizations.pdf
    • Hierarchies and Bureaucracies On the Role of Collusion in Organizations.pdf
    • Incentives and Prosocial Behavior.pdf
    • Incomplete contracts Where do we stand.pdf
    • Interbank Lending and Systemic Risk.pdf
    • Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation.pdf
    • Market Liquidity and Performance Monitoring.pdf
    • Markov Perfect Equilibrium.pdf
    • Moral Hazard and Renegotiation in Agency Contracts.pdf
    • Network Competition_ I. Overview and Nondiscriminatory Pricing.pdf
    • On the possibility of speculation under rational expectations.pdf
    • Planning under Incomplete Information and the Ratchet Effect.pdf
    • Platform Competition in Two-Sided Markets.pdf
    • Preemption and rent equalization in the adoption of new technology.pdf
    • Private and Public Supply of Liquidity.pdf
    • Self-Confidence and Personal Motivation.pdf
    • Sequential Bargaining with Incomplete Information.pdf
    • Some Simple Economics of Open Source.pdf
    • The Dynamics of Incentive Contracts.pdf
    • The Internal Organization of Government.pdf
    • The Logic of Vertical Restraints.pdf
    • The Management of Innovation.pdf
    • The Politician and the Judge_ Accountability in Government.pdf
    • The Politics of Government Decision-Making.pdf
    • The Principal-Agent Relationship with an Informed Principal.pdf
    • The Scope of Open Source Licensing.pdf
    • The economics of career concerns, part I_ Comparing information structures.pdf
    • The fat-cat effect, the puppy-dog ploy, and the lean and hungry look.pdf
    • Transmission Rights and Market Power on Electric Power Networks.pdf
    • Two-Sided Markets_ A Progress Report*.pdf
    • Using Cost Observation to Regulate Firms.pdf
    • Vertical Integration and Market Foreclosure.pdf
    • a theory of collective reputation.pdf
    • contract renegotiations and coasian dynamics.pdf
    • the economics of career concerns.pdf
    • unforeseen contingencies and incomplete contract.pdf
  • 45.3 MB
  • 2014-10-15
  • The Theory of Corporate Finance.rar

    • The Theory of Corporate Finance_Tirole.mobi
    • tirole - Jonathan Wainwright (T.pdf
  • 5.45 MB
  • 2014-10-14
  • The Theory of Corporate Finance_Tirole.rar
       Jean Tirole

    • The Theory of Corporate Finance_Tirole.mobi
  • 1.87 MB
  • 2014-10-14
  • game theory.rar

    • Game Theory--Fudenberg ,Tirole.pdf
  • 15.93 MB
  • 2014-6-12
  • 产业组织理论.rar
       泰勒尔 (Tirole)产业组织理论 中文World课件/总结

    • 第12讲 研究与开发和新技术采用.doc
    • 第1讲 导言.doc
    • 第2讲 产品选择,质量和广告.doc
    • 第3讲 价格歧视.doc
    • 第4讲 完全非线性定价和数量歧视.doc
    • 第5讲 纵向约束和纵向合并.doc
    • 第6讲 寡占竞争模型.doc
    • 第7讲 产能约束价格竞争理论.doc
    • 第8讲 动态价格竞争和默契合谋.doc
    • 第9讲 具有产品差异化的价格竞争.doc
    • 第10讲 进入、容纳和退出.doc
    • 第10讲 研发和新技术采用.doc
    • 第11讲 限制性定价理论.doc
  • 1.55 MB
  • 2013-11-18
  • 博弈论教材.rar

  • 41.54 MB
  • 2013-3-13
  • gametheory.rar

    • Game Theory_Fudenberg&Tirole.pdf
    • 博弈论.冲突分析.迈尔森.pdf
    • Game theory Analysis of Conflict(博弈论 矛盾冲突分析 英文原版).pdf
    • Hayashi - Econometrics.pdf
  • 41.76 MB
  • 2012-6-8
  • game_theory_tirole_sol.pdf.zip
       solution manual

    • game_theory_tirole_sol.pdf
  • 4.8 MB
  • 2012-2-7
  • game theory_Fudenberg & Tirole.rar
       game theory_Fudenberg & Tirole

    • game theory.pdf
  • 15.92 MB
  • 2011-9-29
  • - Fudenberg D , Tirole J - Game Theory (Mit Press, 1991)(579P).rar

    • - Fudenberg D , Tirole J - Game Theory (Mit Press, 1991)(579P).pdf
  • 15.92 MB
  • 2011-2-25
  • Tirole-IO.rar

    • Tirole-IO.djvu
  • 10.07 MB
  • 2010-8-20
  • Jean Tirole.zip

    • MIT Press - Theory of Industrial Organization - Jean Tirole (1988).pdf
  • 46.75 MB
  • 2009-7-20
  • 331075.pdf
       JeanTirole的文献综述“Two-Sided Markets:An Overview”

  • 245.49 KB
  • 2009-5-29
  • 315558.rar
       [下载]Incomplete Contract

    • Tirole(1999) - Incomplete Contracts - Where Do We Stand.pdf
    • Dewatripont, Jewitt & Tirole(1999) - The Economics of Career Concerns, Part I - Comparing Information Structures.pdf
    • Dewatripont, Jewitt & Tirole(1999) - The Economics of Career Concerns, Part II - Application to Missions and Accountability of Government Agencies.pdf
    • Maskin & Tirole(1999) - Two Remarks on the Property-Rights Literature.pdf
    • Maskin & Tirole(1999) - Unforeseen Contingencies and Incomplete Contracts.pdf
    • Segal(1999) - Complexity and Renegotiation - A Foundation for Incomplete Contracts.pdf
    • Armstrong(1999) - Price Discrimination by a Many-Product Firm.pdf
    • Attanasio, Bolton & Shin(1999) - Introduction.pdf
    • Hart & Moore(1999) - Foundations of Incomplete Contracts.pdf
    • Holmstrom(1999) - Managerial Incentive Problems - A Dynamic Perspective.pdf
    • Maskin & Moore(1999) - Implementation and Renegotiation.pdf
    • Maskin(1999) - Nash Equilibrium and Welfare Optimality.pdf
    • Mirrlees(1999) - The Theory of Moral Hazard and Unobservable Behaviour - Part I.pdf
  • 2.52 MB
  • 2009-4-15
  • 278848.rar
       [下载]公司金融理论Jean Tirole _The Theory of Corporate Finance_pdf

    • tirole_exercisesThe Theory of Corporate Finance.pdf
  • 1.28 MB
  • 2008-12-21
  • 278837.rar
       [下载]公司金融理论Jean Tirole _The Theory of Corporate Finance_pdf

    • The Theory of Corporate Finance.pdf
  • 3.58 MB
  • 2008-12-21
  • 267758.pdf
       Game Theory by Drew Fudenberg Jean Tirole

  • 16.92 MB
  • 2008-11-18
  • 255803.pdf

  • 4.24 MB
  • 2008-10-13
  • 255546.pdf

  • 535.22 KB
  • 2008-10-12
  • 255190.pdf
       产业组织理论(Jean Tirole,英文版).pdf

  • 47.41 MB
  • 2008-10-11
  • 244293.rar
       (精品平价)Theory. of. Corporate. Finance. Tirole. 2005. 完整清晰版

    • The Theory of Corporate Finance.pdf
  • 3.76 MB
  • 2008-9-6
  • 236084.rar
       [下载]jean tirole-corporate financial 的PPT、部分章节习题答案

  • 9.3 MB
  • 2008-8-12
  • 227822.pdf

  • 702.1 KB
  • 2008-7-16
  • 226495.pdf
       Jean Tirole The Theory of Corporate Finance 官方正式版

  • 3.9 MB
  • 2008-7-12
  • 225966.rar
       [下载]Jean Tirole _The Theory of Corporate Finance_pdf

    • The Theory of Corporate Finance.pdf
  • 3.76 MB
  • 2008-7-10
  • 225965.rar
       [下载]Jean Tirole _The Theory of Corporate Finance_pdf

    • The Theory of Corporate Finance.pdf
  • 3.76 MB
  • 2008-7-10
  • 213677.pdf
       求fudenberg-Tirole的game theory

  • 12.79 MB
  • 2008-5-20
  • 201865.pdf

  • 376.45 KB
  • 2008-3-29
  • 201860.pdf

  • 675.73 KB
  • 2008-3-29
  • 201859.pdf

  • 675.73 KB
  • 2008-3-29
  • 201840.pdf

  • 1.15 MB
  • 2008-3-29
  • 179005.rar
       Tirole对合谋和组织理论的综述 JSTOR中没有

    • TIROLE合谋与组织理论[1](收录于J-J. Laffont ed., Advances in Economic Theorysix world congress (ii),Chap3 ).pdf
    • TIROLE合谋与组织理论[2].pdf
  • 3.25 MB
  • 2007-12-3
  • 178513.rar
       得到一些关于The Theory of Corporate Finance(Jean Tirole)的内容,跟大家share一下

    • The Theory of Corporate Finance(Jean Tirole)[4].pdf
    • The Theory of Corporate Finance(Jean Tirole)[3].pdf
    • The Theory of Corporate Finance(Jean Tirole)[2].pdf
    • The Theory of Corporate Finance(Jean Tirole)[1].pdf
    • the theory of corporate finance-5(tirole).pdf
    • the theory of corporate finance-6(tirole).rar
  • 2.84 MB
  • 2007-11-29
  • 175851.pdf

  • 256.21 KB
  • 2007-11-21
  • 165556.rar
       [原创]Tirole-- the theory of corporate finance. sample chapters.

    • front.pdf
    • chap1.pdf
    • chap4.pdf
    • chap8.pdf
  • 1.49 MB
  • 2007-10-18
  • 153076.pdf
       经典的 tirole 产业组织理论 英文版

  • 47.41 MB
  • 2007-9-11
  • 152386.pdf
       fudenberg & tirole的博弈论英文版-->jerryliu转移

  • 16.92 MB
  • 2007-9-8
  • 148835.pdf

  • 7.43 MB
  • 2007-8-26
  • 116931.pdf
       Tirole-The Theory of Industrial Organization

  • 47.41 MB
  • 2007-5-15
  • 51998.rar
       [下载] Tirole的产业组织理论(中文版)

  • 29.13 MB
  • 2006-5-10
  • 50003.pdf
       tirole industrial organization

  • 47.41 MB
  • 2006-4-25
  • 46978.rar
       The Theory of Corporate Finance by Jean Tirole

  • 1.56 MB
  • 2006-4-4
  • 40001.pdf

  • 475.61 KB
  • 2006-2-17
  • 39999.pdf

  • 559.1 KB
  • 2006-2-17
  • 39997.pdf

  • 529.18 KB
  • 2006-2-17
  • 36988.rar
       Tirole最新著作《The Theory of Corporate Finance》

    • 8. Investors of Passage Entry, Exit, and Speculation.pdf
  • 419.83 KB
  • 2006-1-8
  • 36987.rar
       Tirole最新著作《The Theory of Corporate Finance》

    • 4. Some Determinants of Borrowing Capacity.pdf
  • 498.06 KB
  • 2006-1-8
  • 36986.rar
       Tirole最新著作《The Theory of Corporate Finance》

    • 1. Corporate Governance.pdf
  • 466.09 KB
  • 2006-1-8
  • 33017.rar

  • 259.76 KB
  • 2005-11-14
  • 33016.rar

  • 3 MB
  • 2005-11-14
  • 33015.rar

  • 3 MB
  • 2005-11-14
  • 33014.rar

  • 3 MB
  • 2005-11-14
  • 33013.rar

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  • 2005-11-14
  • 33012.rar

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  • 2005-11-14
  • 33011.rar

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  • 2005-11-14
  • 33010.rar

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  • 2005-11-14
  • 33009.rar

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  • 2005-11-14
  • 33008.rar

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  • 2005-11-14
  • 33007.rar

  • 3 MB
  • 2005-11-14
  • 33005.rar

  • 3 MB
  • 2005-11-14
  • 21559.rar

    • TIROLE合谋与组织理论[2].pdf
    • TIROLE合谋与组织理论[1].pdf
  • 3.25 MB
  • 2005-8-2
  • 21552.rar

    • Tirole-1986.pdf
  • 793.04 KB
  • 2005-8-2
  • 12304.rar

  • 7.04 MB
  • 2005-4-15
  • 12301.rar

    • tirole021.pdf
    • tirole017.pdf
    • tirole018.pdf
    • tirole019.pdf
    • tirole020.pdf
    • tirole016.pdf
    • tirole022.pdf
  • 2.61 MB
  • 2005-4-15
  • 12299.rar

    • tirole015.pdf
    • tirole012.pdf
    • tirole013.pdf
    • tirole014.pdf
    • tirole011.pdf
  • 1.84 MB
  • 2005-4-15
  • 12298.rar

    • tirole010.pdf
    • tirole007.pdf
    • tirole008.pdf
    • tirole009.pdf
    • tirole006.pdf
  • 2.77 MB
  • 2005-4-15
  • 12297.rar

    • tirole005.pdf
    • tirole002.pdf
    • tirole003.pdf
    • tirole004.pdf
    • tirole001.pdf
  • 3.6 MB
  • 2005-4-15
  • 12296.rar

    • tirole005.pdf
    • tirole002.pdf
    • tirole003.pdf
    • tirole004.pdf
    • tirole001.pdf
  • 3.6 MB
  • 2005-4-15
  • 10843.rar
       动态寡头理论的三篇经典文献 Maskin 和 Tirole 师徒俩合作完成

  • 4.02 MB
  • 2005-3-25
  • 8092.rar

  • 33.31 MB
  • 2005-1-16
  • 8084.rar

  • 4.13 MB
  • 2005-1-16
  • 8083.rar

  • 2.31 MB
  • 2005-1-16
  • 8082.rar

  • 2.17 MB
  • 2005-1-16
  • 8081.rar

  • 4.18 MB
  • 2005-1-16
  • 8080.rar

  • 1.86 MB
  • 2005-1-16
  • 8079.rar

  • 2.68 MB
  • 2005-1-16
  • 8078.rar
       [推荐]继续 Tirole的《产业组织理论》第二部分

  • 1.96 MB
  • 2005-1-16
  • 8077.rar
       [推荐]继续 Tirole的《产业组织理论》第二部分

  • 2.72 MB
  • 2005-1-16
  • 8076.rar
       [推荐]继续 Tirole的《产业组织理论》第二部分

  • 2.49 MB
  • 2005-1-16
  • 8074.rar

  • 2.54 MB
  • 2005-1-16
  • 8073.rar

  • 1.95 MB
  • 2005-1-16
  • 8072.rar

  • 4.21 MB
  • 2005-1-16
  • 8071.rar

  • 104.97 KB
  • 2005-1-16
  • 7736.rar

    • aghion-tirole97(9).pdf
  • 2.34 MB
  • 2005-1-13
  • 3944.rar

    • Tirole_incomplete contract where do we stand.pdf
  • 180.81 KB
  • 2004-11-24
  • 2262.rar
       Jean Tirole教授公司财务讲课题纲

    • 06.pdf
    • 02.pdf
    • 03.pdf
    • 04.pdf
    • 05.pdf
    • 01.pdf
    • 07.pdf
    • 08.pdf
    • 09.pdf
  • 1.6 MB
  • 2004-11-6
  • 796.rar

    • Tirole_Incomplete Contracts Where Do We Stand.pdf
  • 3.75 MB
  • 2004-7-14