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  • 2008年American Economic Review 文章精选.zip

    • Do People Vote with Their Feet An Empirical Test of Tiebout's Mechanism.pdf
    • A Dynamic Theory of Public Spending Taxation and Debt.pdf
    • Allowing the Data to Speak Freely The Macroeconometrics of the Cointegrated Vector Autoregression.pdf
    • Deal or No Deal Decision Making under Risk in a Large-Payoff Game Show.pdf
    • How Big Are Total Individual Income Tax Expenditures, and Who Benefits from Them.pdf
    • Income and Democracy.pdf
    • Limited Attention and Income Distribution.pdf
    • Rational Expectations in Games.pdf
    • Report of the Treasurer.pdf
    • Tax Expenditures for Owner-Occupied Housing Deductions for Property Taxes and Mortgage Interest and the Exclusion of Imputed Rental Income.pdf
    • Temporary Investment Tax Incentives Theory with Evidence from Bonus Depreciation.pdf
    • The Future of the IMF and the World Bank.pdf
    • Using Tax Expenditures to Achieve Energy Policy Goals.pdf
  • 5.5 MB
  • 2014-8-17
  • Pigou, Tiebout, property taxation, and the underprovision of local public goods.rar

    • Pigou, Tiebout, property taxation, and the underprovision of local public goods.pdf
  • 689.81 KB
  • 2013-3-14
  • The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics T.rar

    • Tiebout hypothesis The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Tiebout, Charles Mills (1924–1968) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • thin markets The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • third world debt The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Thompson, Thomas Perronet (1783–1869) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Thornton, Henry (1760–1815) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • threshold models The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Thünen, Johann Heinrich von (1783–1850) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • time consistency of monetary and fiscal policy The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • time preference The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • time series analysis The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • time use The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Timlin, Mabel Frances (1891–1976) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Tinbergen, Jan (1903–1994) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Tintner, Gerhard (1907–1983) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Titmuss, Richard Morris (1907–1973) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Tobin, James (1918–2002) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Tobin's q The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Tobit model The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Tocqueville, Alexis Charles Henri Clérel de (1805–1859) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Tooke, Thomas (1774–1858) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Torrens, Robert (1780–1864) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • total factor productivity The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • tournaments The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics Online.mht
    • Townshend, Hugh (1890–1974) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Toynbee, Arnold (1852–1883) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
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    • the Baring crisis of 1890 The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics Online.mht
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    • Theil, Henri (1924–2000) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • theory appraisal The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
  • 6.75 MB
  • 2012-5-13
  • 农业经济主文献3.rar

    • 62.Tiebout Charles M. 1956.A Pure Theory of Local Expenditures.pdf
    • 55.Rozelle S, Park A, Huang JK, et al. 2000. Bureaucrat to Entrepreneur The Changing Role of the State in China's Grain Economy.pdf
    • 54.Rozelle S, Swinnen JFM. 2004. Success and failure of reform-Insights from the transition of agriculture.pdf
    • 44.Park A, Jin HH, Rozelle S, et al 2002. Market emergence.pdf
    • 45.China's Poverty Statistics.pdf
    • 46.Regional Poverty Targeting in China.pdf
    • 47.Peng YS. 2004. Kinship networks and entrepreneurs in China's transitional economy.pdf
    • 48.Peng YS. 2001. Chinese villages and townships as industrial corporations- Ownership, governance, and market discipline.pdf
    • 49.Plantinga Andrew J.; Thomas Mauldin; Douglas J. Miller. 1999.An econometric analysis of the costs of sequestering carbon in forests.pdf
    • 50.Pretty J, Ward H. 2001. Social capital and the environment.pdf
    • 51.Ravallion M. 2001. Growth, inequality and poverty- Looking beyond averages.pdf
    • 52.REARDON, T C. PETER TIMMERThe rise of supermarkets in Africa, Asia, and Latin America.pdf
    • 53.Richard Green; Julian M. Alston. 1990. Elasticities in AIDS Models.pdf
    • 农业经济管理 专业主文献目录.doc
    • 68.Zhao YH. 1999. Labor migration and earnings differences- The case of rural China.pdf
    • 67.Yao, Y. 2000. The Development of the Land Lease Market in Rural China.pdf
    • 66.Yao SJ. 2000. Economic development and poverty reduction in China over 20 years of reforms.pdf
    • 64.Walder Andrew G.,1995. Local Governments as Industrial Firms- An Organizational Analysis of China's Transitional Economy.pdf
    • 63.Uchida E, Xu JT, Rozelle S. 2005. Grain for green- Cost-effectiveness and sustainability of China's conservation set-aside program.pdf
    • 60.Stiglitz, J. E. and A. Weiss. 1981. Credit Rationing in Markets with Imperfect Information.pdf
    • 59.Steven Buccola; Yoko Iizuka. 1997. Hedonic Cost Models and the Pricing of Milk Components.pdf
    • 58.Schultz. Theodore W. 1961. Investment in Human Capital.pdf
    • 57.Schultz. Theodore W. 1965. Investing in Poor People An Economist's View.pdf
    • 56.Sachs JD, Warner AM. 1999. The big push, natural resource booms and growth.pdf
  • 12.49 MB
  • 2012-4-8
  • 329997.pdf
       [下载]免费下载Tiebout, A Pure Theory of Local Expenditures

  • 1.31 MB
  • 2009-5-26
  • 173870.rar
       《公共部门经济学》C.V. Brown, P.M. Jackson中的经典文献

    • Charles M. Tiebout_A pure theory of local expenditures_JPE_1956.pdf
    • Frank Demeyer, Charles R. Plott_Probability of a cyclical majority_Econometrica_1970(38).pdf
    • Kenneth J. Arrow, Robert C. Lind_Uncertainty and the evaluation of public investment decisions_AER_1970(60).pdf
    • Roland N. McKean_The unseen hand in government_AER_1965(55).pdf
    • William J. Baumol_Macroeconomics of unbalanced growth_the anatamy of urban crisis_AER_1967(57).pdf
  • 2.9 MB
  • 2007-11-15
  • 173869.rar
       《公共部门经济学》C.V. Brown, P.M. Jackson中的经典文献

    • Wallace E. Oates_The effects of property taxes and local public spending on property values_an empirical study of tax capitalization and the Tiebout hypothesis_JPE_1969(77).pdf
    • Amartya K. Sen_Isolation, assurance and the social rate of discount_Quarterly JoE_1967(81).pdf
    • E. J. Mishan_Cost-benefit rules for poorer countries_Can JoE_1971(4).pdf
    • James M. Buchanan_The pure theory of government finance_a suggested approach_JPE_1949(57).pdf
    • Richard Abel Musgrave_The voluntary exchange theory of public economy_Quarterly JoE_1939(53).pdf
  • 2.06 MB
  • 2007-11-15
  • 116839.rar

    • 一个关于地方支出的纯理论.pdf
  • 404.48 KB
  • 2007-5-14
  • 10666.rar
       试发 北大柏兰芝 推荐的原文阅读

    • 2Tiebout_exports.pdf
  • 625.99 KB
  • 2005-3-20
  • 10665.rar
       试发 北大柏兰芝 推荐的原文阅读

    • 4Tiebout_rejoinder.pdf
  • 123.41 KB
  • 2005-3-20