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  • (GMW 220)Elements of the Theory of Representations.zip
       (GMW 220)Elements of the Theory of Representations

    • (GMW 220)Elements of the Theory of Representations.djvu
  • 5.86 MB
  • 2024-9-1
  • (Graduate Studies in Mathematics,043) N. V. Krylov - Introduction to the theory .zip
       Introduction to Quantum Groups and Crystal Bases

    • (Graduate Studies in Mathematics,043) N. V. Krylov - Introduction to the theory of random processes-Amer Mathematical Society (2002).djvu
  • 1.55 MB
  • 2024-6-4
  • Advances in the Theory of Riemann Surfaces, Proceedings of the 1969 Stony Brook .zip
       Advances in the Theory of Riemann Surfaces

    • Advances in the Theory of Riemann Surfaces, Proceedings of the 1969 Stony Brook Conference (AM-66) (Annals of Mathematics Studies)-Lars Valerian Ahlfors, Lipman Bers.djvu
  • 2.96 MB
  • 2023-11-16
  • The theory of rings-(N.Jacobson).zip
       The Theory of Rings (Mathematical Surveys)

    • The theory of rings-(N.Jacobson).djvu
  • 5.58 MB
  • 2023-11-13
  • 2005 Theory of Random Sets.rar

    • 2005 Theory of Random Sets.pdf
  • 2.43 MB
  • 2016-1-7
  • A Modern Theory of Random Variation.rar

    • A Modern Theory of Random Variation.pdf
  • 6.18 MB
  • 2015-11-6
  • journal of law and economics 20篇引用率最高的论文.zip

    • Agency Problems and Residual Claims.pdf
    • Calculativeness, Trust, and Economic Organization.pdf
    • Corporate Governance and Accounting Scandals.pdf
    • Durability and Monopoly.pdf
    • Free Competition and the Optimal Amount of Fraud.pdf
    • Independent Actor or Agent_ An Empirical Analysis of the Impact of U.S. Interests on International Monetary Fund Conditions.pdf
    • Inequality and Violent Crime.pdf
    • Racial, Ethnic, and Gender Disparities in Sentencing_ Evidence from the U.S. Federal Courts.pdf
    • Sex Offender Registries_ Fear without Function_.pdf
    • The Impact of Mandatory Disclosure Laws on Product Choices_ An Analysis of the Salad Dressing Market.pdf
    • The Informational Role of Warranties and Private Disclosure about Product Quality.pdf
    • The Jeffords Effect.pdf
    • Toward a more general theory of regulation.pdf
    • Transaction-Cost Economics: The Governance of Contractual Relations.pdf
    • Using Financial Data to Measure Effects of Regulation.pdf
    • Vertical integration, appropriable rents, and the competitive contracting process.pdf
    • Who Owns the Media_.pdf
    • separation of ownership and control.pdf
    • the problem of social cost.pdf
    • theory of the firm and the structure of the franchise.pdf
  • 18.33 MB
  • 2014-8-16
  • George stigler.zip

    • A Sketch of the History of Truth in Teaching.pdf
    • A Survey of Contemporary Economics.pdf
    • Archibald Versus Chicago.pdf
    • Bibliography.pdf
    • Buyer's Prices, Seller's Prices, and Price Flexibility_ Repl.pdf
    • Charles Babbage.pdf
    • Comment on Stigler and Friedland, _The Literature of Economics_ The Case of Berle and Means_.pdf
    • Determinants of Participation in Presidential Elections_ Comment.pdf
    • Director's Law of Public Income Redistribution.pdf
    • Discussion12.pdf
    • Do Economists Matter_.pdf
    • Elementary Economic Education.pdf
    • Frank Knight as Teacher.pdf
    • Free Riders and Collective Action.pdf
    • General Economic Conditions and National Elections.pdf
    • Henry Calvert Simons.pdf
    • Industrial Prices, as Administered by Dr. Means.pdf
    • Information in the Labor Market.pdf
    • Law or Economics_.pdf
    • Memoirs of an Unregulated Economist.pdf
    • Monopoly and Oligopoly by Merger.pdf
    • Nobel Lecture_ The Process and Progress of Economics.pdf
    • Notes on the History of the Giffen Paradox.pdf
    • Notes on the History of the Giffen Paradox_ A Reply.pdf
    • Notes on the Theory of Duopoly.pdf
    • On the _Chicago School of Economics__ Comment.pdf
    • Opportunity Cost of Marriage_ Comment.pdf
    • Palgrave's Dictionary of Economics.pdf
    • Papers and Correspondence of William Stanley Jevons. Volume VII_ Papers on Politica.pdf
    • Perfect Competition, Historically Contemplated.pdf
    • Productivity and Size of Farm_ A Statistical Pitfall.pdf
    • Professor Lester and the Marginalists.pdf
    • Profits of Defense Contractors.pdf
    • Public Regulation of the Securities Markets.pdf
    • Round Table on Problems in the Teaching of Economics.pdf
    • Schumpeter's History of Economic Analysis.pdf
    • Sraffa's Ricardo.pdf
    • Stuart Wood and the Marginal Productivity Theory.pdf
    • Textual Exegesis as a Scientific Problem.pdf
    • The Citation Practices of Doctorates in Economics.pdf
    • The Cost of Subsistence.pdf
    • The Dominant Firm and the Inverted Umbrella.pdf
    • The Economics of Carl Menger.pdf
    • The Economics of Conflict of Interest.pdf
    • The Economics of Information.pdf
    • The Economics of Minimum Wage Legislation.pdf
    • The Economist Plays with Blocs.pdf
    • The Economist and the State.pdf
    • The Economists and the Problem of Monopoly.pdf
    • The Effects of Economic Policies on Votes for the Presidency_ Some Evidence from Recent Elections_ Comment.pdf
    • The Extent of the Market.pdf
    • The Firm in Economic Theory_ A Quiet Revolution.pdf
    • The Goals of Economic Policy.pdf
    • The Journals of Economics.pdf
    • The Politics of Political Economists_ Reply.pdf
    • The Statistics of Monopoly and Merger.pdf
    • The Successes and Failures of Professor Smith.pdf
    • What Can Regulators Regulate_ The Case of Electricity.pdf
    • [Professor Stigler Revisited]_ Comment.pdf
    • _The Economist as Preacher_ and Other Essays. by George J. Stigler.pdf
    • the economic theory of regulation.pdf
  • 37.61 MB
  • 2014-8-14
  • the theory of regulation.zip

    • A Theory of Competition Among Pressure Groups for Political Influence.pdf
    • Bureaucratic Discretion or Congressional Control_ Regulatory Policymaking by the Federal Trade Commission.pdf
    • Posner_Taxation_by_Regulation.pdf
    • The economic theory of regulation after a decade of deregulation.pdf
    • Toward a more general theory of regulation.pdf
    • regulation in theory and practice.pdf
    • the economic theory of regulation.pdf
    • the effects of economic regulation.pdf
    • the growth of government.pdf
    • theories of economic regulation.pdf
    • toward a more general theory of economic regulation Influence.pdf
  • 22.42 MB
  • 2014-8-14
  • Patrick Muldowney-A Modern Theory of Random Variation_ With Applications in Stoc.rar

    • Patrick Muldowney-A Modern Theory of Random Variation_ With Applications in Stochastic Calculus, Financial Mathematics, and Feynman Integration-Wiley .pdf
  • 6.18 MB
  • 2014-7-18
  • Alleman Noam.pdf
       The New Investment Theory of Real Options and its Implications for Telecommunications Economics

  • 12.68 MB
  • 2013-6-6
  • Theory of Rank Tests.rar

    • Theory of Rank Tests.djvu
    • ha_windjview.rar
  • 4.08 MB
  • 2013-5-8
  • 5章13章赫尔课后.zip

    • 005 Forward and Futures JFE 1981.pdf
    • 2007410129191633.pdf
    • 4652030.pdf
    • 5910432.pdf
    • A Comparison of the Stable and Student Distributions as Statistical Models for Stock Prices.pdf
    • A Test for Multivariate Normality in Stock Returns.pdf
    • AE-sample-Ch12.pdf
    • Black-howwecameupwiththeformula.pdf
    • Cox Ross 1976the valuation of options for alternative stochastic processes.pdf
    • Merton1973theory of rational option pricing.pdf
    • Roll Orange Juice and Weather.pdf
    • Stock_Returns_and_weekend_effect.pdf
    • The Behavior of Stock-Market Prices, Fama, 1965.pdf
    • blackscholesthe prices of options and corporate liabilities.pdf
    • equilbrium forward curves for commodities.pdf
    • fact and fantasy in the use of options and corporate liabilities .pdf
    • inventories and the short-run dynamiscs of commodity prices.pdf
    • market incompleteness and divergences between forward and futures interest rate.pdf
    • models of stock returns ---a comparison.pdf
    • the behavior of stock market prices.pdf
  • 47.84 MB
  • 2012-4-3
  • Handbook of Industrial Organization (第3卷).rar
       Handbook of Industrial Organization (第3卷)

    • Chapter 27 Recent Developments in the Theory of Regulation.pdf
    • Chapter 32 Lectures on Auction Theory an empirical perspective.pdf
    • Chapter 33 A Primer on Foreclosure.pdf
    • Chapter 34 Price Discrimination and Imperfect Competition.pdf
    • Chapter 35 Market Structure.pdf
    • Chapter 28 The Economic Analysis of Advertising.pdf
    • Chapter 30 A Framework for Applied Dynamic Analysis in IO.pdf
    • Chapter 31 Coordination and Lock-In Competition with Switching Costs and Network Effects.pdf
  • 4.86 MB
  • 2011-12-12
  • Theory of Rational Option Pricing.rar

    • Theory of Rational Option Pricing.pdf
  • 785.32 KB
  • 2010-6-23
  • Choices, Values, and Frames.rar

    • 38. Evaluation by moments_past and future.pdf
    • 39. Endowments and contrast in judgments of well-being(in Chapter 6).pdf
    • 40. A bias in the prediction of tastes.pdf
    • 41. The effect of purchase quantity and timing on variety-seeking behavior.pdf
    • 01. Choices, Values, and Frames.pdf
    • 02. Prospect theory_an analysis of decision under risk.pdf
    • 03. Advance in prospect theory_Cumulative representation of uncertainty.pdf
    • 04. The probability weighting function.pdf
    • 05. Weighing risk and uncertainty.pdf
    • 06. A belief-based account of decision under uncertainty.pdf
    • 07. Loss aversion in riskless choice_A reference-dependent model.pdf
    • 08. Anomalies_The endowment effect, loss aversion, and status quo bias.pdf
    • 09. The endowment effect and evidence of non reversible indifference curve.pdf
    • 10. A test of the theory of reference-dependent preferences.pdf
    • 11. Diminish marginal utility of wealth cannot explain risk aversion.pdf
    • 12. Rational choice and the framing of decisions.pdf
    • 13. Framing, probability distortions, and insurance decisions.pdf
    • 14. Mental accounting matters.pdf
    • 16. Prospect theory in the wild_evidence from the field.pdf
    • 17. Myopic loss aversion and the equity premium puzzle.pdf
    • 18. Fairness as a constraint on profit seeking_entitlements in the market.pdf
    • 19. Money illusion.pdf
    • 20. Labor supply of New York City cab drivers_one day at a time.pdf
    • 21. Are investors reluctant to realize their losses.pdf
    • 22. Timid choices and bold forecasts_a cognitive perspective on risk taking.pdf
    • 23. Overconfidence and excess entry_an experimental approach.pdf
    • 24. judicial choice and disparities between measures of economic values.pdf
    • 25. Contrasting rational and psychological analyses of political choice.pdf
    • 29. Context-dependent preferences.pdf
    • 30. Ambiguity aversion and comparative ignorance.pdf
    • 31. Attribute evaluability and its implications for joint-separate evaluation reversals and beyond.pdf
    • 32. Preferences for sequences of outcomes.pdf
    • 33. Anomalies in intertemporal choice_evidence and an interpretation.pdf
    • 34. Reason-based choice.pdf
    • 36. Economists have preferences, psychologists have attitudes_an analysis of dollar responses to public issues.pdf
    • 37. Experienced utility and objective happiness a moment-based approach.pdf
  • 36.45 MB
  • 2010-1-31
  • Asset Pricing2.rar

    • The Valuation of Risk Assets and the Selection of Risky Investments in Stock Portfolios and Capital Budgets.pdf
    • The Valuation of Uncertain Income Streams and the Pricing of Options.pdf
    • Theory of rational option pricing.pdf
    • Transformations of Weiner Integrals Under Translations.pdf
    • on moment inequalities for stochastic integrals.pdf
    • on the Pricing of American Options.pdf
    • On the theory of option pricing.pdf
    • On Transforming a Certain Class of Stochastic Processes by Absolutely Continuous Substitution of Measures.pdf
    • Optimal consumption and portfolio policies when asset prices follow a diffusion process.pdf
    • Optimal investment and consumption strategies under risk for a class of utility functions.pdf
    • Optimal Portfolio and Consumption Decisions for a Small Investor on a Finite Horizon.pdf
    • Optimum consumption and portfolio rules in a continuous-time model.pdf
    • Option Pricing:A Simplified Approach.doc
    • Option Pricing-A Simplified Approach.pdf
    • Pricing Interest-rate-derivative securities.pdf
    • risk, return and equilibrium.pdf
    • Risk, Return, and Equilibrium-Empirical Tests.pdf
    • some new stock market indexes.pdf
    • Stock market prices and long-range dependence.pdf
    • substitution, risk aversion, and the temporal behavior of consumption and asset returns_an empirical analysis.pdf
    • substitution, risk aversion, and the temporal behavior of consumption and returns.pdf
    • Term Structure Movements and Pricing Interest Rate Contingent Claims.pdf
    • The arbitrage theory of capital asset pricing.pdf
    • The Behavior of Stock-Market Prices.pdf
    • The market model of interest rate dynamics.pdf
    • The pricing of commodity contracts.pdf
    • the pricing of options and corporate liabilites.pdf
    • The Pricing of Options on Assets with Stochastic Volatilities.pdf
    • The relation between forward prices and futures prices.pdf
  • 30.83 MB
  • 2009-12-13
  • JAMES A. OHLSON论文集锦.rar

    • Virtual Consultancies.pdf
    • Eamings, Book Values,and Dividends in Equity Valuation.pdf
    • Valuation and Clean Surplus Accounting forOperating and Financial Activities.pdf
    • Changes versus Levels in Earnings.pdf
    • Disaggregated Accounting Data as Explanatory Variables for Returns.pdf
    • A comparative examination.pdf
    • A Synthesis of security valuation theory.pdf
    • Accounting Disclosures and the Market's Valuation of oil and gas properties.pdf
    • Analysis of the Usefulness of Accounting Data.pdf
    • Book Rate-of-Return and Prediction of Earnings Changes.pdf
    • Discussion of trading volume theories .pdf
    • job environment.pdf
    • Market-Based Empirical Research in Accounting.pdf
    • On the nature of income measurement.pdf
    • On the theory of residual analyses and abnormal performance metrics.pdf
    • risk-aversion and the martingale property of stock prices.pdf
    • Systematic Risk of the CRSP Equal-weighted Common Stock Index.pdf
    • The case of pension assets and liabilities.pdf
    • The Complete Ordering of Information.pdf
    • The theory of value and eamings, and.pdf
    • Welfare and Public Information.pdf
    • Accounting Data and Value.pdf
    • A Stewardship Setting with Moral Hazard.pdf
    • Accounting-Based Security Valuation Models.pdf
    • Accrual Accounting and Equity Valuation.pdf
    • Forecast Horizon in Equity Valuation.pdf
    • labor pains.pdf
    • Residual Earnings Valuation With Risk and Stochastic Interest Rates.pdf
    • Save Water.pdf
    • Techology Transfer Aids Companies.pdf
    • The Feltham-Ohlson (1995) Model.pdf
  • 39.94 MB
  • 2009-11-22
  • 278512.pdf
       Theory of Rational Option Pricing Merton 1973

  • 1.14 MB
  • 2008-12-19
  • 260866.pdf
       A bureaucratic theory of regulation

  • 954.08 KB
  • 2008-10-28
  • 169761.rar
       [原创][下载]Journal of Econometrics-Volume 141, Issue 2, Pages 323-1420 (December 2007)

    • 19.A consistent characteristic function-based test for conditional independence.pdf
    • 20.A goodness-of-fit test for ARCH(∞) models.pdf
    • 21.Modelling security market events in continuous time- Intensity based, multivariate point process models.pdf
    • 22.Asymptotics for duration-driven long range dependent processes.pdf
    • 23.An adaptive empirical likelihood test for parametric time series regression models.pdf
    • 24.A goodness-of-fit test for ARCH models.pdf
    • 25.Discrete time duration models with group-level heterogeneity.pdf
    • 26.Income distribution and inequality measurement- The problem of extreme values.pdf
    • 27.A zero-inflated ordered probit model, with an application to modelling tobacco consumption.pdf
    • 28.Estimating a generalized correlation coefficient for a generalized bivariate probit model.pdf
    • 29.Nonstationary discrete choice- A corrigendum and addendum.pdf
    • 30.Endogeneity in quantile regression models- A control function approach.pdf
    • 31.Time and causality- A Monte Carlo assessment of the timing-of-events approach.pdf
    • 32.Confidence sets for the date of a single break in linear time series regressions.pdf
    • 33.Finite sample multivariate structural change tests with application to energy demand models.pdf
    • 34.Closed-form likelihood approximation and estimation of jump-diffusions with an application to the realignment risk of the Chinese Yuan.pdf
    • 35.Inverse probability weighted estimation for general missing data problems.pdf
    • 36.A simple, robust and powerful test of the trend hypothesis.pdf
    • 38.Nonstationarity-extended local Whittle estimation.pdf
    • 37.A theory of robust long-run variance estimation.pdf
    • 39.Efficient high-dimensional importance sampling.pdf
    • 40.Corrigendum to The pseudo-true score encompassing test for non-nested hypotheses.pdf
    • 41.The large sample behaviour of the generalized method of moments estimator in misspecified models.pdf
    • 42.Erratum to “Generalizing the standard product rule of probability theory and Bayes's Theorem.pdf
    • 43.Error in contents listing of Special issue.pdf
    • 1.Editorial Board.pdf
    • 2.Realized range-based estimation of integrated variance.pdf
    • 3.Instrumental variable estimation based on conditional median restriction.pdf
    • 4.Generalized R-estimators under conditional heteroscedasticity.pdf
    • 5.Incidental trends and the power of panel unit root tests.pdf
    • 6.Non-parametric estimation of sequential english auctions.pdf
    • 7.On the uniqueness of optimal prices set by monopolistic sellers.pdf
    • 8.On the second-order properties of empirical likelihood with moment restrictions.pdf
    • 9.Contemporaneous threshold autoregressive models- Estimation, testing and forecasting.pdf
    • 10.Efficient tests of the seasonal unit root hypothesis.pdf
    • 11.Determining the cointegrating rank in nonstationary fractional systems by the exact local Whittle approach.pdf
    • 12.Asymptotic properties of a robust variance matrix estimator for panel data when T is large.pdf
    • 13.Online forecast combinations of distributions- Worst case bounds.pdf
    • 14.Nonparametric tests for conditional symmetry in dynamic models.pdf
    • 15.Masking identification of discrete choice models under simulation methods.pdf
    • 16.A smoothed least squares estimator for threshold regression models.pdf
    • 17.Can the random walk model be beaten in out-of-sample density forecasts- Evidence from intraday foreign exchange rates.pdf
    • 18.Endogenous selection or treatment model estimation.pdf
  • 13.96 MB
  • 2007-11-3
  • 115798.rar
       Journal of Macroeconomics 2007 vol 29 (1)

    • Does wealth affect consumption Evidence for Italy.pdf
    • The relative price effects of monetary shocks.pdf
    • The New Keynesian Phillips curve under trend inflation and strategic complementarity.pdf
    • The long-term care problem, precautionary saving, and economic growth.pdf
    • Buying out child labor.pdf
    • Too good to be true The (In)credibility of the UK inflation fan charts..pdf
    • The theory of rational expectations and the interpretation of macroeconomic data.pdf
    • Do shocks last forever Local persistency in economic time series.pdf
    • Sunspots in a cash-in-advance model A quantitative assessment.pdf
    • Economic growth and convergence with international differences in technology.pdf
    • Indeterminacy and stability in a modified Romer model.pdf
    • Forbearance impedes confidence recovery.pdf
    • Market clearing with some neo-Keynesian features.pdf
  • 2.49 MB
  • 2007-5-11
  • 64137.rar

    • A Theory of Rationing by Waiting ( Yoram Barzel).pdf
  • 1.25 MB
  • 2006-9-17
  • 55514.rar

    • Theory of Rational Option Pricing.pdf
    • The Pricing of Options and Corporate Liabilities.pdf
    • The Spirit of Capitalism and Stock-Market Prices.pdf
    • Returns to Buying Winners and Selling Losers.pdf
    • The Cost of Capital, Corporation Finance and the Theory of Investment.pdf
    • The Limits of Arbitrage.pdf
  • 16.2 MB
  • 2006-6-14
  • 53979.pdf
       Recent Developments in the Theory of Regulation

  • 1.26 MB
  • 2006-5-27
  • 25626.rar
       [下载] Theory of rational opion pricing

    • Merton, Robert - Theory of Rational Option Pricing.pdf
  • 3.58 MB
  • 2005-9-8
  • 20065.rar
       【资料共享】规制理论论文 4

    • Competition in the Medical Profession-An Application of the Economic Theory of Regulation .pdf
    • b-Toward a More General Theory of Regulation .pdf
    • Competition in the Medical Profession- An Application of the Theory of Regulation- Comment .pdf
    • Competition in the Medical Profession- An Application of the Theory of Regulation- Reply .pdf
    • Asymmetric Information, Incentives and Price-Cap Regulation.pdf
    • Bargaining under Asymmetric Information.pdf
    • Coinsurance and the Welfare Economics of Medical Care.pdf
    • Collateral and Competitive Equilibria with Moral Hazard and Private Information.pdf
    • Communication in Agencies.pdf
    • Competition and Health Care Policy- Experience and Expectations .pdf
    • Competition and Incentives with Nonexclusive Contracts.pdf
    • Competition for Agency Contracts.pdf
  • 12.9 MB
  • 2005-7-20
  • 20063.rar
       【资料共享】规制理论论文 1

    • @@@Welfare Economics and the Theory of Regulation.pdf
    • @@Consumer Protection Regulation in Ethical Drugs .pdf
    • @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Optimal Incentive Schemes when Only the Agents Best Output Matters to the Principal.pdf
    • @@@@@@@@@@@Regulation and the Choice of Prescription Drugs.pdf
    • @@@@@@@@@Incomplete contracting and price regulation.pdf
    • @@@@@@@@Incentives in Principal-Agent Relationships.pdf
    • @@@@@@@Regulation, moral hazard and insurance of environmental risks .pdf
    • @@@@@@Bargaining versus Price Competition in Markets with Quality Uncertainty .pdf
    • @@@@@@Human Capital and Risk Management- A Proposal for a New Insurance Product.pdf
    • @@@@@@Implicit Contracts and Fixed Price Equilibria.pdf
    • @@@@@@The Economics of Incentive-Based Health Care Plans .pdf
    • @@@@@@The Health Effects of Mandatory Prescriptions.pdf
    • @@@@@@Trade and Insurance With Imperfectly Observed Outcomes.pdf
    • @@@@@Noisy Observation in Adverse Selection Models.pdf
    • @@@@@Price regulation in the pharmaceutical industry.pdf
    • @@@Economic Effects of Regulation and Price Fixing in the Milk Industry .pdf
    • @@@Regulation, Market Structure, and Hospital Costs .pdf
    • @@Competition, Regulation, and Efficiency in Service Industries.pdf
  • 26.37 MB
  • 2005-7-20
  • 18628.rar
       smth 一网友写的 我心目中的10大经典金融论文

    • Theory of Rational Option Pricing.pdf
  • 1.02 MB
  • 2005-7-5
  • 17670.rar
       recent developments in the theory of regulation

    • 复件 Recent Developments In the Theory of Regulation
  • 1.01 MB
  • 2005-6-24
  • 14561.rar

    • A Theory of Rational Addiction(JPE1988).pdf
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  • 2005-5-12
  • 8634.rar
       [分享]Recent Developments in the Theory of Regulation

    • Recent Developments in the Theory of Regulation.pdf
  • 1.01 MB
  • 2005-2-1
  • 1187.rar

    • Toward a More General Theory of Regulation(JLE1976).pdf
  • 2.47 MB
  • 2004-9-4
  • 762.rar
       The history of finance-Miller

    • the theory of rational option pricing.pdf
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  • 2004-7-10