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  • Williamson威廉姆森.zip

    • A Dynamic Theory of Interfirm Behavior.pdf
    • Acemoglu_Aoki与Gr_省略_if三者之内生制度变迁理论的比较_彭涛.pdf
    • Allocative Efficiency and the Limits of Antitrust.pdf
    • American Economic Association.pdf
    • Comparative Economic Organization The Analysis of Discrete Structural Alternatives.pdf
    • Contested Exchange Versus the Governance of Contractual Relations.pdf
    • Corporate Finance and Corporate Governance.pdf
    • Credible Commitments Further Remarks.pdf
    • Credible Commitments Using Hostages to Support Exchange.pdf
    • Economies as an Antitrust Defense Reply.pdf
    • Economies as an Antitrust Defense The Welfare Tradeoffs.pdf
    • Hierarchical Control and Optimum Firm Size.pdf
    • Innovation and Market Structure.pdf
    • Markets and Hierarchies Some Elementary Considerations.pdf
    • Peak-Load Pricing and Optimal Capacity under Indivisibility Constraints.pdf
    • Selling Expense as a Barrier to Entry.pdf
    • Social Choice A Probabilistic Approach.pdf
    • The Economics of Governance.pdf
    • The Economics of Internal Organization Exit and Voice in Relation to Markets and.pdf
    • The Institutions of Governance.pdf
    • The Lens of Contract Private Ordering.pdf
    • The Logic of Economic Organization.pdf
    • The New Institutional Economics Taking Stock, Looking Ahead.pdf
    • The Theory of the Firm as Governance Structure From Choice to Contract.pdf
    • The Theory of the Firm as Governance Structure From Choice to Contract.pdf
    • The Vertical Integration of Production Market Failure Consideration.pdf
    • The Vertical Integration of Production Market Failure Considerations.pdf
    • The modern origins, evolution, attributes.pdf
    • Transaction-Cost Economics The Governance of Contractual Relations.pdf
    • Visible and Invisible Governance.pdf
    • Wage Rates as a Barrier to Entry The Pennington Case in Perspective.pdf
  • 28.1 MB
  • 2014-9-4
  • Coase.zip

    • Adam Smith's View of Man.pdf
    • Economics at LSE in the 1930's_ A Personal View.pdf
    • Fisher-General Motors and the nature of the firm.pdf
    • Law and economics at Chicago.pdf
    • Marshall on method.pdf
    • SystemPigou and Coase Reconsidered.pdf
    • The Choice of the Institutional Framework_ A Comment.pdf
    • The Economics of Broadcasting and Government Policy.pdf
    • The Nature of the Firm_ Influence.pdf
    • The conduct of economics_ the example of Fisher Body and General Motors.pdf
    • The institutional structure of production.pdf
    • The nature of the firm_ Meaning.pdf
    • The wealth of nations.pdf
    • The welfare costs of tariffs, monopolies, and theft.pdf
    • blackmail.pdf
    • old fashioned scholar.pdf
    • orgCoase and Bertrand on Lighthouses.pdf
    • orgCoase, Costs, and Coordination.pdf
    • orgCostly Enforcement of Property Rights and the Coase Theorem.pdf
    • orgRonald Coase on the Nature of Social Cost as a Key to the Problem of the Firm.pdf
    • orgThe Myth of Two Coases What Coase Is Really Saying.pdf
    • ronald coase and methodology.pdf
    • social capital civil society and development.pdf
    • the problem of social cost.pdf
    • the coase theorem as negative externalities.pdf
    • the federal communications commission.pdf
    • the lighthouse in economics.pdf
    • the market for goods and the market for ideas.pdf
    • the nature of the firm influence.pdf
    • the nature of the firm.pdf
    • the nature of the firm:origin.pdf
    • the new institutional economics.pdf
    • the social cost of monopoly and regulation.pdf
    • the theory of utility pricing and its application.pdf
    • 江湖骗术.doc
    • 论经济学和经济学家(美)罗纳德·H·科斯 著.pdf
  • 43.46 MB
  • 2014-9-4
  • williamson.zip

    • The new institutional economics_ taking stock, looking ahead.pdf
    • Asset specificity and economic organization.pdf
    • Calculativeness, Trust, and Economic Organization.pdf
    • Comparative economic organization_ The analysis of discrete structural alternatives.pdf
    • Corporate finance and corporate governance.pdf
    • Economic Institutions_ Spontaneous and Intentional Governance.pdf
    • Economies as an antitrust defense_ The welfare tradeoffs.pdf
    • Hierarchical Control and Optimum Firm Size.pdf
    • Managerial discretion and business behavior.pdf
    • Markets and Hierarchies_ Some Elementary Considerations.pdf
    • Organization Form, Residual Claimants, and Corporate Control.pdf
    • Peak-load pricing and optimal capacity under indivisibility constraints.pdf
    • Strategy research_ governance and competence perspectives.pdf
    • The Institutions and Govemance of Economic Development and Reform.pdf
    • The Institutions of Governance.pdf
    • The Logic of Economic Organization.pdf
    • The Theory of the Firm as Governance Structure_ From Choice to Contract.pdf
    • The economics of organization_ the transaction cost approach.pdf
    • The modern corporation_ origins, evolution, attributes.pdf
    • Transaction cost economics.pdf
    • Transaction-Cost Economics_ The Governance of Contractual Relations.pdf
    • Vertical integration and market foreclosure.pdf
    • Williamson-OE=The Economics of Governance.pdf
    • using hostages to support exchange.pdf
  • 41.83 MB
  • 2014-8-15
  • Coase.zip

    • Adam Smith's View of Man.pdf
    • Economics at LSE in the 1930's_ A Personal View.pdf
    • Fisher-General Motors and the nature of the firm.pdf
    • Law and economics at Chicago.pdf
    • Marshall on method.pdf
    • SystemPigou and Coase Reconsidered.pdf
    • The Choice of the Institutional Framework_ A Comment.pdf
    • The Economics of Broadcasting and Government Policy.pdf
    • The Nature of the Firm_ Influence.pdf
    • The conduct of economics_ the example of Fisher Body and General Motors.pdf
    • The institutional structure of production.pdf
    • The nature of the firm_ Meaning.pdf
    • The wealth of nations.pdf
    • The welfare costs of tariffs, monopolies, and theft.pdf
    • blackmail.pdf
    • old fashioned scholar.pdf
    • orgCoase and Bertrand on Lighthouses.pdf
    • orgCoase, Costs, and Coordination.pdf
    • orgCostly Enforcement of Property Rights and the Coase Theorem.pdf
    • orgRonald Coase on the Nature of Social Cost as a Key to the Problem of the Firm.pdf
    • orgThe Myth of Two Coases What Coase Is Really Saying.pdf
    • ronald coase and methodology.pdf
    • social capital civil society and development.pdf
    • the problem of social cost.pdf
    • the coase theorem and empty core.pdf
    • the coase theorem as negative externalities.pdf
    • the federal communications commission.pdf
    • the lighthouse in economics.pdf
    • the market for goods and the market for ideas.pdf
    • the nature of the firm influence.pdf
    • the nature of the firm.pdf
    • the nature of the firm:origin.pdf
    • the new institutional economics.pdf
    • the social cost of monopoly and regulation.pdf
    • the theory of utility pricing and its application.pdf
  • 30.31 MB
  • 2014-8-14
  • coase1.pdf
       The New Institutional Economics

  • 126.39 KB
  • 2012-11-20
  • 一个比较好的介绍新制度经济学的英文课件.rar

    • Introduction to the New Institutional Economics.ppt
  • 18.66 KB
  • 2011-3-17
  • 223631.rar

    • The New Institutional Economics:Taking Stock, Looking Ahead(Oliver E. Williamson).pdf
  • 402.12 KB
  • 2008-6-29
  • 215153.pdf
       [原创]The New Institutional Economics - Its Start, Its Meaning , Its Prospects

  • 423.08 KB
  • 2008-5-26
  • 214703.rar
       Handbook of the New Institutional Economics

  • 10.19 MB
  • 2008-5-24
  • 193880.pdf
       Coase, Ronald H, 1998, The New Institutional Economics

  • 115.43 KB
  • 2008-2-23
  • 120647.rar

    • Wire Broadcasting in Great Britain.pdf
    • 布坎南:经济政策的宪法(1986).pdf
    • 哈耶克:似乎有知识(1974).doc
    • 科斯:生产的制度结构(1991).pdf
    • 诺斯:时间长河中的经济绩效(1993).pdf
    • 舒尔茨 穷人的经济学(1979).pdf
    • Sources of Productivity Change in Ocean Shipping, 1600-1850 Douglass C. North .pdf
    • The Enforcement of Property Rights in Children, and the Marriage Contract Steven N. S. Cheung.pdf
    • The First Economic Revolution.pdf
    • The Institutional Structure of Production.pdf
    • The Marginal Cost Controversy Some Further Comments.pdf
    • The Marginal Cost Controversy.pdf
    • The Nature of the Firm.pdf
    • The New Institutional Economics.pdf
    • The Origin of the Monopoly of Broadcasting in Great Britain.pdf
    • The Prisoners Dilemma in the Invisible Hand An Analysis of Intrafirm Productivity Leibenstein.pdf
    • The Problem of Duopoly Reconsidered.pdf
    • The Problem of Social Choice:Arrow to Rawls.pdf (by Steven Strasnick).pdf
    • The Problem of Social Cost.pdf
    • The Rise and Fall of the Manorial System A Theoretical Mode Douglass C. North l.pdf
    • The Role of Governments in Economic Growth in Early Modern Times Douglass C. North .pdf
    • The Theory of Public Utility Pricing and Its Application.pdf
  • 24.14 MB
  • 2007-5-25
  • 116279.pdf

  • 423.08 KB
  • 2007-5-12
  • 8439.rar
       求论文:Langlois, R.H., 1986, The New Institutional Economics: An Introductory Essay。

    • chapter8.doc
  • 34.42 KB
  • 2005-1-25
  • 7611.rar
       Handbook of the New Institutional Economics

    • 法律制度与契约承诺.pdf
  • 347.31 KB
  • 2005-1-11
  • 7582.rar
       Handbook of the New Institutional Economics

    • legal institution and financial development.pdf
  • 216.73 KB
  • 2005-1-11
  • 7573.rar
       Handbook of the New Institutional Economics

    • transaction cost ecnomics.pdf
  • 203.96 KB
  • 2005-1-11
  • 7571.rar
       Handbook of the New Institutional Economics

    • the Institutional Structure of Production.pdf
  • 933.37 KB
  • 2005-1-11
  • 7549.zip
       Handbook of the New Institutional Economics

    • The Make-or-Buy Decision.pdf
  • 218.57 KB
  • 2005-1-10
  • 7542.rar
       Handbook of the New Institutional Economics

    • 1North.pdf
  • 50.49 KB
  • 2005-1-10
  • 2524.rar

    • Williamson_The New Institutional Economics_Taking Stock, Looking Ahead.pdf
  • 291.48 KB
  • 2004-11-9
  • 990.rar

    • The New Institutional Economics_Taking Stock, Looking Ahead.pdf
  • 291.46 KB
  • 2004-8-4