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  • 2020年至今ESG最火学术文章.zip

    • The effects of mandatory ESG disclosure around the world.pdf
    • Analyzing active managers' commitment to ESG--Evidence from United Nations principles for responsible investment.pdf
    • Applying economics–not gut feel–to ESG.pdf
    • Corporate social responsibility and sustainable finance-- A review of the literature.pdf
    • Do responsible investors invest responsibly.pdf
    • Does sustainability generate better financial performance-- review, meta-analysis, and propositions.pdf
    • ESG confusion and stock returns--Tackling the problem of noise.pdf
    • ESG lending.pdf
    • ESG ratings-- A Compass without direction.pdf
    • ESG-- Hyperboles and reality.pdf
    • Firm‐level climate change exposure.pdf
    • Global pricing of carbon-transition risk.pdf
    • Stock price reactions to ESG news-- The role of ESG ratings and disagreement.pdf
    • The end of ESG.pdf
    • The making and meaning of ESG.pdf
    • Valuing ESG Doing Good or Sounding Good.pdf
    • War and Policy Investor Expectations on the Net-Zero Transition.pdf
    • Who pays for sustainability-- An analysis of sustainability-linked bonds.pdf
    • Why is corporate virtue in the eye of the beholder The case of ESG ratings.pdf
  • 21.42 MB
  • 2023-7-10
  • British J of Management - 2022 - Li - The Power of Retail Investor Voice The Ef.rar

    • British J of Management - 2022 - Li - The Power of Retail Investor Voice The Effect of Online Discussions on Corporate.pdf
  • 274.34 KB
  • 2022-12-29
  • applied_micro_methods(2).zip

    • Econometric Methods for Program Evaluation.pdf
    • Efficient Estimation for Staggered Rollout Designs.pdf
    • Errors in the Dependent Variable of Quantile Regression Models.pdf
    • Estimating Dynamic Treatment Effects in Event Studies with Heterogeneous Treatment Effect.pdf
    • External Validity in Fuzzy Regression Discontinuity Designs.pdf
    • Extremal Quantile Regressions for Selection Models and the Black-White Wage Gap(2014)..pdf
    • Extremal Quantile Regressions for Selection Models and the Black-White Wage Gap(2018)..pdf
    • Factorial Designs, Model Selection,and (Incorrect) Inference in Randomized Experiments.pdf
    • Fuzzy Differences-in-Differences(2012)..pdf
    • Fuzzy Differences-in-Differences(2017)..pdf
    • How Much Should We Trust Staggered DID Estimates.pdf
    • Identification and Extrapolation with IV.pdf
    • Inference in Differences-in-Differences with Few Treated Groups and Heteroskedasticity.pdf
    • Inference in Instrumental Variable Analysis with Heterogeneous Treatment Effects.pdf
    • Inference in Linear Regression Models with Many Covariates and Heteroscedasticity.pdf
    • Inference in Regression Discontinuity Designs with a Discrete Running Variable.pdf
    • Inference with Arbitrary Clustering.pdf
    • Inference with DID Revisited.pdf
    • Inference with Few Heterogeneous Clusters(Paper).pdf
    • Inference with Few Heterogeneous Clusters(PPT).pdf
    • Instrument-based estimation with binarized treatments_Issues and tests for the exclusion restriction.pdf
    • Instruments with Heterogeneous Effects_Bias, Monotonicity, and Localness.pdf
    • Interpreting OLS Estimands When Treatment Effects Are Heterogeneous_Smaller Groups Get Larger Weights.pdf
    • Kleven, H. J. (2016). Bunching. Annual Review of Economics 8, 435–464..pdf
    • Matching Methods for Causal Inference with Time-Series Cross-Section Data.pdf
    • Matrix Completion Methods for Causal Panel Data Models..pdf
    • Network and Panel Quantile Effects via Distribution Regression..pdf
    • Non-random exposure to exogenous shocks-Theory and Applications.pdf
    • Nonparametric Bounds for Causal Effects in Imperfect Randomized Experiments.pdf
    • On Bunching and Identification of the Taxable Income Elasticity.pdf
    • On Estimating Multiple Treatment Effects with Regression.pdf
    • On the Role of Covariates in the Synthetic Control Method.pdf
    • On_Event_Studies_and_Distributed_Lags_in_Two_Way_Fixed_Effects_Models.pdf
    • Optimal Bandwidth Choice for Robust Bias-Corrected Inference in Regression Riscontinuity Designs..pdf
    • Optimal Inference in a Class of Regression Models..pdf
    • Optimized Regression Discontinuity Designs.pdf
    • Panel Data and Experimental Design..pdf
    • Policy Evaluation with Multiple Instrumental Variables.pdf
    • Pre-event Trends in the Panel Event-Study Design.pdf
    • Quantile Treatment Effects in Difference in Differences Models under Dependence Restrictions and with Only Two Time Periods..pdf
    • Quantile treatment effects in difference in differences models with panal data.pdf
    • Quasi-Experimental Shift-Share Research Designs.pdf
    • Regression Discontinuity Designs Using Covariates..pdf
    • Revisiting Event Study Designs_Robust and Efficient Estimatation.pdf
    • Robust Standard Errors in Small Samples_Some Practical Advice.pdf
    • Sampling-Based Versus Design-Based Uncertainty in Regression Analysis..pdf
    • Shift-Share Designs_Theory and Inference..pdf
    • Simple and Honest Confidence Intervals in Non-parametric Regression..pdf
    • Simple local polynomial density estimators..pdf
    • Simultaneous Selection of Optimal Bandwidths for the Sharp Regression Discontinuity Estimator..pdf
    • Small Sample Methods for Cluster Robust Variance Estimation and Hypothesis Testing in Fixed Effects Models.pdf
    • Small-Sample Methods for Cluster-Robust Variance Estimation and Hypothesis Testing in Fixed Effects Models.pdf
    • Sufficient Statistics Revisited.pdf
    • Synthetic Controls with Imperfect Pre-Treatment Fit..pdf
    • Synthetic Controls with Staggered Adoption.pdf
    • Synthetic Difference in Differences.pdf
    • Testing continuity of a density via g-order statistics in the regression discontinuity design.pdf
    • Testing Treatment Effect Heterogeneity in Regression Discontinuity Designs.pdf
    • The Augmented Synthetic Control.pdf
    • The casual interpretation of two-stage least squares with multiple instrumental variables.pdf
    • The Effect of Minimum Wages on Low-Wage Jobs..pdf
    • The Generalized Oaxaca-Blinder Estimator.pdf
    • The Role of Parallel Trends in Event Study Settings_An Application to Environmental Economics.pdf
    • The Wild Bootstrap with a Small Number of Large Clusters.pdf
    • Two-Stage Differences-in-Differences.pdf
    • Two-Way Fixed Effects Estimators with Heterogeneous Treatment Effects.pdf
    • Two-Way Fixed Effects, the Two-Way Mundlak Regression, and DID Estimators.pdf
    • Unbiased Instrumental Variables Estimation under Known First-Stage Sign..pdf
    • Using instrumental variables for inference about policy relevant treatment parameters.pdf
    • Using Synthetic Controls_Feasibility, Data Requirements, and Methodological Aspects.pdf
    • Valid t-ratio Inference for IV.pdf
    • Visualization, Identification, and Estimation in the Linear Panel Event-Study Design.pdf
    • Weak Instruments in Instrumental Variables Regression_Theory and Practice.pdf
    • Weak Instruments in IV Regression_Theory and Practice.pdf
    • Weak-instrument robust inference for two-sample instrumentalvariables regression.pdf
    • Weak-Instrument Robust Inference for Two-Sample IV Regression.pdf
    • When Is Parallel Trends Sensitive to Functional Form.pdf
    • When Should We (Not) Interpret Linear IV Estimands as LATE.pdf
    • When Should You Adjust Standard Errors for Clustering.pdf
    • Why High Order Polynomials Should Not Be Used in Regression Discontinuity Designs.pdf
  • 81.25 MB
  • 2021-9-7
  • the effect.rar

    • Chapter 18 - Difference-in-Differences The Effect.pdf
    • Chapter 19 - Instrumental Variables The Effect.pdf
    • Chapter 20 - Regression Discontinuity The Effect.pdf
    • Chapter 21 - A Gallery of Rogues Other Methods The Effect.pdf
    • Chapter 22 - Under the Rug The Effect.pdf
    • Introduction The Effect.pdf
    • The Effect An Introduction to Research Design and Causality The Effect.pdf
    • Chapter 1 - Designing Research The Effect.pdf
    • Chapter 2 - Research Questions The Effect.pdf
    • Chapter 3 - Describing Variables The Effect.pdf
    • Chapter 4 - Describing Relationships The Effect.pdf
    • Chapter 5 - Identification The Effect.pdf
    • Chapter 6 - Causal Diagrams The Effect.pdf
    • Chapter 7 - Drawing Causal Diagrams The Effect.pdf
    • Chapter 8 - Causal Paths and Closing Back Doors The Effect.pdf
    • Chapter 9 - Finding Front Doors The Effect.pdf
    • Chapter 10 - Treatment Effects The Effect.pdf
    • Chapter 11 - Causality with Less Modeling The Effect.pdf
    • Chapter 12 - Opening the Toolbox The Effect.pdf
    • Chapter 13 - Regression The Effect.pdf
    • Chapter 14 - Matching The Effect.pdf
    • Chapter 15 - Simulation The Effect.pdf
    • Chapter 16 - Fixed Effects The Effect.pdf
    • Chapter 17 - Event Studies The Effect.pdf
  • 10.98 MB
  • 2021-7-6
  • Missing Women and the Price of Tea in China The Effect of Sex-Specific Earnings .rar

    • Missing Women and the Price of Tea in China The Effect of Sex-Specific Earnings on Sex Imbalance中文翻译稿.pdf
  • 1.64 MB
  • 2021-3-25
  • Interpreting the macroeconomic time series facts:The effects of monetary policy.zip

    • Interpreting the macroeconomic time series facts:The effects of monetary policy.pdf
  • 1.09 MB
  • 2020-10-18
  • weinstein1977.The effect of a rating change announcement on bond price.rar

    • weinstein1977.The effect of a rating change announcement on bond price.pdf
  • 1.05 MB
  • 2020-6-11
  • 2.zip

    • _李嘉图等价定理_争议及检验_胡迟.pdf
    • _李嘉图等价定理_质疑_张爱龙.pdf
    • A Political Theory of Government Debt and Deficits in a Neo-Ricardian Framework.pdf
    • A Strategic Altruism Model in Which Ricardian Equivalence Does Not Hold .pdf
    • aer.20151272.pdf
    • An Exploration of Optimal Stabilization Policy Comments and Discussion.pdf
    • Application of Panel Co-integration Approach to Verify Ricardian Equivalence Hypothesis in G8 and SAARC Countries .pdf
    • Asset Accumulation and Economic Activity by James Tobin.pdf
    • Barro on the Ricardian Equivalence Theorem .pdf
    • Barro.pdf
    • Business taxes and the electoral cycle.pdf
    • Consumption Beyond Certainty Equivalence.pdf
    • consumption, saving and fiscal policy.pdf
    • Debt, Deficits, and Finite Horizons.pdf
    • Deviant generations, Ricardian equivalence, and growth cycles.pdf
    • Does Ricardian equivalence hold in Australia.pdf
    • Does Ricardian Equivalence Hold When Expectations Are Not Rational.pdf
    • Emanuela Cardia.pdf
    • Empirical evidence on the Ricardian equivalence in Romania..pdf
    • Endogenous Government Spending and Ricardian Equivalence .pdf
    • EVANA.P.pdf
    • Feldstein2.pdf
    • Felstein3.pdf
    • Fildstein.pdf
    • Fiscal Policy and Aggregate Demand.pdf
    • GEORGE W. EVANS.pdf
    • Government Debt in an Overlapping-Generations Model with Bequests and Gifts.pdf
    • Government Debt, Human Capital, and Bequests in a Life-Cycle Model.pdf
    • Government Debt, Life-Cycle Income, and Liquidity Constraints Beyond Approximate Ricardian Equivalence.pdf
    • Government Deficits and Aggregate Demand.pdf
    • Income Uncertainty and Ricardian Equivalence .pdf
    • Is Everything Neutral.pdf
    • Is Ricardian Equivalence a Good Approximation.pdf
    • Long-Run Implications of Alternative Fiscal Policies and the Burden of the National Debt .pdf
    • Michel Strawczynski .pdf
    • Modeling and Testing Ricardian Equivalence A survey.pdf
    • New evidence on the Ricardian equivalence theorem a multicointegration approach.pdf
    • Nordhaus.pdf
    • On Barro's Theorem of Debt Neutrality.pdf
    • Replicating Ricardian Equivalence Tests with Simulated Series .pdf
    • review.pdf
    • Ricardian Consumers with Keynesian Propensities.pdf
    • Ricardian Equivalence An Evaluation of Theory and Evidence Comment .pdf
    • Ricardian equivalence and fiscal distortions in the Dominican Republic..pdf
    • Ricardian equivalence and the public and private saving nexus in India.pdf
    • Ricardian Equivalence.pdf
    • Testing Intertemporal Budget Constraints Theory and Applications to US Federal Budget and Current Account Deficits.pdf
    • Testing Ricardian Equivalence under Uncertainty .pdf
    • The deficit gamble.pdf
    • The Effects of Fiscal Policies When Incomes Are Uncertain A Contradiction to Ricardian Equivalence .pdf
    • The Effects of Fiscal Policies When Incomes Are Uncertain.pdf
    • The savers-spenders theory of fiscal policy.pdf
    • The Strategic Bequest Motive.pdf
    • The transmission mechanism of fiscal policy a critical assessment of current theories and empirical methodologies.pdf
    • 中央对地方的转移支付结构对地区经_省略_影响研究_基于产业结.pdf
    • 从李嘉图等价定理看欧洲债务危机的成因与未来发展趋向_李刚.pdf
    • 债券中性来自发展中国家的证据.pdf
    • 关于李嘉图等价定理的争论_杨远根.pdf
    • 国债融资对居民消费影响的动态效应研究_王爱群.pdf
    • 地方政府债务空间与空间债务_基于地根经济的区位黏性视角_杨.pdf
    • 政府融资决策与居民消费关系研究_李嘉图等价定理的再检验_张.pdf
    • 日本国债效应分析及其对我国的启示_田正.pdf
    • 最优税收理论框架下的税收平滑研究_王京诚.caj
    • 李嘉图学说两大矛盾新解_张华东.pdf
    • 李嘉图对等定理的分析_赵志耘.pdf
    • 李嘉图等价定理中国适用性的实证研究_孙焓炜.pdf
    • 李嘉图等价定理及其由此引起的经济_省略__兼论我国当前宏观财.pdf
    • 李嘉图等价定理的中国实证检验_杨东亮.pdf
    • 李嘉图等价定理的启示_刘怡.pdf
    • 李嘉图等价定理的实证分析_协整方法_郭庆旺.pdf
    • 李嘉图等价定理的理论回顾和实证研究.pdf
    • 李嘉图等价定理的研究回顾和中国实证.doc
    • 财政支出扩张是否加剧了贸易平衡恶化_对世界主要经济体的实.pdf
    • 财政政策与经常账户间关系的变动规_省略_经验数据_2000_2014年_赵凯.pdf
  • 64.87 MB
  • 2020-5-17
  • The Effects of Match Uncertainty and Bargaining on Labor Market Outcomes Eviden.rar

    • The Effects of Match Uncertainty and Bargaining on Labor Market Outcomes Eviden.pdf
  • 327.2 KB
  • 2020-4-18
  • Nordhaus2000-2018合集.zip

    • Arrow, Kenneth J. & Cropper, Maureen L., 2012. _How Should Benefits and Costs Be Discounted in an Intergenerational Context_ The Views of an Expert Panel,.pdf
    • Kenneth Gillingham & William D. Nordhaus, 2015. _Modeling Uncertainty in Climate Change_ A Multi-Model Comparison,.pdf
    • Nordhaus, William D., 2005. Economics, Politics and the 2004 Election Electoral Victory and Statistical Defeat.pdf
    • Nordhaus, William D., 2005. Schumpeterian Profits and the Alchemist Fallacy Revised.pdf
    • Richard S. J. Tol & Kenneth J. Arrow , 2013. _How Should Benefits and Costs Be Discounted in an Intergenerational Context_.pdf
    • William D. Nordhaus Andrew Moffat, 2017. Evolution of Modeling of the Economics of Global Warming Changes in the DICE model.pdf
    • William D. Nordhaus & Andrew Moffat, 2017. _A Survey of Global Impacts of Climate Change_ Replication, Survey Methods, and a Statistical Analysis,_.pdf
    • William D. Nordhaus & John R. Oneal & Bruce Russett, 2009. The Effects of the Security Environment on Military Expenditures Pooled Analyses of 165 Countries, 1950-2000.pdf
    • William D. Nordhaus & Xi Chen, 2012. Improved Estimates of Using Luminosity as a Proxy for Economic Statistics New Results and Estimates of Precision.pdf
    • William D. Nordhaus, 2000. New Data and Output Concepts for Understanding Productivity Trends.pdf
    • William D. Nordhaus, 2000. Alternative Methods for Measuring Productivity Growth.pdf
    • William D. Nordhaus, 2001. The Progress of Computing,.pdf
    • William D. Nordhaus, 2001. _Productivity Growth and the New Economy.pdf
    • William D. Nordhaus, 2002. The Mildest Recession Outputs, Profits, and Stock Prices as the U.S. Emerges from the 2001 Recession.pdf
    • William D. Nordhaus, 2002. The Economic Consequences of a War with Iraq.pdf
    • William D. Nordhaus, 2002. _The Health of Nations_ The Contribution of Improved Health to Living Standards.pdf
    • William D. Nordhaus, 2004. Retrospective on the Postwar Productivity Slowdown.pdf
    • William D. Nordhaus, 2004. _Schumpeterian Profits in the American Economy_ Theory and Measurement.pdf
    • William D. Nordhaus, 2006. _Baumol's Diseases_ A Macroeconomic Perspective.pdf
    • William D. Nordhaus, 2006. _The Economics of Hurricanes in the United States,.pdf
    • William D. Nordhaus, 2006. _The _Stern Review_ on the Economics of Climate Change.pdf
    • William D. Nordhaus, 2009. Alternative Policies and Sea-Level Rise in the RICE-2009 Model.pdf
    • William D. Nordhaus, 2009. Measurement of Income with Time Use with Applications to Hedonic Indicators of Happiness and Misery.pdf
    • William D. Nordhaus, 2009. _An Analysis of the Dismal Theorem.pdf
    • William D. Nordhaus, 2009. _The Perils of the Learning Model For Modeling Endogenous Technological Change.pdf
    • William D. Nordhaus, 2011. Integrated Economic and Climate Modeling,.pdf
    • William D. Nordhaus, 2011. Estimates of the Social Cost of Carbon Background and Results from the RICE-2011 Model,.pdf
    • William D. Nordhaus, 2015. _Are We Approaching an Economic Singularity_ Information Technology and the Future of Economic Growth.pdf
    • William D. Nordhaus, 2016. _Projections and Uncertainties About Climate Change in an Era of Minimal Climate Policies.pdf
    • William D. Nordhaus, 2017. _Evolution of Assessments of the Economics of Global Warming_ Changes in the DICE model, 1992 – 2017.pdf
    • William D. Nordhaus, 2018. _Global Melting_ The Economics of Disintegration of the Greenland Ice Sheet,_.pdf
    • William Nordhaus, 2004. _Retrospective on the 1970s Productivity Slowdown.pdf
    • William Nordhaus, 2005. _Life After Kyoto_ Alternative Approaches to Global Warming.pdf
    • William Nordhaus, 2005. _The Sources of the Productivity Rebound and the Manufacturing Employment Puzzle.pdf
    • Xi Chen & William D. Nordhaus, 2010. _The Value of Luminosity Data as a Proxy for Economic Statistics.pdf
  • 16.4 MB
  • 2018-10-16
  • Personal Relationships The Effect on Employee Attitudes, Behavior, and Well-Being.zip

    • Personal Relationships The Effect on Employee Attitudes, Behavior, and Well-Being.pdf
  • 3.19 MB
  • 2018-7-14
  • paper.pdf
       The effect of work hours on energy use A micro-analysis of time and income effects

  • 344.23 KB
  • 2018-3-23
  • Testing the Effect of Quality Reports on the Health Plan.zip

    • Testing the Effect of Quality Reports on the Health Plan.pdf
  • 2.45 MB
  • 2017-9-29
  • The Effect of Unemployment Benefits and Nonemployment Durations on Wages.zip

    • The Effect of Unemployment Benefits and Nonemployment Durations on Wages.pdf
  • 658.98 KB
  • 2017-9-29
  • The Effect of Ethical Leadership on Follower Moral Identity.zip

    • The Effect of Ethical Leadership on Follower Moral Identity.pdf
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  • 2017-9-22
  • The Effects of Advertised Quality Emphasis and Objective Quality on Sales.zip

    • The Effects of Advertised Quality Emphasis and Objective Quality on Sales.pdf
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  • 2017-3-4
  • The effects of leader and follower emotional intelligence.zip

    • The effects of leader and follower emotional intelligence.pdf
  • 162.77 KB
  • 2017-2-17
  • Crowding Out Fiscal Stimulus_Testing the Effectiveness of US Government Stimulus.zip

    • Crowding Out Fiscal Stimulus_Testing the Effectiveness of US Government Stimulus Programs.pdf
  • 2.13 MB
  • 2017-1-22
  • Panel Data Analysis (15 articles).zip

    • A Panel Data Analysis of the Demand for Total Energy and Electricity in OECD Countries.pdf
    • Agency costs, corporate governance mechanisms and ownership structure in large UK publicly quoted companies_A panel data analysis.pdf
    • CO2 emissions, energy consumption and economic growth in China_A panel data analysis.pdf
    • Determinants of international tourism_a three-dimensional panel data analysis.pdf
    • Does education cause better health_A panel data analysis using school reforms for identification.pdf
    • Foreign banks and credit stability in Central and Eastern Europe. A panel data analysis.pdf
    • Further evidence on finance-growth causality_A panel data analysis.pdf
    • International migration_a panel data analysis of the determinants of bilateral flows.pdf
    • Panel data analysis in comparative politics_Linking method to theory.pdf
    • Panel data analysis—advantages and challenges.pdf
    • The Determinants of Health Expenditure_A Country-Level Panel Data Analysis.pdf
    • The Effect of Activity-Based Financing on Hospital Efficiency_A Panel Data Analysis of DEA Efficiency Scores 1992–2000.pdf
    • The composition of human capital and economic growth_Evidence from China using dynamic panel data analysis.pdf
    • The determinants of Italian domestic tourism_A panel data analysis.pdf
    • The nexus between financial development and energy consumption in the EU_A dynamic panel data analysis.pdf
  • 5.38 MB
  • 2017-1-12
  • AFA-2017-Part02.zip

    • AFA2017-A Clash of Cultures_ The Governance and Valuation Effects of Multiple Corporate Cultures.pdf
    • AFA2017-A First Glimpse into the Short Side of Hedge Funds.pdf
    • AFA2017-Access to Credit and Stock Market Participation.pdf
    • AFA2017-Aggregate Effects of Collateral Constraints.pdf
    • AFA2017-Analyst Coverage Network and Corporate Financial.pdf
    • AFA2017-Anchoring and Acquisitions.pdf
    • AFA2017-Anomalies and News.pdf
    • AFA2017-Are CEOs Different_ Characteristics of Top Managers.pdf
    • AFA2017-Asset Encumbrance, Bank Funding, and Financial Fragility.pdf
    • AFA2017-Asset Management Within Commercial Banking Groups_ International Evidence.pdf
    • AFA2017-Bank Complexity and Risk Management_ Evidence from Operational Risk Events in U.S. Bank Holding Companies.pdf
    • AFA2017-Bank Culture.pdf
    • AFA2017-Bank Resolution and the Structure of Global Banks.pdf
    • AFA2017-Can Decentralized Markets Be More Efficient_.pdf
    • AFA2017-Can Paying Firms Quicker Affect Aggregate Employment_.pdf
    • AFA2017-Career Concerns and Strategic Effort Allocation by Analysts.pdf
    • AFA2017-Cash-flow timing vs. discount-rate timing_ A decomposition of mutual Fund.pdf
    • AFA2017-Centralized Trading, Transparency and Interest Rate Swap Market Liquidity_ Evidence from the Implementation of the Dodd-Frank Act.pdf
    • AFA2017-Compensation goals and firm performance.pdf
    • AFA2017-Competition and Innovation in the Presence of Financial Constraints.pdf
    • AFA2017-Competition, Reach for Yield, and Money Market Funds.pdf
    • AFA2017-Corporate Culture_ Evidence from the Field.pdf
    • AFA2017-Correlated High-Frequency Trading.pdf
    • AFA2017-Creditor Rights and Relationship Banking_ Evidence from a Policy Experiment.pdf
    • AFA2017-Cross-Currency Basis.pdf
    • AFA2017-Data Abundance and Asset Price Informativeness.pdf
    • AFA2017-Dividend Dynamics, Learning, and Expected Stock Index Returns.pdf
    • AFA2017-Do Bank Boards Focus Adequately On Risk_.pdf
    • AFA2017-Do Criminal Politicians affect Firm Investment and Value_ Evidence from a Regression Discontinuity Approach.pdf
    • AFA2017-Do High Frequency Traders Need to be Regulated_ Evidence from Trading on Macroeconomic Announcements.pdf
    • AFA2017-Do Personal Ethics Influence Corporate Ethics_.pdf
    • AFA2017-Does Central Bank Tone Move Asset Prices_.pdf
    • AFA2017-Does a Larger Menu Increase Appetite_ Collateral Eligibility and Bank Risk-Taking.pdf
    • AFA2017-Economic Uncertainty, Aggregate Debt, and the Real Effects of Corporate Finance.pdf
    • AFA2017-Endogenous Specialization and Dealer Networks.pdf
    • AFA2017-Entangled Risks in Incomplete FX Markets.pdf
    • AFA2017-Estimating Information Asymmetry in Securities Markets.pdf
    • AFA2017-Executive Job Matching_ Estimates from a Dynamic Model.pdf
    • AFA2017-Experimenting with Entrepreneurship_ The Effect of Job-Protected Leave.pdf
    • AFA2017-Fast Traders Make a Quick Buck_ The Role of Speed in Liquidity Provision.pdf
    • AFA2017-Financial Conglomerate Affiliation and Hedge Funds’ Countercyclical Risk Taking.pdf
    • AFA2017-Financial Intermediation in Private Equity_ How Well do Funds of Funds Perform_.pdf
    • AFA2017-Financing Payouts.pdf
    • AFA2017-Flying Under the Radar_ The Effects of Short-Sale Disclosure Rules on Investor Behavior and Stock Prices.pdf
    • AFA2017-Generalized Recovery.pdf
    • AFA2017-Good and Bad CEOs.pdf
    • AFA2017-How should investors respond to increases in volatility_.pdf
    • AFA2017-In-Group Bias in Financial Markets.pdf
    • AFA2017-Informed Trading and Option Prices_ Evidence from Activist.pdf
    • AFA2017-Innovation Waves, Investor Sentiment, and Mergers.pdf
    • AFA2017-Insider Purchases after Short Interest Spikes_ a False Signaling Device_.pdf
    • AFA2017-Institutional Herding and Its Price Impact_ Evidence from the Corporate Bond Market.pdf
    • AFA2017-Integrity Culture and Analyst Forecast Quality .pdf
    • AFA2017-Interfund lending in mutual fund families_ Role of internal capital markets.pdf
    • AFA2017-Intraday Trading Invariance in the E-mini S&P 500 Futures Market.pdf
    • AFA2017-It Depends on Where You Search_ A Comparison of Institutional and Retail Attention.pdf
    • AFA2017-Learning across Peer Firms and Innovation Waves.pdf
    • AFA2017-Macro Announcement Premium and Risk Preferences.pdf
    • AFA2017-Maximum likelihood estimation of the equity.pdf
    • AFA2017-Minimum Payments and Debt Paydown in Consumer Credit Cards.pdf
    • AFA2017-Multiple Equilibria in Noisy Rational Expectations Economies.pdf
    • AFA2017-Non-rating revenue and conflicts of interest.pdf
    • AFA2017-Oil Volatility RisK.pdf
    • AFA2017-One thorn of experience_ CEOs, strikes, and financial leverage.pdf
    • AFA2017-Opportunistic Proposals by Union Shareholders.pdf
    • AFA2017-Optimal Financing for R&D-intensive Firms.pdf
    • AFA2017-Parsing the Content of Bank Supervision.pdf
    • AFA2017-Patents as Substitutes for Relationships.pdf
    • AFA2017-Pay Now or Pay Later__ The Economics within the Private Equity Partnership.pdf
    • AFA2017-Pension Fund Board Composition and Investment Performance_ Evidence from Private Equity.pdf
    • AFA2017-Performance-Vesting Provisions in Executive Compensation .pdf
    • AFA2017-Private Equity’s Unintended Dark Side_ On the Economic Consequences of Excessive Delistings.pdf
    • AFA2017-Real Exchange Rates and Currency Risk Premia.pdf
    • AFA2017-Relative Pay for Non-Relative Performance_ Keeping up with the Joneses with Optimal Contracts.pdf
    • AFA2017-Rethinking Performance Evaluation.pdf
    • AFA2017-Risk Management in Financial Institutions.pdf
    • AFA2017-Robust Bond Risk Premia.pdf
    • AFA2017-Shareholder-Creditor Conflict and Payout Policy_ Evidence from Mergers between Lenders and Shareholders.pdf
    • AFA2017-Size Discovery.pdf
    • AFA2017-Skewness Consequences of Seeking Alpha.pdf
    • AFA2017-Slow Trading and Stock Return Predictability.pdf
    • AFA2017-Sovereign CDS Spreads with Credit Rating.pdf
    • AFA2017-Speed and Expertise in Stock Picking_ Older, Slower, and Wiser_ .pdf
    • AFA2017-Standing on the Shoulders of Giants_ The Effect of Passive Investors on Activism.pdf
    • AFA2017-Stock Market Coverage.pdf
    • AFA2017-Taking Orders and Taking Notes_ Dealer Information Sharing in Financial Markets.pdf
    • AFA2017-Term Structure of Interest Rates with Short-run and Long-run Risks.pdf
    • AFA2017-The Causal Effect of Limits to Arbitrage on Asset Pricing Anomalies.pdf
    • AFA2017-The Cross-Section of Subjective Bond Risk Premia.pdf
    • AFA2017-The Effect of Option-based Compensation on Payout Policy_ Evidence from FAS 123R.pdf
    • AFA2017-The Equity Premium and the One Percent.pdf
    • AFA2017-The Face of Risk_ CEO Testosterone and Risk Taking Behavior.pdf
    • AFA2017-The Impact of Sovereign Shocks.pdf
    • AFA2017-The Liquid Hand-to-Mouth_ Evidence from Personal.pdf
    • AFA2017-The Misguided Beliefs of Financial Advisors.pdf
    • AFA2017-The Momentum of News .pdf
    • AFA2017-The Term Structure of Implied Volatility and Volatility Risk Premia in the FX Market.pdf
    • AFA2017-The Value of Information for Contracting.pdf
    • AFA2017-The Value of Trading Relationships in Turbulent Times.pdf
    • AFA2017-The real effects of credit ratings_ Evidence from corporate asset sales.pdf
    • AFA2017-Time-Varying Crash Risk.pdf
    • AFA2017-Uncertainty, the Exchange Rate and International Capital Flows.pdf
    • AFA2017-Unemployment and Credit Risk.pdf
    • AFA2017-Variance Risk Premia on Stocks and Bonds.pdf
    • AFA2017-Weighted Least Squares Estimates of Return Predictability Regressions.pdf
    • AFA2017-What Drives Liquidity_ Identifying Shocks to Market Makers' Supply of Liquidity and Their Role in Economic Fluctuations.pdf
    • AFA2017-What's Behind the Smooth Dividends_ Evidence from Structural Estimation.pdf
    • AFA2017-When Do Laws and Institutions Affect Recovery Rates on Collateral_.pdf
    • AFA2017-Where the Heart Is_ Information Production and the Home Bias.pdf
    • AFA2017-Wholesale Funding Runs.pdf
    • AFA2017-Why does fast loan growth predict poor performance for banks_ .pdf
  • 77.41 MB
  • 2016-12-30
  • AFA-2017-Part01.zip

    • AFA2017-A Dynamic Theory of Mutual Fund Runs and Liquidity Management.pdf
    • AFA2017-A Macroeconomic Model with Financially Constrained Producers and Intermediaries.pdf
    • AFA2017-A Tough Act to Follow_ Contrast Effects in Financial Markets.pdf
    • AFA2017-An Equilibrium Model of Institutional Demand and Asset Prices.pdf
    • AFA2017-Are Corporate Inversions Good for Shareholders_.pdf
    • AFA2017-Are Lemons Sold First_ Dynamic Signaling in the Mortgage Market.pdf
    • AFA2017-Bank Monitoring_ Evidence from Syndicated Loans.pdf
    • AFA2017-Bankruptcy Law, Private Benefits, and Risk-Taking.pdf
    • AFA2017-Bankruptcy and the Cost of Organized Labor.pdf
    • AFA2017-Betting Against Winners.pdf
    • AFA2017-Board Diversity and Director Dissent in Corporate Boards.pdf
    • AFA2017-CDS and Credit_ Testing the Small Bang Theory of the Financial Universe with Micro Data.pdf
    • AFA2017-Capital Structure Misallocation.pdf
    • AFA2017-Collateral Values and Corporate Employment.pdf
    • AFA2017-Complexity and Information Content of Financial Disclosures_ Evidence from Evolution of Uncertainty Following 10-K Filings.pdf
    • AFA2017-Contrasts in Governance_ Newly Public Firms Versus Mature Firms.pdf
    • AFA2017-Corporate Capital Structure Actions.pdf
    • AFA2017-Corporate Inversions_ A Case of Having the Cake and Eating it Too_.pdf
    • AFA2017-Corporate Leverage and Employees’ Rights in Bankruptcy.pdf
    • AFA2017-Death by Committee_ An Analysis of Delegation in Corporate Boards.pdf
    • AFA2017-Debt, Bankruptcy Risk, and Corporate Tax Sheltering.pdf
    • AFA2017-Differences of Opinion and Stock Prices_ Evidence from Spin-Offs and Mergers.pdf
    • AFA2017-Dividend Risk Premia.pdf
    • AFA2017-Do Individual Behavioral Biases Affect Financial Markets and the Macroeconomy_.pdf
    • AFA2017-Do Institutional Investors Transplant Social Norms_ International Evidence on Corporate Social Responsibility.pdf
    • AFA2017-Economic Consequences of Housing Speculation.pdf
    • AFA2017-Equity is Cheap for Large Financial Institutions_ The International Evidence.pdf
    • AFA2017-Excessive Credit Supply and the Housing Boom.pdf
    • AFA2017-Financial Condition and Product Quality_ The Case of Nonprofit Hospitals .pdf
    • AFA2017-Financial Loss Aversion Illusion.pdf
    • AFA2017-Financial Regulation in a Quantitative Model of the.pdf
    • AFA2017-Financing Durable Assets.pdf
    • AFA2017-Financing Intangible Capital.pdf
    • AFA2017-Firing the Wrong Workers_ Financing Constraints and Labor Misallocation.pdf
    • AFA2017-Funding Value Adjustments.pdf
    • AFA2017-Going Entrepreneurial_ IPOs and New Firm Creation.pdf
    • AFA2017-Good News in Numbers.pdf
    • AFA2017-How Do Venture Capitalists Make Decisions_.pdf
    • AFA2017-Impact Investing.pdf
    • AFA2017-In No (Un-)Certain Terms_ Managerial Style in Communicating Earnings News.pdf
    • AFA2017-Independent Directors and Corporate Litigation.pdf
    • AFA2017-Information Aggregation and Asset Prices in Large Markets with Institutional Investors.pdf
    • AFA2017-Information Sharing and Rating Manipulation.pdf
    • AFA2017-Intangible Capital and the Investment-q Relation.pdf
    • AFA2017-Intermediary Asset Pricing_ New Evidence from Many Asset Classes.pdf
    • AFA2017-Intervention Policy in a Dynamic Environment_ Coordination and Learning.pdf
    • AFA2017-Is Skin in the Game a Game Changer_ Evidence from Mandatory Changes of D&O Insurance Policies.pdf
    • AFA2017-Lazy Prices.pdf
    • AFA2017-Lender of Last Resort versus Buyer of Last Resort – Evidence from the European Sovereign Debt Crisis.pdf
    • AFA2017-Linking Cross-Sectional and Aggregate Expected Returns.pdf
    • AFA2017-Liquidity and Price Pressure in the Corporate Bond Market_ Evidence from Mega-bonds.pdf
    • AFA2017-Loan Terms and Collateral_ Evidence from the Bilateral Repo Market.pdf
    • AFA2017-Low Risk Anomalies_.pdf
    • AFA2017-Macroeconomic Effects of Secondary Market tRADING.pdf
    • AFA2017-Market Fragmentation, Dissimulation, and the Disclosure of Insider Trades.pdf
    • AFA2017-Merger Integration and Merger Success.pdf
    • AFA2017-Mispricing Factors.pdf
    • AFA2017-Monetary Policy and Global Banking.pdf
    • AFA2017-Monetary Policy through Production Networks.pdf
    • AFA2017-Mutual fund flight-to-liquidity.pdf
    • AFA2017-Non-Recourse Mortgage Law and Housing Speculation.pdf
    • AFA2017-Older and Wiser, or Too Old to Govern_.pdf
    • AFA2017-On the Asset Allocation of a Default Pension Fund.pdf
    • AFA2017-Optimal Deposit Insurance.pdf
    • AFA2017-Peer Effects of Corporate Social Responsibility.pdf
    • AFA2017-Performance-Based Turnover on Corporate Boards.pdf
    • AFA2017-Policy Uncertainty, Political Capital, and Firm Risk-Taking.pdf
    • AFA2017-Political Influence and Government Investment_ Evidence from Contract-Level Data.pdf
    • AFA2017-Political Information, Firm Value and Information Networks_ Evidence from the Chinese National Social Security Fund.pdf
    • AFA2017-Portfolio Choice with Model Misspecification_ A Foundation for Alpha and Beta Portfolios.pdf
    • AFA2017-Predicting Merger Targets and Acquirers from Text.pdf
    • AFA2017-Price and Probability_ Decomposing the Takeover Effects of Anti-Takeover Provisions.pdf
    • AFA2017-Product Market Competition in a World of Cross-Ownership_ Evidence from Institutional Blockholdings.pdf
    • AFA2017-Rational Quantitative Trading in E? cient Markets.pdf
    • AFA2017-Real Anomalies.pdf
    • AFA2017-Real Estate Holdings of Public Firms and Collateral Discount.pdf
    • AFA2017-Residential Real Estate Traders_.pdf
    • AFA2017-Ripple Effects of Noise on Corporate Investment.pdf
    • AFA2017-Risk Management with Supply Contracts.pdf
    • AFA2017-Risk Taking and Low Longer-term Interest Rates.pdf
    • AFA2017-Sequential Credit Markets.pdf
    • AFA2017-Size Matters, if You Control Your Junk.pdf
    • AFA2017-Socially Responsible Investing_ Good Is Good, Bad is Bad.pdf
    • AFA2017-Sovereign Debt Portfolios, Bond Risks, and the.pdf
    • AFA2017-Still Learning After All These Years_ Dynamic Information Acquisition in Banking.pdf
    • AFA2017-Sustainable Housing Policy.pdf
    • AFA2017-The Banking View of Bond Risk Premia.pdf
    • AFA2017-The Cost of Immediacy for Corporate Bonds.pdf
    • AFA2017-The Economic Consequences of Borrower Information Sharing_ Relationship Dynamics and Investment.pdf
    • AFA2017-The Effect of Central Bank Liquidity Injections on Bank Credit Supply.pdf
    • AFA2017-The Effect of Monetary Policy on Bank Wholesale Funding.pdf
    • AFA2017-The History of the Cross Section of Stock Returns.pdf
    • AFA2017-The Impact of Positive Payment Shocks on Mortgage Credit Risk – a Natural Experiment from Home Equity Lines of Credit at End of Draw.pdf
    • AFA2017-The Invisible Hand of the Government_ ”Moral Suasion” during the European Sovereign Debt Crisis.pdf
    • AFA2017-The Life Cycle of Corporate Venture Capital.pdf
    • AFA2017-The Political Economy of Financial Innovation_ Evidence from Local Governments.pdf
    • AFA2017-The Privatization of Bankruptcy_ Evidence from Financial Distress in the Shipping Industry.pdf
    • AFA2017-The Role of Hard Information in Debt Contracting_ Evidence from Fair Value Adoption.pdf
    • AFA2017-The Role of the Government Bond Lending Market in Collateral Transformation.pdf
    • AFA2017-The Speculation Channel and Crowding Out Channel_ Real Estate Shocks and Corporate Investment in China.pdf
    • AFA2017-The Speed of Communication.pdf
    • AFA2017-Thinking About Prices Versus Thinking About Returns in Financial Markets.pdf
    • AFA2017-Trading Costs and Informational Efficiency.pdf
    • AFA2017-Trading Frictions in the Interbank Market, and the Central Bank.pdf
    • AFA2017-Understanding Precautionary Cash at Home and Abroad.pdf
    • AFA2017-Using Managerial Attributes to Identify Market Feedback Effects_ The Case of Mutual Fund Fire Sales.pdf
    • AFA2017-Vote Avoidance and Shareholder Voting in Mergers & Acquisitions.pdf
    • AFA2017-What Drives Corporate Inversions_ International Evidence.pdf
    • AFA2017-What do Measures of Real-time Corporate Sales Tell us about Earnings Surprises and Post-announcement Returns_.pdf
    • AFA2017-Why Do Institutions Delay Reporting Their Shareholdings_ Evidence from Form 13F.pdf
    • AFA2017-Why Don't We Agree_ Evidence from a Social Network of Investors.pdf
    • AFA2017-Will I Get Paid_ Employee Stock Options and Mergers and.pdf
  • 76.53 MB
  • 2016-12-30
  • Abel-2003-Econometrica.pdf

  • 216.47 KB
  • 2016-12-29
  • The Effective Executive.rar
        The Effective Executive

    • qw11.pdf
  • 1.2 MB
  • 2016-7-4
  • Applied Economics Volume 43 issue 29 2011 [doi 10.1080-00036846.2010.491464] Coa.rar

    • Applied Economics Volume 43 issue 29 2011 [doi 10.1080-00036846.2010.491464] Coates, Dennis; Humphreys, Brad R. -- The effect of professional sports on the earnings of individuals- evidence from mic.pdf
  • 119.88 KB
  • 2016-4-15
  • culture in financial Journal.zip

    • 2015-10Lost in translation_ The effect of cultural values on mergers around the world.pdf
    • 2015-11When firms talk, do investors listen_ The role of trust in stock market reactions to corporate earnings announcements.pdf
    • 2015-1The “cultural revolution” in finance.pdf
    • 2015-2Executives' “off-the-job” behavior, corporate culture, and financial reporting risk.pdf
    • 2015-3Should one hire a corrupt CEO in a corrupt country_.pdf
    • 2015-4Military CEOs.pdf
    • 2015-5The value of corporate culture.pdf
    • 2015-6Female leadership and gender equity_ Evidence from plant closure.pdf
    • 2015-7Suspect CEOs, unethical culture, and corporate misbehavior.pdf
    • 2015-8Importing corruption culture from overseas_ Evidence from corporate tax evasion in the United States.pdf
    • 2015-9Foreign corporations and the culture of transparency_ Evidence from Russian administrative data.pdf
  • 4.89 MB
  • 2016-1-28
  • Accounting Review. Jan2015, Vol. 90 Issue 1.zip

    • CEO Equity Incentives and Financial Misreporting,The Role of Auditor Exper....epub
    • Does Mandatory IFRS Adoption Affect Crash Risk.epub
    • How Does Readability Influence Investors' Judgments Consistency of.epub
    • Nominal versus Interacting Electronic Fraud Brainstorming in Hierarchical A....epub
    • Non-Executive Employee Ownership and Corporate Risk.epub
    • Noncompliance with Mandatory Disclosure.epub
    • Speech Analysis in Financial Markets..epub
    • Substitution between Real and Accruals-Based Earnings Management after.epub
    • The Economic Consequences of Financial.epub
    • The Effect of Competition Intensity and Competition Type on the Use of Cust....epub
    • The Effect of Superiors’ Exogenous.epub
    • The Effects of Client Identity Strength and Professional Identity Salience ....epub
    • The Impact of Eliminating the Form 20-F Reconciliation on Shareholder Wealt....epub
    • Training Auditors to Perform Analytical Procedures Using Metacognitive Skil.epub
    • Unintended Consequences of Lowering Disclosure Thresholds.epub
  • 3.01 MB
  • 2015-12-13
  • A Monte Carlo study of the effects of correlated method variance in moderated mu.rar

    • A Monte Carlo study of the effects of correlated method variance in moderated multiple regression analysis.pdf
  • 837.13 KB
  • 2015-12-4
  • Journal of Urban Economic 2015 Vol 89.rar
       Journal of Urban Economic 2015 Vol 89

    • The effects of road pricing on driver behavior and air pollution.pdf
    • Razing San Francisco_ The 1906 disaster as a natural experiment in urban redevelopment.pdf
    • On the spatial scale of industrial agglomerations.pdf
    • On revenue recycling and the welfare effects of second-best congestion pricing in a monocentric city.pdf
    • Industry localization, distance decay, and knowledge spillovers_ Following the patent paper trail.pdf
    • Editorial Board.pdf
    • Driving to opportunity_ Local rents, wages, commuting, and sub-metropolitan quality of life.pdf
  • 16.96 MB
  • 2015-9-26
  • Journal of Urban Economic 2015 Vol 88.rar
       Journal of Urban Economic 2015 vol88

    • The effects of location-based tax policies on the distribution of household income_ Evidence from the federal Empowerment Zone program.pdf
    • Blowing it up and knocking it down_ The local and city-wide effects of demolishing high concentration public housing on crime.pdf
    • Editorial Board.pdf
    • On the spatial economic impact of global warming.pdf
    • The impact of restaurant smoking bans on dining out expenditures_ Evidence from panel data.pdf
    • The local impact of typhoons on economic activity in China_ A view from outer space.pdf
  • 8.15 MB
  • 2015-9-26
  • American Economic Review (August 2015).rar

    • Health Insurance for Humans Information Frictions, Plan Choice, and Consumer Welfare.pdf
    • How to Control Controlled School Choice.pdf
    • In the Name of the Son (and the Daughter) Intergenerational Mobility in the United States, 1850-1940.pdf
    • Information Rigidity and the Expectations Formation Process A Simple Framework and New Facts.pdf
    • No Taxation without Information Deterrence and Self-Enforcement in the Value Added Tax.pdf
    • On Discrimination in Auctions with Endogenous Entry.pdf
    • State Capacity and Economic Development A Network Approach.pdf
    • Yours, Mine, and Ours Do Divorce Laws Affect the Intertemporal Behavior of Married Couples.pdf
    • Back to Fundamentals Equilibrium in Abstract Economies.pdf
    • Country Solidarity in Sovereign Crises.pdf
    • Crossing Party Lines The Effects of Information on Redistributive Politics.pdf
    • Evaluating Behaviorally Motivated Policy Experimental Evidence from the Lightbulb Market.pdf
  • 6.92 MB
  • 2015-9-15
  • bubble.rar

    • 2010 The effect of reliability, content and timing of public announcements on asset trading behavior.pdf
    • 2006 The effect of short selling on bubbles and crashes in experimental spot asset markets.pdf
    • 1998 Initial cash asset ratio and asset prices an experimental study.pdf
    • 1995 Futures contracting and dividend uncertainty in experimental asset markets.pdf
    • 1991 Private information acquisition in experimental markets prone to bubble and crash.pdf
    • 1990 Positive Feedback Investment Strategies and Destabilizing Rational Speculation.pdf
    • 1988 Bubbles, Crashes, and Endogenous Expectations in Experimental Spot Asset Markets.pdf
    • 2015 Thar SHE Blows_Gender, Competition, and Bubbles in Experimental Asset Markets.pdf
    • 2014 To see is to believe Common expectations in experimental asset markets.pdf
    • 2014 The impact of different incentive schemes on asset prices.pdf
    • 2014 The Impact of Asset Repurchases and Issues in an Experimental Market.pdf
    • 2014 Relative Performance Incentives and Price Bubbles in Experimental Asset Markets.pdf
    • 2014 Irrational exuberance and neural crash warning signals during endogenous experimental market bubbles.pdf
    • 2014 How do experienced traders respond to inflows of inexperienced traders_An experimental analysis.pdf
    • 2014 Experimental evidence on varying uncertainty and skewness in laboratory double-auction markets.pdf
    • 2014 Double Bubbles in Assets Markets With Multiple Generations.pdf
    • 2014 Do option-like incentives induce overvaluation_Evidence from experimental asset markets.pdf
    • 2014 Bubbling with Excitement An Experiment.pdf
    • 2014 Asset-holdings caps and bubbles in experimental asset markets.pdf
    • 2014 Asset price bubbles a survey.pdf
    • 2014 Interest on Cash, Fundamental Value Process and Bubble Formation on Experimental Asset Markets.pdf
    • 2013 The impact of monetary policy on stock market bubbles and trading behavior Evidence from the lab.pdf
    • 2013 The Bubble Game An Experimental Study of Speculation.pdf
    • 2013 Super-exponential bubbles in lab experiments Evidence for anchoring over-optimistic expectations on price.pdf
    • 2013 Stulz, R. M., Harris, M., & Constantinides, G. M. (2013). Handbook of the Economics of Finance SET. Amsterdam North Holland..pdf
    • 2013 Reaction to Public Information in Markets How much does Ambiguity Matter.pdf
    • 2013 In the Mind of the Market Theory of Mind Biases Value Computation during Financial Bubbles.pdf
    • 2013 Fight or freeze Individual differences in investors' motivational systems and trading in experimental asset markets.pdf
    • 2013 Differentiated assets An experimental study on bubbles.pdf
    • 2013 Before and after The impact of a real bubble crash on investors' trading behavior in the lab.pdf
    • 2013 A Review of bubbles and crashes in experimental asset markets.pdf
    • 2012 Two heads are less bubbly than one team decision-making in an experimental asset market.pdf
    • 2012 Tournament incentives and asset price bubbles Evidence from a field experiment.pdf
    • 2012 The impact of instructions and procedure on reducing confusion and bubbles in experimental asset markets.pdf
    • 2012 Thar she bursts_reducing confusion reduces bubbles.pdf
    • 2012 Relative performance information in asset markets An experimental approach.pdf
    • 2012 Excitement and irrationality in a financial market.pdf
    • 2012 Bubbles and Information An Experiment.pdf
    • 2012 Asset Characteristics and Boom and Bust Periods An Experimental Study.pdf
    • 2011 Overconfidence and Bubbles in Experimental Asset Markets.pdf
    • 2011 On the ingredients for bubble formation Informed traders and communication.pdf
    • 2011 Experience and Confidence in an Internet-Based Asset Market Experiment.pdf
    • 2011 An Experimental Study of Bubble Formation in Asset Markets Using the Tatonnement Trading Institution.pdf
    • 2010 Digital options and efficiency in experimental asset markets.pdf
    • 2010 Bubble measures in experimental asset markets.pdf
    • 2009 An experimental test of the impact of overconfidence and gender.pdf
    • 2008 Thar She Blows Can Bubbles Be Rekindled with Experienced Subjects.pdf
    • 2008 Expectations and bubbles in asset pricing experiments.pdf
    • 2007 Traders’ expectations in asset markets_experimental evidence.pdf
    • 2007 Risk attitude and market behavior Evidence from experimental asset markets.pdf
    • 2006 Margin, short selling, and lotteries in experimental asset markets.pdf
    • 2006 Futures markets and bubble formation in experimental asset markets.pdf
    • 2005 bubbles and experience An experiment.pdf
    • 2003 Boundaries of the tournament pricing effect in asset markets Evidence from experimental markets.pdf
    • 2002 Simultaneous over- and underconfidence Evidence from experimental asset markets.pdf
    • 2002 Do Speculative Stocks Lower Prices and Increase Volatility of Value Stocks.pdf
    • 2001 The Effects of Subject Pool and Design Experience on Rationality in Experimental Asset Markets.pdf
    • 2001 Price bubbles in laboratory asset markets with constant fundamental values.pdf
    • 2001 Financial Bubbles_Excess Cash, Momentum, and Incomplete Information.pdf
    • 2000 Momentum and overreaction in experimental asset markets.pdf
    • 2000 Dividend timing and behavior in laboratory asset markets.pdf
    • 2000 Asset markets How they are affected by tournament incentives for individuals.pdf
  • 67.2 MB
  • 2015-5-4
  • The Effects of General and Specific Human Capital on Long-Term Growth.rar

    • The Effects of General and Specific Human Capital on Long-Term Growth.pdf
  • 129.74 KB
  • 2015-2-14
  • The Effect of Income Diversification on Bank Risk.rar

    • The Effect of Income Diversification on Bank Risk.pdf
  • 96.86 KB
  • 2014-12-27
  • 0965254X.2013.pdf
       The effect of online and offline word-of-mouth on new product diffusion

  • 244.75 KB
  • 2014-11-30
  • Moderating Effects of Initial Leader -Member Exchange Status on the Effects of .rar

    • Moderating Effects of Initial Leader -Member Exchange Status on the Effects of a Leadership Intervention.pdf
  • 720.79 KB
  • 2014-11-17
  • Fed_LSAP.zip

    • The Effects of Quantitative Easing_krishnamurthy.pdf
    • Monetary Policy since the Onset of the Crisis.pdf
    • Monetary policy zero lower bound williams.pdf
    • Flow and Stock Effects of Large-Scale Treasury Purchases.pdf
    • The Financial Market Effects of the Fed LSAP.pdf
    • The impact of recent central bank asset purchase.pdf
    • Methods of Policy Accommodation.pdf
    • The Federal Reserve’s Large-Scale Asset Purchase Programs.pdf
  • 8.73 MB
  • 2014-10-31
  • journal of finance AUGUST 2014.rar

    • Alpha and Performance Measurement The Effects of Investor Disagreement and Heterogeneity (pages 1565–1596).pdf
    • Liquidity Measurement Problems in Fast, Competitive Markets Expensive and Cheap Solutions (pages 1747–1785).pdf
    • Measuring Readability in Financial Disclosures (pages 1643–1671).pdf
    • Merger Negotiations with Stock Market Feedback (pages 1705–1745).pdf
    • Mutual Fund Performance and the Incentive to Generate Alpha (pages 1673–1704).pdf
    • Presidential Address Investment Noise and Trends (pages 1415–1453).pdf
    • Securitization and Capital Structure in Nonfinancial Firms An Empirical Investigation (pages 1787–1825).pdf
    • Skin in the Game and Moral Hazard (pages 1597–1641).pdf
    • Stock Options as Lotteries (pages 1485–1527).pdf
    • The Executive Turnover Risk Premium (pages 1529–1563).pdf
    • Time-Varying Fund Manager Skill (pages 1455–1484).pdf
  • 3.78 MB
  • 2014-10-23
  • journal of finance OCTOBER 2013.rar

    • Aggregate Risk and the Choice between Cash.pdf
    • Bengt Holmstrom.pdf
    • Corporate Diversification and the Cost of Capital.pdf
    • Debt Specialization.pdf
    • Joint Editorial.pdf
    • Liquidity in the Foreign Exchange Market.pdf
    • Market Expectations in the Cross-Section.pdf
    • Optimal CEO Compensation with Search.pdf
    • Private and Public Merger Waves.pdf
    • Risk Management and Firm Value.pdf
    • Stronger Risk Controls, Lower Risk.pdf
    • The Effects of Stock Lending on Security Prices.pdf
    • Trading Complex Assets.pdf
    • Uncertainty, Time-Varying Fear, and Asset Prices.pdf
  • 4.07 MB
  • 2014-10-6
  • 金融学期刊(JF)2013年第五期论文全集.zip

    • Aggregate Risk and the Choice between Cash and Lines of Credit.pdf
    • Corporate Diversification and the Cost of Capital.pdf
    • Debt Specialization.pdf
    • Liquidity in the Foreign Exchange Market_ Measurement, Commonality, and Risk Premiums.pdf
    • Market Expectations in the Cross-Section of Present Values.pdf
    • Optimal CEO Compensation with Search- Theory and Empirical Eviden.pdf
    • Private and Public Merger Waves.pdf
    • Risk Management and Firm Value Evidence from Weather Derivatives.pdf
    • Stronger Risk Controls, Lower Risk_ Evidence from U.S. Bank Holding Companies.pdf
    • The Effects of Stock Lending on Security Prices_ An Experiment.pdf
    • Trading Complex Assets.pdf
    • Uncertainty, Time-Varying Fear, and Asset.pdf
  • 9.51 MB
  • 2014-8-15
  • George stigler.zip

    • A Sketch of the History of Truth in Teaching.pdf
    • A Survey of Contemporary Economics.pdf
    • Archibald Versus Chicago.pdf
    • Bibliography.pdf
    • Buyer's Prices, Seller's Prices, and Price Flexibility_ Repl.pdf
    • Charles Babbage.pdf
    • Comment on Stigler and Friedland, _The Literature of Economics_ The Case of Berle and Means_.pdf
    • Determinants of Participation in Presidential Elections_ Comment.pdf
    • Director's Law of Public Income Redistribution.pdf
    • Discussion12.pdf
    • Do Economists Matter_.pdf
    • Elementary Economic Education.pdf
    • Frank Knight as Teacher.pdf
    • Free Riders and Collective Action.pdf
    • General Economic Conditions and National Elections.pdf
    • Henry Calvert Simons.pdf
    • Industrial Prices, as Administered by Dr. Means.pdf
    • Information in the Labor Market.pdf
    • Law or Economics_.pdf
    • Memoirs of an Unregulated Economist.pdf
    • Monopoly and Oligopoly by Merger.pdf
    • Nobel Lecture_ The Process and Progress of Economics.pdf
    • Notes on the History of the Giffen Paradox.pdf
    • Notes on the History of the Giffen Paradox_ A Reply.pdf
    • Notes on the Theory of Duopoly.pdf
    • On the _Chicago School of Economics__ Comment.pdf
    • Opportunity Cost of Marriage_ Comment.pdf
    • Palgrave's Dictionary of Economics.pdf
    • Papers and Correspondence of William Stanley Jevons. Volume VII_ Papers on Politica.pdf
    • Perfect Competition, Historically Contemplated.pdf
    • Productivity and Size of Farm_ A Statistical Pitfall.pdf
    • Professor Lester and the Marginalists.pdf
    • Profits of Defense Contractors.pdf
    • Public Regulation of the Securities Markets.pdf
    • Round Table on Problems in the Teaching of Economics.pdf
    • Schumpeter's History of Economic Analysis.pdf
    • Sraffa's Ricardo.pdf
    • Stuart Wood and the Marginal Productivity Theory.pdf
    • Textual Exegesis as a Scientific Problem.pdf
    • The Citation Practices of Doctorates in Economics.pdf
    • The Cost of Subsistence.pdf
    • The Dominant Firm and the Inverted Umbrella.pdf
    • The Economics of Carl Menger.pdf
    • The Economics of Conflict of Interest.pdf
    • The Economics of Information.pdf
    • The Economics of Minimum Wage Legislation.pdf
    • The Economist Plays with Blocs.pdf
    • The Economist and the State.pdf
    • The Economists and the Problem of Monopoly.pdf
    • The Effects of Economic Policies on Votes for the Presidency_ Some Evidence from Recent Elections_ Comment.pdf
    • The Extent of the Market.pdf
    • The Firm in Economic Theory_ A Quiet Revolution.pdf
    • The Goals of Economic Policy.pdf
    • The Journals of Economics.pdf
    • The Politics of Political Economists_ Reply.pdf
    • The Statistics of Monopoly and Merger.pdf
    • The Successes and Failures of Professor Smith.pdf
    • What Can Regulators Regulate_ The Case of Electricity.pdf
    • [Professor Stigler Revisited]_ Comment.pdf
    • _The Economist as Preacher_ and Other Essays. by George J. Stigler.pdf
    • the economic theory of regulation.pdf
  • 37.61 MB
  • 2014-8-14
  • 腐败的经济分析英文文献.zip

    • Corruption and Economic Growth.pdf
    • Corruption and Growth.pdf
    • Corruption and the composition of government expenditure.pdf
    • Corruption_ Causes, Consequences, and Agenda for Further Research.pdf
    • Corruption_ The Facts.pdf
    • Crime and Punishment_ An Economic Approach.pdf
    • Eight Questions about Corruption.pdf
    • Ownership, Competition, and Corruption.pdf
    • Public Expenditure, Corruption, and Economic Growth_ The case of Italy.pdf
    • The Invisible Hand and the Grabbing Hand 1.pdf
    • The proper scope of government_ theory and an application to prisons 2.pdf
    • Why is rent-seeking so costly to growth_5.pdf
    • corruption a review.pdf
    • corruption growth and public finance.pdf
    • economic analysis of corruption.pdf
    • privatizaion and corruption in transition economies.pdf
    • public official and sustainable democracy.pdf
    • rent competition and corruption.pdf
    • the allocation of talent.pdf
    • the effects of corruption on growth.pdf
    • the quality of government 3.pdf
    • tunneling 4.pdf
  • 26.41 MB
  • 2014-8-14
  • the theory of regulation.zip

    • A Theory of Competition Among Pressure Groups for Political Influence.pdf
    • Bureaucratic Discretion or Congressional Control_ Regulatory Policymaking by the Federal Trade Commission.pdf
    • Posner_Taxation_by_Regulation.pdf
    • The economic theory of regulation after a decade of deregulation.pdf
    • Toward a more general theory of regulation.pdf
    • regulation in theory and practice.pdf
    • the economic theory of regulation.pdf
    • the effects of economic regulation.pdf
    • the growth of government.pdf
    • theories of economic regulation.pdf
    • toward a more general theory of economic regulation Influence.pdf
  • 22.42 MB
  • 2014-8-14
  • AER2014年第六期.zip

    • Aid Under Fire_ Development Projects and Civil Con ict.pdf
    • Does Growing Up in a High Crime Neighborhood Affect Youth Criminal Behavior.pdf
    • Language, Meaning, and Games_ A Model of Communication, Coordination, and Evolution_ Comment.pdf
    • Tenure, Experience, Human Capital and Wages_ A Tractable Equilibrium Search Model of Wage Dynamics.pdf
    • The Effect of Uncertainty on Investment.pdf
    • The Size Distribution of Farms and International Productivity Diferences.pdf
    • The Wage Effects of Offshoring_ Evidence from Danish Matched Worker‐Firm Data.pdf
    • Two Pillars of Asset Pricing.pdf
    • US Food Aid and Civil Conflict .pdf
    • Who Is (More) Rational_.pdf
    • evolutionary origins of the endowment effect evidence from Hunter gatherers.pdf
    • speculative asset prices.pdf
  • 5.6 MB
  • 2014-8-13
  • Regional Science and Urban Economics2014(46).rar
       Regional Science and Urban Economics最新一期2014 46

    • Public transit and urban redevelopment_ The effect of light rail transit on land use in Minneapolis, Minnesota.pdf
    • Does culture affect local productivity and urban amenities.pdf
    • Does mortgage deregulation increase foreclosures- Evidence from Cleveland.pdf
    • Editorial Board.pdf
    • Endogenizing leadership and tax competition_ Externalities and public good provision.pdf
    • Estimation of spatial models with endogenous weighting matrices, and an application to a demand model for cigarettes.pdf
    • Foreclosures and local government revenues from the property tax_ The case of Georgia school districts.pdf
    • How are homeowners associations capitalized into property values.pdf
    • On the finite sample properties of pre-test estimators of spatial models.pdf
    • Peer effects in adolescents' delinquent behaviors_ Evidence from a binary choice network model.pdf
    • Property institutions and business investment on American Indian reservations.pdf
    • Sources of productivity improvement in industrial clusters_ The case of the prewar Japanese silk-reeling industry.pdf
    • Spatial sorting with heterogeneous firms and heterogeneous sectors.pdf
    • The millage rate offset and property tax revenue stability.pdf
    • The spatial diffusion of regional housing prices across U_S_ states.pdf
  • 8.83 MB
  • 2014-7-10

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  • 2014-6-4
       The Effect of Accounting Education and National Culture on Accounting Judgments: A Comparative Study ...

  • 143.89 KB
  • 2014-6-3
  • Pseudo-Mathematics and Financial Charlatanism _The Effects of Backtest Overfitti.zip

    • Pseudo-Mathematics and Financial Charlatanism _The Effects of Backtest Overfitting on Out-of-Sample Performance.pdf
  • 2.32 MB
  • 2014-4-10
  • summ1115.pdf
       A systematic review of the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of different models of community-bas ...

  • 96.94 KB
  • 2013-10-27