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  • Coase.zip

    • The Nature of the Firm_ Influence.pdf
    • Adam Smith's View of Man.pdf
    • Economics at LSE in the 1930's_ A Personal View.pdf
    • Fisher-General Motors and the nature of the firm.pdf
    • Law and economics at Chicago.pdf
    • Marshall on method.pdf
    • SystemPigou and Coase Reconsidered.pdf
    • The Choice of the Institutional Framework_ A Comment.pdf
    • The Economics of Broadcasting and Government Policy.pdf
    • The conduct of economics_ the example of Fisher Body and General Motors.pdf
    • The institutional structure of production.pdf
    • The nature of the firm_ Meaning.pdf
    • The wealth of nations.pdf
    • The welfare costs of tariffs, monopolies, and theft.pdf
    • blackmail.pdf
    • old fashioned scholar.pdf
    • orgCoase and Bertrand on Lighthouses.pdf
    • orgCoase, Costs, and Coordination.pdf
    • orgCostly Enforcement of Property Rights and the Coase Theorem.pdf
    • orgRonald Coase on the Nature of Social Cost as a Key to the Problem of the Firm.pdf
    • orgThe Myth of Two Coases What Coase Is Really Saying.pdf
    • ronald coase and methodology.pdf
    • social capital civil society and development.pdf
    • the problem of social cost.pdf
    • the coase theorem as negative externalities.pdf
    • the federal communications commission.pdf
    • the lighthouse in economics.pdf
    • the market for goods and the market for ideas.pdf
    • the nature of the firm influence.pdf
    • the nature of the firm.pdf
    • the nature of the firm:origin.pdf
    • the new institutional economics.pdf
    • the social cost of monopoly and regulation.pdf
    • the theory of utility pricing and its application.pdf
    • 江湖骗术.doc
    • 论经济学和经济学家(美)罗纳德·H·科斯 著.pdf
  • 43.46 MB
  • 2014-9-4
  • Economica.zip

    • The Nature of the Firm.pdf
    • A Note on the Pure Theory of Consumer's Behaviour.pdf
    • Adam Smith on the Division of Labour_ Two Views or One_.pdf
    • Adam Smith's Theory of International Trade in the Perspective of Economic development.pdf
    • Adam Smith's Two Views on the Division of Labour.pdf
    • An Economic Theory of Clubs.pdf
    • Behaviour and the Concept of Preference.pdf
    • Consumption Theory in Terms of Revealed Preference.pdf
    • Deprivation and Social Exclusion.pdf
    • Economics and Knowledge.pdf
    • Education, Economic Growth and Measured Income Inequality.pdf
    • Externality.pdf
    • International Corporations_ The Industrial Economics of Foreign Investment.pdf
    • Multinational Firms, Competition, and Productivity in Host-Country Markets.pdf
    • On the Price of Land and the Value of Amenities.pdf
    • Price-Cost Margins and Market Structure.pdf
    • Revealed Preference and the Utility Function.pdf
    • Some Contemporary Critics of Thomas Hobbes.pdf
    • The Economic Organisation of a P.O.W. Camp.pdf
    • The Relation between Unemployment and the Rate of Change of Money Wage Rates in the United Kingdom, 1861-1957.pdf
  • 17.44 MB
  • 2014-8-16
  • Coase.zip

    • The Nature of the Firm_ Influence.pdf
    • Adam Smith's View of Man.pdf
    • Economics at LSE in the 1930's_ A Personal View.pdf
    • Fisher-General Motors and the nature of the firm.pdf
    • Law and economics at Chicago.pdf
    • Marshall on method.pdf
    • SystemPigou and Coase Reconsidered.pdf
    • The Choice of the Institutional Framework_ A Comment.pdf
    • The Economics of Broadcasting and Government Policy.pdf
    • The conduct of economics_ the example of Fisher Body and General Motors.pdf
    • The institutional structure of production.pdf
    • The nature of the firm_ Meaning.pdf
    • The wealth of nations.pdf
    • The welfare costs of tariffs, monopolies, and theft.pdf
    • blackmail.pdf
    • old fashioned scholar.pdf
    • orgCoase and Bertrand on Lighthouses.pdf
    • orgCoase, Costs, and Coordination.pdf
    • orgCostly Enforcement of Property Rights and the Coase Theorem.pdf
    • orgRonald Coase on the Nature of Social Cost as a Key to the Problem of the Firm.pdf
    • orgThe Myth of Two Coases What Coase Is Really Saying.pdf
    • ronald coase and methodology.pdf
    • social capital civil society and development.pdf
    • the problem of social cost.pdf
    • the coase theorem and empty core.pdf
    • the coase theorem as negative externalities.pdf
    • the federal communications commission.pdf
    • the lighthouse in economics.pdf
    • the market for goods and the market for ideas.pdf
    • the nature of the firm influence.pdf
    • the nature of the firm.pdf
    • the nature of the firm:origin.pdf
    • the new institutional economics.pdf
    • the social cost of monopoly and regulation.pdf
    • the theory of utility pricing and its application.pdf
  • 30.31 MB
  • 2014-8-14
  • 科斯的两篇文章(中英文).zip

    • 科斯 社会成本问题中英文.rar
    • The nature of the firm.pdf
    • 企业的性质.pdf
  • 4.97 MB
  • 2013-12-26
  • 农业经济主文献1.rar

    • 14.Coase, Ronald. 1937. The Nature of the Firm.pdf
    • 4.Amartya Sen. 1981.Ingredients of Famine Analysis Availability and Entitlements.pdf
    • 5.Amartya Sen. 1977. Social Choice Theory-A ReExamination.pdf
    • 6.Anselin L. 2002. Under the hood - Issues in the specification and interpretation of spatial regression models.pdf
    • 7.Bardhan P. 2000. Irrigation and cooperation- An empirical analysis of 48 irrigation communities in South India.pdf
    • 10.Benjamin D, Brandt L, Giles J. 2005. The evolution of income inequality in rural China.pdf
    • 11.Bernstein TP, Lu XB. 2000. Taxation without representation- Peasants, the central and the local states in reform China.pdf
    • 12.Brauw de A, Huang JK, Rozelle S, et al. 2002.The evolution of China's rural labor markets during the reforms.pdf
    • 13.Burton M, Rigby D, Young T, et al. 2001. Consumer attitudes to genetically modified organisms in food in the UK.pdf
    • 15.Coase, Ronald. 1960.The Problem of Social Cost.pdf
    • 16.Cummings Ronald G.; Laura O. Taylor. 1999. Unbiased Value Estimates for Environmental Goods.pdf
    • 17.Deaton; Angus John Muellbauer. 1980. An Almost Ideal Demand System.pdf
    • 18.Fan Shenggen. 1991. Effects of Technological Change and Institutional Reform on Production Growth in Chinese Agriculture.pdf
    • 19.Fan Shenggen, Eric J. Wailes; Gail L. Cramer. 1995. Household Demand in Rural China, A Two-Stage LES-AIDS Model.pdf
    • 20.Fan Shenggen; Linxiu Zhang; Xiaobo Zhang. 2004. Reforms, Investment,and Poverty in Rural China.pdf
    • 1. Agrawal A, Gibson CC. 1999. Enchantment and disenchantment-The role of community in natural resource conservation.doc
    • 1. Agrawal A, Gibson CC. 1999. Enchantment and disenchantment-The role of community in natural resource conservation.pdf
    • 2. Agrawal A. 2001. Common property institutions and sustainable governance of resources.doc
    • 2. Agrawal A. 2001. Common property institutions and sustainable governance of resources.pdf
    • 3.Akerlof George. 1970. The Market for Lemons Quality Uncertainty and the Market Mechanism.pdf
  • 15.91 MB
  • 2012-4-8
  • 《经济学基础文献选读》原文1.rar

    • The Nature of the Firm.pdf
    • Production, Information Costs, and Economic Organization.pdf
    • Toward a Theory of Property Rights.pdf
    • Increasing Returns and Economic Progress.pdf
    • Economic Performance Through Time.pdf
    • Marxian Economics and Modern Economic Theory.pdf
    • The Economic Way of Looking at Behavior.pdf
    • The Expanding Domain of Economics.pdf
    • The Problem of Social Cost.pdf
  • 5.01 MB
  • 2011-4-11
  • origin.pdf
       The Nature of the Firm: Origin

  • 1.73 MB
  • 2010-11-17
  • meaning.pdf
       The Nature of the Firm: Meaning

  • 1.64 MB
  • 2010-11-17
  • Influce.pdf
       The Nature of the Firm: Influence

  • 1.77 MB
  • 2010-11-17
  • 经济学经典原版论文.rar

    • The Nature of the Firm..pdf
    • The Problem of Social Cost.pdf
  • 1.35 MB
  • 2010-8-8
  • R. H. Coase41-61.rar

    • The Nature of the Firm Origin.pdf
    • The Nature of the Firm.pdf
    • The Federal Communications Commission.pdf
    • The Firm, the Market, and the Law.pdf
    • The Framework of the Pricing System by E. H. Phelps Brown.pdf
    • The Institutional Structure of Production.pdf
    • The Interdepartment Radio Advisory Committee.pdf
    • The Lighthouse in Economics.pdf
    • The Marginal Cost Controversy Some Further Comments.pdf
    • The Marginal Cost Controversy.pdf
    • The Market for Goods and the Market for Ideas.pdf
    • The Nationalization of Electricity Supply in Great Britain.pdf
    • The Origin of the Monopoly of Broadcasting in Great Britain.pdf
    • The Pig-Cycle A Rejoinder.pdf
    • The Pig-Cycle in Great Britain An Explanation.pdf
    • The Problem of Duopoly Reconsidered.pdf
    • The Problem of Social Cost.pdf
    • The Revolution in Social Thought.pdf
    • The Theory of Public Utility Pricing and Its Application.pdf
    • Trade Revival in a Depressed Area by D. Caradog Jones.pdf
    • Wire Broadcasting in Great Britain.pdf
  • 10.32 MB
  • 2010-5-18
  • R.H.Coase.rar

    • The Nature of the Firm.pdf
    • The Problem of Social Cost.pdf
    • The Federal Communications Commission.pdf
    • The Institutional Structure of Production.pdf
  • 4.52 MB
  • 2009-10-10
  • 科斯的社会成本和企业的性质.rar

    • The Nature of the Firm--Ronald Coase(1937).pdf
    • The Problem of Social Cost--Ronald Coase(1960).pdf
  • 136.18 KB
  • 2009-8-3
  • 335360.pdf
       the nature of the firm

  • 59.01 KB
  • 2009-6-10
  • 306240.rar
       [原创]免费科斯经典的论文两篇 让收费都饿xi

    • The Nature of the Firm.pdf
    • The Problem of Social Cost.pdf
  • 136.14 KB
  • 2009-3-21
  • 259242.pdf
       [分享]The Nature of the Firm (R. H. COASE) 分享for free

  • 59.01 KB
  • 2008-10-23
  • 253592.rar

    • The Nature of the Firm (1937)——COASE.pdf
    • Economics of the Firm.pdf
    • Behavioral Theory of the Firm.pdf
    • Developing a Knowledge-Based Theory of the Firm.pdf
  • 7.45 MB
  • 2008-10-7
  • 240158.rar

    • On Taxation and the Control of Externalities-Comment1974.pdf
    • the use of standards and prices for the environment 1971.pdf
    • CoaseJLE1960.pdf
    • the contractual nature of the firm Cheung.pdf
    • the nature of the firm COASE.pdf
    • Does voluntary participation undermine the Coase Theorem.pdf
    • budget-balancing incentive mechanisms.pdf
    • the coase theorem some experimental test steven g.medema0730book.pdf
    • Limits to environmental bonds.pdf
    • quasi-concave programming.pdf
  • 3.76 MB
  • 2008-8-26
  • 240156.rar

    • On Taxation and the Control of Externalities-Comment1974.pdf
    • the use of standards and prices for the environment 1971.pdf
    • CoaseJLE1960.pdf
    • the contractual nature of the firm Cheung.pdf
    • the nature of the firm COASE.pdf
    • Does voluntary participation undermine the Coase Theorem.pdf
    • budget-balancing incentive mechanisms.pdf
    • the coase theorem some experimental test steven g.medema0730book.pdf
    • Limits to environmental bonds.pdf
    • quasi-concave programming.pdf
  • 3.76 MB
  • 2008-8-26
  • 228789.rar

    • The Nature of the Firm.pdf
    • The Problem of Social Cost.pdf
  • 2.9 MB
  • 2008-7-19
  • 207634.rar
       [下载]Property Rights and the Nature of the Firm

  • 359.8 KB
  • 2008-4-23
  • 207633.rar
       [下载]Property Rights and the Nature of the Firm

  • 1.39 MB
  • 2008-4-23
  • 207628.rar
       [下载]Property Rights and the Nature of the Firm

  • 1.39 MB
  • 2008-4-23
  • 207627.rar
       [下载]Property Rights and the Nature of the Firm

  • 1.39 MB
  • 2008-4-23
  • 197212.rar

    • the nature of the firm.pdf
  • 1.59 MB
  • 2008-3-10
  • 194990.pdf
       [分享]the nature of the firm--Coase

  • 494.33 KB
  • 2008-2-29
  • 194890.rar

    • (R.Coase)the Nature of the Firm- Influence(1988).pdf
    • (R.Coase)the Nature of the Firm(1937).pdf
    • (R.Coase)the Nature of the Firm-Meaning(1988).pdf
    • (R.Coase)the Nature of the Firm-Origin(1988).pdf
    • 文件清单.txt
  • 1.39 MB
  • 2008-2-29
  • 193876.pdf
       Coase, Ronald H, 1937, The Nature of the Firm

  • 689.6 KB
  • 2008-2-23
  • 120647.rar

    • The Nature of the Firm.pdf
    • Wire Broadcasting in Great Britain.pdf
    • 布坎南:经济政策的宪法(1986).pdf
    • 哈耶克:似乎有知识(1974).doc
    • 科斯:生产的制度结构(1991).pdf
    • 诺斯:时间长河中的经济绩效(1993).pdf
    • 舒尔茨 穷人的经济学(1979).pdf
    • Sources of Productivity Change in Ocean Shipping, 1600-1850 Douglass C. North .pdf
    • The Enforcement of Property Rights in Children, and the Marriage Contract Steven N. S. Cheung.pdf
    • The First Economic Revolution.pdf
    • The Institutional Structure of Production.pdf
    • The Marginal Cost Controversy Some Further Comments.pdf
    • The Marginal Cost Controversy.pdf
    • The New Institutional Economics.pdf
    • The Origin of the Monopoly of Broadcasting in Great Britain.pdf
    • The Prisoners Dilemma in the Invisible Hand An Analysis of Intrafirm Productivity Leibenstein.pdf
    • The Problem of Duopoly Reconsidered.pdf
    • The Problem of Social Choice:Arrow to Rawls.pdf (by Steven Strasnick).pdf
    • The Problem of Social Cost.pdf
    • The Rise and Fall of the Manorial System A Theoretical Mode Douglass C. North l.pdf
    • The Role of Governments in Economic Growth in Early Modern Times Douglass C. North .pdf
    • The Theory of Public Utility Pricing and Its Application.pdf
  • 24.14 MB
  • 2007-5-25
  • 114503.rar

    • The Nature of the Firm.pdf
  • 1.59 MB
  • 2007-5-7
  • 98969.pdf
       科斯论文 原版The Problem of Social Cost ,The Nature of the Firm

  • 103.82 KB
  • 2007-3-14
  • 98968.pdf
       科斯论文 原版The Problem of Social Cost ,The Nature of the Firm

  • 59.01 KB
  • 2007-3-14
  • 96614.pdf
       Coase _The Nature of the Firm

  • 59.01 KB
  • 2007-3-8
  • 48769.rar

    • The Nature of the Firm--Ronald Coase(1937).pdf
    • The Problem of Social Cost--Ronald Coase(1960).pdf
  • 136.18 KB
  • 2006-4-17
  • 48486.rar

    • Coase, R.H. 1937. The Nature of the Firm.pdf
    • 张五常,1990“关于新制度经济学”.doc
    • Alchian, A. 1950 Uncertainty, Evolution and Economic Theory.pdf
    • Alchian, A. 1987. “Property Rights” .doc
    • F.A. Hayek, 1945. “The Use of Knowledge in Society”.pdf
    • Milton Friedman, “The Methodology of Positive Economics”.pdf
    • 巴泽尔:“考核费用和市场组织”.pdf
  • 2.89 MB
  • 2006-4-15
  • 31718.rar
       the nature of the firm

    • nature_firm.pdf
  • 45.16 KB
  • 2005-10-27
  • 28663.rar
       科斯的两篇经典英文论文(企业的性质 社会成本问题)

    • The Nature of the Firm--Ronald Coase(1937).pdf
    • The Problem of Social Cost--Ronald Coase(1960).pdf
  • 136.18 KB
  • 2005-9-27
  • 8396.rar

    • The Nature of the Firm Meaning.pdf
  • 1.37 MB
  • 2005-1-24
  • 8395.rar

    • The Nature of the Firm Influence.pdf
  • 1.47 MB
  • 2005-1-24
  • 8394.rar

    • The Nature of the Firm Origin.pdf
  • 1.42 MB
  • 2005-1-24
  • 8393.rar

    • The Nature of the Firm Influence.pdf
  • 1.47 MB
  • 2005-1-24
  • 8391.rar

    • The Nature of the Firm Meaning.pdf
  • 1.37 MB
  • 2005-1-24
  • 8390.rar

    • The Nature of the Firm Origin.pdf
  • 1.42 MB
  • 2005-1-24
  • 45.rar

    • Hart,Moore_JPE90_Property Rights and the Nature of the Firm.pdf
  • 3.13 MB
  • 2004-5-29
  • 40.rar

    • Coase_Eca37_The Nature of the Firm.pdf
  • 1.59 MB
  • 2004-5-29
  • 36.rar

    • Coase_Eca37_The Nature of the Firm.pdf
  • 1.59 MB
  • 2004-5-29