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  • 第四次工业革命下的高教 (2018, Palgrave Macmillan) Nancy W. Gleason.rar

    • Higher Education in the Era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (2018, Palgrave Macmillan) Nancy W. Gleason.pdf
  • 1.9 MB
  • 2018-10-28
  • 10份人工智能白皮书.rar

    • Artificial Intelligence and Life in 2030.pdf
    • Artificial Intelligence as a Positive and Negative Factor in Global Risk.pdf
    • Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, Privacy and Data Protection.pdf
    • Disruption ahead Deloitte’s point of view on IBM Watson.pdf
    • Extreme automation and connectivity The global, regional, and investment implications of the Fourth Industrial Revolution January.pdf
    • Learning to trust artificial intelligence systems.pdf
    • preparing_for_the_future_of_ai.pdf
    • Research Priorities for Robust and Beneficial Artificial.pdf
    • The Use of Distributed Ledger Technologies in Payment, Clearing, and Settlement.pdf
    • The New Wave of Artificial Intelligence.pdf
  • 10.42 MB
  • 2018-5-26